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Soru 1 Soru 6

Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.

Kevin : Hey, Sara! What a surprise! What are you Susan : Where are you going?
doing here?
Lisa : To the mall.
Sara   : Oh, I really like this place. I sometimes come
here to have dinner. Susan : ...... 

Kevin : Your home is quite far from here. ...... ? Lisa : Sure! Get in!

Sara   : First by bus and then by train. A) Will you excuse us?
B) Will you drive me there, too?
A) What do you do here C) What will you buy?
B) Do you come here on foot D) Where will you stay?
C) How do you come here E) Do you often cycle around here?
D) When do you come
E) Which transport do you like most
Soru 7

Soru 2 Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.

Answer the following question according to the Peter : Mr. Bandley’s office!
Michelle : Hello, can I speak to Mr. Bandley?
Andrew: "I love nature and doing outdoor activities. It
is my lifestyle. The club members organise survival Peter : I’m afraid he’s in a meeting until lunch.
courses twice a month. We often walk and feel the
fresh air in nature." Michelle : .......

Which school club does Andrew prefer? Peter : Yes, of course. I can take that.

A) Debate A) What a bad day!

B) Trekking B) Could you inform me?
C) Painting C) May I leave a message?
D) Tech D) Will he take a coffee break?
E) Dance E) What time should I call again?

Soru 3 Soru 8

 Which of the following statements about the school Which of the following can be said according to the
subjects is not true? given situation?

A) I like studying past events. - History Suppose that you are a boss in a company. You are
B) I’m interested in learning foreign languages. - unhappy with a person who doesn’t work hard. You
English have decided to talk to her and say angrily:
C) I love studying elements on the periodic table. -
Chemistry A) I am sure you’ll be rich one day.
D) I’m keen on studying living organisms. - Biology B) I think you are the best employee.
E) I like studying nature and physical features around C) We all have a depressing and difficult job.
the world. - Art D) It is no use trying to prove your success.
E) I can’t see any improvement in your work.
Soru 4 Soru 9

Answer the following question according to the Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
Sarah  : What was New York City like?

Shawn : It was ....... .

A) too crowded
B) very clever
C) a little shy
D) so brave
E) easygoing

Soru 10

Which question does not have an answer in the Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
Everybody has a different plan for the future. Mine is
A) What is George's favorite place? being a teacher. Everybody wants to know why I want
B) How tall is the Statue of Liberty? it. I know I won’t earn a lot of money and become
C) Are there any problems in the USA? famous. But it is a very rewarding job. I will have the
D) How old is the Cristo Redentor Statue? chance to teach my students to distinguish right from
E) Where is the Statue of Liberty? wrong. I will change them and they will change the
world. Do you understand why I want to be a teacher
Soru 5
According to the paragraph, everybody has ...... plans
Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue. for the future.

A) extraordinary
David : I’m going to go to a costume party tonight.
B) same
Helen : ...... ? C) fascinating
D) terrible
David : I’d like to be ‘Batman’. E) various

A) How long will the party last

B) Why are you going to resign
C) What are you going to wear
D) Where are you going to work
E) When are you going to go shopping
CEVAPLAR: 1-C    2-B    3-E    4-C    5-C    6-B    7-C    8-E    9-A    10-E    

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