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By Zahra Farajnezhad_ 2014

I have examined a classroom in pre-intermediate level for three days in
a row which was held in an English institution in Tehran. The class was
included eight learners and their teacher. Miss Moghadam was an
excellent teacher I have ever met; I was interested in her methods of
teaching and interacting and socializing with her learners. In these three
sessions, I have learned a lot about teaching English. The important note
about my observation is not the classroom exercises and its learners, it
is all about the teacher who is proficient, dominant, fluent and
experienced. Her teaching methods guided learners to delight and joy
and made learners a strong interest to learn more about the English
language. What I learned from her is that there are lots of people from
different cultures and different personalities and also with different
social classes which you have to leave the biases, and judgments out of
the classroom and treat with all the learners equally.

In this report, I have completed the classroom observation form and now
I would describe my observation briefly. I have observed accomplished
classroom management such as a friendly classroom environment;
Considerations such as classroom decor; Presenting initial learning
focus for the session. The teacher in every session attempted to improve

her classroom activities. I didn’t perceive any deficiencies or poor
performance during my observation. She tried to link present content
with past and future learning experiences and also other subject areas,
and real-world experiences and correlated to prior exercises. The teacher
effectively engaged learners in the learning processes by using a variety
of instructional strategies to meet individual learning requirements. She
was both actively teaching and actively supervising (move, scan,
interact) during the ten minutes the learners were on tasks. The
classroom seemed to be a friendly and social place where learners
experienced the learning progress from a skilled teacher.

Learners in the class were attentive and focused, during the class, they
attempted to finish the assigned tasks and cooperate in the activities.
Some learners had eye contact with their teacher and sometimes they
were signalling that they wished to be a volunteer to answer the
questions. Generally, learners asked lots of questions about new
vocabularies (e.g.: What do we call x/y in Persian?). The teacher used
different methods to catch learners’ attention and attach them to the
content or activity.

Instructor: Moghadam, Maryam Course: Pre_ Intermediate

Date and Time: 10 _ 12:30; (Three days in

Observer: Zahra Farajnezhad
a row)

Review Section Description/Comments

SUBJECT MATTER  Teacher uses educational policies

CONTENT that deliberately aim the varied
(Shows good command learning styles of the student;
and knowledge of  Differentiated guidance based on
subject matter; language levels of learners;
Demonstrates breadth  Lesson schemes mull covering
and depth of mastery) differentiation addressing learners’
 Clear statement of educational
 Built why lesson is significant for
learners to learn;

ORGANIZATION  Greatening key points in a memorable
(Organizes subject and absorbing way;
matter;  Teacher uses impressive
Evidences preparation; approaches and rubrics to stir up
is thorough; learners throughout classroom
States clear objectives; activities;
Emphasizes and  Teacher retains effective
summarizes main instructional method by expending
points, a suitable amount of time on each
Meets class at stages of the lesson;
scheduled time,  Utilization the phrase “In other
regularly monitors on- word…” that it repeats the
line course) information for learners who
missed it first time and have an
opportunity to internalize the
 Using simple examples to move
learners to difficult and complex
 There is ‘Wait-Time’ and pauses
after asking a question for learners

 Sends appetite and anxiety for the
RAPPORT content;
(Holds interest of  Teacher replies to
learners; is respectful, misapprehensions and
fair, and impartial; misconceptions and increase
Provides feedback, learner understanding;
Encourages  Teacher assigns and retains clear
participation; expectations for learner engagement
Interacts with during the lesson;
learners,  Successfully inspired learner
Shows enthusiasm) engagement;
 Using the learners first name to
comfort them and making
enthusiasm among them;
TEACHING  Use think-pair share to enhance the
METHODS level of participation in answer to a
(Uses relevant question;
teaching methods,  Uses varied strategies to mostly
aids, materials, check for understanding all over
techniques, and the lesson;

Includes variety,  Teacher uses proper types of
balance, imagination, questioning based on Blooms
group involvement; Taxonomy 1;
Uses examples that  Teacher demonstrates research-
are simple, clear, based methods;
precise, and
Stays focused on and
Meets stated
 Uses body language, tone, and
(Establishes online  Using various media to present
course or classroom content; visitable, auditory,
environment interpersonal, social, linguistic;
 Using graphic organizers;

1 .Bloom’s Taxonomy supplies an important frame for teachers to use to

centralize on preferable order thinking and provides a grading of levels of rational
and reflective behavior in learning. By assigning a grading of levels, this
taxonomy can assist teachers in designing completion and fulfillment tasks,
composing questions for conversing with learners, and providing feedback on
student work. This classification included three scopes: the cognitive,
psychomotor, and affective. Within the cognitive scope, is incorporated six
levels: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and

conducive to  Teaching to multiple intelligences;
learning;  To give for learner choice;
Maintains eye
contact; uses a clear
voice, strong
projection, proper
enunciation, and
standard English)
 Planned proper activities to charge
MANAGEMENT beneficial class time;
(Uses time wisely;  Skillful questioning strategy and
attends to course feedback to learners;
interaction;  Provided trained practice and period
Demonstrates to work on assignments;
leadership ability;  Teacher interprets, trains, and
Maintains discipline models the principles for the
and control; manner in the classroom;
Maintains effective e-  Teacher consistently supervises
platform learners by movement, scanning and
management) interaction;
 Making situation to challenge

SENSITIVITY  All learners have assigned roles,
(Exhibits sensitivity to such as timekeeper, facilitator,
learners' personal scribe, and reporter;
culture, gender  Teacher talks plainly using age-proper
differences and language;
disabilities, responds  Teacher recommended that everybody
appropriately in a non- is qualified of improving their
threatening, pro-active knowledge and abilities;
learning environment)  Teacher indicates helpful
relationships with all learners;
 Teacher shows respect for learners;

ASSISTANCE TO  Monitoring learner performance and

LEARNERS providing assistance as needed to
(Assists learners complete the tasks;
with academic  Teacher checks for understanding
problems) and learners’ correct answers;
 Reviewed learners work from
former time;
 Pursued incorrect responses with
examining questions for

 Teacher invites learner participation
and comments even in puzzlement

PERSONAL  Delivers content with confidence;

(Evidences self-  Teacher is fluent and educated;
comportment and
PHYSICAL ASPECTS  Included 8 learners;
OF CLASSROOM  Friendly and warm classroom
(optional) environment;
(State location and  Quiet and orderly classroom;
physical attributes of  Using the restroom;
classroom, number of  Sharpening pencils;
learners in attendance,  Chairs are comfortable and learners
layout of room, feel ease;
distractions if any;  Decoration is round;
List any observations  A DVD player and LCD;
of how physical  The floor is covered by carpet and
aspects affected learners feel at home
content delivery)

Strengths observed:
I've summarized some essential points that I've observed in the
classroom, as I listed them below:
 The teacher strengthens learners to extend their individual learning
purposes based on their needs, profits, and moods of inquiry;
 The teacher prepared adequate instructional materials;
 Teacher and learners used more high-frequency vocabularies;
 Truly I have found it the classroom was arranged to backing
teaching and learning;
 All the materials were convenient to use;
 Teacher and learners completed the lessons with no rush and they
enjoyed spending the class together;
Suggestions for improvement:
I had no advice for this class because in my viewpoint every process and
step of learning skills (writing, listening, reading, speaking) are
pedagogically flawless. I have learned much from the method that the
teacher used in her teaching and also it has given me the confidence and
courage to know that I can be like her.
The overall consequence of teaching effectiveness:
Here I have concluded the important note about teaching effectiveness
throughout my observation: Teacher and learners manage positive
cooperation as evidenced by sharing responsibilities, social
communication, smiling and laughter, willingness and curiosity, praise

and admiration, eye contact, friendly and calm voices, polite language.
These all supported teacher to show positive affect and desire when
interacting with her learners and she made connections with learners by
indicating care in individual learners and by providing learners with
individual acknowledgement and support.


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