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Hiram Reyes 1

Hiram Reyes
Dr. Nelson
English 1301 – 122
September 19, 2022

National Basketball Association

The National Basketball Association (NBA) Is the third most popular sport in the world with

approximately 2.2 billion fans worldwide. Although the NBA is based in the United States, this

association has a fan base that stretches throughout every content. Basketball is a sport in which 5 players

from 2 different teams take the court to score the most points in 4 quarters of 12 minutes. The uniqueness

of this sport is how it gains and retains the attention it has today. While social media is a definite reason

for the attention the NBA has…the number of endorsements, sponsorships, and media outlets certain

players have whether they’re past or present is how teams earn their fan bases. As expected, just like any

franchise, owners want what’s best for the team and themselves. Today, basketball has changed to where

a franchise gets a company face and then proceeds to let said face run the show. This not only affects the

main team franchise but also affects other companies that are in association with the NBA. The analysis

that’s t being taken place is about franchise players and what roles they play on and off the court that

ultimately build up to headline games and the finals.

A franchise player. This is a term used in professional team sports to describe a player whom the

team considers is the best player on the team and somebody whom they will build a team around. (Sports

lingo). The most notable franchise player in recent years would often be considered Lebron James.

Lebron James is an excellent example of a franchise player solely based on his career, how he influences

the front office, and the number of endorsements he receives. He is currently endorsed as well as

sponsored by Numerous brands such as Nike, 2K Sports, Gatorade, and Coca-Cola. You may ask why

endorsements or sponsorships are important to franchise players and how they control the game.

Endorsements do not only sponsor players but teams as well. Just like anyone else, if you owned a
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company that had the potential to get represented by an All-star athlete…you’d more than likely want the

best player you can find. Players have the ability to manipulate companies and essentially get what they

want if they threaten to jump ship. By doing so, in the worst-case scenario, your franchise player leaves

for another team then all your fans lose interest. When a fan base loses interest, the team loses the ability

to headline a selective game of importance, and the probability of going to the finals drastically changes.

High-value professional basketball players are in top demand and unfortunately, only a handful of

teams have the privilege of acquiring one. Something that is not stated in public but often happens behind

the scenes is athletes choosing whom they want on their team. More specifically your franchise player

gives plenty of influence on what the team roster for the year is. An often event that occurs is having

franchise players manipulate and threaten to leave a team if they do not get what they want. It is critical

that the front offices, team managements, and coaches give an ear to these specific players to keep them

happy and have a good season.

A great example of how 2 franchise players manipulated the league for years was by taking the

same teams to the finals and headlining games of importance. Lebron James and Stephen Curry had what

some what call a rivalry for 4 years in a row. These two very different yet excellent franchise players built

their teams up from the ground through manipulation of their front offices, coaching staffs, and managing

teams. It had become very obvious by the third year of this rivalry that Lebron was running the show for

the Cleveland Cavaliers as Stephen Curry was running the show for the Golden State Warriors. The finals

of the NBA along with selective headlining games is where the association gains its most money from.

More people tune in through television then usually, stadiums get sold out, and merchandise gets sold

quicker. The association with these games and these franchise players running the show gives excellent

ratings for not only the franchises but the NBA as well. Publicity and ratings are great for the association,

it allows for teams to get hyped and excited about winning championships and special games while also

giving teams bragging rights.

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Although franchise players can negatively impact companies, they can also positively impact

them by winning and showing off that they’re the best team in the league. While these franchise players

are ultimately meant for the court they also have a say for their future. As previously stated fill in roles

that are needed throughout offices and the companies that sponsor them. Whether it’s positive or negative

effectiveness, Franchise players often get the ultimate say.

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(Franchise Player Definition)

(Positive revenue and effectiveness with the league and other companies)

(LeBron’s endorsements and sponsorships)

(Curry’s endorsements and sponsorships)

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