SMART TOURISM Paredes Group Final Papers

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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.

Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines



A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM)

Submitted by:

Joewilyn F. Alameda
Suzainne A. Castro
Juneca A. Fernando
Salve D. Paredes
James Troy G. Quintana

Submitted to:
Chadel C. Cabrera
Research Group’s Adviser

Michael Joseph G. Rico

Research Course Facilitator

July 2022
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines


We hereby attest to the originality of this research and have cited properly
all the references used. We further commit that this research paper's intellectual
content is the product of our work, even though we may have received
assistance from others on style, presentation, and language expression. We shall
use appropriate citations in referencing other works from various sources.

We certify that we understand what plagiarism is and accept the

consequences of any plagiarized work submitted by us, singly or as part of a

We certify that the research study has undergone checking for plagiarism.


Joewilyn F. Alameda
Suzainne A. Castro
Juneca A. Fernando
Salve D. Paredes
James Troy G. Quintana

Attested by:

Ms. Chadel C. Cabrera

Research Group’s Adviser

Michael Joseph G. Rico

Research Course Facilitator

Date: __July 2022

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines


Proposal Defense_______% Final Oral Defense _______%

Scanned by the Research and Publication Office

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines


This is to certify that I have edited this thesis, entitled

Prepared by:

Joewilyn F. Alameda
Suzainne A. Castro
Juneca A. Fernando
Salve D. Paredes
James Troy G. Quintana

And have found it to be thorough and acceptable with respect to grammar

and composition.

Joewilyn F. Alameda

Suzainne A. Castro

Juneca A. Fernando

Salve D. Paredes

James Troy G. Quintana

Signature over printed name

Designation: _____________________
Date of Completion: July 2022

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines



and submitted by:

Joewilyn F. Alameda Salve D. Paredes

Suzainne A. Castro James Troy G. Quintana
Juneca A. Fernando

Has been approved and accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM).

Ms. Chadel C. Cabrera

Research Group’s Adviser

Michael Joseph G. Rico

Research Course Facilitator

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines




Panel Member Panel Member

Ramrel F. Añonuevo

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines


The researchers would like to give thanks and honored to all, especially to the
Almighty God for His protection and guidance. The source of all this knowledge,
understanding and wisdom. They would also like to express their profound

To founder Mr. Gabriel G. Uriarte, Ph. D CDSGA for his moral support on
conducting their survey.

To their parents Mr. & Mrs. Alameda, Mr. & Mrs. Castro,
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando, Mr. Parades, Mr. & Mrs. Quintana who provide moral
and financial support.

To Ms. Chadel C, Cabrera their research adviser who made correction and
suggestion that contributed much in the completion of this research papered.

Once again we thank all those who have encourage and helped us in preparing
this research for publication and who have extended us much understanding,
patience and support.
To the respondents who gave their time and honest information needed to make
this research successful.

Thank you very much!

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines


Many countries have chosen to embrace cutting-edge information and

communication technology to improve the tourism industry's efficacy and
sustainability. Implement smart tourism tools as a strategy to adapt to the
constantly changing profile of tourists. While there are many tools that could be
used for such endeavors, the evaluation of tourist preferences in terms of their
use and importance must be done so that investments and local development
strategies can be sustained. Based on Ecuadorian and international experience,
the significance of 38 smart tourism instruments with them are tourists. More
than 700 people participated in the study, and 500 questionnaires were
legitimate. Tourists from both the United States and other countries are used as
sub samples. The distinctions between these were evident. In terms of how
important smart tourism technologies are to them, there are two groups. First,
there was the fact that In comparison to international tourists, Ecuadorian tourists
regarded smart tools to be less useful. The second distinction was that the most
important tools were scored differently across the participants. International
tourists, for example, place a higher priority on safety-related issues than
domestic tourists. The similarity of profiles and data association has been
revealed through correspondence analysis, which has been a useful tool for
researchers. This is a useful tool for linking ratings to the tools that have been
assessed. The results of the survey's findings it could be beneficial in assisting
the creation of local tourism initiatives while also giving. Comparing preferences
with other tourist sites and countries will be easier with this information.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Title Page
Certificate of Originality
Certificate of Editing
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures



Review of Related Literature
Theoretical Framework / Conceptual Framework
Research Paradigm
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms


Research Design
Research Locale
Respondents/Participants of the Study
Sampling Design
Validation of the Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Ethical Considerations
Statistical Treatment of the Data

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines


Topic for Research Problem 1

Topic for Research Problem 2
Topic for Research Problem 3
Topic for Research Problem 4
Topic for Research Problem 5



Summary of Findings
Other Recommendations


A – Letter of Permission to School Head or Office
B – Letter to Respondents
C – Letter to Expert Validator/s of Survey Questionnaire/s
D – Research Instrument Validation Sheet
E – Instruments/Survey Questionnaire/s
F – Computation of Sample Size (Optional)
G – Raw Data
H – Formula with Sample Computation of Statistics Used

Curriculum Vitae

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines



Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines



Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Chapter 1




Tourism is a significant part of many countries' development processes,

and it is a major driver of global economic growth, inclusive development, and

sustainability. Tourism, as an industry, contributes significantly to a country's

foreign exchange reserves and provides direct and indirect job opportunities to a

large segment of the population. Its multiple links with the rest of the economy

encourage the formation of productive chains, as it necessitates a wide range of

goods and services. However, it can have negative environmental consequences

and cause social and territorial differentiation, among other issues. In addition,

developing and using sustainability indicators allows managers to monitor and

assess the sustainability of a tourist destination. And tourism has proposed that

the future of cities and tourist development should take a sustainable approach,

and scholars have developed sustainability indicators for different contexts and

industries. The sustainable tourism indicators can help assess the impacts and

take actions to improve the tourism industry. The tourism sector's rapid

expansion can help the economy of local tourist destinations Many countries

throughout the world, including Canada, China, Thailand, and Turkey, have

prioritized the development of the tourism industry and see it as a critical

component of their national economies. Countries in South America, such as

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, have established tourist activities cantered on the

Andes Mountains and the Amazon region. Ecuador, in particular, has a lot of

them. Chances to build its tourism business based on landscape and culture.

The Coast, Andes, Amazon, and Insular Regions all offer sun and beach tourism,

as well as ecotourism, agro tourism, ethno tourism, and community-based

tourism, while the country is known for its vast natural and cultural diversity,

making it a popular tourist destination around the world. The aforementioned

context has allowed the country to create a variety of tourist activities. Currently,

around 35% of Ecuadorians buy items or services over the Internet, with tourism

services being one of the most popular categories. Moreover, the digital

technology revolution emphasizes the significance of to become a smart tourism

destination, invest in the most relevant state-of-the-art technologies. This

development, however, is not a destination, which is an aim for any competitive

city; nonetheless, it is not an easy path; on the contrary, it is extremely difficult

and demanding. Information technology has acquired a lot of traction in defining

the sustainability of tourism in recent decades, even as a tool for evaluation. In

this regard, it's worth noting that tourists have gotten more demanding and well-

informed, and they've discovered new means to find information. Because these

changes have resulted in the creation of a digital tourist, the traditional tourism

industry is in desperate need of digital technology in order to cut costs and

improve efficiency. Furthermore, the COVID-19 epidemic and times of lockdown

changed not only how tourists look for destination information, but also increased

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

the demand for digital solutions that allow for the monitoring of consumer and

citizen flows. As a result, technology, as a point of engagement between tourists

and locations, may be a critical component in the tourism sector's comeback.

Technology has impacted the growth of smart tourism locations, while visitors

have evolved into smart visitors. Furthermore, the utilization of information and

communication technologies is linked to tourist sector innovation. E-tools appear

to enable new types of knowledge sharing and communication, as they can be

used to collect detailed location-based information as well as citizen and expert

knowledge, as well as to facilitate interaction between varieties of stakeholders.

Smart tourism studies have recently stated that technology is the key to

improving a destination's competitiveness, and that the usage of smart

technologies is critical throughout the tourist experience, from trip planning to

travelers staying at a certain location. As a result, transforming tourist sites into

"smarter" ones has been viewed as a means of improvement, as the design of

tourism experiences and facilities has improved. The manner in which they are

distributed and consumed has radically changed. In an increasingly globalized

and competitive market, it is up to tourism destination management to establish

new and long-term strategies to achieve the best potential results. On the one

hand, implementing the smart city concept in tourist towns in order to maintain

their transition to smart destinations necessitates inevitable commitment and

support from a variety of industries. On the other hand, it is to be expected that

some tourists may find utility in only a portion of the technology that can

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

characterize a smart city, preferring to disengage from it during their vacations.

Many successful instances show how adapting to the needs of a more

knowledgeable and demanding consumer has resulted in changes to the

processes or tourist products on offer. As a way of adapting to business

developments and gaining awareness of the formation of new business niches, a

regular assessment of the utility and value of these digital tools is required. In

order to find a balance between capital investments and existing or expected

visitor needs in respect to smart technology, data is required to support

development decisions. The goal of this research was to assess the global

importance of smart tourism technologies as a source of information for tourism

decision-making. In this perspective, the study's first goal was to assess the

significance of Tourists' opinions on a set of smart tourism technologies are

based on their previous interactions with them. The study's second goal was to

generate recommendations for prospective e-tourism solutions that may be

implemented by the local government using the information gathered from


Review of Related Literature

Previous studies on smart tourism, the notions of value of experience, and the

application of information technology in tourism systems are reviewed in this part.

This comprehensive review of the literature aids in the investigation of successful

and long-term IS design approaches that can meet user needs in the dynamic

tourism industry.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines


Significant changes have occurred in the tourism industry over the decades.

Multiple advancements in Information and Communication Technology have

been at the heart of these shifts, motivating researchers and practitioners to use

it to create creative tourist systems. Studies on tourism have been emerging

since the late 1990s, with a focus on creating information structures and

interfaces for managers and users. Prior research highlighted the use of IS to

design effective and efficient models for propagating, matching, and sharing

meaningful and relevant information among technical infrastructures and social

communities, based on the technological properties of ICT. This concept can be

seen in reservation systems and review platforms. Tourists can quickly and

easily access all important information about their selected destination by using

these specified systems. User’s tourists are motivated to change their behavior

and consumption patterns as a result of such systems. For example, rather than

following packaged tour plans, an increasing number of travelers choose to self-

organize their trip plans utilizing the Internet depending on their tastes and

budgetary capability. More lately, there has been a trend in tourism toward more

user-friendly intelligent systems based on big data analysis, or smart tourism.

Scholars have debated the concept of smart tourism systems in the literature; as

can be seen, this concept is still broad and nebulous, but it is primarily explored

in the context of: reciprocal interconnection and synchronization of technology

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

and systems; tailored solutions based on intelligent big data analysis; integration

of tourist experiences with physical and digital environments; and facilitation of

tourism ecosystems through information sharing. Smart tourism systems can be

thought of as a collection of intelligent recommendation systems. Surprisingly,

due to the abundance of information, some travelers have difficulties making

travel decisions. Smart tourism systems can be thought of as examples of

intelligent recommendation systems. Surprisingly, some travelers have difficulties

making travel decisions due to an abundance of information. As a result, the

smart tourism system should make it easier for tourists to make decisions before

or during their journeys by presenting them with relevant and useful information

based on big data analysis, personal information, and behavior patterns, among

other things. To summarize, the smart tourism paradigm has the potential to

make a significant contribution to the transformation of tourism systems to be

more proactive by assisting tourists in making decisions by offering tailored-made

recommendations. A new phenomenon in tourist behavior has been discovered

in recent tourism literature: many tourists prefer value for money to value for

experience. Interestingly, if the choice is related to an experience that matches

his personal values, the tourist tends to make an unplanned and disorganized

choice. For example, many tourists make hasty tour decisions in order to have an

authentic experience social and cultural identities, traditions, memories, food,

local peculiarities, and rural landscape) with opportunities to participate in a

variety of activities in order to satisfy their own sustainable values. This pattern

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

shows that tourists are more likely to set and demand higher and more diverse

tourism experience values. As a result, the problem is figuring out how to create

a tourist system and ecology that can support these diverse and shifting values.

Designing such systems has the potential to be related to post-satisfaction and

the desire to return to the tourism destination, as well as adaptable tourism

ecosystems that allow for a wide range of tourist values. However, because the

method and ideals are essentially human, optimizing tourists' diverse values in

their tourism experience is a meticulous issue. Previous research has claimed

that the worth of experience resides only in the mind of each individual based on

his or her personality and background emotional, physical, intellectual, and

spiritual. Prior marketing studies discovered two key folds in product and service

experience, albeit in a qualitative way: the economic-utility dimension and the

socio-psychological dimension, in terms of the value of experience. The first

dimension represents utilitarian features of items and services such as perceived

price, quality, benefits, and risk, while the second dimension represents aspects

of higher order abstractions such as prestige, social interaction, novelty, and

hedonism. Five parts of consumption values that affect consumer decisions and

behavior were postulated based on this conceptualization: functional, social,

emotional, epistemic, and conditional values. The following are some instances

for each value.

Functional value as Perceived utility derived from an alternative's capacity for

functional, utilitarian, or physical performance" is how functional value is defined.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Previous research has demonstrated that "anticipated" functional values can

impact people's actions and assessments. Seat comfort, refreshments, lunch

stops, tour commentary, and so forth are examples of functional values.

Social value as Perceived usefulness gained through an alternative's

identification with one or more specific social groupings," according to the

definition of social value. Previous research has discovered that tourists' choices

of tourism products, brands, and retail service settings are influenced by the

opinions of social groupings.

Emotional value as the ability of a product or service to elicit emotions or

affective states is known as emotional value. Previous research has discovered a

link between diverse emotions (pleasant emotions), tourism service quality

appraisal, and post-consumption.

Epistemic value as the perceived benefit achieved when the product arouses

interest, delivers novelty, and/or satisfies a desire for information is according to

the definition. Previous research has indicated that epistemic values have a

significant impact on people's decisions and subsequent pleasure.

Perceived value is a fundamental reason for system use, according to previous is

research, and it must be identified and satisfied for end users, service providers,

and stakeholders to ensure long-term use. As a result, this article will address

these four value dimensions and present a framework for observing the long-

term value of a tourist's experience, as well as dealing with one functional value

to multi-dimensional values.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Scholars have highlighted the possibilities of using information technology as a

mediator between technology and tourism in previous tourism research, which

can enhance the tourism experience. Future tourism systems, according to the

researchers, should address a variety of tourist motivations and aspirations. In

more recent research, tourism communities have advised employing information

systems to create smart experiences, connect ICT with tourism experiences, and

improve tourist experiences as well as tourism organizations' competitiveness. A

clear research gap can be seen in the modest number of studies. More research

is needed to further expand the use of information technology to construct smart

tourism systems that incorporate the value of experience. Despite the fact that

there are a few research on tourist behaviors and aspirations, present tourism

studies do not provide useful knowledge and applications on tourists' long-term

experience values in the context of smart tourism. As a result, we propose in this

paper that it is critical to create smart tourism systems that highlight visitors' long-

term experience values and capture their latent values and requirements during

their journey.

Theoretical Framework

Technological developments have forced several sectors to adapt to technology,

one of which is the tourism sector. Departing from the need for effective and

efficient promotional tools in the development and marketing strategies of

potential tourism destinations in Indonesia, this study aims to develop a tourism

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

information system (SIPADU) with the concept of tourism based on android using

virtual reality technology. The research and development (R&D) was used as a

research method by applying ADDIE model (analysis, design, develop,

implementation, and evaluation) in the development process. This study found

that SIPADU, in practical terms, is feasible to be used as an effective Android-

based promotional media for tourism promotion in Indonesia. In addition, the

development of this product can help travelers to obtain tourist information easily

and quickly, and can become a medium for sustainable tourism development.

Tourism is a strategic sector that is one of the largest contributors to a country's

economic growth. In the world, tourism accounts for 10.4% of GDP and 9.9% of

total employment. Meanwhile in ASEAN, this sector is the biggest driver of the

country's economic growth, particularly in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and

Thailand (Manzo, 2018).

Smart tourism is a new buzzword applied to describe the increasing reliance of

tourism destinations, their industries and their tourists on emerging forms of ICT

that allow for massive amounts of data to be transformed into value propositions.

However, it remains ill-defined as a concept, which hinders its theoretical

development. The paper defines smart tourism, sheds light on current smart

tourism trends, and then lays out its technological and business foundations. This

is followed by a brief discussion on the prospects and drawbacks of smart

tourism. The paper further draws attention to the great need for research to

inform smart tourism development and management. Smart” has become a new

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

buzzword to describe technological, economic and social developments fulled by

technologies that rely on sensors, big data, open data, new ways of connectivity

and exchange of information (e.g., Internet of Things, RFID, and NFC) as well as

abilities to infer and reason. Höjer and Wangel (2015) argue that it is not so much

the individual technological advances but rather the interconnection,

synchronization and concerted use of different technologies that constitutes


The Philippine tourism industry is expected to grow with more tourists visiting and

through the discovery, development, and improvement of tourist attractions.

Through partnerships with the local government and media developer groups,

there have been implementations of e-Tourism in the country. Though e-Tourism

is an effective way of tourism promotion, smart tourism offers a more innovative

way such that it enhances the tourist experience through anticipation of their

needs through smart recommendations of points of interests, attractions and

services while sharing their experiences to aid other tourists’ decision making on

which places to visit. Smart tourism is a fundamental need for such cities or

municipalities which have historical value and tourist attractions. Due to this, the

study aims at creating a smart tourism destination framework that would be

applicable to the current information and communications infrastructure of the

Romblon Islands. A smart tourism mobile application will be developed that

would feature a Point of Interest Recommend based on user’s location, check in

ratings, and social network ratings. Augmented reality and near field

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

communication will be used to bridge the physical and digital world. The

application’s acceptance will be investigated using the Unified Theory of

Acceptance and Use of Technology.

As the popularity of guided tours has become evident in the aspect of tourism

activities, the expanding yet ambiguous role of tour guides in the tourism industry

gained the attention of scholars globally. While studies have been conducted on

tour guides and tourists’ immersion in other countries, few scholars have delved

into these topics in the Philippine context. Hence, this phenomenological study

aims to describe the emotional experiences of travel management students

relative to tour guides’ verbalized hospitality during destination immersion. A

robot foto and semi-structured interviews were utilized to gather data from 15

possessively selected participants at the capital of the Philippines. This

naturalist-driven inquiry afforded the development of an interesting

conceptualization called the Dimensions of Tourist Guide’s Communication and

the Resulting Emotional Experiences for the Tourists Findings from this study

may serve as foundations in rapport building with tourists contributing to the

improvement of their destination experience as well as basis in initiating efforts to

recognize and uplift the status of the tour guides in the country. Taylor & Francis


Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Conceptual Framework

This study intends to examine the effect of Smart Tourism among individuals

towards proper resource management, sustainability and maximization of

competitiveness. Smart tourism is describing as an increasing reliance of tourism

destinations. According to UNTWO (2015) tourism is a social, cultural and

economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or

places outside their usual environment for personal or business/ professional

purposes. This concept model describes the research conceptual framework it

focuses on the connection between the concept of tourist experience (Resource

management, sustainability, interactivity, accessibility) and smart tourism

technology by checking its competitiveness which covers information quality. The

tourist experience and technology used in this smart tourism experience is both

based conceptual perspective. This means that these concepts are only


Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Research Paradigm

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Statement of the Problem

Several pieces of legislation have been enacted in industrialized nations to

guarantee that individuals with disabilities are included. Most facilities, on the

other hand, implement these infrastructure improvements just to comply with the

legislation, oblivious to the market's potential. There has been much research on

the informational demands of individuals with disabilities and the many sources

of information that they prefer. Several scholars have also looked at the influence

of smart tourism on the general public's ability to make informed travel decisions,

the utility of smart tourism, and how smart tourism affects visitor satisfaction. The

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

study's findings revealed that engaging and trustworthy smart tourism platforms

enable consumers to be satisfied with their travel choice assistance. A number of

studies have also revealed the difficulties that people with impairments encounter

when traveling. According to one study, the obstacles experienced by people

living with impairments may be divided into two categories: Interpersonal and

structural restrictions. Emotional restraint and knowledge negotiation were two

intrapersonal problems that were discussed. Despite the fact that all of these

studies have been completed, no study has been undertaken into the qualities of

smart tourism platforms that people with disabilities seek while using such

platforms. The goal of this study is to find out which features of smart tourism

platforms are most significant to people with mobility issues. An in-depth

interview was used to accomplish this goal. Interviews with people who have

mobility issues were undertaken. Therefore, will this be examined through the

collecting and analysis of data about tourist? To do this, several questions have

been formulated to outline the problem and set boundaries for the research.

1. How can we improve smart tourism?

2. Is it important to be a smart tourism destination?

3. What will be the contents of the source of travelers?

4. Is the smart tourism program can improved the knowledge of every student?

5. In smart tourism program, how it is effective to develop the tourism?

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

6. To the future generations, how Smart Tourism helps to the future generations?

Is this Smart Tourism program more desirable?

7. What do you think is required of a destination for it to develop into a smart

tourism destination?

8. What knowledge do you feel is currently lacking, and what do you think will be

needed in the coming years in terms of digitization and development of smart

tourism destinations?


The most direct interaction is between humans and computers. The usage of

smart technologies by visitors in tourism activities, such as mobile tourism

guides, mobile recommendation systems, navigation systems, and congestion

management systems, is some of the most widely utilized smart technologies for

tourism activities. These smart technologies improve visitors' capacity to co-

create and co-manage their visit experience process, bringing more emotion and

action to the tourism experience activity and improving tourists' participation.

When visitors are more involved in the tourism process, they are more likely to

have positive emotional responses throughout their vacation, which increases

their overall enjoyment. Tourists are given explanations by electronic tour guides

rather than manual tour guides, which liberates them to some degree and

optimizes their freedom to move freely on the assumption of receiving the most

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

accurate and timely explanation. During a journey, mobile devices such as

smartphones and tablets can be utilized for information, communication, and self-


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of the research was done from March to May 2022 at the Colegio De

San Gabriel Arcangel at Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay City of San Jose Del

Monte, Bulacan. The major respondents for this study are visitors to San Jose

Del Monte, Bulacan. The study's purpose was to assess how effective the smart

tourism program is as a tourist development marketing tool. Furthermore, the

problems that the researchers had while doing this research were a constraint.

Significance of the Study

The aim of smart tourism is to improve the efficiency of resource management,

maximize competitiveness and to enhance sustainability through the use of

technological innovations and practices. It is often associated with e-tourism as

this will involve the use of technology. It’s important to develop a tourism

development plan because tourism development planning really can make or

break a destination. If done well, it can ensure the longevity of the tourism

industry in the area, take good care of the environment, have positive economic

outcomes and a positive benefit to the community. Smart tourism aims to

develop information and communication infrastructure and capabilities in order to

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

improve management/ governance, facilitate service/product innovation, enhance

the tourist experience, and, ultimately, improve the competitiveness of tourism

firms and destinations.

Definition of Terms

Smart Tourism – it is defined by the European Union as a destination facilitating

access to tourism and hospitality products, services, spaces and experiences

through ICT-based Information and communications technology tools.

Tourism - the commercial organization and operation of vacations and visits to

places of interest.

Technology - the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,

especially in industry.

Functional value - as Perceived utility derived from an alternative's capacity for

functional, utilitarian, or physical performance" is how functional value is defined.

Previous research has demonstrated that "anticipated" functional values can

impact people's actions and assessments. Seat comfort, refreshments, lunch

stops, tour commentary, and so forth are examples of functional values.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Social value - as Perceived usefulness gained through an alternative's

identification with one or more specific social groupings," according to the

definition of social value. Previous research has discovered that tourists' choices

of tourism products, brands, and retail service settings are influenced by the

opinions of social groupings.

Emotional value - as the ability of a product or service to elicit emotions or

affective states is known as emotional value. Previous research has discovered a

link between diverse emotions (pleasant emotions), tourism service quality

appraisal, and post-consumption.

Epistemic value - as the perceived benefit achieved when the product arouses

interest, delivers novelty, and/or satisfies a desire for information is according to

the definition. Previous research has indicated that epistemic values have a

significant impact on people's decisions and subsequent pleasure.

Perceived value - is a fundamental reason for system use, according to previous

IS research, and it must be identified and satisfied for end users, service

providers, and stakeholders to ensure long-term use.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Chapter 2


Characteristics of a location that assist the tourism experience are referred to as

atmospherics. Say that atmospherics, which provide visual, auditory, olfactory,

and tactile sensations, "have a great impact on the flow of the tourism

experience, the meaning tourists attach to it, their emotional bonding with the

service provider, and their social connections with other customers. Demonstrate

that tourism destinations with physical designs that appeal to all five senses are

far more likely to elicit emotional responses and so produce memorable

experiences. Co-creation The visitor interacts with and inside the tourism location

as part of co-creation. Indicated that the tourist processes the value proposition

offered by the destination by combining the design features of the destination

together with the tourist's motives. An important outcome of co-creation is that

the visitor would treat the place as a ‘stage’ within which he/she performs so as

to create a sense of value .While technology encompasses a wide range of

devices and equipment used to support tourism businesses, information

technology has taken the lead in altering tourism in recent decades. Technology

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

may help stage and co-create visitor experiences in a variety of ways, from

enabling or facilitating to producing, attracting, and enhancing. The Star Wars

Theme Park at Disneyland, for example, is an example of enhanced

experiences. Characterizes as 'enchanted objects,' or commonplace things that

have been transformed into something magical. By redefining the atmospherics

and allowing visitors to form experiences, technology can boost a location's

potential to establish, improve, or enhance the degree to which a place enacts a

desired theme through storytelling. Finally, affordance specifies the property and

extent to which visitors understand an object, both tangible such as a chair and

intangible such as a service, so that they can take actions to get the intended

result. Claimed that affordance is determined not only by a user's physical

capabilities, but also by his or her goals, beliefs, and previous experiences. If a

tourist goes to a park, he or she may want to wander about, fly a kite, relax on a

bench, eat lunch, or talk about business with a colleague. As a result, affordance

refers to the chance that a visitor will be able to experience the park in a variety

of ways, depending on how the park is structured and the visitor's capabilities

and desired experiences.

Design thinking, which is defined as a technique of thinking about how a tourism

place may be designed/created to enable visitors to understand the destination's

experiential value, is included in the third level of the tourism design system. The

designer can use design thinking to evaluate the fundamental principles of the

community boundary circumstances (such as sustainability, resilience, and so

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

on) within which the place resides, whether actual or virtual. Understanding and

discovery are the first steps in the design thinking process, followed by offering

solutions, constructing a prototype, and lastly reviewing and redesigning. In

addition, design thinking encourages continuous review in order to enhance and

even replace early items. The fundamental ideas of design thinking in tourism are

applicable at any scale; that is, these techniques can be used to design

extremely modest places like a park bench or to lead the planning of a city or

region. While design thinking stresses the cognitive, strategic, and practical

processes involved in place design and has numerous implications beyond

tourism, it can be thought of as a modern version of the philosophy reflected in

Gunn's concept of Vacations cape. Many studies have found that the "best"

venues are those that combine art and science in ways that aim to increase well-

being and "refresh" the human spirit.

Smart Tourism Design

While the framework of the tourism design system outlines numerous

components, processes, and actions in developing a touristic location, Smart

Tourism Design adds an extra layer to prescribe the desired tourism design

outcomes. Smart tourism refers to the fusion of information technologies,

business ecosystems, and tourism experiences in general. Smart tourism has

evolved into a vision and a general "blueprint" that allows many countries and

cities to develop programs for developing new technological infrastructures,

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

developing smart end-user applications, and focusing on innovation in order to

enhance tourism experiences and increase the competitiveness and

attractiveness of their destinations over the last few years.

Research Design

The system for tourism design

The extent to which science has contributed to our understanding of the tourist

system, particularly in terms of how visitors determine where and when to visit

and the nature of the experiences they have while on the trip, is one of the

significant breakthroughs enabling tourism design. Provides a foundation for

organizing the improvements gained over this period. As can be seen, the

framework prioritizes the tourist among three tiers of processes that make up the

tourism design system, which strives to comprehend and create the visitor


Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Fig. 1. The system of tourism design

Understanding a tourist's reaction to an experience, which is divided into

numerous stages, is the first level of the framework. The tourism experience is

realized through a series of "mini" processes that include sensation, cognition,

emotion, memory, fantasy, and finally meaning. While the touristic experience is

mostly the product of subconscious sensations and conscious perceptions during

the journey, the consequences of these experience processes differ depending

on the individual and the situation. Goals, prior experiences, culture, and travel

companions are basic socio-psychological and trip-related variables that impact

perceptions by causing diversity in individual responses to environmental stimuli.

This level of the tourist design framework is important because it is multi-faceted

(emphasizing experience, perception, emotion, cognition, and memory) and

includes the mechanisms that translate the goal. The framework's second level

addresses the key physical and social variables that go into the creation of

tourism experiences. In specifically, he developed a framework for creating

experiences that consists of six main elements: themes, stories, atmospheres,

technology, co-creation, and affordances. Each of these aspects reflects a

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

different facet of the tourist design system that has an impact on the elements of

the first level, where sensations are absorbed, assimilated, and interpreted to

produce unique visitor experiences.

Themes influence the entire perceptual process, from influencing how tourists

obtain information unconsciously to molding how tourists interpret the overall

experience. Strong themes, according to the authors, are necessary for creating

engaging, captivating, and memorable tourism experiences. They also propose a

set of guidelines for theming a location: the theme must alter visitors' perceptions

of reality by manipulating space, time, and matter into a cohesive and realistic

whole that includes multiple 'places within the place,' and that generally fits within

the overall character of the location. Stories give the underlying structure and

animate the subject by establishing links between the performers, visitors, and

their hosts, as well as directing the many activities inside the intended setting

depending on the plot and the emotions evoked by actions and reactions. Argued

recently that a story is a "description of an event or set of connected events, the

reactions of characters to that event, their decisions, and the consequences of

these reactions and decisions," and that through these stories, places and

events, as well as the actions and experiences of visitors, are described. As a

result, designers utilize tales to help visitors organize and interpret their

experiences in order to create meaning. Themes and stories, on the other hand,

are conceptual. Atmospherics Physical and service-related characteristics of a

location that assist the tourism experience are referred to as atmospherics. Say

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

that atmospherics, which provide visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile

sensations, "have a great impact on the flow of the tourism experience, the

meaning tourists attach to it, their emotional bonding with the service provider,

and their social connections with other customers. Demonstrate that tourism

destinations with physical designs that appeal to all five senses are far more

likely to elicit emotional responses and so produce memorable experiences. Co-

creation The visitor interacts with and inside the tourism location as part of co-

creation. Indicated that the tourist processes the value proposition offered by the

destination by combining the design features of the destination together with the

tourist's motives. An important outcome of co-creation is that the visitor would

treat the place as a ‘stage’ within which he/she performs so as to create a sense

of value .While technology encompasses a wide range of devices and equipment

used to support tourism businesses, information technology has taken the lead in

altering tourism in recent decades. Technology may help stage and co-create

visitor experiences in a variety of ways, from enabling or facilitating to producing,

attracting, and enhancing. The Star Wars Theme Park at Disneyland, for

example, is an example of enhanced experiences. Characterizes as 'enchanted

objects,' or commonplace things that have been transformed into something

magical. By redefining the atmospherics and allowing visitors to form

experiences, technology can boost a location's potential to establish, improve, or

enhance the degree to which a place enacts a desired theme through

storytelling. Finally, affordance specifies the property and extent to which visitors

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

understand an object, both tangible such as a chair and intangible such as a

service, so that they can take actions to get the intended result. Claimed that

affordance is determined not only by a user's physical capabilities, but also by his

or her goals, beliefs, and previous experiences. If a tourist goes to a park, he or

she may want to wander about, fly a kite, relax on a bench, eat lunch, or talk

about business with a colleague. As a result, affordance refers to the chance that

a visitor will be able to experience the park in a variety of ways, depending on

how the park is structured and the visitor's capabilities and desired experiences.

Design thinking, which is defined as a technique of thinking about how a tourism

place may be designed/created to enable visitors to understand the destination's

experiential value, is included in the third level of the tourism design system. The

designer can use design thinking to evaluate the fundamental principles of the

community boundary circumstances (such as sustainability, resilience, and so

on) within which the place resides, whether actual or virtual. Understanding and

discovery are the first steps in the design thinking process, followed by offering

solutions, constructing a prototype, and lastly reviewing and redesigning. In

addition, design thinking encourages continuous review in order to enhance and

even replace early items. The fundamental ideas of design thinking in tourism are

applicable at any scale; that is, these techniques can be used to design

extremely modest places like a park bench or to lead the planning of a city or

region. While design thinking stresses the cognitive, strategic, and practical

processes involved in place design and has numerous implications beyond

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

tourism, it can be thought of as a modern version of the philosophy reflected in

Gunn's concept of Vacations cape. Many studies have found that the "best"

venues are those that combine art and science in ways that aim to increase well-

being and "refresh" the human spirit.

Smart Tourism Design

While the framework of the tourism design system outlines numerous

components, processes, and actions in developing a touristic location, Smart

Tourism Design adds an extra layer to prescribe the desired tourism design

outcomes. Smart tourism refers to the fusion of information technologies,

business ecosystems, and tourism experiences in general. Smart tourism has

evolved into a vision and a general "blueprint" that allows many countries and

cities to develop programs for developing new technological infrastructures,

developing smart end-user applications, and focusing on innovation in order to

enhance tourism experiences and increase the competitiveness and

attractiveness of their destinations over the last few years.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Fig. 2. Framework for Smart Tourism Design

Framework for smart tourism design

Smart tourism, in general, is an extension of’ smart city' projects, with specialized

applications concentrating on the tourism destination or industry. In terms of

technology use, it highlights three crucial characteristics: instrumented,

networked, and intelligent. The ability of instrumented infrastructure sensors to

measure use and conditions of the environment and other tourism assets

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

enabled by technologies such as smartphones, cloud computing, Internet of

Things, and RFID networks and interconnected systems platforms for collecting,

combining, and sharing data and information among tourism stakeholders

effectively enables cities tourism destinations to integrate, analysis, and

ultimately support optimized decimalization. In this perspective, smart tourism

growth necessitates destinations and businesses integrating personalization,

context awareness, and real-time monitoring into their management efforts via

data gathering, ubiquitous connectivity, and real-time synchronization.

Developing tourism systems to create a better environment for tourists, residents,

and enterprises inside the destination and its ecosystem is one of the goals of

making a destination’ smart.' Smart tourism is clearly not confined to simple

technological applications at a tourism location. Indeed, the’ smart' concept

encompasses and establishes the context for design in terms of the fundamental

requirement that tourism destinations integrate physical, social, and technological

infrastructures in order to improve visitor and host community experiences and

adapt to changing needs of destination stakeholders. With this in mind, smart

tourism has an impact on many aspects of tourism in a destination, including

visitors, tourism/hospitality businesses, marketing and distribution channels, as

well as their governance. The inter-relationships among destination stakeholders

are frequently subtle and complicated, necessitating a big picture or system-level

approach to destination management congruent with the holistic perspective

espoused. With a focus on the visitor experience, the essence of Smart Tourism

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Design may be summed up by the concept of quantified self, which focuses on

the individual but can easily be expanded to social groupings. An vast quantity of

data is collected and shared about one's geographical location, physiological and

psychological condition, and is utilized to comprehend an individual in a social

setting, thanks to sensors embedded in our environment and applications used in

everyday life. Using the concept of the quantified self, suggested a broad

framework for the quantified traveller, which incorporates individual traveler

previous behaviors and stored sensor data from their everyday lives into system

development during travel. This framework is made up of components that

systematically incorporate heterogeneous personal historical data, as well as

individual-level big data, into place-specific and travel-specific domains for

hospitality, transportation, communications, and place design in order to support

and enhance the tourist experience.

Fig. 3. A framework for Smart Tourism Design based on quantified travelers.

A framework for Smart Tourism Design based on quantified travelers

In this regard, recent advances in information technologies and big data analytics

play an important role in developing new measurement tools for effective

destination management. Smart Tourism Design focuses not only on how to

enhance tourism experiences, but also on how to effectively support and

integrate tourism resources such as attractions, restaurants, and parks. These

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

tools, in particular, allow destination administrators to gain a better understanding

of their products/services by tracking tourist behavior s and/or

services/experiences in both offline and online environments. In this context, it

has been proposed that there is a paradigm shift in destination management

when it comes to analyzing and measuring a destination's performance and

competitiveness. Smart destinations, enabled by information technology, are a

dynamic group of interconnected actors who allow visitors to co-create unique

and meaningful experiences in the context of place. At a systems level,

destination managers can now understand and design value by considering the

connection of experiences the customer journey within a destination, recognizing

that increasingly touristic experiences are created simultaneously in both

physical and virtual places

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Fig. 4. The Smart Tourism Design paradigm is evolving.

The curated tourism design series is now available

Over the last fifty years, our understanding of human behavior and intelligent

systems including tools has grown dramatically. Because it is experience

focused, science based, systems oriented, scalable from small to large settings,

action-constructive oriented, and employs new tools and metrics, this research

has led to an emerging area of tourism known as Design Science in Tourism

(DST). DST appears to offer a new and substantive framework for addressing

many of the challenges facing society in general, and tourism in particular.

However, much work remains to be done both in terms of increasing our

understanding of the fundamental forces affecting the travel journey and in terms

of how this information can be used to design and execute smart places that are

more human-cantered, sustainable, and resilient. It's also evident that this

knowledge will lead to a slew of future inventions that will shape travel behavior

and tourist businesses, as well as society as a whole. As a result, this study is

merely a’ starting point,' from which tourism scholars and practitioners can

continue their 'journey' toward a better world. The Annals of Tourism Research

has created a Curated Collection (CC) focusing on Smart Tourism Design and

Analytics to help achieve this goal. The purpose of this CC is to establish a track

within the journal that will continue to draw important contributions from the

greater academic community in the future. Twenty-one pieces were approved for

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

publication in the Annals in response to the initial request for papers, and they

are now formally published in this volume. The papers are divided into four


The first four papers address and demonstrate some of the most

important objectives in tourist design and development: increasing the quality of

life for visitors and community residents, and ensuring the long-term viability of

tourism destinations. These studies argue that in order to address many of

society's present difficulties, we need to modify how we think about the world, the

role of tourist, and how we measure tourism. Pauline Sheldon goes on to say that

the first step to successful transformation is for scholars and members of society

to adopt a value that favors sustainability and resilience, and that travel provides

a tremendous foundation for promoting this change. It is hoped that readers will

think about the key themes in these four papers as they hint to better methods to

build tourism destinations.

The second collection of papers looks at different aspects of traveller

behaviors as a basis for tourism design. These papers address how tourists

perceive time as part of the journey and how our senses and emotions impact

our views of human decision.

Research Locale

This study was conducting effectiveness of Smart tourism the said study among

Tourism students and for them to feel comfortable, this study was been

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

implemented on the 3rd year Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

students, these study has tested the effectiveness. We hope you appreciate

these articles based on our research. Of course, you may differ on the relevance

of particular themes, but we believe that everyone can agree that the purpose of

our effort is to help us learn more about the underlying theory and methods that

we can use to better design, create, and manage tourism destinations. We began

by debating the factors of change that are influencing our society, particularly

tourism. Many of these forces now represent existential risks to our current way

of life, challenging us to modify what we're doing and create a world that is more

humane and capable of improving future generations' quality of life. And it is with

this purpose in mind that we invite you to contribute your thoughts, research, and

activities to this Smart Tourism Design Series

Respondents/Participants of the Study

The participants of the study are the tourist of Area a Fatima 1, Sapang Palay

City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan. Participants in the qualitative research

method entitled The Effectiveness of Smart Tourism Program as a Marketing

Tool of Development of Tourism. The qualitative approach is the is a survey

methodology that connects the theoretical and practical aspects of the study

topic for research this data analysis will provide insights into smartphone usage

in particular among tourists on a journey, the sharing and searching function of it.

This article intends to contribute to a better understanding of persons with visual

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

impairments travel ambitions as well as to investigate how is smart tourism

venues could potentially improve the tourism experience they provide, to

sympathize with the target consumers and obtain insight into their needs, we

conducted multi-modal participant observations and interviews. The study

recommended a smart tourism platform for future tourism for people with visual

impairments which might boost participation, motivation and enjoyment in the

tourism experience.

Sampling Design

Our research employs the non-probability sampling under convenience sampling.

It is due to the limited time of the researchers why we conduct the sampling

method. From the year 2000 to the most recent census in 2010, the city of San

Jose Del Monte Bulacan, so a 3.64% increase in population or an additional

138,746 people. A majority of the city barangay are seeing insignificant

expansion. Fatima 1, according to census data, has a total population of 5,815

people between 2000 and 2025. There are 375 participants needed to conduct a

reliable analysis with confidence level of 95%. The margin of error is 0.5%. in

area e Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan, the

inhabitants was questioned at a central location. The availability of this location

was chosen to avoid sampling one type of tourist.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

n= N population = 5,815

[ 1+N (e)2 ] confidence level = 95%

n = 5,815

[ 1 + 5,815 ( .05)2 ]

n = 5, 815

[ 1 + 5,815 (.0025) ] Sample size = 375

n = 5, 815

1 + 14. 5

n = 5, 815



What are the categories of smart tourism?

Accessibility [/]

Digitalization [/]

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Sustainability [/]

Cultural Heritage [/]

Creativity []

What is the element of smart tourism?

Consumers [/]

Cultural activities [/]

Destination [/]

Educational opportunities [/]

Businesses []

What are the modern applications use to develop the tourism industry?

GPS services [/]

Route planning [/]

Maps [/]

Validation of the Instrument

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

The researcher validated the questionnaire by gathering necessary information

and data by assistance of our research professor and some person inside the

organization that can help the researcher in validating their questionnaire. To test

the reliability of the instrument, the draft of the questionnaire was submitted for

validation to the expert in research and to expert in the field of the study to fully

determine the reliability and appropriateness of the questionnaire.

The final instrument was printed, represented, distributed and administered

personally to the the members of the sampled the respondent participants in

____________________________ to ensure greatest efficiency and validity of

data of data to be collected and this thing bring successful outcome, as

presented findings of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

Determine what Information researchers want to collect. The first thing they need

to do is choose what details they want to collect. The researchers need to gather

a data on how smart tourism can develop the tourism industry. Set a Time frame

for Data Collection. Data collection is the systematic process of gathering

observations or measurements in research. It can be qualitative or quantitative.

The data should be regularly collected (weekly, monthly or quarterly, depending

on needs) as a part of the monitoring process. This enables swift interventions

and countermeasures to be implemented as required. Determine Your Data

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Collection Method. The data collection serves as taking a survey and collecting

information on how smart tourism can improve the tourism industry. It will

participate by the researcher/s, interviewer and interviewee. The data that will

collect by the researchers shall use in the objective of the research. Collect the

Data. It will define as the procedure of collecting, measuring and analyzing

accurate insights for research using standard validated techniques on how smart

tourism affect in the research. A researcher can evaluate their hypothesis on the

basis of collected data. Analyze the Data and Implement Your Findings. The

researchers will analyze the data collected and improve those thing need to

reconstruct on how smart tourism effectiveness in tourism industry.

Ethical Considerations

The ethical principles mean that as researchers, they needs to obtain informed

consent from potential research participants, minimize the risk of harm to

participants, protect their anonymity and confidentiality, avoid using deceptive

practices and give participants the right to. The researchers need to considerate

the results of the study to improve smart tourism in tourism industry.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Statistical Treatment of the Data


The researcher collected, filed and summarized the information individually.

The percentage approach, weighted mean average, independent t-test, square of

mean, and standard error of estimate are used to treat the responses of each

question and category based on the individual problem highlighted.

The following statistical computations were performed on the data returned.

1. Percentage- it is used as descriptive statistical tool which described a part

as a whole using the following formula.

P= x 100


P= percentage

F= frequency

N= total number of respondents

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

2. Weighted Mean- it is used to measure the satisfaction level on the

products and services which are computed using the weighted mean. It is

done by multiplying each value in the group by the appropriate weighted

factors and the product will be summed-up and divided by the total

number of respondents.

(f )(W )


WM= Weighted Mean

f= frequency

W= weight of response

N= total number of respondents

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Chapter 3


Research Problem 1:

Research Problem 2:

Research Problem 3:

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Chapter 4



Summary of Findings

Relative to Problem 1:

Relative to Problem 2:

Relative to Problem 3:


Relative to Finding 1:

Relative to Finding 2:

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Relative to Finding 3:


Relative to Conclusion 1:

Relative to Conclusion 2:

Relative to Conclusion 3:

Other Recommendations

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Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines


Online Sources

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Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines




College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan


Sir / Madam:

Greetings of Peace and Joy!

We are the students of the Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc. conducting a

study entitled: which aims to [Click or tap here to enter the primary objective of

the study]. This study is part of the requirements for the degree of [Click or tap

here to enter your Course].

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

In this regard, we would like to request your permission and allow us to

administer our research instrument. Rest assured that the data gathered will be

held with the utmost confidentiality.

Your favorable response will be of great help for the realization of this thesis.

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

Noted by:

Research Group’s Adviser Research Course Facilitator

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines



College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan


Sir / Madam:

Greetings of Peace and Joy!

We are the students of the Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc. conducting a

study entitled: which aims to [Click or tap here to enter the primary objective of

the study]. This study is part of the requirements for the degree of [Click or tap

here to enter your Course].

In this regard, we would like to request for your good office a . Rest assured that

the data gathered will be held with the utmost confidentiality.

Your favorable response will be of great help for the realization of this thesis.

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Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

[Click or tap here to enter Name]

[Click or tap here to enter Name]

[Click or tap here to enter Name]

Noted by:

Research Group’s Adviser Research Course Facilitator



Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines



College of Tourism and Hospitality Management


City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan


Sir / Madam:

Greetings of Peace and Joy!

We are the students of the Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc. conducting a

study entitled: [Click or tap here to enter Research Title] which aims to [Click

or tap here to enter the primary objective of the study]. This study is part of the

requirements for the degree of [Click or tap here to enter your Course].

In this regard, may we have the pride and honor to have you as one of the

research experts to validate our survey questionnaires by giving your invaluable

comments and suggestions. Your much-sought participation will highly lend the

necessary credence to our research work.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Your favorable attention and action to our request will be of great help to the

complete realization of the thesis. Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

[Click or tap here to enter Name]

[Click or tap here to enter Name]

[Click or tap here to enter Name]

Noted by:

Research Group’s Adviser Research Course Facilitator



Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Name of Validator:



Direction: This tool asks for your evaluation of the questionnaire to be used in

data gathering for the investigation stated above, to establish its validity. You are

requested to give your honest assessment using the criteria stated below; Please

choose only one from the selection.

Scal Interpretatio Description

e n

The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased

4 Highly Valid
data for investigation, allowing 0 – 5% error.

The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased

3 Valid
data for investigation, allowing 6 – 10% error.

The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased

2 Less Valid
data for investigation, allowing 11 – 20% error.

Not Valid at The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased

all data for investigation, allowing more than 20% error.

Indicators 4 3 2 1

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

1. Clarity and Direction of Items.

 The vocabulary level, language & structure are at the

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
conceptual level of the participants/respondents.

 The test directions and the items are written clearly and
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

2. Presentation and Organization of Items.

 The items are presented and organized in a logical

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

3. Suitability of Items.

 The items appropriately presented the

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
substance/content of the research.

 The questions/items are designed to determine what is

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
supposed to be measured.

4. Adequateness of the Content.

 The number of the questions/items per domain/area is

representative enough of all questions needed for the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐


5. Attainment of the Purpose.

 The instrument as a whole can fulfill the objectives ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

needed for the research.

6. Objective.

 Each item question/indicator requires only one specific

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
answer or measures only one behavior.

7. Scale and Evaluation of Rating.

 The scale adapted/used is appropriate for the

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Remarks: (recommendations for the improvement of the tool)

Evaluator's Signature Over Printed Name

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Adapted to:

Samosa, R.C. (2021). From Test Validity to Construct Validity & Back: Theory

and Application in the Experimental Design in Science Action Research.

Philippine Association of Physics and Science Instructors, De La Salle

University, Manila.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines


Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines



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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Institution Name:

Year Graduated:



Institution Name:

Year Graduated:

Honors / Awards:


Institution Name:

Year Graduated:

Honors / Awards:


Institution Name:

Year Graduated:


Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines





Inclusive Dates:





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I hereby certify that all information stated above is true and correct.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

Signature over printed name


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