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Nama : Nurhalifah

NIM : 045275371
Prodi : Ilmu Komunikasi | UPBJJ-UT Makassar
Diskusi 5 Bahasa Inggris

1) The Difference Between Request letter, Complaint Letter, and Thanking Letter
 A Request Letter : We use it when we want of requesting for a catalogue, requesting for
price list, requesting for prospectuses, requesting for details, requesting for sampel,
demonstration, requesting for discount, requesting methods of payment, requesting for
estimate, and requesting for approval from one government, people of authority or
 The example below is a request letter for asking discount of product.

Jl. Pampang Raya IV
Makassar, Indonesia

November 2, 2022

Winson Waisakurnia

Jl. Mawar Merah IV

Jakarta, Indonesia


Subject: Discount of Production

Dear Winson Waisakurnia,

Bana Enterprises has been your valuable customer for the past 10 years that we have

been in the business. We have always come to you for our packaging needs and feel

that our companies have established a strong professional relationship with each other.

For this production year, we are expecting a boom in the production of the goods we

make and sell because of our recent expansion to numerous other states. It is for this

reason that we buy from you.

I hope that you can give us a call at the soonest possible time so that we can disscuss
this matter further. We are hoping for your positive reply to our request. Big thank you!



Purchasing Manager

 A Complaint Letter : We use it when we are not satisfied with some service or you have a
problem that needs to be addressed.
 The example below is a complaint letter for the poor service.

Pampang Raya IV
Makassar, Indonesia 29425

November 2, 2022

Jessyca Mulan
Telkom Ltd
Melati Putih A1 Jakarta, Indonesia

To whom it may concern:

I am writing today to complain of the poor service I received from your company on March 23,
2022. I was visited by a representative of The Indohi Company, Mrs. Bianca, at my home that

Mrs. Bianca was four hours late for his appointment and offered nothing by way of apology
when she arrived at noon. Your representative did not remove her muddy shoes upon entering
my house and consequently left a trail of firt in the hallway. Mrs. Bianca then proceeded to
present a range of products to me that I had specifically told his assistant by telephone that I
was not interested in. I repeatedly tried to ask your representative about the products that were
of interest to me, but she refused to deal with my questions. We ended our meeting after 20
minutes without either of us having accomplished anything.

I am most annoyed that I wasted a morning (and half a day’s vacation) waiting for Mrs. Bianca to
show up. My impression of The Indohi Company has been tarnished, and I am now concerned
about how my existing business is being managed by your firm.
Furthermore, Mrs. Bianca’s inability to remove her muddy shoes has meant that I have had to
engage the services, and incur the expense, of a professional carpet cleaner.

I trust this is not the way The Indohi Company wishes to conduct business with valued
customers-I have been with you since the company was founded and have never encountered
such treatment before. I would welcome the opprtunity to discuss matters further and to learn
how you propose to prevent a similar situation from recurring. I look forward to hearing from

Yours faithfully,


 A Thanking Letter : We use it when we wish to express appreciation and gratitude towards the
other person.
 The example below is a thanking letter for job interview.

November 2, 2022
123 Lisa Street
Makassar, Indonesia

Winson Waisakurnia
The Indohi Company
Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Mr. Waisakurnia,

Thank your for your opportunity to interview for the position of Business Analyst. I am very
interested in the position and excited about prospect of working in Management Development
Division at The Indohi Company.
I feel that I would be a valuable asset to your organization and an excellent candidate to fill this

Yours sincerely,

2) A Thanking Letter to A Friend for Receiving the Gift

Dear Winson Waisakurnia,

Most hearty thanks for the birthday present! It certainly was nice to be remembered and
especially nice to receive a beautiful gown.

I enjoyed wearing it and I always look mirror that I am such a pretty princess. I am really
fortunate to have a friend like you who is trustworthy and always helpful. I assure you that I will
definitely come and be a part of your special moment if you need any help from me. Please feel
free to call me for the same. It would be a privilege for me if I could be of any help to you.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

With regards,



 Ashadi, et al. (2020). Bahasa Inggris (BMP); 6.30 / MKWI4201 / Letter of Appreciation.
Tangerang Selatan: Penerbit Universitas Terbuka.
 Ashadi, et al. (2020). Bahasa Inggris (BMP); 5.38-5.39 / MKWI4201 / Letter of Request.
Tangerang Selatan: Penerbit Universitas Terbuka.
 Ashadi, et al. (2020). Bahasa Inggris (BMP); 5.13 / MKWI4201 / Letter of Request.
Tangerang Selatan: Penerbit Universitas Terbuka.

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