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BSEM 35 (MA’AM MOJICA) is facilitated by reflective thinking, rather than just

M O D U L E 1 Problem Solving and Mathematics experiencing them in the context of real-life situations.
Education  Constructivism
A. Introduction to Problem-Solving in Mathematics Constructivism is the theory that argues that
What is Problem Solving? knowledge is constructed when a learner is able to
Mathematics consists of skills and processes. Problem draw ideas from his own experiences and connect
Solving is a mathematical process. It is part of the them to new ideas that are connect in a way that only
Strand of Mathematical Processes along with Logic and he could have previously been able to make sense of.
Reasoning, and Communication. This is the side of  Cooperative Learning
mathematics that enables us to use the skills in a wide Cooperative Learning puts premium on active
variety of situations. learning achieved by working with fellow learners as
Problem solving is the process of designing and they all engage in a shared task.
carrying out a set of steps to reach a goal. Usually the  Discovery and;
term problem is used to refer to a situation where it is  Inquiry-based Learning
not immediately obvious how to reach the goal. The Discovery and Inquiry-based learning (Bruner,
exact same situation can be a problem for one person 1961) support the idea that students learn when they
and not a problem at all for another. make use of personal experiences to discover facts,
But how do we do Problem Solving? relationships and concepts.
There appear to be four basic steps. Pólya enunciated Factors Affecting Problem Solving
these in 1945 but all of them were known and used An effective solution of a problem is dependent upon a
well before then. And we mean well before then. The number of factors. These include:
Ancient Greek mathematicians like Euclid and - Nature of the problem
Pythagoras certainly knew how it was done. A mathematical problem is a procedure, which
Pólya’s four stages of problem solving are listed below. requires you to discover which information is given, to
Four Stages of Problem Solving rank the given points, to find what the problem asks
1. Understand and explore the problem; you to do and then solve it. The correct answer matters
2. Find a strategy; a lot since in the future, students will be asked to take
3. Use the strategy to solve the problem; mathematics exams, for which they have to achieve a
4. Look back and reflect on the solution. high mark.
- Degree of difference between the initial and the goal
Although we have listed the Four Stages of Problem state
Solving in order, for difficult problems it may not be In such situations problem space is more
possible to simply move through them consecutively to disorganized and the operator is required to take more
produce an answer. It is frequently the case that steps to reach to the solution.
children move backwards and forwards between and - Functional fixedness
across the steps. Another way of looking at the Functional fixedness is the inability to realize that
Problem Solving process is what might be called the something known to have a particular use may also be
scientific approach. used to perform other functions. When one is faced
K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum with a new problem, functional fixedness blocks one’s
Conceptual Framework ability to use old tools in novel ways.
The framework is supported by the following learning B. George Polya’s four phases of Problem-Solving in
principles and theories: Mathematics
 Experiential and Situated Learning George Polya, known as the father of modern problem
Experiential learning as advocated by David Kolb solving, did extensive studies and wrote numerous
is learning that occurs by making sense of direct mathematical papers and three books about problem
everyday experiences. Situated learning, theorized by solving. I'm going to show you his method of problem
Lave and Wenger,is learning in the same context on solving to help step you through these problems.
which concepts and theories are applied. Knowledge Polya created his famous four-step process for problem
results from the combination of grasping and solving, which is used all over to aid people in problem
transforming experience. solving:
 Reflective Learning Step 1: Understand the problem
Reflective Learning is when students are able to If you are unclear as to what needs to be solved, then
think about their experiences and process these you are probably going to get the wrong results. In
allowing them to make sense and meaning of their order to show an understanding of the problem, you
experiences. Reflective Learning refers to learning that need to read the problem carefully. Some people jump
the gun and start solving the problem before they have - Silver described problem posing as it is refers to both
read the whole problem. the generation of new problems and the
Step 2: Devise a plan (translate) re-formulation of given problems, posing can occur
When you devise a plan (translate), you come up with before, during or after the solution of a problem (Silver,
a way to solve the problem. Setting up an equation, 1993).
drawing a diagram, and making a chart are all ways - Stoyanova has defined mathematical problem posing
you can go about solving your problem. In this tutorial, as the process by which, on the basis of concrete
we will be setting up equations for each problem and situations, meaningful mathematical problems are
translating them into an equation. formulated (Stoyanova, 1996).
Step 3: Carry out the plan (solve) Skills in Problem Posing
The next step, carry out the plan (solve), is big. This is 1) Use problem-solving strategies to investigate and
where you solve the equation you came up with in solve the posed problems.
your 'devise a plan' step. 2) Formulate problems from every day and
Step 4: Look back mathematical situations.
In problem solving it is good to look back (check and 3) Use a proper approach for posing problems up to
interpret). Basically, check to see if you used all your the mathematical situations.
information and that the answer makes sense. If your 4) Recognize relationships among different topics in
answer does check out, make sure that you write your mathematics.
final answer with the correct labeling. 5) Generalize solutions and strategies to new problem
M O D U L E 2 Mathematical Investigations and 6) Pose complex problems as well as simple problems.
Modeling 7) Use different subjects' applications in posing
Closed Versus Open-ended Problems mathematical problems.
Closed problems involves identifying and recording all 8) The ability of generating questions to improve
aspects of the deviation from the norm, from which problem posing strategies like: How can I finish the
you can begin to deduce the possible causes. A problem? Can I pose another questions? How many
preliminary definition of a closed problem might be, solutions can I find?
for example, 'quality control has detected a 15% How are Problem-Posing Skills Related to Problem-
increase in rejects of component A during the past Solving Skills?
week'. This type of definition is of little help in locating Silver and Cai found that students’ problem solving
the cause of such a problem, but it's a starting point for performance was highly correlated with their
making a detailed description of the situation. problem- posing performance. Compared to less
An open-ended problem is defined in terms of goals. successful problem solvers, good problem solvers
Write the objectives as a statement of what you want generated more, and more complex, mathematical
to achieve by solving the problem. The definition needs problems.
to be precise, to give aid and direction to your search Benefits of Problem Posing
for solutions, but at the same time identify all the  It frees learners from the one-answer syndrome.
possible goals which would contribute your overall  It enables learners to view common things in
objective. uncommon ways.
**Open-ended problems are related to a need or desire  It legitimizes asking questions.
to improve upon the current situation and there is an  It fosters the predicting, conjecturing, and testing
inevitable risk that you may fail to benefit, or even of hypotheses.
change the situation for the worse. Many of the  It builds a spirit of adventure, intellectual
techniques described for defining open-ended excitement, and class unity.
problems can be applied to defining closed problems  It demonstrates the spiraling nature of inquiry
once their cause (the obstacle) has been identified. learning. No problem is really solved.
Problem Posing  It develops a sense of personal ownership and
Problem posing has a special importance in the study responsibility for mathematical investigations.
of mathematics; it is of a central importance in the Ways to Change a Problem
discipline of mathematics and in the nature of Some ways to change a problem to create new
mathematical thinking. problems:
What is Problem Posing?  Change the numbers.
- Dunker described problem posing in mathematics as  Change the geometry.
the generation of a new problem or the formulation of  Change the operation.
a given problem. (Dunker, 1945).  Change the objects under study.
 Remove a condition, or add new conditions. **Haines and Crouch (2007) characterize
 Remove or add context. mathematical modeling as a cyclical process in which
 Repeat a process. real-life problems are translated into mathematical
Silver and cai (2005) identified three criteria that are language, solved within a symbolic system, and the
commonly applicable to most problem posing tasks: solutions tested back within the real-life system.
1. Quantity - refers to the number of correct responses **According to Verschaffel, Greer, and De Corte (2002),
generated from the problem posing task. mathematical modeling is a process in which real life
2. Originality - is also another feature of responses that situations and relations in these situations are
can possibly be used as a criterion to measure students’ expressed by using mathematics.
creativity. **Lesh and Doerr (2003a) describe mathematical
3. Complexity - refers to the cognitive demands of the modeling as a process in which existing conceptual
task. It can be categorized as low, moderate, or high. systems and models are used to create and develop
LOW COMPLEXITY new models in new contexts.
MODERATE COMLEXITY In simplest terms, a mathematical model is an
HIGH COMPLEXITY abstraction or simplification that allows us to
What is Mathematical Investigation? summarize (describe) a system. Once you have a
Mathematical investigation is the sustained exploration mathematical model you have a list of inputs and a list
of a mathematical situation and provides an of outputs and some sort of definite algorithm that tells
opportunity for the development of you what the outputs will be given the inputs.
independent\mathematical thinking. It is these Model and Mathematical Model
thinking processes which enable an individual to learn - According to Lesh and Doerr (2003a), a model
more mathematics, apply mathematics in other consists of both conceptual systems in learners’ minds
disciplines and solve mathematical (and and the external notation systems of these systems
non-mathematic) problems. (e.g., ideas, representations, rules, and materials). A
Mathematical investigations can be a useful tool when model is used to understand and interpret complex
teaching mathematics, including teaching mathematics systems in nature.
to very young students (Diezmann, et al., 2001). They - Lehrer and Schauble (2003) describe a model as an
can be used to encourage curiosity, debate and attempt to construct an analogy between an unfamiliar
communication and often address a range of outcomes system and a previously known or familiar system.
and link different subject areas. Accordingly, people make sense of real-life situations
The students will experience the following and interpret them by using models.
mathematical processes which are the emphasis of - Lehrer and Schauble (2007) describe this process as
mathematical investigation: model based thinking and emphasize its
 systematic exploration of the given situation. developmental nature. They also characterize the
 formulating problems and conjectures. levels of model based thinking as hierarchical.
 attempting to provide mathematical justifications What are the objectives of mathematical modeling?
for the conjectures. Forecasting the future, preventing an unwanted future,
A mathematical investigation is typically defined as an understanding various 'natural' and 'unnatural'
investigation that involves a collection of mathematical phenomena are some possibilities expressed in very
and problem solving based issues. Such issues mathematical terms.
generally have multiple uses and purposes. They are Benefits of building and using mathematical models:
typically open-ended in their content. There are  Ability to predict system behavior
generally more than one possible solution, and use  A clear idea of the important inputs and outputs
more than one method in solving the issue at hand.  Ability to analyze anomalous behavior by
What is Mathematical Modeling? comparing it to the modelpredicted behavior
Mathematics is often called "the language of the What is a Good Model?
universe". With mathematics, we can describe and Building good models is an art. Nevertheless, we can
make predictions about the behavior of things around state seven criteria for good models.
us. Models describe our beliefs about how the world  A good model has a clearly specified object of
functions. In mathematical modelling, we translate modeling, that is, it is clear what thing the model
those beliefs into the language of mathematics. describes.
Mathematical models use the language of mathematics  A good model has a clearly specified purpose and
to very effectively describe, understand and evaluate (ideally) contributes to the realization of that
systems. purpose.
 A good model is traceable: each structural element What is conjecture?
of a model either (1) corresponds to an aspect of Something believe to be true based on observations. It
the object of modelling, or (2) encodes some is like your opinion about something that you noticed
implicit domain knowledge, or (3) encodes some or even an educated guess.
additional assumption. A conclusion made by using inductive reasoning, it can
 A good model is truthful: relevant properties of the be true or false.
model should also carry over to (hold for) the What is inductive reasoning?
object of modelling. This is the type of reasoning that reaches conclusion
 A good model is simple (but not too simple). Avoid based on patterns.
ugly encodings. Preferably, the model uses stable, Reasoning that uses a number of specific examples to
well-defined and well-understood concepts and arrive at a conclusion.
 A good model is extensible and reusable, that is, it
has been designed to evolve and be used beyond
its original purpose.
 A good model has been designed and encoded for
interoperability and sharing of semantics.

M O D U L E 3 Problem Solving Heuristics

What is Heuristic?
According to wiki heuristic technique, or a heuristic
originated from Ancient Greek heurískō, which means
“I find or discover”, it is any approach to problem
solving or self-discovery that employs a practical
method that is not guaranteed to be optimal, perfect, or
rational, but is nevertheless sufficient for reaching an
immediate, short-term goal or approximation. Where
finding an optimal solution is impossible or impractical,
heuristic methods can be used to speed up the process
of finding a satisfactory solution. Heuristics can be
mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making
a decision.
**Heuristic techniques are not a formal
problem-solving model as such, but can be used as an
approach to problem solving, where solutions are not
expected to produce a perfect or optimal solution.
**Heuristics are usually mental shortcuts that help
with the thinking processes in problem solving. We
have either learnt these techniques – usually
informally, or they are hard wired for survival. We
often use them automatically to solve a problem.
**Relying only heuristics to solve a problem works
well as a quick fix or when the alternative solution is
impractical – it may cost too much, be unusable in the
current environment, or be a long-term project.
What is a pattern?
Pattern in nature are visible regularities found in the
natural world. These patterns persist in different
context and can be modelled mathematically. With
patterns we can learn to predict the future.
A pattern is a series or sequence that repeats. You can
observe patterns - things like colors, shapes, actions, or
other sequences that repeat - everywhere. Math
patterns are sequences that repeat based on a rule, and
a rule is a set way to calculate or solve a problem.

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