The Chlorite Proximitor - A New Tool For Detecting Porphyry Ore Deposits

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The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits

Article  in  Journal of Geochemical Exploration · January 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2015.01.005


97 3,067

8 authors, including:

Jamie J Wilkinson Zhaoshan Chang

Natural History Museum, London Colorado School of Mines


David R. Cooke Mike Baker

University of Tasmania University of Tasmania


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Understanding ore-forming processes and developing exploration tools in the Irish Zn-Pb orefield View project

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The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits
Jamie J. Wilkinson a,b,⁎, Zhaoshan Chang a,1, David R. Cooke a, Michael J. Baker a, Clara C. Wilkinson a,2,
Shaun Inglis a, Huayong Chen a,3, J. Bruce Gemmell a
ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposit Research (CODES), University of Tasmania, Private Bag 79, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The major, minor and trace element chemistry of chlorite were evaluated as a tool for mineral exploration in the
Received 21 August 2014 propylitic environment of porphyry ore deposits. Chlorite from eighty propylitically altered samples, located up
Accepted 19 January 2015 to 5 km from the Batu Hijau Cu–Au porphyry deposit in Indonesia, was analyzed using electron microprobe and
Available online xxxx
laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results show that a variety of elements, in-
cluding K, Li, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn and Pb, are probably incorporated in the chlorite lattice and display
systematic spatial variations relative to the porphyry center. Ti, V and Mg decrease exponentially in concentration
Chemistry with increasing distance, whereas the others increase. Ratioing the former to the latter provides a variety of ratios
Propylitic that vary up to four orders of magnitude, providing sensitive vectoring parameters. Chlorite geothermometry
Porphyry suggests that Ti is substituted into chlorite as a function of crystallization temperature and thus maps out the
Exploration thermal anomaly associated with the mineralized center. By contrast, Mn and Zn display a maximum in chlorite
Geothermometry at a distance of ~1.3 km that mirrors the whole rock anomaly for these metals, reflecting their lateral advection
into the wall rocks by magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. The recognizable footprint defined by chlorite composi-
tions extends to at least 4.5 km, significantly beyond the whole rock anomalism (≤1.5 km) and thus represents
a powerful new exploration tool for detecting porphyry systems. Variations in chlorite chemistry are very sys-
tematic in the inner propylitic zone (to distances of ~2.5 km), thereby providing a precise vectoring tool in a do-
main where other tools are typically ineffective. In this zone, equations of the form:
n . o
x¼ a

can be formulated, where the distance to center, x, is predicted based on a variety of element ratios in chlorite R,
and where a and b are exponential fit parameters. Importantly, distal chlorite compositions in porphyry-related
propylitic alteration systems are also shown to be distinct from metamorphic chlorite, allowing the external
fringes of porphyry-related hydrothermal systems to be distinguished from “background” regional metamor-
phism or geothermal alteration.
© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction Deposits are typically centered within an alteration halo that displays
characteristic mineralogical and chemical zoning patterns (Lowell &
Porphyry ore deposits represent remarkable accumulations of Guilbert, 1970). This footprint is a key guide for exploration, providing
metals, in particular Cu, Mo and Au, which are precipitated from hydro- a larger (up to 10 km radius) target area within which mineralization
thermal fluids in an intrusive host and surrounding country rocks. may exist. However, the mineral assemblages that characterize these
alteration zones may be present within barren hydrothermal systems,
or produced by processes such as regional metamorphism. Discriminat-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom. Tel.:+44 20 79425334. ing mineralized and barren environments, locating hydrothermal cen-
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.J. Wilkinson). ters within or beneath a zone of altered rocks, and recognizing the
Current address: School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Building 34, James Cook fringes of ore systems continue to be great challenges to the exploration
University, Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia. industry. From a scientific standpoint, the controls on the formation of
Current address: Department of Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell
Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom.
these huge alteration zones are incompletely understood.
Current address: Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Here, we present microprobe and laser ablation inductively-coupled
511 Kehua Street, Tianhe, PO Box 1131, Guangzhou, China, 510640. plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analyses of chlorite from the
0375-6742/© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
2 J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

propylitic alteration halo of the giant Batu Hijau porphyry copper–gold between primary magmatic waters and unevolved meteoric waters
deposit in Indonesia. The results represent a breakthrough for during the initial phase of potassic–propylitic alteration. At
exploration because they show that the chemistry of chlorite, one of Bingham, Utah, Bowman et al. (1987) documented a number of sys-
the most common alteration minerals in hydrothermal systems, varies tematic changes with increasing distance from the deposit:
systematically and can be used as a tool to determine the direction (1) changes in the major element composition of biotite, epidote
towards, and estimate the distance from, mineralized intrusions. and chlorite; (2) decreases in fluid inclusion homogenization tem-
Chlorite geothermometry suggests that some trace elements (e.g., Ti) peratures and salinities; and (3) decreasing calculated δ18OH2O and
may be controlled by crystallization temperature, reflecting conduction increasing δDH2O. These patterns were interpreted in terms of either
and advection of heat away from a magmatic-hydrothermal center. mixing between magmatic fluids and an increasing proportion out-
Anomalous concentrations of metals that are typically enriched in wards of formation water enriched in deuterium, or isotopic ex-
porphyry magmatic-hydrothermal fluids indicate either that fluxes of change of meteoric water with igneous rock at low water/rock
magmatic fluids influence a much larger volume of rock than previously ratios over a range of temperatures. Again, the possibility that the
thought, or extensive outward remobilization or dispersion of calculated isotope compositions of fluids could be explained purely
magmatic metals occurs via circulating formation waters at elevated by magmatic fluids undergoing cooling and exchange with host
temperature. Chlorite compositions from the distal fringes of the rocks at decreasing temperature, although modeled as viable, was
porphyry system are also distinct from metamorphic chlorites, not considered likely.
providing a practical environmental discriminator. Studies of the trace element chemistry of propylitic minerals in
porphyry systems are limited. In particular, we are not aware of
2. The green rock environment any detailed studies utilizing LA-ICP-MS which delivers much
lower limits of detection than other routine methods. To test the po-
The ‘green rock’ environment of propylitic alteration, in which tential of trace element chemistry of propylitic minerals as a monitor
hydrothermal minerals such as actinolite, albite, epidote, calcite of hydrothermal processes in the proximal to distal alteration zones
and chlorite form, typically represents the most distal, weakest associated with intrusion-centered hydrothermal systems, we
imprint of hydrothermal activity. Such alteration may develop in a carried out a detailed study of the Batu Hijau porphyry copper–
wide range of ore deposit systems, including porphyry Cu, Cu–Mo gold system on Sumbawa Island in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province,
or Cu–Au, epithermal Au–Ag, and during retrograde alteration of eastern Indonesia (Fig. 1).
skarns (Cooke et al., 2014; Dilles et al., 1992; Gustafson & Hunt,
1975; Lowell & Guilbert, 1970; Meinert, 1992; Schwartz, 1947; 3. Geological setting
Seedorff et al., 2005; Sillitoe, 2000, 2010; Simmons et al., 2005).
Traditionally, this domain has been one of the most difficult to Batu Hijau formed at ~ 3.7 Ma during collision between the
explore within because the weak alteration intensity commonly Indian–Australian plate and the Timorese segment of the Banda
renders conventional geochemical and geophysical techniques arc, is possibly linked to subduction of the Roo Rise (Garwin, 2002).
ineffective for locating mineralization. The Banda arc in this region consists of: (1) a Late Oligocene to
In porphyry systems, propylitic alteration is now generally regarded as Early Miocene calc-alkaline basaltic–andesitic arc (the “Old
temporally equivalent to the higher temperature potassic zone (e.g., Andesites” of van Bemmelen (1949)); (2) a Middle Miocene to
Sillitoe, 2010). Propylitic alteration has been subdivided into several sub- Pliocene calc-alkaline arc composed of basaltic to andesitic volcanic
zones (e.g., Ballantyne, 1981; Cooke et al., 2014; Norman et al., 1991), rocks and intrusions of calc-alkaline and tholeiitic affinity
with an inner, high temperature subzone (actinolite–epidote–chlorite), (Hamilton, 1979; Hutchison, 1989; Soerja-Atmadja et al., 1994);
grading outward into intermediate (epidote–chlorite–calcite) and then and (3) Quaternary basaltic to dacitic, and locally rhyolitic, volcanic
distal subzones (chlorite–calcite–hematite). These assemblages have cover. Batu Hijau is a classic example of a giant porphyry copper–
been mapped in detail in several porphyry systems (Garwin, 2000, gold deposit, containing 1.64 billion tonnes of ore at average grades
2002; Norman et al., 1991) and in contemporary geothermal environ- of 0.44% Cu and 0.35 g/t Au.
ments (Rae et al., 2003). The Batu Hijau district is located within a relatively uplifted block,
Propylitic alteration is tacitly considered to be quite well and is within 30 km of a major arc-transverse, left-lateral oblique-slip
understood, yet there is a paucity of research, particularly in the fault zone, the trace of which coincides with the surface projection of
recent literature, on chemical mass transfer or isotope systematics an inferred tear or kink in the subducting slab. This fault controls the dis-
that might constrain the relative roles of magmatic, meteoric and tribution of volcanosedimentary units, the location of Neogene
formation waters in its development. One study of the Ann Mason intrusions and the present coastline of the island. The oldest exposed
porphyry in the Yerington district, Nevada, documented oxygen rock sequence comprises volcanic sandstone with minor volcanic
and hydrogen isotope compositions of propylitically altered samples mudstone and local limestones biostratigraphically dated at 21–15 Ma
that were indistinguishable from primary igneous rocks (Dilles et al., (Adams, 1984; Berggren et al., 1995). This is overlain by volcanic lithic
1992), with calculated oxygen and hydrogen fluid compositions breccia with minor volcanic sandstone and conglomerate. A variety
consistent with either magmatic–meteoric fluid mixtures or cooling of intermediate, hypabyssal intrusions were emplaced into this
and equilibration of magmatic fluids with country rocks. In contrast, sequence between ~ 15 and 4 Ma (Garwin, 2000). Porphyritic horn-
Norman et al. (1991) showed that at Tintic, Utah, there were blende tonalite was emplaced between 5.0 and 4.7 Ma, and porphyritic
systematic variations in chlorite and epidote major element dacite about 3.9 Ma. At 3.8–3.7 Ma, the tonalite porphyry stock related
compositions within the various propylitic subzones and in the to the Batu Hijau mineralization was emplaced. This is a subvertical,
oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of altered rocks and cylindrical, composite intrusion about 200–300 m in diameter,
propylitic minerals, with an outward decrease in δ18O and δD. This consisting of pre-mineralization “old tonalite”, syn-mineralization
was attributed to the mixing between unevolved meteoric water “intermediate tonalite” and post-main mineralization “young tonalite”.
on the fringes of the system with isotopically-exchanged meteoric Late in the igneous evolution, an andesitic diatreme formed in the
water in the core of the system (or possibly a late incursion of center of the Batu Hijau district.
magmatic water), apparently influenced by the prevailing view at Batu Hijau provides an ideal setting for a study of alteration
the time that meteoric waters dominated much of the life of mineral chemistry because it consists of a simple, strongly mineral-
porphyry-hydrothermal systems (Sheppard et al., 1971). Such data ized tonalite intrusion emplaced into a relatively homogeneous
today would probably be interpreted as reflecting the mixing intermediate volcanic rock sequence that developed a classically

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

105°E 120°E 135°E

Pacific N
(3.3 Ma) 800 kilometers
Plate Halmahera
Borneo 0°

Eurasian (3 Ma)
Plate Ok Tedi
(1.1 Ma)
Batu Hijau
Java (3.7 Ma)

Trench 10°S

Subduction zone
Roo Indian-
Strike-slip fault Rise Australian Plate

Fig. 1. Map showing the location of Batu Hijau on Sumbawa Island, Indonesia, north of the Java Trench.

zoned hydrothermal alteration pattern (Fig. 2). Alteration consists plagioclase) ± chlorite zone that forms a broad alteration halo
of: (1) a core of intense biotite alteration (~ 400 m diameter) around the mineralized centers; and (5) a low temperature, epidote
centered on the host tonalite porphyries; (2) an outer zone of weaker absent, chlorite zone (Garwin, 2002; Fig. 2). Hydrothermal pyrite ex-
secondary biotite (extending an additional 500 m); (3) a high tempera- tends approximately 1.5 km from the deposit center (Fig. 2). A com-
ture propylitic sub-zone comprising actinolite ± epidote (veins and plicating factor in the alteration history of the area, in addition to the
replacement) ± chlorite that forms a west-northwesterly-trending weakly mineralized Sekongkang system, includes the presence of an
zone between Batu Hijau and the Sekongkang porphyry prospect epithermal vein system at Bambu, ~ 3 km to the west-southwest of
(Fig. 2); (4) an intermediate temperature, epidote (replacement of Batu Hijau (Fig. 2).

Limi Idul Fitri
to f map area Mine dumps

Ridge Katala


1000 m Limit
of ma
p are
Sample site a
Actinolite present (approximate)
Epidote veins and replacement of plagioclase
Epidote replacement of plagioclase
Chlorite only Limit of relict or weak biotite

Fig. 2. Early stage alteration map of the Batu Hijau district (modified after Garwin, 2000) showing sample locations.

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
4 J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Epidote mostly occurs in the actinolite and epidote zones, where signal were avoided during signal integration or, if heavily contaminat-
it typically occurs as patchy replacements (N20%) of plagioclase ed, the analysis was discarded.
or hornblende phenocrysts or in pyrite- or quartz-bearing veins.
In the outer epidote zone, less than 20% of the feldspar and
5.1. Spatial variations in chlorite composition
mafic phenocrysts have been replaced and veins are rare, thin
and discontinuous. Chlorite is observed in almost all of the
5.1.1. Major and trace element concentrations
rocks sampled, including slightly abnormal composition grains
In map view, a number of chlorite compositional parameters
overprinting biotite in the inner biotite zone (see Section 5.1.1).
show systematic spatial variability relative to the Batu Hijau center,
Calcite is sporadic and the distribution irregular. Albite was rarely
particularly within a 2.5 km radius of the deposit. Notably, Ti and Sr
are enriched and depleted respectively in chlorite proximal to the
deposit (Fig. 4). Inspection of the Ti data suggests that samples locat-
4. Methods ed at distances greater than 3 km from Batu Hijau along the south-
west sampling traverse do not fit the systematic pattern around
Eighty samples, principally of porphyritic andesite and volcanic the deposit and may be related to other factors (e.g., a protolith con-
lithic breccia (basalt to basaltic–andesite composition), plus two trol, or proximity to an unknown, buried intrusion). The data also in-
limestones and five samples of the ore-hosting tonalites, were dicate that Ti concentrations are relatively high at a given distance
collected from outcrop and drill core in a series of traverses away from the deposit on the western sampling traverse; conversely, Sr
from the deposit from within the weak biotite, actinolite, epidote concentrations are unusually low on this traverse. This suggests a
and chlorite propylitic sub-zones (Fig. 2). Sixty samples were degree of asymmetry in the pattern of trace element substitution in
subject to whole rock geochemical analysis (AA lithogeochemical propylitic chlorite around Batu Hijau.
package, ACME Laboratories, Vancouver). Sub-samples containing Plotting element concentrations as a function of radial distance
minerals of interest were prepared as polished resin mounts for from the center of the porphyry system reveals a number of
SEM backscattered electron imaging of mineral relationships, patterns (Fig. 5). These can be divided into: (1) decreasing outward;
electron microprobe wavelength dispersive analysis (EMP-WDS) (2) increasing outward; and (3) displaying a marked shoulder, or
and laser ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometry maximum, at a certain distance from the center of the system.
(LA-ICP-MS). Among group 1 elements, the most pronounced trend is the
Major and minor elements in individual chlorite grains were enrichment of Ti in proximal chlorite (Fig. 5A), which is mirrored
determined using a Cameca SX100 electron microprobe housed in by Mg. Other elements that decrease outward but with a greater
the Central Science Laboratories at the University of Tasmania. degree of scatter are Al and V (Fig. 5B). In group 2, Li concentrations
Major, minor and trace elements in the same grains were measured in chlorite increase sharply with distance in the more proximal
using a New Wave 193 nm solid-state laser coupled to an Agilent samples and then level off, whereas Ca (Fig. 5C), Sr (Fig. 5D) and
7500cs quadrupole mass spectrometer, located in the School of Ba appear to rapidly increase to about 1.5 km (similar to Li), with
Physical Sciences, Discipline of Earth Sciences, University of a lower rate of increase out to the limit of sampling (5 km). Boron
Tasmania. Typically, 5–10 spot analyses were acquired from each shows a slight increase out to about 3 km. Group 3 elements are
sample, from within 3–5 separate chlorite grains. In total, 527 LA- principally Mn, Fe (Fig. 5E) and Zn (Fig. 5F) which show evidence
ICP-MS spot analyses meeting quality control criteria were obtained. for an enrichment halo, or annulus, with peak concentrations at a
Aluminium concentration determined by microprobe was used as distance of 1–1.5 km. Similar patterns of proximal Mg enrichment
the internal standard and NIST612 standard reference material was and more distal Fe and Mn enrichment in chlorite, determined by
used for external calibration of the LA-ICP-MS results according to microprobe analysis, were previously reported from the Southwest
standard practice. Tintic district (Norman et al., 1991).
Chlorite compositions for a number of samples plot off the trends
defined by the majority of the data and these are highlighted in Fig. 5.
5. Results
These include the most proximal samples, hosted by the pre- and
post-mainstage mineralization tonalites from within 500 m of the
Using standard classification criteria, chlorite compositions
center of the Batu Hijau orebody (which also yielded anomalous
determined by microprobe correspond to ripidolites, with (on aver-
chlorite crystallization temperatures), samples from the vicinity of the
age) equimolar proportions of Fe and Mg (Fe/Fe + Mg = 0.51 ± 0.07
Bambu epithermal veins, and samples from the western traverse as
(1σ)). The only minor element consistently detected by microprobe
noted for Ti and Sr above.
was Mn with an average concentration of 0.44 wt.%. Laser ablation
ICP-MS results are summarized as sample averages in Table 1. LA-
ICP-MS detected Li, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, 5.1.2. Major and trace element ratios
Ga, Sr, Y, Ba and Pb in more than 75% of the analyses and therefore In order to enhance compositional variations for the purposes of
these elements were the focus of the spatial interrogation of the data. exploration applications, elements showing decreasing concentra-
Backscattered electron imaging and laser ablation element maps of tion outward patterns were ratioed to those showing increasing
chlorite grains show that they are internally homogeneous (Fig. 3) concentration outward patterns. These ratios typically decay
and that distinct variations in trace element chemistry probably reflect exponentially as a function of distance out to a certain radius, at
true substitution into the crystal lattice, rather than the presence of which point they stabilize at what is assumed to be the limit of the
microinclusions. This is supported by the flat traces typically observed imprint of hydrothermal alteration where a transition to “back-
during LA-ICP-MS spot analysis. Inclusions of other minerals, particular- ground” occurs (Fig. 6). These ratios vary over a significant range of
ly calcite, titanite and zircon, were encountered but these parts of the up to four orders of magnitude within the chlorite compositional

Fig. 3. Laser ablation ICP-MS element maps of chlorite from Batu Hijau. A. Proximal sample SBD284-95-C1b, 1085 m from the deposit center, shows homogeneous chlorite grain (defined
by light pink areas in Mg and Al images) which is relatively enriched in Ti and low in Ca, Sr and Ba. Note the small circle, upper-right, which indicates the presence of a pre-existing laser
ablation crater from spot analysis. B. More distal sample BH04-52-C1a, 1920 m from the center, illustrates a chlorite grain (best illustrated by the red area in the Fe images) with lower Ti
and higher Ca, Sr and Ba. Note the three circles in the center of the grain indicating the presence of pre-existing laser ablation craters and the artifacts that are sometimes introduced at
grain boundaries. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
6 J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

5.2. Chlorite geothermometry

500 To test the hypothesis that temperature is the principal control of Ti
variations in chlorite, we have computed crystallization temperatures of
the chlorite grains analyzed using the six component thermodynamic
200 model of Walshe (1986). This model requires knowledge of the
concentrations of major substituting species (SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO
MnO MgO Na2O K2O TiO2 Cr2O3 CaO) which we have obtained from
microprobe analysis.
Calculated temperatures range from 43–347 °C (Table 1). The upper
20 end of the temperature range is consistent with the observed
coexistence of chlorite with biotite and/or actinolite and with previous
5 estimates of crystallization temperatures in the inner propylitic zone
Ti (ppm) (e.g., Ballantyne, 1981; Bowman et al., 1987). The lowest temperatures
are assumed to be underestimated, probably reflecting a breakdown of
the thermodynamic model at low temperatures, but the strong system-
atic spatial variations suggest that the trend towards lower temperature
chlorite crystallization in these samples is real.
There is a good positive correlation (r2 = 0.719) between chlo-
B rite crystallization temperature and radial distance from the Batu
Hijau center (excluding Sekongkang, Bambu and proximal
tonalite/skarn samples), supporting the inference that these
20 propylitic chlorites formed within the influence of the Batu Hijau
hydrothermal system (Fig. 7). As with their trace element composi-
tions, the proximal, tonalite- and skarn-hosted chlorite grains are
10 anomalous, in having lower than expected calculated crystallization
temperatures. The fact that these are observed in pre-, syn- and
4.0 post-main stage mineralization tonalite and skarn samples implies
that they represent a late chlorite-forming event, perhaps reflecting
1.0 a final thermal collapse of the system that only affected the central
ore zone.
Sr (ppm) In map view, the contoured chlorite thermometry data define a
marked thermal high associated with Batu Hijau (Fig. 8) with a
WNW–ESE extension that follows the trend of the inner propylitic
alteration zone towards Sekongkang (Fig. 2). The steeper thermal
gradients to the north, south and southwest of Batu Hijau are readily
apparent and can explain the variable trends in trace element
Fig. 4. Maps showing variation in mean concentrations of trace elements in chlorite in concentrations and element ratios in chlorite noted earlier.
relation to Batu Hijau center (strong biotite alteration zone shown). A. Titanium shows
enrichment proximal to the hydrothermal center. B. Strontium shows depletion proximal
to the center. Samples that do not follow a systematic pattern exist in the distal part of the
5.3. Comparison with whole rock data
southwest traverse, beyond ~3 km from Batu Hijau (see text). Multiple analyses within
individual samples are shown as stacked circles with the smallest on top. Some samples In order to provide significant added-value for exploration,
contain chlorite grains that fall within more than one bin range. mineral chemistry vectors need to define a broader footprint
and/or give directional information at greater distances and/or
with greater precision than can be obtained from conventional
whole rock geochemistry. This was tested by generating probability
halo attributable to the Batu Hijau center and show good plots for a range of conventional pathfinder elements in porphyry
exponential fit statistics with r2 values of 0.65 to 0.82. Most ratios systems (Cu, Mo, Au and Zn), in the same samples from which
show systematic decreases out to ~ 2.5 km but some appear to the chlorite compositional data were obtained, in order to identify
extend further, to ~ 5 km (Table 2). mineralization-related data populations. The whole rock data were
It is noteworthy that the slope of the exponential relationship then plotted in plan view (Fig. 9) and as a function of radial distance
appears to be a function of the orientation of the sample transect from the deposit center (Fig. 10) and the anomalous populations
with respect to the Batu Hijau center. Traverses to the north, south identified. These plots show that anomalous concentrations of Cu
and southwest of Batu Hijau display similar steep slopes whereas (N 328 ppm), Mo (N0.97 ppm) and Au (N7.4 ppb) can be identified
the series of samples to the west, following the inner propylitic in samples up to 1 km from the Batu Hijau center. Concentrations of
(actinolite- ± epidote- ± chlorite) alteration zone noted earlier Zn (N111 ppm) are more variable but there are anomalous concentra-
(Fig. 2), define a shallower slope (e.g., Fig. 6A). This behavior is tions at ~ 1.0–1.5 km, with rare elevated values extending as far as
consistent with a temperature control of trace element substitution, 2.3 km (Figs. 9, 10). However, these distal samples are only 500 m
assuming that the higher temperature propylitic zone reflects the along strike from the Bambu epithermal veins (Fig. 10) so may have
subsurface trace of a buried, elongate intrusion. If correct, these been influenced by this later system.
ratios effectively map out the thermal gradient around the main Although above-background concentrations of pathfinder ele-
mineralized intrusive system at Batu Hijau, and potentially a more ments in whole rock (mostly within 1.0 km) define a footprint con-
extensively developed underlying batholith. The changes in gradient sistent with the presence of mineralization in the vicinity, and do
noted in the Ca, Sr and Ba data may be reflecting both the more prox- broadly increase towards the center, their vectoring potential is lim-
imal anomaly attributable to Batu Hijau itself and the broader ther- ited by significant scatter and lack of distal dispersion (e.g., Fig. 10).
mal anomaly associated with a deeper, larger scale intrusive system. Chlorite is effective as a tool at distances beyond about ~ 800 m

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7

A Andesite/basaltic andesite
Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites
B Andesite/basaltic andesite
Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites
Syn-mineralization tonalite Syn-mineralization tonalite
Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse) Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse)
Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu) Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu)
Andesite/basaltic andesite(distal SW traverse) Andesite/basaltic andesite
(distal SW traverse)

Andesite/basaltic andesite
Old/New tonalite
Intermediate tonalite
Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse
Andesite/volcanic sandstone(Bambu)
Andesite/basaltic andesite
(SW traverse)




Andesite/basaltic andesite Andesite/basaltic andesite

Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites
Syn-mineralization tonalite Syn-mineralization tonalite
Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse) Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse)
Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu) Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu)
Andesite/basaltic andesite Andesite/basaltic andesite
(distal SW traverse) (distal SW traverse)

E Maximum
F Andesite/basaltic andesite
Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites
Syn-mineralization tonalite
Maximum Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse)
Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu)
Andesite/basaltic andesite
(distal SW traverse)

Andesite/basaltic andesite
Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites Background? Background?
Old/New tonalite
Syn-mineralization tonalite
Intermediate tonalite
Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse)
Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu)
Andesite/ Andesite/basaltic andesite
(distal SW traverse)

Fig. 5. Plots of element concentrations in chlorite as a function of radial distance from the Batu Hijau center. A. Group 1 element, titanium. B. Group 1 element, vanadium C. Group 2 el-
ement, calcium. D. Group 2 element, strontium. E. Group 3 element, iron. F. Group 3 element, zinc.

(Figs. 5, 6), starting from the outer edge of the whole rock anomalies. Consequently, we conclude that chlorite is a reliable tool for vector-
It is limited in its proximal applicability because of its disappearance ing towards the hydrothermal center from outside of the whole rock
from the higher temperature alteration assemblages where biotite geochemical anomaly associated with porphyry centers.
becomes dominant. The trends defined by element ratios in chlorite
can be used to indicate the presence of the Batu Hijau center at least
1 km beyond and in some cases more than 3.5 km beyond the dis- 5.4. The chlorite proximitor
tance outlined by conventional whole rock geochemistry. More im-
portantly, chlorite also displays very systematic spatial trends that, The spatial variations in trace element ratios in chlorite can be
conservatively, can be recognized in samples 500 m apart along a converted into simple exponential formulae that can be used to predict
traverse orthogonal to the compositional gradient (i.e., towards the distance-to-center in porphyry systems such as Batu Hijau. These
system center). Although protolith composition needs to be consid- equations have the form:
ered, there is no evidence at Batu Hijau (range in silica content of ig-
neous host rocks from 41 to 69 wt.%), or any of the dozen or so major n . o
case studies in the wider AMIRA P765a research project, for a signif- ln
x¼ a
icant protolith effect on the trace elements reported here. b

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
8 J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

A Andesite/basaltic andesite
Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites
Syn-mineralization tonalite
B Andesite/basaltic andesite
Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites
Syn-mineralization tonalite
Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse) Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse)
Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu) Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu)
Andesite/basaltic andesite Andesite/basaltic andesite
(distal SW traverse) (distal SW traverse)

whole rock data Background?

West traverse


North, south
and southwest

C Andesite/basaltic andesite
Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites
Syn-mineralization tonalite
Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse)
Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu)
Andesite/basaltic andesite
(distal SW traverse)

Andesite/basaltic andesite
Pre- and late-mineralization tonalites
Syn-mineralization tonalite
Andesite/basaltic andesite (W. traverse)
Andesite/volcanic sandstone (Bambu)
Andesite/basaltic andesite
(distal SW traverse)

Fig. 6. Plots of element concentration ratios in chlorite as a function of radial distance from the Batu Hijau center. A. Ti/Sr ratio. Gray shaded field shows whole rock ratio data for compar-
ison. Different trends as a function of traverse direction (see Fig. 2) are highlighted. B. Ti/Pb ratio. C. Mg/Sr ratio. D. V/Ni ratio.

where x is the distance in meters, R is the element ratio, and a and b are towards the center of a system, in the same way as the raw element ra-
exponential fit parameters. tios from which the distance estimates were derived.
A selection of distance prediction equations based on several ele- Applying the Batu Hijau calibrated Ti/Sr proximitor equation to
ment ratios, together with their approximate range of validity and cor- sample-average Ti/Sr data from Batu Hijau itself shows that for 26 out
relation coefficients, are given in Table 2. From the relationships of 28 samples within a 2 km radius of the deposit center, the distance
discussed above, we conclude that the slope of the exponential relation- to center is predicted to within ± 170 m. Outside 2 km, where the
ship will vary according to the form of the thermal anomaly associated
with an intrusive system and therefore absolute distance estimates may
not be accurate if applied to systems with markedly different thermal
gradients to Batu Hijau (or along the western traverse at Batu Hijau).
Nonetheless, trends in estimated distances could still be used to vector 350

Temperature (°C)

Table 2
Element ratios in chlorite and exponential fit parameters as a function of distance from the 200
Batu Hijau center. Tonalites
and skarn
2 150
Ratio Orders of Maximum Regression R Exponent Scalar
magnitude resolvable distance constant constant SBD284-226
variation distance (km) range (m) (b) (a) Highly inconsistent
results R2 = 0.719
Ti/Ni 2.5 2.5 853–2192 0.82 −0.0039 4.7 × 102 50
Ti/Sr 3.5 2.5 764–1767 0.77 −0.0088 3.0 × 106
Ti/Li 3 2.5 764–2192 0.72 −0.0041 7.6 × 102 0
Ti/Pb 3 2.5 764–1767 0.71 −0.0074 6.0 × 106 0 500 1000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000
V/Ni 2 5 853–4875 0.69 −0.0009 2.0 × 101 Distance from center (m)
Ti/Ba 3 4 764–1767 0.67 −0.0076 1.0 × 106
Ti/K 2.5 3 764–1767 0.67 −0.0062 6.4 × 103
Fig. 7. Plot of chlorite geothermometer temperatures (sample average of temperatures
Ti/Co 3 2.5 764–2192 0.67 −0.0044 5.0 × 102
calculated for individual microprobe spot analyses) as a function of radial distance from
Mg/Ca 2 5 764–4875 0.66 −0.0009 7.2 × 102
the Batu Hijau center. Chlorite from pre-, syn- and post-mainstage mineralization tonalites
Mg/Sr 2 2 764–1767 0.65 −0.0051 3.0 × 107
and from one skarn sample fall off the trend defined by the majority of chlorites from
Mg/Sr 2.5 5 764–4875 0.60 −0.0011 2.1 × 105
within the propylitic halo in the volcanic country rocks.

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 9


Temperature (°C)
Northing 221

Batu Hijau





Fig. 8. Gridded map (100 m pixels) of chlorite geothermometer temperatures (sample average of temperatures calculated for individual microprobe spot analyses), shaded with a north-
erly light source. Light gray areas are beyond the search radius of the gridding algorithm; sample locations constraining the gridding are shown (black dots). Temperature scale is shown on
the right; percentages of data in each color band are labeled. Batu Hijau center is shown by the white star; the Sekongkang prospect by the yellow star. The slight central low in the thermal
maximum associated with Batu Hijau is due to the inclusion of tonalite-derived chlorite temperatures that are anomalously low. Note the lower thermal gradient (higher temperatures)
along the Batu Hijau-Sekongkang trend compared with the gradients to the north and south/southwest of Batu Hijau. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

gradient of the ratio vs. distance relationship starts to decrease, dis- 6. Discussion and conclusions
tances to center are underestimated.
Major ore deposits are increasingly less likely to be discovered at the
Earth's surface and exploration is therefore more likely to require prob-
5.5. Comparison with metamorphic chlorite ing beneath a kilometer or more of barren or weakly altered cover rocks.
Drilling to such depths is extremely costly, so the development of a bet-
Many terrane hosting porphyry ore deposits include metamorphic ter understanding of hydrothermal alteration patterns and tools to
host rocks or igneous rocks that have been subjected to relatively low identify proximity to a mineralized center based on analysis of a limited
temperature geothermal alteration that is unrelated to porphyry hydro- number of drill core or surface samples are of significant interest.
thermal activity. Consequently, the ability to distinguish between Here, we show that clear patterns in the trace element chemistry of
porphyry-related propylitic chlorite and that formed in such unrelated chlorite are developed in the propylitically altered halo of a large por-
systems is desirable. phyry ore deposit. The observed systematic trace element patterns are
Batu Hijau chlorite compositions, classified in distance bins relative most likely due to one or both of the following mechanisms: (1) disper-
to the porphyry center, have been compared with metamorphic chlorite sion outward by migrating hydrothermal fluids, as is clearly document-
from two Proterozoic metamorphic terranes in Australia: the George- ed by the large precious and base metal anomalies that surround such
town Inlier in north Queensland and the Entia Dome in the Northern deposits (e.g., Sillitoe, 2010); (2) a thermal control of element substitu-
Territory. The Georgetown samples are greenschist facies metabasalts tion in chlorite. In the case of Ti, a high field strength element notable for
from the Dead Horse Metabasalt unit (Baker et al., 2010). The Entia its limited mobility in igneous or hydrothermal systems, the former
Dome samples comprise orthogneisses and calc-silicate gneisses from mechanism is considered unlikely. However, metals such as Zn and
the Entia Gneiss Complex (Wade et al., 2008). Thus, the sample suite Mn are typically enriched in halos surrounding porphyry deposits and
covers a range in bulk compositions that span the range studied at are significantly enriched in chlorite above whole rock concentrations.
Batu Hijau. Therefore, advective transport to the site of Zn–Mn-rich chlorite crystal-
The comparison shows that a number of elements distinguish the lization would appear to be likely.
metamorphic chlorite from the propylitic chlorite, irrespective of the In particular, Ti shows a very strong relationship with distance
wide range in bulk composition of the metamorphic rocks (Fig. 11). In from the hydrothermal center which we argue is primarily a function
particular, Fe and Li concentrations are higher in metamorphic chlorite of crystallization temperature. The approximately exponential de-
than in most of the Batu Hijau chlorites analyzed. Distal propylitic chlo- crease in Ti content with distance is consistent with thermal
rite is typically depleted in Al, Fe and Li and enriched in Ca, Sr and Si rel- gradients expected around cooling intrusions (e.g., Delaney, 1986;
ative to metamorphic chlorite compositions; this distinction is see Fig. 12). We suggest that this exponential relationship breaks
particularly important given that the most critical area in which dis- down at a certain distance from the center where a transition to
crimination would be necessary is in the distal parts of porphyry- “background chlorite” – that did not crystallize in the presence of
related propylitic domains where other indicators of a porphyry system propylitic hydrothermal fluids – occurs. This distal chlorite appears
are likely to be lacking. Although less diagnostic, Ti (higher in metamor- to show no systematic compositional variation relative to the
phic chlorite), and Mg, Zn, Sb, As, Ag, and U (lower in metamorphic porphyry center and also displays more scatter in compositional
chlorite) can also be potentially used as discriminators. parameters (e.g., Fig. 5).

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
10 J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 11

Cu Mo r-

Au Zn

Fig. 10. Plots of concentrations of pathfinder elements (Cu, Mo, Au, Zn) in whole rock as a function of radial distance from the Batu Hijau center. Anomalous populations defined by prob-
ability plots (Fig. 9) are shown as red dots; natural background populations are shown as green dots. Data from near the Bambu epithermal veins are highlighted in pink. Symbol sizes are
scaled to the concentration value. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

We are not aware of previous studies documenting the thermal de- mafic phases which in turn reflect the chemistry of the protolith rocks,
pendence of Ti in chlorite although this control is known for biotite the oxidation state and the pH of the fluids concerned (e.g., Shikazono
(Henry & Guidotti, 2002; Henry et al., 2005; Patiño Douce, 1993; & Kawahata, 1987). Batu Hijau provides a relatively uniform protolith
Patiño Douce et al., 1993). Similar to biotite, we propose that the substi- environment in which such factors are limited. The somewhat anoma-
tution of Ti into the octahedral site in chlorite is thermally-controlled, lous chlorite compositions recorded in the tonalite samples could be
requiring coupled substitutions involving multiple cations and possibly due to protolith chemistry or may reflect a different origin of chlorite
anions. Substitution could also account for many of the other systematic from that developed in the propylitic halo. Such controls of the concen-
trace element patterns that we have recognized that either correlate tration of Ti (and other trace elements) in chlorite require further inves-
positively (e.g., Mg, Al, V) or negatively (Li, B, Ca, Sr, Ba) with Ti and tem- tigation in more compositionally heterogeneous systems. By analogy
perature. Biotite typically contains much higher concentrations of Ti with Ti substitution in biotite (Patiño Douce, 1993), oxidation state
than we have determined in chlorite and so the precipitation of Ti- may influence Ti in chlorite; however, it will be difficult to evaluate
bearing oxides (most commonly titanite, but also rutile at Batu Hijau) the relative roles of temperature and redox in natural samples from
is an expected outcome of the biotite → chlorite replacement reaction, the propylitic environment because of the strong coupling between
the most common chlorite-forming reaction we have observed. The lib- these two parameters.
eration of Ti in this reaction has also been reported from retrograde Some elements, such as Zn and Mn, are easily accommodated in the
metamorphic rocks (Eggleton & Banfield, 1985). The limited take-up chlorite structure (Deer et al., 1966) and may attain significant concen-
of Ti by chlorite may be due to the high levels of octahedral Al that typify trations. At Batu Hijau, these show a chlorite concentration maximum at
the chlorite structure (Ryan & Reynolds, 1997). The buffering of the Ti a distance of about 1.3 km from the center of the system which mirrors
content of chlorite by the excess Ti produced from the biotite break- the whole rock anomalies defined by these metals (Fig. 9). This is a char-
down reaction may explain why chlorite incorporates Ti in such a sys- acteristic dispersion pattern around porphyry deposits (Sillitoe, 2010).
tematic way, possibly in part related to an inverse temperature Consequently, these elements are thought likely to be advected by
dependence of Al in the octahedral site. magmatic-hydrothermal fluids to at least this distance from the porphy-
In addition to temperature, other factors that could control substitu- ry deposit itself. It has been previously suggested that hypersaline mag-
tion of Ti (and other elements) are the Al, Fe and Mg content of matic brines, known to be enriched in Mn, Zn and Pb (Audétat et al.,

Fig. 9. Probability plots and corresponding maps illustrating spatial variations in whole rock composition for four pathfinder elements (Cu, Mo, Au, Zn). Probability plots identify
anomalous populations in the datasets (red dots) that are distinguishable from natural background variation (green dots). Symbol sizes are scaled to the concentration value and data
from Bambu and Sekongkang are highlighted in pink and blue respectively. Batu Hijau center shown by outline of intense biotite alteration. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
12 J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx


Batu Hijau center

387 - 631 m

Distance from
631 - 976 m
976 - 1331 m
1331 - 1827 m
1827 - 2327 m 45 85 49 31
75 117
2327 - 3116 m
3116 - 4268 m
>4268 m 125 31 36 38

18 61 18 19
Metamorphic 50

61 125 49 49
18 75 117
45 19


Al Fe Si

32 122 44

18 74 47
36 38 85 49 31
18 115
13 31
49 45
18 61

Ca Li Sr
Fig. 11. Comparison of metamorphic chlorite compositions (black symbols) with chlorites from Batu Hijau binned in terms of distance of samples from the porphyry center
(warm colors more proximal). Box-and-whisker symbols show: mean value (black dot), median (horizontal line), second and third quartiles (extent of box), whiskers
(maximum and minimum values that are not outliers), circles (outliers that are greater than 1.5 times the interquartile range from the box). Numbers of analyses included
in each bin are shown.

2008; Landtwing et al., 2005; Ulrich et al., 1999; Wilkinson et al., 2008),
may have precipitated these metals during cooling in contact with rocks
undergoing propylitic alteration and dilution with meteoric water
(Hemley & Hunt, 1992). Additional elements that show comparable
700 1000 behavior to this are Fe, Co, Eu and, to a lesser extent, Li.
Temperature (°C)

The thermal dependence of Ti substitution in chlorite provides a

powerful tool for mineral exploration in the propylitic environment.
600 The recognition that certain monovalent and bivalent trace elements
dry basalt (Li, K, Ca, Ni, Co, Sr, Ba, Pb) tend to increase in chlorite with distance
Temperature (°C)

host rock
T = 540.8 e-0.483x R2 = 0.979 from porphyry centers allows the generation of Ti/x ratios that vary
100 up to four orders of magnitude. If multiple samples are available,
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
wet basalt Distance from dike contact (m) these ratios can provide a sensitive indicator of direction towards a
host rock heat source and can also be calibrated to enable estimation of
distance from an unknown hydrothermal center, even when it is
located at depth. Although chlorite geothermometry alone has
300 been shown to identify the thermal anomaly associated with the
Batu Hijau deposit, calculated temperatures vary by less than an
order of magnitude and display significant scatter so this is a
relatively imprecise vectoring tool. In the case of Batu Hijau, chlorite
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 proximitor ratios and geothermometry could reduce the exploration
Distance from dike contact (m) area to around 3 km2 from an initial target area of at least 40 km2
(e.g., Fig. 8).
Fig. 12. Numerical model predicting maximum temperature attained due to thermal We have shown that gradients in chlorite compositions can map out
conduction as a function of distance from a cooling dike for both wet and dry
basaltic host rocks (modified after Delaney, 1986). Inset shows model data plotted
the thermal structure of the broader magmatic system to which an
on a logarithmic temperature axis, with an exponential best-fit line. In the fit individual mineralized porphyry intrusion relates. This opens up the
equation, T = temperature and x = distance from dike margin. possibility that the tool can be combined with conventional gravity or

Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
J.J. Wilkinson et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 13

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Please cite this article as: Wilkinson, J.J., et al., The chlorite proximitor: A new tool for detecting porphyry ore deposits, J. Geochem. Explor. (2015),
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