Entrainer Au Controle Commun

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Surname …………………………………………. First name ……………………………. Form 6 …

Date ………………………………………………………………………………………( … / 1 pt )

1- Put the plural ( Mettre ces phrases au pluriel )

1- The child is tall ……………………………..… 2- It’s a mouse …………………………

3- He’s got a big tooth …………………………....4 – A long foot …………………………

5- The man has got a French car ……………………………………… …………………….

6- It’s an orange ………………………….. 7- She’s super ………………………………

8- It’s a woman ………………………… 9- A nice man …………………………….

10- It’s an enormous spider …………………………………………………………………

2- Cercle the right word. ( Cercler le mot qui convient )

1- This is a / o Princess Diana 2- You’re / your Spanish.

3- She’s an / a artist. 4- He can play with me / my..

5- He’s / his a teacher 6- Their / they’re English

7- I like o / an animals 8- Her / she’s name is Daisy

3- Complete with the right word.- ( Compléter avec le pronom interrogatif qui convient ):
what, when, whose, who, how old, how, how many, what time

1- …………...…..….’s in the kitchen ? - My father

2- …………………..’s this ? It’s a rabbit.

3 ………………….. are they ? - They’re 36.

4- ………………..… kitten is it ? - Joe’s.

5- …………………. are your shoes ? Behind the door.

6- ……………….… are you ? Fine, thank you.

7- ………………..… is it ? 10.30 am.

8- …………………. has she got ? A bike.

9- ……………………… book is it ?

10- ………………………. brothers has he got ?

11- ……………………… is Jenny ? She’s 12.

12- ……………………….kittens are they ? Mrs Sullivan’s.

4- Answer with short answers ex : yes I am / No I’m not ( Répondre avec des réponses
courtes )

1- Can you swim ? ……………………. 2- Has your father got a car ? …..……………

3- Is your English teacher American ? ……………… 4- Are you a boy ? ……….…..………

5- Do you speak Chinese ? …………………… 6 - Do you like spiders ? …………………..

7- Can a pig fly ? ……………………. 8- Can your mother ride a horse ? ……………..

9- Do you speak French ? …………………. 10- Have you got a bike ? ……………………..

11- Are you in Paris ? …………………….. 12- Is your mother super ? ……………………

5- Answer the questions . ( Répondre aux questions )

1- What’s your mother’s name ? …………………………………….…………………

2 – How old is she ? ……………………………………………………………………

3- What have you got in your room ? ……………………………….……………….…

4- What time is it now ?………………………………………………………………..

5- What’s the capital of England ? ……………………………………………….……

6- What can you do ? …………………………………………………………………

7- What do you like ? …………………………………………………………………

8- Where are you now ? ………………………………………………………………

9- What’s the capital of the USA ? …………………………………………………….

10- Where are you now? ……………………………………………………………….

11- What’s your father’s name ? ………………………………………………………..

12- What colour are your eyes ? …………………………………………………………

6- Ask the question. ( Poser la question sur les mots en caractères gras ) ………. / 8 pts

1- It’s a dog……………………………………………………………………………

2 – I’ve got a pen. ………………………………………………….………………….

3- It’s Jeremy’s guitar ………………………………. …………….………………….

4- They’re nor French, they’re Italian………………………………..………………

5- They’re the gardener’s gloves …………………………………………………….

.6- It’s a blue ball. ……………………………………………………………………..

7- The pullovers are on the chair ……………………………………………………..

8- She’s twelve . …………………….............................................................................

9- I’m American………………………………………………………………………..

10- The ball is behind the chair ……………………………………………………….

11- He’s got a cat ……………………………………………………………………..

12- I’ve got four cousins ………………………………………………………………..

7- Complete with the right auxilary ( Compléter avec l’auxiliaire qui convient ) : BE , HAVE
CA N, DO, forme interrogative ou à la forme négative.

1- …………. she got a hamster ? Yes, she …………..

2- …………. you like fish ? No, I ………………

3- ……………they ice skate ? Yes, they ……………, but they …………….. play the flute.

4- …………… hungry ? Yes, I …………….

5- ………… I open the door ? No, you ……………...

6- ………………. they got a cat ? No, they ………………….

7- ……… this a monster? Yes, it ……….

8- ……………… you got a pullover ? Yes, I …………………

9- ……………….. you open the window ? Yes, I ………………….

10- …………………. she thirsty ? No, she …………………

8- Ask a yes / no question. ( Poser une question qui obtient une réponse commençant par oui
ou non )

1- ………………………………………………………. ? Yes, I can.

2 - ……………………………………………………… ? No, she isn’t.

3- …………………………………………………..…...? No, they haven’t .

4- …………………………….………………………....? Yes, I do.

5-………………………………………………….…….? No, he can’t

6- ………………………………………………….……? Yes, we are.

7- ……………………………………………………….? No, she can’t.

8- ………………………………………………………..? Yes, I have.

9- ………………………………………………………..? No, I can’t.

10- ………………………………………………………...? Yes, they are.

9- Translate into English ( Traduire en anglais ) …………. / 6 pts

1- Sais-tu jouer de la guitare ? Non, mais je sais peindre.


2- A qui est le chaton ? C’est celui de Mr Simpson.


3- Avez-vous faim ? Que voulez-vous pour le petit déjeuner ?


4- A qui sont les lunettes ? Je ne sais pas, ce sont les lunettes des enfants.


5- As-tu un perroquet ? Oui ………………………………………………………………….

6- A qui est la raquette ? A Helen……………………………………………………………..

7- Puis-je parler ? Oui, vous pouvez…………………………………………………………..

8- Combien de livres avez-vous ? …………………………………………………………

9- Comment t’appelles-tu ? ……………………………………………………………….

10- Quel âge a-t-elle ? Elle a dix ans ………………………………………………………

10- Put the sentences in the right order ( Remettre les phrases dans l’ordre )

1- on / the / switch / can / I / light / …………………………………………………….

2- haven’t / you / a / car / got /. ………………………………………………………..

3- crocodile / got / has / a / feathers / ? /………………………………………………..

4- black / is / my / where / suitcase / ? / …………………………………………………

5- roller-skates / they / whose / are / ? / …………………………………………………

6- copy-book / it / is / whose / ? / ……………………………………………………….

7- French / uncle / my / not / is / ………………………………………………………….

8- cabbage / don’t / I / like / ……………………………………………………………..

11- Essay : You meet your new neighbour, and you introduce yourself.
Vous rencontrez votre nouveau voisin et vous vous présentez.
Vous parlerez de votre nom, votre âge, où vous habitez, de votre famille, de vos goûts, de
vos passe-temps.











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