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NAME: _________________________________________

GROUP: _______

INSTRUCTOR: __________________________________



Instructions for assessment

1. You must get your instructor to evaluate each work done in every single practical
at the end of the practical week.
2. To get the required marks for
(a) practical week 1, a student must be able to submit a written assignment,
(b) practical week 2 & 3, 6, 7 & 8 and 9, a student must be able to finish at least
50% of each of the exercises in the corresponding practicals, and
(c) practical week 4 & 5 and week 10-12 onwards, a student must form a group of
at least 5 and do the following:
(i) Find a suitable title/topic of presentation
(ii) Use the internet to find information regarding the title chosen.
(iii) Enter at least five referred websites, books or others as references to
complete such task at the end of slide.
(iv) Organize the information to become a respectable presentation on
the topic.
(v) Present in a group, a five-slide PowerPoint presentation that
involves the participation and contribution of each member of the
3. he/she gets at least fifty
percent marks at the end of the course. Otherwise, he/
4. Please turn in your manual for grading at the end of week 12.
Table of Contents

Practical 1 Introduction to the Computer 2

and Windows

Practical 2 Word Processor (Ms Word) 4

Practical 3 Word Processor (Ms Word) 4

Practical 4 Slide Presentation (PowerPoint) 7

Practical 5 Slide Presentation (PowerPoint) 7

Practical 6 Electronic Worksheet (Excel) I 9

Practical 7 Electronic Worksheet (Excel) II 12

Practical 8 Electronic Worksheet (Excel) II 12

Practical 9 Electronic Worksheet (Excel) III 15


In this first practical, students have to gain some extra information based on these 2 out of
4 scope of Information and Communication Technology Literacy (ICTL) for Secondary
School that they have learned, which are:
(1) Computer Lab Management ( )
(2) Computer Hardware ( )
(3) Computer Software ( )
(4) Network and Internet ( )

Windows 10.

Students need to read and summarize their understanding by using one own words based
on the topic given. The Teaching and Learning Taxonomy Skills of University of Malaya
that involved in this practical will be:

Cognitive Domain Knowledge C1 1. Able to observe and remember the

previous information learned.
2. Able to arrange specific facts, terms,
concepts and others in form of writing.
3. Mastery of learning materials.

Soft Skills Elements Long Life Learning 1. Able to search and manage relevant
and Information information from different sources.
Management 2. Capable of autonomous learning.

1. Among the proposed websites:

2. Gain some information about the details below, summarize your understanding in
an A4 Foolscap Paper and submit them as your PRACTICAL 1 ASSIGNMENT.

Assignment Exercise
1. Computer Hardware: Peripherals of computer hardware.
1.1 What is input devices?
1.2 What is output devices?
1.3 What is internal and external storage devices?
1.4 List at least 5 devices under each category, state its functions and sample of
pictures to each devices.
Keywords: keyboard, mouse, touch screen, plotter, LCD, memory disc, smart

2. Computer Software: Windows Operating System (OS)
2.1 Elaborate wha


2.2 Considering the following details, gain some brief information about Windows

a. History of Windows 10

b. are the new features in Windows 10

c. What is Windows 10: i) version 21H2 ii) version 20H2?

d. What is the differences between Windows 10 and Windows 8?

e. What's the latest feature in Windows 11?


In this practical, we will learn how to

1. prepare text documents in several styles,
2. create tables in a document,
3. insert graphics into a document.



1. Start the program Word. Consider the icons on the tool bar. Point to each and
observe what happens. What does it mean?
The following options are commonly used when working with a text document:
New: To create a new document.
Open: To open a saved document.
Save: To save a document.
Print: To print a document.
Print Preview: To see how a document appears before it is printed.
Cut: To remove text from its original position.
Copy: To copy text.
Paste: To put a cut or copied text to a new position.
Undo Typing: To undo what has just been done.
Redo Typing: To do what has been undone.

2. Style, Font and Size may be changed. To the right of each box is the sign of
available options (upside down triangle). Point to it, left click and you will see a
list of options. Choose one by left clicking.

3. Use the button B (for bold) to darken text,

I (for italic) to slant (italicize) text, and
U (for underline) to underline text.

4. We highlight a particular word by pointing to it, then double-clicking. (Please note

that by double-click, we mean doing left click twice quickly).
To highlight a paragraph, triple-click (see meaning of double-click above) at one
word of the paragraph.
Find out how to highlight a particular line of a paragraph. There are at least two
ways to do this. What about highlighting the whole document?

5. To change the appearance or the size of text, highlight it, and then do the changes.

6. Text alignment may be done either by

(i) left-clicking on one of the four alignment buttons on the tool bar, or by
(ii) highlighting the text and then left-clicking one of the alignment buttons on
the tool bar.

7. When typing a document, we press Enter on the keyboard only at the end of a
paragraph i.e. when we want to start another paragraph. In a particular paragraph, a
new line is added automatically as we type.

8. We put in page numbers by choosing the option Insert on the menu bar, and then,
choosing the option Page Numbers. Do the necessary in the dialog box.

9. To start a new page (as opposed to pressing Enter several times on the keyboard
till we see a new page), click on Insert on the menu bar and then choosing Break.
In the dialog box, choose Page break.


1. Type the following document (written in Bahasa Malaysia).

Kisah pendek menyentuh hati.

Seorang doktor masuk ke hospital dalam keadaan tergesa-gesa selepas dipanggil untuk
pembedahan segera. Secepat mungkin, ditukar pakaiannya terus menuju ke wad pembedahan.
Kebetulan bapa kepada anak muda yang akan di bedah itu berada di dalam dewan menunggu.
Melihat wajah doktor muncul, si ayah dengan nada suara yang tinggi terus bertanya. "Mengapa
mengambil masa yang lama untuk datang? Tahu tak anak saya dalam bahaya? Tak punya rasa
tanggungjawab ke? "

Doktor hanya tersenyum dan bersuara, Saya minta maaf, saya tidak berada di hospital dan saya
telah datang secepat yang boleh selepas menerima panggilan tadi .dan sekarang, saya minta
Tuan bertenang supaya saya dapat lakukan kerja saya ya." "Bertenang?! Bagaimana kalau yang
di dalam bilik tu anak doktor? Boleh ke doktor bertenang? Kalau dia mati macamana? ", kata
bapa tersebut dalam keadaan marah.

Sebelas beberapa jam pembedahan, doktor itu keluar gembira, "Alhamdulillah! Anak tuan
berjaya diselamatkan! Kalau tuan ada pertanyaan, jururawat akan cuba menjawab!", sambil
berlalu dengan tergesa-gesa tanpa menunggu reaksi dari si bapa tadi. "Sombong dan takburnya
doktor ni! Tak boleh tunggu beberapa minit sikit pun! komen si bapa kepada jururawat setelah
melihat doktor itu pergi meninggalkannya termanggu-manggu .

Jururawat menjawab soalan si bapa sambil air mata berlinangan di mukanya. "Anaknya
meninggal dunia semalam dalam kemalangan jalan raya. Dia di tanah perkuburan tadi semasa
kami memanggilnya tadi untuk pembedahan anak tuan. Dia berjaya selamatkan anak tuan. Demi
tugas, dia sanggup tinggalkan tanggungjawabnya sebagai ayah dari menyelesaikan pengebumian
anak sendiri, tuan."

2. Format the text above as follows:
(a) Change the size of the title to 18 and make the text bold.
(b) Italicize everything in quotation marks.
(c) Copy the text to a new page.
(d) Insert page numbers on these two pages.
(e) Justify text on the first page and left align text on the second page.
(f) Text on the first page should be single-spaced, with Arial font, size 11;
while on the second page, it is double-spaced, with Times New Roman font
of size 14.
(g) Put the footnot
(h) Mak


1. To create a table, choose Table from the menu bar, and then choose Insert Table.

2. In the dialog box, type the necessary information. For the moment, just concern
yourself with the number of columns. You may try the rest later.

3. Additional rows may be added by pressing Tab on the keyboard when the cursor is
in the last cell of the table.

4. Other changes to the table may be done by choosing the necessary options from the
Table menu. Changes to text in the table is done like regular text.


1. Create a table with three columns.

2. Enter the number, character, and your thoughts about the three characters appear in
the short story.
3. The first row should be corresponding titles to the information you enter.


Insert any related graphic pertaining the story given. To insert graphics, we choose Insert
from the menu bar, then choose Picture and choose From File, or Online Pictures.
Double-click on the picture you want, and it will be inserted into your document. You then
may change its size accordingly or move it to another place. Find out how to do both.


In this practical, we will learn how to

1. create a presentati
2. use some other features of PowerPoint.


1. Creating a presentation file.

(a) Start PowerPoint. Choose Blank Presentation.

(b) Choose the appropriate type of slide from the New Slide dialog box.

(c) To add a new slide, either

(i) click on the New Slide icon on the tool bar, or
(ii) click on the Common Tasks on the tool bar and then choosing New
Repeat step (b).

(d) Work with text as you would in Word.

(e) We may also insert graphics into a slide. Find out how.

(f) Note the three parts to Normal View:

(i) Outline
(ii) Slide
(iii) Notes

(g) On the View bar below the outline part, note the following icons:
(i) Normal View
(ii) Outline View
(iii) Slide View
(iv) Slide Sorter View
(v) Slide Show View
What are their functions?

2. Slide Design

On the menu bar, click on Format, then click on Apply Design Template. Choose
one. You may preview the design before applying it to your presentation.

3. Slide Transition

On the menu bar, click on Slide Show, then Slide Transition. Make your choices in
the dialog box. You may apply the same transition for all the slides in your
presentation or choose to have different transition for each slide. You may preview
this, too.

4. Slide Animation

For this practical, we will see only the Preset Animation. First, you need to
highlight the slide to be animated. Then on the menu bar, click on Slide Show, then
on Preset Animation. Choose one.

5. Find out for yourself other features of PowerPoint that will enhance your
presentation. Still, you want to remember that your presentation is more worthy
with good content as opposed to a colorful and exciting show with only little


1. Create a presentation file consisting of five slides:

The first slide should be the title of your presentation.
The second slide should give the outline of your presentation.
The third slide should expand the first topic of your outline.
The fourth slide should include some text and some pictures.
The final slide should show just one line of text of different fonts, sizes and
2. Each slide should use a different transition.

3. Slide 3 should be animated.

4. Is it possible to apply different slide designs to several slides in one presentation


Instructions for group presentation (to be presented in week 10-12 onwards)

1. Find a suitable title/topic of presentation

2. Use the internet to find information regarding the title chosen.
3. Use at least three and at most five sites to gather information.
4. Organize the information to become a concise presentation on the topic.
5. The presentation should be a five-slides PowerPoint presentation that includes
(a) sources of your information, and
(b) either a chart or a picture or both.


In this practical, we will learn how to

1. enter data into a worksheet,
2. format numbers,
3. sort entries,
4. change column width and row height.


1. In Excel, the worksheet is the main document used to store and manage data. Each
Excel worksheet is a rectangular grid of columns and rows. The intersection of a
column and a row is called a cell, the basic unit of a worksheet in which data can
be stored. Each cell is referred to by its address. Cell A2 would be the intersection
of column A and row 2.
To bring a cursor to a particular cell, we would point to that cell, and then left-click
the mouse. Excel will display the cell address in the box on the left corner above
column A.

2. Just like Word, to start a new worksheet, click on the New icon, or click File on the
menu bar, then choose New.

3. To highlight a cluster of cells, point to the first cell to be highlighted, left click then
drag the mouse over all the cells to be included in the group.
To highlight a column or a row, click on the corresponding alphabet or number.

4. Entering number or text(label) in a cell

(a) Activate the cell by clicking on it.
(b) Enter data. As you type, note that what you are entering is displayed in the
formula bar of the active cell. Where is the formula bar?
(c) To store data in the active cell, press Enter on the keyboard. You may also
do that by clicking on the (check sign) button on the formula bar.
(d) To cancel an entry from an active cell, press Esc on the keyboard or click
on the (cross sign) button on the formula bar.
(e) Excel automatically aligns text to the left and numbers to the right of a cell.

5. Entering data in a cluster of cells

(a) Highlight the cells.
(b) Enter data. Excel automatically puts it in the first cell of the cluster.
(c) Press Enter on the keyboard.
(d) Cursor goes to the next cell automatically.
(e) Enter data until all cells in cluster have been filled.

6. Formatting numbers
(a) Highlight cells to be formatted.
(b) Click on Format on the menu bar, then click on Cells..... Then click on the
Number tab and choose the format you want.

7. is the bold plus sign at the bottom right of an active cell. It may be
used to fill a series of numbers/labels into a row or column of cells.
(a) Enter the first two values (or labels) of the series in adjacent cells of a row
or a column.
(b) Highlight these two cells.
(c) Get the fill handle, then drag it down (or right). While you are draging the
fill handle, observe what Excel does.
(d) Let go of the left button once you see the last value of your series.

8. Changing the width of a column or height of a row

(a) Point to the column label until the symbol is displayed. Drag left or right
till you get the width you want.
(b) Point to the row number until the symbol is displayed. Drag up or down
till you get the row height you want.
9. Sorting
(a) For data with one field only.
(i) Highlight cells to be sorted. Do not include field name.
(ii) Click on the button A to sort in ascending order.
(iii) Click on the button to sort in descending order.

the stated cells. (These are records with one field only, namely, Name).
Cell address Content
A1 Name
A2 Ali
A3 Cindy
A4 Brian
A5 Zul
A6 Mariam
To sort the names in ascending order, highlight cells A2 through A6. Then
do 9(a)(ii).

(b) If on the other hand, we have a set of records with more than one field, as in
exercise number 5 below, we may sort the records according to the different
fields. To do that, we highlight the data set, including field names, and do
the following:
(i) Choose option Data from the menu bar.
(ii) Click on Sort.
(iii) Do the necessary in the dialog box that appears.
Please note that you must inform Excel that your list includes Header row if you
have highlighted the field names.

10. The style and size of text may be changed as desired, just like in Word.

11. Clearing a worksheet

Say we have done some work in some part of a worksheet that we do not want to
save and we want to clear it. Highlight the range of cells, press Delete on the

12. Reminder
Please use Microsoft Excel Help (either press button F1 on the keyboard or click?
on the icon bar) should you need assistance with your work before hollering for the


1. Highlight cell A1 to cell D5. This is a cluster of 20 cells. Enter the number 1 - 20 in
these cells. [Guideline 5]
2. Format the numbers in the first two rows so that they are displayed with two
decimal places. Let the last three rows display the numbers as currencies. [If you
want the RM as your currency, you will have to change accordingly the currency
sign in the regional setting in the control panel.]
3. Go to another part of your worksheet. Now enter the numbers 1 to 20 by just
entering the numbers 1 and 2 in adjacent cells in a row or in a column. See
guideline 7.
4. You may enter the days Sunday, Monday and onwards as you do the numbers in
exercise 3. Try it.
5. Enter this data into some part of your worksheet. Please ensure the display is as
seen below. Then sort according to each category in both orders.

Name State Age

Zulaikha Muhammad Zulfikar Perlis 12
Dahlia Abdul Manaf Pulau Pinang 24
Emylia Hassan Kelantan 18
Masliha Nik Nabal Johor 20
Anita Wolfgang Amadeus Johor 25
Aliah Farhanah Affendi Melaka 18
Zulaikha Anis Johari Kedah 20


In this practical, we will learn how to

1. use relative and absolute references in formulas,
2. use simple built-in Excel functions.


1. Mathematical operators in Excel

+ Addition
/ Division
* Multiplication
^ Exponent

2. Calculations and formulas in Excel are preceded by the equal sign

To calculate 304 5 and display the result in cell A1, we first activate cell A1, then
type the following:
= 30 ^ 4 / 5
If instead we want to calculate 30(4 5), we type
= 30 ^ (4 / 5)

3. Just like entering numbers or text, we will see the formula we are typing in both the
formula bar and the active cell. To confirm entry, we press Enter on the keyboard
or click on the check sign.

How do we calculate the following in Excel?
3 2
(a) 3 (b) 5 (7 8 4) (c) 13 57
5 3

4. Cell references tell Excel where to look for values to be used in formulas. Thus, we
may use data in different parts of a worksheet in a formula or use the value in one
particular cell in different formulas.
=(F27/12)*30 The value in cell F27 is divided by 12 then multiplied with
=SUM(E1:12) SUM is a built-in Excel function to calculate the sum of
values in a cluster of cells, in this case, values in cells E1,
E2, ..., E12.

5. There are two kinds of references, relative and absolute. These are very useful
when we want to copy formulas.
Relative reference -
Absolute reference -
Can you note the difference between these two types of references? Which one
applies to one particular place? Which one may refer to anywhere in the world?
The relat
either the column
reference or the row reference, e.g. $A1 or A$1. In the first case, we fix the column
and in the second, we fix the row.

6. Entering a formula
(a) Activate the cell in which to enter the formula (to display result).
(b) activate the formula bar. Alternately, click on the formula

(c) Type the formula. Editing may be done just like in Word.
(d) Press Enter on the keyboard or click on the check sign.

(a) Enter the following values in the assigned cells:
A1 : 3 A2 : 5 A3 : 10
(b) Activate cell D2. Type the following:
Click on the check sign.
(c) Activate cell E2. Type the following:
Click on the check sign.

7. Entering cell references in formula by pointing

Instead of typing cell references like in the exercise above, we may instead point to
them and left click. If we are using a function like SUM that uses a range of cells
as its argument, we may point to the first cell in the range and then drag the cursor
till the last cell.

We will use the same values in cells A1 to A3 as in the previous exercise.
(a) Activate cell F2.

A2 and left click.

T nd click the check sign.

This achieves the same result as (b) in the previous exercise. Which is
easier? Why?

(b) Activate cell F3.

Point to cell A1, click and drag the mouse to cell A3.

This achieves the same result as (c) in the previous exercise. Which is
easier? Why?

8. SUM is one built-in function of Excel. All we have to do with built-in functions is
to provide them with the correct arguments.
To see all the available functions in Excel, activate the formula bar and click on the
upside down triangle button to the left of the cross sign button. Choose one. A
dialog box will appear, explaining what the function does and what kind of
argument it needs.

9. Often, we work with a set of numbers, doing the same thing with each one. This is
where copying and cell references become useful.

A (1) Clear your worksheet or start a new one.
(2) In cell A1 through cell A32, enter the numbers 1 to 32.
(3) We want to calculate the twice the number plus 5 and put the result in
adjacent cell i.e. if x is in cell A1, we want to calculate 2x + 5 and put the
result in cell B1.
(4) Activate cell B1. Type the correct formula.
(5) We want to the same for the contents of cell A2 through A32. However, it
is not smart to do (4) for another 31 times. Instead, we copy what we have
done in B1 to the rest.
(6) Click on B1. Find the fill handle. Drag it down to cell B32.
Note the cell references in each of B1 to B32. Explain.
(7) Now we want to divide each of the (2x + 5) by the average of 1, 2, 3, ..., 32.
First we calculate the average. Then we divide what we have calculated in
(4) through (6) by the average. Here is one way to do that:
Activate cell F1. Activate the formula bar. Click on the upside down
triangle sign button. Click on Average, highlight cell A1 through A32.
Press Enter on the keyboard.
and click to cell F1, and finally click on the check sign.
Now, the rest is calculated the same way, but if you were to copy from C1
to the rest, you will be dividing by zero.
Remember that each cell in column B is to be divided by exactly the
content of F1. Therefore, we want to use its absolute reference.
Edit the formula in C1 by first activating it, then click on the formula.
Now, you may copy to the rest. Notice the cell references now as opposed
to in (6).
B How would you instruct Excel to calculate and display the squares and cubes of the
numbers 5, 4, 3, ... , 4, 5?
C Find the average of each set in B.
D Use built-in functions to find the maximum and minimum values of a list of
numbers and also its standard deviation.


In this practical, we will learn how to

1. create charts in a worksheet,
2. insert a chart in a text document,
3. insert a chart in a slide, and
4. use logical functions.

Instructions / Guidelines

1. The Chart Wizard makes creating a graph/chart easy. Before clicking on its icon on
the tool bar, you must first highlight the data to be graphed. The labels may be
Exercise Graphing y x 2
(a) First, we want to create a set of values. Recall how this is done in the
previous practical.
(b) Highlight the relevant cluster of cells.
(c) Step 1
Click the Chart Wizard icon on the tool bar.
Use the Standard type tab.

Click one of the boxes in Chart Sub-type. Observe the explanation

below it.
Click the Next button.
(d) Step 2 of the Chart Wizard requires the data source. We have highlighted
this. So click the Next button.
(e) Step 3 is Chart Options. Do what you think is necessary here. Then click
(f) Step 4 is Chart Location. We will save the chart in the sheet. So click


2. As you may have noticed in the Chart Wizard dialog box, there are other chart
types. Use what you have learned in school, or anywhere, for that matter, to create
appropriate data sets for the following charts. Remember, we should have a data
set first before we could create a chart. Type of graph must be suitable to your

Exercise Creating other charts

(a) Pie chart
(b) Bar chart
(c) Line graph


document using the paste icon.


Evaluation Aspects

Instructor will evaluate the Power Point Presentation based on these aspects:
(a) Use of slide animation 5 marks.
(b) Use of slide transition 5 marks.
(c) Continuity of slides 5 marks.
(d) Smooth-running presentation 5 marks.
Full 20 marks

Example of Form for Instructor

Group 1 (a) Use of slide animation /5marks

(b) Use of slide transition /5 marks
(c) Continuity of slides /5 marks
(d) Smooth-running presentation /5 marks
Total / 20 marks

Group Evaluation
Please write your name and you group members name and give marks based on your
participation and contribution to your presentation work.

Title of Presentation / Group No :

Your Name :

No Names of Group Members Marks

1 / 10 marks

2 / 10 marks

3 / 10 marks

4 / 10 marks

5 / 10 marks

6 / 10 marks


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