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A tree is a non-linear data structure that is used to represents hierarchical
relationships between individual data items.

A tree is an ideal data structure for representing hierarchical data. A tree can be
theoretically defined as a finite set of one or more data items (or nodes) such that:
1. There is a special node called the root of the tree.
2. Removing nodes (or data item) are partitioned into number of mutually exclusive (i.e.,
Disjoined) subsets each of which is itself a tree are called sub tree.

Ordinary and Binary Trees Terminology:

Tree: A tree is a finite set of one or more nodes such that, there is a specially designated
node called root. The remaining nodes are partitioned into n>=0 disjoint sets T1,
T2,..Tn, where each of these set is a tree T1,…Tn are called the subtrees of the root.

Branch: Branch is the link between the parent and its child.

Leaf: A node with no children is called a leaf.

Subtree: A Subtree is a subset of a tree that is itself a tree.

Degree: The number of subtrees of a node is called the degree of the node. Hence nodes
that have degree zero are called leaf or terminal nodes. The other nodes are referred as
non-terminal nodes.

Children: The nodes branching from a particular node X are called children of X and X
is called its parent.

Siblings: Children of the same parent are said to be siblings.

Degree of tree: Degree of the tree is the maximum of the degree of the nodes in the tree.

Ancestors: Ancestors of a node are all the nodes along the path from root to that node.
Hence root is ancestor of all the nodes in the tree.

Level: Level of a node is defined by letting root at level one. If a node is at level L, then
its children are at level L + 1.

Height or depth: The height or depth of a tree is defined to be the maximum level of any
node in the tree.

Climbing: The process of traversing the tree from the leaf to the root is called climbing
the tree.

Descending: The process of traversing the tree from the root to the leaf is called
descending the tree.

Binary tree has nodes each of which has no more than two child nodes.

Binary tree: A binary tree is a finite set of nodes that either is empty or consists of a root
and two disjoint binary trees called the left subtree and right subtree.

Left child: The node present to the left of the parent node is called the left child.
Right child: The node present to the right of the parent node is called the right child.

Skewed Binary tree: If the new nodes in the tree are added only to one side of the binary
tree then it is a skewed binary tree.

Strictly binary tree: If the binary tree has each node consisting of either two nodes or no
nodes at all, then it is called a strictly binary tree.

Complete binary tree: If all the nodes of a binary tree consist of two nodes each and the
nodes at the last level does not consist any nodes, then that type of binary tree is called a
complete binary tree.

It can be observed that the maximum number of nodes on level i of a binary tree
is 2i - 1, where i ≥ 1. The maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of depth k is 2k – 1,
where k ≥ 1.


• The number of nodes n in a full binary tree, is at least n= 2h+1 and at most n =
2h+1-1, where h is the height of the tree.
• A binary tree of n elements has n-1 edges.
• A binary tree of height h has at least h and at most 2h - 1 elements
• A tree consisting of only a root node has a height of 0.
• The number of leaf nodes in a perfect binary tree, is l= (n+1)/2. This means that
a perfect binary tree with l leaves has n=2l-1 nodes.
• The number of internal nodes in a complete binary tree of n nodes is n/2.


There are two ways in which a binary tree can be represented. They are:

(i) Array representation of binary trees.

(ii) Linked representation of binary trees.


When arrays are used to represent the binary trees, then an array of size 2k is
declared where, k is the depth of the tree. For example if the depth of the binary tree is 3,
then maximum 23 - 1 = 7 elements will be present in the node and hence the array size
will be 8. This is because the elements are stored from position one leaving the position
0 vacant. But generally an array of bigger size is declared so that later new nodes can be
added to the existing tree. The following binary tree can be represented using arrays as

Array representation:

The root element is always stored in position 1. The left child of node i is stored in
position 2i and right child of node is stored in position 2i + 1. Hence the following
formulae can be used to identify the parent, left child and right child of a particular node.

Parent( i ) = i / 2, if i ≠ 1. If i = 1 then i is the root node and root does not has parent.

Left child( i ) = 2i, if 2i ≤ n, where n is the maximum number of elements in the tree. If
2i > n, then i has no left child.

Right child( i ) = 2i + 1, if 2i + 1 ≤ n. If 2i + 1 > n, then i has no right child.

The empty positions in the tree where no node is connected are represented in the array
using -1, indicating absence of a node.

Using the formula, we can see that for a node 3, the parent is 3/ 2 1. Referring to the
array locations, we find that 50 is the parent of 40. The left child of node 3 is 2*3 6.
But the position 6 consists of -1 indicating that the left child does not exist for the node 3.
Hence 50 does not have a left child. The right child of node 3 is 2*3 + 1 7. The
position 7 in the array consists of 20. Hence, 20 is the right child of 40.


In linked representation of binary trees, instead of arrays, pointers are used to

connect the various nodes of the tree. Hence each node of the binary tree consists of
three parts namely, the info, left and right. The info part stores the data, left part stores
the address of the left child and the right part stores the address of the right child.
Logically the binary tree in linked form can be represented as shown.

The pointers storing NULL value indicates that there is no node attached to it.
Traversing through this type of representation is very easy. The left child of a particular
node can be accessed by following the left link of that node and the right child of a
particular node can be accessed by following the right link of that node.


Abstract Data Type (ADT): An Abstract Data Type is a representation in which we

provide a specification of the instances as well as of the operations that are to be
performed. More precisely,
An Abstract Data Type is a data type that is organized in such a way that the
specification of the object and the specification of the operation on the object are
separated from the representation of the object and the implementation of the operation.

Abstract Datatype BinT(node *root)

Instances: Binarytree is a non linear data structure which contains every node except
the leaf nodes at most two child nodes.

This operations is used to insert the nodes in the binary tree.
This operations is used to delete any node from the binary tree.Note that if root
node is removed the tree becomes empty.


There are three standard ways of traversing a binary tree T with root R. They are:

( i ) Preorder Traversal
(ii ) Inorder Traversal
(iii) Postorder Traversal

General outline of these three traversal methods can be given as follows:

Preorder Traversal:

(1) Process the root R.

(2) Traverse the left subtree of R in preorder.
(3) Traverse the right subtree of R in preorder.

Inorder Traversal:

(1) Traverse the left subtree of R in inorder.

(2) Process the root R.
(3) Traverse the right subtree of R in inorder.

Postorder Traversal:

(1) Traverse the left subtree of R in postorder.

(2) Traverse the right subtree of R in postorder.
(3) Process the root R.

Observe that each algorithm contains the same three steps, and that the left
subtree of R is always traversed before the right subtree. The difference between the
algorithms is the time at which the root R is processed. The three algorithms are
sometimes called, respectively, the node-left-right (NLR) traversal, the left-node-right
(LNR) traversal and the left-right-node (LRN) traversal.

Now we can present the detailed algorithm for these traversal methods in both
recursive method and iterative method.

Traversal algorithms using recursive approach

Preorder Traversal

In the preorder traversal the node element is visited first and then the right subtree
of the node and then the right subtree of the node is visited. Consider the following case
where we have 6 nodes in the tree A, B, C, D, E, F. The traversal always starts from the
root of the tree. The node A is the root and hence it is visited first. The value at this node
is processed. The processing can be doing some computation over it or just printing its
value. Now we check if there exists any left child for this node if so apply the preorder
procedure on the left subtree. Now check if there is any right subtree for the node A, the
preorder procedure is applied on the right subtree.

Since there exists a left subtree for node A, B is now considered as the root of the
left subtree of A and preorder procedure is applied. Hence we find that B is processed
next and then it is checked if B has a left subtree. This recursive method is continued
until all the nodes are visited.

The algorithm for the above method is presented in the pseudo-code form below:



Temp = ROOT
If temp = NULL
End if

Print info(temp)
If left(temp) ≠ NULL
PREORDER( left(temp))
End if
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
End if

Inorder Traversal

In the Inorder traversal method, the left subtree of the current node is visited first
and then the current node is processed and at last the right subtree of the current node is
visited. In the following example, the traversal starts with the root of the binary tree.
The node A is the root and it is checked if it has the left subtree. Then the inorder
traversal procedure is applied on the left subtree of the node A. Now we find that node D
does not have left subtree. Hence the node D is processed and then it is checked if there
is a right subtree for node D. Since there is no right subtree, the control returns back to
the previous function which was applied on B. Since left of B is already visited, now B is
processed. It is checked if B has the right subtree. If so apply the inroder traversal
method on the right subtree of the node B. This recursive procedure is followed till all
the nodes are visited.



Temp = ROOT
If temp = NULL
End if
If left(temp) ≠ NULL
End if
Print info(temp)
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
End if

Postorder Traversal

In the postorder traversal method the left subtree is visited first, then the right
subtree and at last the current node is processed. In the following example, A is the root
node. Since A has the left subtree the postorder traversal method is applied recursively
on the left subtree of A. Then when left subtree of A is completely is processed, the
postorder traversal method is recursively applied on the right subtree of the node A. If
right subtree is completely processed, then the current node A is processed.



Temp = ROOT
If temp = NULL
End if
If left(temp) ≠ NULL

End if
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
End if
Print info(temp)

Binary Tree Traversal Using Iterative Approach

Preorder Traversal

In the iterative method a stack is used to implement the traversal methods.

Initially the stack is stored with a NULL value. The root node is taken for processing
first. A pointer temp is made to point to this root node. If there exists a right node for the
current node, then push that node into the stack. If there exists a left subtree for the
current node then temp is made to the left child of the current node. If the left child does
not exist, then a value is popped from the stack and temp is made to point to that node
which is popped and the same process is repeated. This is done till the NULL value is
popped from the stack.



Temp = ROOT, push(NULL)

While temp ≠ NULL
Print info(temp)
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
End if
If left(temp) ≠ NULL
Temp = left(temp)
Temp = pop( )
End if
End while

Inorder Traversal

In the Inorder traversal method, the traversal starts at the root node. A pointer
Temp is made to point to root node. Initially, the stack is stored with a NULL value and
a flag RIGHTEXISTS is made equal to 1. Now for the current node, if the flag
RIGHTEXISTS = 1, then immediately it is made 0, and the node pointed by temp is
pushed to the stack. The temp pointer is moved to the left child of the node if the left
child exists. Every time the temp is moved to a new node, the node is pushed into the
stack and temp is moved to its left child. This is continued till temp reaches a NULL
After this one by one, the nodes in the stack are popped and are pointed by temp.
The node is processed and if the node has right child, then the flag RIGHTEXISTS is set
to 1 and the process describe above starts from the beginning. Thus the process stops
when the NULL value from the stack is popped.



Temp = ROOT, push(NULL), RIGHTEXISTS = 1
While temp ≠ NULL
Temp = left(temp)
End while

While (TRUE)
Temp = pop( )
If temp = NULL
End if
Print info(temp)
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
Temp = right(temp)
End if
End while
End while

Postorder Traversal

In the postorder traversal method, a stack is initially stored with a NULL value.
A pointer temp is made to point to the root node. A flag RIGHTEXISTS is set to 1. A
loop is started and continued until this flag is 1. The current node is pushed into the stack
and it is checked if it has a right child. If so, the negative of value of that node is pushed
into the stack and the temp is moved to its left child if it exists. This process is repeated
till the temp reached a NULL value.
Now the values in the stack are popped one by one and are pointed by temp. If
the value popped is positive then that node is processed. If the value popped is negative,
then the value is negated and pointed by temp. The flag RIGHTEXISTS is set to 1 and
the same above process repeats. This continues till the NULL value from the stack is



Temp = ROOT, push(NULL), RIGHTEXISTS = 1

While temp ≠ NULL
Push (temp)
If right(temp) ≠ NULL
Push( - right(temp))
End if
Temp =left(temp)
End while
Temp = pop( )

If temp > 0
Print info(temp)
End if
If temp < 0
Temp = -temp
End if
While temp ≠ NULL
End while

Expression Tree

The trees are many times used to represent an expression and if done so, those
types of trees are called expression trees. The following expression is represented using
the binary tree, where the leaves represent the operands and the internal nodes represent
the operators.


If the expression tree is traversed using preorder, inorder and postorder traversal methods,
then we get the expressions in prefix, infix and postfix forms as shown.





Binary Search Tree: A Binary tree T is a Binary Search Tree (BST), if each node N of T
has the following property : The value at N is greater than every value in the left subtree
of N and is less than every value in the right subtree of N.

Consider the following tree. The root node 60 is greater than all the elements (54,
23, 58) in its left subtree and is less than all elements in its right subtree (78, 95).
Similarly, 54 is greater than its left child 23 and lesser than its right child 58. Hence each
and every node in a binary search tree satisfies this property.

The reason why we go for a Binary Search tree is to improve the searching
efficiency. The average case time complexity of the search operation in a binary search
tree is O( log n ).

Consider the following list of numbers. A binary tree can be constructed using this list of
numbers, as shown.

38 14 8 23 18 20 56 45 82 70

Initially 38 is taken and placed as the root node. The next number 14 is taken and
compared with 38. As 14 is lesser than 38, it is placed as the left child of 38. Now the
third number 8 is taken and compared starting from the root node 38. Since is 8 is less
than 38 move towards left of 38. Now 8 is compared with 14, and as it is less that 14 and
also 14 does not have any child, 8 is attached as the left child of 14. This process is
repeated until all the numbers are inserted into the tree. Remember that if a number to be
inserted is greater than a particular node element, then we move towards the right of the
node and start comparing again.

Search Operation in a Binary Search Tree

The search operation on a BST returns the address of the node where the element
is found. The pointer LOC is used to store the address of the node where the element is
found. The pointer PAR is used to point to the parent of LOC. Initially the pointer
TEMP is made to point to the root node. Let us search for a value 70 in the following
BST. Let k = 70. The k value is compared with 38. As k is greater that 38, move to the
right child of 38, i.e., 56. k is greater than 56 and hence we move to the right child of 56,
which is 82. Now since k is lesser than 82, temp is moved to the left child of 82. The k
value matches here and hence the address of this node is stored in the pointer LOC.

Every time the temp pointer is moved to the next node, the current node is made
pointed by PAR. Hence we get the address of that node where the k value is found, and
also the address of its parent node though PAR.



Temp = ROOT, par = NULL, loc = NULL

While temp ≠ NULL
If k = info(temp)
Loc = temp
End if
If k < info(temp)
Par = temp
Temp = left(temp)
Par = temp
Temp = right(temp)
End if
End while

Insert Operation in a Binary Search Tree

The BST itself is constructed using the insert operation described below.
Consider the following list of numbers. A binary tree can be constructed using this list of
numbers using the insert operation, as shown.

39 14 8 23 18 20 56 45 82 70

Initially 38 is taken and placed as the root node. The next number 14 is taken and
compared with 38. As 14 is lesser than 38, it is placed as the left child of 38. Now the
third number 8 is taken and compared starting from the root node 38. Since is 8 is less
than 38 move towards left of 38. Now 8 is compared with 14, and as it is less that 14 and
also 14 does not have any child, 8 is attached as the left child of 14. This process is
repeated until all the numbers are inserted into the tree. Remember that if a number to be
inserted is greater than a particular node element, then we move towards the right of the
node and start comparing again.



Temp = ROOT, par = NULL

While temp ≠ NULL
If k = info(temp)
Print “Item already exists!”
End if
If k < info(temp)
Par = temp
Temp = left(temp)
Par = temp
Temp = right(temp)
End if
End while

Info(R) = k, left(R) = NULL, right(R) = NULL

If par = NULL
End if
If k < info(par)
Left(par) = R
Right(par) = R
End if

Delete Operation in a Binary Search Tree

The delete operation in a Binary search tree follows two cases. In case A, the
node to be deleted has no children or it has only one child. In case B, the node to be
deleted has both left child and the right child. It is taken care that, even after deletion the
binary search tree property holds for all the nodes in the BST.



If Loc = NULL
Print “Item not found”
End if

If right(Loc) ≠ NULL and left(Loc) ≠ NULL

CASEB(Loc, par)

CASEA(Loc, par)
End if


Case A:

The search is operation is performed for the key value that has to be deleted. The
search operation, returns the address of the node to be deleted in the pointer LOC and its
parents’ address is returned in a pointer PAR. If the node to be deleted has no children
then, it is checked whether the node pointed by LOC is left child of PAR or is it the right
child of PAR. If it is the left child of PAR, then left of PAR is made NULL else right of
PAR is made NULL.

The sequence of steps followed for deleting 20 from the tree is as shown.

If the node to be deleted has one child, then a new pointer CHILD is made to
point to the child of LOC. If LOC is left child of PAR then left of PAR is pointed to
CHILD. If LOC is right child of PAR then right of PAR is pointed to CHILD.

The sequence of steps for deleting the node 23 is shown.

Case B:

In this case, the node to be deleted has both the left child and the right child. Here
we introduce two new pointers SUC and PARSUC. The inorder successor of the node to
be deleted is found out and is pointed by SUC and its parent node is pointed by the
PARSUC. In the following example the node to be deleted is 56 which has both the left
child and the right child. The inorder successor of 56 is 70 and hence it is pointed by
SUC. Now the SUC replaces 56 as shown in the following sequence of steps.


CASEA( Loc, par )

Temp = Loc
If left(temp) = NULL and right(temp) = NULL
Child = NULL
If left(temp) ≠ NULL
Child = left(temp)
Child = right(temp)
End if
End if

If par ≠ NULL
If temp = left(par)
Left(par) = child
Right(par) = child
End if
ROOT = child
End if


CASEB( Loc, par )

Temp = right(Loc)
Save = Loc
While left(temp) ≠ NULL
Save = temp
Temp = left(temp)
End while

Suc = temp
Parsuc = save
CASEA( suc, parsuc)
If par ≠ NULL
If Loc = left(par)
Left(par) = suc
Right(par) = suc
End if
ROOT = suc
End if
Left(suc) = left(Loc)
Right(suc) = right(Loc)



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