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ISO-9001 Clauses

Management Responsibility Quality System Order Entry Design Control Document and Data Control Purchasing Control of Customer Supplied Products Product Identification and Tractability Process Control Inspection and Testing Control of Inspection, Measuring, and Test Equipment Inspection and Test Status Control of Nonconforming Products Corrective and Preventive Action Handling, Storage, Packaging, and Delivery Control of Quality Records Internal Quality Audits Training Servicing Statistical Techniques

Abstract: QS-9000 is the name given to the Quality System Requirements of the automotive industry which were developed by Chrysler, Ford, General Motors and major truck manufacturers and issued in 1994. QS-9000 is sometimes seen as being identical to ISO 9000. However, QS-9000 adds clauses to many of the ISO 9000 elements. Some of the differences in QS-9000 and ISO-9000 and the responsibilities of each employee under QS-9000 are given in this paper. This paper also describes the two types of audits, how employees should respond to audits, and the QS-9000 Quality Statement. Other terminology unique to QS-9000 is also given. I. What Is QS-9000? QS 9000 is the name given to the Quality System Requirements of the automotive industry which were developed by Chrysler, Ford, General Motors and major truck manufacturers and issued in late 1994. QS9000 replaces such quality system requirements as Ford Q-101, Chrysler's Supplier Quality Assurance Manual, GM's NAO Targets for Excellence and the Truck Manufacturer's quality system manuals. The influence of QS-9000 is being seen throughout the automotive industry as it has virtually eliminated varying demands and waste associated with redundant systems. Proof of conformance to QS-9000 is certification/registration by an accredited third party such as Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) or the American Bureau of Shipping

(ABS). Companies that become registered under QS-9000 will be considered to have higher standards and better quality products. This paper will describe the steps a company needs to take to achieve this goal. II. WHY QS-9000? QS-9000 will help companies to stay ahead of their competition. It will do this by filling gaps in the business and quality systems that can cause problems. QS-9000 eliminates redundant and unnecessary work practices. QS-9000 tells current and potential customers that the product has consistent quality and is manufactured under controlled conditions. This system is globally accepted as proof of quality in the automotive industry and is also a major customer requirement. III. How Does QS-9000 Differ From ISO-9000? QS-9000 is sometimes seen as being identical to ISO 9000, but this is not true. Even though each element of ISO 9000 is an element of QS9000, QS-9000 adds clauses to the majority of the ISO 9000 elements. For example, QS-9000 adds requirements for a business plan, tracking customer satisfaction and bench marking to element 4.1 of ISO 9000, Management Responsibility. QS-9000 also uses sector-specific requirements. The following requirements are not based on ISO 9000:

production part approval process the requirements for gaining approval from the customer to run a new or altered part or process continuous improvement automotive suppliers are required to have systems in place to ensure that organized, measurable improvement activities take place for a variety for business aspects manufacturing capabilities requirements for planning and effectiveness for equipment, facilities and processes requirements for mistake proofing, and tooling management.

IV. Associate Responsibilities In order to become QS-9000 certified, a company must first prepare its staff for the challenge that awaits them. Each employee will have responsibilities under QS-9000. Once time-studies, machine and operator layout and production rates have been set by the industrial engineer, then some of these responsibilities include:

performing all work in compliance with all documented procedures and work instructions that may apply;

to have access to all procedures and/or work instructions that are applicable to your job; to know the company's QS-9000 quality policy statement; to cooperate with internal and external auditors; to attend and complete all required training sessions; to attend all meetings that are applicable to your job function. (i.e., management reviews, problem solving meetings); respect the document control and quality record procedures: comply with corrective actions; to complete all forms, logs and other records which are called for by your procedures and work instructions in a consistent, timely manner; to notify appropriate personnel of nonconformances which could cause a quality problem or finding during an audit.

V. QS-9000 Audits When the employees are prepared for the responsibilities that await them, they will be randomly audited by two types of auditors: 1. Internal auditor: A team of people who are employed by your company. 2. External auditor: A customer representative of the QS-9000 certification auditor. The auditor's questions may include:

How do you do your job? Do you have work instructions or a procedure?

The auditor might then ask specific questions concerning the procedure. Examples include:

Are you familiar with the company quality policy? Can you tell me what it is? What does it mean to you?

The auditor may also ask to see any forms you fill out or records you have about your job. In many cases an employee will get nervous when an auditor asks a question. Good advice to give an employee on answering an auditor's question would be to relax. The auditor is probably just as nervous as you are. Be honest. The auditor may already know the truth. Be polite and the audit should go quickly. Show the auditor your work instructions (methods, visual aids). Be sure the way you explain how you do your job matches with the work instructions. Point out the Quality Policy Statement to the auditor and read it from the card. Be able to tell the auditor what the Quality Policy means to you in your own words. If you do not understand the question, ask the auditor to say it again or explain. Do not try to answer a question that you do not understand. Do not argue with the auditor. If you feel he or she did not understand your answer, carefully

explain the answer to the auditor. Audits will normally be scheduled and the company will be notified. Therefore each department will have time to prepare, and they will usually have a practice audit so that everyone is prepared. However, the company should always be prepared for an audit by having their proceduresand quality policy statement ready. Procedures should not be followed only when there is an audit. The purpose of the QS-9000 system is to consistantly produce a quality product. If procedures are followed only at the time of the audit the associates will not be comfortable or knowledgeable with them when the auditors come through. Therefore receiving certification becomes much more unlikely. More importantly, the goal of consistant production of a quality product will more than likely have been defeated. The most important thing to remember with QS-9000 and receiving certification is that it is not a productivity comparison with other companies nor even a quality comparison. It is simply a check to see if you, as a department or company, are doing what you said you have been doing everytime you produce a part or product. VI. QS-9000 Quality Statement The QS-9000 Quality Statement tells of your company's objectives for quality and commitment to quality, and is relevant to company goals and customer needs and expectations. The Quality Statement will be given to all associates in the form of a laminated card that they must keep with them at all times. The Quality Statement should be posted in all areas of the facility. Though it is not necessary for each associate to memorize the quality policy statement, they should be able to read it from the card or wall and tell what it means to them. All management personnel must know the quality policy statement. VII. QS-9000 Definitions

Internal Auditor: An employee of the company who has been trained to perform audits of certain elements of the quality system. An internal auditor must be independent of the elements he is auditing (can not audit himself). Quality Policy Statement: A documented statement defined by management which tells of the company's commitment to quality and the customer. The quality policy statement is intended to strengthen the daily focus on quality and must be known by all plant and office personnel. Work Instructions: Written methods and visual aids which detail how a particular job is performed. Work instructions are supposed to be available at the work area and followed consistently by all shifts. Internal audit: Questions about QS-9000 asked by audit teams which are made up by the company's own employees. Audit Finding/Nonconformance (Also Noncompliance): If during an audit, something is not documented, or something is not being followed, the auditor reports this as a nonconformance and corrective action must be taken.

Corrective Action: Once an audit finding or occurrence had been reported to personnel responsible for that area, those personnel must agree on a cure for the nonconformance and a date in which the plan will be completed. This is usually handled through a Corrective Action Report (CAR) form. Preventative Action: An action taken to prevent the occurrence of a nonconformance or quality problem that has not yet occurred. Example: Production personnel take a corrective action on a customer complaint for product A. A similar, but preventative action is taken for product B in anticipation of the same problem, even though no problem has occurred. External audit: (Also 3rd party audit) An audit of the QS-9000 quality system elements by personnel which are not members of your company, such as UL or ABS. Certification Audit: (Also registration audit) The formal audit by personnel empowered to issue QS-9000 certification. These personnel are called Registars. Examples are Underwriters's Laboratories (UL) and the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). Upon passing this audit, your company is issued a certificate and is registered with the appropriate registration bodies. VIII. Conclusion QS-9000 was developed to ensure customer satisfaction beginning with conformance to fundamental quality requirements and utilizing such concepts as continuous improvement, defect prevention, and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. QS-9000 is an expansion or adaption of ISO-9000 that is more comprehensive and more applicable to the automobile industry and its suppliers. IX. Acknowedgements The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their helpful comments. X. References: 1. Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company and General Motors, 1994, Quality System Requirements QS-9000 1st Edition, AIAG (810) 358-3003 2. Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company and General Motors, 1995, Quality System Requirements QS-9000 2nd Edition, AIAG (810) 358-3003

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