Madonna Like A Prayer

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Student ID: 1096115

BA Music Business

Level 6 2020/2021

Analytical Perspectives – PM601

Assessment 1


Word Count:


Madonna, Like a Prayer: Feminism

Table of Contents:

Introduction p. 3

Feminism p. 4

Like a Prayer p. 5

Legacy p. 12

Conclusion p. 13

Reference List p. 14

Appendices p. 17



Challenging norms of acceptable female behaviour Madonna influenced many

women to stand against various repressions they were facing over the time. One of

her most iconic pop albums Like a Prayer has changed popular music and other

entertainment industries in a way of shaping expectations of what role female pop

singers have within it (Levine, 2019). The album explores a wide a range of topics

related to feminism, such as feminine role model, domestic violence and sexual

repression of religion. These are aimed to be studied through the current work by

analysing lyrics of the songs, music videos and opinion of critics in related literature.



With the second wave of feminism starting in the early 1970s, the upcoming decade

of 80s has seen the growing tendency of highlighting gender as category of physical

identification. The are four most popular feminism movements: radical, Marxist,

liberal and dual-system theory (Storey, 2018, p. 152-157). The one that Madonna

can be associated with is radical, which is defined by the women confront movement

against domination of patriarchy as the oppressing system. The way how this

movement was seen in popular music is an empowerment of women to use their

voices speaking out for their rights instead of bending their identities to the needs of

men. The society had an opinion on female being passive figure, which was

displayed as an object of male gaze and sexual desire. Portrait of women in popular

industry was rather provoking than representing (Mulvey, 1975, p.19). Female artists

were revealing playful performances with hints of erotic pleasure calling out other

women to get out of sexual repression (Brabazon, 2012, p. 214).

The main features of feminism resistance that can be noticed on television, press

and radio are escapism from domestic duties to Hollywood glamourous dreams,

identification of a feminine pride and power in the society and consumption of

popular industry production. Desirable object that was highly demanded in mass

culture is self-sacrifices of marriage and motherhood, oedipal desire to be loved,

erotic pleasure. All these are combined in a model of ‘triangular satisfaction: fatherly

protection, motherly care, and passionate adult love’ (Storey, 2018, p. 152-157).

These themes can be noticed in Madonna’s lyrics (Appendix 1).

Madonna came in times of and fights for women’s liberation. The rise of Gloria

Steinem activism, Solanas’ ‘SCUM Manifesto’ publishing in 1968, Equal pay and


equality legislation of 1970, ‘Wages for Housework’ campaign in 1972 and World

Conference of the International Women's Year in 1975 (Karbo, 2019; Sisterhood and

After Research Team, 2013; Solanas, 1983; Toupin, no date; United Nations, no

date). Civil rights met anxiety for feminism demanding on abortion rights and stricter

punishments for rape crime. Popular culture was promoting exploitation of women as

submissive beings for men pleasure and Madonna’s image of Christian/virgin/whore

was provocative for the ‘moral majority’ (O’Brien, 2018, p. 137).

Like a Prayer

Madonna was born on 16th August, 1958 in Michigan, United States, to a Catholic

family of Italian father Silvio Anthony and French-Canadian mother Madonna Louise

Ciccone. Madonna’s mother, after whom she was named, suffered from breast

cancer and died when the singer was only five. This loss is shown in two songs

included in Like a Prayer album: ‘Promise to Try’ and ‘Oh Father’ (O’Brien, 2018, p.

197). The first of these songs is a restraint piano ballad that portraits a conversation

addressed to little Madonna. Deep grief associated with these childhood memories

and the lack motherly love when growing up can be seen in the lyrics. As Madonna

sings ‘Will she see me cry when I stumble and fall/ Does she hear my voice in the

night when I call’. Footage of successful singer surrounded with fans and paparazzi

appear in music video showing her desire to have her mother around and share joy

and burden of popularity (Madonna, 1989). With the early loss of her mother, she

shifted her understanding of a role model to father. Although strict discipline rules set

by father were still in order in the family, she felt freedom of self-expression stating

that she has never been taught feminine manners and behaviour rules (Thompson,

2001, p.19). The second song, ‘Oh Father’ is talking about the relationship between

the singer and her father and the feeling of ‘betrayal’ she caried in her heart after he


got married with the housekeeper. However, the song speaks more than that. ‘It's me

dealing with all authority figures in life’ states Madonna. The song is not

autobiographical, it has controversial images of imagination, which add dramatism to

the ballad. Madonna never officially talked about her father physically abusing or

exploiting her in the childhood, but in the music video critics notice strong sense of

fear, closet beatings and even incest. These were more of an emotional neglect, lack

of fatherly attention while being locked up in grief. 'Maybe I wasn't the greatest

father in the world, said Tony Ciccone in the interview later, but life wasn't easy for

any of us.' As Madonna was the third child and the oldest daughter out of eight

children in Ciccone family, she has always need to show a sense of independency,

learning to rely only on herself and used her imagination to escape from insecurities.

This might be how she come up with this work (O’Brien, 2018, pp. 198-199). ‘Oh

Father’ is often referred as the beginning of the prayer, addressed to Lord. The end

of the song is talking about forgiveness, which is also giving a hint to the religious

meaning of the album. ‘Maybe someday /When I look back I'll be able to say /You

didn't mean to be cruel /Somebody hurt you too (Madonna, 1989). Both music videos

for ‘Promise to Try’ and ‘Oh Father’ are filmed using black and white filter to add

dramatism. Some of the ‘Oh Father’ scenes are referencing to Orson Welles' film

"Citizen Kane", which is talking about egoism and vanity of powerful men (Boy Toy

Inc, 2021).

Since the early age Madonna has shown her desire for attention acting different from

other children. Resisting against the stepmother, was a constant trouble to her

parents, causing regular visits to hospitals and school principal’s office (O’Brien,

2018, p. 29). Madonna hated to look like other girls at Catholic school. Her private

joke was wearing razzle-dazzle underwear under the uniform skirt and run hide


nuns, who were trying to punish her for lifting skirt in front of others or hanging

upside down like a monkey on the playground exposing those rainbow knickers.

Wearing skirts to church was another issue she did not want to accept. She was

putting trousers underneath the dress and showing it to her dad just to piss him

(Thompson, 2001, pp. 27-29). Even when her mother was still alive, she remembers

her being passionately religious and covering up the Sacred Heart statue if a woman

with zip-up jeans would come to their house. This image of sexuality against Catholic

repression was referenced in the cover art of Like a Prayer (O’Brien, 2018, p. 34).

The title song ‘Like a Prayer’ is echoing all the images of Church that were imprinted

in little girl’s mind by her deeply religious parents. Every object considered to be

sacred by Christianity has the power of transubstantiation. In this context the wine

and water are not only the symbols of Christ’s body, with every word in the prayer

enchanted during the mass, they become the thing. In ‘Like a Prayer’ Madonna

explores this power of words in prayer, remembering the vocation of her mother

being deadly ill and still being a good mother and wife hiding her suffers and trying to

escape in the grace of prayer, asking to be rescued. This vocation, standing on

knees, surrendering to God was seen by Madonna sexy serious. The song illustrates

a combination of sexual female power and spirituality. Her significance as a

songwriter is using liturgical text that would sound like a meditation on prayer and

adding catchy pop tune, featured with full sound of African American Los Angeles

Church of God gospel choir. This performance makes the sound so powerful

(O’Brien, 2018, p.196).

In 1980s it was a time where music videos were nearly as important as music itself.

For performers it was a way of building up their recognition and image through

associations with music videos streamed on widely popular tv channels, such as


MTV, not only in houses but pubs and clubs (Brabazon, 2012, p. 77). Madonna

understood that very well. For her television was a way to fame. She aiming to

horrify conservatives and please liberals (Stanley,2013, p. 563). Just the day before

the release of this music video a Pepsi advertisement was launched featuring the

artist watching over her eight years old self on a birthday party. The official music

video had nothing to do with that. It portraits Madonna having romantic relationship

with the crying religious figure of St. Martin de Porres, the patron-saint of mixed-race

people with burning crosses on the background. Madonna was collecting crucifixes

and rosary beads for their mystic significance associated with religion and were

widely used in music videos and performances. She thought of Crucifixion and

suffering of Christ in Catholicism as an act of masochism and ‘Like a Prayer’ shows

all of that (Thompson, 2001, p.2). It was seen so controversial by the Pepsico, so the

brand made a decision to pull it out right next day, although paying $5 million to the

artist (New York Times, 1989). This shows how much power she already had at the

time remaining loyal to her art and vision. She was the one to set the rules

(Thompson, 2001, p. 174). Yet, she stated that she will not be satisfied until she

becomes as famous as God, and here she is, the feminine icon of mass worship, full

sexual empowerment and spirituality (Thompson, 2001, p.2). In addition, it is the only

music video in the album featuring Madonna with black hair. The singer felt that her

natural hair would go well in to the context of more personal album. She herself

admits having identity crisis at the time as blonde women were seen more sexual by

the society. Later she still was convinced by the management to go blonde again

(O’Brien, 2018, p.208).

Besides religion in Like a Prayer Madonna explores personal topic family and

relationships. ‘Till Death Do Us Part' speaks of domestic violence and sacrifice of


unhappy marriage that the artist experienced while being in relationship with actor

Sean Penn. On December 28, 1988 Madonna reported to Malibu sheriff’s office

about being assaulted by her spouse. There are two opinions on this point, one that

the actual violence against the singer has happened with witnesses from police and

hospital stating that Madonna was hardly recognisable on the night, second, the

contradicted statement of pop star herself that Penn has never physically assaulted

her, which appeared after more than twenty years of silence. Nevertheless, a few

days she asked for the divorce and this accident forever changed the view of

powerful and painful sacrifice that many women endure in marriage (Trotter, 2015).

The ‘Till Death Do Us Part' song features a sad story over a happy beat. Lyrics tell

about feminine faith in change and sufferance of abusive marriage, mentioning

bruises (‘The bruises they will fade away’), physical violence (‘You hit so hard’),

alcohol (‘He takes a drink’) and demands from man’s side (‘He makes demands’).

Feministic line ‘I’m not your friend / I’m just your little wife’ refers to a ‘housewife’

label given to women by men (Madonna, 1989). Divorce is a sin in Catholicism that

keeps so many unhappy people together. Madonna herself said that she drew the

line and would never stay in sadomasochistic violent relationship until death. After

stressful divorce, Madonna highlights the importance of family in the next track ‘Keep

It Together’, stating ‘Don’t forget that your family is gold’ (Madonna, 1989). The failed

marriage and support of family brought her back to roots and songwriting. This

experience made the album so personal, yet so brilliant. It was an artistic

breakthrough (O’Brien, 2018, p. 189). ‘I didn’t try to candycoat anything or make it

more palatable for mass consumption. I wrote what I felt’ said singer to SongTalk

(Zaleski, 2014). She was working hard reflecting on her personal life, family and

marriage. Critics label Like a Prayer as her ‘divorce album’ (O’Brien, 2018, p. 191).


Although Madonna did not have her own children at the time of release, she included

in the album a sugary lullaby ‘Dear Jessie’, dedicated to Patrick Leonard’s daughter.

Leonard is a producer and songwriter that was working with the artist on Like a

Prayer (1989), as well as True Blue (1986) and Who's That Girl (1987). One day the

producer brought little Jessie to the studio when Madonna was recording the title

track. He saw the connection the singer had with the girl and proposed to finish a

lullaby he composed for her. Madonna agreed on that. Herself Madonna once

mentioned: "It was like as if I was my mother and [she] was me. We were playing in

our backyard again." (Bego, 2000, p. 219). The song was criticised as it is very

different from the rest of the album and sounds like children's lullaby, rather than

usual pop song of her (Rooksby, 2004). However, expresses all her motherly love

along with innocent girl’s escape into ‘psychedelic fairytale landscape’ full of magical

animals, fairies, mermaids and other creatures (O’Brien, 2018, p. 201).

Another important feministic song in the album that must be mention is ‘Express

Yourself’. It is a call for all women to respect themselves and make men treat you

well or ‘You’ll do much better, baby, on your own’. Here Madonna propagates anti-

materialism, as she says: ‘You don’t need diamond rings or eighteen karat gold’, the

most important thing that every woman needs in a relationship is ‘…a big strong

hand/ To lift you to your higher ground/Make you feel like a queen on a throne’

(Madonna, 1989). In interview to St. Michael (1999) the singer explains:

‘"The ultimate thing behind the song is that if you don't express yourself, if you don't

say what you want, then you're not going to get it. And in effect you are chained

down by your inability to say what you feel or go after what you want. [...] I wrote

'Express Yourself' to tell women around the world that pick and choose the best for


yourself, before that chain around your neck, kills you instead. It's my take on how

man can express what they want, the same prerogative should be there for a woman


With a budget of $5 million the music video filmed by David Fincher, inspire by

Metropolis movie, it became the most expensive music video in history at the time

(Boy Toy Inc, 2021). Musclemen chained in iron collars in the factory and Madonna

cross-dressed in men’s suit controlling them. This shocking feministic video full of

power and fantasy of sex gained much of attention from her female fanbase

(O’Brien, 2018, p. 202).

Madonna finishes her album with ‘Act Of Contrition', which is a reference to the

actual Christian prayer expressing sorrow for sins (Vatican News, no date). It is a

reversed version of the first song in the album and her Madonna confesses to the

God, exploring the nature of sins. St. Augustine in his On Christian Doctrine (397; p.

71) declares sexual intercourse as act of devil. Miachael Foucault (1976, p.119) in

The History Sexuality discuss how sexual behaviour been silent for centuries in

Western societies. Moreover, it has been not only a taboo, but a reason for women

to be monitored and preached. Growing up in a Catholic family where sex was taboo

Madonna preserved this view until her girlhood. In interview to Paul Zollo (1989).

Madonna says that in her opinion people have problems in the relationship because

of separating holiness of marriage and meaning of sexual relationships. A wish to

have an affair is born when someone idolises the partner and is looking for a low-

down relationship on the side. Her vision was to encourage her female audience to

let go the stereotype that sexual behaviour is bad, She was talking openly about sex

stating nobody should ashamed of their desires. As she said: ‘I’m proud of the way I


acted [with sex] because it set a precedent and gave women the freedom to be

expressive. I’m proud to be a pioneer’ (O’Brien, 2018, pp. 240-242).

Madonna put a ground for liberal tradition as a missionary of feminine sexual

freedom. She was an image of ‘a good catholic girl gone bad’ provoking an awaking

for Christian girls to chase their sexual desires and fight for equality (O’Brien, 2018,

pp.15; 103; 146).


Madonna have made a significant impact on popular music, setting a standard for

female pop artists and inspiring many world-famous female performers. If we see in

Madonna a bit of Merilyn Monroe, we can notice her legacy in such performers as

Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Kylie Minogue and others (Thompson, 2001, p.


Laura Rosenfeld (2011) discusses how influential is Madonna for younger generation

artists on example of Lady Gaga. Gaga, as an avant garde pop persona have been

accused in similarity between her song ‘Born This Way’ and Madonna’s ‘Express

Yourself’. However, Madonna herself expressed support for the artist and the single

after the statement of plagiarism was made. Another example of Madonna’s album

Like a Prayer inspiring Lady Gaga can be noticed in music video of ‘Alejandro’,

which portraits different stages of Madonna’s career. These include several pastiche

references of crucifixion, sexualised nun’s outfit, crosses, stripped men and black

and white images of sorrow (Longhurst and Bogdanovic, 2014, p.122).

Concluding this, Madonna broke norms of ‘acceptable behaviour’ for women and

showed a new example of feminine image through appearance, emphasizing the

pleasure and power of captured masculine gaze (Brabazon, 2012, p. 212).



Madonna came years before popular female artist talking about feminine pride and

power. She laid a foundation of allowing women to express their sexual desires on

public without being ashamed (Levine, 2019). She was different from manufactured

icons of her time. Expressing herself the way she is through her music and art she

was sharing her brave ideas directly with the female audience (O’Brien, 2018, p. 13).

Concluding all this, Madonna was not just an idol for younger ‘wannabees’, her

cultural impact has changed standards for women in entertainment industries and

society forever (Longhurst and Bogdanovic, 2014, p. 123).


Reference List

Bego, M. (2000) Madonna: Blonde Ambition. 2nd edn. New York: Cooper Square


Boy Toy Inc (2021) Express Yourself. Available at: (Accessed: 28 January 2021).

Boy Toy Inc (2021) Oh Father. Available at: (Accessed: 28 January 2021).

Brabazon, T. (2012) Popular Music : Topics, Trends & Trajectories. Thousand

Oaks,CA: SAGE Publications.

Foucault, M. (1976) The History of Sexuality. New York: Pantheon Books.

Karbo, K. (2019) ‘How Gloria Steinem became the 'world’s most famous feminist',

National Geographic, 25 March. Available at:

worlds-most-famous-feminist/ (Accessed: 28 January 2021).

Levine, N. (2019) ‘Like a Prayer Was Madonna's First Masterpiece’, Vice, 21 March.

Available at: (Accessed: 28 January


Longhurst B. and Bogdanovic D. (2014) Popular Music and Society. 3rd edn.

Cambridge: Polity Press.

Madonna (1989) Like a Prayer. Los Angeles; Sire Records.

Mulvey, L. (1975) ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’, Visual and Other

Pleasures. Michigan: Macmillan.


New York Times (1989) Pepsi Cancels Madonna Ad. Available at:

(Accessed: 28 January 2021).

O’Brien, L. (2018) Madonna: Like an Icon. 2nd edn. London: London: Bantam Press.

Rooksby, R. (2004) Madonna: the complete guide to her music. London : Omnibus.

Rosenfeld, L. (2011) ‘Lady Gaga, born the Madonna way?’, North by Northwestern,

15 February. Available at:

lady-gaga-born-the-madonna-way/ (Accessed: 28 January 2021).

Sisterhood and After Research Team (2013) ‘Equal pay and equality legislation’,

British Library, 8 March. Available at:

and-equality-legislation (Accessed: 28 January 2021).

Solanas, V. (1983) SCUM Manifesto. 3rd edn. London: Matriarchy Study Group.

Stanley, B. (2013) Yeah Yeah Yeah: The Story of Modern Pop. London: Faber &


St. Augustine (397) On Christian Doctrine, in Four Books. Grand Rapids, MI:

Christian Classics Ethereal Library.

St. Michael, M. (1999) Madonna: in her own words. London : Omnibus.

Storey, J. (2018) Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: an Introductio. 8th edn.

London: Routledge.

Thompson, D. (2001) Madonna: Queen of the World. London: John Blake



Toupin, L. (no date) ‘The History of Wages for Housework’, Pluto Press. Available at: (Accessed:

28 January 2021).

Trotter, J.K. (2015) ‘Did Sean Penn Beat Up Madonna? An Archaeology of

Hollywood’s Most Explosive Rumor’, Gawker, 23 December, Available at:

1748746261 (Accessed: 28 January 2021).

United Nations (no date) World Conference of the International Women's Year. 19

June-2 July 1975, Mexico City, Mexico. Available at: (Accessed: 28

January 2021).

Vatican News (no date) Act of Contrition. Available at: (Accessed: 28

January 2021).

Zaleski, A. (2014) ‘Madonna’s Like A Prayer remains a provocative, substantial pop

record’, A.V.Club, 4 November. Available at:

like-a-prayer-remains-a-provocative-substant-1798273882 (Accessed: 28 January


Zollo, P. (1989) ‘Like a Prayer: Interview with Paul Zollo’, Songwriters On

Songwriting. Available at:

prayer-interview-with-paul-zollo/ (Accessed: 28 January 2021).


Appendix 1 – Thematic analysis of Like a Prayer
# Song Background Lyrics Themes Visuals
1 Like a Prayer The song shows the Life is a mystery
Everyone must stand alone
power of prayer, I hear you call my name Power of prayer;
fusioning sexuality And it feels like home Home;

and religion.
When you call my name it's like a little Power of prayer;
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you
there Submission;
In the midnight hour I can feel your
Just like a prayer you know I'll take you
there Power;

I hear your voice Power of prayer;

It's like an angel sighing
I have no choice, I hear your voice
Feels like flying

I close my eyes
Oh God I think I'm falling
Out of the sky, I close my eyes
Heaven help me Submission;
Power of prayer;

When you call my name it's like a little

prayer Fall;
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you
In the midnight hour I can feel your Please for help;
Just like a prayer you know I'll take you

Power of prayer;
Like a child
You whisper softly to me
You're in control just like a child
Now I'm dancing Submission;

It's like a dream Power;

No end and no beginning
You're here with me it's like a dream
Let the choir sing Power of prayer;

When you call my name it's like a little

I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you
there Childhood;
In the midnight hour I can feel your Control;
power Dance;
Just like a prayer you know I'll take you

When you call my name it's like a little Dream, escapism;

prayer Iternity;
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you Dream;
In the midnight hour I can feel your
Just like a prayer you know I'll take you
Power of prayer;

Life is a mystery
Everyone must stand alone Submission;
I hear you call my name
And it feels like home

Just like a prayer, your voice can take

me there Power of prayer;
Just like a muse to me, you are a
Just like a dream, you are not what you
Just like a prayer, no choice your voice
can take me there Power of prayer;

Just like a prayer, I'll take you there Submission;

It's like a dream to me
Just like a prayer, I'll take you there
It's like a dream to me Power;

Just like a prayer, I'll take you there Power of prayer;

It's like a dream to me
Just like a prayer, I'll take you there
It's like a dream to me

Just like a prayer, your voice can take Mystery;

me there Loneliness;
Just like a muse to me, you are a Power of prayer;
mystery Home;
Just like a dream, you are not what you
Just like a prayer, no choice your voice Power of prayer;


can take me there

Just like a prayer, your voice can take
me there
Just like a muse to me, you are a Power;
Just like a dream, you are not what you
Just like a prayer, no choice your voice Power of prayer;
can take me there
Your voice can take me there
Like a prayer

Power of prayer;
Just like a prayer Dream, escapism;
Just like a prayer, your voice can take Power of prayer;
me there Dream, escapism;
Just like a prayer
Just like a prayer, your voice can take
me there
Power of prayer;
Dream, escapism;
Power of prayer;
Dream, escapism;

Power of prayer;



Power of prayer;

Power of prayer;



Power of prayer;

Power of prayer;
Dream, escapism;

Power of prayer;
Dream, escapism;

Power of prayer;
Dream, escapism;
2 Express Feminist call for Come on girls
You believe in love
Call to women;
Yourself self-love, pride and 'Cause I've got something to sing about it
anti-materialism And it goes something like this

Don't go for second best, baby

Put your love to the test
You know, you know you've got to
Make him express how he feels and Anti-materialism;
Then you'll know your love is real

You don't need diamond rings or Feminism;

eighteen karat gold
Fancy cars that go very fast, you know
they never last no, no
What you need is a big strong hand
To lift you to your higher ground
Make you feel like a queen on a throne
Make him love you 'til you can't come
down Anti-materialism;

Don't go for second best, baby Anti-materialism;

Put your love to the test
You know, you know you've got to
Make him express how he feels and
maybe Need of men;
Then you'll know your love is real Pride;

Long stem roses are the way to your

heart but
He needs to start with your head
Satin sheets are very romantic
What happens when you're not in bed
You deserve the best in life
So if the time isn't right then move on Anti-materialism;
Second best is never enough
You'll do much better, baby, on your own

Don't go for second best, baby Feminism;

Put your love to the test
You know, you know you've got to
Make him express how he feels and
Then you'll know your love is real


Express yourself Anti-materialism;

You've got to make him
Express himself
Hey, hey, hey, hey Pride
So if you want it right now, make him Anti-materialism;
show you how Feminism;
Express what he's got, oh baby ready or Pride;
And when you're gone he might regret it
Think about the love he once had
Try to carry on, but he just won't get it
He'll be back on his knees, so please
Escapism, pride;

Don't go for second best, baby

Put your love to the test
You know, you know you've got to
Make him express how he feels and
maybe Anti-materialism;
Then you'll know your love is real

Express yourself
You've got to make him Feminism;
Express himself
Hey, hey, hey, hey
So if you want it right now, make him
show you how
Express what he's got, oh baby ready or
not Dignity, pride;
Express yourself
Express himself, hey, hey
So if you want it right now, better make
him show you how
Express what he's got, oh baby ready or
Express yourself
Respect yourself, hey, hey
So if you want it right now, better make
him show you how
Express what he's got, oh baby ready or
Express yourself





Dignity, pride;

Call to action;

Dignity, pride;

Call to action;

Dignity, pride;

Call to action.


3 Love Song Collaboration with Je suis prête. Vous êtes prêt aussi? French;

Are you wasting my time, are you just Pride;
being kind
Oh no baby, my love isn't blind
Are you wasting my time, are you just Caring;
being kind
Don't give me one of your lines

Say what you mean, mean what you say

Don't go and throw our love away
God strike me dead if I did you wrong
This is not a love song

Are you just being kind (no, oh) Attachment;
Am I losing my mind (losing your mind) Religion;

Oh no, baby
Are you wasting my time? (Wasting my
Are you just being kind?
Oh no baby, my love isn't blind
Are you wasting my time? (time, time,
Are you just being kind? (huh?)
Don't go give me one of your lines

Ah, say what you mean, mean what you
Don't go and throw our love away
God strike me dead if I did you wrong Caring;
(did you wrong)
This is not a love song, ooh

Ooh, are you just being kind?

Am I losing my mind?
Mm, yeah

Time goes by so slowly for those who

And those who run seem to have all the Honesty;
But am I wasting my time (she's so fine)
Are you just being kind (no)

Contrary to what all your enemies told

Show them now how I didn't do you
That this is not a love song

Are you just being kind? (no, oh)

Am I losing my mind? (losing your mind)
Oh no, baby Love;

Are you wasting my time? (wasting my

Are you just being kind? (oh no, baby)
Oh no baby, my love isn't blind
Are you wasting my time? (time, time,
Are you just being kind? Time, call for action;
Don't go give me one of your lines

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide (hide)

That's how I feel, don't fog my mind

Waste of time;
Mean what you say or baby I am gone
This is not a love song

Ooh, are you just being kind (embrasse-

moi) (what?) Lies;
Am I losing my mind (pour la dernière

Love song, love song
Don't try to tell me what your enemies
taught you
I'm gone but I just want you to know (love
That this is not a love song that I want to Caring;
sing Madness








4 Till Death Do This song is an Our luck is running out of time Time;
You're not in love with me anymore Faded love;
Us Part reflection of an I wish that it would change but it won't Lost hope;
abusive 'Cause you don't love me no more Faded love;

Madonna had with You need so much but not from me Needs;
Turn your back in my hour of need Being left;
Sean Penn Something's wrong
But you pretend you don't see

I think I interrupt your life

When you laugh it cuts me just like a
I'm not your friend
I'm just your little wife Indifference;
Our luck is running out of time
You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change but it won't
If you don't
Faded love;
Our luck is running out of time Lost hope;
You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change but it won't
'Cause you don't love me no more

They never laugh, not like before Faded love;
She takes the keys, he breaks the door Lost hope;
She cannot stay here anymore Faded love;
He's not in love with her anymore

The bruises they will fade away Invasion;
You hit so hard with the things you say Alienation;
I will not stay to watch your hate as it Faded love;

You're not in love with someone else Abuse;
You don't even love yourself Pride, hate;
Still I wish you'd ask me not to go

Our luck is running out of time

You're not in love with me anymore
I wish that it would change but it won't Heartlessness;
If you don't Disability to love;

Our luck is running out of time

You're not in love with me anymore Time;
I wish that it would change but it won't Faded love;
'Cause you don't love me no more Lost hope;

He takes a drink, she goes inside

He starts to scream, the vases fly
He wishes that she wouldn't cry Time;
He's not in love with her anymore Faded love;
Lost hope;
Faded love;
He makes demands, she draws the line
He starts the fight, she starts the lie
But what is truth when something dies Alcohol,
He's not in love with her anymore Abuse;
Faded love;
You're not in love with someone else
You don't even love yourself
Still I wish you'd ask me not to go Demands;
Abuse; lie;


Faded love;

Our luck is running out of time

You're not in love with me anymore Heartlessness;
I wish that it would change but it won't Disability to love;
If you don't Hope;

Our luck is running out of time Regrets;

You're not in love with me anymore Invasion;
I wish that it would change but it won't Alienation;
'Cause you don't love me no more

They never laugh, not like before

She takes the keys, he breaks the door Regrets;
She cannot stay here anymore Invasion;
He's not in love with her anymore Alienation;
Faded love;

He takes a drink, she goes inside

He starts to scream, the vases fly Regrets;
He wishes that she wouldn't cry Invasion;
He's not in love with her anymore Alienation;
Faded love;

He makes demands, she draws the line

He starts the fight, she starts the lie Alcohol,
But what is truth when something dies Abuse;
He's not in love with her anymore Ignorance;
Faded love;

She's had enough, she says the end

But she'll come back, she knows it then Demands;
A chance to start it all again Abuse; lie;
Till death do us part Death;
Faded love;

Second chance;
5 Promise to Try This song is a Little girl don't you forget her face
Laughing away your tears
Mother’s death;
Dealing with the
conversation When she was the one who felt all the loss;
addressed to her pain Pain, suffering;

little self. It
expresses suffering Little girl never forget her eyes Memories;
Keep them alive inside
of dealing with I promise to try, it's not the same
mother’s death, the
importance of her
Keep your head held high, ride like the
role in one’s life. wind
Music video Never look behind, life isn't fair
That's what you said, so I try not to care
features the singer Past;
speaking to her
mother’s grave with Little girl don't run away so fast
I think you forgot to kiss, kiss her
her father goodbye
observing this from
far. Photoaged of Will she see me cry when I stumble and Mother’s loss;
Madonna’s fall
success, Does she hear my voice in the night
when I call
appearance on Wipe away all your tears, it's gonna be
stadiums, all right

surrounded by
press are also I fought to be so strong, I guess you Need of mother;
shown here I was afraid you'd go away, too
expressing the
sadness that her
Little girl you've got to forget the past
mother is not And learn to forgive me
around during I promise to try, but it feels like a lie
Mother’s love
these moment.
Don't let memory play games with your
She's a faded smile frozen in time
I'm still hanging on, but I'm doing it wrong Pride, strength;
Can't kiss her goodbye, but I promise to
Fear of loss.




6 Cherish The inspiration to Cherish, cherish

this song was

‘Romeo & Juliet’ So tired of broken hearts
And losin' at this game before I start Faded love;
This dance I'll take a chance in telling Loss;
you Dance;

I want more than just romance

You are my destiny
I can't let go baby, can't you see?
Need for more;

Cupid, please take your aim at me

Cherish the thought Attachment;
Of always having you here by my side
Oh baby, I cherish the joy

You keep bringing it into my life

I'm always singing it Attachment;
Cherish the strength Joy;
You got the power to make me feel good

Oh baby, I perish the thought

Of ever leaving, I never would
I was never satisfied Happiness;
With casual encounters, I can't hide Strength;

My need for two hearts that bleed

With burning love that's the way it's got Attachment;
to be
Romeo and Juliet
Need for more;
They never felt this way I bet
So don't underestimate my point of view
I cherish the thought Pain;
Of always having… Passion;

Shakespeare, tragic
love story;


7 Dear Jessie Lullaby to Pat Baby face don't grow so fast Call not to rush
Make a special wish that will always last growing up;
Leonard's young Rub this magic lantern Magic;
daughter. He will make your dreams come true for Fairy tales;

Ride the rainbow to the other side

Catch a falling star and then take a ride Fairy tale;
To the river that sings and the clover that Magic
Brings good luck to you, it's all true

Pink elephants and lemonade, dear

Hear the laughter running through the
love parade
Candy kisses and a sunny day, dear Magic;
See the roses raining on the love parade

If the land of make believe

Is inside your heart it will never leave
There's a golden gate where the fairies Motherly love;
all wait
And dancing moons, for you

Close your eyes and you'll be there

Where the mermaids sing as they comb
their hair Faith;
Like a fountain of gold you can never
grow old
Where dreams are made, your love

Fairy tales;
Pink elephants and lemonade, dear
Hear the laughter running through the
love parade
Candy kisses and a sunny day, dear
Jessie Escapism;
See the roses raining on the love parade Fairy tale;

Your dreams are made inside the love Call not to rush
parade growing up;
It's a holiday inside the love parade Dreams;

On the merry-go-round of lovers and

white turtle doves
Leprechauns floating by, this is your


Sugarplum fingertips kissing your honey

Close your eyes sleepy head, is it time Magic;
for your bed
Never forget what I said, hang on you're
already there

Close your eyes and you'll be there

Where the mermaids sing as they comb Motherly love;
their hair
Like a fountain of gold you can never
grow old
Where dreams are made, your love

Pink elephants and lemonade, dear

Hear the laughter running through the
love parade
Candy kisses and a sunny day, dear
Jessie Games;
See the roses raining on the love parade

Fairy tales;
Your dreams are made inside your love
It's a holiday inside the love parade

Motherly love;

Fairy tale;

Call not to rush

growing up;



Motherly love;


8 Oh Father "Oh father" is often It's funny that way, you can get used
To the tears and the pain
Dealing with the
referred as the What a child will believe Pain;
beginning of the You never loved me Not being loved;

prayer, addressed
to Lord. The song You can't hurt me now Pride, abuse;
I got away from you, I never thought I Independence,
is talking about would Escapism;
mother’s loss and You can't make me cry, you once had Pride, strength;
the power Self-love,
difficult I never felt so good about myself confidence;
relationships with
father, which are
Seems like yesterday Patriarchy;
reflected in all other I lay down next to your boots and I
abusive prayed
For your anger to end
relationship with Oh Father I have sinned
You can't hurt me now
I got away from you, I never thought I
You can't make me cry, you once had Pride, abuse;
the power Independence,
I never felt so good about myself leaving;
Pride, strength
Oh Father you never wanted to live that confidence;
You never wanted to hurt me
Why am I running away
Oh Father you never wanted to live that Regrets;
way Pain, abuse;
You never wanted to hurt me Escapism;
Why am I running away Regrets;
Pain, abuse;
Maybe someday
When I look back I'll be able to say
You didn't mean to be cruel
Somebody hurt you too
You can't hurt me now


I got away from you, I never thought I

You can't make me cry, you once had
the power
I never felt so good about myself

You can't hurt me now Pride, abuse;

I got away from you, I never thought I Independence,
would leaving;
You can't make me cry, you once had Pride, strength
the power abuse;
I never felt so good by myself Self-love,
Pride, abuse;
Pride, strength

9 Keep It This song express One, two, three

Hit it
Together the importance of
family in
Keep, keep it together
Madonna’s live. Forever keep people together
Keep, keep it together
Forever keep people together Call to stay together;

Keep, keep it together

Forever keep people together
Keep, keep it together
Forever keep people together

I got brothers
I got some sisters too Call to stay together;
Stuck in the middle
Tell you what I'm gonna do

Gonna get out of here

I'm gonna leave this place
So I can forget
Every single hungry face

I'm tired of sharin' all
The hand me downs
To get attention
I must always be the clown

I wanna be different
I wanna be on my own
But Daddy said, "Listen
You will always have a home" Escapism;

Keep it together in the family

They're a reminder of your history
Brothers and sisters they hold the key Hunger;
To your heart and your soul
Don't forget that your family is gold
Unwillingness to
I hit the big time Need for attention;
But I still get the blues
Everyone's a stranger
City life can get to you

Need to be different;
People can be so cold Uniqueness;
Never want to turn your back Father;
Just givin' to get something Home;
Always wanting somethin' back

Call to stay together;

When I get lonely Family;
And I need to be Siblings;
Loved for who I am
Not what they want to see

Brothers and sisters
They've always been there for me
We have a connection Success;
Home is where the heart should be Sadness;

Keep it together in the family

They're a reminder of your history
Brothers and sisters they hold the key
To your heart and your soul Loneliness;
Don't forget that your family is gold Indifference;
Need for more;
When I look back
On all the misery
And all the heartache Loneliness;
That they brought to me


I wouldn't change it Love, recognition;

For another chance
'Cause blood is thicker
Than any other circumstance

Keep, keep it together Support;
Forever keep people together Connection;
Keep, keep it together Home;
Forever keep people together

Call to stay together;

When I get lonely Family;
And I need to be Siblings;
Loved for who I am
Not what they want to see

Brothers and sisters
They've always been there for me
We have a connection Past;
Home is where the heart should be Misery;

When I look back

And all the misery
And all the heartache
That they brought to me Acceptance;

I wouldn't change it
For another chance
'Cause blood is thicker
Than any circumstance

Keep it together in the family

They're a reminder of your history Call to stay together;
Brothers and sisters they hold the key
To your heart and your soul
Don't forget that your family is gold Call to stay together;

Keep, keep it together

Keep people together forever and ever

Keep, keep it together

Keep people together forever and ever Loneliness;

Keep, keep it together
Keep people together forever and ever
(ah-ha) Siblings;
Keep, keep it together Home;
Keep people together forever and ever
Keep, keep it together Pain;
Keep people together forever and ever

Keep, keep it together

Keep people together forever and ever Acceptance;

Keep, keep it together

Keep people together forever and ever

Keep, keep it together

Keep people together forever and ever
(ah-ha) Call to stay together;

Keep, keep it together Siblings;

Keep people together forever and ever


Call to stay together;

Call to stay together;

Call to stay together;

Call to stay together;


Call to stay together;

Call to stay together;

Call to stay together;

Call to stay together;

Call to stay together;

10 Pray for Madonna dedicates this song

to the death of her friend who
I know for sure his heart is here with me
Though I wish him back, I know he

Spanish Eyes died from AIDs cannot see

My hands trembling, I know he hears me

I light this candle and watch it throw
Tears on my pillow
And if there is a Christ, he'll come tonight
To pray for Spanish eyes
And if I have nothing left to show
Tears on my pillow
What kind of life is this if God exists
Then help me pray for Spanish eyes Tears;

He had to fight like all the rest

In the barrio all the streets are paved
with fear
I don't understand; at least he was a man Tears;

I light this candle and watch it throw

Tears on my pillow
And if there is a Christ, he'll come tonight
To pray for Spanish eyes Resistance;
And if I have nothing left to show
Tears on my pillow
What kind of life is this if God exists
Then help me pray for Spanish eyes

How many lives will they have to take?

How much heartache?
How many suns will they have to burn?
Spanish eyes
When will they ever learn? Tears;

You were not the Maravilla in our minds

We were proud to fight but we cannot
win this blind
Stand your guns against the wall Tears;
Who's next in line to fall Religion;

I light this candle and watch it throw

Tears on my pillow
And if there is a Christ, he'll come tonight
To pray for Spanish eyes
And if I have nothing left to show
Tears on my pillow Loss;
What kind of life is this if God exists Pain;
Then help me pray for Spanish eyes Loss;

Tus lagrimas de tristeza

No me dejan olvidarte

How many lives will they have to take?

How much heartache?
How many suns will they have to burn?
Spanish eyes Pride;
When will they ever learn?







11 Act of Contrition Inspired by the actual

Christian prayer associated
For thou art the Kingdom and the Power
and the Glory

with the sacrament of Forever and ever amen

reconciliation. The song Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with
features a backwards version thee
of "Like a Prayer". Blessed art thou amongst women, and
blessed is the fruit of thy Religion;

Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having Feminism;

offended Thee Sex;
And I detest all my sins because of Thy
just punishment
But most of all, because I have offended Religion;
Thee, oh my God
Who art all good and deserving of all my
I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace Sins;
To confess my sins, to do penance, to Punishment;
amend my life Religion;
And to avoid the temptations of evil
Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having
offended Thee

And I detest all my sins because of Thy
just punishment
Sins, confession;

But most of all, because my God, I have

offended Thee
Who art all good
Like I knew you would
And deserving of all my love Sins;
I reserve, I reserve, I reserve Religion;
I reserve, I resolve
I have a reservation
I have a reservation!
What do you mean it's not in the
Sins, punishment;




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