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BU G M A N ’ S
The Blitzing Sevens is a single day tournament for Blood Bowl
Sevens. Whether you’re a newer player, an experienced veteran, or
a fantastic hobbyist itching to show off your recently painted team,
the Blitzing Sevens is a perfect opportunity to spend a day with
like-minded hobbyists.

This document covers the specific details for the Blitzing Sevens
event. Please refer to the Weekday Warhammer Overview and
Guidelines Document for full details regarding the policies, model
requirements and the painting competition rules that will be
present at this event, which can be found here

System: Blood Bowl Sevens

Registration: Thursday 16th March, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Warhammer World, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS

Team Size: 600,000 Copper Pieces

No. of Games: Four

Tools of the trade: We will provide

pitches and Dugouts.
Attendees are
expected to bring
their team, dice,
templates and
all relevant rules
Team Selection
Teams are drafted as described on page 91 of Blood Bowl Death Zone, noting the following:
• Coaches may only use teams from the Blood Bowl rulebook, any up-to-date Spike!
• Journal’s or the Teams of Legend PDF ( In addition,
• any teams released between the time of publication and the event are in use, unless their
release date falls on the day of the event.

Coaches have a budget of 600,000 copper pieces to spend for drafting their team, plus any
Inducements the coach wishes to include. Any copper pieces not spent are lost. You will not
be able to choose additional Inducements to make up any difference between your Team Value
and your opponent’s, so we strongly advise that small sums leftover be spent on Dedicated
Fans, assistant coaches, or cheerleaders. All teams must be recorded on a Blood Bowl Team
Draft list, and you will need copies of your Team Draft list for the event: one to hand in to the
event referee at registration, and one for you and one for each of your opponents to reference
during the game.


Because all the players are utterly psyched for this event and will let nothing short of death
stop them, at the end of each round, your team fully recovers for the next game. This is to
make sure no team gets heinously destroyed in the first match, and allows all the coaches
in the event to get some good games in without having to worry about their favourite player
getting their head smashed in.

After each match, coaches may advance one player as described on page 96 of Blood Bowl
Death Zone, however the same player may not advance more than once during this event.

With the Blitzing Sevens taking place on a weekday, the professional teams are busy training
for the next Full Beard Cup, so there’s no opportunity for players at the Blitzing Sevens to be
noticed by the big leagues. At this event, The Draft rules on page 96 of Blood Bowl Death
Zone are not in use.
The player with the most Tournament Points 10:00 - 10:25 Registration in the
will be the winner. In the case of a tie the Gaming Hall
players will be split using the following 10:25 - 10:30 Event Briefing
tiebreakers, in order of priority: 10:30 - 11:30 Game 1
• Bonus Points 11:30 - 12:00 Break
• Touchdown Difference (Touchdowns 12:00 - 13:00 Game 2
scored minus touchdowns conceded) 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch and painting
• Touchdowns Scored competition voting
• Casualties Caused 14:00 - 15:00 Game 3
15:00 - 15:30 Break
Your opponent for your first game will be 15:30 - 16:30 Game 4
randomly determined. Subsequent rounds 16:30 - 17:00 Break
will be organised using a swiss system, 17:00 Awards Presentation
following the above ranking. If you ever find 22:00 Warhammer World Closes
yourself facing off against a player you have
faced previously please contact a member of AWARDS
the events team.
The awards for this event will be as described
Tournament Points are awarded as follows: in the Weekday Warhammer Overview and
• 2 points for a win Guidelines Document.
• 1 point for a draw
• 0 points for a loss

Bonus Points are earned in each game for

meeting the following criteria:
• Scoring 3 or more touchdowns – 1
Bonus Point
• Conceding 0 touchdowns – 1
Bonus Point
• Inflicting 3 or more Casualties (counting
only those that would normally award
Star Player Points) – 1 Bonus Point


The Worlds of Warhammer painting category

for this event is: Linemen You may submit a
single Blood Bowl model that is a Lineman
into the competition.

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