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At the end of tge required period, the pupils should be able to:

* Identify the living things and Non-living things.

* Classify/Group objects into living and Non-living things.

* Reflect on the role of living things and Non- living things in our environment.

* Participate cooperatively with the group in the given activities.


Topic: Living things and Non-living things. 2

Science Idea: there are two big groups of things:

the living things and Non living things

III. Materials & References

Picture cards of living and non living things

Science and Health 2 for a changing Environment pages 182- 183




1. Opening Prayer Lord, strengthen me this morning , and surround me

with your favor and kindness for this class today.

Good Morning Teacher and Good Morning classmates.

2. Greet each other with "Good Morning"
"Present" (say each student)

3. Check student Attendance


Show picture. Ask the pupils

What part of the earth does picture show?

Re-arrange the words Water




C. Motivation:

Ask the pupils to look around inside the room and

outside the room.
Chair , table, plants, pupils, pen and notebook
What do you see? Can you name it?

D. Presentation and Lesson Proper

I have here a picture of things that we can see in our

surroundings. ( show picture)

Can you name them?

Snake, Girl, Tree


They can Move?
They can grow?
They can reproduce?

They have life?

These things that can grow, move, reproduce and have

life are called Living things.

They also need water, food, and air.

How aboout this? ( show picture of:)

Bag, Books, Shoes

Can you name them? No

They can move? No

They can grow? No

They can reproduce?

This things are called Non-living things

They can grow, move or reproduce

They don't need water, air, and food. Things that can't grow, move, or reproduce.

What are Non-Living things? They don't need water air and food.

Non-living also has no life.

What else?

IV. GENERALIZATION Living Things and Non- Living Things.

1.What are the two big groups of things?

To supply them with what they need, including food,

water and shelter.
2. How do living things Benefit from the environment?

Living things need Non-living things to source in

3. What is the importanc of Non-living things to your
our environment and daily lives.

E. Application

I. Group Activity

Write down (6) Living things?

1. 4. 1. Cat 4. Fish

2. 5. 2. Plants 5. Pupils

3. 6. 3. Grass 6. Tree

Write down (6) Non-living things?

1. 4. 1. Crayon 4. Board

2. 5. 2. Fan 5. T-shirt

3. 6. 3. TV 6. Chalk

2.) Individual Activity

Ask the pupils to stand and get one picture then identify Grass - Living Things
if it is living or Non-living things.
Frog - Living Things

Shoes - Non-Living Things

V. Assignment
Bag - Non-Living Things
Draw 3 examples of Living things and

Non- living things.

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