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Intel x86 Assembly Language Cheat Sheet

Instruction Effect Example

Data movement
mov src, dest Copy src to dest mov $10,%eax

add src, dest Dest = dest + src add $10, %esi
mul reg edx:eax = eax * reg (colon means the mul %esi
result spans across two registers)

div reg edx = edx:eax mod reg div %edi

idiv reg eax = edx:eax / reg
inc dest Increment destination Inc %eax
dec dest Decrement destination dec (%esi)
sbb arg1, arg2 If CF = 1, (this is set by cmp instruction; sbb %eax, %ebx
refer cmp)
arg2 = arg2 – (arg1 + 1)
arg2 = arg2 – arg1
Function Calls
call label Push eip, transfer control call _fib
ret Pop eip and return ret
push item Push item (constant or register) to stack pushl $32
pushl %eax
pop [reg] Pop item from stack; optionally store to pop %eax
register popl
Bitwise Operations
and src,dest Dest = src & dest and %ebx, %eax
or src, dest Dest = src | dest orl (0x2000), %eax
xor src, dest Dest = src ^ dest xor $0xffffff, %eax
shl count, dest Dest = dest << count shl $2, %eax
shr count, dest Dest = dest >> count shr $4, (%eax)
sal count, dest Same as shl, shifted bits will be the sign
Conditionals and jumps
cmp arg1, arg2 If arg1 > arg2 sets cmp $0, %eax
CF=1 (carry flag =1)
This compares arg1 and arg2; you can
use any conditionals jumps below to act
upon the result of this comparison
test reg,imm/reg Bitwise and of register and test %rax, %rcx
constant/register; the next jump command
uses the result of this; consider this
essentially as same as compare
je label Jump to label if arg2 = arg1 je endloop
jne label Jump to label if arg2 != arg1 jne loopstart
jg label / ja label Jump to label if arg2 > arg1 jg exit / ja exit
jge label Jump to label if arg2 >= arg1 jge format_disk
jl label Jump to label if arg2 < arg1 jl error
jle label Jump to label if arg2 <= arg1 jle finish
jz label Jump to label if bits were not set jz looparound
jnz label Jump to label if bits were set jnz error
jump label Unconditional jump jmp exit
nop No-op nop
lea addr, dest Move the address calculated to the dest lea 23(%eax, %ecx,8),%eax
cqto %rdx:%rax← sign-extend of %rax. cqto

suffixes b=byte(8), w=word(16), l=long(32), q=quad(64)

base indexed scale displacement 172(%rdi, %rdx,8) = %rdi + 8 * %rdx + 172
Note that not both src and dest can be memory operands at the same time.
register - %eax fixed address – (0x1000)
constant - $10 dynamic address – (%rsi)

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