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A Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Information and Computing Science
Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the degree in Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Abdurazman J. Jamiri
Edwin L. Manila
Archie Arthur M. Amparado
Mohaiben R. Lahuddin



May 2022


Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
List of Notations

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Project Context 2
1.2 Purpose and Description 3
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scope and Limitations 4
1.5 Definitions of Terms 5

2 Review of Related Literature/ Systems 6

2.1 Related Literature/ Studies 6
2.2 Related Systems 11
2.3 Table of Comparison 15
2.4 Synthesis 15-16

3 Technical Background 17
3.1 Technicality of the Project 17
3.2 Details of Technologies to be Used 17
3.3 How the Project will Work 18

4 Methodology 19
4.1 Requirements Analysis & Documentation 20-21
4.2 Requirements Elicitation Techniques 20
4.3 Design of Software, System, Product, and Processes 23
4.4 Development and Testing Plan 28
4.5 Description of the Prototype 32
4.6 Implementation Plan 32

References 33


2.1 Meera Hospital Management System 11

2.2 Klinika 12
2.3 Clinical Management System/CMS on-ramp 13
2.4 Clinic Management Information System 13
2.5 Innovaccer Covid-19 14
4.1 Agile Methodology Life Cycle 19
4.2 Use Case Diagram 23
4.3 Data Flow Diagram Context Level 24
4.4 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 25
4.5 Entity-Relationship Diagram 26
4.6 Architecture Design 27


2.1 Table of Comparison 15

4.1 Project Work Plan 29
4.2 Testing Plan 30
4.3 Cost-benefit Analysis 31-32
4.4 Implementation Plan 32



Since the invention of computers, technology has altered our regular activities throughout
the past year. Countless workplaces use computers, and some businesses and government
organizations may make it difficult to run without them. Computer systems are becoming an
integral aspect of how businesses, organizations, and government sectors operate and how
employees execute their jobs. A clinic is an organization that is responsible for providing health
medication and treatment for all types of people.

School clinic management systems are used for a medical record that contains students’
information, and medical history. It is designed to help the clinic personnel provide digital data
access and monitor every patient’s status in the school clinic. The manual and paper-based
processing of the clinic could lead to inaccurate evaluation of the student’s medical records.
Paper-based processing can become a very cumbersome practice and it could lead to unorganized
shuffled records, loss of student medical and patient records, and slow transactions inside the
clinic. There isn’t much time to make accurate and legible records of every procedure performed
during a busy schedule. In addition, the clinic nurse can all introduce errors into patient records.

There are a total of Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-Four (2,694) enrolled students
from grades seven to twelve in Ramon Enriquez High School. The manual and paper-based
processing and record-keeping of the students and patients in the clinic consumed a lot of time for
the clinic personnel. Recording in a book of patient information will often be missing and can be

In this study, the researchers decided to develop the school clinic management system for
Ramon Enriquez High School. The clinic personnel can use the proposed system to digitally
record the students’ medical history and manage incoming patients for future purposes. Visitor
management will also be included for contact tracing purposes. The system will provide
significant improvement to the manual system being used by the school clinic. With a medical
records system, you can gather and manage all the information in one easily accessible location.

The proposed system will have important features such as login/logout to allow the user
or clinic personnel to access the system, this will also serve as a security to prevent unauthorized
access to the data and clinic module for the add/remove and data recording.


The school clinic of Ramon Enriquez High School serves its purpose to accommodate its
students in such a way as recording and keeping their medical records and managing incoming
patients when illness comes. The school clinic and its present system are in manual process. The
clinic doesn’t have a current nurse or doctor and all the work is only done by one teacher that acts
as the representative of the school clinic.

Computer literacy has become a must in almost every organization and using such skills
in work delivers an advantage. During the health information gathering, the teacher who acts as
the school nurse provides and delivers a health assessment form for the students. The health
assessment form will then be filled up by the guardians of each student containing a piece of
information about their health, vaccination status, and overall ratings of the student’s mental and
physical health. The filled-up form will be then collected for thorough evaluation and stored in a
cabinet. Meanwhile, for the patient case scenario, the clinic in charge will examine the patient and
provide a printed form that will be filled up by the patient containing information about their
current illness and the past fourteen days. The clinic in charge will then provide medication for
the patient. For the visitor scenario, the visitors are inquiring to write their basic information with
their temperature in the log book provided.

The manual process and paper-based storing of the student’s medical records slow down
the process and transaction inside the clinic. The clinic in charge would take time to search and
locate the records of the students that are filed in the cabinet. Delays in the assessment of the
student’s medical and compiling of the transaction inside the clinic to be handed out to DepEd
because the clinic in charge takes time to examine each student and patient medical records.
Sorting out the student’s medical records also takes time because some of the records are
misplaced and unorganized.

For this reason, the researchers have decided to design and develop a computerized
school clinic management system to weigh down the burden and slowly eliminate the manual
process they are using. The proposed system will greatly enhance the record-keeping of the
student’s medical records and transaction management in the school clinic. The proposed system
will be a great help for the clinic in charge by providing fast and easier access to the student’s
medical information.


The purpose of this study is to develop a user-friendly and simple clinic management
system for Ramon Enriquez High School. The system aims to provide enhanced management and
record-keeping in the school clinic using accurate, fast, and reliable computerized work. The
proposed capstone project will be developed by the researchers for the school nurse and or clinic
in charge.

The proposed study will provide an adequate operation and slowly eliminate the manual
process of the school clinic. This will provide a fast transaction in the clinic as the data will be
input and saved digitally. The proposed system can stabilize an infinite number of records.

The system will focus on data recording and comprise the following features;
Login/Logout, and Clinic Admin Modules.

Login/Logout is the process of gaining access to a computer system by identifying and

validating oneself. This will enable the user to operate the system and the clinic module.

Clinic Admin Modules allow the user to manage all the student’s and patients’ medical
information. This includes adding, editing, delete the information that will be stored in the
system. It also allows for generating reports, recording visitors, and archive records.

The proposed study provides a benefit for the school clinic as their patient management
and record-keeping will be upgraded. The school nurse and or clinic in charge can easily update
the student’s medical record, record the patient’s data, print to provide a hard copy of the
recorded data, and record visitors for contact tracing.


The main objective of the study is to provide a better and more efficient way of managing
and record-keeping in the school clinic of Ramon Enriquez High School. The managing and
record-keeping comprise student medical records, patient records, and visitor information.

Specific Objectives

 To develop a system with the following features.

a. Medical Record Management

b. Patient Management
c. Report Management
d. Visitor Recording
e. Archive Records
 To provide a report regarding the capability and usefulness of the system based on the
satisfaction of the client.
a. Usability
b. Efficiency
c. Reliability
 To provide a demonstration and manual guide.


This study will aim and focus on developing a computerized system that will have a
significant feature that is relevant to the collection and recording of medical data, and managing
patients, and visitor information. Collected data will be input by using them and stored in a digital
database. Which can be used by the nurse and or the one in charge of the school clinic of Ramon
Enriquez High School. To maximize and increase their productivity by integrating technology
with their work.

This study will cover only the school clinic, the school nurse, in charge of the clinic,
students, and patients inside the school premises. The proposed system can only be used by the
school nurse and or the in charge of the clinic and only accessible by them. In addition, the
proposed system doesn’t involve any medical billings.


School Nurse – a person trained to provide and perform appropriate treatment inside the
school premises.

Patient – an individual who needs and seeks medical attention and treatment.

Medical Record – a document that explains the details of the patient’s medical history.

Management - a process of planning, decision making, organizing, leading, and

information resources of an organization to reach its goals efficiently and effectively.

Computer System – a set of integrated devices with both functional hardware and
software setup to perform computer operations.

Database – an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically.




In this chapter, the researchers will present and discuss the various related literature and
system collected and gathered to provide a standout and meaningful argument for the proposed
study. The collected and presented work of others is derived from the documents from the
website, journals, books, and any references on the internet which are necessary for framing the
features of the study.


This section contains and tackles a relevant, extensive discussion and works by the others
to provide a better, detailed, and deeper understanding of related issues and topics that will be
used as a reference for this study.

Data and Information

Data is defined as a collection of individual facts or statistics. While “datum” is

technically the singular form of “data,” it’s not commonly used in everyday language.
Data can come in the form of text, observations, figures, images, numbers, graphs, or
symbols. Data is a raw form of knowledge and, on its own, doesn’t carry any significance
or purpose. In other words, you have to interpret data for it to have meaning. Information
is defined as knowledge gained through study, communication, research, or instruction.
Essentially, information is the result of analyzing and interpreting pieces of data. Only
when the data is organized and compiled in a useful way can it provide information that
is beneficial to others (Hill, 2021).

Data is unprocessed, unorganized, unconnected, and unbroken information.

Information, on the other hand, is perceivable, and it can be interpreted as a message in a
certain way, giving data meaning. After you've processed data, you'll get information.
Data and facts can be analyzed or utilized in an attempt to learn more and draw a
conclusion. In other terms, information is data that is accurate, systematized,
comprehensible, relevant, and timely. Information is an older word with a French and
English origin that has been in use since the 1300s. It comes from the verb "informare,"

which means "to inform," and it's used to describe the process of forming and developing
an idea (Difference Between Data and Information, n.d.).

Role of Data and Information

The modern business marketplace is a data-driven environment. The role of data

is to empower business leaders to make decisions based on facts, trends, and statistical
numbers. But with so much information out there, business leaders must be able to sift
through the noise, and get the right information, so that they can make the best decisions
about strategy and growth (Leonard, 2018).

Data is simply the statistical information gathered during a company's operations.

They can be used to track and measure a variety of internal and external company
activities. While the data itself isn't particularly insightful, it serves as the foundation for
all reporting and is therefore critical in business. And this is why information is so
important it enables a company to make well-informed decisions by presenting data in a
way that management can understand. In this case, customer data could be valuable in
determining better methods to interact or work with your clients by providing metrics
around client or customer engagement (Sirianni, n.d.).

Computerized System

The proliferation of computers in businesses and other organizations has reduced

the need for paper consumption, as a business can easily be conducted electronically. In
some cases, organizations may also find it beneficial to computerize their document
storage methods, such as through the use of imaging, where old documents are essentially
photographed and stored in a computer system. Computerization offers several key
advantages for an organization. Computerizing a paper system can create additional
space, as there is no longer a need to store a large volume of paper records or files.
Misfiled documents can be difficult to find when they are needed the most. A
computerized system can eliminate these issues, resulting in a more accurate and
organized method of document management over the long term. A computerized system
offers greater speed than a paper system (Joseph, n.d.).

Manual accounting systems have been around since ancient scribes began
keeping records of taxes, tributes, and temple inventories. Computerized accounting
systems are barely two generations old, but they have already revolutionized the

accounting field to the point where it's rare to find a business that doesn't use
computerized accounting in some form or another. Many contemporary businesses use a
hybrid of the two systems. The manual element can range from keeping physical receipts
to writing all journal entries by hand, while the computerized element can range from
using an electronic cash register to maintaining an entirely digital accounting system.
Computerized accounting systems are considerably quicker than manual ones. The time
required for data entry may be comparable in the two approaches, but a computerized
system saves considerable time when tallying results. A computer can generate reports
quickly, and you can change parameters by simply clicking and selecting options rather
than adding entire columns of numbers (Gartenstein, 2019).

Customer and Information Management

According to (Furr, 2020), building long-term relationships with customers is

crucial to any business's success. Even if you're short on time, the best method to nurture
and expand your relationships with each client is to practice both efficient and effective
client management. The way to manage the highest quality of service and satisfaction
with the client is to entail, determining what the client expects from you and assessing
how well you meet those expectations. Excellent client management is certainly within
reach when you combine strong communication with current technologies.

Computerized System in Medical Field

According to (Csiszar, n.d.) As technology improves, the debate over whether to

store medical records on paper or electronically grows. The issue is up for debate on
several fronts, as both paper and electronic records offer strengths and weaknesses. As
medical facilities typically have years, if not decades, of paper records already, it can be
an expensive proposition to try to change from paper to electronic medical records.
Storage of medical records is an area in which electronic medical records seem to have
the edge. Hospitals and medical providers often have warehouses filled with paper
records. Besides taking up space, paper records are not eco-friendly. Electronic records
can be stored on computer drives that require much less space and fewer resources to
produce. Paper records also naturally deteriorate over time in storage, regardless of how
well their environment is controlled, and they tend to decay upon excessive handling.
Computer records can in theory be stored and accessed forever, without the deterioration
of record quality.

Clinical computing systems defined as computing systems used in direct patient

care are commonplace in healthcare organizations and growing dramatically in
importance. Clinical laboratories and hospital business offices were the first to adopt
computing systems within hospitals, but today electronic medical record systems (EMRs)
and computerized practitioner order entry (CPOE) are being installed in many medical
centers globally and are integrally tied to clinical care. Most medical centers could not
run efficiently without their clinical computing systems (Payne, 2015).

Avoiding problems with clinical computing systems begins at the earliest

decision points in selection, purchase, and implementation. It involves smart decisions to
select software that works, to build and install it carefully, have good relationships with
users and vendors, listen to their comments, monitor carefully to detect impending
problems before they hit, expect and plan for downtimes, minimize impact, and strive for
best possible availability and reliability (Giles, 2015).

According to (Zehner, 2015) operating clinical computing systems requires the

skills of many professionals. The profession with the longest tenures in managing
information in healthcare organizations is known today as health information
management (HIM). Historically, (HIM) has been concerned with managing day-to-day
maintenance, coding, and transmission of the medical record in its first form paper but
the principles, practices, and innovative skills of this group have quickly adapted to the
world of the electronic medical record (EMR).

The Impact of Computer Systems in the Medical Field

The emergence of computers in hospitals, clinics, health centers, and more has
transformed modern medicine, streamlining hospital processes for more efficient medical
care, and better patient experience. One of the key advantages of computers in medicine
is that they improve operational efficiency. Data entry is faster and the security of patient
records is stronger. Another advantage of computers in medicine is better organization
and security. In the past, patient records were stored in filing cabinets and during a busy
shift might be out in the open at a nurses station, which meant sensitive information was
susceptible to theft or being filed in the wrong place. Records can now be stored on
computer systems that ensure sensitive information is kept organized and secure
(Advantages of Computers in Medicine Today, 2018).

Technology in hospitals ranges from improved use of laparoscopic, minimally

invasive procedures by surgeons to the use of mobile tracking and monitoring health
devices by patients. Medical computers are another area of technology that is becoming
more commonplace in hospitals. One of the complaints patients are likely to give when
describing the healthcare system is the amount of time they spend waiting. With medical
computers, these delays can be shorter due to quicker data entry and more efficient
procedures. When the medical team makes errors, patients suffer. Paper patient records
are a recipe for disaster, while the use of medical computers can help prevent costly and
dangerous mistakes (Sagal, 2015).

Over the years, computer technology and the internet have made a drastic change
around the world for the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry is continuing to give
positive changes for patients and employees thanks to computer technology. It has made
it easier and more productive for patients and employees. Now patients can feel more at
ease during their doctor’s visit because of the benefits of technology. The software
applications that the hospital provides help physicians put in the orders so their patients
can get faster treatment (The Benefits Of Computer Technology In Healthcare, n.d.).

Health Information Management

Individuals involved in healthcare around the world acquire and generate a

significant amount of personal health information about patients. The scope of health
information includes not only personal information and private health data but also
associated payment forms and transactions. Clinical notes, pharmacy, and outpatient care
records are also covered health information. As technology has developed, it has greatly
increased the potential for reliability, speed, efficiency, and usability of medical records.
However, this also increased the ability for information to be misused, sold, and accessed
without an individual’s consent. As technological advancements outpaced ethical and
legal policy, it became necessary to define medical/healthcare information management
(What is Health Information Management & Why Is It Important, 2018).


Meera Hospital Management System

The Hospital Management System is a computer Software system, which is used

to manage the functioning and events of any Hospital or multi-specialty hospital to
maintain hospital data such as doctor detail, rooms detail, patients detail, bill detail,
patient payment detail, etc. A hospital Management system project is used to maintain,
and track patient records for any multi-specialty hospital (Meera Hospital Management
System, 2020).

Figure 2.1: Meera Hospital Management System


Klinika is an intuitive and easy-to-use medical clinic management system ideal

for healthcare professionals on the move or who are working from different hospitals. It
accesses the medical patient record system. Klinika’s Medical Clinic management system
software and mobile app enable you to work across boundaries, from different platforms
and locations. Klinika’s innovative system provides healthcare record management
system solutions to private practices for better diagnosis and treatment (Klinika, 2019).

Figure 2.2: Klinika

Clinical Management System/CMS On-ramp

CMS is designed for the local private clinic environment, CMS On-ramp provides
low investment cost access for private solo or group practice HCPs. Private healthcare
providers (HCPs) may face several complex management and administrative challenges
in running their clinics in the absence of clinical records and workflows, the following
two systems have been developed by the government and are provided to HCPs for
free. It supports the administrative operations and clinical management of clinics,
ranging from patient registration and appointment, prescription, and dispensary to
inventory control. What’s more, it enables HCPs registered with the Electronic Health
Record Sharing System (eHealth) to share patients’ clinical data with eHealth with
patients’ sharing consent (CMS On-ramp, 2020).

Figure 2.3: Clinical Management System/CMS On-ramp

Clinic Management Information Systems

Are computer software products that organize and together with all the natural
activities that are necessary for running and managing a healthcare facility. They must
meet the particular safety, functionality standards, and technology to manage electronic
medical records and practice management information. Several systems maintain patient
information together with medical Billing, Electronic Medical records, and EDI/HCFA
and meet up with the stipulated security, technology, and functional standards. A
Healthcare computer system is normally known as a clinical management system. It is
forming to automate manual operations in clinics. The main objective of the clinic
management information system is to digitize the records of patients so that they can be
easily recovered (TechNerve, 2020).

Figure 2.4: Clinic Management Information Systems

Innovaccer Covid-19

Innovaccer as one to combat the Covid-19 Pandemic management system assists

healthcare organizations and governments assess patient risk profiles and connects them
with virtual care capabilities. Innovaccer’s Covid-19 management system supports early
community-based triage through automated assessment, remote patient monitoring,
education, treatment, and most importantly providing a safer environment for healthcare
workers with telemedicine and dedicated customer support. The application is designed
to assist government and healthcare organizations in providing immediate assistance to
patients through remote assessment, monitoring, education, outreach, and treatment
(Innovaccer Inc., 2019).

Figure 2.5: Innovaccer Covid-19


The table below shows a comparison of all the listed applications and the current system

Manageme Clinic School
Meera Hospital
nt Management Innovaccer Clinic
System Management Klinika System/C
MS On- Information Covid-19 Managem
ramp Systems ent

(Add, Delete,
Edit, Update, ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Management ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

Printing ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Archiving ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Monitoring ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

History ✓ ✓ ✓

Table 2.1: Comparison Table



The perception of (Hill, 2021) and (Difference Between Data and Information, n.d.), of
how the data should be analyzed to provide accurate information gives a valuable meaning. While
the processed data turned into a piece of useful information it necessitates its role in business and
government organization. A computerized system provides a lot of benefits, it fastens and lessens
the workloads of any businesses and organizations as a result it revolutionized the way of
collecting data and managing customers and information. As technology advances the use of
computers and computerized systems in the medical field gives a big impact. Medical records that
contain sensitive information can now be stored electronically and reducing the handling of
paper. And managing health information on the computer has greatly increased the potential for
reliability, speed, efficiency, and usability of medical records.

The researchers have acquired insights and knowledge based on the concept of the related
systems (Meera Hospital Management System, 2020), (Klinika, 2019), (CMS On-ramp, 2020),
(TechNerve, 2020), and (Innovaccer Inc., 2019). These studies provide important information
that will give ideas to the researchers to improve and execute the proposed system that will
address the improvement of managing patient and medical record-keeping of the students in
Ramon Enriquez High School.



This chapter will go through the technical aspects of the project, as well as the specifics
of the technologies that will be employed and how the project will operate. It will also cover the
hardware, software, and network that will be employed in the creation of the proposed system as
well as the software lifecycle development.

3.1 Technicality of the Project

The proponents have collected all related research and discussed which technologies will
be used. On the other hand, as the project is still in the progress the proponents will continue to
look for tools and software that will aid in the system's development.

The proposed school clinic management is a medical recording and patient management
system that can be used in a computerized way. There are terms of technologies related to IT and
computing fields that may be difficult to clutch and only IT students and people in IT-related
fields can understand. The following are some of the technologies and terminologies that will be
used in the development of the project: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Visual Code
Studio, and Bootstrap.

3.2 Details of the technologies to be used

The system will be developed on a Visual Studio Code written in JavaScript. Visual
Studio Code is a simplified code editor that includes debugging, task execution, and version
control features. To provide a detailed and organized structure of the codes the researcher will use
the JS Framework. JavaScript is one of the most important web development technologies, and it
can be used on both the front-end and back-end. To provide user-friendly web development, the
researchers will use PHP, and for the system user interface. Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a
strong server scripting language for creating dynamic and interactive Web pages. HyperText
Markup Language (HTML) and Bootstrap will be used to build the front-end user interface.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the most fundamental component of the Internet. It is
responsible for defining the meaning and organization of web content. On the other hand,
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive

websites. For the back-end, the researchers will integrate Database Management Systems
(DBMS) and will use MySQL which will serve as the database for storing data.

3.3 How the project will work

The researchers decided to use the agile model for the process of the system development
cycle in developing the proposed system.

For the first phase, the proponent explores and conducts a survey and interview for the
target client. The current method used by the firm has pinned the researchers to propose a system
that will improve their client management.

In the second phase, the proponents will gather and compile all requirements for a
detailed analysis of the proposed solution. This phase will also cater to the design of the project.

The third phase will proceed to the development of the system. This phase will cover
extensive coding that will shape the design and interface of the system. Several dry testing will
also be covered to ensure that every feature will function according to its purpose.

The fourth phase will cover the full testing of the system. The proponents will observe
and focus on debugging to ensure the capability of the system to ensure that it is ready for

In the fifth phase, the system will be released to the client. The proponents will provide a
demonstration and will hand the operation to the client. In this phase, the proponents will also
monitor and accept any feedback from the client.

The final phase will go through the maintenance and feedback. Any flaws and problems in the
system will be addressed. Suggestions and updates will be possible to add useful features.



This chapter will cater to the strategy and tactical methods used by the researchers in
administering the study that will be used to accomplish the system design. The proponents will be
presenting the chosen software development life cycle and its stages that will be used for the
study. To provide detailed planning this chapter will also discuss the requirements gathering
techniques, requirements documentation, and, requirements analysis. The presentation of the
design of the software, systems, product and/or processes, testing, the description of the
prototype, and implementation will provide a strong guideline and workflow.

For the software development life cycle (SDLC), the proponents will choose the Agile
Methodology process. The Agile Methodology method will allow the researchers to thoroughly
examine and conduct its stages accordingly to its professional standard. Agile methodologies
constitute design and development techniques that are associated with the Agile Manifesto's
values and principles for software development. Agile techniques strive to find the proper product
utilizing small cross-functional self-organizing teams that release small pieces of functionality
frequently, allowing for frequent customer feedback and reassessment as needed.

Figure 4.1: Agile Methodology Life Cycle



Requirements - The proponents acquired the needed information and met with the
clients and conduct an interview and observations for the data gathering. The proponents
also gather, review, and assemble all connected and relevant articles and journals for the
analysis and documentation required for developing the system.

Design – The proponents will then analyze and study the gathered data and information
and introduces the requirements parameter. The team will then discusses the arrangement
for introducing and identifying the essential tools such as the programming language.

Development – After introducing and finalizing the necessary tools to use for the
development. The proponents will then start the development of the system. The
proponents will focus on addressing the proposed features of the system. JavaScript will
be the foundation as it will serve as the primary programming language and will be
written in Visual Code Studio.

Testing – The proponents will be conducting several testing and debugging of the
system. This will address the features, user interface, and functionality of the system.
This will help to adjust and repair any potential bugs. Additionally, it will also address
the design of how feasible the interface and interaction of the user with the system are.

Deployment – After conducting and passing the testing stage. The proponents will hand
out and deploy the system to the clients. During this stage, the proponents will provide
demonstration and ongoing support to monitor if the system is running smoothly. This
will also add updates and fix new possible bugs.

Review – The proponents will keep monitoring the system behavior. To check and fix
any remaining bugs. The proponents will also present the results that were achieved if the
requirements were met.

Requirements Elicitation Techniques

The strategies for eliciting requirements are either a comprehensive procedure or

asynchronous. A methodical strategy for obtaining data and achieving agreement on
system development needs. The following strategies for eliciting requirements will be
used in the study.

The respondents will be interviewed which will establish a solid bond. The proponents
anticipate that the deep connection would aid in the gathering of essential data.
Interviews allow for a more involved conversation and help both clients and researchers
comprehend each other.


The proposed school clinic management system for Ramon Enriquez High School would
help the school nurse and or the in charge of the clinic to upgrade their process when it comes to
collecting and storing medical information of the students and visitors. The system will enable the
user to add, edit, save and delete, manage patients, and record visitor information, in a
computerized way.

The design and development will be completed if the following goals and objectives are met.

1. To provide a solution that will upgrade the current manual system in the school clinic
2. To provide an efficient way of recording and keeping medical records
3. To provide an efficient way of managing patient


 Student Medical Record Profiling

o The system should be able to record student’s medical information
o The system should be able to filter every student by grade level
o The system should be able to update the stored medical information
 Patient Recording
o The system should be able to register information about the patient
o The system should be able to monitor and update the patient data
 Generate Report
o The system should be able to generate a report
 Visitor Management
o The system should be able to register visitor information
 Archive Records
o The system should be able to archive the students and their medical records


 Operational
o The system will require a minimum specification of a computer with a web
 Security
o Only the school clinic nurse/in charge will be able to access the system
 Performance
o The system will be rated according to processing, response, and query times.


This section is intended to outline the conceptual design for the proposed system,
including the system's use case analysis, data flow, entity-relationship design, and architecture


The use case analysis will illustrate the interaction of the actors. The school nurse
can add or input, view or monitor, manage or update, generate and print data or
information. While the admin account will be used to access the system.

Figure 4.2: Use Case Diagram



The data flow diagram (DFD) represents the movement of data in a visual
manner utilizing the system depending on user input activity.

Context Diagram

The context diagram depicts the interplay between several entities and the overall
system. The user inputs all the information for the medical record, patient information,
and visitor information. While the system shows the information that has been saved. On
the other hand, an admin is for creating an account to log in or out of the system.

Figure 4.2: Context Diagram


Level 1

The level 1 diagram shows and highlights the different functions of the
system. The context diagram is split into numerous processes in the level 1 diagram to
detail the process of the functions.

Figure 4.3: Level 1


An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) illustrates, presents, and describes how

different entities relate to each other within the system. For this proposed system a total
of 5 different entities with their specific attributes will give an insight into how the
system will work in the future.

Figure 4.4: Entity-Relationship Diagram


This section presents the architectural design of the system that illustrates how
both hardware and software communicate with each other. The user makes a process
from the front-end interface that will be getting a display from the database where the

data is stored.

Figure 4.5: Architecture Design



This section will detail the guidelines that the researchers will adhere to throughout the
development and evaluation of the proposed system. The process will be divided into different
periods. It will entail continual development throughout each stage and will follow the planning,
implementing, and professionally evaluating process cycle.

Research/Capstone Project Team

This section will discuss the details of the different roles and responsibilities of
the project team. The team will be mainly composed of a Project Manager (PM),
Software Engineer (SE), System Analyst (SA), Quality Assurance Tester (QA),
Technical Writer (TW), and UI Designer (UID).

Abdurazman J. Jamiri (PM) – responsible for all operations of the projects. Will
be the one to lead the team and be responsible for all stages of the development
of this project.

Archie Arthur M. Amparado (SA & SE) – is in charge of the programming.

Mainly to design and develop for designing and implementation of the software.

Edwin L. Manila (QA & TW) – in charge of gathering and analyzing the
technical and product information ensuring that the quality of the system meets
the standard.

Mohaiben R. Lahudin (UID) - responsible for designing the system user


Work Plan

The work plan of this study will be initiated in different and several phases. All
phases will have a specific amount and duration of time.

Task ID Task Assigned To Estimate

Descriptio d
Duratio Start End
n Date Date
1 Requirements Jamiri February 3, April
Phase 2022 22,
2 Design Phase Manila April 22, June 30,
2022 2022
3 Development Amparado June 30, July 30,
Phase Manila 2022 2022
3.1 Frontend UI Lahuddin June 30, August
Development Amparado 2022 31,
3.2 Backend Amparado July 15, Sept. 30,
Development Manila 2022 2022
4 Testing Phase Jamiri Oct. 2, Nov. 1,
2022 2022
4.1 Debugging Lahuddin Oct. 17. Nov. 1,
2022 2022
5 Deployment Jamiri Nov. 1, Nov .15,
Phase Manila 2022 2022
6 Review Phase Manila Nov. 15, January
Lahuddin 2022 1,
Table 4.1: Work Plan

Testing Plan

The testing plan will show the testing activity during the system's testing process.
This will form a basis for conducting automated tests as a systematic method inspected
and managed by researchers, as well as establishing the amount of effort required to
assess software quality.

Stage Type Description Source Deliverables

Unit Case data &
White box functionality Source Code
Testing unit test cases
will be tested
UI & System component,
Integration System & UI System & UI
Interface data flow, and
Testing Source Code Test case data
Testing UI will be
System The system will
Functionality & Functionality
Testing be tested in all
Usability System and usability
different use
Testing results
Testing the
Performance & Performance
Reliability System and reliability
and reliability
Testing data
of the system
Ensuring that
Documentation System Documentation
Testing Documentation evaluation
matches the

Acceptance Conduct a pre- Operational and

OAT Testing User
Testing release testing Quality

Table 4.2: Testing Plan


Cost-Benefit Analysis

This section provides a presentation of an assessment of the benefits and costs

anticipated in making and developing this project.

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total

customer service 100,000 101,089 102,365 103,554 407,008
Reduction in
inventory 100,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 490,000

Total Benefits 200,000 221,089 232,365 243,554 897,008


Computer 100,000 0 0 0 0 100,000

Printer 70,000 0 0 0 0 70,000

Labor 225,000 0 0 0 0 225,000
Cost 395,000 0 0 0 0 395,000
repair 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 120,000
Labor 50,000 70,000 100,000 150,000 370,000
Cost 80,000 100,000 130,000 180,000 490,000

Total Cost 395,000 80,000 100,000 130,000 180,000 885,000

Total Benefits -
Total Cost 120,000 121,089 102,365 63,554 12,008
Cumulative Net
Cash Flow 395,000 275,000 153,911 51,546 12,008
Return on
Break-even Point
3.81 years

Present Value
Total Benefits 198020 216754 225597 234187 874558
Present Value
Total Cost 79208 98039 126214 173077 476538
NVP 398020

Table 4.3: Cost-benefit Analysis


The proposed school clinic management system is an offline web application purposely
to input and saves data, a system that can be used to help the school nurse to
add/edit/save/remove the medical record of the students, manage patients, record visitor, and print
the saved information

Building the prototype will be using different web technologies. The proponents will be
using bootstrap to create a modern user interface. Bootstrap is used for directive and responsive
web development. For the back-end development, MySQL will be used for storing and
manipulating the data.


The table below presents the outlines of every procedure that the team will undergo for
accomplishing this study. The plan will serve as guidance to perfectly execute the proposed study

Task Timeframe Responsible Deliverables

User’s Guide 10 days Jamiri, Manila User Manual

System Support
 Desk Amparado,
assistance 60 days Lahuddin System Evaluation
 Technical
System Maintenance 30 days System Performance

Project Assessment 90 days Jamiri, Project Assessment

 Planning Manila Report
 Evaluation

Table 4.4: System Implementation


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