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Country General info Places Food Traditions Behaviors

Iceland is in “Víti (Krafla)” Some typical - Bondadagur Taboos:

the North is a geothermal dishes of this “husband's day”. People use
Atlantic lake very country are: - Solarkafii: toothpicks
Ocean. This visited by Sheep's head; residents for food;
country has tourists. In meat soup; skyr celebrated the
about 364.134 Icelandic "víti" (yogurt); rye return of the sun. People
inhabitants. means hell bread. - Thorri: It is a normally do
The Krona is since in the personification not use
Iceland its official past it was Also, about the winter apologies.
currency. thought that “Brennivin” is a in which they
Their hell was under liquor like represent the
inhabitants volcanoes. “Aguardiente” food.
speak On other hand, in Colombia,
Icelandic “Measure and it is the
Language. Hill” is a liquor that is
volcano produced the
located in the most in this
south of the country.
Beach” is the
most famous
beach in this
Arabic and *The death sea People prefer *Hannukah, the *Standing
hebrean Street food. victories of during
*Jerusalem makavies over memorial
22.702 Hummus. sirya. sirens.
squares km *Haifa Matbucha, is
like a salad of *Shabbtat *Turkish
9.15 million tomato. *Places notes in coffee.
of persons the western wall
Coin: *Everythin
Shekel= g is closed
$1.100 on Sunday
*Flying to
Yemen It is located in Stone-house: Mandi: national Eid al Adha: Is Is
the middle of Located in dish an important prohibited
the east. The Wadi Dhar Muslim holiday, go to
colors of their about 15 Km Asseda: Is a whose name cinema.
flag are red, from Sanaa pasty dough translates to
black and Yemen. It´s a Feast of the Eating park
white. Its former royal Yemeni chai: It Sacrifice. It´s is illegal
economy is palace. ´s most popular celebrated in
based on drink. honor of the The alcohol
agriculture. Al Saleh Prophet Abraham is
The official Mosque: It´s a Locust who sacrificed dessaprove
currency is modern his first born son d.
the real mosque in Saltha: Is the to God.
Yemen. Your Sanaa which is national dish of Prohibited
religion in the largest in Yemen. National Unity drive a car
100% Yemen. Consists of the Day: This is the (women).
Muslim. Originally it mixture of day when Nnorth
was called “Al different Yemen and
Saleh species. South Yemen
Mosque”. come together
and become one
Marib Dam: nation.It´s
The current celebrated every
dam was buit year in May.
in the 1980´s
and is close to Muslim Festival
the ruins of the of Ramadan
great Maríb Begins: Yemeni
Dam built in girls wearing
the 8th century traditional
BC. It was one costumes, attend
of the a festival for
engineering children to
marvels of the welcome the
ancient world. Holy month of
Muslims prepare
for the holy
fasting month of
Taiwan Its coin is The -The Dragon -Bubble Tea -Chinese New -Taiwanese
New Taiwan and Tiger -Xing Long Year. people are
Dollar and Pagodas. Bao. -Dragon Boat unquestiona
this equals -Taitung - Dumplings. Festival. bly some of
126.67 COP. -Lake Sun -Iron Egg. -Grappling with the
There are Moon Lage. -Stinky Tofu. the Ghost. friendlist in
23.7 million -Tarok Gorge. -Beef Noddle -Mid-Autumn Asia.
of inhabitants. -National Soup. Festival. - “Loss of
Its languages Palace -Zhongyuan face”
are Formosan, Museum. Festival. people don't
Hakka, -Aboriginal express
Hokkien, Festival. their
Mandarin and -Guanin’s Birth emotions in
Matsu. day. public.
The weather -Yimin Festival. - Always
is tropical. -Double ninth remember
Day. to remove
-Mazu Birthday your shoes.
and Pilgrimage. -They never
say “no”.
-You can´t
with a
wrong foot.
.you can´t
beckon or
point with
your index
-Greet the
with similar

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