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Matthew Arnold

Introduction Early Life
 Born in 1822 in Laleham, Middlesex,
 Was an English Romantic poet and a England.
Victorian critic.
 Educated at Rugby school

 He is considered the father of the  Graduated at Oxford University

modern criticism movement of the
 Elected to a fellowship at Oriel ,
objective theory.
taught at Rugby, became private
 His critical thoughts are mainly secretary the Marquis of Lansdowne ,
highlighted through his important
critical prose work “The function of and appointed inspector of schools.
Criticism at the Present Time”.  Went on a number of missions and
visitations of European schools.
 His most important contribution to
literary theory is his theories on  Impressed by some of educational
epochs of expansion and epochs of
systems & wrote several books about
Arnold’s Work Arnold’s Career

 1850s: Large of poems

 Arnold: the poet
 1860s: Literary& social criticism  Arnold: the critic
 1870s: Religious& educational
 1880s: Second set of essays on
literary criticism
The Function of Criticism at the Present Time
Arnold: Objective Theory

 Means a theoretical shift from the poet to the poem

itself, the shift from expressive theories (the
relationship between the poem and the poet) to
objective theories (interested in the relationship
between the poem and itself).
Aesthetic Power

 Creative ability
 The Poet

 Synthesizes& put together

 Epoch of Expansion

 Analytical/ critical ability

 The Critic
 Analyzes& divides
 Epoch of Concentration
Arnold’s Definition of Criticism

 “Criticism is a disinterested endeavor to learn and propagate

the best that is known and thought in the world.” P. 89

 “Criticism constitutes a higher kind of curiosity, a free play

of mind that follows the free flow of ideas whatever that
follow may lead.” P. 94
Arnold’s Influence
Function of Criticism& Critic

 “Criticism is a disinterested endeavor to learn and propagate the best that

is known and thought in the world and thus to establish a current of fresh
and true ideas.”

 Thus, criticism is not merely “judgment in literature”; its function is

much more noble, exalted and catholic.

 The critic’s function is that of a missionary.

 R. A. Scott James says “the function of Arnold’s critic in the broadest

sense of the term is to promote culture; his function as literary critic is to
promote that part of culture which depends upon knowledge of

 For Arnold, a literary critic is a propagandist not a salesman.

The Critic: His disinterestedness : P. 97-100
False standards of Judgment: Personal and Historical

 How is to discover the best and noblest ideas?

 He must have “tact” which is unfailing to guide to the excellent

 He must free himself from certain false and misleading standards of

judgments in the way of real estimate
 Personal Standards: intrusion of likes & dislikes
 Historical Standards: give more importance to a poem than it really is
 The Right Method: Touchstone

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