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Use 9.81 m/s2 [downwards] at the acceleration due to gravity.

Assume that the effects of air resistance may be ignored


A1. A golfer practicing on a range with an elevated tee 4.9 m above the fairway is able to strike a
ball so that it leaves the club with a horizontal velocity of 20 m/s.

a) How long after the ball leaves the club will it land on the fairway? 1s

b) What horizontal distance will the ball travel before striking the fairway? 20 m

c) What is the acceleration of the ball 0.5 s after being hit? 9.81 m/s2

d) Calculate the speed of the ball 0.80 s after it leaves the club. 21.5 m/s

e) With what speed will the ball strike the ground? 22.3 m/s

A2. A bowling ball of mass 7.5 kg travelling at 10 m/s rolls off a horizontal table 1 m high.

a) Calculate the ball’s horizontal velocity just as it strikes the floor. 10 m/s

b) What is the vertical velocity of the ball as it strikes the floor? – 4.4 m/s

c) Calculate the velocity of the ball as it reaches the floor. 10.9 m/s [24o depression]

d) How much time does it take for the ball to reach the floor? 0.45 s

e) Calculate the horizontal distance travelled by the ball as it falls. 4.5 m

A3. A diver runs off a 10-metre high diving platform with an initial velocity of 2 m/s [horizontal].

How far from the base of the platform will he land in the water? 2.9 m

A4. A boy kicked a can horizontally from a 6.5 m high rock with a speed of 4.0 m/s.

How far from the base of the rock did the can land? 4.6 m

A5. A physics teacher hurls himself horizontally from a third storey window. The window
is 26 m above the ground. He lands in a snow pile located 4.1 m from the base of the
building (measured horizontally).

What was the teacher’s initial horizontal velocity? 1.8 m/s


B1 A football is kicked with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of 45o to the ground.
Determine the: a) time of flight b) horizontal displacement c) maximum height.

B2 A bullet hit a target 301.5 m away. What maximum height above the muzzle did the bullet reach if it
was shot at an angle of 25 degrees to the ground?

B3 A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of 120 m/s at an angle above the horizontal.
If the projectile's initial horizontal speed is 55 m/s, then at what angle was it fired?

B1. a) 3.61 s b) 63.8 m c) 15.9 m B2. 35.1 m B3. 63 o


General Case (Δdy ¹ 0)

C1 A projectile is launched from a cliff with a speed of 10 m/s at an angle of 30o above the horizontal.
The projectile strikes the ground 10 m below the cliff.
Find the maximum height (h), range (Δdx) , and flight time (Δt)

C2 A projectile is launched from the ground at a wall with a speed of 10 m/s at an angle of 30o above the
horizontal. The projectile strikes a point on the wall 1 m above the ground.
Find the maximum height (h), range (Δdx) , and flight time (Δt)

C3 A projectile is launched from a cliff at a wall that is 15 m away from the cliff face (measured
horizontally) with a speed of 10 m/s at an angle of 30o above the horizontal.
Find the vertical change of position (relative to the height of the cliff) at which the projectile strikes the
wall (Δdy) , and the corresponding flight time (Δt)

C4 A projectile is shot from the edge of a cliff 125 m above ground level with an initial speed of 65 m/s at
an angle of 37 o above the horizontal. Determine the magnitude and the direction of the velocity at the
maximum height.

C5 A projectile is launched from a 50 m cliff with an initial velocity of 15.0 m/s at an angle
of 30 degrees above the horizontal. What is the location of the projectile 2.0 seconds later?
Express your answer in terms horizontal and vertical components.

C6 A flea stands 2.00 m from a dog's haunches which are 55 cm in height. Jumping at an angle of 32o,
what initial speed must the flea have to reach its new home?

C1. h = 1.276 m, Δdx = 17.556 m, Δt = 2.027 s C2. h = 1.276 m, Δdx = 6.472 m, Δt = 0.747 s
C3. Δdy = -6.04 m, t = 1.732 s C4. 52 m/s [forward - horizontal]
C5. 26 m [forward] and 4.6 m [below] the initial position
C6. 6.2 m/s

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