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• LAB 7•


Madelaine Juárez / Lorenzo Rodríguez

• What is FPS and Resolution?•

Frame rate is the frequency at which a video
plays, measured in frames per second (fps).

The human brain is capable of processing

between 10 and 12 separate images per
second, and still able to perceive them
individually. This means that from those 12
fps, you will start to see a sequence of photos
as a moving image.
• Why is FPS important? •

• In videos, a higher frame rate means • In games, It determines how smoothly

smoother animation and clearer graphics move on your screen, and it
images, while a lower fps means impacts the overall gameplay
choppier motion and blurry footage. experience. A minimum to be able to
Currently, conventional cinema films are play at ease, being the standard 30 or
recorded at about 24 FPS, and digital 60 FPS
cinema at 30 FPS or more.
Is a Higher FPS Better Quality?

If you enjoy playing fast paced games having

a high frame rate is going to lead to a more
pleasant experience. With higher frames per
second, you receive more data at the same
time, allowing you to have a faster reaction
time. Higher frame rates will result in better
overall motion quality.
Resolution is a measurement of the
number of pixels - picture elements or
individual points of color - that can be
contained on a display screen or in a
camera sensor.
• Why is resolution important•

The overall image quality of a Higher resolution results in a sharper, better-looking image. A
game depends on its 1080p image contains more than twice as many pixels as a
resolution. Resolution 720p one, but the biggest difference becomes visible in 4K
measures the width and height resolution, which has 8.2 million pixels.
of an image in pixels. These
pixels on your monitor are
responsible for building the
image and determining how
sharp and clear the image
appears. High definition starts
at 720p, followed by 1080p,
1440p and 4K.
• Does higher resolution reduce FPS?•

Playing games at a higher resolution comes

with compensation with lower frames per
second. The reduction of frames per second
occurs due to the additional pixels generated
on the screen.

This additional need to draw more pixels

requires more processing power and memory,
which reduces frame rates. The lower the
resolution you choose to run, the higher the
number of frames can be executed in the
same period of time.
• FPS VS Resolution •

Both frame rate(FPS) and resolution play an important role

in the image produced by your computer, together creating
a smooth moving image with sharp details. The frame rate
is responsible for the movement of the screen, while the
resolution corresponds to the number of pixels displayed on
a screen. Most computer monitors display at resolutions of
72 pixels per inch or 96 pixels per inch.
• What’s better; FPS or Resolution?•

Resolution determines the number of Competitive games, such as multiplayer shooters

pixels on the screen, which makes the and fighters, rely on fast movements. If you need
game more visually appealing. A speed and response in the games , then it's better
higher FPS is better for competitive to increase the frame rate. On the other hand,
multiplayer games as they require higher resolutions are better for those who choose
faster reactions. stunning graphics and visuals in their gaming
• Thank you •

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