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Toolbox Meeting Guide

Promoting Work Health and Safety in the Workplace

The South Australian Mining and Quarrying Occupational Health and
Safety Committee

Promoting Work Health and Safety in the Workplace

This workplace industry safety resource is developed and fully funded by the Mining and Quarrying
Occupational Health and Safety Committee (MAQOHSC).


IMPORTANT: The information in this guide is of a general nature, and should not be relied upon
as individual professional advice. If necessary, legal advice should be obtained from a legal
practitioner with expertise in the field of Work Health and Safety law (SA).

Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this guide is complete,
current and accurate, the Mining and Quarrying Occupational Health and Safety Committee, any
agent, author, contributor or the South Australian Government, does not guarantee that it is so,
and the Committee accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or personal injury that may
result from the use of any material which is not complete, current and accurate.

Users should always verify historical material by making and relying upon their own separate
inquiries prior to making any important decisions or taking any action on the basis of this

Creative Commons

This work is licenced under

Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial 4.0 International Licence.
The licence is available to view at

This creative commons licence allows you to copy, communicate and or adapt our work for non-
commercial purposes only, as long as you attribute the work to Mining and Quarrying Occupational
Health and Safety Committee and abide by all the other licence terms therein.

ISBN 978-1-925361-63-6

Contact information

Mining and Quarrying Occupational Health and Safety Committee (MAQOHSC)

World Park A Building
Level 4, 33 Richmond Road
Keswick SA 5035
Phone: (08) 8204 9842
Email: [email protected]

August 2017
Toolbox Meeting Guide


AIM ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Forward .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1. What is a toolbox meeting? ......................................................................................................... 3
2. Structure of a toolbox meeting .................................................................................................... 3
3. What information do we include? ................................................................................................ 3
4. Records of toolbox meetings ....................................................................................................... 3
FURTHER ASSISTANCE ............................................................................................................... 4
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 4
Toolbox Meeting Minutes Template………………………...……………………………………………. 5

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Toolbox Meeting Guide

Toolbox Meeting Guide


The aim of this Guidance Material is to provide Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking
(PCBUs) with practical guidance on toolbox meetings.


As stated in the MAQOHSC Workplace Consultation and Communication Guide, Persons

Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBUs) have a duty to consult with workers.

Section 47 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) states: A person conducting a business
or undertaking must consult, so far as is reasonably practicable, with workers who carry out work
for the business or undertaking and who are (or are likely to be) directly affected by a health and
safety matter.

One simple an effective way to ensure you consult with workers is to conduct regular scheduled
toolbox meetings.

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Toolbox Meeting Guide

1. What is a toolbox meeting?

Toolbox meetings are a way for information to be provided to workers, and for workers to have
their say about hazards / controls, incidents / accidents, work processes and company procedures.

Toolbox meetings also help to create an environment to discuss task specific or timely safety
communications, identify problems or highlight specific safety concerns / risks.

2. Structure of a toolbox meeting

Toolbox meetings should be held on a regular basis and should take no more than 10-15 minutes.
The frequency of meetings will depend on the size, nature and location of your site. Some
hazardous activities could require daily meetings, while often a weekly / fortnightly meeting will
suffice. Toolbox meetings should be short and to the point.

3. What information do we include?

Toolbox meetings can be used to inform and consult with workers on a number of different topics.
This may include, but is not limited to:

• Changes to policies and procedures;

• Identification of new hazards (including Principal Mining Hazards) and review of existing
• Implementation or review of control measures;
• Accident and incident data (note: important not to identify persons involved in accidents or
• Development or review of work processes;
• Development or review of the Safety Management System; and
• Development or review of Emergency Plans.

4. Records of toolbox meetings

Details of toolbox meetings must be recorded and maintained. Toolbox meeting minutes should
include, date, time, location, topic/s, follow up items and attendees names and signatures.

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Toolbox Meeting Guide


MAQOHSC Work Health and Safety Specialists are available to provide further advice and
assistance on all Work Health and Safety matters.

MAQOHSC Work Health and Safety Specialists are able to be contacted via our website at or email [email protected].


Work Health and Safety Legislation, Codes of Practice, fact sheets, Health and Safety
Representatives (HSR) information and guides can be found at the following websites:

SafeWork SA – or call 1300 365 255

Safe Work Australia – or call 1300 551 832

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Insert Company Logo
Toolbox Meeting Minutes Template

Meeting held at: Date: ___________________

Meeting conducted by: Signed: _________________

HSR: Signed: _________________

Issues / Topics to be covered:

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________

Other issues addressed:

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________

Action Required:
Action By Whom Timeframe

Attendance: (all participants to print name and sign)

1. ________________________________ Signed:
2. ________________________________ Signed:
3. ________________________________ Signed:
4. ________________________________ Signed:
5. ________________________________ Signed:
6. ________________________________ Signed:
7. ________________________________ Signed:
8. ________________________________ Signed:
9. ________________________________ Signed:
10. ________________________________ Signed:

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Mining and Quarrying
Occupational Health and
Safety Committee
World Park A Building
Level 4, 33 Richmond Road
Keswick SA 5035
Telephone (08) 8204 9842

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