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Table of Contents

No. Contents Page

1. Objectives of Study 1
2. Introductions of Petaling Jaya City Council 2-4
Case Study: -
a) Planning Permission 5-6
b) Building Plan Approval 7-12
c) Issuance of CCC 13-19
4. Conclusion 20
5. References 21
6. Appendices 22-63

1.0 Objectives of Study

Local authorities are responsible for the provision of an extensive range of public services in
your area. In addition, local authorities promote the interests of your local community,
including the social, economic, environmental, recreational, cultural, community or general
development of your area.

Responsibilities of local authorities

These are typically broken down into the following broad categories:

 Housing

 Planning

 Roads

 Development incentives and controls

 Environmental protection including rivers, lakes, air and noise

 Recreation facilities and amenities

The objectives of this case study is to learn more about the process to build a house from the
very start to the end. Every local authority has a different process based on their requirements.
From planning permission, building plan approval to the issuance of CCC for the building, we
need to follow the requirement that has been made to surpass and finally can build a building.
The requirements been put is to make sure that the building is safe to use and can sustain for a
long time.

2.0 Introduction of Petaling Jaya City Council

In the early 50's, Kuala Lumpur experienced congestion as a result of a rapid population growth
and squatters existing in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. To overcome this problem, the State
Government identified "Effingham Estate", a 1,200-acre rubber plantation in Jalan Klang Lama
to create a new settlement known as Petaling Jaya.

The party entrusted to govern the new settlement was the District Officer of Kuala Lumpur and
Petaling Jaya Board before being taken over by a statutory body, namely Petaling Jaya
Authority at the end of 1954. Petaling Jaya made history on 1 January 1964 when the Selangor
State gazetted a Township Board with financial autonomy to govern the city.

On 1 January 1977, Petaling Jaya Town Authority was upgraded to Petaling Jaya Municipal
Council (MPPJ), pursuant to the Local Government Act 1976 by the government. On 20 June
2006, Petaling Jaya Municipal Council was upgraded as Petaling Jaya City Council.

Now, the administrative area of MBPJ is 97.2 square kilometres which is rapidly growing.
Petaling Jaya has a total population of over 619,925 people and the number of property holding
of 217,930. Petaling Jaya is now known as the leading growth centre in Selangor.

The Administrative Council consists of 25 Council members led by a mayor. Council members
are appointed by the Selangor State Executive Council. The Mayor is an officer of the Federal
Government appointed by the state administration after obtaining the consent of the Menteri
Besar. A mayor works full time, assisted by a Deputy Mayor and Head of the Departments in
setting and implementing the vision, mission, quality policy, objectives and activities of the
Council. The Council approved a Council legislation draft and forming policies to be
implemented by the departments. Petaling Jaya City Councill is now located at Jalan Yong
Shook Lin, 46675 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

The objectives of Petaling Jaya City Council are to: -

 To develop a competitive and dynamic economy.

 To transform Petaling Jaya into a coverted commercial centre and residential area.

 To transform Petaling Jaya into a garden city.

 To transform Petaling Jaya into a barrier-free city.

 To transform Petaling Jaya into a Knowledge City.

 To manage the environment based on the principles of sustainable development.

 To develop loving, dynamic and excellent human capital.

 To provide, manage and maintain assets in a systematic and organised manner.

 To place innovation and creativity as the core of management and administration of the
Council (Blue Ocean Strategy).

3.0 Case Study on Petaling Jaya City Council

3.1 Planning Permission

To build a house, planning permission is needed. The local authority will be able to advise and
tell how to apply as well as giving general advice about the application. The local authority
will also be able to tell whether the proposals are likely to comply with the development plan
for the area.

Definition of Planning Permission

Planning permission is the permission granted with or without the conditions for development.

Progress: means carrying out any building, engineering, mining, industrial or any other work
of any kind upon, above, above or below the ground, making any material alteration in the use
of any land or building or any part thereof, or breaking the boundaries or incorporating land;
and "develop" should be interpreted accordingly.

To apply for planning permission by filling in a planning application form and submitting it
together with required documents to the MPBJ. Information, application form and a checklist
are available from the MBPJ website or from the office itself.

To apply for planning permission, contact the Planning Department of your local authority.

Process of getting the planning permission

1. Application planning permission checklist form for the building

2. Application planning permission checklist form for telecommunication system
3. Application planning permission checklist form for landscape plan
4. Application planning permission checklist form for ground work plan
5. Application planning permission checklist form for road and drainage plan
6. Application planning permission checklist form for the street light plan

3.2 Building Plan Approval

Definition of Building Plan Approval

Building Plan Approval is a formal approval of building plans by the designated government
agency as meeting the requirements of prescribed codes. It is an authorization to proceed with
the construction or reconfiguration of a specific structure at a particular site in accordance with
the approved drawing and specifications

Objective of Building Plan Approval

The objective is to ensure that structures are constructed on suitable locations and safe for
occupants, habitable places for working and for dwelling and in accordance to the building by-

Submission of Building Plan Approval

1. Approval Format Plan

i. Location Plan
ii. Floor Plan
iii. Roof Plan
iv. Elevation Plan

2. Building Plan Certification

3. Building Plan Approval Form for Individual Residential Building
4. Declaration Letters
5. Building Plan Approval Process

Building Plan Approval

A) Checklist for applying of buildings plan approval on individual residential plots

1) Ownership documents; copies of allotment letter (transfer letter/memo or mutation

letter in case of transfer) possession certificate, the lease deed (transfer deed in case
of transfer), and dimension plan issued by the Authority.
2) Form for first application to erect, re-erect, demolish or to make material alteration in
a building.
3) Certificate for undertaking the supervision by the Technical Person. Any change of the
technical personnel during construction work shall be intimated to the Chief Executive
Officer in writing.
4) Structural stability certificate from the Architect/Structural Engineers.
5) Certificate for sanction of Building Plan.
6) Where basement is proposed to be constructed, Indemnity bond on stamp paper duly
attested by a Notary, shall have to be submitted.
7) Specification of proposed building.
8) Application for drainage of premises.
9) Photocopy of the registration of the Technical Person duly authenticated with plot
number for which it is submitted.
10) In case of demolition photo of existing building.
11) Soft copy of drawings in CD.
12) In case of revalidation and revision original sanctioned plan to be submitted.
13) Photocopy of receipt of fees deposited, and such other charges, if any, as required by
the Authority from time to time.
14) Three copies of drawings (one cloth mounted) duly signed by the Technical Person and
15) Any other document as may be required by the Authority from time to time

(B) Checklist for applying of building plan approval other than those on individual residential

1) Ownership documents; copies of allotment letter, possession certificate, the lease deed
(transfer deed in case of transfer), and dimension plan issued by the authority.
2) Form for first application to erect, re-erect, demolish or to make material alteration in
a building.
3) Certificate prescribed in for undertaking the supervision by the Technical Person. Any
change of the technical personnel during construction work shall be intimated to the
Chief Executive Officer in writing.
4) Structural stability certificate from the Architect/Structural Engineers.
5) Certificate for sanction of Building Plan.
6) Where basement is proposed to be constructed, Indemnity bond on stamp paper duly
attested by a Notary, shall have to be submitted.
7) Specification of proposed building.
8) Application for drainage of premises.
9) Photocopy of the registration of the Technical Person duly authenticated with Plot No.
for which it is submitted.
10) Photocopy of receipt of fees deposited, and such other charges, if any, as required by
the Authority from time to time.
11) Three copies of drawings (one cloth mounted) duly signed by the Technical Person and
12) Certificate of registered structural engineer and owner regarding earthquake resistance
of the building where-ever applicable.
13) Two copies of the drawings giving details of provisions for fire safety, security as per
National Building Code.
14) Approval from the competent authority in case of hazardous buildings.
15) Soft copies of the drawings in compact disc.
16) Valid time extension, where- ever applicable.
17) No Objection Certificate from Airport Authority if building is more than 30m high.
18) No Objection Certificate from Ministry of environment if covered area is more than
20,000 sq. metres.
19) Any other document as may be required by the Authority from time to time.

20) In case of revision and revalidation original sanction plan to be surrendered/ submitted
as the case may be.

(C) Checklist for applying of approval of layouts and sub-division of plots

1) Ownership documents; copies of allotment letter (transfer/mutation letter in case of

transfer) possession certificate, lease deed (transfer deed in case of transfer), and
dimension plan issued by the Authority.
2) Form for first application to develop, redevelop or to make material alteration.
3) Certificate prescribed in undertaking the supervision by the Technical Person. Any
change of the technical personnel during development work shall be intimated to the
Chief Executive Officer in writing.
4) Structural stability certificate from the Architect/Structural Engineers.
5) Certificate for sanction of Layout Plan.
6) Specification of proposed layout development.
7) Application for drainage of premises.
8) Photocopy of the registration of the Technical Person duly authenticated with Plot
number for which it is submitted.
9) Application form for water and sewer connection (where-ever applicable).
10) Photocopy of receipt of fees deposited, and such other charges, if any, as required by
the Authority from time to time.
11) Three copies of drawings (one cloth mounted) duly signed by the Licensed Technical
Person and owner.
12) Certificate of registered structural engineer and owner regarding earthquake resistance
of the building where-ever applicable.
13) Three copies of the drawings giving details of provisions for fire safety, security as per
National Building Code.
14) Soft copies of the drawings.
15) Valid time extension letter, where-ever applicable.
16) Any other document as may be required by the Authority from time to time.
17) In case of revision and revalidation original sanction plan to be surrendered/ submitted
as the case may be.

(D) Checklist for approval of temporary structures

1) Ownership documents; copies of allotment letter (transfer letter in case of transfer)

possession certificate, lease deed (transfer deed in case of transfer), and dimension plan
issued by the Authority.
2) Form for first application to erect, re-erect, demolish or to make material alteration in
a building.
3) Certificate prescribed for undertaking the supervision by the technical person. Any
change of the technical personnel during construction work shall be intimated to the
Chief Executive Officer in writing.
4) Certificate for sanction of Building Plan.
5) Specification of proposed building.
6) Photocopy of the registration of the Technical Person duly authenticated with Plot
number for which it is submitted.
7) Application form for water and sewer connection (where-ever applicable).
8) Photocopy of receipt of fees deposited, and such other charges, if any, as required by
the Authority from time to time.
9) Three copies of drawings (one cloth mounted) duly signed by the Technical Person and
10) Valid time extension letter, if applicable.
11) Any other document as may be required by the Authority from time to time.
12) In case of revision and revalidation original sanction plan to be surrendered/ submitted
as the case may be.

3.3 Issuance of CCC
Introduction to Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC)
Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) had been replaced to the Certificate of
Fitness for Occupation (CFO) and came into force on 12 April 2007 under the Uniform By-
Laws of the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 (Act 133). This certificate only issued if
the constructions complies with the legal provision, the approved building plan and also
condition be appointed by Local Authority (LA) at plan approval stage. All the construction
building needs to have this certification that verify as it safe and fit for occupation by legal.

It is an offence for client to occupy a building whether a commercial building or residential

building without certification. The clients need to encounter some problems as the vacant
possession is delivered to the by developers. The clients also could not occupy, renovate or do
any works for their properties because the CFO was not issued.

The CCC was introduced with government purpose to execute the self-certificate and self-
regulation approach in the construction industry. The normal time taken in building
development projects could be reduced through the fulfil of the CCC. The professionals were
indeed legally obliged to certify the fitness of building before CCC. The professionals who
fully responsible in building development projects as they directly involved with the project in
all stages of completion. It is appropriate that the professionals are given the trust and
responsibility to issue the CCC for project construction. The CCC will be issued by Principal
Submitting Person (PSP) which is by professional architect or building draftsman that
registered with the Board of Architects Malaysia and engineer that registered with the Board
of Engineers Malaysia who submit the building plans to the LA for approval.

Essential Services for Issuance of CCC

There are six essential services for the issuance of CCC:

 Confirmation of electrical supply (TNB).

 Confirmation of water supply and water authorities.
 Confirmation of connection to sewerage treatment plant or mains (JPP).
 Clearance from lifts and machinery department, if applicable (JKKP).
 Clearances for active firefighting systems except for residential buildings not more than
18m high.
 Roads & Drainage.

Offences under the new system

The Amendment Act has introduced the following new offences and penalties:

 Not a PSP but issues a CCC;

 Issues CCC without forms (relevant forms under by-laws);
 Issues CCC despite direction to withhold -- in contravention to direction of LA to
withhold issuance;
 False/fraudulent declaration: Knowingly makes/produces/causes to be made any false
or fraudulent declaration, certificate, application or any form under by-laws knowing
it/they have been forged, altered or counterfeited;
 Use knowingly: Uses the above form knowing it/they have been forged, altered or
 Occupation without CCC: Occupies or permits to be occupied any building or part
thereof without a CCC (This has a wide-ranging effect as it can cover purchasers,
tenants, occupiers, owners, trustees, etc.);
 Liable on conviction to fine not more than RM250,000 or imprisonment not more than
10 years or both; and
 Increased general penalty: The penalty for the offence of not abiding by the orders of
the LA is increased and includes imprisonment for term not exceeding three years and
a fine of up to RM10,000.

Offences by Engineer

 False and negligent certification of the CCC by an architect is an offence under the
Architects (Amendment) Act 2007 and is grounds for disciplinary action. An enhanced
penalty may be imposed by the Disciplinary Committee. The fine is increased from
RM10,000 to RM50,000 and the period of suspension of registration is increased from
one, to two years.

Offences under the housing development (Control and licensing) Act 1996

 In a related matter, section 22F(1) of the 1966 Act provides that any architect or
engineer, as the case may be, who issues a progress certification knowing that the works
therein referred to have not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the
sale and purchase agreement shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be
liable to a fine which shall not be less than RM10,000 but which shall not exceed
RM100,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both.

Advantages of CCC

Give advantages to
buidling owners and
buyers other than
investors and developer

Reduce the time for
client to occupy the
building to overcome
the problems that Easy to be issued
associated with CFO. together with the
The client obtained the issuance of Vacant
building or house key possession
but still cannot occupy
it because CFO is not

Procedure of Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC)

Submit Form B for

Submission of
commencement of
building plan of
work (If the submit Submit the
Form A (Need
rejected, redo from subtructure work
to pass it to
Form A to Form B (Form G1-G3)
continue with
and pass both of
Form B)

Building Submit the Form F as

Superstructure services the last step to get
work must submit workreport need CCC after you pass
the form form to be submitted the submission of
Form G1-G12) with Form G13- building services
G21 work

If the building certified

by professionals
rejected, redo it from
Form G13-G21 to Form
F and pass both of it

Process of CCC Delivering

Introduction of the CCC process
In this CCC process, it has three stages such as substructure stage, superstructure stage and
services stage. So, the PSP will submit to the G1 – G3 to LA as a notice that the works are
complete under their supervision after the substructure stage done. Therefore, in the second
stage and third stage which is superstructure stage and services stage are apply the process
same as the first stage. For the second stage, PSP need to apply inspections from technical each
department involved which control the regulation and requirement based on from G. After the
inspection passed, the PSP will submit from G4 – G12 with the recommendation letter for the
building to Local Authority as the technical departments involved issued to the
recommendation letter.

Thus, on the last stage PSP have to apply inspection same as the second stage. After the
inspection passed, it will submit to G4 – G12 with recommendation letter to Local Authority.
Lastly, architect will issue the original F form as evidence that the building is complete and
comply with requirement.

In this MBPJ, the technician will do the site survey to get the CCC approval and create the
report to prove the building are 100% will be done, then will transfer to chief department to get
the feedback. Thus, the report will transfer to OSC and OSC will inform the meeting for CCC
to each department involved as they are needed to attend the CCC site survey. On CCC site
survey, the department involved will check the specification of construction for last time before
get the F form and G1 – G21 forms from the developer. Besides, end of the survey, all
departments involved should report the comments to OSC in 3 days on working day.

After the 3 days and get all the feedback from the technical department that involved, OSC will
transfer the report to YDP and YDP will sign for approval. If there have any problem on CCC
site survey, the technician will inform to the developer for complete according to the plan such
as providing rainwater harvesting due need to get the approval CCC. Moreover, after the
completion, the technical department involved will report the feedback to OSC.

Process of obtaining CCC

Submit the
building plan in
A Form by PSP

Approvement of
building plan
through OSC

PSP inform the

works start from
PBT by submit
Form B

Form G need to be
Certified to PSP by
endorsed by professional
Technical Agency

PSP to board of architect

and engineer

Process of Obtaining CCC

There are few documents that are needed to apply for CCC:
• The revised form presents a new building besides the bungalow

• The revised form introduces new bungalows, additions and renovations

• Checklist for site visit certificate in stages

• Feedback of site visit

• The revised form for completed and compliance


Based on this assignment we learn a lot about the local authority of Majlis Bandaraya Petaling
Jaya. So the role of the local authority is responsible for provision of an extensive range of
public services in respective area. It also has a general duty to see that building work complies
with the building regulations, unless it is under the control of an approved inspector. Only local
authority has the power to enforce standard if things go wrong.

Moreover, we also get to know the procedure and workflow at MBPJ which the planning
permission. This is the legal process of determining whether proposed developments should be
permitted. Responsibility for planning lies with local planning authority, usually the planning
department of the district or borough council. Other than that, the building plan approval
process is going to be pre submissions, earth works with road & drainage, engineers plans &
architect plans submissions, development order approval, and work commence. Therefore, the
CCC is going to have three stages which is substructure stage, superstructure stage and services
stage to get the approval of CCC. This all things are important in local authority to maintain
the building in the future.




A) Planning Permission







B) Building Plan Approval




C) Issuance of CCC






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