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German cuisines

German cuisine awakens taste buds to filling dishes featuring spices and other ingredients from
around the world. A typical meal may include hearty meat portions drenched in rich, creamy
sauces along with buttery rolls, baked squash and a full glass of beer. Some German foods
have ample amounts of garlic and onions baked or fried into the dish. The menu includes a wide
range of fatty food options for breakfast, lunch and dinner along with classic desserts. These
cuisines also feature meals originating from other countries such as France, but throughout
history, the Germans have always customized dishes with their own cultural influence.

Staple Foods
Pork is one of the main ingredients found in traditional (German recipes). Both
Rostbratwurst and Bratwurst sausages are made with a combination of chopped beef
and pork. The sausages are grilled and then served with horseradish sauce or mustard.
The Germans also like to feast on meat dishes with plentiful amounts of lamb, duck,
fish, beef, venison and chicken. Many meals include different types of meat mixed

Some common German meat recipes are Goulasch, Eisbein Mit Sauerkraut and
Leipziger Allerlei. Leipziger Allerlei is a thick soup made with chunks of beef and
vegetables. Goulasch is another type of stew, but this dish is made with fried pork, beef,
onions and other vegetables. Eisbein Mit Sauerkraut is prepared by cooking the fat of
the pork in sauerkraut. Eierkuchen is a well-known breakfast food that looks similar to
crepes because they have a thin, pancake-like appearance, but the German crepe
version is larger in diameter. These types of crepes are served with jam and sprinkled
with sugar, cheese or topped with meat.
Side Dishes
Starchy foods such as thick noodles, dumplings and rolls are served as side dishes.
Hollandaise dipping sauce along with grilled, baked or fried carrots, potatoes, spinach,
turnips, broccoli and cabbage complement meat dishes. The breakfast side dish menu
includes filling choices such as potato pancakes, spiced sausages and rolls. Many
breakfast foods like eggs are also served as sides for lunch or dinner.

Spices and Condiments

Germans use condiments or custom sauces made with horseradish, hollandaise and
mustard. Herbs and spices such as parsley, cayenne pepper, salt, cinnamon, white
pepper and marjoram create distinct flavors. The variety of spices or condiments used
depends on specific recipes and the type of meat. Meat recipes often call for spicy or
thick sauces, while some breakfast and dessert options feature sweet spices.
Germans consume sugar-laden cookies, cakes and other desserts after a robust meal.
Krapfen is a small, round jelly donut, sprinkled with sugar. Other versions of this donut
have generous portions of cream or chocolate inside. Stollen is another starchy dessert
made with yeast bread and dried fruit. The exterior of the cake is sprinkled with
powdered sugar. Dominosteine and Elisen Lebkuchen are two favored chocolate treats
in Germany. Dominosteine is a spiced, chocolate cube that has marzipan and jelly filling
inside. Elisen Lebkuchen are gingerbread cookies, dipped in a dark or milk chocolate

Germany has more than 1,200 breweries within the country, making beer and wine a
common beverage to go along with meals. Germans take pride in their beer and it
shows because they prepare beer with high quality hops and other ingredients such as
spices and Belgian fruit. Choose from a wide range of light, medium and dark beers
such as Pilsner, Rauchbier and Bock. Pilsner has a mellow taste and light color
because it’s made using lightly toasted malts. Rauchbier has a smoky flavor that sets it
apart from other beers. Bock is a dark, heavy beer with a strong taste and a hint of
malty sweetness. 

Both red and white wine are favored beverages in Germany. Muskattrollinger is a red
wine, cultivated with very ripe, bright red grapes. This wine has a rich flavor and slight
nutmeg aroma. Some other red wines on the menu include Lemberger and Samtrot.
Lemberger features a rich red and brownish glow and strong flavor. Samtrot wine has a
dark burgundy appearance and rich, full-bodied flavor.

White wine selections such as Kerner and Scheurbe go well with traditional German
dishes. Kerner features a soft, golden yellow color and lightly sweet taste. Scheurebe
has a strong aroma and rich taste because it’s made with extremely ripe grapes.
Germans enjoy drinking plain coffee or coffee made with cherry brandy and whipping
cream with breakfast or dessert.
Regional Cuisine
Regions throughout Germany specialize in certain meals. Northern Germany takes
pride in recipes such as Schwenkerbraten and Labskaus. Schwenkerbraten features
grilled pork cutlets, prepared with garlic, olive oil, paprika, pepper and spicy mustard
and then grilled over an open fire. Labskaus is made with rolled pickled fish and corned
beef, served with fried eggs on the side. The meat is then cured with butter, onions,
broth, beet juice and milk.

Common dishes found in Southern Germany include Flaedlesuppe and Maultaschen.

Flaedlesuppe is a pancake soup with strips of pancakes, hot broth, spices, herbs and
vegetables such as leeks and celery. Maultaschem is a (German ravioli dish), topped
with spinach and bacon. It’s prepared with egg noodles, potato dough and filling that
includes garlic, meat and eggs. Various casserole dishes are found throughout Eastern
Germany such as Wurzfleisch. This casserole includes a combination of beef, chicken,
pork, broth, celery and chopped carrots.
Indian cuisines
There’s a lot of confusion in England about what actually classifies as Indian food.

Many of the popular recipes you see on takeaway menus, like Chicken Tikka Masala, are
adapted to suit our low spice tolerance. They are often made with a mixture of yoghurt and
cream to make them sweeter, and, if you were to travel to India, you would be unlikely to
encounter similar dishes.

Traditional Indian foods would be non-altered recipes that have been passed through
generations of Indian and British-Indian families. The curries tend to be drier with less sauce as
they are often eaten by hand. They usually consist of lots of rice, lentils, and flour to make the
food more filling, much like South India’s Masala Dola (a spicy pancake-type dish).

What Are the Different Regional Cuisines in India?

As we metaphorically travel around India, we uncover a whole range of cuisines that vary in
flavour palette, spice levels, and common ingredients.

It isn’t as simple as pinning specific recipes to different regions, but there are preferred feature
foods that individual areas are known for.  Examples of these include:

1. Rich curries hailing from Northern India.

2. Pastry snacks like samosas being served on the regular in New Dehli.
3. Hearty dishes based around rice, lentils, and stew from South India.
4. Sweet dumplings fried and freshly made in Kerala.
5. Meat-heavy ingredients packing curries and pastries alike in Jammu and Kashmir.
6. Vegetarian and seafood meals in Gujarat, where they practise the religion Jainism.
7. Wide varieties of street food are served in Mumbai, to locals and tourists alike
This creates a complex variety of dishes that cover what Indian truly food is.

It might surprise you that there are lots of different types of Indian food - from main meal
items to sweet, tempting Indian desserts. Even the word “curry” has many different
meanings depending on where you are in India.

When looking at Indian food descriptions, you’ll find thousands of spices, meats, pastries,
and sauces. On a menu, you’ll find stews, rice, curries, flatbreads, potato snacks, kebabs
and meatballs. Although different regions are known for different specialty dishes, there are
some common ingredients found across most - such as:

 Ginger
 Cumin
 Coriander
 Paprika
 Turmeric
 Cayenne
 Yoghurt

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