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The AAPS Journal ( # 2013)

DOI: 10.1208/s12248-013-9535-x

Research Article

Genetic Polymorphisms of Metabolic Enzymes and the Pharmacokinetics

of Indapamide in Taiwanese Subjects

Teng-Hsu Wang,1 Cheng-Huei Hsiong,1 Hsin-Tien Ho,6 Tung-Yuan Shih,1 San-Jan Yen,1 Hui-Hung Wang,2
Jer-Yuarn Wu,2,3 Benjamin Pei-Chung Kuo,4 Yuan-Tsong Chen,2,5 Shung-Tai Ho,7 and Oliver Yoa-Pu Hu1,8

Received 7 April 2013; accepted 18 September 2013

Abstract. To understand the genetic makeup and impact on pharmacokinetics (PK) in the Taiwanese
population, we analyzed the pharmacogenetic (PG) profile and demonstrated its effects on enzyme
metabolism using indapamide as an example. A multiplex mass spectrometry method was used to
examine the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) profile of eight major phases I and II metabolic
enzymes in 1,038 Taiwanese subjects. A PG/PK study was conducted in 24 healthy subjects to investigate
the possible effects of 28 SNPs on drug biotransformation. Among the genetic profile analyzed, eight
SNPs from CYP2A6, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, CYP3A5, and UGT2B7 showed higher variant
frequencies than those previously reported in Caucasians or Africans. For instance, we observed 14.7%
frequency of the SNP rs5031016 (I471T) from CYP2A6 in Taiwanese, whereas 0% variation was
reported in Caucasians and Africans. The PG/PK study of indapamide demonstrated that the
polymorphic SNPs CYP2C9 rs4918758 and CYP2C19 rs4244285 appeared to confer lowered enzyme
activity, as indicated by increased Cmax (25%∼64%), increased area under the plasma level-time curves
(30∼76%), increased area under the time infinity (43%∼80%), and lower apparent clearance values
than PK for wild-type indapamide. Our results reinforce the biochemical support of CYP2C19 in
indapamide metabolism and identify a possible new participating enzyme CYP2C9. The PG/PK approach
contributed toward understanding the genetic makeup of different ethnic groups and associations of
enzymes in drug metabolism. It could be used to identify two genetic markers that enable to differentiate
subjects with varied PK outcomes of indapamide.
KEY WORDS: indapamide; metabolic enzymes; pharmacogenetics; pharmacokinetics; SNPs.

INTRODUCTION of elimination (6). In addition, ethnicity may account for the

observed differences in both pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharma-
The ultimate goal of personalized medicine is to identify codynamics of drugs, thus resulting in variability in response to
specific genetic features with the differential risk of human drug therapy (7). Furthermore, genetic polymorphism is one of the
diseases or the efficacy of certain therapeutic interventions (1). most important factors that may contribute to the ethnic sensitivity
Mounting evidence has linked the genetic make-up to a significant of a drug in its metabolic pathways (7). The E5 guidance,
portion of drug-induced toxicity (2–5). The primary focus of published by the US Food and Drug Administration, in 1999,
pharmacogenetics (PG) is drug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs). provides a general framework for evaluating medicines in terms of
The pharmacology of drugs subject to inherited variability in their sensitivity to ethnic factors by considering the three major
metabolism is often complex. Few have simple or single pathways racial groups: Asian, Black, and Caucasian. Traditionally, drug-
dosage determination has long been based on Caucasian data, but
School of Pharmacy, National Defense Medical Center, P.O. Box Caucasians represent <6% of the total population. By contrast,
90048-512, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. Asian people represent approximately 60% of the world’s
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, population. It is important to understand the genetic make-
Republic of China. up of Asians, specifically Chinese, which represent more
Department of Medical Research, China Medical College Hospital, than half of the Asian population. Taiwanese are the
Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China. descendants of mainland China and also show genetic
Mithra Bioindustry Co., LTD, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. affinities to southern Asian populations (8), so Taiwanese
Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, people are representative ethnic group for investigating PG
North Carolina 27710, USA.
6 variabilities in Asians and Chinese.
Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, National Defense Medical
Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is the most fre-
Department of Anesthesiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, quently observed mutation in all organisms (9,10). The cost for
Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. mapping of the genetic variance among thousands of SNPs
To whom correspondence should be addressed. (e-mail: could be extremely high. Recent advances in whole-genome
[email protected]) sequencing (WGS) have led to burst of bioinformation and a

1550-7416/13/0000-0001/0 # 2013 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

Wang et al.

significant knowledge base for investigating the genetic archi- spectrometry (SEQUENOM MassARRAY system, Sequenom,
tecture of drug metabolisms and treatment efficacies. However, San Diego, CA, USA) was used to identify the SNPs (20). Primers
the clinical use of whole-genome analysis is not yet achievable, and the extending probes were designed in multiplex format by
presumably because of the relatively high cost and the scarcity using SpectroDESIGNER (Sequenom, San Diego, CA, USA).
of such high-end techniques (1,11). Moreover, serious limita- The primer specificity and the generated amplicons were checked
tions in WGS genotyping platforms are still present in the low by use of BLAST and UCSC In silico PCR, respectively. After
coverage for different ethnic groups (12). In addition to WGS, amplification, the unincorporated dNTPs were dephosphorylated
various modern techniques are readily applied in large-scale by use of shrimp alkaline phosphatase (Hoffman-LaRoche, Basel,
SNP-genotyping association studies to enable robust assays in Switzerland) followed by primer extension. The purified extension
clinical study design, including mass detections (13). reactions were spotted onto a 384-element silicon chip
Indapamide is a thiazide-type diuretic commonly pre- (Sequenom), and analyzed by a Bruker Biflex III MALDI-TOF
scribed to treat mild to moderate hypertension. As it has SpectroREADER mass spectrometer. The spectra were processed
fewer side effects in inducing metabolic derangements than with SpectroTYPER (Sequenom).
other thiazide diuretics, indapamide is well accepted to be SNPs that failed to perform in the high throughput
used as initial therapy to treat hypertension in patients with MALDI-TOF were identified by direct sequencing. Primers
previous stroke or older people (over 80) or as an add-on were designed by use of Primer3 (
treatment (14). However, severe hyponatremia and hypoka- The specificity and the generated amplicons were confirmed by
lemia have been reported (15). Therefore, limiting the dose BLAST and UCSC in silico PCR, respectively. All PCR
to that necessary to achieve maximal blood pressure reduc- products were sequenced by use of the BigDye Terminator
tion and improved cardiovascular outcomes is relevant (16). Cycle Sequencing Kit v1.1/3.1 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
Although the major metabolites of indapamide have been CA, USA). Sequencing products were separated by use of the
identified, the pathways of cytochrome P450 (CYP450)-cata- Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyzer (Applied
lyzed indapamide biotransformation have not been fully Biosystems). Raw data were analyzed by use of DNA Sequenc-
elucidated (17–19). One recent report suggested that CYP2C19, ing Analysis Software v3.7 (Applied Biosystems).
CYP2C8, and CYP3A4 are involved in the metabolism (18).
CYP3A4 has the highest activity, as indicated by specific
substrate inhibition of DMEs with an in silico-based approach. Healthy Volunteers for Indapamide PK Study
We have little information on PG studies of indapamide. The
effect of genetic variation on DME activity and the clinical A total of 24 healthy volunteers participated in this study.
impact on indapamide in particular are not fully understood. Volunteers were randomly recruited among Taiwan residents
To investigate the effect of genetic variation on drug and comprehensive informed consent was obtained. Volun-
metabolism among Taiwanese people, we conducted an exten- teers were included if they (1) were healthy male adults 20 to
sive SNP PG analysis of 1,038 healthy Taiwanese subjects. We 40 years old and (2) had ±20% the ideal body weight
chose 28 SNPs in eight phase I and one phase II enzymes (kilogram), 62+ (height (centimeter)−170)×0.6 and accept-
(CYP2A6, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1, 3A4, 3A5, and UGT2B7) that able physical condition and medical history, including com-
showed varied distributions in Han Chinese and Japanese (http:// plete blood counts, differential, platelets, urinalysis (including We focused on the SNP- microscopic evaluation), electrocardiography (ECG), chest
oriented PK/PG study of indapamide. To further investigate the X-ray, electrolytes tests (sodium, potassium, chloride, and
association between subjects carrying different enzyme geno- calcium), liver function tests (serum glutamyl oxaloacetic
types, 24 healthy subjects were included in the PK/PG study. transaminase, serum glutamyl pyruvic transaminase, alkaline
phosphatase, total and direct bilirubin, albumin, gamma
glutamyl transferase, and total protein), and kidney function
tests (blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and uric acid). Other
blood tests included fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol,
Volunteers for PG Survey and Sample Acquisition triglycerides. In addition, healthy volunteers were excluded if
they had a history of adverse or allergy reactions to
A total of 1,038 normal healthy subjects were included in indapamide or a related drug, significant drug or alcohol
the PG survey during 2007 to 2012. All volunteers were selected abuse, took any drug that may affect the result of the study
from Taiwan residents, and informed consent was obtained from within 14 days before to the start of the study, took any
all subjects. Except for agreeing to donate 5 mL peripheral alcoholic drink, and grapefruit juice within 48 h before the
blood for the genetic analysis, no particular criteria were start of the study, had an acute illness or surgery within
required for entry into this study. Genomic DNA was extracted 4 weeks before entering the study, had a history of a
from blood samples by use of a commercial extraction kit for psychiatric disorder and under the care of a psychiatrist and/
whole blood from QIAGEN GmbH (Hilden, Germany). or on medications for treatment of a psychiatric disorder such
as somatoform disorders, conversion disorders, current de-
Genomic DNA Isolation, Genotyping, and Sequencing pression, or a history of schizophrenia or a bipolar disorder.
Before drug administration, 5 mL blood was drawn, then
DNA isolation and SNP genotyping were performed in the subjects took one 1.5-mg tablet of indapamide SR. All
National Genotyping Center at Academia Sinica (Taipei). Geno- volunteers were given a once-daily dose of 1.5 mg indapamide
mic DNAwas isolated by use of the PURGENE DNA purification SR for 9 days, and 8 mL blood was drawn at 24 h on days 7, 8,
system (Gentra System, Minneapolis, MN, USA). Matrix-assisted 9, and 10 after drug administration. The dosing regimen was
laser desorption and ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass to insure that indapamide reached a steady-state prior the last
PG/PK Associations with Indapamide

dosing. On the last dosing day, volunteers entered the clinical Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis
study place and were tested by sitting to determine if they
exhibited normal vital signs of heart rate and blood pressure. The software Haploview was used to calculate the
During the half-hour before drug administration, volunteers linkage disequilibrium (LD) between the SNPs (in terms of
had an indwelling catheter inserted in their forearm vein for Lewontin’s D’) (21).
blood samples. After administration, 8 mL blood was
obtained at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 h for PK Statistical Analysis
analysis. At the end of the study, the participants underwent
the same physical and laboratory evaluations as those Data are expressed as mean±SD. The PK parameters
conducted at the start of the study, except the chest X-ray were analyzed for statistical significance by one-way ANOVA
and ECG. Blood samples were collected into heparinizied or Wilcoxon signed rank test with SPSS 13.0 (SPSS Inc.
vacuum tubes. Samples were centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for Chicago, IL, USA). To account for multiple testing, we used
15 min and the plasma was separated and stored in light- the Bonferroni correction and considered significant only
resistant plastic tubes at −20°C. The Tri-Service General those SNPs for which p<0.05/28=0.0018. The least-significant
Hospital Institutional Review Board approved the protocol, difference post hoc test of multiple comparisons was used to
and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. identify significant differences among groups (p<0.05).
PK analysis of indapamide concentrations in plasma was
performed using Winnonlin (version 5.2.1, PharSight CORP, RESULTS
CA, USA) with a noncompartment model.
Minor Allele Frequency of Phases I and II Enzymes
Sample Preparation for PK study
in Taiwanese
For each sample, 2 mL of subject blood was used for
We prioritized our SNP selections based on the following
analysis. Each of the following solutions were added with and
criteria: SNP that changes amino acid coding (nonsynonymous
vortexed: H2O (500 μL, 1 min followed by 10 min incubation
SNP), may affect gene expression (5′ promotor region) or
at room temperature and sonicated for 5 min), flunitrazepam
mRNA splicing (splice site) and has substantial allele frequency
(50 μL, 30 s), and diethyl ether (4.0 mL and 3 min). The
in Asians, particularly in Han Chinese and Japanese. Thus, we
resulting solution was then centrifuged at 2,800 rpm for 5 min
chose 28 SNPs from the SNP database (dbSNP) at NCBI (http://
and frozen at −70°C freezer for 40 min. The organic layer was CYP2A6 (rs28399468,
transferred to a new tube and evaporated to dryness under N2
rs1809810, rs5031017, and rs5031016), CYP2C9 (rs4918758
gas. Once dried, the sample was reconstituted with 0.5 mL of
and rs1057910), CYP2C19 (rs11568732, rs4244285, rs3758581,
50% CH3CN followed by a 1-min vortex and transferred to
and rs4986893), CYP2D6 (rs1058172, rs3915951, rs3892097,
sample vial for analysis.
rs5030865, rs1065852, rs1135840, rs16947, rs28371735, and
rs1135835), CYP2E1 (rs3813865, rs2031921, and rs2070676),
Instruments and Analytical Conditions for PK study
CYP3A4 (rs28371759), CYP3A5 (rs776741 and rs776746), and
UGT2B7 (rs7668282, rs12233719, and rs7439366) (Table I).
HPLC Conditions The HPLC system consisted of a Among them, 18 SNPs are nonsynonymous, 1 SNP is synony-
Waters 2795 pump and an autosampler; the mass spec- mous, 6 SNPs reside in the promotor region, 1 SNPs is located at
trometry model was the Waters Quattro Ultima Triple the splice site, and 2 SNPs are found in introns. The minor allele
Quadrupole (Waters Instruments, Milford, MA, USA). The frequency of the SNPs ranged from 0.2% (rs3915951) to 39.2%
Phenomenex Luna C18 column (4.6×50 mm/5 μL) was (rs4918758) in our 1,038 healthy Taiwanese. Five SNPs,
maintained at room temperature for the duration of rs3915951 (0.2%), rs3892097 (0.4%), rs28371735 (0.6%),
analysis. The mobile phase consisted of 50% CH3CN(aq) rs1135835 (0.6%), and rs1058172 (0.7%), existed at a very low
with 0.4 mM HCOOH and 0.2 mM CH3COONH4 CH3CN. frequency in Taiwanese and their frequencies in other popula-
The flow rate was set at 1.00 mL min−1 and the injection tions have yet to be determined.
volume was 8 μL. The internal standard used in this
experiment was flunitrazepam.
Population Diversity

Mass Spectrometry Conditions The Waters Quattro Ultima We compared the minor allele frequency of the 28 SNPs in
Triple Quadrupole mass spectrometer was used for analysis Taiwanese to current dbSNP data and published data for other
(Waters). The positive mode of ionization was selected for populations, including Han Chinese, Japanese, Caucasians,
analysis. Capillary voltage and cone voltage were set at 3,500 and Africans (
and 20 V, respectively. The temperature of ion source was 85°C Taiwanese, Han Chinese, and Japanese reside in geographic
with ultra high-purity nitrogen as cone gas and nebulizer gas regions in close proximity, therefore genetic material can be
(450 L h−1). Desolvation gas was heated to 400°C and set at a interchanged more frequently as compared with populations
flow rate of 450 L h−1. With argon as collision gas, multiple that are in distant geographical regions. Thus, most of the minor
reaction monitoring was applied to detect indapamide and allele frequencies are similar in Taiwanese, Han Chinese, and
flunitrazepam by monitoring the ion transition of 366.10→132 Japanese. In addition, we expected that the minor allele
and 314.10→1268.1m/z, respectively, and collision energy was frequency among Taiwanese and Han Chinese would have
set at 13 eV. Data acquisition involved use of MassLynx 3.5 greater similarities than in Japanese because a large proportion
(Micromass, Manchester, UK). of the Taiwanese population emigrated from mainland China.
Wang et al.

Table I. Summary of Allele Frequency of the 28 SNPs in 1,038 Taiwanese People and Comparison with Different Ethnic Groups

Frequencies of the variant SNPb

RefSNP Ref/ Ancestral Position Amino Han
Enzyme ID Var allelea in locus acid change Taiwanese Chinese Japanese Caucasian African

CYP2A6 rs1809810 A/T NA Exon 8 F392Y 0.017 NA NA 0 0

rs5031016 T/C NA Exon 9 I471T 0.147 NA NA 0 0
rs5031017 G/T NA Exon 9 G479V 0.018 NA NA 0 0.125
rs28399468 G/T NA Exon 9 R485L 0.052 NA 0.022 NA NA
CYP2C9 rs1057910 A/C A Exon 7 I359L 0.031 0.044 0.033 0.058 0
rs4918758 T/C C 5′ promotor NA 0.392 0.333 0.400 0.383 0.275
CYP2C19 rs4244285 G/A G Exon 5 P227P 0.312 0.256 0.284 0.150 0.167
rs3758581 G/A G ±9-exon 7 V331I 0.033 0.067 0.102 0.051 0
rs11568732 T/G T 5′ promotor NA 0.076 0.089 0.133 0.059 0.075
rs4986893 G/A G Exon 4 W212X 0.058 0.033 0.045 0 0
CYP2D6 rs1065852 C/T C Exon 1 P34S 0.775 0.667 0.500 0.211 0.167
rs3892097 G/A G Intron 3 Splice-site/ 0.004 NA NA 0.183 0
rs28371735 C/T C Exon 9 H478Y 0.006 NA NA NA 0.042
rs1135835 A/G A Exon 9 T470A 0.006 NA NA NA 0.042
rs1135840 C/G C Exon 9 T486S 0.281 0.211 0.407 0.456 0.389
rs3915951 G/T G Exon 7 G329V 0.002 NA NA 0.380d NA
rs1058172 G/A G Exon 7 R314H 0.007 NA NA 0.280 NA
rs5030865 G/A Cc Exon 3 G169C 0.011 0 NA 0 0
rs16947 A/G G Exon 6 C296R 0.126 0.122 0.116 0.333 0.444
CYP2E1 rs2031921 T/C T 5′ promotor NA 0.214 0.188 NA 0.022 0.119
rs3813865 G/C G 5′ promotor NA 0.202 0.222 0.239 0.025 0.167
rs2070676 C/G G Intron 7 NA 0.167 0.156 0.156 0.100 0.692
CYP3A4 rs28371759 T/C T Exon 10 L293P 0.029 0.044 0.023 0 0
CYP3A5 rs776741 T/C C 5′ promotor NA 0.259 0.322 0.227 0.017 0.517
rs776746 G/A A Intron 3 NA 0.277 0.333 0.250 0.058 0.850
UGT2B7 rs7668282 T/C T 5′ promotor NA 0.040 0.080 0.058 0.008 0.053
rs12233719 G/T G Exon 1 A71S 0.151 0.125 0.148 0 0
rs7439366 C/T T Exon 2 Y268H 0.222 0.278 0.318 0.500 0.008

NA data not available

Information for ancestral allele was obtained from the dbSNP database on NCBI (
The population diversity data (Han Chinese, Japanese, Caucasian, and African) were obtained from the dbSNP database based on HapMap
project (HapMap) or SNP500CANCER submission
Variants of A/G were only observed in our study, while the ancestral allele for rs5030865 was reported to be C in the dbSNP database
Data derived from CEPH pedigree, Caucasians of Northern and Western European descent

However, one SNP (rs4918758) exhibited better similarity in for the UK (22); demographic data were similar in gender, age,
Taiwanese and Japanese than in Han Chinese: 39.2%, 40%, and and body mass index between the two ethnicities, and also the
33.2%, respectively (Table I). Three SNPs (rs4244285, Cmax and AUCt. The half-life of indapamide SR in Taiwanese
rs2031921, and rs12233719) showed relatively higher allele was 31.0±12.3 h, which was much longer than previously
frequencies in Taiwanese (31.2%, 21.4%, and 15.1%), Han reported in Caucasians, 19.2±9.7 h. Hence, we studied the PK
Chinese (25.6%, 18.8%, and 12.5%), and Japanese (28.4%, NA, profile after a consecutive 9 daily doses to ensure that the steady
and 14.8%) than in Caucasians and Africans. Three SNPs state was reached in the present study. Meanwhile, Tmax in
(rs776741, 51.7%%; rs2070676, 69.2%; and rs776746, 85%) had Taiwanese was 5.9±3.2 h after administration of the last dose,
much higher allele frequencies in Africans than the rest of the which was earlier than previously reported, 11±7.0 h (22).
populations. SNP rs7439366 had a very low allele frequency in However, considering the nature of sustained release
Africans (0.8%) but was found at a much higher frequency in formulation and no significant influence found on Cmax and
Taiwanese, Han Chinese, Japanese, and Caucasians: 22.2%, AUCt, we assume that such differences in Tmax did not lead to a
27.8%, 31.8%, and 50%, respectively. significant change of drug absorption between the two ethnic
Pharmcokinetics of Indapamide
Significant SNP Association with Indapamide PK Parameters
PK parameters of indapamide in 24 recruited subjects are
shown in Table II. For Cmax, the minimum, maximum and mean Statistical analysis first focused on known enzymes
concentration were 37.60, 100.40, and 64.32 ng/mL, respectively, involved in indapamide metabolism, CYP2C19 and CYP3A4,
whereas the minimum, maximum, and mean of the area under then expanded to other phases I and II enzymes. Of the 8
the plasma level-time curves (AUCt) were 751, 1,995, and 1,236, selected enzymes and 28 SNPs, 2 SNPs were associated with
respectively. We used the indapamide PK previously reported indapadmide PK parameters.
PG/PK Associations with Indapamide

Table II. Comparison of the Characteristics and Pharmacokinetics of homozygous and heterozygous variants were both reduced as
Indapamide Between Taiwanese and Caucasians compared with the wild type (CT versus TT, p=0.003; CC versus
TT, p=0.002). Although the mean oral half-life was higher with
Taiwanese Caucasian heterozygous and homozygous variants than the wild type, the
(n=24) (n=12) (22) three groups did not significantly differ. No significant differ-
Sex Male only Male only ences in Tmax were found.
Age (year) 24.4±5.5 23.5±4.7
Body mass index (kg/m2) 22.3±3.9 22.7±2.7 CYP2C19 rs4244285
Starting time of the PK study (h) 216 168
Cmax (ng/mL) 64±17 58±20
SNP rs4344285 causes a transversion mutation that changes
AUCt (h ng mL−1) 1,240±316 1,090±310
the wild-type G allele to the mutant A allele. The mutation is
AUCinf (h ng mL−1) 3,120±1,110 –
Tmax (h) 5.9±3.2 11±7.0 synonymous and does not affect amino acid coding (Pro227Pro).
Half-life (h) 31.0±12.3 19.2±9.7 We did not identify any homozygous mutants for this SNP; thus,
CLss/F (mL/h) 1,300±328 – we can only compare the 14 heterozygous mutants with 9 of wild-
type individuals. One was excluded because we were unable to
Data are mean±SD unless stated. PK data of Caucasian group were determine the genotype. The AUCt and AUCinf of heterozygous
adopted from (22) variants were higher and the clearance was lower than that of the
wild type, despite the level of significance was not qualified as
significant when using a Bonferroni correction approach (p=
CYP2C9 rs4918758
0.0018). The mean of Cmax and half-life were both higher in
rs4344285 mutants but did not significantly differ, presumably
SNP rs4918758 causes a transition mutation that changes
because of relatively high variance among the groups (25.9% and
the wild-type T allele to the mutant form C allele with unkown
41% CV for heterozygous mutants in Cmax and half-life,
consequences. As shown in Fig. 1 and Table III, 2 of 24 subjects
respectively). Nevertheless, the mean plasma concentration plot
were genotyped as homozygous variant (CC), 12 and 10 were
over the observed time course showed separated curves between
heterozygous (CT), and reference wild type (TT), respectively.
the variant and wild-type groups (Fig. 2).
The mutation significantly affects several indapamide PK
parameters (Table III). Homozygous variants had the highest
mean Cmax, AUCt, area under the time infinity (AUCinf), and Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis
the lowest clearance among the three genotypes. Post hoc
analysis demonstrated that the differences were significant as The LD between the two analyzed SNPs was calculated
compared with heterozygous or homozygous mutants with wild- based on Haploview method. The calculation shows strong LD
type individuals. The mean Cmax of indapamide in homozygous between CYP2C9 rs4918758 and CYP2C19 rs4244285 (D′=0.88)
and heterozygous variants were 89.4±15.6 and 68.4±14.2, with correlation coefficient r2 at 0.635.
significantly higher than that of the wild type, 54.5±13.3 ng/mL
(p=0.004 and p=0.029, respectively). Significant increase of DISCUSSION
AUCt and AUCinf in both variants (CT versus TT, p=0.005 and
p=0.046; CC versus TT, p=0.000 and p=0.027, respectively) was Many PG studies have been performed in Japanese, East
also in line with the increased Cmax. CLss/F of indapamide in Indians, and Koreans, but little has been done to analyze the PG

Fig. 1. Steady-state mean plasma concentration-time profile according to genotypes for

SNP rs4918758 after administration of the last dose of indapamide 1.5 mg at 216 h. HOMO
homozygous, HET heterozygous, WT wild type, n sample size. Data are mean±SD at
specific times
Wang et al.

Table III. SNPs with Significant Effects on Indapamide Metabolism

Parameter genotype Number Cmax (ng/mL) Tmax (h) Half-life (h) (h ng mL−1) (h ng mL−1) CLss/F (mL/h)

TT 10 54.5±13.3 a 6.3±4.0 a 29.0±10.9 a 1,020±200 a 2,480±950 a 1,530±310 a
CT 12 68.4±14.2 b 5.5±2.7 a 33.0±14.3 a 1,330±240 b 3,550±1,020 b 1,170±200 b
CC 2 89.4±15.6 c 6.0±2.8 a 29.4±6.7 a 1,790±290 c 4,450±1,290 b 850±140 c
P value 0.007 0.935 0.757 0.000* 0.036 0.001*
GG 9 56.3±12.6 a 5.8±4.0 a 28.2±10.9 a 1,050±190 a 2,500±1,010 a 1,480±280 a
AG 14 69.6±18.0 b 6.0±2.8 a 33.4±12.5 a 1,360±330 b 3,670±1,070 a 1,180±320 b
P value 0.049 0.630 0.144 0.009 0.016 0.013

Data are mean±SD; statistical significance was compared with the wild type using one-way ANOVA or independent-samples t test, except a
Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for Tmax. LSD post hoc test was used for multiple comparisons of the CYP2C9 rs4918758 genotypes. Means
with different characters differ significantly (p<0.05). p values are those of one-way ANOVA or independent-samples t tests with Bonferroni
adjustment for comparison among genotype groups on each parameter

of Taiwanese or Chinese, the largest races in Asia (23–27). The (haplotype analysis) with the phenotype of interest to reveal
current study provides an extensive survey of the genetic variances genetic and phenotypic association (9,10).
among eight selected major DMEs in Taiwanese, which is The first objective of this study was to understand the genetic
considered the closest population to Han Chinese. Most differ- makeup of most phases I and II metabolic enzymes in Taiwanese.
ences between Asians and Caucasians have been shown, In comparing with the current data at NCBI, Taiwanese, Han
especially in enzymatic activity of several phase I enzymes such Chinese, and Japanese exhibited greater similarity in genetic
as CYP2D6 and the CYP2C subfamily (28). However, most makeup than Caucasians and Africans. The result is not
studies are allele oriented, in most cases analyzing a combination surprising because Taiwan, Mainland China, and Japan are in
of mutations instead of single mutations, which is quite commonly close geographic proximity. Similarities in population structure
observed in CYP enzymes. Thus, in allele-oriented analyses it is can arise due to ethnicity, human migration, mating, marriage, or
sometimes difficult to determine the contribution of a specific founder effects, which allow for frequent exchange of genetic
mutation in an affected metabolic pathway or a phenotype. To material and equilibrates the mutation selection. However, for
date, the human genome has more than 3.1 million SNPs and this some SNPs, the allele frequency we found between Taiwanese
number is likely to increase with additional DNA sources from and the other two populations was quite different. For instance,
diverse backgrounds of ethnicity (9,10). As compared with other CYP2C19 rs37558581 had an allele frequency of 3.3% in
types of genetic abnormalities, SNPs are more frequently Taiwanese but 6.7% and 10.2% in Han Chinese and Japanese,
observed in the general population. In addition, SNPs can be respectively. The difference between Taiwanese and Han Chinese
analyzed individually or in combination with adjacent SNPs is twofold, while the difference with Japanese is threefold. This

Fig. 2. Steady-state mean plasma concentration-time profile according to genotypes for

SNP rs4244285 after administration of the last dose of indapamide 1.5 mg at 216 h. HOMO
homozygous, HET heterozygous, WT wild type, n sample size. Data are mean±SD at
specific times
PG/PK Associations with Indapamide

may be attributed to the cross-breeding in the micro-environment rs4918758 and rs4244285, the half-life of indapamide did not
of Taiwan by Chinese immigrants and indigenous tribes during change significantly, whereas lowered CL/F was observed in
the past hundreds of years (29). carriers of rs4918758 and rs4244285. Therefore, we assume
Simultaneously, we performed PG and PK studies that can that metabolic transformation of indapamide is decreased
reveal the relationship between drug absorption, disposition, and with the variant genotypes, thus leading to incomplete
genetic polymorphisms. Variation in genotypes for DMEs, drug bioavailability (F). This result is in accordance with observa-
receptors, and drug transporters is associated with interindividual tions of previous studies in which the presence of CYP2C19*2
and interethnic variation in drug response (28). The most allele had a more pronounced effect on the metabolism of
common situations causing these variabilities are differences in other CYP2C19 substrates, such as leflunomide (35)
drug metabolism (30) (31). Indapamide undergoes extensive All above hypotheses offer possible explanations to the
hepatic metabolism, and only 5–7% of a dose is excreted in the observed phenotypes. To firmly cement the claims, in vitro and/
urine as unchanged drug (32,33). However, only one report or in vivo data are necessary to validate the hypotheses. In this
recently postulated that CYP2C19, CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 may study, we could not conclude firmly on the effect of gene dosage
be involved in the metabolism of indapamide (18), although it because only a few homozygous healthy volunteers were
was based on in silico predictions. Our extensive association included. Therefore, to obtain a clearer picture of gene dosage
study on the effects of SNPs on indapamide metabolism explored effect on indapamide metabolism, more homozygous volunteers
8 enzymes and 28 SNPs with the hope to identify additional are needed. Our efforts to understand the genetic makeup of
players in indapamide metabolism. Taiwanese and its effect on drug metabolisms will be useful for
CYP2C9 rs4918758 causes a transversion mutation that physicians to prescribe individualized drug dosage to achieve
changes the wild-type C allele to the mutant T allele. The the maximum therapeutic effect and the minimum unwanted
mutation is located near the 5′ promotor region and may affect side effects. Furthermore, the proper usage of PG information
the expression of CYP2C9. From Table III and Fig. 1, we will help to reduce the waste of national medical insurance in
concluded that variants of SNP rs4918758 may lower the drug expenditure.
metabolism of CYP2C9 that results in lowered CL/F, increased
concentration of indapamide in plasma and, consequently,
increased overall exposure to indapamide by elevated AUC. CONCLUSIONS
Furthermore, the plasma concentration of indapamide is allele-
dosage dependent, with homozygous mutants having the highest The ultimate goal of PG is to achieve the maximized
mean indapamide plasma concentration followed by heterozy- therapeutic effect and minimized drug-induced toxicity for
gous mutants and wild-type individuals. This presents a classic each individual patient. We created a PG database of 1,038
case of allele-dosage-dependent drug metabolism. healthy Taiwanese subjects and investigated 28 SNPs for 8
CYP2C19 rs4244285 causes a transition mutation that major metabolic enzymes. Among them, eight SNPs from
changes the wild-type G allele to the mutant A allele. The CYP2A6, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1, 3A5, and UGT2B7 showed
mutation is synonymous in that it does not change the coding of remarkably increased variant frequencies than those previ-
amino acid proline at position 227 of CYP2C19. Although a ously reported in Caucasians. The genetic impacts on
synonymous mutation does not change the coding of the amino indapamide metabolism were further manifested by CYP2C9
acid, it may substitute the wild-type codon with a rare codon and SNP rs4918758 that showed significant correlation with
result in a less efficient protein translation. A less-efficient codon indapamide PK parameters in healthy subjects. The PG/PK
can thus lower the concentration of the enzymes and lead to approach could be used to analyze the genetic makeup and its
slower drug metabolism. In fact, we observed this with this SNP. effects on drug metabolism. Further comprehensive PG
By having one copy of the mutant allele, the mean indapamide analysis will be useful for obtaining valuable information to
plasma concentration was relatively higher as compared with maximize therapeutic effect for individualized therapy.
wild-type individuals (Table III and Fig. 2). Unfortunately, we
did not identify any homozygous mutants, so we were not able to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
determine whether the effect of rs4244285 on indapamide was
allele dependent. The SNP rs4244285 suggests that synonymous The authors are grateful to Hung-Lun Chiang and Yie-Wen
mutations may not be without functional consequences for Liao at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica,
certain drugs. for genotyping analysis. The statistical advices from Mr. Chin Lin
Despite the two SNPs belonged to different enzymes, strong at the School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center,
LD by LD analysis must be recognized (D′=0.88). The correla- were also appreciated.
tion between genetic variations of CYP2C19 and other CYP2C
genes, including CYP2C8 and CYP2C9, has been discussed Conflict of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
earlier (34). However, the existence of these two variants on the
same haplotypes is still a theoretical possibility that inferred by
statistical models. The clinical outcome is clear showing that
either CYP2C9 rs4918758 or CYP2C19 rs4244285 independently
conferred lower enzyme activity against indapamide. More
studies are needed to distinguish the contribution of different
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