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Republic of the Philippines
Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City

APR 1 8 2022
N0.2 0 2 '
2 04 9

a. Republic Act (RA) No. 10173 “An Act Protecting Individual Personal
Information in Information and Communications Systems in the
Government and the Private Sector, Creating for this Purpose a National
Privacy Commission, and for other Purposes” otherwise known as the
“Data Privacy Act of 2012
b. RA No. 11032 “Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government
Service Act of 2018 or the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007”;
c. Presidential Administrative Order No. 257 dated December 27, 1991
“Authorizing the Philippine National Police to Continue Collecting Fees
and Charges that Used to be Collected by Agencies Absorbed by the
PNP, Treating the Collection as Trust Receipts and Granting the Chief,
PNP the Authority in the Use Thereof, Subject to the Approval of the
Secretary, DILG”;
d. Joint DILG-DBM Circular No. 1-92 dated May 8, 1992 entitled, “Rules
and Regulations in the Proper Handling/Administration of the Trust
Receipts of the Philippine National Police”:
e. DILG Administrative Order No. 2016-01 dated June 17, 2016
“Authorizing the Philippine National Police to Design and Implement the
National Police Clearance System” as amended;
f. NAPOLCOM Resolution No 2016-393 dated June 17, 2016 “Authorizing
the Philippine National Police to Adopt and Implement a PNP Clearance
System as a Tool for the Maintenance of Peace and Order and to Ensure
Public Safety";
g. PNP People’s Freedom of Information Manual (2018);
h. PNP Memorandum Circular(MC) No. 2018-020 entitled, “Guidelines and
Procedures in the Implementation of the National Police Clearance
System" dated May 8, 2018;
i. Fiscal Directive No. 2021-07 as amended (Series 2020)“Guidelines and
Procedures in the Collection of Payments for National Police Clearance
System and the Utilization Thereof;
j. NPCS User’s Manual for Administrators, Clearance PNCO, Verification
Officer and Applicant;
k. CPNP Memo to RD, PROs and Dirs, NSUs re Utilization of National
Police Clearance for PNP Transactions dated January 17, 2021; and
I. DIDM Next Generation Investigation Solutions (NGIS).

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The Philippine National Police (PNP), as the country’s premier law

enforcement agency continues to pursue its goals and objectives through effective,
efficient, and streamlined crime prevention and investigation measures that are
responsive to the existing global situation and trends.

Moreover, the PNP is likewise committed in providing innovative,

streamlined, and client-centric frontline services that are focused on creating positive
experience for the customers by ensuring that such services serve its purpose in line
with the existing laws and policies set forth by the government and the organization.

As the primary office responsible in ensuring the implementation of National

Police Clearance System (NPCS). the Directorate for Investigation and Detective
Management (DIDM), in coordination with the Information Technology Management
Service (!TMS), continuously establishes new measures and enhances the existing
ones for streamlined and organized process responsive to the current needs of the
organization and its clients.

With the continuing endeavors of the PNP to enhance the delivery of its
services to the general public, the NPCS also contributes to the improvement of the
crime solution efficiency.


The NPCS derives its authority to operate from Presidential Administrative

Order No. 257 approved on December 27, 1991, which provides among others, the
authority of the PNP to continue collecting fees and charges that used to be collected
by agencies absorbed by the PNP, treating the collection as Trust Receipts and
granting the CPNP the authority to use said collected fees subject to the approval of
the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government. Further, the following issuances
authorized the operation and use of revenue generated from the NPCS: Joint DILG-
DBM Circular No. 1-92 signed on May 8, 1992, which included the "Police Security
Clearance” and “Station Police Clearance" among the documents issued by the PNP
in the exercise of its statutory and regulatory functions that authorized the PNP to
continue collecting fees and charges for police clearances: DILG AO No. 2016-01
approved on June 17, 2016, which further authorized the PNP to design and
implement the NPCS; and NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2016-393, authorizing the
PNP to adopt and implement a PNP Clearance System as a tool for the maintenance
of peace and order and to ensure public safety.

On May 8, 2018, PNP MC No. 2018-020, which sets forth the guidelines and
procedures in the implementation of the NPCS, was signed. The same paved the way
for the nationwide implementation of the NPCS and the operationalization of the five
NPCS pilot stations in Quezon City Police District on August 10, 2018.

The foregoing was followed by the continuous launching of NPCS-enabled

police stations nationwide. The said endeavor brought the PNP services closer to the
public in line with the attainment of the vision of the PNP to have a “safer place to live,
work, and do business.” At present, a total of 557 NPCS-enabled police stations

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across the country are already operationalized and over a hundred Wanted Persons
(WPs) who applied for a national police clearance were put in police custody upon
verification from the system that they have existing warrants of arrest.


This MC sets forth the revised guidelines and procedures in the

implementation of the NPCS.

a. Applicant - refers to a person applying for a National Police Clearance.
b. Application Program Interface (API)- set of routines, protocols, and
tools for building applications. In NPCS, the API is used for the linkage
of NPCS to the payment gateway and connection to PNP crime-related
databases for the validation of crime records.

c. Authorized Government Depository Bank(AGDB)- refers to the bank

where government entities are allowed by law to deposit their funds and
maintain depository accounts, or by way of exception, a bank authorized
by the Department of Finance (DOF) and the Monetary Board (MB) to
be a government depository bank.
d. Biometrics - the measurement and statistical analysis of an individual’s
unique physical characteristics by photo and fingerprint capture to
authenticate the individual’s identity.

e. Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

- refer to the systematic planned procedures and facilities designed and
deployed to allow the continuous operation of the Electronic Payment
Collection System (EPCS) in the event of system failure. The BCP and
DRP shall include, but not limited to: remote server facilities, automated
remote data back-up facilities, automated transaction roll-back forward
mechanisms, and server/storage/connectivity redundancies.
f. Clean National Police Clearance - refers to an NPC stating that the
applicant has no record found in the PNP crime-related databases. "No
record on File" shall be reflected on the printout.

g- Clearance PNCO/NUP - personnel from the police station who is in

charge of the Police Clearance Desk.

h. Clearing Account - refers to a settlement account opened and

maintained by the Government Entity/Treasurer of the Philippines(TOP)
with an Authorized Agent Banks (AAB), which is zeroed out at the end
of the period which is acceptable to the Bureau of the Treasury and
credited to liability account of the TOP with the designated AGDB.
I. Collecting Bank - refers to any AGDB or AAB authorized to accept
electronic payments for National Collections (NC).

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j. Electronic Official Receipt (EOR) - refers to the proof of payment
generated/issued through EPCS with unique or sequential reference
numbers that can be validated using the same system,

k. Electronic Payment - refers to the transfer of money or equivalent

electronic representations of legal tender, for purposes of payment,
solely through electronic means as opposed to the use of cash or
physical notes to accomplish the same.

I. Electronic Payment and Collection System (EPCS) - refers to a

system that accepts and processes Electronic Payments, authenticates
the payor and payee, validates availability of the funds, and executes the
appropriate debit and credit instructions for the fund source and
destination accounts, generates and forwards electronic proof of
payment of EOR to the payor, or allows secure access thereof and
creates, retains and safeguards the resulting detailed electronic
transaction records which are accessible by authorized personnel,

m. Electronic Payment Gateway Provider (EPGP)- refers to a bank or

non-bank entity which operates and/or maintains an electronic payment
and collection system.

n. Encoding Station/Office - the police station/office which makes the

entry at the crime-related databases of the PNP.

0. Government Entity - refers to National Government Agencies (NGAs),

Local Government Unit (LGUs), Government Owned and/or Controlled
Corporations (GOCCs), or State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)
which are required by law to remit their collections to the National

p. HIT - term used if an applicant has record in the crime-related databases

of the PNP.

q. Information System - system of major processes or operations which

facilitates the storage, processing, retrieval, and generation of
information for decision-making, planning, controlling, and monitoring
purposes. It also refers to a group of related processes designed to
generate information for the exclusive support of a major functional area
of an organization (e.g. Personnel Management Information System,
Logistics Management Information System, Financial Management
Information System, etc).

r. Issuing Station/Office - the police station/office that issues the National

Police Clearance.

s. ITWIS NPCS Technical Team - group of Information Technology

Management personnel with specific tasking in the NPCS, grouped as

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1) NPCS Development Team - system developers at SMD, ITMS
responsible for the enhancement and maintenance (source code) of
the system;

2) Help Desk Team from ITSD and DMD, ITMS - ITMS dedicated
personnel responsible for the maintenance of hardware server,
database, and network/connectivity requirements of the NPCS, and
provide support/help desk; and

3) NPCS Security Team at ISSD, ITMS - ITMS dedicated personnel

primarily responsible in checking and ensuring the security aspects
of the NPCS.

t. Marked National Police Clearance - national police clearance stating

the record of the applicant as found in the PNP crime-related databases
and its status.

u. National Collections(NC)-refer to all fees, charges, assessments, and

revenues collected by the Government Entity that are remitted to the
Bureau of the Treasury (BTr) pursuant to law, rules, and regulations.

V. National Police Clearance System - is the centralized information

system of the PNP for crime-related record checking nationwide which
is the basis for the issuance of National Police Clearance.

w. National Police Clearance (NPC) - is an official document which

certifies the existence or non-existence of one's record in any of the PNP
crime-related databases.

X. NPCS Administrator - pertains to the DIDM as the sole administrator

whether technical and non-technical that shall oversee and address all
issues and concerns regarding the NPCS.

y. NPCS Technical Team - pertains to the ITMS technical personnel

detailed to the DIDM and shall be assisted by ITMS Technical Support

z. PNP Crime-related Databases - are databases that store crime-related

records, such as:
1) Case Information and Database Management System (CIDMS) - a
system designed to establish a central database system of pertinent
information of all cases handled and investigated by Investigators-
On-Case (IOC) of the PNP. It aims to efficiently record and monitor
case information, case status, pieces of evidence, evidence
custodians, and PNP personnel who handled the cases, among
others, as well as to provide statistical reports and case information
needed by the higher management.

2) Crime Information, Reporting and Analysis System (CIRAS)

(formerly e-Blotter) - It sets a standard procedure by which all crime
incidents that are reported to the police stations are stored

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electronically in a database. The system does not only facilitate crime
documentation and data storage but also presents quick and reliable
transmission of crime information from a particular police station to
the National Headquarters at Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon

3) e-Rogue Gallery System - a system where all Electronic Rogues

Gallery or e-Rogues of all arrested persons are electronically stored.
Through the PNP e-Rogues Gallery System, the records of an
individual or a suspect arrested for a crime in one locality can be
instantly accessed by a police station in another locality with just a
click of their fingers at the system.

4) Wanted Persons Information Systems or "e-Warranf - a system

where all warrants of arrest are electronically stored so that they can
be accessed by all police stations nationwide.

aa.Payment Service Provider - one that provides an alternative payment

scheme that offers NPCS payment using credit card, bank transfer, real
time bank transfer, based on online banking, ATM payment, mobile
payment, and other authorized online payment methods.

bb. Police Clearance Desk - an office in the police stations where the
processing of National Police Clearance takes place. It shall be manned
by a Senior Police Non-Commissioned Officer (PNCO)/Non-Uniformed
Personnel (NUP).

cc. PPO Verification Personnel - personnel from the PIDMB/CIDMB or its

equivalent in NCR Police Stations who will conduct verification and
evaluation of applications with "HIT" on PNP crime-related databases,
prior to the issuance of NPC.

dd.Service Agreement - refers to an agreement entered into by the PNP

with any Collecting Bank and/or EPGP and AGDB concerning the use of

ee.Station Verification Personnel personnel from the issuing

station/office who will conduct verification and evaluation of applications
with "HIT" on PNP crime-related databases, and/or with the concerned
encoding station/office, prior to the issuance of National Police
Clearance. The same shall be utilized as help desk which will attend to
the queries of non-l.T. and persons with disability (PWD)applicants.

ff. NPCS User's Manual is a technical communication document

intended to guide all authorized PNP personnel in the operation of the

gg. Verification - the process to be undertaken before the issuance of

clearance if the name of the applicant has a HIT. It involves the
determination whether the applicant is one and the same person who
has a HIT in the crime-related database of the PNP.

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hh. Verifier - an office/agency or any person querying for the authenticity of
the issued National Police Clearance.


a. General Guidelines:

1) The PNP shall design, implement, and continously enhance the

NPCS, which will henceforth issue the NPC with a validity of six
months from the date of issuance.

2) The NPC may be renewed without appearance for three years from
the last appearance, provided that the following steps are undertaken
by the applicant of the NPC:
a) Update his/her record and details in the NPCS applicant

b) Provide necessary e-copies of supporting documents (e.g.

Marriage Contract for change of marital status) to support change
of information; and

c) Update photo through uploading of an e-copy of his/her 2x2 id

picture showing a newspaper of current date.

3) The NPCS Project Management Office (PMO) shall be created to

oversee the implementation of the provisions of this MC, as follows:

Deputy Director, DIDM Chairman

Executive Officer, DIDM Vice Chairman
Chief, CRAC-DIDM Member/Head Secretariat
Chief, CMD-DIDM Member
Chief, SIDD-DIDM Member
Chief. PCEID-DIDM Member
Chief, ITD-DIDM Member
SLO, DIDM Member

Assistant Chief, CRAC-DIDM Assistant Head Secretariat
BFO, DIDM Member
Chief, NPCS - CRAC-DIDM Member
Project PNCO/NUP, CRAC-DIDM Member

4) The NPCS shall utilize appropriate biometrics technology to capture

the required information from the applicants; the storage and retrieval
of which shall be governed by security protocols that ensure the
safety, availability, confidentiality, and integrity of data. The records
of applicants for police clearances shall be cross-referenced with the
existing crime-related databases of the PNP.

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5) NPCS applicant shall present at least one acceptable issued ID, as
a) Social Security Systems(SSS) Card;
b) Government Service Insurance System (GSiS) Card;
c) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card;
d) Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver’s License;
e) Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID;
f) Philippine Identification (PhillD);
g) Overseas Workers Welfare Administration(OWWA)E-Card;
h) Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter’s
i) PNP Permit to Carry Firearms Outside Residence (PTCFOR);
j) PNP Firearm License;
k) PNP License To Own and Possess Firearm (LTOPF);
i) Senior Citizen ID;
m) Airman License (issued August 2016 onwards);
n) Philippine Postal ID (issued November 2016 onwards);
o) Seafarer’s Record Book (SRB) (issued February 2020
p) Valid or Latest Passport;
q) Company Employee ID;
r) For applicant overseas, Residence Card;
s) For minor applicant, School ID or Certificate of Enrolment; and
t) If not possible, Barangay Residence Certification.

6) In order to enhance the record verification process of the NPCS, the

PNP crime-related databases shall be migrated and integrated into
one single platform that will be managed and administered by the

7) All PNP stations/units shall ensure the prompt encoding and updating
of their respective entries in the crime-related databases. The Chiefs
of Offices, immediate supervisors and Crime Registrars shall ensure
the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the information
encoded in the NGIS.

8) The NPCS PMO shall recommend the appropriate fiscal directive if

there is any change in the payment scheme for the NPCS subject to
the approval of the CPNP.

9) To offer the NPCS applicants the reliable and convenient ways of

paying fees, the PNP-accredited bank for the NPCS shall accredit
outsourced payment collection companies pursuant to existing laws,
rules, and regulations.

10) Administration and Utilization of Fees Collected from the NPCS -

The revenues generated from the issuance of the NPC shall be
classified as Trust Receipts and shall be deposited in the National
Treasury through the authorized government depository bank.

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Fiscal Directive shall be issued for the proper administration and
utilization of fees collected from the NPCS.

11) Designation of NPCS Focal Persons in every Encoding

Stations/Offices. The Chiefs of Investigation at the
Regional/District/Provincial/City/Municipal levels shall be
designated as the primary NPCS Focal Persons.

12) The DIDM as NPCS Administrator shall be in-charge of addressing

issues and concerns, both technical and non-technical, encountered
in the implementation. The DIDM-NPCS Technical Team shall be
assisted by the ITMS NPCS Technical Team.

13) Designation of PPO/CPO/District and Station Verification Personnel

- Investigation personnel shall be designated as verification
personnel who shall conduct the verification of all applications with
"HIT" prior to the issuance of the requested police clearance.
Similarly, the same personnel shall act as points of contact of all
verification personnel from PIDMB/CIDMB or its equivalent, and
police stations conducting verifications. They shall serve as linkage
of coordination among issuing and encoding stations/offices about
the verification and updating of data in the crime-related databases.
Periodic reports of all verifications conducted shall be submitted to
the RIDMDs for subsequent submission to DIDM.

14) All trained NPCS personnel shall not be removed from their post
without just cause for a minimum period of three years. COPs shall
also ensure that no concurrent designation/s will be given to all
NPCS personnel under their supervision. Likewise, COPs shall
ensure that only trained personnel will be allowed to replace NPCS
focal persons.

15) Treatment of Records of Child-in-Conflict with the Law (CICL) -

Records of the applicant as a CICL in the PNP crime-related
databases shall not be reflected in the NPC.

16) All resolved or dismissed criminal records shall not be reflected in

the NPC but shall still be shown in the NPCS. Blotter records
(CIRAS) will not be reflected for a certain period based on the date
reported. Traffic incidents and violations, Reckless Imprudence
Resulting to Damage to Property and Slight Physical Injuries, shall
not be reflected in the NPCS but Reckless Imprudence Resulting to
Serious Physical Injuries and Homicide shall be reflected.

17) Appropriate measures shall be adopted and undertaken to ensure

that the data collected and used in the implementation of the NPCS
will be duly protected.

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18) All information maintained and accessed through the NPCS are
considered properties of the PNP. All personnel and officers shall
be held accountable of its confidentiality.

19) The PNP crime-related databases shall be strictly and exclusively

used in the implementation of the NPCS as regards the issuance of

20) All NPCS-enabled police stations shall strictly issue the NPC only
and shall not collect any other fees aside from the authorized online
payment through the system. Republic Act No. 11261, otherwise
known as the "First Time Jobseeker’s Act” shall be applicable in
connection with the payment of fees including the discount for
Persons with Disability or PWD and senior citizens. Setting other
requirements for the issuance of NPC by the issuing station/office
aside from those imposed in this MC is strictly prohibited.

21) All information maintained and accessed through the NPCS contain
personal information of complainants, victims, and suspects. Under
the Data Privacy Act of 2012, the same shall not be divulged to
anyone unless they are among the real party-interest or there is an
order from the court.

22) The access to the information maintained and accessed by the

NPCS shall only be limited to NPCS personnel. All NPCS personnel
who have accessed the information from the NPCS and other
related systems and databases shall maintain the confidentiality of
all information therein and ensure that such are free from information

23) The NPCS shall be made available online, accessible to the public.
All applicants shall use the platform provided to apply for NPC. They
may, however, go to the nearest police station for assistance on how
to apply.

24) An NPC Help Desk shall be established in all NPCS-enabled police

stations and a designated Help Desk personnel shall be in-charge
in assisting applicants for NPC.

25) An NPC Clearance PNCO shall be designated to process NPC

applications. The applicant will receive the clearance outright, if he
has no record, or be requested to return within five working days in
case there is a HIT.

26) The Station Verification Personnel, in addition to their functions as

part of the verification team, shall also be utilized to man the NPC
Help Desk to assist and attend to the queries from applicants.

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27) AN walk-in applicants shall be assisted by the NPC Help Desk
personnel in the registration, scheduling, payment, and submission
of NPC application.

28) The NPCS will use an ordinary bond paper with a minimum
thickness of 100 grams per square meter or GSM to print the NPC.
In addition, a system generated QR Code and verification module in
the NPCS shall be developed by the ITMS Technical Support Team
(NPCS Development Team) to ensure that the Verifier will be able
to counter check the authenticity of the said clearance.

29) The NPCS Secretariat shall generate nationwide periodic reports

and statistics in relation to the implementation of the NPCS. This
shall ensure the PNP leadership of the transparency of collections
and revenues of the NPCS. The police station shall also be able to
access same information, within their respective area of

30) The DIDM shall be in charge of the enhancement/revision of the

administrative, operational, and training manuals to make it
responsive and maintain the harmonious implementation of all the
processes in the NPCS.

31) The soft component of the project will cover the policies on
deployment and nationwide implementation of NPCS. Policies for
migration and integration of the mission critical information systems
of DIDM will also be undertaken. To ensure the security of the
system, Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT)
will be included in the project that will be done by the ITMS Technical
Support Team (NPCS Security Team) in coordination with DICTM,
every two years or as the need arises. Funding requirements for
VAPT shall be allocated by DIDM as the Administrator of NPCS.

32) The Management Component of the project includes training for

network and systems administrators, end-users, and top-level
managers. It also includes awareness campaign of the project for
the full acceptability of the general public and stakeholders. To
sustain the implementation of the project, monitoring and evaluation
will be put in place to assess the timely compliance and impact of
the system to the overall administrative efficiency of the police

33) The ICT equipment will be established at the ITMS Server Farm.
There will be a periodic update to the databases system housed at
ITMS. A cloud services will simultaneously be implemented until
100% on premise solution becomes available.

b. Responsibilities:

a) Designated as OPR for the implementation of this MC;

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b) Ensure the linkage of the NPCS with the PNP crime-related
databases in coordination with ITMS;

c) Conduct NPCS User's Training in coordination with ITMS;

d) Ensure the success of the NPCS project in coordination with

ITMS and other offices/units concerned;

e) Update and distribute the NPCS User’s Manual to all NPCS-

enabled police stations nationwide:

f) Conduct study on the enhancement of the system and the needed

requirements for the implementation of NPCS in other police
stations: and

g) Perform other tasks as directed.

2) DC
a) Provide the budgetary requirements for the effective
implementation of this MC;

b) Furnish the DIDM through the NPCS Secretariat, a funding memo

of ail the NPCS mandatory share including the requested budget
in a monthly basis;

c) Issue Fiscal Directives relative to the collection of fees and

utilization of funds generated from the implementation of the

d) Ensure that the mandatory share will be provided to respective

offices/units based on the generated amount in the system
submitted by the DIDM; and

e) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Ensure conformity of the NPCS to the PNP information system
and database standards; and

b) Perform other tasks as directed.

4) DL
a) Facilitate the procurement of hardware through the NHQ-BAC, in
coordination with ITMS for the specific hardware specifications
and other logistical requirements;

b) Ensure proper distribution of logistical requirements: and

c) Perform other tasks as directed.

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a) Prepare communication plan in relation to the implementation of
the NPCS;

b) Conduct community-related activities that >A^ill help mainstream

the implementation of the NPCS;

c) Assist the DIDM in the mainstreaming and information

dissemination of the NPCS; and

d) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Issue appropriate orders for the composition of the NPCS PMO;

b) Perform other tasks as directed.

7) ACG
a) Investigate and prosecute all cyber-related acts or omissions in
violation of this MC and related laws affecting the NPCS;

b) Issue and disseminate timely Cyber Security Bulletins that may

be necessary for the proper security and management of the
NPCS; and

c) Perform other tasks as directed.

8) FG
a) Ensure the availability of all databases (criminal records) relevant
with the record checking and those essential in the issuance of

b) Issue a Fingerprint Examination Report for APIS Hits; and

c) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Ensure the availability of criminal record database for NPCS

b) Investigate and prosecute all acts or omissions in violation of this

MC and related laws affecting the NPCS; and

c) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Provide DIDM a monthly report on the transfer of funds from
Finance Service to Regional Comptrollership; and

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b) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Develop, maintain, and enhance the NPCS and other necessary
technical requirements;

b) Establish the ITMS Technical Support Team that shall assist the
NPCS Administrator and detailed ITM personnel to the DIDM in
the technical concerns of the NPCS;

0) Maintain close coordination with payment partners regarding the

linkage of the NPCS to their respective payment systems;

d) Assist in the procurement process;

e) Assist in the establishment of payment gateway systems;

f) Assist DIDM in ensuring the connection of the NPCS with the PNP
crime-related databases:

g) Prepare and update the NPCS User's Manuals in collaboration

with DIDM;

h) Assist the DIDM in the conduct of NPCS User's Training;

i) Ensure the availability, integrity, security and reliability of the


j) Conduct periodic and preventive maintenance, assessment, and

inspection of the NPCS every one year or as need arises;

k) Supervise the preventive maintenance of all NPCS-issued

computer equipment in the police stations through the detailed IT
Project Officers/IT PNCOs of ITMS in the PRO; and

I) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Assist the DIDM in addressing legal issues concerning the
implementation of NPCS; and

b) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Assist in the mainstreaming of the NPCS;

b) Prepare media lines and infographics in coordination with the

Information Operation Research Center of DPCR; and

c) Perform other tasks as directed.

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a) Strictly implement the NPCS and support its successful
implementation in their AOR;

b) Ensure that the only police clearance that will be issued in all
NPCS-enabled police stations is the NPC;

c) Disseminate this MC and other related policies to all units in their

AOR and ensure that all PNP personnel are well-informed about
its implementation;

d) Conduct community-based activities/programs that will help

mainstream the implementation of the NPCS;

e) Initiate NPCS-related dialogues with external stakeholders

including but not limited to local government units, schools
business establishments, and the like;

f) The RIDMDs will be in-charge of the supervision and monitoring

of NPCS-enabled police stations and the immediate verification
of applicants/persons with "HIT” in their AOR;

g) Ensure that problems and issues of NPCS-enabled police

stations in their AOR will be acted upon accordingly;

h) The COPs of NPCS-enabled CPS/MPS/PS shall ensure the

availability of dedicated and fast (minimum of 20Mbps) internet
connection for NPCS in their respective police stations;

i) Ensure that NPCS offices are most visible and accessible to the
public, being one of the frontline services of the PNP;

j) Conduct close coordination with the NPCS Secretariat

regarding the implementation of the NPCS;

k) Ensure the periodic enhancement trainings of NPCS personnel

to effectively perform their tasks;

I) Submit periodic reports every 28^ day of the month to DIDM (Attn:
NPCS Secretariat) on the status of the implementation of NPCS,
and the arrest of WPs made; and

m) Perform other tasks as directed.

15)NPCS Project Management Office

a) Supervise the overall implementation of the NPCS;

b) Ensure the operationalization of all NPCS-enabled police


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c) Develop and execute appropriate communication,
implementation plans and training programs for PNP personnel
who will use the NPCS;

d) Recommend an effective scheme for the proper management

and utilization of funds generated from the NPC to make the
NPCS a self-sustaining program, and for the necessary and
related capabiity enhancement of the police stations concerned:

e) Perform other tasks as directed.

16)NPCS Secretariat
a) Conduct regular NPCS User’s Training and Refresher Course
nationwide in coordination with ITMS NPCS Technical Team;

b) Monitor and attend to all administrative concerns in the

implementation of the NPCS, including but not limited to the
generation of NPCS related reports, training, complaints, and
other administrative functions:

c) Develop plans for the enhancement and improvement of the

NPCS and related processes:

d) Endorse the issuance or revocation of security clearance for

NPCS personnel; and

e) Perform other tasks as directed.

17)NPCS Technical Team

a) Assist DIDM for the smooth implementation of the NPCS

b) Attend to all technical concerns of NPCS-enabled police stations;

c) Assist DIDM in ensuring that all issuances regarding the NPCS,

including manuals, are updated and accurate;

d) Assist in the enhancement and improvement of the NPCS and

related processes;

e) Conduct NPCS database backup; and

f) Perform other tasks as directed.


Any violation of this MC shall be dealt with accordingly pursuant to existing

laws, rules, and regulations. All Unit Commanders shall be included in the investigation
under the principle of Command Responsibility.

Page 16 of 17

Any provision of issuances, memoranda, rules, and regulations issued by

the PNP inconsistent herewith are deemed repealed or amended accordingly.


This MC shall take effect after 15 days from filing a copy thereof at the UP-
Law Center in consonance with Section 3, Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order 292
otherwise known as the “Revised Administrative Code of 1987,” as amended.


Police General
Chief. PNP
Command Group CPNP Ltrs 22 S089200

Cmdr, APCs
SPA to theSILG APR 1 B 2022

Page 17 of 17
Republic of the Philippines
Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City




TOGO 2 5 2022
TCDS Har 2 k mi

SUBJECT : Revised Guidelines and Procedures in the Implementation of the

National Police Clearance System (NPCS)

DATE : February 21,2022

1. References:
a. PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2018-020 entitled “Guidelines and
Procedures in the Implementation of the National Police Clearance
System (NPCS)dated May 8, 2018; and

b. CPNP Memo to RDs, PROs, and Dirs, NSUs re Utilization of National

Clearance for PNP Transactions dated January 17, 2021.

2. This pertains to the proposed revision of the PNP Memo Circular No. 2018-
020 re: Guidelines in the Implementation of the National Police Clearance System
(NPCS)dated May 8. 2018.

3. In this regard, respectfully submitted herewith is the draft Revised

Guidelines and Procedures in the Implementation of the NPCS, incorporating the inputs
and comments of PNP offices/units.

4. Respectfully submitted for approval of the CPNP.

Police MajoTGeneral



InOoc 22 P507179

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