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TO: Mayor Lauren Poe and Members of the City Commissio n

FROM: Cynthia W. Curry, Interim City M a n ~ ~

DATE: November 21, 2022

RE: Response to MSL Consultants Report on Fraud Hotline Report


On November 1, 2022, the Office of the City Auditor contacted my office to inform my staff
assistant that a meeting had been set for my attendance on November 8, 2022, with a
private investigator/consultant (William Blend) of MSL, a CPA firm. I placed a follow up
call directly to Ms. Ginger Bigbie, City Auditor, who disclosed that she made the decision
to assign the matter to MSL after an anonymous fraud hotline tip had been reported about
me regarding an alleged active corporate tax lien filed on a previously owned company,
CWC & Associates.

After several follow-up calls with Ms. Bigbie, I was able to incrementally gather enough
information about the alleged corporate tax lien to do further research on it with assistance
from my personal accountant and attorney. I state emphatically that I have no
responsibility for the lien under review and have no other IRS liens filed against me. It is
important to outline the following:

• First, I had no knowledge of the Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) until it was
brought to my attention through this investigation.
• Second, as confirmed by the 2006 For Profit Corporation Annual Report filed on
January 9, 2006, with the Florida Department of State, my interest in CWC &
Associates ended. The divestiture of interest actually occurred in the final quarter
of 2005 (Decembe r 31 , 2005).
• Third, based upon records filed with the Florida Departmen t of State, Articles of
Dissolution were filed with the Secretary of State on June 14, 2014, by the owner,
my former spouse, which was 8 years after I had left the firm .
• Fourth, the dates of assessment for all items identified on the NFTL are 2008-2009
which are clearly after my removal from the company.
• Fifth , based on public records, the tax lien was filed on November 22, 2016, with
the Clerk of the Courts, Miami-Dade County, FL which was 10 years after my
removal from the company, and 5 years after the dissolution of marriage
(6/13/2011) from the company owner/former spouse.

Additionally, beyond the summary bullets stated above, and because of the gravity of the
hotline tip insinuating fraud, it is important to further elaborate on this matter with a
response from my accountant, N. Aimee Barrow of The Barrow Consulting Group P.A. I
understand that my role as Interim City Manager requires a high level of trust,
responsibility and accountability. Therefore, I sought input and advice on this matter from
my personal accountan t and personal attorney in order to further review, analyze and
Mayor Lauren Poe and Members of the City Commission
November 21, 2022
Report #2000152785
Re: Response to MSL Consultants Report on Fraud Hotline
Page 2of2
find attached my accountant's review
advise me on this matter. On my behalf, you will
and response regarding this matter.
n that I have already provided , along
If any further action is required beyond the informatio
provided by my accountant, who has
with additional critically important information
on me personally or my role as Interim
explicitly laid out why this matter has no bearing
rded directly to my attorney, Leslie W.
City Manager, I would request that it be forwa
is copied on this response.
Langbein, Esq. of Langbein & Langbein, P.A., who

Attachments :
(Joel Knopp, CPA and William Blend, CPA,
1. Memorandum dated November 15, 2022 from MSL
rt #2000152785
CFE) regarding Fraud Hotline Incident Repo
ber 15, 2022 from Joel Knopp, CPA and William Blend,
2. Response lo Memorandum dated Novem
CPA, CFE from N. Aimee Barrow, CPA re: Matter #2000

cc: Leslie W. Langbein, Esq.

N. Aimee Barrow, CPA
Ginger Bigbie, City Auditor

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