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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

Cherry Mae D. Panoy


I. Objectives

At the end of the period the pupils must have:

1. classify organisms into their level of biological organizations

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Levels of Biological Organization

Reference: DepEd MELC,


Materials: IMS, flash cards

III. Procedure

 Preliminary Activities

A.    Greetings

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Good day class? All: Good day to you too ma’am!

B.    Prayer

Student’s please stand up let’s pray. _____ please Ok ma’am!

Lead the prayer. (proceed to pray)

C. Checking of attendance

Say present if your name is called

(proceed to call the students)

D. Review:

Class do you still remember what we discussed yesterday? Yes teacher!

Very good!

_____ gave 1 parts of microscope Arm

Very good!

_____ gave 1 Eyepiece

Very good!

(proceed to ask up to all parts of the microscope is


E.    Motivation

Class! Have you ever asked yourself on what makes Yes teacher!

you up and the other organisms around you?

Ok, I have a picture here.

(shows picture)

I want you first to observe carefully the picture.

1. What parts of the human body do you see?

2. To which organ systems do these parts belong?

3. What could probably happen if one organ or body All: (proceed to answer)

part does not function well?

Very good students!

Lesson Proper

Class do you remember the meaning of Biology? Yes teacher!

Very good!

Biology derives from what Greek words? All: Bio means life and logy means study.

So therefore, Biology means study of life.

All living things exhibit a unique and complex

hierarchical organization. This is arranged in ascending

order or from lowest to the highest level that includes

cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism,

population, community, ecosystem and biosphere. One

concrete example of a living thing is YOU. You are

composed of many parts and each part has specific

function. Every part is interrelated and is necessary for your

continuous existence on this planet. It is guided by the rule,

“All for one, one for all” because these parts of your body

will not work alone instead it works as a whole. One part

will not be able to work properly if other part is missing.

Our lesson for today is Levels of Biological


                   The teacher will group the pupils into two groups and he will give different pictures to the
pupils and he will let them identify the body shapes and body actions by encircling the shapes that can
be seen in the picture.


          The teacher will gather the work of the pupils and he will check if they encircle the right body
shapes that can be seen in the picture.


          The teacher will demonstrate and he will discuss in front about body shapes and body actions used
in sports correctly and he will let the students to observe.


          The teacher will give time and let the pupils to practice the different body shapes and body actions
used in sports.

IV. Evaluation

The teacher will let the pupils to perform in front the different body shapes and body actions used in
sports and the teacher will evaluate if they do it correctly.

V.  Assignment

The teacher will tell the students to practice at home the different body shapes and body actions used in
sports for their enhancement.

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