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For Strength and Physique 1

Updated 04.10.18

You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program. These
recommendations are not medical guidelines and are for educational purposes only.

You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical
condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy
individuals 18 years and older only.

The information in this report is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All
forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take
full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this
book, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of
experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises in this book are not intended as a
substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been
prescribed by your physician.

Don’t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Don’t perform any
exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or
certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when
lifting. Don’t perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to
strength training and interval training.

See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any
medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including this
protocol. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while
exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high
cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years
old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your
physician recommends that you don’t use this protocol, please follow your doctor’s orders.

For Strength and Physique 2

More titles by Brad Pilon

Eat Stop Eat

How Much Protein

Good Belly, Bad Belly

Thin Air

For Strength and Physique 3

An Introduction to Pilon’s Progressions ........................................................................... 5

How to use the Progressions ........................................................................................ 11

Example of Progressions Chart in Use.......................................................................... 12

Pilon's Progressions (Pounds Version) ......................................................................... 15

Pilon’s Progressions (Kilogram Version) ....................................................................... 46

Brad’s Workout .............................................................................................................. 68

For Strength and Physique 4

An Introduction to
Pilon’s Progressions
Over the years lifting weights has become so frustrating that people don’t even want to
entertain the idea anymore.

People have moved on to gymnastics training, bodyweight training, yoga, kettlebells,

anything OTHER than just lifting weights. All these forms of exercise have their benefits,
but so does traditional weight training. The truth is weight training isn’t complicated,
we’ve just being doing it wrong for years. And by doing it wrong we’ve allowed
frustration, lack of results, plateaus, and injuries to prevent us from reaping the benefits
that could have been ours.

Ineffective weight training strategies have lead to misapplied effort and exertion. We try
too hard at the wrong things. We focus on the amount of weight on the bar or we focus
on how exhausted we are at the end of a workout.

We concentrate so much on the complexity of weight training, that we’ve missed the
absolute fundamental basics.

Here’s an example of what I mean.

Imagine you just finished doing the bench press with 205 pounds. On your last set you
managed to complete 8 good repetitions. What do you do the next time you bench

For Strength and Physique 5

Do you:

A) Try to do 205 pounds for 9 repetitions

B) Try to do 210 pounds for 7 repetitions

C) Try to do 195 pounds for 10 repetitions

While the traditional and most common approach would be A, “Try to do 205 pounds for
9 repetitions”, and another option might be B, “Try to do 210 pounds for 7 repetitions”
the correct choice is C, “Try and do 195 pounds for 10 repetitions.”

So in this particular instance the correct choice is to lower the weight and do more
repetitions. However, this doesn’t mean EVERY SET should be a decrease in weight.
Sometimes you should increase the weight and lower the amount of repetitions you
attempt to complete.

As an example, if you can complete 10 good reps with 195 pounds, your next set should
be with 225 pounds and you try to complete 5 good reps. After this, your next goal
should be to complete 6 reps with 220 pounds, and then next you would use 215
pounds attempt to compete 7 good reps. If you are able to do this, then for your next
set you should drop the weight down to 210 pounds and complete 8 repetitions

Only once you have completed all of these sets with good form should you ever attempt
to do 205 pounds for 9 reps. However, once you are able to do all of these prescribed
sets I can almost guarantee you will be able to compete 9 good reps with 205 pounds.

Here’s why…

For Strength and Physique 6

The goal is not to increase the amount of reps you can do or increase the amount of
weight you use, the goal is to increase your strength. The weight you use and the
reps you use are only the tools you use to increase your strength.

There is a very well known, very reliable equation used to predict your one repetition
maximum (1 rep max) in weightlifting. Your 1 rep max is the maximum amount of weight
you can lift for 1 repetition using good form, which is an excellent measure of strength.

This equation calculates what I like to call your e1RM or your estimated 1 rep max.

The equation is as follows:

[(weight x repetitions) x 0.0333] + weight = Your e1RM

(don’t worry, you don’t need to ever use this equation — I’ve done the math for you)

This equation is an excellent predictor of strength. Using this equation you can see the
massive mistake we’ve been making all these years… the mistake that leads to not only
plateaus but even devastating injuries.

Let’s go back to our original example:

Being able to bench press 205 for 8 good reps is the equivalent of having a e1RM of
259.66 pounds. However, being able to bench press 205 for 9 good reps is the
equivalent of having an e1RM of 266.49 pounds.

This is almost a 7 pound jump in maximal potential strength!

This is simply NOT something you are likely to accomplish in 1 week, let alone in the 2
minutes between your workout sets. Trying to make jumps of 5-7 pounds in strength
with each set of any exercise is a recipe for disaster.

For Strength and Physique 7

Now let’s look at the other progression:

205 pounds for 8 repetitions = 259.66 pounds

195 pounds for 10 repetitions = 259.99 pounds

230 pounds for 4 repetitions = 260.64 pounds

225 pounds for 5 repetitions = 262.50 pounds

220 pounds for 6 repetitions = 264 pounds

215 pounds for 7 repetitions = 265.16 pounds

210 pounds for 8 repetitions = 265.99 pounds

205 pounds for 9 repetitions = 266.49 pounds

In this scenario there is only one progression that creates more than a 1.5 pound
increase in strength, the rest are between 1.5 and 0.5 pounds. Yet, despite the slow,
steady and methodical increase in e1RM, each set is an improvement on the previous
set. The effort is high without reaching failure. There is an abundance of variety in both
weight used and repetitions performed. There is slow and steady progress.

This is far more logical and far smoother than the traditional idea of trying to make large
jumps in strength by increasing the reps by 1 with each workout

205 for 8 = 259.66 pounds

205 for 9 = 265.49 pounds

For Strength and Physique 8

205 for 10 = 272.33 pounds

205 for 11 = 280.16 pounds

205 for 12 = 286.99 pounds

That’s an astonishing 27 plus pounds increase in strength in only 5 sets! Very

desirable I admit, but also very unrealistic! Following a system like this for too long
would end up at best with a long plateau in strength and size gains and at worst a very
bad injury, especially as the weight gets heavier.

Consider the person who is able to deadlift 505 pounds for 6 reps, but has been stuck
for months unable to deadlift 505 pounds for 7 reps.

The jump from 6 to 7 reps is the equivalent of a 17 pound increase in strength!

I’m willing to bet this same person could lower the weight and deadlift 455 pounds for 10
repetitions which would be a strength increase of 0.66 pounds. Next they could continue
with 480 pounds for 8 repetitions to increase their strength by 1.34 pounds. Eventually,
slowly and methodically they would move past their sticking point of 505 pounds for 7

The bottom line is that consistent, but extremely small improvements in potential
strength, rather than weight used or repetitions completed is the true best approach to
prolonged strength and hypertrophy gains. The key is focusing on improvements in
strength rather than what we have traditionally been doing, which is only focusing on
improvements in weight lifted or the amount of repetitions completed.

You do not need overly complicated workout programs to increase your strength and
muscle mass. You also do not need vague explanations of generic workout programs.

For Strength and Physique 9

Think of the silliness behind the following workout program

“Do 3 sets of 6-8 reps of squats”

Compared to:

“Do 1 set of squats using 150 pounds for 7 reps. If successful do another set using 155
pounds for 6 reps. If successful do another set using 130 pounds for 13 reps.”

One is a rough framework of a workout, the other is an exact progression from an e1RM
of 185 pounds to an e1RM of 186.33. Plus, using these progressions you know exactly
how much weight you should use during your next workout and for how many reps (140
pounds for 10 reps).

It’s the proper management of progression, without the illusion of complexity. It is also
steady progress using the Minimum Effective Increase. This allows for small
continual improvements with lessened risk of plateaus or injuries.

Using these progressions you will get stronger. It will seem slow at first (and it will be)
but it will also be consistent. You will slowly gain strength with each set and each
workout and after the first month or two you will start to notice undeniable increases in

It’s the difference between gaining 20 pounds of strength in a month and then
plateauing and getting stuck, or gaining 40 pounds of strength in 5 months without ever
really getting stuck.

These increases in strength will lead to you successfully using slightly higher weights for
a variety of rep ranges, ultimately leading to muscle growth.

You will get stronger, and you will gain muscle.

For Strength and Physique 10

How to use the Progressions
All you have to do to use these progressions effectively is pick an exercise then do one
set with good form using a weight you think you can handle for 8-10 reps.

Record how many reps you were able to complete with good form, find this weight and
repetition combo on the progressions chart and then begin to progress., slowly AND

You simply look to the progression on the line below and set that as your goal. Once
you complete the set for the prescribed reps, YOU STOP. Don’t do more, even when
you are sure you can. Cross this progression off, rest, and then move to the next
progression below.

⇒ Do not do more reps than prescribed.

If you cannot complete the prescribed amount of reps you stop that exercise and move
to something different, then next week you try again at that progression.

⇒ Start again at the exact same progression. Don’t move backwards and don’t
skip forwards.

As a general recommendation do no more than 3 progression sets per exercise in a

single workout. Sometimes you will only do 2 progressions; if this happens don’t worry,
it’s all part of the process.

Using this technique sometimes you will increase the weight from set to set, other times
you will decrease the weight. Your reps may be high or low. THERE IS NO SET
REPETITION OR WEIGHT SCHEME. The key is to focus on the increases in strength.

For Strength and Physique 11

Example of Progressions Chart in Use


Squat 10/19 70 9 91.00

Squat 10/19 75 7 92.50

Squat 10/19 65 13 93.16

Squat 10/28 70 10 93.33

Squat 10/28 75 8 95.00

Squat 11/7 70 11 95.66

Bench 9/21 80 6 96.00

Squat 17/7

Bench 9/21 75 9 97.50

Bench 9/21 70 12 98.00

Bench 9/28 80 7 98.66

Bench 9/28 75 10 100.00

Bench 9/28 70 13 100.33

Bench 10/5 80 8 101.33

Bench 10/5 85 6 102.00

Bench 10/5 75 11 102.50

Bench 10/12 80 9 104.00

Bench 10/12 85 7 104.83

75 12 105.00

80 10 106.66

75 13 107.50

For Strength and Physique 12

You typically use the progressions only on one main lift per muscle group. This lift will
typically be a larger compound lift like:

● Squat,
● Deadlifts,
● Shoulder Press,
● Bench Press,
● Rows,
● Hip Thrusts

⇒ You don’t have to do ALL of these exercises, you can use progressions on as many

or as little exercises as you wish. I recommend 1 or 2 progression exercises per


Because these progressions require small but significant improvements in strength you
must ALWAYS make sure your form is as strict as possible. I recommend using paused
bench press and paused shoulder press whenever possible. Deadlifts and squats
should be performed to the same depth and with the same quality with each workout.

Progressions may be used on weighted bodyweight exercises like chin ups, pull ups,
and dips however careful consideration must be made to include EXACT bodyweight in
the calculation of weight used.

Your goal is to achieve the prescribed amount of reps and the prescribed amount of
weight, not to burn out your muscles, so feel free to take 2, 3, even 4 minutes of rest in
between each set.

Once you are done with your progressions, either because you’ve completed three
progressions in a row or failed on any of your progressions, you simply move on to
other complementary exercises. These exercises do not need to use progressions.

For Strength and Physique 13

They can be simple accessory lifts to increase the amount of work you do in your

As an example, after doing 2 sets of progressions on your squats, you may want to do 3
sets of non-progression leg extensions.

Because progressions always force your muscles to stress against an unaccustomed

challenge (in this case always a slightly higher strength requirement), you do not need a
lot of exercises or volume for your workouts to be effective. A couple extra sets after
your progression sets is all it takes for a workout to be complete.

This is the simple beauty behind these progressions, they guarantee slow, sure
progression because they are always pushing you to be just a little bit stronger with
each workout.

You can use these progressions with any workout you choose, simply use the chart
below to direct your progress in any of the major lifts.

If you don’t have a workout I will share my some of my workouts at the end of this
manual after the progression charts.

[Note: I have marked 4 progressions with an asterisk. These are the 4 progressions
where the e1RM increase is beyond 2 pounds (between 2.18 and 2.34). These will be
difficult (but possible) jumps in strength. To be safe, I will include some suggestions for
how to deal with these 4 progressions at the end of this manual]

For Strength and Physique 14

Pilon's Progressions (Pounds Version)


5 6 6.00

5 7 6.17

5 8 6.33

5 9 6.50

5 10 6.67

5 11 6.83

5 12 7.00

5 13 7.17

5 14 7.33

5 15 7.50

7.5 6 9.00

7.5 7 9.25

7.5 8 9.50

7.5 9 9.75

7.5 10 10.00

7.5 11 10.25

7.5 12 10.50

7.5 13 10.75

7.5 14 11.00

For Strength and Physique 15

7.5 15 11.25

10 6 12.00

10 7 12.33

10 8 12.67

10 9 13.00

10 10 13.33

10 11 13.67

10 12 14.00

12 8 15.20

12 9 15.60

12 10 16.00

12 11 16.40

12 12 16.80

12 13 17.20

15 6 18.00

15 7 18.50

15 8 19.00

15 9 19.50

15 10 20.00

15 11 20.50

15 12 21.00

15 13 21.50

For Strength and Physique 16

15 14 22.00

15 15 22.50

20 6 24.00

20 7 24.67

20 8 25.33

20 9 26.00

20 10 26.67

20 11 27.33

20 12 28.00

20 13 28.67

25 6 30.00

25 7 30.83

25 8 31.67

25 9 32.50

25 10 33.33

25 11 34.17

25 12 35.00

25 13 35.83

30 6 36.00

30 7 37.00

For Strength and Physique 17

30 8 38.00

30 9 39.00

30 10 40.00

30 11 41.00

30 12 42.00

30 13 43.00

35 7 43.17

35 8 44.33

35 9 45.50

35 10 46.67

35 11 47.83

40 6 48.00

35 12 49.00

40 7 49.33

35 13 50.17

40 8 50.67

40 9 52.00

40 10 53.33

45 6 54.00

40 11 54.67

For Strength and Physique 18

45 7 55.50

40 12 56.00

45 8 57.00

40 13 57.33

45 9 58.50

45 10 60.00

45 11 61.50

50 7 61.67

45 12 63.00

50 8 63.33

45 13 64.50

50 9 65.00

55 6 66.00

50 10 66.67

55 7 67.83

50 11 68.33

55 8 69.67

50 12 70.00

55 9 71.50

50 13 71.66

For Strength and Physique 19

60 6 72.00

55 10 73.33

60 7 74.00

55 11 75.16

60 8 76.00

55 12 77.00

60 9 78.00

55 13 78.83

60 10 80.00

65 7 80.17

60 11 82.00

65 8 82.33

60 12 84.00

65 9 84.50

60 13 86.00

70 7 86.33

65 10 86.66

70 8 88.66

65 11 88.83

75 6 90.00

For Strength and Physique 20

70 9 91.00

75 7 92.50

65 13 93.16

70 10 93.33

75 8 95.00

70 11 95.66

80 6 96.00

75 9 97.50

70 12 98.00

80 7 98.66

75 10 100.00

70 13 100.33

80 8 101.33

85 6 102.00

75 11 102.50

80 9 104.00

85 7 104.83

75 12 105.00

80 10 106.66

75 13 107.50

For Strength and Physique 21

85 8 107.66

90 6 108.00

80 11 109.33

85 9 110.50

90 7 111.00

80 12 112.00

85 10 113.33

90 8 114.00

80 13 114.66

85 11 116.16

90 9 117.00

95 7 117.16

85 12 119.00

90 10 120.00

95 8 120.33

85 13 121.83

90 11 123.00

100 7 123.33

95 9 123.50

85 14 124.66

90 12 126.00

For Strength and Physique 22

100 8 126.66

85 15 127.50

90 13 129.00

105 7 129.50

95 11 129.83

100 9 130.00

110 6 132.00

105 8 133.00

100 10 133.33

110 7 135.66

95 13 136.16

105 9 136.50

100 11 136.66

115 6 138.00

110 8 139.33

105 10 140.00

115 7 141.83

110 9 143.00

100 13 143.33

105 11 143.50

For Strength and Physique 23

120 6 144.00

115 8 145.66

110 10 146.66

105 12 147.00

120 7 148.00

115 9 149.50

125 6 150.00

110 11 150.33

105 13 150.50

120 8 152.00

115 10 153.33

110 12 154.00

125 7 154.16

120 9 156.00

115 11 157.16

110 13 157.66

125 8 158.33

120 10 160.00

130 7 160.33

115 12 161.00

For Strength and Physique 24

135 6 162.00

125 9 162.50

120 11 164.00

130 8 164.66

115 13 164.83

135 7 166.50

125 10 166.66

120 12 168.00

130 9 169.00

125 11 170.83

135 8 171.00

120 13 171.99

140 7 172.66

130 10 173.33

145 6 174.00

125 12 175.00

135 9 175.50

140 8 177.33

130 11 177.66

145 7 178.83

For Strength and Physique 25

125 13 179.16

135 10 180.00

155 5 180.83

140 9 182.00

145 8 183.66

135 11 184.50

150 7 185.00

155 6 186.00

130 13 186.33

140 10 186.66

145 9 188.50

135 12 188.99

150 8 190.00

155 7 191.16

140 11 191.33

160 6 192.00

145 10 193.33

135 13 193.49

150 9 195.00

140 12 195.99

155 8 196.33

For Strength and Physique 26

160 7 197.33

165 6 198.00

145 11 198.16

150 10 200.00

140 13 200.66

155 9 201.50

160 8 202.66

145 12 202.99

165 7 203.50

170 6 204.00

150 11 204.99

155 10 206.66

145 13 207.83

160 9 208.00

165 8 209.00

170 7 209.66

150 12 209.99

155 11 211.83

160 10 213.33

165 9 214.50

For Strength and Physique 27

150 13 214.99

170 8 215.33

175 7 215.83

180 6 216.00

155 12 216.99

160 11 218.66

165 10 219.99

170 9 220.99

175 8 221.66

180 7 222.00

155 13 222.16

160 12 223.99

165 11 225.49

170 10 226.66

175 9 227.49

180 8 228.00

185 7 228.16

160 13 229.33

165 12 230.99

170 11 232.33

For Strength and Physique 28

175 10 233.33

180 9 233.99

185 8 234.33

160 14 234.66

165 13 236.49

170 12 237.99

175 11 239.16

180 10 239.99

185 9 240.49

195 7 240.50

190 8 240.66

165 14 241.99

170 13 243.66

175 12 244.99

205 6 246.00

195 8 246.99

165 15 247.49

170 14 249.33

175 13 250.83

210 6 252.00

205 7 252.83

200 8 253.33

195 9 253.49

For Strength and Physique 29

170 15 254.99

175 14 256.66

180 13 257.99

215 6 258.00

210 7 259.00

205 8 259.66

195 10 259.99

230 4 260.66

225 5 262.50

220 6 264.00

215 7 265.16

210 8 265.99

205 9 266.49

200 10 266.66

225 6 270.00

185 14 271.32

215 8 272.33

210 9 272.99

205 10 273.33

235 5 274.16

230 6 276.00

225 7 277.49

For Strength and Physique 30

190 14 278.66

215 9 279.49

210 10 279.99

205 11 280.16

235 6 282.00

230 7 283.66

225 8 284.99

215 10 286.66

210 11 286.99

240 6 288.00

235 7 289.83

230 8 291.33

225 9 292.49

215 11 293.83

210 12 293.99

260 4 294.66

240 7 295.99

235 8 297.66

230 9 298.99

225 10 299.99

215 12 300.99

245 7 302.16

For Strength and Physique 31

240 8 303.99

235 9 305.49

255 6 305.99

230 10 306.66

225 11 307.49

215 13 308.16

250 7 308.33

265 5 309.16

245 8 310.33

240 9 311.99

235 10 313.33

230 11 314.32

255 7 314.49

225 12 314.99

250 8 316.66

265 6 317.99

245 9 318.49

240 10 319.99

260 7 320.66

235 11 321.16

230 12 321.99

For Strength and Physique 32

255 8 322.99

270 6 323.99

250 9 324.99

245 10 326.66

265 7 326.83

240 11 327.99

235 12 328.99

260 8 329.33

230 13 329.66

275 6 329.99

255 9 331.49

270 7 332.99

250 10 333.33

245 11 334.82

265 8 335.66

240 12 335.99

235 13 336.82

260 9 337.99

275 7 339.16

255 10 339.99

For Strength and Physique 33

250 11 341.66

270 8 341.99

245 12 342.99

240 13 343.99

265 9 344.49

280 7 345.33

260 10 346.66

290 6 347.99

275 8 348.33

255 11 348.49

250 12 349.99

270 9 350.99

245 13 351.16

285 7 351.49

265 10 353.32

295 6 353.99

280 8 354.66

260 11 355.32

255 12 356.99

275 9 357.49

For Strength and Physique 34

290 7 357.66

250 13 358.32

270 10 359.99

285 8 360.99

265 11 362.16

295 7 363.83

280 9 363.99

255 13 365.49

305 6 365.99

275 10 366.66

290 8 367.33

270 11 368.99

300 7 369.99

285 9 370.49

265 12 370.99

310 6 371.99

260 13 372.66

280 10 373.32

295 8 373.66

255 14 373.99

275 11 375.82

For Strength and Physique 35

305 7 376.16

290 9 376.99

270 12 377.99

265 13 379.82

300 8 379.99

260 14 381.32

310 7 382.33

280 11 382.66

295 9 383.49

320 6 383.99

275 12 384.99

305 8 386.33

290 10 386.66

270 13 386.99

315 7 388.49

285 11 389.49

300 9 389.99

335 5 390.83

280 12 391.99

310 8 392.66

295 10 393.32

275 13 394.15

For Strength and Physique 36

320 7 394.66

330 6 395.99

290 11 396.32

305 9 396.49

265 15 397.49

315 8 398.99

300 10 399.99

325 7 400.83

280 13 401.32

335 6 401.99

310 9 402.99

295 11 403.16

270 15 404.99

320 8 405.32

290 12 405.99

305 10 406.66

330 7 406.99

340 6 407.99

285 13 408.49

315 9 409.49

300 11 409.99

325 8 411.66

For Strength and Physique 37

295 12 412.99

335 7 413.16

310 10 413.32

345 6 413.99

290 13 415.65

320 9 415.99

305 11 416.82

330 8 417.99

340 7 419.33

315 10 419.99

325 9 422.49

295 13 422.82

310 11 423.66

335 8 424.32

345 7 425.49

355 6 425.99

320 10 426.66

305 12 426.99

285 15 427.49

330 9 428.99

300 13 429.99

For Strength and Physique 38

315 11 430.49

340 8 430.66

350 7 431.66

360 6 431.99

325 10 433.32

310 12 433.99

335 9 435.49

345 8 436.99

305 13 437.15

320 11 437.32

355 7 437.83

365 6 437.99

330 10 439.99

315 12 440.99

340 9 441.99

350 8 443.32

360 7 443.99

325 11 444.15

310 13 444.32*

335 10 446.66*

For Strength and Physique 39

320 12 447.99

345 9 448.49

355 8 449.66

375 6 449.99

365 7 450.16

330 11 450.99

315 13 451.49

340 10 453.32

350 9 454.99

360 8 455.99

370 7 456.32

335 11 457.82

320 13 458.65

345 10 459.99

355 9 461.49

385 6 461.99

365 8 462.32

375 7 462.49*

340 11 464.65*

325 13 465.82

For Strength and Physique 40

350 10 466.66

360 9 467.99

370 8 468.66

335 12 468.99

320 14 469.32

345 11 471.49

330 13 472.99

355 10 473.32

395 6 473.99

365 9 474.49

385 7 474.82

375 8 474.99

340 12 475.99

325 14 476.65

350 11 478.32

360 10 479.99

335 13 480.15

370 9 480.99

380 8 481.32

345 12 482.99

415 5 484.16

355 11 485.15

365 10 486.65

For Strength and Physique 41

395 7 487.16

340 13 487.32

375 9 487.49

385 8 487.66*

350 12 489.99*

360 11 491.99

370 10 493.32

390 8 493.99

345 13 494.49

425 5 495.83

355 12 496.99

365 11 498.82

375 10 499.99

395 8 500.32

385 9 500.49

350 13 501.65

335 15 502.48

360 12 503.99

370 11 505.65

400 8 506.66

390 9 506.99

355 13 508.82

For Strength and Physique 42

340 15 509.98

365 12 510.99

375 11 512.49

385 10 513.32

395 9 513.49

360 13 515.98

345 15 517.48

370 12 517.99

380 11 519.32

400 9 519.99

355 14 520.65

460 4 521.33

365 13 523.15

375 12 524.99

385 11 526.15

395 10 526.65

360 14 527.98*

370 13 530.32*

380 12 531.98

390 11 532.99

400 10 533.32

365 14 535.32

460 5 536.66

375 13 537.48

For Strength and Physique 43

385 12 538.98

395 11 539.82

465 5 542.49

370 14 542.65

480 4 543.99

380 13 544.65

390 12 545.98

400 11 546.65

365 15 547.48

470 5 548.33

375 14 549.98

385 13 551.82

395 12 552.98

370 15 554.98

490 4 555.33

380 14 557.32

390 13 558.98

400 12 559.98

455 7 561.16

375 15 562.48

470 6 563.99

385 14 564.65

395 13 566.15

For Strength and Physique 44

460 7 567.32

380 15 569.98

390 14 571.98

400 13 573.32

465 7 573.49

410 12 573.98

480 6 575.99

455 8 576.32

385 15 577.48

For Strength and Physique 45

Pilon’s Progressions (Kilogram Version)

Weight in KG Reps e1RM

2.5 5 2.92
2.5 6 3.00
2.5 7 3.08
2.5 8 3.17
2.5 9 3.25
2.5 10 3.33
2.5 11 3.42
2.5 12 3.50
2.5 13 3.58
2.5 14 3.67
2.5 15 3.75
2.5 16 3.83
2.5 17 3.92
2.5 18 4.00
2.5 19 4.08
2.5 20 4.17
2.5 21 4.25
2.5 22 4.33
2.5 23 4.42
2.5 24 4.50
2.5 25 4.58
5 5 5.83
5 6 6.00
5 7 6.17
5 8 6.33
5 9 6.50
5 10 6.67

For Strength and Physique 46

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
5 11 6.83
5 12 7.00
5 13 7.17
5 14 7.33
5 15 7.50
5 16 7.67
5 17 7.83
5 18 8.00
7.5 5 8.75
7.5 6 9.00
7.5 7 9.25
7.5 8 9.50
7.5 9 9.75
7.5 10 10.00
7.5 11 10.25
7.5 12 10.50
7.5 13 10.75
7.5 14 11.00
7.5 15 11.25
10 5 11.67
10 6 12.00
10 7 12.33
10 8 12.67
10 9 13.00
10 10 13.33
10 11 13.67
10 12 14.00
12.5 5 14.58
12.5 6 15.00
12.5 7 15.42
12.5 8 15.83
12.5 9 16.25
12.5 10 16.67

For Strength and Physique 47

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
12.5 11 17.08
12.5 12 17.50
15 6 18.00
15 7 18.50
15 8 19.00
15 9 19.50
15 10 20.00
17.5 5 20.42
15 11 20.50
15 12 21.00
17.5 7 21.58
17.5 8 22.17
17.5 9 22.75
17.5 10 23.33
17.5 11 23.92
20 6 24.00
17.5 12 24.50
20 7 24.67
20 8 25.33
20 9 26.00
22.5 5 26.25
20 10 26.67
22.5 6 27.00
20 11 27.33
22.5 7 27.75
20 12 28.00
22.5 8 28.50
25 5 29.17
22.5 9 29.25
22.5 10 30.00
22.5 11 30.75
25 7 30.83
22.5 12 31.50

For Strength and Physique 48

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
25 8 31.67
27.5 5 32.08
25 9 32.50
27.5 6 33.00
25 10 33.33
27.5 7 33.92
25 11 34.17
27.5 8 34.83
25 12 35.00
27.5 9 35.75
30 6 36.00
27.5 10 36.67
30 7 37.00
27.5 11 37.58
32.5 5 37.92
30 8 38.00
27.5 12 38.50
30 9 39.00
27.5 13 39.42
30 10 40.00
32.5 7 40.08
35 5 40.83
30 11 41.00
32.5 8 41.17
35 6 42.00
32.5 9 42.25
35 7 43.17
32.5 10 43.33
37.5 5 43.75
35 8 44.33
32.5 11 44.42
37.5 6 45.00
35 9 45.50

For Strength and Physique 49

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
37.5 7 46.25
35 10 46.67
40 5 46.67
37.5 8 47.50
35 11 47.83
40 6 48.00
37.5 9 48.75
35 12 49.00
40 7 49.33
42.5 5 49.58
37.5 10 50.00
40 8 50.67
42.5 6 51.00
37.5 11 51.25
40 9 52.00
42.5 7 52.42
37.5 12 52.50
40 10 53.33
42.5 8 53.83
45 6 54.00
40 11 54.67
42.5 9 55.25
47.5 5 55.42
45 7 55.50
40 12 56.00
42.5 10 56.67
45 8 57.00
40 13 57.33
42.5 11 58.08
50 5 58.33
45 9 58.50
47.5 7 58.58
42.5 12 59.50

For Strength and Physique 50

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
45 10 60.00
47.5 8 60.17
42.5 13 60.92
52.5 5 61.25
45 11 61.50
50 7 61.67
47.5 9 61.75
42.5 14 62.33
45 12 63.00
50 8 63.33
55 5 64.17
52.5 7 64.75
47.5 11 64.92
50 9 65.00
57.5 4 65.17
55 6 66.00
52.5 8 66.50
50 10 66.67
57.5 5 67.08
55 7 67.83
52.5 9 68.25
50 11 68.33
57.5 6 69.00
55 8 69.67
50 12 70.00
52.5 10 70.00
60 5 70.00
57.5 7 70.92
55 9 71.50
52.5 11 71.75
60 6 72.00
57.5 8 72.83
62.5 5 72.92

For Strength and Physique 51

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
55 10 73.33
52.5 12 73.50
60 7 74.00
57.5 9 74.75
62.5 6 75.00
55 11 75.17
65 5 75.83
60 8 76.00
57.5 10 76.67
55 12 77.00
62.5 7 77.08
60 9 78.00
65 6 78.00
57.5 11 78.58
67.5 5 78.75
62.5 8 79.17
60 10 80.00
65 7 80.17
57.5 12 80.50
67.5 6 81.00
62.5 9 81.25
70 5 81.67
60 11 82.00
65 8 82.33
67.5 7 83.25
62.5 10 83.33
70 6 84.00
65 9 84.50
72.5 5 84.58
62.5 11 85.42
67.5 8 85.50
70 7 86.33
65 10 86.67

For Strength and Physique 52

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
72.5 6 87.00
62.5 12 87.50
75 5 87.50
67.5 9 87.75
70 8 88.67
65 11 88.83
72.5 7 89.42
67.5 10 90.00
75 6 90.00
77.5 5 90.42
65 12 91.00
70 9 91.00
72.5 8 91.83
67.5 11 92.25
75 7 92.50
77.5 6 93.00
70 10 93.33
80 5 93.33
72.5 9 94.25
67.5 12 94.50
75 8 95.00
77.5 7 95.58
70 11 95.67
80 6 96.00
82.5 5 96.25
72.5 10 96.67
75 9 97.50
70 12 98.00
70 12 98.00
77.5 8 98.17
80 7 98.67
82.5 6 99.00
72.5 11 99.08

For Strength and Physique 53

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
85 5 99.17
75 10 100.00
77.5 9 100.75
80 8 101.33
72.5 12 101.50
82.5 7 101.75
85 6 102.00
87.5 5 102.08
75 11 102.50
77.5 10 103.33
80 9 104.00
82.5 8 104.50
85 7 104.83
75 12 105.00
87.5 6 105.00
90 5 105.00
77.5 11 105.92
80 10 106.67
82.5 9 107.25
85 8 107.67
87.5 7 107.92
90 6 108.00
77.5 12 108.50
80 11 109.33
82.5 10 110.00
85 9 110.50
87.5 8 110.83
90 7 111.00
77.5 13 111.08
80 12 112.00
82.5 11 112.75
85 10 113.33
87.5 9 113.75

For Strength and Physique 54

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
90 8 114.00
92.5 7 114.08
80 13 114.67
82.5 12 115.50
85 11 116.17
87.5 10 116.67
90 9 117.00
92.5 8 117.17
80 14 117.33
82.5 13 118.25
85 12 119.00
87.5 11 119.58
90 10 120.00
92.5 9 120.25
95 8 120.33
82.5 14 121.00
85 13 121.83
87.5 12 122.50
90 11 123.00
100 7 123.33
97.5 8 123.50
82.5 15 123.75
85 14 124.67
107.5 5 125.42
105 6 126.00
102.5 7 126.42
100 8 126.67
97.5 9 126.75
112.5 4 127.50
110 5 128.33
107.5 6 129.00
105 7 129.50
102.5 8 129.83

For Strength and Physique 55

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
100 9 130.00
115 4 130.33
112.5 5 131.25
110 6 132.00
107.5 7 132.58
105 8 133.00
102.5 9 133.25
100 10 133.33
115 5 134.17
112.5 6 135.00
110 7 135.67
107.5 8 136.17
105 9 136.50
102.5 10 136.67
117.5 5 137.08
115 6 138.00
112.5 7 138.75
110 8 139.33
107.5 9 139.75
105 10 140.00
102.5 11 140.08
117.5 6 141.00
115 7 141.83
112.5 8 142.50
122.5 5 142.92
110 9 143.00
107.5 10 143.33
105 11 143.50
120 6 144.00
117.5 7 144.92
115 8 145.67
125 5 145.83
112.5 9 146.25

For Strength and Physique 56

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
110 10 146.67
107.5 11 146.92
122.5 6 147.00
130 4 147.33
120 7 148.00
127.5 5 148.75
117.5 8 148.83
115 9 149.50
112.5 10 150.00
110 11 150.33
107.5 12 150.50
122.5 7 151.08
130 5 151.67
120 8 152.00
117.5 9 152.75
127.5 6 153.00
115 10 153.33
112.5 11 153.75
110 12 154.00
125 7 154.17
132.5 5 154.58
122.5 8 155.17
120 9 156.00
117.5 10 156.67
115 11 157.17
127.5 7 157.25
112.5 12 157.50
125 8 158.33
132.5 6 159.00
122.5 9 159.25
120 10 160.00
130 7 160.33
137.5 5 160.42

For Strength and Physique 57

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
117.5 11 160.58
115 12 161.00
127.5 8 161.50
135 6 162.00
125 9 162.50
122.5 10 163.33
132.5 7 163.42
120 11 164.00
117.5 12 164.50
130 8 164.67
137.5 6 165.00
127.5 9 165.75
142.5 5 166.25
135 7 166.50
125 10 166.67
122.5 11 167.42
132.5 8 167.83
140 6 168.00
115 14 168.67
130 9 169.00
145 5 169.17
137.5 7 169.58
127.5 10 170.00
125 11 170.83
135 8 171.00
122.5 12 171.50
147.5 5 172.08
132.5 9 172.25
140 7 172.67
130 10 173.33
145 6 174.00
137.5 8 174.17
127.5 11 174.25

For Strength and Physique 58

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
125 12 175.00
135 9 175.50
142.5 7 175.75
132.5 10 176.67
147.5 6 177.00
140 8 177.33
130 11 177.67
152.5 5 177.92
127.5 12 178.50
137.5 9 178.75
145 7 178.83
122.5 14 179.67
135 10 180.00
142.5 8 180.50
155 5 180.83
132.5 11 181.08
147.5 7 181.92
140 9 182.00
127.5 13 182.75
152.5 6 183.00
137.5 10 183.33
145 8 183.67
157.5 5 183.75
162.5 4 184.17
135 11 184.50
150 7 185.00
142.5 9 185.25
132.5 12 185.50
155 6 186.00
160 5 186.67
147.5 8 186.83
127.5 14 187.00
137.5 11 187.92

For Strength and Physique 59

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
152.5 7 188.08
145 9 188.50
157.5 6 189.00
162.5 5 189.58
150 8 190.00
130 14 190.67
155 7 191.17
140 11 191.33
147.5 9 191.75
160 6 192.00
165 5 192.50
152.5 8 193.17
145 10 193.33
157.5 7 194.25
142.5 11 194.75
150 9 195.00
162.5 6 195.00
167.5 5 195.42
140 12 196.00
155 8 196.33
147.5 10 196.67
160 7 197.33
165 6 198.00
145 11 198.17
152.5 9 198.25
170 5 198.33
132.5 15 198.75
157.5 8 199.50
150 10 200.00
162.5 7 200.42
167.5 6 201.00
172.5 5 201.25
155 9 201.50

For Strength and Physique 60

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
147.5 11 201.58
137.5 14 201.67
135 15 202.50
160 8 202.67
145 12 203.00
152.5 10 203.33
165 7 203.50
170 6 204.00
175 5 204.17
157.5 9 204.75
150 11 205.00
162.5 8 205.83
147.5 12 206.50
167.5 7 206.58
155 10 206.67
172.5 6 207.00
177.5 5 207.08
160 9 208.00
152.5 11 208.42
165 8 209.00
170 7 209.67
157.5 10 210.00
137.5 16 210.83
162.5 9 211.25
155 11 211.83
167.5 8 212.17
172.5 7 212.75
182.5 5 212.92
177.5 6 213.00
160 10 213.33
152.5 12 213.50
142.5 15 213.75
165 9 214.50

For Strength and Physique 61

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
157.5 11 215.25
170 8 215.33
175 7 215.83
180 6 216.00
162.5 10 216.67
155 12 217.00
167.5 9 217.75
172.5 8 218.50
160 11 218.67
187.5 5 218.75
177.5 7 218.92
182.5 6 219.00
165 10 220.00
157.5 12 220.50
170 9 221.00
175 8 221.67
180 7 222.00
162.5 11 222.08
145 16 222.33
167.5 10 223.33
160 12 224.00
172.5 9 224.25
192.5 5 224.58
177.5 8 224.83
187.5 6 225.00
182.5 7 225.08
165 11 225.50
157.5 13 225.75
170 10 226.67
175 9 227.50
180 8 228.00
185 7 228.17
167.5 11 228.92

For Strength and Physique 62

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
160 13 229.33
172.5 10 230.00
197.5 5 230.42
177.5 9 230.75
192.5 6 231.00
182.5 8 231.17
187.5 7 231.25
162 13 232.20
170 11 232.33
162.5 13 232.92
175 10 233.33
180 9 234.00
185 8 234.33
167.5 12 234.50
160 14 234.67
207.5 4 235.17
172.5 11 235.75
202.5 5 236.25
177.5 10 236.67
197.5 6 237.00
182.5 9 237.25
192.5 7 237.42
187.5 8 237.50
170 12 238.00
162.5 14 238.33
175 11 239.17
180 10 240.00
185 9 240.50
190 8 240.67
172.5 12 241.50
207.5 5 242.08
177.5 11 242.58
202.5 6 243.00

For Strength and Physique 63

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
182.5 10 243.33
197.5 7 243.58
187.5 9 243.75
192.5 8 243.83
210 5 245.00
167.5 14 245.67
205 6 246.00
200 7 246.67
195 8 247.00
212.5 5 247.92
177.5 12 248.50
207.5 6 249.00
182.5 11 249.42
202.5 7 249.75
187.5 10 250.00
197.5 8 250.17
192.5 9 250.25
215 5 250.83
167.5 15 251.25
210 6 252.00
205 7 252.83
200 8 253.33
195 9 253.50
217.5 5 253.75
177.5 13 254.42
212.5 6 255.00
182.5 12 255.50
207.5 7 255.92
187.5 11 256.25
202.5 8 256.50
192.5 10 256.67
197.5 9 256.75
167.5 16 256.83

For Strength and Physique 64

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
227.5 4 257.83
215 6 258.00
172.5 15 258.75
210 7 259.00
222.5 5 259.58
205 8 259.67
200 9 260.00
177.5 14 260.33
217.5 6 261.00
182.5 13 261.58
212.5 7 262.08
225 5 262.50
207.5 8 262.83
192.5 11 263.08
202.5 9 263.25
197.5 10 263.33
220 6 264.00
172.5 16 264.50
215 7 265.17
227.5 5 265.42
210 8 266.00
205 9 266.50
200 10 266.67
222.5 6 267.00
182.5 14 267.67
217.5 7 268.25
230 5 268.33
212.5 8 269.17
192.5 12 269.50
207.5 9 269.75
197.5 11 269.92
202.5 10 270.00
232.5 5 271.25

For Strength and Physique 65

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
220 7 271.33
240 4 272.00
215 8 272.33
210 9 273.00
205 10 273.33
235 5 274.17
222.5 7 274.42
242.5 4 274.83
217.5 8 275.50
230 6 276.00
212.5 9 276.25
197.5 12 276.50
207.5 10 276.67
202.5 11 276.75
237.5 5 277.08
225 7 277.50
245.0 4 277.67
220 8 278.67
232.5 6 279.00
215 9 279.50
210 10 280.00
205 11 280.17
227.5 7 280.58
187.5 15 281.25
222.5 8 281.83
235 6 282.00
217.5 9 282.75
242.5 5 282.92
212.5 10 283.33
202.5 12 283.50
207.5 11 283.58
230 7 283.67
237.5 6 285.00

For Strength and Physique 66

Weight in KG Reps e1RM
245 5 285.83
220 9 286.00
215 10 286.67
232.5 7 286.75
210 11 287.00
240 6 288.00
227.5 8 288.17
247.5 5 288.75
222.5 9 289.25
235 7 289.83
217.5 10 290.00
212.5 11 290.42
207.5 12 290.50
242.5 6 291.00
230 8 291.33
250 5 291.67
225 9 292.50
237.5 7 292.92
220 10 293.33
215 11 293.83
245 6 294.00
232.5 8 294.50
252.5 5 294.58
260 4 294.67
192.5 16 295.17
227.5 9 295.75
240 7 296.00
222.5 10 296.67
247.5 6 297.00
217.5 11 297.25
212.5 12 297.50
235 8 297.67
230 9 299.00

For Strength and Physique 67

Brad’s Workout
Here is an example of my workout. This is done three days per week, typically Monday,
Wednesday, and either Friday or Saturday depending on my weekly commitments.


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

1. Deadlifts 1. Squats 1. Bench Press

2. Hamstring Curls 2. Leg Extensions 2. Incline Chest Flies
3. Overhead Barbell Press 3. Dumbbell Rows 3. Tricep Press Downs
4. Shrugs 4. Chin-Ups 4. Bicep Curls
5. Side Lateral Raises 5. Rear-Delt Dumbbell Flies 5. Calf Raises

Above, the three exercises in bold are done with Progressions for between 1 to 3 sets
depending on how many progressions I complete successfully. After each set, I rest 2 to
3 minutes.

The rest of the exercises are completed with 3 sets with a weight that allows me to
complete 10 good repetitions. These exercises do not get the same effort as my
progression exercises, since if I progress with my progressive sets I’ve already made
improvements that day.

A slightly more advanced version of this workout would look like this:

For Strength and Physique 68

Advanced Training

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

1. Chins Ups 1. Squats 1. Bench Press

2. Cable Pull Downs 2. Leg Extensions 2. Incline Chest Flies
3. Overhead Barbell Press 3. Dips 3. Dumbbell Rows
4. Dumbbell Side Lateral 4. Triceps Cable 4. Seated Rows
raises Pushdowns 5. Calf Raises
5. Straight Leg Barbell 5. Dumbbell Shoulder 6. Bicep Curls
Deadlifts Shrugs
6. Hamstring Curls 6. Rear Delt Dumbbell Flies

Above, the four exercises in bold are done with Progressions for between 1 to 3 sets
depending on how many progressions I complete successfully. After each set, I rest 2 to
3 minutes.

Finally, an advanced version may look something like this:

Experienced Strength

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

1. Speed Bench Press 8 x 3 1. Speed Overhead Press 8 x 3 1. Speed Squats 8 x 3

2. Chins Ups 2. Squats 2. Bench Press
3. Cable Pull Downs 3. Leg Extensions 3. Incline Chest Flies
4. Overhead Barbell Press 4. Dips 4. Dumbbell Rows
5. Dumbbell Side Lateral raises 5. Triceps Cable Pushdowns 5. Seated Rows
6. Straight Leg Barbell 6. Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs 6. Calf Raises
Deadlifts 7. Rear Delt Dumbbell Flies 7. Bicep Curls
7. Hamstring Curls

For Strength and Physique 69

In this advanced version, I add in some speed work — an old powerlifting technique that
I have always enjoyed.

For these speed sets, you use exactly 50% of your e1RM. As an example, if your last
progression on overhead shoulder press was 105 pounds for 10 repetitions then your
e1rm would be 140 pounds. So for your speed sets you would use ½ of 140 or 70

You would try to move the weight as explosively as possible for sets of 3, with 30-45
seconds rest.

This is an advanced technique that is really only need for stronger lifters, but feel free to
experiment with it in your program.

Just remember to track EVERYTHING. My advice is to print out the progressions chart
for each exercise. Write the name of the exercise at the top, and then scribble out each
progression as you complete it. This way you know exactly where you are and how far
you’ve come.

Progressions - Super Abbreviated, but more Frequent

Day 1 Day 2

1. Squats (Progressions) 1. Bench Press (Progressions)

2. Chins Ups (4 sets) 2. Dumbbell Rows (4 sets)
3. Overhead Dumbbell Press (4 sets) 3. Hamstring Curls / SL Deadlifts (4 sets)

In this abbreviated workout program, you only have two workouts, but you still perform 3
sessions per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

For Strength and Physique 70

In this approach your frequency is increased to training the squat or bench press
progressions once every 4 to 5 days. Because frequency is increased, I decrease
the amount of progression sets I do down to 2 per workout.

As an example, on week 1 you’d do:

Monday - Workout 1
Wednesday - Workout 2
Friday - Workout 1

Then the next week you would do:

Monday - Workout 2
Wednesday - Workout 1
Friday - Workout 2

* When I use this approach, I occasionally add in a fourth workout on Saturdays where I
will train biceps, triceps and calves ;)

Appendix 1: The Asterisk Progressions

These 4 progressions all represent an increase in strength greater than 2 pounds. My

suggestion is to purchase some ‘micro-plates’ that weigh 1.25 pounds each (you can
find them on amazon).

For Strength and Physique 71

Then you can add in the additional progressions as follows:

310 13 444.32*

342.5 9 445.24

335 10 446.66*

375 7 462.49*

347.5 10 463.32

340 11 464.65*

385 8 487.66*

357.5 11 488.57

350 12 489.99*

360 14 527.98*

377.5 12 528.48

370 13 530.32*

For Strength and Physique 72

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