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Code: 1
Lecturer’s Signature

Program: IB, AC, MIS, BDA

Course Code: MAT 1004
Course Title: Theory of Probability & Mat. Statistics Dr. Pham Thi Viet Huong
Date: 04/08/2021
Time allowed: 3 hours
Department’s Signature
Date: 18/08/2021
Starting at 12:00pm 18/08/2021
Ending at 3:00pm 18/08/2021 Date: …/8/2021

Instructions to students:

1. At 12:00 PM, 18/8/2021, each student is assigned a final assignment with code number assigned
in the list
2. Final assignment consists of 6 problems, each problems are done in separate pages. Students should
write clearly his / her full name and student code in the first row of the first page (for example:
Nguyễn Văn Thao, 17007365).
3. To submit the final assignment, students use CamScanner to scan all the pages IN 1 FILE and save
them to a pdf file, starting from page 1.
4. Students should finish submitting the final assignment / the pdf file with the file name: student’s
full name-student ID-course code (for example: Nguyen_Van_Thao-12345678-MAT1004.1) in
due time through MS Teams Assignment (do not be late in submitting the final assignment, since
the final assignment can not be submitted after the due time, 3:00PM, 18/8/2021).
5. Any violation of the above instructions will CAUSE ZERO MARK for the final assignment.
Problem 1 (1.5 points).
The number of cars exceeding the speed limit in a school zone on the past 25 weeks are shown
41 48 38 27 29 37 33 31 40 30 33 28 46
31 38 24 56 43 35 37 27 29 44 34 28
a. Construct a histogram with 4 classes and the value 24 as the lower limit of the 1st class,
the value 56 as the upper limit of the 4th class.
b. What proportion of the total area under the histogram fall between 32 and 48?

Problem 2 (1.5 points). To examine the effectiveness of its five annual advertising promotions,
a mail-order company has sent a questionnaire to each of its customers, asking how many of
the previous year's promotions prompted orders that otherwise would not have been made.
The following table summarizes the data received, where the random variable X is the
number of promotions indicated in the customers' responses:
x 0 1 2 3 4 5
P(X=x) y/100 0.25 1- (y/100+0.25+0.2+0.05+z/100) 0.2 0.05 z/100
In the above table: y, z are the last two digits of your student code (for example: if a student
code is 17071365 then y = 6, z = 5).
A previous analysis of historical data found that the mean value of orders for promotional
goods is $20, with the company earning a gross profit of 20% on each order. It is assumed
that customer behavior next year will be the same as last year, and the fixed cost of conducting
the five promotions next year is estimated to be $15000, with a variable cost of $3 per
customer for mailing and handling costs.
a/ Find expected value of X, variance of X and the expected gross profit per customer next year.
b/ How large a customer base must the company have to cover the cost of the promotions?

Problem 3 (2 points)
Due to an increasing number of non-performing loans, a bank now insists that several
stringent conditions be met before a customer is granted a consumer loan. As a result, 60%
of all customers applying for a loan are rejected. If 40 new loan applications are selected at
random, what is the probability that:
a. At least 12 are accepted?
b. At least half of them are accepted?
c. No more than 16 are accepted?
d. The number of applications rejected is between 20 and 30, inclusive?

Problem 4 (1.5 points)

A sporting goods manufacturer has developed a new type of golf ball which he believes will
travel further than any other type of ball currently in use. In an experiment to verify his
claim, he took 100 of his golf balls and 100 golf balles of a leading competitor to a local driving
range, where he asked a variety of people to hit the balls with a driver. The distances were
measured, and the statistics are ####
𝑿𝟏 = 𝟏𝟗𝟑, ####
𝑿𝟐 = 𝟏𝟖𝟒, 𝒔𝟏 = 𝟐𝟕, 𝒔𝟐 = 𝟐𝟐. Estimate with 90%
confidence the difference between the mean distances of the two brands of golf balls.

Problem 5 (1.5 points)

One of the critical factors in choosing a location for a new men’s clothing store is the mean
clothing expenditure per household in the surrounding neighbourhood. A survey of 20
households reveals that the mean and the standard deviation of annual expenditure on clothes
are $387 and $60 respectively. Can we conclude at the 5% significance level that the
population mean annual expenditure is less than $400?
Problem 6 (2 points)
A supermarket chain performed a survey to help determine desireable locations for its new
stores. The management of the chain wanted to know whether a linear relationship exists
between weekly take-home pay and weekly food expenditures. A random sample of eight
households produced the data shown in the following table:
Weekly take-home pay (x) 600 400 540 360 500 720 450 680
Weekly food expenditure (y) 160 110 150 90 130 200 120 180
a. Find the least squares regression line.
b. Calculate the standard error of estimate.
c. Do these data provide sufficient evidence (𝜶 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏) to allow us to conclude that a
linear relationship exists between x and y?
d. Calculate the coefficient of determination. What does the value tell you about the
strength of the linear relationship?

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