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On Dignity

and Survival
Providing a safe and affordable
home for Israel’s elderly
About Amigour

Founded in 1972 as a non-profit company, Amigour is a subsidiary

of the Jewish Agency and is Israel’s leading sheltered housing
company and second largest public housing group.

Amigour is committed to easing Amigour receives funding for existing projects from
the plight and meeting the needs of the Israeli Government, the Harry and Jeanette
Weinberg Foundation, the Claims Conference, Keren
Holocaust survivors, new immigrants
Hayesod, Federations, Foundations and personal
and elderly men and women living in donors. While Amigour currently provides 1,300
Israel. It pursues this worthy objective residential units for the elderly, the need is constantly
by: constructing affordable housing growing with some 30,000 seniors still lacking
for the elderly, renovating existing proper housing and who are on a waiting list.
housing for its residents and taking e mion
innovative measures to enhance their To counter the critical shortage of nursing facilities S field
in Israel, Amigour has built two new nursing homes Ro sen
welfare and quality of life through eade
in Kiryat Yam, providing a combined 80 new nursing the
a multi-faceted network of social, e o f the
beds for Amigour residents. These facilities provide on , on ing in fought
cultural and recreational facilities. 24-hour care and intensive treatment programs. Sem i
pri s
t he u ath ca was
or de y and
b A r m s of
There are 650,000 Israelis over the age of 65, many Amigour works in cooperation with Yad Vashem h e Red
b er ator on
in t the
li emi
of whom live close to the poverty line and cannot on various projects. “Preserving the Memories”- o n g 1 990, S s
am In hi
afford to purchase or even rent sustainable lodgings. Amigour gathered 1,000 testimonials from its in. with
Berl y a h
Ali el.
Amigour operates fifty-seven housing projects Holocaust survivor residents, compiled them made to Isra
nationwide to provide basic living needs for over into 50 volumes, and entered them into the Yad fami
7,500 disadvantaged elderly. A large majority of these Vashem Archives for posterity. “Yad Vashem’s
are new immigrants from the Former Soviet Union Gathering the Fragments Program honors the
and Holocaust survivors. Without support, these memory of Holocaust victims, their families and
men and women would face devastation and ruin. the many Jewish communities that suffered under
Nazi tyranny in World War II. In cooperation with
In addition to putting a roof over their heads, Amigour this vital undertaking, Amigour encourages its
housing projects provide residents with a broad tenants, many of whom are Holocaust survivors,
range of social and cultural services in its on-site to donate their personal effects, tokens and relics
facilities. This rich and varied programming, from of those dark times to Yad Vashem, the national
art workshops to exercise classes and from concerts institute dedicated to the commemoration of
to volunteering, greatly enhances the residents’ Holocaust victims.
quality of life. Many of these activities are carried out
in partnership with community centers, schools, the
Israel Defense Forces and local volunteers.

2 On Dignity And Survival Providing a safe and affordable home for Israel’s elderly 3
The Need As a leading operator
of public and sheltered
housing in Israel,
Amigour’s Call to Action tova
is a response to multi-
Amigour’s Call faceted needs. adler
to Action Tova,
at th
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arriv of 14
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Israel er wa
Its foremost need is to provide affordable housing with its long-held belief that sustainable housing in 19 y to
arres 46 an
to Israel’s low-income elderly population. Amigour is a cornerstone of quality of life, Amigour builds ted a d was
the A nd
currently runs fifty-seven housing facilities serving on that bedrock by providing a social and cultural tlit D taken to
more than 7,500 underprivileged senior residents, structure, with the aim to maintain the dignity and ee Ca
most of whom are Holocaust survivors and welfare of its most deserving residents. As many
immigrants from the Former Soviet Union. elderly men and women suffer from loneliness and
are in sore need of a social, recreational and creative
Responsive to the needs of its residents, Amigour outlet, Amigour creates a vibrant community life
seeks to maintain their independence in a safe encompassing a wide range of activities.
environment at its housing projects. In keeping

Recognizing these needs, Amigour’s Call to Action encompasses:

With the growth of Israel’s elderly population and Aerobic breathing, chair exercises and strength
an influx of aging new immigrants who entered training.
the country over the last ten years, around 30,000
seniors live in terrible poverty conditions and lack CULTURAL PROGRAMS
proper housing and who are on a waiting list.. Various topics of interest in a classroom setting
including workshops, films and lectures.
Since many of its existing housing facilities were OUTINGS
built decades ago, there is also a constant need Field trips, picnics, and guided tours of historic sites
to renovate old buildings, both externally and throughout Israel.
MUSIC PROGRAM Celebrating Israeli Independence Day, Israeli
Organized choirs and concert events. Veterans Day, Holocaust Remembrance Day, May
9th Celebration and religious Jewish holidays.

4 On Dignity And Survival Providing a safe and affordable home for Israel’s elderly 5
First and Foremost
Amigour provides affordable
housing for Israel’s
disadvantaged elderly,
including new immigrants
Providing Safe and from the Former Soviet Union
Affordable Housing and Holocaust survivors.
for the Needy
Amigour provides affordable housing for Israel’s Amigour provides residents with a most vital outlet,
disadvantaged elderly, including new immigrants affording them opportunities for social interaction,
from the Former Soviet Union and Holocaust creative expression, enriching cultural experiences
survivors. With the aim to maintain the dignity and an incentive to expand their horizons. Above all,
and enhance the quality of life of its residents in Amigour social clubs help fill a void in their lives,
their golden years, the Amigour Sheltered Housing enhance their self-esteem and well-being and make
structure encompasses a broad network of organized them feel accepted and wanted in Israeli society.
social and cultural activities at its fifty-seven
nationwide Amigour Sheltered Housing facilities. Towards this end, each Amigour housing facility
provides an array of activities such as study groups,
This vital undertaking responds to the needs of physical fitness sessions, music classes, field trips
its residents who, in their twilight years, are in and holiday celebrations for up to 100 participants
dire need of personal enrichment and a sense of in organized social clubs located on site.
community. Once their housing needs are addressed,
it is essential that Amigour residents intermingle
within an organized framework.

6 On Dignity And Survival Providing a safe and affordable home for Israel’s elderly 7
Construction Projects and
Building Renovations

The needs of low-income, elderly men and women, most of whom are
Holocaust survivors and immigrants from the Former Soviet Union are
multi-faceted. Providing them with reasonably priced, comfortable
homes answers their most pressing need.

There are currently 650,000 Israeli residents over Amigour is dedicated to restoring the dignity of
the age of 65. One-third of these senior citizens Israel’s elderly by constructing new, affordable
live at or below the poverty line, with virtually no housing. Amigour has plans to launch several crucial
means to rent or purchase a home. With the growth renovation projects. These cover both the external
of Israel’s elderly population and an influx of aging reconstruction of building facades, surrounding
new immigrants who entered the country over the courtyards and landscaping, as well as internal
last ten years, around 30,000 seniors live in terrible renovations of living quarters, lobbies, club rooms,
poverty conditions and lack proper housing. and the like.

8 On Dignity And Survival Providing a safe and affordable home for Israel’s elderly 9
Quality of Life

Social Clubs in
Amigour Homes

The social club is the focal point and main meeting The advantages enjoyed by the elderly residents of
place of our elderly residents. Under the direction Amigour sheltered housing facilities around Israel
of Amigour’s professional staff and coordinators, are manifold: they provide a structured framework
these clubs provide an array of cultural and for leisurely activities, social interaction, encourage
recreational activities including: music workshops, the formation of relationships, create a stimulating
choir sessions, theater seminars, lectures on various environment and sense of community and above
subjects of interest, physical exercise sessions, all, enhance the well-being and quality of life of
Hebrew studies, arts and crafts, daily outings and deserving elderly people.
holiday celebrations.

The Bat Yam Choir

The encouragement of a stimulating cultural countries of origin prior to their arrival in Israel.
environment and valued leisure time is a shared Apart from its regular sessions and performances
quality at Amigour facilities, which run workshops at the Bat Yam social club, the choir also appears
in areas such as literature, theater and music. regularly at other Amigour housing projects as
There are currently 30 active choirs at Amigour well as day care centers, music clubs and various
housing projects. The choir in Bat Yam is the most institutions for elderly audiences from all over
exceptional one, and also the most prolific. Israel. This ongoing relationship between the much-
applauded choir and its hundreds of enthusiasts is
The Bat Yam Choir consists of 15 singers and a godsend for both the performers and audiences,
instrumentalists. Its rich repertoire celebrates who are afforded regular opportunities for musical
popular songs, folk songs and classics in Russian, expression and musical appreciation.
Yiddish, French and Hebrew. The choir is conducted
by Michael Bassin and managed by Laura Aryev, who Your show of support can encourage a most vital
were highly acclaimed in musical circles in their musical undertaking that enriches the lives of many
deserving elderly people.

On dignity and Survival

10 Providing a safe and affordable home for Israel’s elderly 11
Preserving the Memories

Gathering the Fragments, Book of Life

Yad Vashem’s Gathering the Fragments Program in the ghettoes
honors the memory of Holocaust victims, their and diaries
families and the many Jewish communities relating the
that suffered under Nazi tyranny in World War horrors of the
II. In cooperation with this vital undertaking, concentration
Amigour encourages its tenants, many of whom camps. These
are Holocaust survivors, to donate their personal items are
effects, tokens and relics of those dark times to received by Yad
Yad Vashem, the national institute dedicated to Vashem where
the commemoration of Holocaust victims. By they are
collecting the stories and keepsakes of those who catalogued,
survived, and in many cases the bits and pieces maintained and
that belonged to those who perished and were made accessible to researchers,
kept over the years by surviving kin, Amigour is students and the general public.
partaking in a momentous Jewish endeavor.
“Preserving the Memories” - Amigour gathered
Under the program, Amigour residents donate 1,000 testimonials from its Holocaust survivor
items such as clothing with the sewn Star of David, residents, compiled them into 50 volumes, and
remnants of Torah scrolls used by the Nazis as entered them into the Yad Vashem Archives for
wrapping paper, the drawings of frightened children posterity.

For over 7,500 elderly Holocaust survivors and new

immigrants residing in Amigour residential facilities,
Amigour is not just a building, but a true home.
It is a place where they feel safe, nourished and loved.
Join the Amigour family and help us provide Israel’s
elderly with a dignified future.

12 Kaplan Street ,Tel Aviv 64734, Israel

Tel: +972-3-693-0243 • Fax: +972-3-693-0203 www.
E-mail: [email protected]


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