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Institute of paramedical sciences (IPMS), Khyber Medical University (KMU) Peshawar

Final Exam
Total Marks: 70 Time: 120 minutes
All the questions carry equal Marks
Choose the most appropriate answer

Name: _____________________________ Semester: _________Discipline:________

1) _____________is manipulating 4) ____________ refers to maintenance of

research materials, equipment, or the researcher’s agreement with the
processes, or changing or omitting data participant about how the participant’s
or results such that the research is not identifiable private information will be
accurately represented in the research handled, managed, and disseminated.
record. a. Confidentiality
a. Fabrication b. Privacy
b. Falsification c. Justice
c. Plagiarism d. None of the above
5) Privacy applies to the _________ and
2) The beneficence in health research confidentiality applies to
ethics means ______________.
a. Maximize risks and minimize a. Researcher, participants
benefits b. Person, data
b. Maximize benefits and c. Scientist, software
minimize risks d. None of the above
c. Maximize good practices and 6) Your 36-year-old patient has just tested
minimize harmful practices positive for HIV. He asks that you not
d. None of the above inform his wife of the results and claims
3) A person having control over the he is not ready to tell her yet. What
extent, timing, and circumstances of would you say to your patient?
sharing oneself (physically, behaviorally, a. Encourage the patient to share
or intellectually) with others is known the information with his wife on
as his own, giving him a bit more
a. Confidentiality time if necessary.
b. Privacy b. Tell the patient that his wife is
c. Justice at serious risk for being infected
with HIV, and that you have a
d. None of the above
duty to ensure that she knows
of the risk.
c. Tell the patient that public
health law requires reporting
both the patient and any known
sexual partners to local health

d. All the above. 11) Which of the following is NOT required
7) Internationally known ‘unethical on an informed consent form?
research scandals’ include: a. The purpose of the research
a. Nazi experiments b. A description of benefits that
b. The Tuskegee Syphilis study may be reasonably expected
c. Thalidomide experiments from the research
d. All of the above c. A statement that participation
e. Both a and b is voluntary
d. A list of all personnel who will
8) A 5-year-old child has just had his be involved in the research
second generalized tonic-clonic seizure 12) Informed consent requires that
in a 4-month period. You have individuals
recommended starting an a. Be legally competent to give
anticonvulsant. The parents have informed consent
concerns about the recommended b. Have adequate information
medication and would prefer to wait about the procedures and
and see if their son has more seizures. benefits associated with the
How should you respond to the parents’ research
request? c. Be informed of any risks that
a. Obtain an ethics consultation. might lead them to decide that
b. Obtain a court order to treat they do not want to participate
the child. d. All of the above are true
c. Report the case as child abuse. 13) When vulnerable populations are the
d. Fully inform the parents, and target population of a research project,
should they refuse to give informed consent should be obtained
anticonvulsants to the child, from:
the physician should abide by a. No informed consent is
the parents’ decision. necessary
9) What is autonomy? b. The participant and their
a. The commitment to include parent or legal guardian
patients in decisions c. The participant
b. The commitment to include d. The parent or legal guardian of
patients in finances the participant
c. The commitment to include 14) Following are the cardinal principles of
patients in event bio ethics except
d. All of the above a. Justice
10) The term non-maleficence means b. Non maleficence
a. duty to do no good c. Charity
b. duty to do no beneficial d. Respect for autonomy
a. duty to do no harm 15) A patient autonomy should be
b. None of the above restricted if
a. He is sick
b. He is poor
c. He is uneducated
d. He goes against law and order

16) Autonomy means which of the 20) Physician prescribed the pain killer
following? morphine to the pt is who is chronically
a. The right to be selfish ill and near to death. Morphine will
b. The right to make one’s own relief pain but decrease the life
decision and choices expectancy. Nurse is confuse that what
c. Self-awareness should she do in this situation. This is
d. Self-promotion example of
17) Providing equality of resources and a) Ethical dilemmas
opportunities for all people upholds the b) Bio ethic
c) Values
ethical principle of:
d) Autonomy
a. Veracity
21) lily flower is roots are deep in the pond
b. Beneficence
we comparing their roots with
c. Autonomy
a) Values
d. Justice b) Belief
c) Attitude
18) Bioethical issue should be described as: d) Dilemmas
a. The physician making all 22) belief is best define as
decision of client management a) Interpretation or opinion that
without getting input from the we accept as true, based on
client faith not on fact
b. A research project that included b) Attitudes about the worth of a
treating all the white men and person, object, idea or action
not treating all the black men to c) A group of values held by a
compare the outcomes of a person
specific drug therapy d) Feelings toward a person,
c. After the client gives object or idea
permission , the physician’s
disclosing all information to 23) Belief in the dignity and worth of
others and Professional Autonomy is
the family for their support in
example of
the management of the client
a) Personal Values
19) The paramedical staff is obligated to
b) Professional Values
follow a physician’s order unless:
c) Political Values
a) The order is a verbal order
d) Social values
b) The order is illegible
c) The order has not been
24) Once research misconduct has been
identified, all parties involved in the
d) The order is an error, violates
research must take responsibility to
hospital policy, or would be
detrimental to the client. resolve the situation, including:
a. The principal investigator,
b. Co-investigators,
c. The institution hosting the
d. The funding agency
e. All of the above

25) Dilemma is define as 29) Feelings toward a person, object or
a) A conflicted situation that idea (acceptance, rejection)
seems to have no satisfactory a) Belief
solution b) Values
b) Mental struggle resulting from c) Attitude
incompatible or opposing d) None of above
needs, wishes etc 30) Research misconduct can be the result
c) Feeling or emotion including of
positive or negative judgment a. Mistaken
toward a person, object, or idea b. Negligent,
d) None of above c. Unintentional
d. Sloppy research practices.
26) A researcher preparing a written e. All of the above
manuscript should cite the original
source if he or she: 31) Obtaining informed consent is the
a. Quotes another person’s actual responsibility of
words, either oral or written; a) The physician
b. Paraphrases another person’s b) The parents
words, either oral or written; c) The nurse
c. Uses another person’s idea, d) The account manager
opinion, or theory; or
d. Borrows facts, statistics, or 32) Respect for Persons incorporates at
other illustrative material, least two fundamental ethical
unless the information is considerations
common knowledge” a. Respect for person and Dignity
e. All of the above b. Respect for person and
Informed consent
27) Conflict is define as c. Respect for person and
a) Mental struggle resulting from protections of persons
incompatible or opposing d. None of the above
needs, wishes etc.
b) A conflicted situation that 33) Being answerable for one’s own action
seems to have no satisfactory is assuming:
solution a) Accountability
c) Beliefs or attitudes about the b) Responsibility
worth of a person c) Non maleficence
d) Feeling or emotion including d) Veracity
positive or negative judgment

28) Respect, Goodness, truth is example of

a) Belief
b) Values
c) Attitude
d) None of above

34) To avoid unintentional or accidental 39) The execution of duties associated with
plagiarizing of another person’s work, health care professional particular role
most appropriate statement(S) will be is called:
a. Cite all ideas and information a. Accountability
that is not your own and/or is b. Responsibility
not common knowledge, c. Non maleficence
b. Always use quotation marks if d. Veracity
you are using someone else’s 40) Informed consent is a method that
words promotes:
c. Run software for hiding the a. Beneficence
plagiarism b. Autonomy
c. Justice
d. Both a & b
d. Non maleficence
41) Patient bill of rights contains all except?
35) The personal conviction that
a. Right to informed choices
something is absolutely right or
b. Right to privacy and
wrong in all situations is called:
a) Value
c. Right to refreshment and
b) Moral
c) Ethics
d. Right of respect and
d) Standard of practice
36) The health care professional’s
42) Nazi experiments give rise to the
obligations to the client least like
following guidelines
a. Helsinki declaration
a. Considers the dignity of clients
b. Retains a commitment of
c. Nuremberg trials
welfare to the client
d. Nazi guidelines
c. Work toward securing and
maintaining conditions of 43) The nurse honors the right of cancer client to
employment that satisfy the refuse chemotherapy is?
goals of nursing a. Equality
d. Hold confidential all b. Justice
information about a client c. Truth
37) The duty to respect privileged d. Human dignity
information is called: 44) A substantial incapacity to protect one’s
a. Fidelity own interests owing to such
b. Justice impediments as lack of capability to
c. Veracity give informed consent
d. Confidentiality a. Vulnerability
38) When someone is suspected of b. Vulnerable individuals
committing research misconduct, the c. Unprotected individuals
proper procedure is d. None of the above
a. To then conduct a full-scale
b. To first launch an inquiry
c. Punish whole team directly 45) The rules of plagiarism typically apply

a. Graphics b. Resubmit with only minor
b. Text changes to the text
c. World wide web c. None of the above is correct
d. All of the above 51) Researchers spend much of their time
collecting data. Data are used;
46) _____________is making up data or a. To confirm or reject
results and recording or reporting them. hypotheses,
a. Fabrication b. To identify new areas of
b. Falsification investigation,
c. Plagiarism c. To guide the development of
47) The three elements of informed new investigative techniques,
consent are and more
a. Respect, Trust and Honesty d. All of the above
b. Respect for person, Protection 52) Which of the following is not correct
and Complete Truth regarding Data management, in respect
c. Information, Comprehension to research ethics, references three
and Voluntary participation issues:
d. None of the above a. The ethical and truthful
collection of reliable data;
48) Justice in health research can be b. Earning amount of money
achieved by when the data is sold
a. Sound methods selection for c. Retaining data and sharing
research data collection access to collected data with
b. Fair procedures and outcomes colleagues and the public.
in the selection of research 53) Assigning and ensuring responsibility
participants for collecting and maintaining data is
c. Fair selection of research design one of the most important ethical
d. None of the above considerations when conducting a
research project. Responsibilities
49) _____________is the appropriation of include the following important issues:
another person’s ideas, processes, EXCEPT
results, or words without giving a. Oversight of the design of the
appropriate credit. method of data collection
a. Fabrication b. Take care of the lunch and
b. Falsification travelling during data
c. Plagiarism collection
c. Protecting research subjects
from harm
d. Securing and storing data safely
to preserve the integrity and
50) Which of the following statement is
privacy of data
correct about Articles that have been
54) Once collected, data must be properly
published already?
protected. They may be needed later:
a. Resubmit under another title
a. To confirm research findings,
b. To establish priority

c. To be reanalyzed by other b. Physician always tend to use big
researchers words and medical
d. All of the above terminologies
55) All of the following are vulnerable c. In term of respect and the
populations EXCEPT: devotion they have to the field
a. Minority and community
b. Elderly 61) Determining the most efficient
c. College populations treatment, or encountering avoidance
d. None of the above of treatment, creates a disagreement
between the physician and the patient,
56) There is no common definition of a for any number of reasons
reasonable period of time, However, a. The doctor has to finally decide
adopted data-retention time periods is b. The family and attendants has
a. Between 01 and 03 years to decide finally
b. Between 3 and 7 years. c. The physician needs strategies
c. Between 9 and 11 years for presenting unfavorable
treatment options in a way
57) If the patient sought a second opinion that minimizes strain on the
of some other health care professional: doctor–patient relationship
a. Discourage him and best interest of health
b. Double charge him 62) Transitions of patients between health
c. Do not allow him to come back care practitioners may_________ the
to you quality of care in the time it takes to
d. He is autonomous reestablish proper doctor–patient
58) Paternalism of doctor means relationships.
a. Doctor always knows best a. Decrease
b. Doctor will decide for those b. Increase
who do not have their parents c. Not affect
c. Doctor will decide important 63) Ethics is the branch of philosophy which
decisions and will take the deals with the ___________concerning
responsibility what is right and wrong.
59) The person who informs the research a. dynamics of decision making
integrity officer of suspected b. Moral values
misconduct should be treated with: c. dynamics of research
a. Fairness and respect
b. Job termination
c. Sending him to prison

64) People present in a doctor–patient

60) Physician is viewed as superior because: encounter may influence their
a. Patient is in state of communication
desperation and dependency

a. These may provide any participant. The statement refers to
psychological support for the __________of informed consent
patient a. Information
b. It may compromise the doctor– b. Comprehension
patient confidentiality  c. Voluntariness
c. It may inhibit the patient from 68) Which of the following cannot be the
disclosing uncomfortable or function of informed consent?
intimate subjects. a. To assure self-determination
d. All of the above are correct and autonomy;
65) Truthful data collection refers to data b. Let the physician whatever he
that, once collected, want to do
a. Not manipulated or altered c. To protect people from
afterward unacceptable harm; or
b. Can be altered during collection d. To transfer responsibility from
c. Can be manipulated before the investigators to participants.
69) The three basic principles of bioethics
66) Which of the following is not correct are:
about good bedside manner of health a. Norms, beliefs and values
care practitioner? b. Respect for person,
a. Reassurance beneficence and justice
b. Frightened c. Right, Wrong and gray areas
c. Confortable d. Respect for person, moral
d. Trust and openness values and justice

70) The research integrity officer should

strive to maintain the confidentiality of:
a. The (informer) whistleblower
67) Informed consent can be neither b. The respondent
coerced nor improperly pressured from c. Both a &b

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