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Joseph David M.

Engineering Management
BSCE-3/Block 1


1. Why staffing an important activity?

-As for my opinion, staffing greatly affects the future of the company because employees are
the ones that makes the plan work and as the saying goes, “You are who you hire”, because
they build the team and without them, all of the plans, goals and visions of the company will
just goes to waste.

2. What activities are undertaken in staffing?

-Planning for human resources includes forecasting, programming, and analysis.
and human resource evaluation
-The act of soliciting, inspiring, or persuading applicants to apply is called recruitment.
for a certain position.
-The process of choosing the best candidates from a pool of many applicants is called selection.
-New employees are introduced about the company's policies, procedures, and
following the rules and being introduced to or briefed on his duties by the immediate
officer in training.
-Training and development is the methodical development of the mindset, information, and
the appropriate behavior patterns for a certain job or task.
-An assessment of a worker's performance is called a performance appraisal.
-Employment decisions - choices that the management will make if the employee
will receive financial compensation, transfers.

3. What is the purpose of the human resource planning?

-Planning for human resources helps prevent shortages or surpluses of labor while ensuring the
optimal match between employees and positions. The HR process consists of four essential
components. They involve reviewing the current labor market, predicting future need for labor,
balancing supply and demand, and advancing organizational objectives.

4. How may human resource needs to be determined?

-Human resource management helps bridge the gap between employees' performance and the
organisation's strategic objectives. Moreover, an efficient HR management team can give firms
an edge over their competition. Recruitment: One of the major responsibilities of a HR
manager is to recruit personnel.

5. What are the possible sources of applicants for vacant positions in the firm?
- Assessing future personnel needs involves taking a close look at the company's expected
workload, the capabilities of the current work force, the anticipated turnover, and the available
labor supply. How the company stands in relation to these factors will help management to
forecast future employment needs and develop a strategy to meet them. When a need has
been identified, the next step is to perform a job analysis to collect information on all the tasks
involved in the position and the types of skills, knowledge, and abilities required to do them.

6. What is the implication of the cost of the “wrong decision” in the selection process?
-If you are an HR and you do want to find the best of the bests candidates for a specific
position, you should carefully examine each of the applicants and after that, observe them if
they’re gonna do the work effectively and efficiently.

7. How may one determine the qualifications of a job candidate?

- The recruitment and selection process involves a number of processes. They consist of
posting job openings and sourcing candidates, looking over applications, selecting candidates,
interviewing candidates, and making an offer. Throughout the interviewing process, HR
collaborates closely with hiring managers. The only people who truly understand what a role
entails and the kinds of talents a person needs to perform the job successfully are managers.
They might be the one to ask for a new role to be created. They will probably be requested to
assist in defining either a new or existing position. They will outline the duties and
responsibilities of the position as well as the prerequisites with the aid of HR specialists.

8. How may the type of tests be described?

- The purpose of the selection tests is to evaluate a candidate's proficiency in the knowledge,
skills, and talents that the job analysis deems necessary for successful job performance. A test
is a tool created to assess particular psychological variables. The fundamental premise
underlying the use of tests in personnel selection is that people differ in their job-related
aptitudes and competencies, and that these aptitudes and competencies may be sufficiently
and precisely assessed for comparison. Human abilities come in a variety of complicated and
interconnected forms. Therefore, these need to be understood in relation to one another.

9. In induction, what activities are taken?

-Necessary information are given to the new employee where he/she is given the background
and history of the company and given its goals and objectives

10. How may the two general types of training be described?

-Training for nonmanagers, they carry out numerous processes linked to their roles as well as
the company's goals and initiatives. Non-management employees can carry out a variety of
crucial tasks for the companies they work for, such as acting in the capacities of accountants,
tellers, associates, receptionists, or cashiers. Programs for executives are intended for people
with work experience who want to advance to more senior roles. These programs offer
education in a variety of subjects, including innovation and leadership, which are crucial for
managers and executives. Executive training courses can come in a variety of lengths, and they
can be scheduled according to the busy schedules of working professionals.


Prepare a forecast of the human resource needs of an engineering firm.

We create a model to help engineering professional services organizations manage their

competitive resources—skilled engineers—better so they can better meet client demand.
Senior executives from engineering, information technology (IT) services, and technical
consulting organizations participated in semi-structured interviews that shaped the model. As a
result, we are able to fully capture the complexity of the resource planning process in the
market for professional engineering services. The key characteristics of supply, demand, and
operational restrictions are noted in the resulting model. Several test firms are developed
using the information obtained from the interviews. The effects of various resource planning
policies on business performance are then examined using these test firms. Business metrics
like the project completion rate and net revenue are used to assess how these policies have
affected the economy. In order to ensure consistency in employee assignment to projects, our
model is further extended to capture a multiphase rolling planning horizon where projects may
span multiple phases.
Joseph David M. Forcadas
Engineering Management
BSCE-3/Block 1


Engineer de Guzman lacks the expertise to fill the vacant post at the newly constructed
telecommunication facility in Antipolo with a suitable candidate. Rizal, and he is unsure of
what to do next. The answers can be the alternate actions in number $. Finding references
from his friends in the business could be helpful to identify qualified candidates, but those
people be unavailable. Additionally, Engineer de Guzman lacks the qualifications for hiring
these whether they met the requirements. The alternate strategy in number 5 is one of the
best options. Finding skilled employees is made easier by searching for a human resources
manager to assist with staff.
The number 6 is the other alternate course of action. Finding appropriate employees for
the new facility will be made easier by pursuing training and experience in recruitment.
Finding a human resource manager may cost less. The duration of facility operations is the
danger. Engineer de Guzman cannot take the training and some experience because he has a
restricted amount of time to complete his work. The final possible course of action is number
7, which could result in him failing to complete his task in time. Instead of hiring a human
resources manager, it is preferable to consult with recruitment firms and obtain a qualified
individual because doing so will increase the cost of employee salaries. I would say that the
best alternative course of action is option number 7.
#3-Research work: Prepare a forecast of the human resource needs of an engineering firm.

We create a model to help engineering professional services organizations manage their

competitive resources—skilled engineers—better so they can better meet client demand.
Senior executives from engineering, information technology (IT) services, and technical
consulting organizations participated in semi-structured interviews that shaped the model. As a
result, we are able to fully capture the complexity of the resource planning process in the
market for professional engineering services. The key characteristics of supply, demand, and
operational restrictions are noted in the resulting model. Several test firms are developed
using the information obtained from the interviews. The effects of various resource planning
policies on business performance are then examined using these test firms. Business metrics
like the project completion rate and net revenue are used to assess how these policies have
affected the economy. In order to ensure consistency in employee assignment to projects, our
model is further extended to capture a multiphase rolling planning horizon where projects may
span multiple phases.

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