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Lesson Plan

Teacher’s name: Ibragimova Dilnaz
Grade:8 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: TV programmes
Learning objectives(s) that use speaking and listening skills to solve problems
this lesson is contributing creatively and cooperatively in groups;
to: understand with little or no support most specific
information in extended talk on a wide range of general and
curricular topics; understand specific information and detail in texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including
some extended texts;

Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:

Read listen and say information about tv programmes
make sentences using the phrases
Most learners will be able to:
read the text about and find the meaning of the text
Some learners will be able to:
to make sentences using the phrases and their ideas and share
with their minds
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Part of the Teacher’s Student’s Assessment Resources
lesson/Time activity activity
Beginning of Organization Students try to At the Vocabulary
the lesson moment: continue this organization Whiteboard
Warming-up 1. Greeting. sentences with moment T tries
Team work 2. Checking their own ideas. to listen Ss and
5 min. homework The aim: To give them
develop Ss feedback and to
3. Continue the
speaking and evaluate with
given sentence
listening skills words such as
“If I have a
To overcome the “Good”, “Well
1000$, I will
conversational done”, “Good
barrier job” and etc.
Pre-learning Student’s book Ss ask and name Descriptor: Whiteboard
«Presentation p. 34 what they know. -know the Student’s
part» Try to guess definitions book
8 min. T asks the what kind of TV - can make
question “What programmes it is sentence
kind of TV (presentation - know
programmes do part) vocabulary.
you know?”
Aim: Find out Total: 1point
T shows a
how much do
they know and
with popular
give them new
examples for
each type of
program with
their definitions.
Efficiency: Ss
After that T refresh their
introduces the mind before
aim and theme starting new
of the lesson. theme.

Middle of the T plays video Ss listen the task Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson with exercise and try to fill the -can choose Student’s book
Video which includes gaps. write
previous adjective/adverb
Team work. grammar topic. Aim: Improve
6 min. listening skills
https:// and refresh Total: 1point
en.islcollective.c previous
om/video- grammar topic T praise active
lessons/ and vocabulary Ss with phrases
comparative- such as: “Good
adjectives- job!
adverbs Well done!”
“One more
time, please”

Reading Students book Ss look through Descriptor: Whiteboard

page 34 ex. 3 the text and try -work with new Student’s book
Team work to understand theory
8 min. meaning of it -can define the
Aim: increasing main topic
the amount of After reading -can ask
new words and close the book questions
phrases and and one by one
improving create the Total: 1point
speaking skills questions about
this text

Group work T presents a test Ss work in a Descriptor: Whiteboard

10 min in the form of group and try to -know new Student’s book
quiz. give more right words
Quiz T divides them answers. -can ask and
into the three answer the
group and show questions
them questions.

Aim: enlarge

Ss use new
vocabulary and
practice it.

End of the T ask the Ss answer on Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson. questions about these questions. Speak on the Pupils Book
the lesson: theme “TV
Reflection Aim: To know programmes”,
-Do you have a how many Ss -describe
question? got the theme. programmes -
-What do you 2points.
5 min.
like more? Efficiency:
Ss can give their Ss evaluate each
opinion other and
Differentiation: classmate with
«Conclusion» phrases like:
method is used Well done!
to finish the Brilliant! Good
lesson. job! I like it!

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