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A Review of Colorectal Cancer in Terms of Epidemiology, Risk
Factors, Development, Symptoms and Diagnosis
Tomasz Sawicki 1, * , Monika Ruszkowska 1 , Anna Danielewicz 1 , Ewa Niedźwiedzka 1 ,
Tomasz Arłukowicz 2 and Katarzyna E. Przybyłowicz 1

1 Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Food Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn,
Słoneczna 45F, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland; [email protected] (M.R.);
[email protected] (A.D.); [email protected] (E.N.);
[email protected] (K.E.P.)
2 Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Collegium Medicum,
University of Warmia and Mazury, 10-900 Olsztyn, Poland; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Simple Summary: According to the available data, colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most
common malignant neoplasms. Depending on the location, type of cancer or gender, it is ranked
2nd to 4th in terms of incidence in the world. CRC, year by year, shows an increasing tendency in
terms of both morbidity and deaths. Many factors may be responsible for the development of this
disease, including genetic and environmental factors. Considering all the aspects, we made efforts to
 systematize the available literature data in terms of epidemiology, risk factors, type and nature of

symptoms, development stages, available and future diagnosis of colorectal cancer.
Citation: Sawicki, T.; Ruszkowska,
M.; Danielewicz, A.; Niedźwiedzka,
Abstract: This review article contains a concise consideration of genetic and environmental risk
E.; Arłukowicz, T.; Przybyłowicz, K.E.
factors for colorectal cancer. Known risk factors associated with colorectal cancer include familial
A Review of Colorectal Cancer in
and hereditary factors and lifestyle-related and ecological factors. Lifestyle factors are significant
Terms of Epidemiology, Risk Factors,
Development, Symptoms and
because of the potential for improving our understanding of the disease. Physical inactivity, obesity,
Diagnosis. Cancers 2021, 13, 2025. smoking and alcohol consumption can also be addressed through therapeutic interventions. We also made efforts to systematize available literature and data on epidemiology, diagnosis, type and nature
cancers13092025 of symptoms and disease stages. Further study of colorectal cancer and progress made globally
is crucial to inform future strategies in controlling the disease’s burden through population-based
Academic Editors: Éric Chastre and preventative initiatives.
Antonio V. Sterpetti

Keywords: colorectal cancer; cancer; risk factors; symptoms; epidemiology

Received: 1 March 2021
Accepted: 21 April 2021
Published: 22 April 2021

1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
The most common cancer diagnosed in both sexes is lung cancer (11.6% of the total
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
cases), followed by breast cancer in women (11.6%) and prostate cancer in men (7.1%).
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is third in terms of recognition (6.1%) and second in terms of
mortality (9.2%). It is estimated that by the year 2035, the total number of deaths from
rectal and colon cancer will increase by 60% and 71.5%, respectively [1]. These figures
may differ from country to country depending on the degree of economic development.
Therefore, the disease is widely recognized as a marker of the country’s socioeconomic
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
development [2]. The increase in morbidity is also influenced by lifestyle, body fatness and
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
dietary patterns [3]. There is convincing evidence that physical activity has a protective
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
effect. The risk of developing the disease is increased by more frequent red and processed
conditions of the Creative Commons
meat and alcohol drinks [2,4]. The progress of civilization and economic development,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// apart from improving socioeconomic conditions, also causes a change in dietary patterns, referred to as the westernization of the lifestyle. This means higher consumption of animal
4.0/). fats, processed meats, refined grains or sweets, a low supply of dietary fibers, fruits,

Cancers 2021, 13, 2025.

Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 2 of 23

vegetables and low physical activity. The occurrence of overweight or obesity is often the
result of such a lifestyle [5]. Overweight and obesity are associated with an increased risk
of many civilization diseases. Visceral obesity has been reported to adversely affect the
prognosis of CRC in men [6]. About a quarter of a contributor to genetic predisposition.
The development time of CRC usually lasts from several to several years; therefore, it
is very important to diagnose it early in developing the disease. Based on follow-up
examinations and nutrition prevention based on a balanced diet, secondary prevention is
also important [7].
Considering all the aspects, we made efforts to systematize the available literature data
in terms of epidemiology, risk factors, type and nature of symptoms, stages of development
and available diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

2. Epidemiology
Colorectal cancer is the third most popular occurring cancer in men and the second
most commonly occurring cancer in women. There were over 1.9 million new cases in
2020 [3,8]. Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of death from cancer,
estimated to be responsible for almost 935,000 cancer deaths [3]. Globally it is one of the
cancers whose incidence is increasing comprising 11% of all cancer diagnoses [9]. According
to GLOBOCAN 2020 data there is a broad geographic variation in CRC incidence and
mortality among various countries of the world (Figure 1) [10,11]. It has been recognized
that the most significant increase in CRC incidence and mortality occurs in medium and
high human development index (HDI) countries that are adopting the “western” way of
life [9,10]. Developed countries are at the highest risk of colon cancer. Obesity, sedentary
lifestyle, red meat consumption, alcohol and tobacco are considered the driving factors
behind the growth of CRC [3,8–11]. Therefore, colorectal cancer is a disease of developed
countries with a western lifestyle [12,13]. Factors that influence life expectancy, including
health-related behaviors (smoking, obesity and exercise) and social factors (education,
income and government expenditure on health), profoundly impact cancer development.
Life expectancy levels must be considered when developing strategies to prevent and treat
cancer [12,13]. Interesting data comes from study conducted that in 2007 to 2016, 2006 to
2015 or 2005 to 2014, depending on the data’s availability, colon cancer incidence increased
in 10 of 36 countries analyzed (all in Asia or Europe); India had the most significant
increase, followed by Poland [3,11]. All 10 of these countries have medium to high (HDI)
scores. Six countries had a decrease in colon cancer incidence; these countries had the
highest HDI scores; the United States had the most significant reduction, followed by
Israel. Seven countries (including all countries from Northern America) had a decrease in
incidence among persons older than 50 [9–11]. Eight countries had an increase in colon
cancer incidence among persons younger than 50 years, including the United Kingdom
and India. Countries with a decreased or stable incidence among persons 50 years or older
but a significant increase in persons younger than 50 years included Germany, Australia,
the United States, Sweden, Canada and the United Kingdom [8–11]. The decline in the
incidence of CRC was recorded only in Italy among people under the age of 50. Among
women, 12 of 36 countries (all from Asia and Europe) had an increase in colon cancer
incidence, and seven countries had a decrease; India had the most significant growth,
followed by Slovenia [9,10]. Many works have attracted attention that colorectal cancer
survival depends on the stage at which it is diagnosed, with later-stage diagnosis having
lower survival [2,3,8,9]. The five-year survival rate is 90 percent for colorectal cancers
diagnosed at an early stage compared with 13 percent for those diagnosed later. At age
0–74, the cumulative risk of dying from colon cancer is 0.65% among men and 0.45% among
women [3,8,11]. Age-standardized (world) mortality rates per 100,000 of CRC in both sexes
is 8.9 [3].
s 2021, 13, xCancers 2021, 13, 2025 3 of 24 3 of 23

Standardized incidence
Figure 1. Standardized
Figure incidence and mortality rates for CRC for both sexes in 2020, per 100,000.

In the
In recent years, recent years,
global the global
burden of CRC burden of CRC by
will increase will60%,
increase by 2.2
to over 60%, to over 2.2 million
new cases and 1.1 million deaths by 2030. Such a significant
new cases and 1.1 million deaths by 2030. Such a significant increase will be the result ofincrease will be the result of
economic development, an economic transformation consisting
economic development, an economic transformation consisting in the transition from low- in the transition from low-
to-medium-HDI nations and generational changes in developed
to-medium-HDI nations and generational changes in developed countries. Many research countries. Many research
studies emphasize that this increase is also the result of environmental
studies emphasize that this increase is also the result of environmental changes, such as a changes, such as a
more sedentary more sedentary
lifestyle, lifestyle,
abnormal abnormal
bony weight bony weightconsumption
(obesity), (obesity), consumption
of highlyofpro- highly processed
food, alcohol, red meat consumption and an increase in
cessed food, alcohol, red meat consumption and an increase in overall life expectancy overall life expectancy [2,9,10].
With the best scientific understanding in mind, an updated
[2,9,10]. With the best scientific understanding in mind, an updated study of the current study of the current patterns
and temporal
patterns and temporal trendstrends
of CRC of from
CRC afrom a global
global perspective
perspective is critical
is critical to developing future
to developing
strategies for prevention and treatment programs to
future strategies for prevention and treatment programs to reduce disease incidence.reduce disease incidence. Many
research works emphasize the need to allocate resources for health education focused on
Many research works emphasize the need to allocate resources for health education fo-
CRC risk factors and to formulate screening programs using the latest scientific reports in
cused on CRC risk factors and to formulate screening programs using the latest scientific
the aspect of public health.
reports in the aspect of public health.
3. Risk Factors
3. Risk Factors
Multiple factors have been implicated in the development of colorectal cancer (Figure 2).
Multiple factors have been implicated
It was demonstrated in the development
that individuals of colorectal
are at increased cancer
risk for CRC (Figure
if they (or their relatives)
2). It was demonstrated that individuals are at increased risk for CRC if they
have had cancer, a history of colon polyps, inflammatory bowel diseases, (or their
diabetes mellitus
relatives) haveorhad cancer, a historyLifestyle
cholecystectomy. of colonfactors
inflammatory bowelroles
play important diseases,
in CRC diabe-
etiology. The evi-
tes mellitus ordence
cholecystectomy. Lifestyle factors
shows that overweight also play
and obesity, important
physical roles in
inactivity, CRC etiol-
cigarette smoking, alcohol
ogy. The evidence shows that overweight and obesity, physical inactivity,
consumption and inappropriate dietary patterns (a diet low in fiber, cigarette smok-
fruits, vegetables,
ing, alcohol consumption
calcium and and inappropriate
dietary products and dietary
high patterns
in red and(a processed
diet low in fiber,increase
meat) fruits, CRC risk. In
vegetables, calcium and dietary products and high in red and processed meat) increase
addition, gut microbiome, age, gender and race and socioeconomical status are known to
CRC risk. In addition,
influencegut microbiome,
colorectal cancerage,
risk.gender and race and socioeconomical status
are known to influence colorectal cancer risk.
3, x Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 4 of 24 4 of 23

Figure 2. The main risk factors

Figure associated
2. The with colorectal
main risk factors associatedcancer.
with colorectal cancer.

3.1. Family
3.1. Family and Personal and Personal
Medical History Medical History
3.1.1. Family History and Genetics
3.1.1. Family History and Genetics
A family history of colorectal cancer significantly increased the risk of developing
A family history of colorectal
colorectal cancer. This cancer significantly
phenomenon sharesincreased the riskgenetic
both inherited of developing
predisposition and
colorectal cancer. lifestyle
This phenomenon
factors. The shares both relevant
information inherited forgenetic predisposition
future colorectal cancer and life- among
style factors. Theother,
include: (i)relevant for future
the generational colorectal
distance cancer occurrence,
of the relatives to the individualsamong at risk; (ii) the
other, include: (i) the generational distance of the relatives to the individuals at risk; (ii) of family
age at which the first-degree relatives developed colorectal cancer; (iii) the number
the age at which themembers diagnosed
first-degree with colorectal
relatives developed cancer; (iv) family
colorectal co-occurrence
cancer; of otherofneoplasms
(iii) the number
(e.g., endometrial, ovarian and urinary tract, pancreatic) and (v) personal history of cancer.
family members diagnosed with colorectal cancer; (iv) family co-occurrence of other neo-
Previous studies indicated that people with one affected first-degree relatives (parents,
plasms (e.g., endometrial, ovarian and urinary tract, pancreatic) and (v) personal history
siblings and children) have, on average, two times higher risk of CRC in comparison
of cancer. Previous to studies
those with indicated
no family that peopleThe
history. withriskoneof affected first-degree
CRC development relatives higher
is significantly
(parents, siblings ifand children) have, on average, two times higher
a relative is diagnosed before the age of 60. Moreover, a higher number risk of CRC in com-of affected
parison to those with
only history.
alsoof CRC and
second- development
third-degree) is also
increases the disease
higher if a relative is [14–17].
risk diagnosed before the age of 60. Moreover, a higher number of af-
fected relatives (not only It isfirst-degree
estimated that but2–8%
also of colorectal
second- andcancer cases arise
third-degree) as aincreases
also result of inherited
the syn-
dromes. The two most common hereditary syndromes that predispose for colorectal cancer
disease risk [14–17].
development are hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), also known as Lynch
It is estimated that 2–8% of colorectal cancer cases arise as a result of inherited syn-
syndrome, and familial adenomatous polyposis coli (FAP). HNPCC is an autosomal dom-
dromes. The two most common hereditary syndromes that predispose for colorectal can-
inant disease caused by mutations in genes known as mismatch repair errors. Proteins
cer development are hereditary
encoded by these nonpolyposis colorectal
genes are responsible forcancer
errors in DNA alsothat
knownoccurasduring cell
Lynch syndrome,division.
and familialMost adenomatous
cases of HNPCCpolyposis
are associatedcoli with
mutations in is
MLH1an autoso-
and MSH2 genes.
mal dominant diseaseHowever, caused
thereby aremutations
several other ingenes
genes known in
mutations aswhich
mismatch repair
give rise to HNPCCerrors.(e.g., MSH6,
Proteins encoded MLH3,
by these genesPMS1
TGBR2, are responsible for reaper
and PMS2). Patients witherrors
HNPCC in have
DNAabout that 20%
occur dur-
risk of developing
CRC cases
ing cell division. Most by theof age of 50 and
HNPCC areabout 80% risk
associated of developing
with mutationsCRC by theand
in MLH1 age MSH2
of 85 [15,18–21].
genes. However, thereSimilar to HNPCC,
are several otherFAPgenesalsomutations
presents an inautosomal
which give dominant pattern of heredity.
rise to HNPCC
It is caused by adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene defects. APC is classified as a
(e.g., MSH6, MLH3, TGBR2, PMS1 and PMS2). Patients with HNPCC have about 20% risk
tumor suppressor gene. It encodes a protein that plays a significant role in regulating
of developing CRC by the age of 50 and about 80% risk of developing CRC by the age of
DNA replication and cell division. Individuals with FAP start to develop hundreds or
85 [15,18–21]. even thousands of colon polyps in their mid-teens and, with high-probability, most of
Similar to HNPCC,
these colonFAPpolyps
also presents
evolve into ancancer.
autosomal dominant
It is assumed that pattern
almost all ofpatients
heredity. withIt the earlier
is caused by adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene defects. APC is classified
unrecognized and untreated FAP syndrome will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer before as a tumor
suppressor gene. It theencodes
age of 35–40a protein
[19–22].that plays a significant role in regulating DNA rep-
lication and cell division. Individuals with FAP start to develop hundreds or even thou-
sands of colon polyps in their mid-teens and, with high-probability, most of these colon
polyps evolve into cancer. It is assumed that almost all patients with the earlier unrecog-
nized and untreated FAP syndrome will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer before the
Cancers 2021, 13, x 5 of 24

Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 5 of 23

The increased risk of CRC development is also linked with the occurrence of Peutz-
Jeghers syndrome, Juvenile polyposis syndrome, PTEN hamartoma tumors syndrome
The increased risk ofpolyposis
and MUTYH-associated CRC development
(MAP) [21].is also linked with the occurrence of Peutz-
Jeghers syndrome, Juvenile polyposis syndrome, PTEN hamartoma tumors syndrome and
MUTYH-associated polyposis
3.1.2. Inflammatory Bowel (MAP)
Disease [21]. Disease; Ulcerative Colitis)

Disease(IBD) is ranked
(Crohn’s as Ulcerative
Disease; the third-highest
Colitis) risk condition for
the development of colorectal cancer, behind HNPCC and FAP. IBD is a group of chronic
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is ranked as the third-highest risk condition for
and incurable diseases, which affect the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract and,
the development of colorectal cancer, behind HNPCC and FAP. IBD is a group of chronic
in consequence, lead to the development of uncontrolled inflammation. The two major
and incurable diseases, which affect the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract and,
forms of IBD are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The etiology of IBD is unknown,
in consequence, lead to the development of uncontrolled inflammation. The two major
it is considered that the development of IBD is a result of interactions between genetic,
forms of IBD are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The etiology of IBD is unknown,
immunological and environmental factors [20,23]. Due to the fact that chronic inflamma-
it is considered that the development of IBD is a result of interactions between genetic,
tion promotes tumor growth and progression, individuals with IBD have about 2–6 times
immunological and environmental factors [20,23]. Due to the fact that chronic inflammation
higher risk of developing CRC in comparison to healthy individuals. The risk of CRC in-
promotes tumor growth and progression, individuals with IBD have about 2–6 times higher
creases with the duration of IBD and the anatomic extent and severity of the disease
risk of developing CRC in comparison to healthy individuals. The risk of CRC increases
with the duration of IBD and the anatomic extent and severity of the disease [14,24,25].
3.1.3. Colon
3.1.3. Polyps
Colon Polyps
Colon polyps
Colon polyps (precancerous
(precancerous neoplastic
neoplastic lesions)
lesions) are are defined
defined asas an
an abnormal
abnormal growth
of tissue projecting from a mucous layer of the colon. They are histologically
of tissue projecting from a mucous layer of the colon. They are histologically classified classified
into two main categories: non-neoplastic
non-neoplastic (hamartomatous, hyperplastic and inflammatory
polyps) and neoplastic
neoplastic (adenomatous,
(adenomatous, Figure 3). 3). The adenomatous polyps are of great great
potential to
importance because they harbor the potential to become
become malignant.
malignant. It isis estimated
estimated that
colorectal cancer
about 95% of colorectal cancer isis developed
developed from
from adenomatous
adenomatous polyps.polyps. Despite
Despite the
the fact
estimated that
that almost all cancer arises from adenomas, it is estimated that only
only about
about 5% 5% of
of polyps
progress to
progress to colorectal
colorectal cancer
cancer [16,26].
[16,26]. The period
period for
for the
the transition
transition of
of adenomatous
adenomatous polypspolyps
into invasive
invasive adenocarcinoma
adenocarcinomaisis5–15 5–15years
yearsandandthe therisk of of
risk malignant
transformation in-
creases with
increases withpolyp
dysplasiaandand the
the age
age of individuals. Polyps greater greater
than 1–2 cm in diameter,
diameter, aa high
high degree
degree of
of dysplasia
dysplasia and and increasing
increasing age
age are
are unfavorable
prognostic factors. Due
Due to the fact that approximately 40% of people at the age of 50 or or
older have one or more
more adenomatous
adenomatous polyps, it is is of
of great
great importance
importance to to identify
identify these
polyps and remove
remove them
them prior
prior to
to cancer
cancer transition
transition [14,26].

Figure 3. Representative histopathologicalappearance
adenomatous (A,B)
(A,B) and
and serrated
serrated (C,D)
changes in the colon.
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 6 of 23

3.1.4. Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia,
which results from defects in insulin secretion and/or action. It is estimated that around
460 million people globally are currently suffering from diabetes and the number will
continue to grow. Epidemiological data indicate that diabetes is an independent risk factor
for several gastrointestinal cancers, including colorectal cancer [27,28]. Individuals with
type 2 diabetes have about two-three times greater risk of developing colorectal cancer in
comparison to the non-diabetic population [29,30]. The development of colorectal cancer is
thought to be related to an increase in insulin concentration and an inflammatory condition
associated with the disease. Hyperinsulinemia may contribute to colorectal cancerogenesis
directly by stimulating colonic cell proliferation and indirectly by increasing the level of
insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is a mitogenic factor that enhances cell growth
and decreases cell death [27,31]. Moreover, chronic inflammation associated with diabetes
favors carcinogenesis, malignant transformation, tumor growth, invasion and metastasis
through the action of proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (Il-6) [31,32].

3.1.5. Cholecystectomy
The possible association between cholecystectomy, the surgical removal of the gall-
bladder from the body and subsequent colorectal cancer incidence has still not been firmly
established or refuted. The results from some studies indicated an increased risk of CRC
development after cholecystectomy [33–35], whereas others have reported no increased
risk [36–38]. The possible increased risk of CRC after cholecystectomy is thought to be
associated with changes in the secretion and composition of bile acids. Under physiological
conditions bile acids are released periodically in response to food intake. In the absence of
a gallbladder, there is a continuous flow of bile to the intestine, which results in increased
bacterial biotransformation of bile acids into secondary bile acids. The secondary bile
acids have the potential to generate reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, disturb the cell
membrane and induce DNA damage and apoptosis in the colonic mucosa cells, which
increase the risk of developing colon carcinomas [39,40].

3.2. Lifestyle
3.2.1. Dietary Patterns
• Diet high in red and processed meat
According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer Group, red meat and
processed meat were classified as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A) and car-
cinogenic to humans (Group 1), respectively. Red meat is defined as the meat derived from
the muscle of farm animals (e.g., beef, lamb, game and pork). Processed meat refers to the
meat that has been preserved by curing, salting, smoking or adding chemical preserva-
tives in order to improve favor or extend the shelf life. Studies have shown that regular
consumption of red and processed meat is an important risk factor for the development of
colorectal cancer [20,41]. It is estimated that the risk of CRC may increase by about 17%
for every 100 grams portion of red meat and by approximately 18% for every 50 grams
of processed meat eaten daily [42–44]. The exact mechanism by which consumption of
red and processed meat may contribute to the development of colorectal cancer is still
under investigation. Several factors that are believed to influence the occurrence of cancer
are heterocyclic amines (HACs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and N-nitroso
compounds (NOCs)—harmful substances that may be produced during high-temperature
or open-fire cooking of meat (e.g., pan-frying, grilling and roasting). HACs are formed
during the specific reaction of free amino acids, carbohydrates and creatinine or creatine
(substances found in muscle). PAHs, in turn, are formed when fat and juice from meat
come into contact with open flames. The smoke that contains PAHs attaches to the sur-
face of the cooked meat. HACs and PAHs are considered genotoxic substances that have
the potential to cause point mutations (deletions, insertions and substitutions) and, in
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 7 of 23

consequence, initiate the process of carcinogenesis. Similarly, NOCs (nitrosamine and

nitrosamide) are potent carcinogenic agents that can react with DNA. These substances
are synthesized from amines or amides and oxides of nitrogen (nitrites or nitrates, i.e.,
substances used as a food additive to inhibit the growth of bacteria and gives the meat
the desirable cured) during high-heat cooking of processed meat [45,46]. The other factor
that is believed to contribute to the malignant transformation of colon cells is heme, an
iron-containing porphyrin presents in large amounts in red meat. It was demonstrated that
heme increases oxidative stress and induce lipid peroxidation of intestinal cells. Reactive
oxygen species contribute to DNA damage and gene mutations. Reactive lipid peroxides,
in turn, exert a cytotoxic effect on epithelial cells. The damage of the cell surface results
in hyperproliferation of the cells and leads to epithelial hyperplasia, which may evolve
to dysplasia and cancer. In addition, heme irons stimulate the endogenous formation
of the above-mentioned NOCs and induce alternation in the gut microbiota leading to a
state of dysbiosis [5,41,44]. It should be also emphasized that consumption of high-fat red
and processed meat contributes to obesity, insulin resistance and an increase of bile acid
secretion, which acts as an aggressive surfactant for the mucosa and increase the risk of
developing colorectal cancer.
• Diet low in fiber, fruits and vegetables
It was shown that the high consumption of dietary fiber could reduce the risk of
colorectal cancer development by up to 50% [14]. However, currently available results of
epidemiologic studies not unequivocally support the protective effects of fiber against CRC
and the precise mechanism of anticancer fiber action has not been clearly established. The
potential mechanism of the protective effect of fiber consumption on CRC development
includes: (i) reduction of transit time for stool throughout the colon and, in consequence,
reduction of contact between potential carcinogenic substances and colonic epithelium,
(ii) increase in the amount of water in fecal content and thus dilution of carcinogens and
procarcinogens present in fecal, (iii) binding sterols and bile acids metabolites, which
may be implicated in carcinogenesis, and (iv) stimulation the growth of beneficial gut
microbiota, which, in turn, ferment fiber and produce short-chain fatty acids—substances
suggested to exert tumor-suppressive effects. Therefore, dietary guidelines recommend
people consume at least 20–30 g of fiber per day [5,16,17,41]. Naturally great sources of fiber
are fruits and vegetables. In addition to fiber intake, consumption of fruits and vegetables
provides a large number of bioactive compounds, such as vitamins, minerals, folate, plant
sterols and protease inhibitors. Many of these compounds exhibit potent antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties, which could inhibit DNA and cellular damage. The results
from several studies demonstrated that a high intake of fruits and vegetables may be linked
with a lower CRC risk development [17,24,41].
• Diet low in calcium, vitamin D and dairy products
According to the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Re-
search [41], the high consumption of dairy products (in particular milk) is probably in-
versely associated with the risk of developing colorectal cancer. The suggested protective
effect of dairy products has been largely attributed to their content of calcium. It was
demonstrated that calcium binds secondary bile acids and fatty acids diminishing their
ability to modify intestinal mucosa and, in consequence, limiting their carcinogenic po-
tential. Moreover, calcium was found to inhibit proliferation and to induce apoptosis of
tumor cells and reduce distinct patterns of mutation in proto-oncogene KRAS [5,41,47].
In addition to calcium, the other milk component, i.e., vitamin D is also suggested to
play a beneficial role against CRC development. The roles of vitamin D and calcium are
closely related since the primary function of vitamin D is the maintenance of calcium
homeostasis by enhancing its intestinal absorption. It is hypothesized that the anticancer
effect of vitamin D may be a result of the increased level of serum calcium concentration. It
should be emphasized, however, that vitamin D exerts many other physiological functions
that may play an important part in cancer control. The results of the studies showed that
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 8 of 23

vitamin D alters the expression of a variety of genes involved in the regulation of growth,
proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of epithelial cells. Moreover, it exhibits anti-
inflammatory action, improved immune function and inhibits angiogenesis [48,49]. Due to
the fact that the major source of vitamin D for humans is skin exposure to sunlight, there
are some studies to determine if the distribution of colorectal cancer incidence depends
on amounts of natural light. It was demonstrated the colorectal cancer mortality rates
were higher in the northern regions of the United States and Europe. It is assumed that
people who live at higher latitudes are exposed to less amount of solar ultraviolet-B dose,
synthesize less vitamin D and therefore have a higher risk of developing and die from
colorectal cancer [48]. On the other hand, the results of the study performed in Norway
showed that there is no significant north–south gradient for the death rate for colon cancer.
However, the survival rate of colon cancer depended on the season of diagnosis and was
the lowest in the cancers diagnosed in the autumn. Recent meta-analyses of prospective
cohorts demonstrated that, regardless of geographic location, higher serum vitamin D
level was related to a statistically significant, substantially lower colorectal cancer risk in
women and non-statistically significant lower risk in men [50]. According to World Cancer
Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research [41], the evidence for vitamin D
was limited and there is a need to perform research assessing the anticancer activity of
vitamin D.

3.2.2. Overweight and Obesity

A condition of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation (overweight and obesity) is a
convincing risk factor for the development of colorectal cancer. Overweight/obese men and
women have about 50% and 20% greater risk of developing colorectal cancer in comparison
to people with normal weight, respectively. It is estimated that an overall CRC risk increase
by 3% for every five kilograms of weight gain [17,20]. The mechanisms underlying the
induction of carcinogenesis in overweight/obese people are not fully understood and still
under intense study. Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ that plays a crucial role in the
regulation of energy intake and inflammatory response. It was found that abnormal or
excessive fat accumulation causes alternations in adipose tissue hormone and cytokine
secretions. Adipose tissue of overweight/obese people release more factors (e.g., leptin,
resistin, TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, IL-7 and IL-8), which are known to exhibit mitogenic effects on
epithelial cells, inhibit apoptosis of the cells, promote oxidative stress, suppress immune
response and reduce the activity of IGF-1 axis and have been associated with cancer
development and progression [5,41,51].

3.2.3. Physical Inactivity

Epidemiological data indicate that an increasing colorectal cancer incidence in devel-
oped and developing countries may be the result of a sedentary lifestyle. It is estimated
that physically inactive people have up to 50% higher risk of developing colorectal cancer
in comparison to the most physically active ones [17,52]. Regular physical exercises have
been shown to improve immune system function, reduce inflammation, reduce stress,
optimize metabolic rate, help regulate hormone level and prevent obesity and, as a result,
may help protect against cancer development [47].

3.2.4. Cigarette Smoking

Tobacco smoke is an established risk factor for the development of many types of
cancer, including colorectal cancer. The results of the studies indicated that people who
smoke cigarettes have to 2–3-fold increase risk for developing CRC in comparison to
non-smokers and the risk increases with dose and duration of exposure [31]. In addition,
it is considered that cigarette smoking is attributed to up to 12% of colorectal cancer
deaths [16]. Tobacco smoke contains a mixture of thousand chemicals, over 60 of which
are well-established carcinogens (e.g., N-nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
aromatic amines, aldehydes and metals) that are known to damage DNA. Mutations in
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 9 of 23

colorectal epithelial cells may lead to polyposis development, which, in turn, may transit
into invasive adenocarcinoma [53].

3.2.5. Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol intake is one of the major contributors to colorectal cancer development.
It is estimated that the consumption of 2–3 drinks daily increases the risk of CRC by
about 20%, whereas drinking more than three alcoholic beverages increases this risk by
about 40% [17,20]. Individuals who are used to drink four and more drinks every day
increase their chance of developing colorectal cancer for up to 52% [54]. To date, the vari-
ous mechanism by which alcohol may induce carcinogenesis have been proposed. They
include the production of reactive oxygen species and nitrogen species (during the oxida-
tive metabolism of ethanol), production of mutagenic acetaldehyde (the first metabolite
of ethanol), depletion of S-adenosylmethionine (epigenetic alternations), inactivation of
the tumor suppressor genes, hormonal imbalance, reduction in folate concentration and
impairment of retinoic acid metabolism [47,55].

3.3. Others
3.3.1. Gut Microbiota
Recently, a growing number of studies indicated that gut microbiota may be a key
factor that contributed to the development of many pathological processes, including cancer.
The gut microbiota (microbiome) comprises a large population of diverse microorganisms
(bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa) inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract of humans. In
healthy people, the microbiome is involved in nutrient metabolism and absorption, drug
metabolism and elimination of xenobiotics. In addition, normal gut microbiota participates
in the maintenance of intestinal barrier integrity, protects against pathogens and plays
an important role in immunomodulation. According to the latest research that explored
the microbiome of the individuals with colorectal cancer, alternation in the composition
and functionality of the normal gut microbiota may lead to initiation, promotion and
progression of this cancer. It was demonstrated that toxic metabolites of bacteria cause
DNA damage, affect cell cycles, stimulate immune response and lead to disturbance of
the intestinal barrier function. As a result, impaired intestinal microbiota homeostasis
contributes to the development of the microenvironment favorable to develop colorectal
cancer [56–60].

3.3.2. Age
Due to the fact that about 90% of all new cases of colorectal cancer occurring in
individuals over 50 years old, older age is considered to be one of the most significant
factors influencing the risk of developing colorectal cancer [14,16]. It is estimated that
people after the age of 65 have about three times greater risk to develop colorectal cancer in
comparison to those at the age of 50–64 and about 30 times greater risk than people at the
age of 25–49 [20]. The average age at diagnosis is 68 and 72 years old for men and women,
respectively. The fact that colorectal cancer is the age-related disease is particularly evident
in the developed countries where the rate of colorectal cancer is the highest. The number
of colorectal cancer incidence in these countries is associated, among others, with longer
life expectancy and, in consequence, increase number of old people in the population [61].
It should be emphasized, however, that the results of the newest studies indicated that the
incidences of colorectal cancer rise among young adults (20–49 years old) in the United
States and Europe [62,63]. Currently, it is recommended to begin screening for colorectal
cancer in adults aged more than 50 years. According to the authors of the studies, if the
mentioned trend continues, screening guidelines should be reconsidered.

3.3.3. Gender and Race

According to the American Cancer Society, men have about 30% higher risk of devel-
oping colorectal cancer in comparison to women. In addition, men who are diagnosed
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 10 of 23

with colorectal cancer have a worse prognosis and approximately 40% higher mortality
compared to women [17]. On the other hand, women are more prone to develop right-sided
colon cancer, which is often diagnosed at a more advanced stage and seemed more aggres-
sive than left-sided tumors [64,65]. The reasons for sex disparity are not fully understood,
it is considered that they may be related to the differences in the exposure to risk factors
(e.g., alcohol and tobacco), dietary patterns and sex hormones [17,47].
The incidence of colorectal cancer varied substantially by race also. The non-Hispanic
Black individuals experience one of the highest incidence rates of all racial groups. It is
estimated that colorectal cancer incidence rate in non-Hispanic Blacks is approximately
50% higher than in Asians/Pacific Islanders and about 20% higher than in non-Hispanic
Whites [17,66].

3.3.4. Socioeconomics Factors

It is believed that people with low socioeconomic status (SES) generally have a higher
risk of developing cancer than those with high SES. This may be explained in part by limited
access to health care services and high-quality treatment resources and unhealthy dietary
habits, sedentary lifestyle and smoking in the low socioeconomic status population [16,67].
It should be emphasized, however, that the results concerning the association of SES with
the incidences of colorectal cancer are inconsistent. In North America, people with low
SES exhibited a higher incidence of colorectal cancer in comparison to people with high
SES, contrary, in Europe, high SES groups often show a higher risk of developing colorectal
cancer. Therefore, there is a need to perform additional studies in order to establish the
impact of socioeconomic status on colorectal cancer occurrence [68].

4. Development Factors
The formation of CRC consists of the stages of initiation, promotion and progression.
Initiation involves irreversible genetic damage that predisposes the intestinal mucosa’s
affected epithelial cells to subsequent neoplastic transformation [69]. In the promotion
phase, the initiated cells multiply, generating abnormal growth (cancer). In contrast, benign
cancer cells turn into malignant ones during the progression stage and acquire aggressive
features and metastatic potential [24]. A crucial part of most CRC carcinogenesis steps is
the presence of a benign precursor lesion, defined as a polyp (defined as abnormal growth
on the colon mucosa growing in its lumen). Another type of lesions identified in the large
intestine lumen is adenomatous polyps (adenomas, Figure 4) and serrated polyps, which
are the direct precursors of most cancers [20,70]. Advanced adenomas (≥1 cm in diameter)
with or without diversity have a significantly higher risk of cancer progression (from 30 to
50%) than non-advanced adenomas (1%). Moreover, advanced adenomas characterizing
the higher transition rates to cancer, increasing with age [71,72]. The other changes in
the gut wall, such as polished polyps, represent a group of heterogeneous lesions, which
include: hyperplastic polyp, traditional serrated adenoma, sessile serrated adenoma and
mixed polyp [73]. They combine the toothed morphological appearance of hyperplastic
polyps and dysplastic features of adenomas, and these changes are precursors to approx-
imately 10–15% of sporadic CRC. However, the most common lesion present in the gut
is a hyperplastic polyp (80–90%) [53]. The research showed that the hyperplastic polyps
(especially large and/or in the proximal colon) could pass in the CRC as part of a serrated
pathway through traditional serrated adenoma or serrated sessile adenoma [74]. Undoubt-
edly, the process of CRC carcinogenesis is quite slow, starting with a slight inflammation,
then through the development of adenomatous polyps in the epithelium, and finally, the
development of adenocarcinoma (Figure 5) [75]. Moreover, the process is driven by the
accumulation of mutations and genetic changes and takes 10–15 years, but maybe faster in
some conditions, e.g., in patients with Lynch syndrome [76].
Cancers 2021, 13, x 11 of 24
Cancers 2021, 13, x 11 of 24

lium, and finally, the development of adenocarcinoma (Figure 5) [75]. Moreover, the pro-
lium, and finally, the development of adenocarcinoma (Figure 5) [75]. Moreover, the pro-
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 cessisisdriven
cess drivenby
mutationsand andgenetic
genetic changes
changes and
and takes
takes 10–15
of 23
years, butmaybe
inin patients
patients with
with Lynch
Lynch syndrome
syndrome [76].

Figure endoscopic images
images of of adenomas
adenomas andand
CRC CRC at different
at different stages.
stages. (A)—Tubular
(A)—Tubular ade-
Figure 4. Selected endoscopic images of adenomas and CRC at different stages. (A)—Tubular ade-
noma; (B)—tubulo-villous
(B)—tubulo-villous adenoma;adenoma; (C)—sedentary
(C)—sedentary serrated
serrated adenoma adenoma
(SSA) without(SSA) without
dysplasia; dysplasia;
noma; (B)—tubulo-villous adenoma; (C)—sedentary serrated adenoma (SSA) without dysplasia; (D)—tubular
(D)—tubular grade 1 and (E)—tubular
adenocarcinoma, grade adenocarcinoma, gradeadenocarcinoma,
1 adenocarcinoma,
and (E)—tubular 2. grade 2.
adenocarcinoma, grade 1 and (E)—tubular grade 2.

Figure 5. Representative histopathological appearance of adenocarcinoma in the colon.

Figure 5.
Figure 5. Representative
Representative histopathological
histopathological appearance
appearance of
of adenocarcinoma

About 20% of CRC is associated with hereditary syndromes such as familial adeno-
matous polyposis (FAP), Lynch syndrome (HNPCC), mutation-related polyposis MUTYH
(MAP) and hamartomatous polyposis syndromes (Peutz-Jeghers, juvenile polyposis and
Cowden disease) [51,77,78]. In the case of HNPCC, one allele of the DNA repair gene,
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 12 of 23

while in FAP, one allele of the adenomatous polyposis tumor suppressor (APC) gene is
inactivated by the germline [77]. Moreover, about 80% of people with FAP have an affected
parent, including about 20% of cases are de novo mutations. It is estimated that 95% of
people with FAP develop adenoma as early as 35 [78]. A colectomy is then indicated, rec-
ommended when more than 20–30 adenomas have been designed, or multiple adenomas
with advanced histology have developed. HNPCC is associated with pathogenic variants
of the MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 and EPCAM genes, and is also characterized by an
increased risk of CRC, the pathological feature of which is the presence of mucinous adeno-
carcinoma (lifetime risk at 52–82%, mean age at diagnosis 44–61 years) [23,79]. Moreover,
this neoplasm may predispose to asynchronous or metachronous colorectal neoplasm [68].
CRC may also arise in the inflammatory pathway in patients with inflammatory bowel
disease, particularly ulcerative colitis. In these patients, from the absence of dysplasia,
through dysplasia for an indefinite period, low-grade dysplasia, to high-grade changes
towards neoplastic transformation, finally, CRC occurs [24].
The most commonly affected genes in the CIN pathway (the chromosomal instability
pathway) are APC, p53 and K-ras, which are responsible for the adenocarcinoma sequence
pathway. Changes within these genes lead to mutational activation of oncogenes or inacti-
vation of tumor suppressors, which consequently causes malignant transformation. CIN
pathway is responsible for 70–85% of all CRC cases [80–82]. Apart from the mechanisms
related to chromosomal instability (CIN) and microsatellite instability (MSI—microsatellite
instability), a third one should be mentioned, related to the methylator phenotype (CIMP—
CpG island methylator phenotype) [83,84]. It is associated with hypermethylation of
numerous gene promoters (including MLH1), the V300E mutation in the BRAF gene, and
loss of TP53 and p16 functions. These disorders cause silencing of suppressor genes and
thus disturbances in the MMR system’s functioning, the occurrence of MSI and the state of
hypermutation. This mechanism is most often observed in the development of serrated
architectural lesions, most often in women in the colon’s proximal part [85].
As mentioned above, CRC is a non-homogeneous disease entity. Individual cases
differ in location, degree of histological malignancy or the type of neoplasm. However, the
most exciting thing is the multilevel molecular complexity. The consensus developed in
2015 by the CRC Subtyping Consortium identified four molecular subtypes of colorectal
cancer (CMS): CMS1—MSI-immune activation, CMS2—canonical, CMS3—metabolic and
CMS4—mesenchymal. The classification is of practical importance: individual subtypes
differ in their clinical course and respond differently to chemotherapeutic and biological
treatment. This may determine the selection of the optimal, individualized therapeutic
strategy for each patient and is also a helpful predictive and prognostic tool. Perhaps the
most promising is the application of these phenomena to molecular screening for colorectal
cancer [86].
In 10% of all colorectal cancers, serrated adenocarcinomas develop by replacing adeno-
matous polyps with serrated polyps on the so-called serrated lesion pathway, showing the
presence of the BRAF mutation and epigenetic silencing of various genes, but without APC
gene involvement, as is the case in other pathways. Another mechanism leading to CRC is
microsatellite instability (MSI), caused by the disruption of DNA repair genes [44,80,87].
The inherited genetic predisposition and exposure to environmental factors may work
together to form adenomas and cancer based on synergy [44]. However, most CRCs are
sporadic, meaning that patients do not have a genetic burden, and the development of
this type of cancer is linked to lifestyle and environmental factors. Moreover, long-term
exposure to carcinogens may promote oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can be increasing
DNA damage by generating sequential accumulation of somatic mutations, leading to
genome instability [44].

5. Symptoms
CRC may be suspected when some of the lower gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are
present. National Institute for Health and Professional Excellence has published guidelines
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 13 of 23

on which basis health practitioners may identify patients with a high CRC probability.
Suspected CRC recognition and referral for future diagnosis are related to the occurrence
of rectal bleeding, abdominal mass, abdominal pain, change in bowel habit, unexplained
weight loss and iron-deficiency anemia [88]. However, some non-site-specific symptoms,
such as unexplained appetite loss and deep vein thrombosis, should be mentioned. For
these symptoms, an assessment for additional symptoms, signs or findings may help clarify
which cancer is most likely to be carried out and offer urgent investigation or a suspected
cancer pathway referral [89].
In some research the usefulness of symptoms of detecting CRC has been evaluated.
They present single signs or symptoms that have low utility (sensitivity and specificity)
for the CRC diagnosis. Moreover, both positive and negative likelihood ratios (PLR
and NLR) confirm the presence or lack of symptoms does not significantly modify the
probability of CRC detection [90–92]. Nevertheless, in clinical practice, according to many
guidelines, colonoscopy is performed in patients with bowel signs and symptoms suspected
of CRC [88]. However, some studies suggest that co-occurrence of some symptoms may
enhance the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for colorectal cancer. [90,91], e.g., the
presence of a palpable abdominal mass on examination and a report of dark red rectal
bleeding [90] or rectal bleeding and weight loss and change in bowel habit [92].
In the context of CRC treatment, patients who have been diagnosed before they had
symptoms of CRC (or these were the first symptoms) and the disease was detected at an
early stage have a much better prognosis. For this reason, all alarming symptoms that may
suggest CRC should encourage the patient to see a doctor urgently and have colorectal
diagnostic tests done [93].

6. Diagnostic
For individuals suspected of having CRC, primary care physicians should carry out a
physical examination of the abdomen and analyze the health history to diagnose. The sus-
picion of CRC on physical examination and subject examination indicates that the patient
is referred to a gastroenterology clinic. During the visit, the doctor should consult patients
in terms of family history, consider assessing risk factors, and then choose an appropriate
optical and/or imaging diagnosis method. Another pathway for detecting CRC is various
screening programs (pilot, opportunistic or organized) placed worldwide [94]. Despite
a higher number of programs, the participation ranged from 16.1% to 68.2% [95]. The
programs mostly include individuals aged 50–75 years with wide variations in screening
practices depending on the protocols resulting from the study stage, colonoscopy capacities
and financial resources. Screening programs are implemented more frequently in Western
countries with higher CRC prevalence with a different type of test. Most of screening
diagnostic methods include fecal immunochemical test for hemoglobin (FIT), guaiac fecal
occult blood test (gFOBT), (optical) colonoscopy (OC), flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) and
digital rectal exam (DRE) [94].
Assessment of family history of cancer in first (FDR), second (SDR) and third-degree
relatives is essential to obtain detailed information in the diagnosis process [96]. Taken
information should include relative consanguinity, age at cancer diagnosis, current age
or age and cause of death, type of cancer, its medical case history and ethnicity. Research
provides that the risk of CRC is the highest, along with patients with FDRs with CRC [96].
Additionally, the number and degree of relatives determine the screening pathway for
CRC diagnosis. In case of one FDR with CRC or more than one FDRs with advanced
adenoma was reported, the patient is examined by colonoscopy every 5–10 years or
FIT every 1–2 year begins at the age of 40–50 years or 10 years earlier than FDR age of
diagnosis. In case of more than one FDRs or SDRs with CRC or polyps and more than
two FDRs with CRC is reported in the patients’ family history, the colonoscopy should
be done every 5 years beginning at the age of 40 or 10 years earlier than the age of FDR
diagnosis [97]. Other information should include potential determinants such as non-
paternity or born resulting from sperm/egg donors. Suppose suspected CRC, syndromes
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 14 of 23

and other syndrome-specific features are diagnosed in personal or family history (e.g.,
Lynch syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis, MUTYH-associated polyposis and
hamartomatous polyposis syndromes). In that case, the patient should follow high-risk
guidelines, and the surveillance should be started by age 20–25 [98,99]. Additionally, in any
patient with suspected colorectal cancer, it is recommended to pay attention to peripheral
lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, a palpable abdominal tumor and the presence of ascites.
The fecal occult blood test is the first-choice screening test in primary care. However,
it has been recommended for their implementation to refer patients with low-risk bowel
symptoms but has not been recommended for all symptomatic patients [88]. For CRC
screening and detection of occult bleeding, high-sensitivity, guaiac-based (HSgFOBT)
or immunochemical-based (FIT) tests are recommended [99]. gFOBT is not specific to
human hemoglobin, and some foods or drugs can affect the results of this test; therefore,
it requires some restriction to comply before tested [98]. FIT measures the amount of
human-specific hemoglobin in a feces sample and is recommended in place of gFOBT for
patients with low-risk CRC symptoms. NICE guidelines recommend it for the patient with
unexplained changes in bowel habits and iron deficiency anemia (patients aged 60 and over,
even in the absence of iron deficiency) for use in primary care or screening for suspected
CRC [88]. FIT may help effectively excluded CRC among symptomatic patients [100] and,
in conjunction with clinical assessment, may safely and objectively determine individual
risk of CRC for further decisions about urgent or routine management [101]. Moreover,
FIT is preferable to the gFOBT in terms of the detection rate, positive predictive value
and participation rate [102]. Recent meta-analyses confirm that quantitative FIT is highly
sensitive for CRC detection [103] and indicated that at a cut-off around 10 µg Hb/g faces
has the potential to rule out CRC correctly and decrease colonoscopy rate in 75–80%
of symptomatic patients [104]. Recommendation to routinely perform FIT in primary
care in individuals with unexplained symptoms but no rectal bleeding who do not meet
criteria for suspected CRC is currently not sufficiently evidenced [88]. However, recent
research indicates that FIT performs exceptionally well to triage patients with low-risk
CRC symptoms [105].
Endoscopy (colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and rectoscope) is the basis for a diagnosis
of CRC. It allows tumors to be detected, samples to be taken, and the rest of the bowel to be
inspected. Flexible sigmoidoscopy allows visualization of the left-side colon and, if neces-
sary and possible, remove polyps. It does not require thorough patient preparation for the
examination as colonoscopy and can be performed by physicians and non-physicians [98].
Diagnosis by colonoscopy is the procedure with the highest sensitivity and specificity for
the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Colonoscopy makes it possible to assess the entire large
intestine and the terminal part of the small intestine. During the examination, it is possible
to take a biopsy and then have the material evaluated histopathologically [106]. High-
quality baseline colonoscopy has to meet adequate bowel preparation criteria, complete
examination to the cecum, attention to complete polyp excision and performed by a colono-
scopist with acceptable adenoma detection rate [107]. Further scheduling of surveillance
colonoscopies depends on the results of the number and size of polyps and adenomas
detected during baseline colonoscopy [107]. New methods such as artificial intelligence
are implemented in colonoscopy to support and improve its effectiveness in detecting
and assessing colorectal polyps. A computer-aided diagnostic system (CAD) that uses
deep-learning technology can accurately determine polyp histology (from 63.8–71.8% to
82.7–84.2%) and may facilitate endoscopist diagnosis [108]. Additionally, results of deep
neural network demonstrated better polyps detection with using narrow-band imaging
than white light endoscopy (WLE) (accuracy 95% vs. 74%) and using the two-channel red
plus green images than full-color WLE images (74% vs.91%) [109].
As invasive endoscopy tools are the ideal methods for detecting cancer at an earlier
curable stage and removing the precancerous adenomas, some non-invasive methods are
accessible to the whole visualization colon with good sensitivity and specificity; however, it
does not allow biopsy during imaging. Colon capsule endoscopy (CCE) can be used as an
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 15 of 23

alternative to colonoscopy in screening patients at moderate CRC risk when conventional

colonoscopy cannot be performed or is contraindicated or rejected by patients. First-
generation CCE has low-quality evidence that would deceive a good sensitivity and
specificity for detecting CRC polyps and has a good safety profile [110]. However, the
sensitivity in the detection of polyps >6 mm and >10 mm increased substantially between
the development of its first-generation and second-generation [111], which has a wider
angle of view and an adaptive frame rate dependent on the speed of passage of the capsule
into the colon [112]. Despite CEE having a good accuracy in detecting polyps and colorectal
cancer among high- and middle-risk patients [113], it is not recommended as a first-line
screening or diagnostic method for CRC [114].
Computed tomographic colonography (CTC) is a non-invasive, rapid radiographic
imagining test. The patient’s preparation for the examination is the same as for colonoscopy,
and the examination itself is not very pleasant due to the discomfort caused by the in-
sufflation procedure [106]. High-quality evidence supports its strong recommendation
as an acceptable and equally sensitive radiological examination alternative for the CRC
diagnosis for patients with and without alarm symptoms [111]. This method’s overall
sensitivity is comparable to that of colonoscopy but is significantly lower for detecting
polyps <8 mm [106].
Routine imaging-based diagnosis often limits the detection of cancer due to its small
size or difficulty in separating it from soft tissues, which is particularly important for
diagnosing metastases and assessing response to treatment [115]. A clinical challenge
important for selecting and planning an appropriate management and treatment strategy
is to perform a comprehensive clinical analysis that includes the use of the most recent
imaging techniques combined with the assessment of tumor biomarkers and genetic
features of the tumor [115]. The detection level of most conventional imagining techniques
is insufficient to detect metastases. New techniques such as diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-
MRI) or fibroblast activation protein inhibitor–positron emission tomography (FAPI-PET)
is prospective due to high specificity and sensitivity, also in the case of extraperitoneal
lesions [115–118].
An important marker that was supposed to help detect or predict the stadium of CRC
is the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) concentration. A study in patients with abdominal
symptoms, who have been ruled out after a complete colonoscopy, provides that CEA
should not be considered to assist in the triage of patients with CRC [119]. The correlation
between CEA levels and level of the tumor differentiation, diameter and staging is weak.
In the majority of patients with and without colorectal cancer CEA levels may be within
normal limits. Therefore, on this basis, it would not be ruled out the colorectal cancer
diagnosis, and these patients should be investigated in detail [120]. Additionally, the
preoperative serum level cannot indicate the specific stage and histopathological size of
the CRC [121]. However, the CEA seems to be of substantial importance as a predictive
and prognostic marker of relevance for choosing targeted therapy and for overall and
progression-free survival in some types of CRC [122–124].
Once CRC is confirmed by histopathological examination, further diagnosis is deter-
mined individually depending on its findings. Additional diagnostics include imaging
studies to assess the local stage, the presence of enlarged lymph nodes and distant metas-
tases and the risk of obstruction. Additionally, based on the presence or absence of specific
genetic biomarkers, individualized chemotherapy can be introduced, the efficacy of which
may be higher compared to a standard procedure. In colon and rectal cancer appropriate
for resection (non-metastatic), chest, abdominal, pelvic computed tomography (CT), pelvic
magnetic resonance imagining (MRI), complete blood count, chemistry profile and CEA,
enterostomal therapist as indicated for the preoperative marking of the site [125] and in
rectal cancer proctoscopy endorectal ultrasound (if MRI is contraindicated or for superficial
lesions) have to be considered [99]. In both colon and rectal cancer, the positron emission
tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) scan is not indicated, and in appropriate
patients, fertility risk should be discussed [99,126]. In case of suspicion or proven metastatic
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 16 of 23

synchronous adenocarcinoma (any T or N, and M1) the diagnosis should be extended by

determination of tumor gene status for KRAS and B-RAF mutation and/or HER2 amplifi-
cations, testing microsatellite instability (MSI) and mismatch repair (MMR) and consider
PET-CT scan (skull base to mid-thigh) and MRI od liver [99,125].
KRAS and BRAF encode a small G protein and a Ser/Thr protein kinase. They take
part in regulating the mitogenic signaling cascade of the RAS/RAF/mitogenic-activated
protein kinase (MAPK) or PI3K (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase) pathways, which are acti-
vated by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). EGFR is responsible for stimulates
critical processes involved in tumor growth and progression, including proliferation, an-
giogenesis, invasion and metastasis [127]. Mutations in the KRAS and B-RAF genes lead to
hence constitutive activation of RAS/RAF proteins despite EGFR activation is blocked, and
are considered to be an early event in CRC carcinogenesis with presence in about 20–50%
cases [127,128]. A polymorphic tandem repeats of short nucleotide sequences distributed
through the genome are microsatellites. These sequences are particularly prone to mutation
due to polymerase errors, leading to frameshifts and base-pair substitutions during replica-
tion of DNA, resulting in shortening or extension of microsatellite regions in neoplastic
cells. Mutation or silencing of MMR genes (such as MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 and MLH1) may
cause MSI [129–131]. Patients with advanced CRC lacking KRAS or B-RAF mutations will
prefer anti-EGFR therapy. In contrast, standard therapy based on 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) will
be predisposed by testing for the presence or absence of chromosome deletions 18q and
determining the tumor phenotype based on microsatellite instability (MSI) or microsatellite
stability (MSS) [128–130].
In recent years, researchers have been working extensively to identify new biomarkers
for the non-invasive diagnosis of CRC. Still, they currently may be considered as universal
one about to predict the risk of invasion, metastasis occurrence or resistance to specific
therapeutic regimens [132] and can be successfully translated into clinical practice [133].
There are a vast number of candidates for diagnostic biomarkers, depending on their types.
Abnormally methylated genes may affect the function of DNA repair (MGMT), apop-
tosis (BNIP3, DAPK and PCDH10), cell migration (vimentin and TIMP3), proliferation
(CDKN2A, IGF2, MYOD1, RARβ2, SFRP1 and SFRP2), and differentiation (NDRG4),
transcriptional regulation (GATA4 and TFAP2E) and others, and support prediction of
clinical outcomes, such as treatment and survival prognosis, metastasis occurrence and
therapy-resistant [134,135].
Protein biomarkers allow detecting CRC (MST1, serpin family, SEPT 9, leucine-rich
alpha-2-glycoprotein 1, EGFR and inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy-chain family mem-
ber 4) [133,136], staging existing cancer [137] and predict response for specific treatment
(pEGFR for cetuximab response and PCBP1 and Cdk5 for oxaliplatin resistance) [133].
Detection of tumor circulating DNA (ctDNA) from dead cancer cells in body fluids
may be applied to diagnosis, determine cancer type and grade, prognosis reoccurrence
and treatment response [138]. Liquid biopsies like ctDNA are useful in detecting local
tumors and distant metastatic, their types and non-invasive procedure [138,139]. However,
these examinations are much adequate for high mutational burden tumors and associated
with high false-positive/negative results [139]. The recent systematic review indicates
that epigenetic ctDNA markers are potentially the most promising blood-based assay for
CRC detection [140], and a high sensitivity and specificity screening test ctDNA SEPT9
methylation was approved to use. It is superior to CEA and FIT tests in asymptomatic
population screening [141] and may be effectively used to exclude normal subjects [142].
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding, endogenous, single-stranded RNA of 18–25 nu-
cleotides length and can adversely regulate gene expression in the mechanism promoting
the inhibition at the translation level or leading to the degradation of target mRNAs [143].
Differential expressions of various exosomal miRNAs, both alone and in panels, may
constitute a potential biomarker for CRC diagnosis, making possible earlier diagnoses
and a more personalized approach. Their role in clinical practice can be associated with
diagnostic (miR-329, miR-181a, miR-199b, miR-382, miR-215 and miR-21), also in the early-
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 17 of 23

stage (miR-125a-3p, miR-320c and miRNA-486-5p), prognostic (miR-181a-5p, miR-18a-5p

and miR-18b-5p), tumor growth (miR-21, miR-23a, miR-92a and miR-1246) or predictive
risk for high risk adenomas to transform in CRC (miR-21, miR-29a, miR-92a and miR-135b)
and prognosis place of metastasis (miR-548c-5p and miR-328), predictive for adjuvant
treatment and recurrence (miR-4772-3p) or stratification for chemotherapy (miR-21) [144].
Circulating miRNAs as novel biomarkers remain several challenges to be overcome before
their clinical application. A further investigation regarding the origin and biological func-
tion of miRNAs is needed. Additionally, an explanation of the mechanisms through which
miRNAs might be involved in the resistance to chemotherapy and other targeted therapies
is required [145].
There has been an increased attempt to clarify the relationships between gut microbiota
and colorectal cancer. Research results indicate that assessing different microbiota-related
biomarkers may be a helpful non-invasive tool in CRC preventing, diagnosing and even
treating. Some reviews and meta-analyses reported that specific species and gut bacterial
dysbiosis might be related to CRC occurrence and observed in CRC patients and ani-
mal models [146]. As mentioned above, gut dysbiosis with high pathogenic microbiota
metabolic activity may lead to deconjugation of bile acids and an increase in the level
of secondary bile acids, e.g., deoxycholic acid, with an exert carcinogenic activity. Addi-
tionally, procarcinogenic and enterotoxin metabolites, such as sulfides, ammonia, phenols
and nitrosamines, produced on the path of bacterial protein fermentation, amino acids
degradation or reduction of dietary sulfate might be involved in CRC development [146].
In addition, gut microbes’ metabolic products may trigger inflammation response, produce
reactive oxygen species, toxins or mediators (such as tumor necrosis factor alfa, interleukin-
6 and cytokines), which may cause DNA damage and induced dysfunction or damage
to epithelial cells [58]. High prevalence of Fusobacterium nucleatum [147], Parvimonas mi-
cra ATCC 33270, Streptococcus anginosus, Parabacteroides distasonis and other members of
Proteobacteria were detected in samples of CRC and adenomas patients and present high
discriminatory capacity in diagnosis [148]. In turn, bacterial as F. nucleatum [149–151] and
Bacteroides fragilis were related with worse prognosis, while Faecalibacterium prausnitzii were
common in the survival group [150]. A fascinating insight is that in F. nucleatum and B. frag-
ilis high abundance group, KRAS and BRAF expression were more noticeable [150]. Recent
work has suggested that fecal microbial composition and metabolites can module the
response to chemotherapy or immunotherapy [152]. These opportunities might be related
to stem cell transplantation’s effectiveness and modulating response to immunotherapy
and treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Microbial manipulation in the clinical
setting by administrating targeted design probiotics may reduce proinflammatory and
anti-inflammatory cytokines and locally alter immunity that positively impacts cancer
therapies results [152]. Promising results are presented in the work of Poore et al. [153], in
which using blood microbial DNA allows high cancer type discrimination between cancer
and healthy patients. Assessment of microbial blood-based DNA in patients’ plasma,
soon, may become a tool with a great potential for scheduling adequate treatment and
expected therapeutic response [139]. However, there is insufficient evidence to recommend
a microbiome-based test in place currently-used FIT or gFOBT as a non-invasive and
inexpensive diagnostic tool in population-based screening programs [154]. Due to wide
variability in bacterial species that may cause CRC, experts representing various fields need
to collaborate to develop an inhibition strategy before progression to the neoplastic stage.

7. Conclusions
Further clinical studies are needed to understand the mechanisms of carcinogenesis,
the impact of lifestyle, behavioral, environmental and genetic factors, or the synergistic
action of the different aspects to increase preventive/treatment efficacy and patient survival
with CRC.
Moreover, researchers are still searching for new tumor markers useful for diagnosis
in primary and secondary care, but despite promising results, the evidence to date is
Cancers 2021, 13, 2025 18 of 23

insufficient. The ongoing research is critical to developing future strategies to control the
burden of this disease through population-based prevention initiatives and demonstrates
areas for further improvements in multidisciplinary cooperation.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.S.; writing—original draft preparation, T.S., M.R., A.D.,
E.N., T.A., K.E.P.; writing—review and editing, T.S., M.R., A.D.; visualization, T.S., M.R., T.A.;
supervision, T.A., K.E.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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