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Home and away page6 A pack of lies page24

Language focus Language focus
The tense system - all tenses 6 What's the question?- The true story o f a real fake 24
Using the correct tense - Hi from Australia 7 Indirect questions 25
Active or passive? 8 Questions with prepositions 26
Tenses in context - Living abroad 8 Negatives 26
Auxiliary verbs have, be, or do? 9 no, not, or none? 27
have or have got? 9 Negative auxiliaries and questions - Don't you know? 27
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Compound nouns - road rage 10 Antonyms and synonyms - real, unreal, fake 28
house and home idioms 10 Prepositions
Phrasal verbs Verb + preposition - agree with 28
Literal and idiomatic meanings 11 Pronunciation
Pronunciation Intonation in question tags 29
Vowel sounds and spelling - /e/ head, bed 11
Exam practice Units 1-4 page30
The ends of the Earth page 12
Language focus
A future perfect? _ _ _ _ page 32
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? 12
Present Perfect Passive 13 Language focus
Simple or continuous verb forms 13 Future forms - question tags - won't you? 32
Simple or continuous in context - M t Everest 14 will or going to? 32
have something done 14 Future Continuous or Future Perfect? 33
All futures - What does John say? 34
make or do 15 Conjunctions in future time clauses - until, unless 34
Travel and transport 15 Future forms in context - A n inspirational teenager 35
Travel idioms - sail through 17 Correct the mistakes 35
Prepositions Vocabulary
Prepositions of movement - Joe's journey across town 16 Common verbs - take, put 36
Commonly confused words - lend, borrow, owe 36
17 Phrasal verbs
Word stress - explore, exploration
Phrasal verbs - types 2 (separable) and 3 (inseparable) 37
The kindness of strangers page 18 Pronunciation
Sounds and spelling - phonemic script 37

Language focus
Narrative tenses - Prince William to the rescue! 18 Making it big page38
Irregular past verbs 19
Past Simple or Past Continuous? 19 Language focus
Past passives 20 Countable or uncountable? - coins, cash 38
All tenses in context - It's a wonderful life 20 Expressing quantity - The canteen 39
Vocabulary Compounds with some, any, no, every 40
Film, theatre, and book reviews 21 Quantifiers in context --Hopeful entrepreneurs 41
Positive and negative adjectives 22 Prepositions
Time expressions - lately 22 Prepositions and nouns - on average, in debt 42
Phrasal verbs Prepositions in context - Should've gone to Specsavers! 42
Type 1 (no object) - go off 23 Vocabulary
Money advice - set up direct debits 43
Diphthongs - /per/ /peg/ 23 Pronunciation
Words with variable stress - refuse, refuse 43

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Let there be love! page 44 lliJOver my dead body! page64
Language focus Language focus
Revision of all modals 44 Revision of modals - present to past 64
Positive to negative - must - mustn't /don't have to 45 Modal verbs of probability - may, might, etc. 64
Present probability - must be going on holiday 45 Past probability- active and passive 65
Need - need to go/needn't go 45 Past modals in context - Buried alive! 66
Modals and related verbs in context -Ask Lolita 46 Vocabulary
Vocabulary Expressions with heart, head and hand 68
Common verbs - get 47 Body idioms - shoulder responsibility 68
Love and relationships - kiss and make up 48 Prepositions
Phrasal verbs Verbs + prepositions - accuse ... o f 69
Type 4 - verb + adverb + preposition - get on with 48 Pronunciation
Pronunciation Rhymes and limericks 69
Consonant clusters - doesn't /'dAznt/ 49
Just suppose ... page70
page SO
Language focus
Language focus Hypothesizing - wishes and regrets 70
Relative clauses - Olympics quiz 50 Real and hypothetical past 71
Relative pronouns - which, whose, etc. 51 Making excuses with the 3rd conditional 71
Defining or non-defining relative clauses? 51 The 3rd conditional in context - Mary's disastrous day 72
Punctuation in relative clauses 51 Revision of all conditionals and words other than i f 73
Prepositions in relative clauses 52 Vocabulary
Participles as adjectives - bored, boring 52 Word pairs - sink or swim 74
Participle clauses - people living in flats 52 Similar words, different meaning - childish, childlike 74
Relatives and participles in context -
Phrasal verbs
Hair-raising Hannah 53
Nouns from phrasal verbs - downfall, breakout 75
People, places, and things 54
Ways of pronouncing ea - bread, meat 75
Extreme adjectives - absolutely brilliant 54
Nouns in groups - a three-mile walk 54
About time! page76
Adjective + preposition - angry with 55 Language focus
Pronunciation Articles - a, the or zero article 76
Silent consonants - write, clime 55 Articles in context - So much, so young 76
Determiners - all, every ... Demonstratives - this, that ... 77
Revision - Better late than never for Sugar Man 78
Exam practice Units 5-8 page56
Ways of combining nouns - cat food/the cat's food 79
page SS life and time - lease o f life, take your time 80
Common verbs - be, have 80
Language focus
Expressing habit 58
My family's bad habits - She will gossip. Revision 81
Past habit - used to and would 59 Pronunciation
used to, get used to, and be used to 60 Nouns and verbs - advice/advise 81
Expressing habit in context - Girls (and boys) on film 61 Emphasis in speaking - /do like Annie. 81
Homonyms - glasses 62 Exam practice Units 9-12 page82
Homophones - bored/board 62
Adjective intensifiers - great big 62 Answer key page84
Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs and nouns - fill in a form 63 Irregular verbs page94
Weak and strong forms - /w:n/ /woz/ 63
Phonetic symbols page95

Contents ,. 3
Home and away
• The tense system • Compound nouns
• Active or passive? • house and home idioms
• Auxiliary verbs have, be or do • Phrasal verbs - literal and idiomatic

Language focus wash

The tense system 13 A Where are my jeans?
1 Write a correct verb form, active or passive, using the B They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the moment.
verb in bold. Sometimes more than one is possible. 14 My favourite white shirt went pink. It _ _ _ _ _ _ _
with my son's red football socks!
drive 15 He was soaking wet because he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
the dog.
1 A How did you get here?
B We drove . It didn't take long. have
2 'Hi, Teresa. Be outside your house in one minute.
I_____ just _ _ _ _ _ into your road. I'm 16 We need a new TV. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this one
in a blue car: for years.
3 I'm exhausted. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for hours. 17 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a lovely time on the beach
Edinburgh to London is a long way! until it started to rain.
18 Don't ring at 8.00. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dinner then.
4 It was a really rough game. At half-time, one of the
rugby players to hospital. 19 At the end of May, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for 6 years.
5 These trousers fit perfectly. I 20 The children _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ how to make bread
them. when one boy dropped his bowl on the teacher's foot.
6 My eight-year-old twins looked very guilty. They
some chocolate biscuits 2 Complete the chart with the verbs from 1.
from the kitchen cupboard.
Active Simple Continuous
sell Present
Past drove
7 My friend her home-made
pies and cakes at the market on Saturdays. Future
8 If no one offers to buy the house, it Present Perfect
by auction.
Past Perfect
9 I wish I'd bought that leather jacket in last week's
sale. I'm sure it willhave been sold by now. Future Perfect
Passive Simple Continuous
make Present

10 Our sandwiches freshly
daily. Future
11 Have you heard about Lionel? He Present Perfect
Past Perfect
12 By the time I'm 30, I enough
money to buy a house. Future Perfect willhave been sold

6 Unit 1 • Home and away

3 Choose the correct verb form. 5 We 've been going I 're going I were going on holiday to
Italy for the past five years now. We love it!
1 I 'll study I study I 'm studying hard at the moment
because I have my final exams next month. 6 When I was a little girl, I 've spent I spent I spend all my
2 It s I s been I had been really cold recently, so I've
pocket money on sweets.
bought a new winter coat. 7 We were taught I taught !have been taught by a lovely
teacher when I was in Year 1.
3 My daughter's netball team promoted I has been
promoted I is promoted to the_ first division. 8 It's my boyfriend's birthday next month. He loves
Japanese food, so I 'm going I 'll be going I 'll to take
4 I made I was making I 'm making dinner when the
him out to dinner.
doorbell rang.

Using the correct tense

4 Read the conversation between Nicola in Australia and her parents in the UK. Put the verbs in the correct tense.

em Listen and check.

= 07:00 53%

Hi from Australia
N Hi Dad! Wait a moment, I'm just 1 making (make) myself a cup of tea.
Ahh ! That's better - it's seven o'clock in the morning here.
D Sorry love, I always 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (forget) that you're 11 hours
ahead. Your mum 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ just _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go)
upstairs to get her glasses. She 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) here in a sec.
Jackie! Come on- Nicola 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not have got) all day.
N It's 01<, Dad. It's Saturday, so no rush! I'm exhausted! I 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _

(get) things ready for our annual sales conference next week at work, so I
deserve some 'me time', and I 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not speak) to you guys
for ages!
D You look tired, love. Don't work too hard. Anyway - how are the children?
They look so grown up in those holiday photos you 8_ _ _ _ _ _ _

(put) on Facebook.
N They're fine. Ollie 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (study) for his Year 12 Certificate.
He hopes he 10_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (accept) at the University of Melbourne
next year. Becky 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (choose) to play for her school
netball team - she's so pleased. How are you and Mum? Where is she?
I want to speak to her, too.
D She 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (get) a bit deaf. I 13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (shout)
louder. JACl<IE, COME ON! IT'S NICOLA! Now, where was I? We're both
fine. We 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) on holiday last month, but we just
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (stay) at an Airbnb in Brighton to get some sea air.
We 16 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (save up) to come and see you at Christmas.
I 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not realize) how expensive flights are. At last!
Here's your mum. Jackie, what 18 _ _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ (do)
all this time?
M I'm sorry, I couldn't find my glasses. Hi, Nicola, sweetheart! You look tired.
I wish I could give you a big hug.
N Me too, Mum, but not long now before you and Dad 19 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(be) here. Make sure you don't forget your glasses! You
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (forget) them last time you visited!
M I 21 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not forget) them this time, promise! Now, love, tell
us how you are, and my lovely grandchildren ...
Unit 1 • Home and away 7
Active or passive? Tenses in context
S Some active sentences can sound 7 Read about Matt Perry and complete his biog with verbs
unnatural. Rewrite them using the i n the correct tense, active or passive, positive or negative.
1 They built our house i n the 19th

2 Someone's decorating m y flat at

the moment.
My name is Matt Perry and I'm 14 years old.
3 Has someone fixed the printer yet? My f a m i l y ' - - - - - (move) to Japan from
Denver, Colorado, three years ago, and we
2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (/ive) in Tokyo for the
4 W e had lots o f takeaways while
past two years. At first, it was a real culture shock
they were installing the new
kitchen. and I 3_ _ _ _ _ (think) I'd never fit in, but
now Tokyo feels like home, and I '
While the new kitchen _ _ _ _
I (miss) it when we move back to De_n_v_e_rn-e-x- t ye - ar.

5 W h e n we went up to our hotel

room, we found that someone Why did we move?
hadn't cleaned it. My dad's an officer in the US Air Force and he
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (relocate) abroad many times. In
6 They won't recognize her i n those the past, Mum and I stayed in Denver, but we 6_ _ _ _ _

dark glasses. (not want) to be apart from Dad again, so this time we all
moved. We 7_ _ _ _ _
She ----------- (be) here for four years by the
time we return home nex t year. That's the longest my dad

6 Put the verb i n brackets into the •_ _ _ _ _ (Jive) anywhere since he joined the Air Force.

=- -;- - -?- - -
correct tense and form, active or rC
- !:-- r: -------c= :.c

1 The robbers _ _ _ _ (catch) •••••• What's it like in Japan?

as they (drive) away _ !! ! I 9_ _ _ _ _ always _ _ _ _ _ (think) that Japanese

from the bank. people were quite reserved, but they're really sociable. When
we first arrived, I 1° Uoin) a football
2 The postbox _ _ _ _ _ always
club and I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(make) a lotof American,
____ (empty) at 12 noon.
• English, andJapanesefriends.112_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 H e r neighbours (learn) the language for three years now and my Japanese
_______ (give) friends say I'm pretty good. But I 13_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
permission to build a huge
(not like) writing Japanese because I a l w a y s ' ' - - - - -
(get) confused by the characters.
4 We _______ _
(cycle) down a quiet country
lane when· suddenly we What d o I miss the most?
_______ (overtake) I miss pizza and ice cream the most; though I think the
b y a police car. pizza 15_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (get) better here. Anyway4
5 W h e n I woke up this morning, 1'6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (bepble to) eat at my favourite
the world looked magical. I t pizza restaurant when we go home next year.
_______ (snow) all
I also miss basketball, which was my favourite sport before
we came to Japan. My mum 17_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 W h e n you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (miss) her garden because we•• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(arrive) at the airport, you
(not live) in a house, but a fourth floor apartment. I expect
_______ (meet) b y
when we 19_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) back in Denver, we
one o f our holiday representatives.
20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (miss) so many things about Japan.
I know I'm only 14, but I've learned an awful lot about
myself from living abroad. I'm going to feel very grown-up
8 Unit 1 • Home and away compared to the other kids when I get home.
Auxiliary verbs
have, be, or do?
9 Complete the sentences with the correct form o f have, be,
or do. Write A for an auxilia r y verb and F for a full verb.
Sometimes the auxilia r y is negative.
1 They had finished dinner when we arrived.
2 [I] We had pizza for dinner last night.
3 DIt _ _ _ _ been a lovely day. Thank you.
4 DI always _ _ _ _ _ a shower in the morning.
5 DI ____ always had a passion for Italian food.
6 DCamila overslept, so she _ _ _ _ catch her train.
7 DWhat have you _ _ _ _ _ to your hair? You look
8 DWhat _ _ _ _ your new boyfriend look like?
9 DThis dress designed by Stella McCartney.
10 DYour order _ _ _ _ _ being processed at the
11 DI hate _ _ _ _ the washing-up. I wish w e had a
12 DI ____ all my homework on Frida y so I could
relax over the week.end.

have or have got?

10 Complete the conversations with a form o f have or have got.
Sometimes both forms are possible.
1 A Sylvie, _ _ _ you _ _ _ aheadache?
B Yes, I _ _ _ difficulty sleeping at the moment.
Here are the answers to some questions about A Oh dear. Why's that?
Matt. Complete the questions. B Oh, the usual money worries. _ _ _ you _ _ _
1 How _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? an aspirin?
For three years. 2 A ___ you _ _ _
2 Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? B No,we _ _ _ _ _ _ you?
Denver, Colorado. A Oh yes. I _ _ _ pets all my life. At the moment, I
3 Why _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? ___ a dog, two cats, and a rabbit
His father was relocated there. 3 A Come on! We _ _ _ to hurry. Were late!
4 What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? B But I my passport. I can't find it anywhere!
He joined afootball club. A You _ _ _ it yesterday. I _ _ _ a look in your
5 What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for three years?
B Phew! I _ _ _ it! You were right. It was in my bag all
the time!
6 Why _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
4 A I'm looking forward to a few days' holiday. I _ _ _
Because the characters are confusing. so much work for the past couple o f months. I _ _ _
7 What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? a break for ages.
Pizza and ice cream. B You're lucky! I _ _ _ any holiday left!
8 When _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Next year.
II! GJJ11 Listen and compare .

G>11J Listen and check.

Unit 1 • Home and away 9
Vocabulary house and home idioms
2 Tick (./) the correct definition for each idiom. Use
Compound nouns your dictionary.
1 Write one word to make three compound nouns. Check 1 They get on like a house on fire.
the use o f hy p hens, one word or two words in your
a D They have a very good relationship.
b D They are always arguing.
2 Come in and make yourself at home.
a D Tidy the house.
b D Please behave in my house as i f it were your
3 Andrew Lloyd Webber's new musical brought the
house down.
a D The musical was a success.
1 rage 11 bow
b D The musical wasn't a success.
works 4 The news report really brought home to me the
road coat
horrors o f war.
sign drop
a D The report talked about the horrors o f war.
2 12

bound shine b The report made me realize fully the horrors

work rise o f war.
warmin2 set 5 These drinks are on the house.
3 iong 13 made a D These drinks are very expensive.
guard sick b D These drinks are free o f charge.
style page 6 This shaky old bridge is actually as safe as houses.
4 14
... ill•

a D Don't worry. The bridge is very safe.

b D Be careful The bridge isn't safe at all
bum fare 3 Complete the conversations with the idioms from 2 in
the correct form.
5 test 15 fight 1 A I was so sorry to hear that your cat died.
donor break
pressure dream B Thank you. When I saw her empty bowl, it really
the fact that l<i never see
6 mark 16 $tlake her again.
shelf writing 2 A How did the meeting with Andy's parents go?
cover ba B It was great We all
7 17 3 A Hello! Sorry were so late. The traffic was terrible.
fall guard
melon escape B Don't worry. Just sit down and
skii"2 place
. rn put the kettle on.
4 A Did you read those excellent reviews in the local
8 view 18 birthday paper about the school play?
sick credit B Yes, I did. Apparently , it
?UII business 5 A I'm not going up there. It looks a bit dangerous!
9 brief 19 B Oh, come on! It's and the
view from the top is fantastic!
suit wear
book 6 A How was that new restaurant you went to?
B Well, the food was overpriced, but the manager
10 tea 20 dining gave us a bottle o f wine
make-up coffee because it was my birthday .
plastic bedside
CDJID Listen and check.

10 Unit 1 • Home and away

------· ---- . -----
Phrasal verbs
Literal and idiomatic meanings
4 Phrasal verbs can have literal and idiomatic
meanings. Look at these sentences. Which are
literal, and which are idiomatic? Write L or I.
1 0 The dentist said my tooth was dead. He had (literaO
to pull it out.
2 0 We had to call off Grandpas birthday party
because he was ill. Jim and Je1111y have
3 0 Sorry were late. We were held up in traffic. fallen out again.
4 0 Don't throw the box away. f m sure lean
use it for something.

5 Sometimes phrasal verbs can have both literal

and idiomatic meanings. Complete each pair
of sentences with the same phrasal verb in the
correct form. Write L or I. Vowel sounds and spelling
take off pick-up sort out put up 1 C I I D Each of these words in phonetics has a different
stand up hold on English vowel sound Listen and write the words.
1 0 f m coming to London for an interview next 1 /tekst/ _ _ _ 7 /breg/
w e e k - can you _ _ _ me _ _ _ for 2 /'1gghJ/ _ _ _ 8 /boks/
the night? 3 /klim/ ___ 9 /w-:>:k/
0 ___ your hand if you know the answer. 4 /JDAD.0/ 10 /w3:k/
5 /tuk/ 11 /sto.:t/
2 0 I've _ _ _ _ _ my kitchen drawers, so 6 /nju:z/ 12 /'IDAO';J/
now I know where everything is.
0 We've got quite a problem here, but I'm sure 2 Complete the cliartwith the words in the box. There are
we can _ _ _ it _ _ _ three words for each vowel sound
3 0 When I was at school, we always _ _ _ freak lose m�ssage said catch
when the teacher came in the room. fend prgtty journey gyilty l�nguage
0 You shouldn't let your sister tell you what sea
to do all the time. You should _ _ _ for sg_rry what chalk believe fynny
yourself warm taught third bMsiness p�rty
4 0 It's too warm to be wearing a jumper. Why look
�sleep heart shock good
dontyou _ _ _ it _ _ _ ?
0 After a slow start my business has finally le/ hi /i:/ /Al
5 0 I was never taught how to cook. I just
___ it _ _ _ from my mother.
/u/ lu=I Ire! /n/
0 Can you please _ _ _ the crisp bag
you've just dropped?
6 0A Come on! Were going to miss the train!
/-:,;/ /3:/ /01/ I.JI
B ___ ! I'm just locking the door.
D When you're riding on the back of a
motorbike, you need to _ _ _ tight.
(l)JIJ Listen and check. GIBListen and check.
Unit 1 • Home and away 11
The ends of the Earth
• Present Perfect Simple or Continuous • makeordo
• Present Perfect passive • Travel and transport
• have something done • Prepositions of movement

Language focus 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect
Simple or Continuous.
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? 1 I 've been playing (play) tennis all morning,
1 Match the lines to make sentences. and I'm really tired.
2 Please drive carefully to work. It _ _ _ _ _
A B (snow) and the roads are dangerous.
a He's written three magazine articles so far. 3 Howfar _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _
b He's been writing a travel biog since he left home.
(walk) this morning?
4 Kay and Bruno _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (live)
2 a They've missed you lots, so come home soon. in London for the past five years. Recently,
b They've been missing the bus again. they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (try) to
3 a Paula's been leaving work early to go to the dentist. buy a house in the country, but they
b Paula's left work early all this week. ________ (not manage) to sell
their flat yet.
4 a I've lost weight recently.
b I've been losing my car keys. 5 JillandAndy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (argue) a
lot recently because Jill's always working late.
She's been talking on the phone for ages.
6 I________ (eat) too much ice
b She's talked about this subject before.
cream, and I feel sick!
The cat's been going next door to have its dinner. 7 I_______ (sunbathe) all
b The cat's gone upstairs. morning, and my face is bright red!
He's had a heart attack. 8 Cecilia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (cry) all day
b He's been having second thoughts about the job. because she failed her exam.
I've been saving up to go on holiday next month. 9 The trains _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (run) late
b I've saved up £500. all morning.
I've been swimming, 20 lengths today. G>DI Listen and check.
b I've swum which is why my hair is wet.
my phone at last.
it hard to concentrate recently.
Present Perfect passive Simple or continuous verb forms
3 Rewrite the sentences using the passive and omitting 5 Complete the sentences. Use each verb twice, once in a
the subject. simple and once in a continuous tense, active or passive.
1 The bin men have already collected the rubbish.
The rubbish has already been collected
2 Have the workmen repaired the road yet? 1 It was raining heavily when I left home this morning.
2 It rained for three days and our road was flooded.
3 The government has just passed some new
environmental laws. perform
Some new environmental laws _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 The Russian Ballet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at Covent
4 The local council hasn't built any new houses for 10 Garden Opera House since November.
No _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 Anna _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so well in the school
play that she got a standing ovation. II
5 Nobody has cleaned the house.
The house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have

4 Rewrite the headlines using the Present Perfect passive. 5 I________ dinner with friends tonight.
6 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ three children, two boys
and a girl.
1 The Crown Jewels have been stolen
7 You look really worried. What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Baby Rescued from House Fire
8 I_______ it's about time you had a haircut.

2 __________________ bang

Surfer Saved from Great liJliite Sharf<. 9 I couldn't sleep because the garden gate
________ in the wind all night.
3 _________________ _ 10 Ouch! I _ _ _ _ _ just _ _ _ _ _ my head on
the cupboard door.
Earthquake Kills over 400 in Afghanistan

11 Could you tidy the kitchen? I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4 ________________ _ friends round for coffee.
Thieves steal priceless Picasso painting 12 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they will arrive at ten o'clock.

5 _______________ _
13 Ellen's house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the moment,
-.P. : ?. !..! .<?.? ?- . i- tY - -"!C?Y so she's staying with her sister.
14 Their house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a minimalist style.
6 _______________ _
Missing Teenager Found Alive 15 I think I must _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my mind. I can't
even remember what we did last weekend.
7 ---------------
16 Clara is going on her honeymoon next week and she
________ her passport!
Council Shock - 464Jobs Axed!
8 _______________ _
aim Listen and check.

Unit 2 • The ends of the Earth 13

Simple or continuous in context
6 Look at the photos o f Mount Everest. What's the
problem? Read the article and underline the
correct form o f the verb.

E veryone knows that Mount Everest is the highest

mountain in the world. What's less well known is that it is
in danger o f becoming the mountain with the highest piles of
have something done

rubbish on it. Nearly 5,000 people.1 lrave climbed I have been 1 Look at this sentence.
climbing the 8,848-metre mountain since the New 2.ealander. Durga had the rubbish removed by the mountaineers.
Sir Edmund Hillary, and Tenzing Norgay first 2 scaled I were Who removed the rubbish?
scaling its heights in 1953. But unlike Hillary and Tenzing, 2 look at the difference in meaning between these sentences:
these adventure tourists 3were dumping.I have been dumping I've repaired my bicycle. :;; I repaired it myself.
tonnes o f used equipment on Everest's slopes. Buried under My bicycle has been repaired; ::::Someone repaired it.
snow in the winter, this junk is revealed for all to see in (The action is important, not who did It.)
summer. when the snow 4 melts I is melting. I've had my bit.ycle repaired.= Iarranged/paid for someone to
The situation 5 was made I was being made worse by the repair it for me. (have+ object+ past participle)
deadly earthquakes of 2015, which killed 9,000 people across 3 Have something done is used to talk about services that you ask
Nepal, and caused many climbers to abandon-their camps someone else to do.
I'm going to have my haircut
on the mountain. Durga Dutta Dhakal, a Department of
Tourism official, 6 had looked I had been looking for a way
to raise awareness about keeping Everest clean when he 7 Rewrite the sentences using have something done.
came up with the idea of having the rubbish removed by the 1 Julie's new bathroom is being fitted.
moun taineers themselves.
She's having hernewbathroom fitted
Now climbers and Sherpas 7 are asked I are being asked
to help remove the rubbish. Sherpas • are paid I are being 2 M y sister wants someone to pierce her ears.
paid $2 for each kilo of rubbish.they pick up, but the tourist She wants to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
climbers 'have been asked I have been asking to bring it down 3 My eyes are going to be tested.
voluntarily. Over 16 tonnes of rubbish 10 have been removed I f m going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
are being removed from the mountain so far. The worst of it is
at Camp Two - 6,4000 m above sea level - so often helicopters 4 Mr and Mrs Turner's car has been serviced.
are used I are being used to help bring it down. The rubbish The y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
includes I is includinl{ old rope. tent poles, oxygen cylinders, 5 Our dishwasher hasn't been repaired yet.
drink cans, and even the remains of a helicopter. We haven't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nepal needs to look after the jewel in its crown, and in 6 Hila r y's Amazon parcel hasn't been delivered yet.
order to keep this jewel shining , everyone has to help.
She hasn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

14 Unit 2 • The ends of the Earth

Vocabulary Travel and transport
3 Tick (./) the words which go with each form of
makeor do transport.
1 Complete the conversations with the correct form of make car bus bike train plane ship/
1 A How many potatoes should I peel? get into/out of
B Mmm. There are six adults and three kids. Ten will
get on/off

2 A Can't you 2_ _ _ more of an effort with your take off

B Well, f m 3_ _ _ my best, Dad!
3 A Why have you bought all that old furniture? ride
B Because i'm going t o '_ _ _ it up and sell it on
Ebay. I think f l l 5_ _ _ a nice profit on it.
4 A f v e 6_ _ _ a big decision. f m going to hand in catch
my notice at the bank. My job is so boring.
B Really? But, what are you going to 7_ _ _ for a
living now? board
5 A OK, young man, I want t o ' - - - something
clear. You are not going out until you've tidied your
B But Mum! The party starts in 15 minutes. 4 Complete the table below with the nouns in the box.
6 A Could you 10 _ _ _ me a favour and pass the salt? Some can go into more than one column.
B Of course. Here you are. platform seatbelt helmet
harbour carriage traffic lights
Cl)IIJ Listen and check. life jacket service station season ticket
trolley tyres track
2 Complete the sentences with these expressions in the horn port one-way street
correct form. check-in desk traffic jam baggage rack
timetable hand luggage Customs
make up for sth make off with sth make it deck traffic warden cabin
makeofsb do without sb aisle/window seat cycle lane security check
could do with sth make sth in time ticket inspector overhead locker

1 You're such a big help to me. I couldn't car bus bike

2 A What happened to my ham sandwich?

B f m afraid the dog _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Sorry.
Dulce just loves ham sandwiches.
3 A box of chocolates? I know you're trying to
________ for g etting our wedding
anniversary, but you'll have to try harder than that.
4 Wow! You've sold over a million books! You've really train plane ship/ferry

5 f m really hungry. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a huge steak

and chips right now.
6 Lola behaves really strangely sometimes. I don't know
what to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 f m late! f l l never _ _ _ _ _ the train _ _ _ _ _

G \ m Llsten and check.

Unit 2 • The ends of the Earth 15

Prepositions of movement
5 Read about Joe's journey. Where's he gri gf·..,-
Underline the correct preposition.
r:JLC:lrr-""to;..,.____,,. ,r.,.r.r..r-4_

Joe paid the driver, ' - P t "SQQSS /-{)t!f ofthe taxi

Joe's plane landed · � I in tlm& I at Heathrow
a into end ran "a/On§/ up the pavement, •past I out ot
Airport. He had exactly two hours to get 'out et I aft the brightly-lit shop windows. At last, he could
over the airport and "into I at the centre of London see the station opposite, but it was dffllcult to �
to catch his train sthrough I to Manohester. He •onto I across ttlr.l road because of all the traffic.
hurried •across / through Customs and Passport He reached the station just as his train was about
Control, and then raced 'past I towards the 1:8:>Ei leave. He-jumped a.against I o\19"the barrier, race
sign at the exit. na1ong I past the platform, and leapt •onto I attr.
Unfortunately, at that moment, the strap on his train with seconds to spare. He sighed with relief
rucksack broke and it fell •off I against his back he would be home in time for Christmas.
and •along I onto the ground. Dirty 80Cks, shirts,
and underpants spilled an ••towards I over the
airport floor. Joe was so embaJTassedl He stuffed
everything 11 into I to his rucksack and, pushing 111s
way 12 through I into the crowds of people, finally
made it 11st / to the taxi rank.
He jumped 1•towards / i n t o � . . . .fljst ta>ci,
shouting, 'Euston Station. quickly, pleasej' The
taxi set off at such a speed that Joe w a s �
forward, hitting his faG8 "over l against the glass
partition. The ta><I sped on and � arrived ,..., I
into the city cenbe and, inevitaply, the middle of a
traffic jam! It would be quicker to wall(.

16 Unit 2 • The ends of the Earth

Travel idioms
6 Match the idiom with its definition.
Word- stress
1 Here are pairs of words in phonetic script. Look at the
stress marks. Transcribe them.
I /Ik'spb:rn/ /ekspfa're1Jn/

2 /'pnfat1ks/ /,pnfa'tIJn/

3 /'fautagrmf/ /fa'tngrafa/

4 /'lAkJari/ /1Ag'3uarias/

5 /prn'djms/ /prn'dAk:Jn/

CD1JI Listen and practise saying them.

2 What is the stress pattern o f the words in 1? Write them

in the chart.

Idiom Definition
•• ••• • ••
Japan explorer politics
1 sail through a begin to behave in an
2 be on the right track unacceptable way
3 go off the rails b be in a similar situation to

4 rock the boat
' - c do something easily
5 be in the same boat
6 get the show on the
d put a plan into action
e be going in the right direction •••• ••••
f do something to upset the Japane e exploration photographer

7 Complete the sentences with one of the idiomatic

phrases from 6 in the correct form.
I Sara sailed through her finals and got As in
everything. 3 Write the words below in the correct place in the chart.
2 Pam is always complaining she doesn't have any
money, but were all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ transform introduce luxury success
adoption navigation impress embarrassment
3 This business deal is progressing well. Make sure you disappoint afternoon European ancestor
don't do anything _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ embarrass scientists discovery compensation
4 Come on! Let's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or were going impression emergency
to belate!
5 Chris made the wrong friends in his first year at G)ID Listen and practise them all.
university and completely _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 You've nearly worked out the answer; I think you're
definitely _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Unit 2 • The ends of the Earth 17

• Narrative tenses • Positive and negative adjectives
• Time expressions • Phrasal verbs - type 1
• Film, theatre, and book reviews

Language focus
Narrative tenses
1 Complete the article with the verbs in
the chart. Use each verb once only.
Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect Simple

was lowered was having had managed had been bodyboarding

hovered was struggling had arrived
made 1l'&a
' s 'l'l'8FltiR!:!I had risked
swept had been
was taken had happened
came through

- , , . . .�
· ... ,• . -----:. . • � " " ! · : ' . ' l : ) 1 " � t " " " l r f � l .' -

Prince William
to the rescue !
As well as being a future king, Prince William is also a qualified helicopter pilot. So
it was that while he 1 was working as an RAF Sea King pilot, he rescued a teenage
girl from drowning off the rocky coast of Wales. He 2-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on
duty for only 15 minutes when a call 3-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that a young girl
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ difficulties in the sea. In less than a minute, the Prince
and his crew 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the scene and were ready for action.

Girls in distress
Thirteen-year-old Tamara W e s t ' - - - - - - - - - when a rip tide
her out to sea. From the beach, Tamara's older sister,
Sharon, saw w h a t • - - - - - - - - - and 9-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ out to
save her. However, in the meantime, a surfer 10 to rescue
Tamara, and now it was poor Sharon who 11 • against the
strong current and the waves.
Calm and controlled
Prince calmly 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ overhead in the ambulance
helicopter whilst the paramedic, Master Harry Harrison, 13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

to rescue the exhausted girl from sea. The teenager 14_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to

hospital where she 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a full recovery. The Prince's superior
officers were full of praise for his handling of the rescue. Prince William and his
crew 16 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their lives to save the life of a young girl.

18 Unit 3 • The kindness of strangers

Irregular past verbs Past Simple or Past Continuous?
2 Complete the sentences with the irregular verb in either 3 Choose the correct tense.
the Past Simple or the Past Perfect


1 Barbara _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her tongue out at the

2 Rachel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by Colin for years,
when she finally decided it was time to separate.


3 Harry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in love with Greek girl

while he was working in Athens.
4 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in love before, but this was
different He wanted to marry her.


5 It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an awful lot to have our car

6 Ted told me his new car _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a 1 It was snowing I snowed when I got up I was getting up
fortune. this morning. The children next door made I
were making a snowman, so I quickly put I was putting
on some warm clothes and raced I was racing outside
to help them.
7 Suzy wondered how she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a cold 2 Our team played I was playing really well. We lost I
in the middle o f her summer holiday . were losing at half-time, but in the end we won I
were winning 3-2.
8 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a taxi outside the 3 I didn't think I wasn't thinking o f having a birthday
restaurant, and went back to her hotel party, but now I'm glad I had I was having one.
4 I'm so tired The baby next door was crying I cried all
hold night long and we weren't getting I didn't get any sleep.
5 I lived I was living in Eastbourne when I met I
9 World leaders _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ talks in New was meeting my husband
York last week to discuss global warming. 6 James was playing I played happily when his big
10 It was lucky that the manager _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a brother hit I was hitting him on the head and made I
planning meeting the day before the presentation. was making him cry.
7 A weird thing happened I was happening to me
yesterday . I was walking I walked home when I
beat noticed I was noticing a light hovering above me. I
wanted I was wanting to get a photo, but it suddenly
11 The sun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ down as the soldiers vanished I was vanishing into thin air.
struggled to climb the hill
8 Roger sunbathed I was sunbathing by the hotel pool
12 Stewart was upset because Jordan when he heard I was hearing a strange sound. An
________ him in tennis again. enormous insect appeared I was appearing and
landed I was landing on his leg.

C U i i Listen and check.

Unit 3 • The kindness of strangers 19

J\MF.H f>ON\\
Sn:wrnT n,:-:..-u
Past passives
4 In these sentences the subject is either not
important or too obvious to be necessary. Put
each sentence into the passive. I 111 •ll I 11

I Someone stole my bike last night. \NI\I\Hl \I!\ Ot

M y bike was stolen last night fHANK ( :\PR(,.;

l\'l\"IHMI I t
2 Archaeologists discovered a Roman temple
underneath the new housing estate.
A Roman temple _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 The sports officials held the races indoors

because it was raining.
A From failure to success
The races - - - - - - - - - - - -
lose not receive l'elease show become

4 Someone had booked the swimming

pool for a children's party on Saturday
I Surprisingly, when director Frank Capra's It's a
Wonderful Ufe 1 was first released in 1946 it
The swimming pool _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I was not an instant success. The now iconic film
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

even 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
any rave reviews at all, and
5 The plumber was repairing the dishwasher,
I However, during the 1970s it _ _ _ _ _ _ _

repeatedly on TV at Christmas time, and it quickly

one of the most well-loved
5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
so I couldn't leave the house.
films of all time. As a top critic from Time Magazine
The dishwasher _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
said, 'It's a Wonderful Ufe is a pretty wonderful movie.'

6 When we returned to our hotel room, the I ·B The story of how George Bailey I
cleaners still hadn't deaned it. learns to love life
Our hotel room - - - - - - - - - - I try say save have (x2) segiA award
love touch
7 The chef hadn't cooked the fish for long
enough. The story 6 begins in Heaven. The head ofthe angels,
The fish _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I Gabriel, has urgently summoned Clarence Odbody,
a second-class angel who 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
earn his wings, without success, for over 200 years!
to I
8 Workmen were installing new traffic lights
at the crossroads. I Gabriel tells Clarence that at this moment lots of
prayers •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
people from a town called Bedford Falls.
down on Earth by the I
New traffic lights _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The prayers are for a man called George Bailey. He is
in a desperate situation, having lost all his company's
money, and he's about to take his own life. Clarence's
All tenses in context - a film review
S Look at the pictures and read the review
I task is to rescue George.
However, he not only 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ him
from drowning, he also 10_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a
about one o f the greatest films o f all time, brilliant idea. He shows George a world where he
Its a Wonderful Life. Complete the review was never born. George sees with his own eyes how

with verbs from the boxes in the correct
his life 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the lives of so many
form, active or passive. others, and in so many wonderful ways. He really
12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a wonderful life!

I George returns to his home to find that the people of

Bedford Falls have gathered with their hard-earned I
money to save his company. He realizes how much
I he 13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Heaven, Clarence 14_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
by them all. Back in
finally I
20 Unit 3 • The kindness of strangers ________ his wings.
Film, theatre, and book reviews
1 These adjectives are typical of those used in
reviews. Which are positive? Which negative?
tender tear-jerking riveting
fast-moving dull witty
romantic unpredictable unbelievable
exceptional confused powerful
second-rate hilarious pagettJFner

2 Read the reviews. Are they positive or

negative? Complete them with a suitable
adjective from 1.

n,mne there
, new book I6 a '.r
1<.aren Ksnr1Y5
. 1got through
is a real •,oage:�urn:;·, This \'JOOK is a s
,n a y�ing
the whole book c a r - there is
a s a.
z,_ _ _ _ _ ra moment. Toe ent.ling
never a - - - � _ , ant.l I was
IY I •
C Why this film is more popular than ever wastota . - . ihisisa5
gasping In . ration!).
Kenny has
a (I love a bit o f allite
5taRfl repay cover write give be rea
...rumns r again!
come up., -������··
It's a Wonderful Life has stood the test o f time (it is

over 70 years o l d now) because its sentiments are as Craig McCleish's comedy HifJJ'PYHa
relevant today as they ever 16_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, T • had a II t h 'PPY
W e can identify with its characters because the full &
e ingredients to be a
. •'falling-off-the-chair-
range o f human emotions 17_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
With-J�ughter' film.
However, this film is essentially about simple human Unfortunately,
McCle1sh didn't deliver
kindness, and h o w it often 18 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the good . 5 �. -15
time. I was completely .

by kindness. Audiences are left wanting to help their 7

-.1 di�n't unde r st an
fellow man or woman, whatever their faith, colour, or d the storyline a t
all. His characters
creed. had no d e pt h and
were really a- - - - -.-
A t the end o f the film, Clarence 19_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A ud'1ences

George a copy o f his favourite book, Tom Sawyer. In it

are going to be disappointed With
he 20_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9-----fllm.
'Dear George, remember, no man is a failure who has
friends. Thanks for the wings. Mau=o Gan;ia's ne w play is a s
. as Romeo and Juliet and

e qually a s " - - - - - · I was left;

sobbing a t the end. The love between t h e
two main characters, Lolita and Lazarus,
is s o 12 _ _ _ _ _ i t could conquer t h e
worla. yet, paradoxically, so gentle and
13 _ _ _ _ _ _
Garcia has created a
masterpiece. He is truly one o f the most
••_ _ _ _ _ young playwrights o f t h e
21 s t c e nt ury.

Unit 3 • The kindness of strangers 21

Positive and negative Time expressions
adjectives 4 Match the lines and time expressions. Use each expression once only .
3 Here are some more positive and
negative adjectives. Put them into 1 [ill I've been working in the same bank a ten years ago.
the correct box. Which ones could
be both?
2 D I started this job b by the time I was 30.
3 D I didn't want to get married c until I met you.
4 D I had had two children
eptimistie gripping
El fu£yeaFS.
flawed best-selling
pessimistie 5 D I'd been writing poetry for years e since six o'clock.
6 D I didn't stay in that job
thrilling weak f until I arrived.
whacky sophisticated
predictable cliched 7 D I've been waiting here g when he finally arrived.
psychological iE8RiE 8 D They didn't order the food h for long.
dramatic spine-chilling
absorbing polished 9 D The train pulled out of the station i a minute ago.
haunting classic 10 D I'd been waiting over an hour j until it was too late.
shocking implausible
unputdownable intriguing 11 D I haven't been feeling well k until late.
12 D They got on the plane 1 lately.
Positive 13 D f d never seen him m at the last minute.
optimistic 14 D I was watching TV n before.
15 D He didn't hear the attacker o before being published

5 Complete the sentences, using past tenses only and the prompts
in brackets.
1 Two years ago, while I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(work/ Paris / grandfather/ die)
2 As soon as I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
pessimistic (get/ home / I / switch on the TV)
3 First! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(have a shower / then / I / get dressed)
41 ________________________ _
(always/ want/ visit/ Australia /and I / finally/ go/ last year)
5 Ashe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(post/ letter / he / realize / not put on / stamp)
6 By the time he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(finish / speak/ most / audience / fall asleep)
7 Oncel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------
(tell him/ truth / I / feel/ much better)
8 Before! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(buy / my / first / flat / I / see / 30 / other properties)

C1111J Listen and check.

22 Unit 3 • The kindness of strangers

Phrasal verbs - Type 1 (no object) Pronunciation
-...., -·•
O'.t" r.
r,.... :.- - . :, •
- ' -•
7 ": f
._._Ji-•. . '.',',.__ :J Diphthongs
There are four types of phrasal verb.
1ype 1 consists of a verb + particle. There is no object are two vow_l sounds which run together.
They can be both literal and idiomatic. l phthongs
ear /h1al = III + fa/ diphthong /ia/
She stood up and walked out. (literal) air /heal = /e/ + fa/ diphthong /ea/
The bomb went off. (idiomatic)
Type 2 and type 3 p37 Type 4 p48 1 al.II Listen and circle the correct transcription o f each word. What is
the other word? Read both aloud
6 Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. 1 pay <fiii!)
_ /pe-;,/
5 dear /d1-;,/ /de-;,/
2 write /r-;,ut/ /ra1t / 6 boy /b-;,u/ /b-:,i/
1 find out a have a more stable life
2 break up b wait a minute 3 phone /faun/ /fam/ 7 tour /tu-;,/ /t-;,u/
3 hold on c stop talking 4 round /remd/ /raund/ 8 fair /f1-;,/ /fe-;,/
4 speak up d discover 2 Read the poem aloud Write the number next to the correct sound
5 set off e be happier
6 stay in f arrive
7 settle down g talk louder ound:) mid I donl a
8 tum up h not go out, be at home
When the English tongue we speak,
9 cheer up i end a relationship
10 shut up j begin a journey Why does 1break not rhyme with 2weak? (1) /i:/ [I] /e1/
Won't you tell me why it's true
7 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs W e say 3sew, but also 4 few ? Dtu:t Ot-;,ut
from exercise 5 in the correct form.
And the maker of a verse

1 Peter hasn't arrived yet - I hope he
________ soon. Cannot rhyme his 5horse with 6worse ? Ot-:,:t Dt3:t
2 We have a long journey tomorrow. What 7
Beard is not the same as heard. 8
0/I-;,/ 0/3:/
time are we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? 9Cord is different from 10 word.
0/3:/ 0fa:/
3 Why are you so miserable? I wish youo.
________ !
Cow is COW, but 12/ow is low. Otau/ 0fati/
4 I don't feel like going out tonight. Let's 13
Shoe is never rhymed with 14
foe. Otu:t 0faut
________ and order a pizza,
shall we? Think of 15 hose and 16
dose and 17
/ose, D /u:z/ D /-;,uz/ D faus/
5 Larry was a bit wild at university, but 18
Think of /oose and yet of choose. 19
D tu:zt D tu:st
after he got a job and married, he Think of 20comb and 21
tomb and 22
bomb, D /nm/ D /u:m/ D faum/
Dtol/ 0faul/
23 Do// 24
and ro//
6 After three years of going out together, Josh
and Lil eventually _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and 25 home and 26some.
D tAm! D faum1 .
because Josh didn't want to get married And since 27
pay is rhymed with 28say , Diel/ OteI/
7 Can I copy your homework? The teacher will bomb
never _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Why not 29paid with 30
said, I pray? Ote1/ Ote/
8 ________ ! I'm trying to watch Think of 31 blood and 32 food and 33
good; Dtu/ Otu:/ OtA/
this programme, and you're all talking. 34 M ou/d is not pronounced like 35 cou/d. Otud/ Ot-;,uld/
9 ________ ! We can't hear you at Why is it 36done, but 37gone and 38
/one ? Ot-;,ul OtA/ Oto/
the back.
Is there any reason known?
10 A Are you ready yet?
B _______ !I'lljustget To sum up, it seems to me that sounds and letters don't agree.

CDDI Listen and check. am Listen and check.

Unit 3 • The kindness of strangers / 23
A pack of lies
• Question words • Questions with prepositions
• Indirect questions • Antonyms and synonyms
• Negative questions with auxiliaries • Verb + preposition

Language focus
What's the question?
1 Read the text about Frank Abagnale. Why is his
current job surprising?
2 Complete the questions for the answers.
1 A How many identities has Frank assumed?
B At least eight, including an airline pilot.
2 A _ _ _ _ was he a conman _ _ _ _ ?
B Five years.
3 A _ _ _ _ Steven Spielberg want _ _ _ _ a
film of Frank's life?
B Because Frank's adventures were so famous.
4 A _ _ _ _ was Frank _ _ _ _ his parents split

B 16. uring his life, Frank Abagnale has assumed at
5 A ___ did the young Frank look _ _ _ ? least eight separate identities, including an airline
B He was tall and handsome and looked old for pilot, a lawyer, a professor, and a doctor. He
his age. was a brilliant conman who forged $2.5 million worth
6 A _ _ _ _ was his first _ _ _ _ con? of cheques across 26 countries over the course of five
B Bank fraud. years. Such was his fame that his adventures have been
7 A _ _ _ _ airline did he _ _ _ _ ? made into a Steven Spielberg film and a Broadway
B Pan Am. musical, both called Catch Me I f You Can.
8 A ___ lifestyle did he have as a pilot? Amazingly, Abagnale's career as a conman began when
B A glamorous one. He flew all over the world.
he was just 16. Upset at the divorce of his parents, he
ran away to New York and, being tall, handsome, and
9 A ___ life did he put at _ _ _ he
already going grey, he pretended to be 26 and got a
impersonated a paediatrician?
job. His first major con was bank fraud. He created a
B A baby's.
new identity and set up numerous bank accounts. He
10 A _ _ _ was he when the police finally printed flawless fake cheques and managed to cash
_ _ _ _ him?
them at the banks.
B France.
However, Abagnale is most famous for impersonating
11 A _ _ _ _ the role of Frank in the movie an airline pilot. He conned Pan Am into giving him a
Catch Me If You Can?
pilot's uniform, and he faked an ID card. He was still
B Leonardo DiCaprio.
only a teenager when he flew over 1,000,000 miles and
12 A _ _ _ _ Frank work _ _ _ _ now? visited 26 countries enjoying the glamorous lifestyle of
B The FBI. an international pilot at Pan Am's expense!
Q)JIIListen and check.
24 Unit 4 • A pack of lies
dicaprio hanks Indirect questions
3 Rewrite these questions using indirect forms.
1 How many identities did he have altogether?
I'm not sure exactly how many identities he had.
2 How did he learn to forge cheques?
I'd like to know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 Why did his parents divorce?
I've no idea _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 Who decided to make a musical?
I wonder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 Which countries did he visit?


, ____ __
,,..----- -_._.,,
11= .. � C a � � _ m . 2 i � a $

,--···- - ,
QD� - I don't know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 How did he have the nerve to impersonate a doctor?
I can't imagine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 Why did the police take so long to catch him?
Do you know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
8 How did he get the job with the FBI?
I wish I knew _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 Write indirect questions about Frank Abagnale for these
1 A Have you any idea ?
B He made millions of dollars.
2 A Can you tell me _ _ ?
B Catch Me If You Can.
3 A I wonder
Abagnale also had the nerve to impersonate a B He flew for Pan Am.
paediatrician in a Georgia hospital and nearly caused
4 A Do you know ?
a baby to die through oxygen deprivation. Having the
B Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks starred in it.
sense to realize he was putting lives at risk, he changed
course and became a university professor. He taught 5 A Why do you think he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
sociology and apparently his classes were very popular. B Because he knows better than anyone how to
By now, the police were on his trail, but he always prevent fraud.
managed to cover his tracks until eventually he was
arrested in France and imprisoned for five years.
JIJ Listen and compare.

It is easy to understand how his amazing

impersonations and adventures lent themselves to both
a movie, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale,
and a highly successful Broadway musical.
Today, the majority of Abagnale's work is for the FBI,
preventing fraud rather than committing it! He believes
that fraud is too easy. 'Nowadays', he says, 'technology
breeds crime' and 'prevention is the only feasible
course of action'.

Unit 4 • A pack of lies 25

Questions with prepositions Negatives
5 Complete the questions with the prepositions in the box. I don't think you're right
I in of by with to from at about fei' on

1 What is your home town famous for ? In English, we usually use/ don'tthinkwith an affirmative verb:
I don't think I know you. NOT It.=hinkIden't knowye1:1.
2 Who was that book written ? We do the same with believe,suppose,and expect.
3 Who does this dictionary belong ? I don't expectwe'll meet again.
My friends didn't believeI'd do a bungee jump!
4 What are you looking ? We can also use seem, expect,and wantwith the negative
5 What did you spend all your money ? (+object)+ infinitive:
She doesn't seem to be very happy.
6 What sort of books are you interested ? I don't expectto get the job.
7 What are you talking ? I don't wantto go back to that restaurant.
He doesn't expectus to pass the exams.
8 What are you so afraid _ _ _ _ _ ?
9 Who are you angry _ _ _ _ _ ? James or me? 7 Rewrite the sentences, using the verbs in brackets in the
10 A I got these flowers in the post today! negative.
B Ooh, they're beautiful! Who are they _ _ _ _ _ ? 1 You haven't met my wife. (think)
I don'tthinkyou'vemetm y wife.
6 Write a short question with a preposition in reply to
these sentences. 2 You haven't got change for a 20-euro note. (suppose)
1 A I went to the cinema last night. !_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B o with ? 3 This machine isn't working. (seem)
2 A I'm very cross with you. This machine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B ________ ? 4 It wasn't going to rain. (think)
3 A We're going away for the weekend. !_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B ________ ? 5 Their daughter's moving to Canada. They aren't happy.
4 A I'm very worried.
They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B ________ ?
6 I'm surprised to see you here. (expect)
5 A I'm going to Australia.
!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B ________ ? Two weeks? A month?
7 You haven't seen Robert recently. (suppose)
6 A I bought a present today.
!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B ________ ?
8 You probably don't remember me. (expect)
7 A Have you heard? Jane has got engaged.
!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B ________ ?
9 She didn't pass all her exams. (believe)
8 A Can you cut this voucher out for me?
!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B ________ ? I haven't got any scissors.
10 I wouldn't like snails. (think)
GJIJ Listen and check. !_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

26 Unit 4 • A pack of lies

-----=----=----- -- -- -- --- - - -- -
no, not, or none? Negative auxiliaries
8 Choose the correct answer. 9 Complete the sentences with a negative auxiliary from the box.
1 I'll help you, but no I not tonight.
wasn't (x 2) weren't hasn't don't won't 'm not
2 We have n't I no onions left. Sorry! doesn't aren't didn't haven't hadn't
3 No I None of us understood the lesson.
4 The teacher was no I n't very clear. 1 My boss speaks fluent French, but I _ _ _ _ _
5 I asked you n't I not to make a mess. 2 We wanted to leave the party, but Fred _ _ _ _ _
6 Why did none I n't you do what I asked? 3 I've been to America, but my parents _ _ _ _ _
7 How do you manage not I n't to put on any 4 I thought these biscuits were sugar-free, but they
8 Bring Alessia to the party, but no I not Ben. He's 5 They said she was getting better, but she _ _ _ _ _
too loud. 6 I'll be moving to London, but my girlfriend _ _ _ _ _
9 There's none I no meat in this dish, so it's suitable 7 My husband's going to the wedding, but I _ _ _ _ _
for vegetarians. 8 Jo likes Indian food, but Andrew _ _ _ _ _
10 A Who likes chemistry? 9 Bill thought l o forgotten our wedding anniversary, but I
B Nol Not me.
11 A Where's the nearest swimming pool? 10 The bedroom's been decorated, but the bathroom
B There are not I none around here.
12 She has none I no idea of how to enjoy herself. 11 He said that he was really sorry, but he _ _ _ _ _
13 Why have n't I not you emailed me for so long? 12 We thought that we were doing it correctly, but we
14 I can play the piano a little bit, but not I none
15 A Do you work late?
B No I Not if I can help it.
16 A Where's the coffee?
B There's none I no left.
17 The management accepts none I no responsibility
for items left in the cloakroom.
18 I've got not I no time for people who are rude.
19 None I No of my friends smoke.
20 A Do you like jazz? B None I Not really.
Q):JIIListen and check.
"Didn't you get my text?"
Negative questions
10 Match a question in A with the most suitable line in B.
1 Don't you want me to help you? a Ithought you did.
2 Do you want me to help you? b Iwill if you want.
3 Aren't you a member of the tennis club? c I'm sure I've seen you there.
4 Are you a member of the tennis club? d If you are, we could have a game.
5 Don't you know the answer? e Yes or no?
6 Do you know the answer? f I'm surprised at you!
7 Don't you think it's beautiful? g Surely you agree with me?
8 Do you think it's too big? h I'm asking because I'm not sure.
9 Didn't Itell you I'm going out tonight? i Ican't remember now.
10 Did Itell you I'm going out tonight? j Ithought I had. Sorry!

G l l l Listen and check.

Unit 4 • A pack of lies 27
Vocabulary 3 Complete these sentences with words from column B in
the correct form.
Antonyms and synonyms 1 I don't care what you think! Your opinion is
completely _ _ _ _ _
2 Grace's teacher was very _ _ _ _ _ when he told al
the children to shut up!
3 The police have _ _ _ _ _ a plot to hack into the
government computer system.
4 It's not entirely _ _ _ _ _ that there's a planet
identical to ours.
5 I know I have many faults, but _ _ _ _ _ isn't one
of them.

4 Complete the sentences with words from column C in

the correct form.
1 I_____ Helena wasn't telling the truth. She
always smiles when she's lying.
1 For the words in column A, write their opposites in 2 Johann is so upset. He paid £4,000 for a Cartier watch.
column B, using prefixes. then found out it was a _ _ _ _ _
3 I_____ always _ _ _ _ _ Robert with
--- - C George - they look so similar.
4 Running 5 kilometres may seem _ _ _ _ _ to you,
but it's a big deal for me!
1 real unreal fake
5 Ursula lives in a _ _ _ _ _ world if she thinks she's
2 truthful
going to find the perfect man.
3 credible
4 plausible
5 probable Prepositions - Verb + preposition
6 legal 5 Many verbs are followed by prepositions. Complete the
7 responsible sentences with the correct preposition.
8 normal 1 I agree with every word you say.
9 professional 2 I applied _ _ _ _ the job, but I didn't get it.
10 important 3 He died - - - - - a heart attack.
Nouns 4 She's suffering a nasty chest infection.
11 honesty 5 Do you believe _ _ _ _ _ magic?
12 reality 6 I didn't realize Maria was married _ _ _ _ _
13 belief George.
Verbs 7 Don't you think Mike's been acting _ _ _ _ _ a
very strange way?
14 appear 8 Did you succeed _ _ _ _ _ convincing your father
15 understand you were telling the truth?
16 trust 9 Compared _ _ _ _ _ you, I'm not very intelligent
17 cover at all!
10 We've complained _ _ _ _ _ our teacher
2 In column C, write synonyms for the words in B, using _____ the amount of homework we get.
the words in the box. 11 Stop laughing _ _ _ _ _ me. It isn't funny!
fake confuse dishonest reveal 12 I've completely fallen _ _ _ _ _ love _ _ _ _ _
deceit unbelievable fantasy vanish you.
ridiculous bizarre amateur unlikely 13 Who will you vote _ _ _ _ _ in the next election?
trivial incredulity suspect illicit
14 Bolly w ood sensation Katrina Kaifhas appeared
_____ over 30 films.

28 Unit 4 • A pack oflies

- --- - -
Intonation in question tags

G > J i D In question tags, the intonation either falls .......... or r i s e s / .

Falling intonation means that the sentence is more like a statement Rising intonation means that the sentence is more like a real question
==I'm sure I'm right. Can you just confirm that for me? ==I'm not sure i f I'm right about this. Correct me i f I'm wrong.


Both patterns are very common in spoken English because they invite other people to join in the conversation.

1 O)JIJWrite the question tags for the statements. 3 Write a sentence and question tag for these situations.
Listen and check.

1 It's really warm again today, isn't it?

1 You ask Tom ifhe could help you with your homework.
Tom, you couldn't help me with my homework, could you ?
2 You're angry with me, _ _ ? 2 You're coming out of a restaurant where you have just had a
really awful meal with a friend.
3 Last night was such a hot night, _ _ ?
That _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 You couldn't help me carry this bag, _ _ ? ______________________ ?
5 Antonio's late again, _ _ ? 3 You can't believe that your sister has borrowed your new
coat again.
6 It's cold for this time of year, _ _ ?
You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 John didn't fail his driving test again, _ _ ?
______________________ ?
8 You haven't seen my pen anywhere, _ _ ? 4 You need a neighbour to water your plants while you're
9 By the end of the film we were all in tears, _ _ ?
You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10 You wouldn't have change for a £10 note, _ _ ?
______________________ ?
Listen again to 1 and mark whether the tag 5 You think that Vanessa's plane leaves at 11 o'clock.
falls (-......) or rises (,..;,").
Vanessa, your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
______________________ ?
4 G>DJ Now listen to the sentences and mark the intonation

Unit 4 • A pack of lies .,. 29

Exam practice Units 1-4

Reading and Use of English Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (O). (8 marks)

Missing home
Starting university can be tough. It's a time of change - it might be your first time O_ l L from home or you may be moving
to a 1_ area or country. It could be the first time that you've had to be responsible for yourself and you may have 2 _
expectations about how much you're going to enjoy your new life. We hope starting university will be fun and exciting,
and we 3 _ lots of activities and events to help you 4 _ in and make new friends. However, we also know that it's very
S _ f o r new students to miss their home life. Research shows that 50-70% of new students suffer 6 _ t h i s feeling to
some extent within their first two or three weeks. This can be quite a personal reaction that not everyone feels comfortable
talking about, so there's a chance those around you are feeling the 7 _ , but just not sharing it with others. Just remember,
missing people and places is not a 8 _ of weakness.

0 A out B away C distant D missing

1 A separate B diverse C different D unusual
2 A large B high C deep D strong
3 A put B offer C perform D show
4 A move B travel C settle D change
5 A common B popular C ordinary D standard
6 A of B by C from D for
7 A same B similar C like D equal
8 A symbol B symptom C hint D sign

Reading and Use of English Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (O). (8 marks)

Cold morning ride

This 'experience must have been twenty or so years ago. I was about seventeen years old, and I O had just left school and
started a new job 9 _ _ _ _ a delivery driver. I was given a nice new motorbike, but I didn't have the proper clothing to
1Q_ _ _ _ with it. My first job was an early-morning pickup. A customer wanted to 11 _ _ _ _ a parcel delivered by
9 o'clock in the middle of Manchester. It was a mid-winter morning and it was absolutely freezing. I picked up and delivered
my parcel 12 _ _ _ _ time.
The person 13 _ _ _ _ tookthe parcel from me was a man of about sixty. He looked at me and asked me 14 _ _ _ _
I was all right; I said I was, but actually I was shaking with cold and not looking 1s _ _ _ _ to the ride back. He said, 'Come
with me; and he took me to a cafe 16 _ _ _ _ the corner where he bought me a huge cooked breakfast and a hot drink.
He had the same as me. What a lovely man. I'll never forget his simple generosity.

30 Exam practice • Units 1-4

Reading and Use of English Part 3
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O). (8 marks)

Some emails are bad news

Nearly everyone who logs on to check their emails has come across a message
that promises an amazing O financial opportunity. From demands from FINANCE
government 17 _ _ _ _ to notices that you've won a competition you don't OFFICE
remember 18 _ _ _ _ , these communications seem too good to be true. ENTER
And they always are.
19 _ _ _ _ e-mails and on line corruption are two of the most common HONEST
20 _ _ _ _ which are made by computer users today. The e-mails, which include COMPLAIN
sufficient factual information to be 21 _ _ _ _ , are usually very credible, and can CONVINCE
be 22 _ _ _ _ risky to someone's finances or credit score. The criminals who target POTENTIAL
you are usually attempting to steal money 23 _ _ _ _ , using bank account details DIRECT
that you provide, or even tryinging to steal your identity and purchasing items in
your name. It has been reported that the 24 _ _ _ _ data records of more than PERSON
93 million people have been lost or stolen in the last ten years.

Reading and Use of English Part 4

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and
six words, including the word given. (2 marks each)

25 Children in some areas no longer have to wear uniforms to school.

Children in some areas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to wear school uniforms.
26 You're doing too much; you should relax.
Why _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? You're doing too much.
27 If I were you, I wouldn't believe everything Tom says, because he often invents things.
Tom often _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ don't believe everything he says.
28 When I got home, my sister had already left for work.
I didn't see my sister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work.
29 How did they manage to escape from the fire?
I have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to escape from the fire.
30 Do you think you could help me with my college project?
I wonder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me with my college project?


Exam practice · Units 1-4 31

A future perfect?
• Future forms • Commonly confused words
• Conjunctions in future time clauses • Phrasal verbs - types 2 and 3
• Common verbs - take, put • Sounds and spelling

Language focus will or going to?

2 Complete the conversations with will or goini
Future forms in the correct form. Sometimes there is more
Question tags one answer.

1 Match a sentence in A with a question tag in B. 1 A I________ make myself a

sandwich. Do you want one?
A B B No,thanks .I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hm
1 You're going to work harder from now on, a will we? something later.
2 I'll see you next week, b doesn't it? 2 A Marco and Lia - - - - - - - -
their honeymoon in Venice.
3 Kate's leaving soon, C won't it?
B How wonderful! I'm sure they
4 You'll text when you get there, d are you? ________ love it!
5 Our plane takes off at 4.00 p.m., e won't I?
3 A Bye, Mum. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ met
6 The painters will have finished by next week, f isn't she? Tom and Mel. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l
7 You aren't thinking of resigning, g won't you? back at about ten o'clock.
8 We won't need tickets to get in, h won't they?
B OK, but don't be late again or I
________ be really annoyec
9 It'll be worth it in the end, i will he?
4 A Jo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be furious whc
10 Max won't be coming, j aren't you? she finds out I've crashed the car.
11 Get out of my way, k will you? B She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ understand i
12 I'm going to make a fool of myself, I aren't I? you explain that it wasn't your fault.
5 A I've just seen the weather forecast and it
Gm Listen and check. ________ be chilly again.
B I think I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ take a cc
6 A I'm tired. I think I _ _ _ _ _ _ _
to bed.
1:' M G-OlNG- T O TOP B I________ watch the news
PUTTING- 1"16-5' OFF. then I join you.
7 A My boss has told me I _ _ _ _ _ _
b promoted.
B Congratulations! We _ _ _ _ _ _ _
have to celebrate!
8 A Mr Smith, now you've won the lottery, y<
________ be the fifth-riche:
man in England. How do you feel about
B I________ tell you next we
I'm too shocked the moment!

G l f J Listen and check.

32 Unit 5 • A future perfect?
Future Continuous or Future Perfect? 4 Complete the sentences about Kenny, Luke, and Anna
in 10 years' time by putting the verb in brackets in either
3 Kenny, Luke, and Anna are students at a college in the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect.
London. Complete their conversation with the words in
the box.

I'll be flying I'll be inviting we'll be taking

·ne'II all be EleiRg I'll be living I'll have earned
I'll have passed have written I'll be writing
I'll have made

L Hi guys. How do you think you've done in the

K I don't know. Fingers crossed, because I need an A
to get into university.
L Me too. Hey, I wonder what 1 we'll all be doing
10 years from now.
K What, when we're 30? Well, I hope to
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a best-selling novel by then.
What about you?
L Ah, hopefully I'll be a pilot. 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ all
my flying exams and 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 380s all
round the world.
A That sounds exciting!
L It will be. But what about you, Anna?
A Well, hopefully 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in New York in Kenny
a luxury apartment, so you can visit me there!
L Really? What will you be doing in New York? 1 He 'llhave -nht
- ,... a cottage in the country.
A Well, I'm going to be a top lawyer for a leading
New York law firm. Easy! 2 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on his latest book. (work)
K New York? Why live in an overcrowded, polluted 3 He _______ lots of money from writing
city? I'll be living somewhere peaceful and a bestseller. (make)
beautiful, and 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ enough money
by then to buy a beautiful cottage in the country. Luke
My best-selling novel will have been a huge success
and 7 my second one. 4 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his pilot's exams. (finish)
A Oh, that sounds boring to me. I'd go mad living in 5 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ still _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
the country - too many cows! I'll be partying with in the UK. (live)
the cool set in rooftop bars overlooking the city.
6 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 380s all round the world.
L I agree with Anna. The country's for sheep and
cows. But I will visit you Kenny, if you have a
champagne book launch in London.
K Who says a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you?
loads of famous friends by 7 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to New York. (move)
8 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lots of money (earn)
A Come on, guys, enough about our exciting
9 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the countryside.
futures! We have to pass these exams first, or
10_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
them again in a year's time!
(not live)

Q)JIJListen and check.

Unit 5 • A future perfect? 33
What does John say? Conjunctions in future time clauses
5 Write what John actually says in these situations. Use a
future form.
Notice that in clauses after if, when, as soon as, until, before, ,
once, and unless, we normally use a present tense to talk aboL
future. A future form is not used.
I'll phone you when I arrive. NOT when !'II erriv-e
I won't marry you unless you give up smoking! N O T

To show that the first action will be completed before the seco
often use the Present Perfect.
I'll email you the report as soon as I've written it.
They're going to emigrate to Australia after they've had thi

6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets

1 He sees some very dark clouds in the sky. correct tense.
It's going to rain. 1 Unless you _ _ _ _ _ _ (eat) something, ye
2 His sister has just reminded him that it is his _____ (not get) better.
grandmother's birthday soon. 2 We - - - - - - (not move) to Paris until w,
------ (find) a flat there to rent.
3 You _ _ _ _ _ _ (love) Adam when you
3 He has decided to study hard for his final exams. ______ (meet) him. He's so funny.
4 you _ _ _ _ _ _ (learn) to
as soon as you _ _ _ _ _ (be) 17?
4 He's made an appointment to see the dentist next
Friday. 5 The children _ _ _ _ _ _ (not go) to bed m
they _ _ _ _ _ _ (have) a glass of milk.
6 It _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) at least an hour before I
5 He predicts a win for his team, Manchester United, on ______ (finish) this report.
7 If you _ _ _ _ _ _ (not do) well in the test,
lthink _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ you _ _ _ _ _ _ (have to),
6 He's stuck in a traffic jam. He's late for his meeting. He
rings his office. 8 As soon as we _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) able to proc
the information, we (deal) wit}
I'm sorry, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ request.
7 His sister is pregnant. The baby is due next March. 9 The doctor says that I _ _ _ _ _ _ (feel) mu
My sister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ better once I (have) the operati
10 Once you _ _ _ _ _ _ (try) 'Glowhite' tootl
8 His plane ticket for next Sunday says: Departure you (never use) anything else!
7.30 a.m. London, Heathrow.
My plane _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9 He can see himself lying on a beach in Spain next
week at this time.
This time next week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10 He predicts hot weather there.
� I think it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a>mListen and compare.

34 Unit 5 • Afuture perfect?
Future forms in context Correct the mistakes
7 Read the interview with Sasha. Underline the most suitable 8 In these conversations, some of the future forms
future form. are wrong. Tick the correct sentences. Find the
mistakes and correct them.
1 !Z] A Have you heard? Sue's going to have a
D B Really? I'm going to give her a ring this
evening to congratulate her.

2 D A What do you do this weekend?

D B I don't know yet. Maybe I'll give Paul a
ring and see what he's doing.

3 D A I'll be honest with you, Matthew. I don't

think you're going to pass this exam.
D B Oh no! What will I be doing?

4 D A Is it true that Rachel will go to the States

Hello, Sasha. It is good of you to be interviewed today, as I to work as a nanny?
know you have a busy training schedule. D B Yes, and guess what! I am, too!
S That's OK.1 1 'II take I 'm taking a couple of days off anyway
as it's my birthday tomorrow. 12 'm I'm going to be 18 - an
adult at last.
5 D A Our plane leaves at six oclock on
Saturday morning.
Only 18 and you've accomplished so much already! You won
a bronze medal at the European Championships last year,
D B You'll be having to wake me up. I can
never get up in the mornings.
and I know you 3 'II be hoping I 'II have hoped to win gold at
the next Olympics.
S That's my dream. I 4 'II riever give up I 'II never be giving up until 6 D A It's my birthday tomorrow. I'm going to
I've done all I can to achieve it. That's what keeps me going be 30!
through the hours of training. I keep telling myself it'll be D B 30! That's ancient! You are getting your
worth it if I 5 win I will win gold. Failure isn't an option. pension soon.
You're very tough on yourself, Sasha. That's a lot of
commitment and hard work. You're still young. Surely you 7 D A My parents will be arriving soon, and the
must spend some time with friends? house looks like a pigsty.
S No, gymnastics is everything to me. I 6 'II be training I 'II have D B Don't worry. It'll only be taking a few
been training intensively for six years by the next Olympics, minutes to clear up.
and every minute of practice helps.
The World Championships 7 are being staged I will be staged
in Germany next year. How are you preparing?
8 D A Will you be going skiing as usual after
S Well, I'm good at the pommel horse and the parallel bars, so
by the time the Championships start, I 8 concentrate I 'II have
D B Not this year. Jt's just too expensive. vVe'JI
concentrated on them the most. I think the bars 9will be I are tay at home.
being my best event.
Will you 10be hoping I have hoped for a medal? 9 D A I'll ring you as soon as I'll arrive.
S Yes, 111 will I have. Maybe silver or bronze. D B Please do. We'll be waiting to hear you've
You're such a good role model for young people today. Do arrived safely.
you have any advice for other young hopefuls?
S Yes. Never lose sight of your dream. If you work hard, you 10 D A Are you going to Sam's party on Friday?
12 will have
been I will be successful. D 8 Yeah, unless r am getting held up at work.
Thank you, Sasha. Good luck, and happy birthday ...

G B J Listen and check. em Listen and compare.

Unit 5 • Afuture perfect? 35
Vocabulary Commonly confused words
2 Complete the sentences using the words in the box i
Common verbs - take, put correct form. More than one form is sometimes post
1 Kerry and Daisy are at stage school. Complete their 1 expect wait for look forward to
conversation with the correct form of take or put.
a We _ _ _ _ the rain to stop so that we can I
K Hi, Daisy. Are you thinking tennis.
of 1taking oart in that acting b The weather forecast says a lot of rain _ _ _
competition? Second prize over the next few days.
is tickets for Emma Watson's c I'm very excited. I'm _ _ _ _ _ starting my m
new film. You're a big fan of job at the bank.
hers, aren't you?
D She's my heroine. I think 2 pass spend waste
she's just brilliant. If she
2_ _ _ _ _ her mind to it, a I_____ too much time with my mates an
she can do anything. enough time with my girlfriend.
K Aren't you 3_ _ _ _ _ her on a pedestal? She b I usually watch movies on a long flight. It helps
was OK in the Harry Potter films, but she's not that _____ the time.
great. c I____ my time at school. I wish I'd tried
D What! She's done so much more than Harry harder and studied more.
Potter. She 4_ _ _ _ _ up modelling and won a
People's Choice award for her latest film. 3 see watch look at
K Pretty impressive stuff, I suppose. Hasn't she got a
degree in English, too? a ____ you _ _ _ _ that new Spielberi
film yet?
D She certainly has. She 5_ _ _ _ _ some time
off to promote her films, but she went back and b The police sat in their car. They _ _ _ _ ev
completed her degree at Brown University. move the men made.
K OK, sorry - I 6_ _ _ _ _ back what I said. It's not c _____ this picture Amy has painted!
fair, is it? Some people have all the luck.
D Oh, Kerry! 7_ _ _ _ _ it easy on yourself.You've 4 actually at the moment really
been offered a part in Chicago. It's one of the best
a A What a shame James lost the match!
musicals ever. I think your acting career is about to
s_ _ _ _ _ off!
B _____ he won.
K It's not a very big part. I'm just in the chorus. b The kids are playing in the garden _ _ _ _
D Don't 9_ _ _ _ _ yourself down. If you c I____ love that dress. You look great!
10_ _ _ _ _ in enough effort, you'll become a
star. You've got a great singing voice, too. At least 5 lend borrow owe
they 11_ _ _ _ _ you on. That's an achievement
a I'm paying off my student loan. I still _ _ _
in itself!
£10,000, which is a big debt.
K You're right, Daisy. Do you really think I have a
b Jed _ _ _ _ £5,000 from the bank to buy a
good voice?
D Yeah, I do. Our music coach has really
c Could you _ _ _ _ me £20? I'm broke.
12_ _ _ _ _ to you. She thinks you've got real
promise. You'll be famous one day. 6 angry nervous embarrassed
K We both will! Come on! Let's 13_ _ _ _ _ our a He felt _ _ _ _ when he realized that he
names down for this competition. couldn't remember her name.
D And if one of us wins, they'll have to b I'm very _ _ _ _ _ about my interview tomo
14_ _ _ _ _ the other out for a meal.
c We're _ _ _ _ _ with the government for not
K Deal!
listening to us.

GlDJListen and check.

36 Unit 5 • A future perfect?

Phrasal verbs - Type 2 and type 3 Pronunciation
Sounds and spelling
Type 2 (separable) and type 3 (inseparable) phrasal verbs have an object
and a particle. 1 em Listen and match the letters underlined
in each word with the correct sound.
The particle can move position. NOTE
A particle always comes after pronouns
(him, it, me, etc.).
1 WQilt
2 walk
Take offyour coat. Take your coat off.
Take it off. NOT "Fake e#ft. 3 wQnder IA! h:/ /o/
I put on the DVD. I put the DVD on.
I put iton. NOT I R•1tnn i t 4 wQman /u/ fau/ IA!
Type3 5 warm /-:>:/ /a1/ /3:/
The particle cannot move.
look after your brother.
6 word /-:>:/ /3:/ /ai/
NOT Leekye1::1r Bi'e#ler after 7 wear /eg/ le/ /i:/
Lee,'< him after.
('(( look into the problem. 8 wcight /a1/ /e1/ le!
NOT!'!.' teak #le m•eelem iRte
!'Ii' lee,'f it iRte 9 Wfl,nt /re/ /gu/ /o/
Dictionaries indicate the type of phrasal verb by the position of the particle 10 work h:/ /3:/ h1/
in the dictionary entry.
put sth on The particle is shown after sth. (Type 2) 11 wfl,nder IA/ h:/ /o/
look into sth The particle is shown before sth. (Type 3) 12 wQmen /u/ /gu/ III
13 worm h:/ h1/ /3:/

3 Put a pronoun in the correct place in these sentences. 14 ward /a:/ /a1/ h:/
15 weary /eg/ /Jg/ /i:/
1 Is that your coat? Put it on-=-. It's really cold outside.
2 I know you've got a lot of problems, but I'm sure you'll 16 wcird /a1/ /e1/ /Jg/
get -=-over them . 2 In each group of words, three words rhyme.
Choose the odd one out.

3 I need to read that chapter again. I couldn't take _ _ _ _ _
all in _ _ _ _ _ 1 IA! done won son
4 There's a problem with my computer. I'll sort _ _ _ _ _ out 2 /u/ would should good blood
_____ tomorrow.
3 !ml move love prove groove
5 We're having a meeting on the 25th. Put _ _ _ _ _ in
4 /gu/ though through throw sew
_____ your diary.
6 There are clothes all over your bedroom. Please put 5 /e1/ weak break ache shake
_____ away _ _ _ _ _ 6 /au/ flower power tower lower
7 If you're going out with your little brother, you'd better look 7 /3:/ worth birth north earth
_____ after _ _ _ _ _
8 /e1/ hate wait weight height
8 I'm sorry you had a complaint about your room. I'll look
_____ into _ _ _ _ _ right away. 9 /Jg/ fear near pear clear
9 That was a mean thing you said! Take _ _ _ _ _ back 10 /eg/ share bear fair hear

Q>DJ Listen and check.

10 I liked Ann, but since you told me what she did, you've put me
_____ off _ _ _ _ _
11 Lisa's left her bag here. I'll text her and tell her I'll take
_____ over _ _ _ _ _ later.
Unit 5 · A future perfect? / 37
Making it big
• Countable and uncountable nouns • Money advice
• Expressing quantity • Prepositions and nouns
• Compounds with some, any, no, every • Words with variable stress

Language focus some or any?

2 Complete the sentences with some or any.
Countable or uncountable?
1 Why don't you ask your father to lend you _ _ _ _ _
1 Underline two nouns in each group that are money? I haven't got _ _ _ _ _
usually uncountable. 2 _____ people don't have _ _ _ _ _ problems
1 credit card coin cash salary bonus learning foreign languages.
money 3 A Would you like _ _ _ _ _ more fizzy mineral water?
2 job employee boss unemployment B I don't want _ _ _ _ _ more.
training profession 4 My teenage sister never has _ _ _ _ _ difficulty
learning the words of the latest pop songs. There are
3 motorway traffic traffic jam hold-up hardly _ _ _ _ she doesn't know by heart.
petrol rush hour 5 I didn't realize that there was still _ _ _ _ _ coffee left.
I've made _ _ _ _ _ more.
4 holiday journey flight luggage
accommodation suitcase 6 I did this exercise without _ _ _ _ _ help.

5 meal dish food menu dessert rice much or many?

6 pop group entertainment musical 3 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets and much
music opera concert or many. Make any other necessary changes.
1 I'm not sure how much drink to buy. (cans o f cola)
7 arrest violence accident evidence
I'm not surehawmany cans ofcola to buy.
crime criminal
2 Are there many jobs to be done in the garden? (work)

3 I didn't spend many hours on the homework. (time)

4 Did they do many experiments before they found a cure?


5 I didn't have too much difficulty with this exercise either.


Underline two nouns in each group that are 6 I've got too many suitl;'.ases. I can't carry them all. (luggage)
usually countable.
8 luck happiness celebration 7 There are too many cars and lorries on the streets of our
opportunity fun help town. (traffic)
9 ingredient cutlery fruit snack meat
food 8 They couldn't give me many details about the delay to our
flight. (information)
10 fresh air sleep calorie muscle health

38 Unit 6 • Making it big

\-1 T

J spaghetti \
\_/ \_- - -_/r::
chocolate mousse I fruit salad

. I

I doughnuts \ IJL;;c.t JVIC, fJ
chocolate biscuits '• "

_ j - .,. I_,, __.:',\_
cheese sandwiches chocolate cake\ \L,._ _ _

The canteen
4 Look at the picture of the students' canteen. Write ten sentences, using each expression in the box once.
several a couple of a few loads of not much a little hardly any no plenty of not many

! _________________ 6 ________________ _
2 _________________ 7 ________________ _
3 _________________ 8 ________________ _
4 _________________ 9 ________________ _
5 ----------------- 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 Answer the students' questions about the canteen using very little, a little, few ...
an expression of quantity without a noun. 6 Replace the underlined words in the sentences with very
1 A Is there any chocolate cake? little, a little, Jew, very Jew, a Jew, fewer, or less.
B Sorry, there's none left.
1 There was a lot of wine at the party, but hardly any
2 A What about chocolate mousse? was drunk. very little
B Well, there's a little.
2 I'm on a diet, so I'll just have three crackers and f!..
3 A Can I have some milk? _
small piece of cheese. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B Yes, of course, there's _ _ _ _ _ left.
3 Children don't have as much respect as they used to
4 A Have you got any chocolate biscuits?
for their teachers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B Well, there are _ _ _ _ _
5 A Two portions of spaghetti, please. 4 Lots of people have tried to climb Everest, but not
many have succeeded. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B Sorry, there's _ _ _ _ _ left.
6 A Can I have some apple juice? 5 Dave can speak fluent Norwegian and some Swedish.
B Sorry, there's _ _ _ _ _ left.
7 A Are there any hamburgers? 6 Not as many people smoke these days.
B Yes, there are quite _ _ _ _ _
8 A Can I have a large portion of fruit salad, please? 7 Not many people manage to become completely fluent
B Sorry, there's only _ _ _ _ _ left. in a language. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9 A Have you run out of bananas? 8 It's been three or four years since we last saw him.
B No, I think we've got _ _ _ _ _ out the back.
10 A Is this all the apple juice you've got? 9 There isn't very much I can do to help you.
B I'm afraid so, but we've got _ _ _ _ _ orange
10 There are lots of reasons why I don't want to
A Never mind, orange juice will do. I'll take expand the business. Here are some of them.
_____ those cartons, please.

Q)IIIListen and check.

Unit 6 • Making it big 39
Compounds with some, any, no, every
something, anybody, nowhere, everyone ...

1 Any, anyone, anybody, anywhere, and anything can mean it 2 Everybody, everyone, and everything are singular,
doesn't matter which/who/where/what. not plural.
You can say anything you want. I don't care. Everybody knows who did it.
Borrow any book you want. Everything makes sense now.

Put the picture anywhere. I don't mind. Everyone likes John.

7 Complete the sentences with a combination of these 8 Match a line in A with a line in B to make sentences.
one/body 1 He told them he knew a anything.
+ thing 2 He didn't tell them b nothing.
3 I think they live C somewhere near my hous
4 This area's dangerous. d anywhere near here.
1 I don't care where we go on holiday as long as it's
I wouldn't live
_____ hot.
2 Does _ _ _ _ _ want a cup of tea? 5 Anybody e remembered your birthd,
3 I've looked for my contact lens _ _ _ _ _ , but I 6 Nobody Sorry!
can't find it _ _ _ _ _ f can cook. It's easy.
4 A What do you want for dinner, Harry?
7 I've searched g anywhere.
B Oh, _ _ _ _ _ . I don't mind!
8 I can't find it h everywhere.
5 This sale is fantastic. There's 50% off _ _ _ _ _ in
the shop. 9 I thought I'd know i somebody at the party.
6 It's really boring at Auntie Martha's. There's absolutely 10 I didn't know j anybody at the party.
_____ to do, _ _ _ _ _ to go, and
_____ to play with. 11 My parents never k everywhere.
took me I anywhere.
7 I'm a very sensitive person. _ _ _ _ _ understands
me. 12 My parents took me
8 There was _ _ _ _ _ for me to sit on the train, so I 13 Jane always gets m everything she wants.
had to stand. 14 Jane didn't have n anything to wear.
9 Jane's getting engaged to _ _ _ _ _ she met on
holiday. 15 I've already had o something to eat.
10 Sue is such a chatterbox; she's always got _ _ _ _ _ 16 I've had p nothing to eat.
to say, but she never says _ _ _ _ _ interesting.
11 Our dog will happily go for a walk with _ _ _ _ _
You can take him _ _ _ _ _
12 Tommy's so popular. _ _ _ _ _ likes him.

G>JE Listen and check.

40 Unit 6 • Making it big

Quantifiers in context
9 Read about three entrepreneurs. Complete their stories using the words in the boxes.

In reality TV programme Dragons' Den, hopeful entrepreneurs pitch their

business ideas to a panel of multi-millionaires. The 'Dragons' invest if they
believe the business is viable. But sometimes they are wrong ...

The Trunki The SwimFin

any a bit all few many hundred a couple
one piece one of all anything more
something nobody
The Trunki is a colourful, adaptable
piece of hand luggage for children Kevin Moseley is an
which 1_ _ _ _ _ of us will have inventor with a sense
seen at airports. It is a small suitcase of humour. He came
with wheels, which can be used as up with the idea of designing a shark's fin to help children
a seat for children who are getting float in water! His invention was rejected by 8_ _ _ _ _ of
_____ tired, and easily pulled the Dragons, who even made 9_ _ _ _ _ _ of Jaws jokes.
by a parent with a small child sitting They said 10_ _ _ _ _ would buy such a 'dangerous' and
on top. The Trunki is a great invention 'silly' swimming aid and that his Swimfin would never amount
and 3_ _ _ _ _ parents travelling to 11 _ _ _ _ _ • However, Kevin decided to ignore their

by plane with young children would comments and make 12_ _ _ _ _ Swimfins in his garage.
disagree. Despite its obvious potential, Two years later, the Swimfin is a 13_ _ _ _ _ _ thousand
the inventor of the Trunki, Rob Law, pound business and a worldwide success, _ _ _ _ _
was dismissed from the Den without Dragons hadn't anticipated!
_ _ _ _ _ financial backing. The
Trunki is now s_ _ _ _ _ the top-
selling baggage items at department Road Refresher
stores in the UK. Rob offers
_ _ _ _ _ new entrepreneurs a few no one none one over several a great deal of
_ _ _ _ _ of advice: 'If at first you
The Dragons have ,s_ _ _ _ _ _ business acumen between
don't succeed, try, try, try again.'
them, but occasionally they make 16_ _ _ _ _ mistakes.
_ _ _ _ _ is a better example of not giving up than
Natalie Ellis. Her non-spill bowl for travelling pets was subjected
to 18_ _ _ _ _ _ sarcastic comments from
the Dragons. _ _ _ _ _
of them saw
a future in the Road Refresher.
Thankfully, Natalie wasn't disheartened,
and by the end of the year she had made
20 _ _ _ _ _
a million pounds from
her canine creation.
Now, the Road Refresher is exported all
over the world, and has a 4.7 star rating
on Amazon. It received the ultimate
endorsement when Barack Obama bought
21 _ _ _ _ _
for his dog, Bo .

Unit 6 • Making it big 41

Prepositions and nouns
10 Which prepositions go with the words on the right in these two tables?
below in on over under against at by during in on from
.I .I average .I .I midnight
debt the night
arrest the beginning
75% the winter
freezing the weekend
18 years old time
the advice of a fortnight's tin
pressure the rush hour
business his forties
new the end of
management the week

Prepositions in context
11 Read the article about a British opticians, Specsavers. Complete it with prepositions.

Should've Gone to Specsavers!

Specsavers is a British opticians chain with stores in the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Australia, and New Zealand. It was
begun by husband and wife team, Doug and Dame Mary Perkins, in their spare room 1_ _ _ 1984. 2_ _ _ spite
of these humble beginnings, it has grown to be the UK's largest e m p l o y e r ' - - - registered optometrists.
Now•_ _ _ their 70s, Mary and Doug met• _ _ _ Cardiff University in the 1960s. They were both
studying• _ _ _ d e g r e e s ' - - - optometry. Doug borrowed money• _ _ _ his grandparents and
bought the opticians owned •_ _ _ Mary's father in Bristol.
Before Specsavers, opticians had been expensive, and there had been limited choice. Mary and Doug
offered affordable and fashionable eyecare 10_ _ _ all. " - - - all advice, they decided to launch
a 2-for-1 offer 12 _ _ _ all frames - this was a phenomenal success and Specsavers went 13_ _ _

strength to strength.
Mary and Doug also realized the power 1 •_ _ _ advertising and celebrity branding. Specsavers is
one 1 • _ _ _ the highest spenders 1 •_ _ _ advertising and it is known for its humorous approach.
It offers a range of frames designed " - - - famous designers and celebrities. Will. launched
his global brand in 2018.
Specsavers is a family business. The couple and their three grown-up children oversee the Specsavers
empire 1 • _ _ _ their central office in Guernsey And it really is an empire, with 1 •_ _ _ 32 million
customers, 30,000 employees and 20_ _ _ 2,000 stores. The family Is one of the richest families in
Britain, and yet Mary and Doug still live in their modest four-bedroom house in Guernsey- Mary even
kept the same car 21 _ _ _ twelve years. They are a modest, hard-working family who saw a gap in
the eyecare market. And the rest is history!

1984 1997 2008 2012 2018

opens first store in first international store opens in 1,000th store opens 1, 500th store opens Will.Lam lat
Bristol Haarlem, Netherlands 2010 2016 his global b
1990 2003 market leader in New Zealand turnover of
innovative 2-for-1 offer famous caption 'Should've gone 2011 record breaking
is launched to Specsavers' is launched market leader in Australia £2.18 billion

42 Unit 6 • Making it big

Vocabulary Pronunciation
Money advice Words with variable stress
Complete the sentences below with 1 Th e words below can all be both nouns or verbs. Listen to 12 sentences
the words in the box. containing them. Are they used as nouns or verbs? Write N or V. What do you
notice about the stressed syllables?
set up reduce spread
invoice transfer haggle 1 _lL transport 5 _ import 9 _ object
refund pay off compare 2 _ increase 6 _ record 10 -. _ present
sales figures 3 _ produce 7 _ permit 11 _ contest
1 Youcan _ _ _ _ _ _ your 4 _ insult 8 refund 12 refuse
heating bill by up to 20% by
insulating your loft. 2 Numbers 9-12 change meanings when used as a noun or a verb. Check these
in your dictionary.
2 Youshould _ _ _ _ _ _ your
credit card balance to a new card 3 Read this news item aloud. Pay attention to the words with variable stress.
with 0% interest.
'Good evening. Here is the news. Oil imports have continued
3 Before renewing your car
insurance, go online and to increase at a fast rate in the last quarter. As a result, the
prices. You government has refused to permit any further increases.
could be paying far too much! However, demand for transport fuel is at record levels and
members of the Transport Workers' Union have objected to
4 You should always
over your the ruling, insisting that they will protest against any future
mobile phone package. You can sanctions. They have presented a report maintaining
usually negotiate a better deal! that the present rise in imports is due to a
decrease in investment in railway transport
5 Rather than paying in full,
the cost of by the government.'
household bills over the year in
monthly or quarterly payments.
6 To manage your finances more
direct debits, then you know Q)DJ Listen and check. Practise reading the text again.
exactly when money is leaving
your bank account. 4 Read this news item and mark the stress on the words in bold. Then read it
aloud, paying attention to the shifting stress.
7 It is always advisable to
credit card The number of tax refunds is on
balances in full each month the increase since the tax office
to avoid paying high interest has been experiencing problems
charges. with its new computer system.
8 As part of your statutory The problem came to light when
rights, you are entitled to a full so many businesses contested
within 30 days their latest bills. Tax officers have
of purchase. protested against the criticism,
saying that they are insulted by the
9 Due to the current recession, this
suggestion that they are to blame.
year's _ _ _ _ _ _ have been
very disappointing. They say that the present problems
only started when the IT contract
10 Payment is due within 30 days was placed with a new company,
of receipt of _ _ _ _ _ _ and they can produce records to
which will be sent by email. show this.

G).ffl Listen and check. Practise reading the text again.

Unit 6 • Making it big , 43
Let there be love!
• Modal auxiliary verbs • Common verbs with get
• Need • Love and relationships
• Modals and related verbs • Phrasal verbs - type 4

Language focus 2 Underline the two most suitable modals.

1 You should I may I ought to get your hair cut. It's
Revision of all modals too long.
1 Tick (,/) the most likely 2 Can I May I Should I ask you a question?
explanation for each of these 3 Parents could I must I have to use an appropriate
modals. child restraint for their child in all motor vehicle
1 Leanne may be getting 4 You might I 'll I may get a seat on the train, but i1
married soon. unlikely, as it's always packed.
a D Leanne has 5 I could I can I 'll be studying Mandarin this time
permission to get next year.
married soon. 6 I should I ought to I must be able to speak Frend
b IZ] It's possible Leanne fluently. I've lived in Paris for five years.
will get married soon. 7 You 'll have to I ought to I may work much hardc
2 I couldn't swim until I was 16. you want to pass.
a D I wasn't allowed to swim until I was 16. 8 It's an Italian restaurant. They should I can I have
b D I wasn't able to swim until I was 16. do good spaghetti.
9 You may I can I will leave your valuables in the
3 No one can smoke in pubs or restaurants. hotel safe.
a D No one is allowed to smoke in pubs or restaurants. 10 You could I have to I must be between 150 cm ar
b D No one is able to smoke in pubs or restaurants. 190 cm tall to be a flight attendant.
4 You should wear glasses. 3 Underline the correct answer.
a D My advice is that you wear glasses.
1 You mustn't I won't have any problems with Josh
b D It's possible that you will have to wear glasses. He's a good baby.
5 Will you walk the dog? 2 You don't have to I mustn't use cream in this saw
a D I'm asking you to walk the dog. but it makes it much tastier.
b D Are you at some time in the future going to walk 3 I couldn't I wouldn't watch the tennis final becau
Mia phoned for a long chat about her boyfriend
the dog?
4 Timmy's so stubborn. He just can't I won't listen
6 I couldn't get the top off the jar. any advice.
a D I didn't manage to get the top off the jar. 5 I'm afraid I can't I may not come to your weddin
b D I wasn't allowed to get the top off the jar. as I'll be in Australia.
7 You must be hungry. 6 I was able to I could get 20% off the price in the i
a D You need to be hungry. 7 You don't have to I mustn't say a word about this
b D I'm sure you are hungry.
your mother. It's a surprise.

8 Andy's very busy, so he may not go to the party. Listen and check.
a D Andy doesn't have permission to go to the party.
b D There's a possibility Andy won't go to the party.

44 Unit 7 • Let there be love!

Positive to negative Need
4 Rewrite the sentences to give the opposite meaning.
1 You must stop here. Needcan work like a modal verb or a normal verb.
1 It is usually formed like a normal verb+ infinitive
2 We must learn the whole poem. with to.
She needs to go to bed.
Does she needto go to bed?
3 They had to take off their shoes. She doesn't need to go to bed.
2 Need is used as a modal verb mainly in the negative.
4 He must be speaking Swedish. She needn'tgo to bed yet.
3 Need+ -ing + passive infinitive.
The car needs fixing.= The car needs to be fixed.
5 You have to help me do this exercise.

6 Underline the correct verb. Sometimes two are

Present probability
1 You weren't able to I needn't I don't have to
5 Respond to the statements or questions using the words in brackets. do this exercise, but it might help.
Put the verb in the correct form.
2 You mustn't I needn't I don't have to think
1 Harry is packing his suitcases. (must/go on holiday) I'm always this bad tempered. I've just had a
He mustbe goingon holiday. bad day.
2 Jenny looks really unhappy. (must/miss/boyfriend) 3 We managed to I needn't I don't have to
book a table. The restaurant won't be busy
3 Who's at the front door? (will/Tom) tonight.
4 Do you really must I need to I have to go
4 Where's Kate? It's nearly lunchtime! (can't/still/sleep) now? Can't you stay a bit longer?
5 You must I don't need to I don't have to eat
5 Why are all the lights on in their house? (could/have/party) all your vegetables. Just have the carrots.
6 Have I must I need to I got to go to bed
now? I'm not tired.
6 James has been working all night. (must/deadline to meet)
7 The carpet needs I must I has to replacing.
Look at the state of it!
7 There's a thick fog this morning. (might!difficult! drivel work)
8 At last I 've managed I 've needed I 've got to
find someone to fix my cooker.
8 Mark can't find his little sister. (may/hide/in the garden)
9 Unfortunately, I wasn't able to I didn't
manage to I needn't climb to the top o f the
mountain because o f the poor weather
G:J.IJ Listen and check. conditions.
10 Hooray! I needn't I wasn't able to I don't
have to wear school uniform today because
it's Saturday!

"You must be the tenth doctor who's

told me I'm suffering from paranoia.
What is this, some kind of conspiracy?"
Unit 7 • Let there be love! 45
Modals and related verbs Modals and related verbs in context
7 Rewrite the sentences with a similar meaning 8 Complete the problems and responses with the correct
using the prompts. phrase from the boxes.

Ask Lo ita,
1 It's Anna's birthday tomorrow, so I should buy
her a card. ( 'd better)
It's Anna's birthday tomorrow. so I'd better buy her
a card.
2 Guests shouldn't leave valuables in their rooms.

3 I wasn't allowed to stay out late until I was 18.

mu expert
My parents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Your relationship questions answered
4 I'm sure he'll do well. He's so clever. (bound)
Long-distance Love
5 People under 18 shouldn't drink alcohol.
aFeR't able to see can get together should be able to
bound to feel will survive is always possible to
could easily find manage to see mustn't be should tq
6 You can't use dictionaries in this exam. (not
Dear Lolita
The use of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ love, but we live a t opp o s it e
My girlfri e nd and I are ve ry much in
1 aren't able to c;ee much o f e ch o f
7 Travellers to the US need a visa. (required) e nds of t h e country, so
a long-distance r e lat 1ons 1p
I know it's e asy the s e day s t o have .
Skype or Facet1me, but its
8 I expect you'll find it difficult to learn Russian. be caus e it,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
usually 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _
(likely) the same as giving he r a hug. We
I'm a t e acher, so a t le ast
each oth e r about once a month and
4- - - i
n the school holiday s . I know I
we - - - - - -
9 You can't use your phone in the quiet carriage. cope, but I'm finding i t difficult.
(not permitted)
Please help!
Using _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ James,E

Holiday Dilemma
ought to insist has to pay back should I share
is bound to struggle can't sleep will think should let
will have to support may come ought not to have

Dear Lolita
t h a t my pro blem is real\
Standar C ass I expect you ,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
silly, but I'm s o worrie ' d t h at\12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. v, o u
for the f i r s t tim e , an,
Quiet Carriage see, I'm going on holiday with my boyfriend .
much more than him, and I know h
I don't know what t e do. I e arn
13_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with paying hi s way for our outings
think 114,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
and re st aurant meal s . Do you
15'--------- t he m
on paying most of t h e bills, or
a huge s t ude nt loan, a
H 16' - - - - - - - - -
. ,, e
with him
t wan-
. more in debt - but I al s o don
I don't want him t o get even
damag e his pride. Any s uggest io
Josie, Shef

46 Unit 7 • Let there be love!

Common verbs - get
1 Look at the sentences. Match the phrases containing get with the definitions

1 Do you get the point I'm making? a receive

2 It took me ages to get over the flu. b live

3 I won't get through all this work by Friday. c avoid

4 My kids each get £5 pocket money a week. d recover from

5 It's difficult to get by on just £50 a week. e finish

Dear James 6 What time do you think you'll get here? f understand
You 6
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 Do you and your sister get on well? g depress you
so hard on yourself. You're
-,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ upset 8 Dan always tries to get out of doing the h buy
in a situation like this. Anyone housework.
i arrive
would! But, if your love is strong, it 9 Rain! Rain! Rain! Doesn't it get you down?
, j make myself
. Look for
10 I don't speak much French, but I can just get by. understood
solutions. You're a teacher, so surely
you 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a job in 11 I managed to get this bag for just£ 10 in the sales. k become interested in
another school near to your girlfriend. 12 I can't get into this book. The plot is too I have a good
I think you 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
complicated. relationship.
to do something practical, so the two of
you can be together.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box.
lil{Jlb Lalitct
I at back from into past to with (x2) I
1 Josh doesn't get on _ _ _ _ _ any of his classmates. It's a shame.
2 Could you move out of the way, please? I need to get _ _ _ _ _
Dear Josie
You are a very thoughtful young woman, 3 Those kids have been quiet for ages. They must be getting up _ _ _ _ _
and I totally understand your dilemma. no good.
I think you 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 Mary never disciplines her five-year-old. He gets away _ _ _ _ _
your boyfriend pay for a few of the murder!
meals, but not all of them. That 5 Zoe and Rob split up for a while, but it seems they've got _ _ _ _ _
way he retains his self-respect. together again.
Relationships are always changing,
and there 18_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 He got _ _ _ _ _ so much trouble when he forgot his wife's birthday.
a time when the roles reverse and 7 It's embarrassing being with Tim and Kay - they're always getting
he 19_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ each other.
you. Anyway, in this day and age,
8 I had a report to finish, so I didn't get away _ _ _ _ _ work until
any intelligent and confident man 8 o'clock.
20 any issues
with his partner earning more than him. G>JIJ Listen and check.
la(!le, Lalitct

Unit 7 • Let there be love! 47
Love and relationships Phrasal verbs
3 Match the expressions with their definitions. Type 4 - verb + adverb + preposition
1 be head over a experiencing problems and about 1 Type 4 phrasal verbs have a verb + adverb + preposition
heels (in love) to fail The preposition has an object.
2 a match made b fall in love with someone you (usually) We've run out of sugar.
in heaven can't have
3 have a crush C become friends again after a
(on someone) disagreement
4 puppy love d two people perfectly suited to each
5 pop the other
question e short-term love between young people
6 kiss and make up f end a relationship
7 on the rocks g get married
8 split up h ask someone to get married
9 tie the knot i love someone very much indeed
10 bicker j argue about trivial matters
Do you get on with your neighbours?
4 Complete the conversations with the expressions from 3. 2 The word order cannot change.
1 A I'm so worried about my daughter. She's only 14, and she Do you get on with them?
thinks about no one else but her boyfriend. NOT Doyor:1getofl tf:lem witf:I?
We've run out of it.
B Don't worry. It's only 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NOT l k· ·e l'r:Jfl or:1tit of.
She'll like someone else by Christmas. My daughter 3 Dictionaries show type 4 phrasal verbs by giving both th
_________ on her History teacher! That'll adverb and the preposition.
pass too - I hope! get away with sth: do something bad and not get
2 A Lily and Pedro are 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • They're
punished for it.
absolutely perfect for each other. 4 Sometimes a phrasal verb can be type 4 or type 1.
Type 1: Their marriage broke up last year.
B It's so nice to see such a happy couple. I bet Pedro will
Type 4: She's sad because she's just broken up with her
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ soon, and hopefully we'll be boyfriend.
bridesmaids! Dictionaries show this.
3 A After 25 years of marriage, I'm still as break up (with sb)
_________ in love with my husband as I
was all those years ago. In fact, I think I love him even
more. 5 Match the lines in A and B.
B You're so lucky. My marriage with Guy is definitely A B
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .We're always arguing.
I think we're going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'm really looking a of the deal.
forward b with Kieran any
A Oh no! I'm so sorry. 2 The government want more!
4 A Mum! Dad! Will you two stop 8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? to do away c to the weekend
It doesn't matter whose turn it is to empty the bins. 3 Oh no! We've run out d with child bene1
Please, just 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , and let's have a nice 4 Stella can't put up e from difficult
evening. 5 Otto walked out situations.
B OK, OK. And I'll do it. But it's definitely your dad's turn 6 Harry's a bully. Stand up f of coffee!
next week. 7 I don't think they'll g of the meeting
pull out protest.
5 A Jill and Graham have been going out together for years
8 Cora always walks away h to him!
now! Do you think they'll ever 10_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
B I've no idea. Maybe they are happy as they are, or maybe
they just don't like weddings!

Gm Listen and check.

48 Unit 7 • Let there be love!

6 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs
and prepositions in the box.
away with off with up for up with
Consonant clusters
out o f on with (x2) out with (x2) ttfHe
down on
English has many words with groups (or clusters) of consonants:
1 Joey! You've got a very guilty look on your happened /'hrep;md/
face! What have you been gettiI}g up to this couldn't /'kudnt/
puzzles l'pAzlz/
2 The burglar broke into the house and made
______ a lot of jewellery.
1 These words all have consonant dusters. Say them aloud and
3 We must try to cut _ _ _ _ _ _ the transcribe.
amount of money we spend a month, or 1 /'dA.znt/ doesn't
we'll get into debt.
2 /'Judnt/
4 Don't let me disturb you. Carry 3 /'mAsnt/
______ your work. 4 /'prnm1st/
5 I'm sorry we didn't get into the cinema. 5 /o'streJlig/
I'll take you to a restaurant to make 6 /Jn'ge1d.3d/
------ it.
7 /redg'lesnt/
6 There is a move in Britain to do 8 /g'remd.3d/
______ the monarchy completely, 9 /n'le1JnJ1p/
so that Britain would become a republic.
10 /'reqgri/
7 Sam's mean with his money, and he's always 11 /Jk'sartmgnt/
trying to get _ _ _ _ _ _ paying his
12 /Jm'prest/
share of the bills.
8 I went _ _ _ _ _ _ Aimee for two Cl)Jl1Listen and repeat.
years, and then we broke up.
9 I can't put _ _ _ _ _ _ Paul's rudeness
Stress in sentences
a minute longer. I'm leaving him! 2 Cl)JDRob and Stuart are chatting about Frank. Listen to the
10 Judith is a very difficult person to get conversations and mark the stress in Stuart's responses.
______ . She's always falling 1 R Don't you think Frank's put on a lot of weight recently?
______ people. S You're kidding. If hing, he's lost weight.
2 R I think Frank earns more than me.
S Well, I know he earns a lot more than me.
3 R He's thinking of buying a second-hand Mercedes.
S What do you mean? He's already bought a brand-new one.
4 R He's just bought two pairs of designer jeans.
S Didn't you know that all Frank's clothes are designer
5 R Does Frank have many stocks and shares?
S He has loads of them.
6 R Isn't Frank in New York on business?
S No, in fact he's in Florida on holiday.
7 R His latest girlfriend has long, blonde hair.
S Really? The girl I saw him with had short, brown hair.

Unit 7 • Let there be love! , 49

Going to extremes
• Relative clauses • People, places and things
• Defining and non-defining relative clauses • Extreme adjectives
• Participles and participle clauses • Nouns in groups

Language focus Relative clauses

Olympics quiz
1 Test your Olympics general knowledge. Tick (v') the correct answer.
m Listen and check.
2 Underline the relative clause in each question.

1 The person who revived the Olympic

Games in 1896 was ...
a D
Queen Victoria.
b D
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.
c D
Baron Pierre de Coubertin.
2 A sport which has recently been
included in the Olympic games is ...
a D BMX Freestyle.
b D basketball.
c D gymnastics.
3 The country which has won the most
events at the winter Olympics is ... 6 Usain Bolt, whose full name is Usain St Leo Bolt,
a D Norway. has won _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Olympic gold
b D Sweden. medals.
c D the US. a D eight

4 The five Olympic rings, which are blue, yellow,

b D five
black, green and red, represent ...
c D four
a D the five original Olympic sports. 7 Spectators at Seonhak Stadium,
b D the five continents of the world. which is in South Korea, ...
c D the five members of the Olympic a Dwitnessed the first unified North and
committee. South Korean ice-hockey team.

b Dwitnessed the first mixed 100 metres rao
The highest number of spectators at an
Olympic event was in Atlanta in the US in c Dexperienced a 20-minute power cut
during the men's ice-hockey final.
1996, where more than half a million people
turned out to watch ... 8 The person who has won the most Olympic
a D Roger Black in the 200 and 400 metres. medals is ...
b D Michael Johnson in the 200 and 400 a D the gymnast, Larisa Latynina.
metres. b D the swimmer, Michael Phelps.
c D Allen Johnson in the 110-metre hurdles. c D the sprinter and long jumper, Carl Lewis

50 Unit 8 • Going to extremes

Relative pronouns Punctuation in relative clauses
3 Match a line in A with a line in B. 6 Add commas to these sentences if they have a
non-defin ing relative clause. If possible, cross out
A B the pronoun in the defining clauses.
1 Have I told you recently a when you expect to arrive. 1 Sheil a , who I first got to know at university, was one
2 I have to do b where my brother lives. o f six children.
3 We were stuck in traffic c which came as a bit of a 2 The man w h e you were talking to is a famous actor.
for hours, surprise. 3 This is the story that amazed the world. (no commas)
4 We're emigrating to d whose body was covered
Australia in tattoos. 4 The thing that I most regret is not going to university.
5 I met a girl \ . . _ ... e how much I love you? 5 My two daughter s who are 13 and 16 are both
6 I passed all my exams f whatever you want. interested in dancing.
7 Let me know g which was a nightmare. 6 The town where I was born has changed dramatica lly
8 I'll buy h what I believe to be right. since the financial crisis.
7 I didn't like the clothes which were in the sale.
8 The Algarve where m y mother's family comes from is
Defining or non-defining relative clause? famous for its beautiful beaches.
4 Decide if these sentences are best complete d with a 9 Salt that comes from the sea is considere d to be the
defining relative clause (D) or a non -defining relative best for cooking.
clause (ND). Write D or N D in the boxes. 10 Salt whose qualities have been known since
1 D I'd love to meet someone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ prehistor ic times is used to season and preserve food.
2 D We're looking for a house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. If the
3 D We went to see Romeo and Juliet _ _ _ _ _ _ _
pronoun can be omitted, add nothing.
1 The lady _ _ _
4 D D o you know a shop _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? grandmo ther.
is in the wheelcha ir is m y

5 D Marilyn Monroe died o f a drug overdose. 2 I know an Italian restauran t serves excellent
6 D I find people difficult to get on with.
3 I know an Italian restauran t you can always
7 D My compute r is already out o f date. get a table.
8 D I met a girl 4 Uncle Tom earns a fortune, is why
9 D Professor Cox will give a
I asked him to lend m e £5,000.
5 Sean is a child people immedia tely like.
talk next week.
10 D I was studying in m y bedroom _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 My daughter, _ _ _ ambition is to emigrate to
Canada, has finally got her visa.
5 Complete the sentences in 3 with this informati on. Add a 7 I gave him some water, _ _ _ he drank thirstily.
relative pronoun and commas where necessary. Leave out 8 The flight _ _ _ we wanted to get was fully booked.
the relative pronoun if possible. 9 My auntie's house is _ _ _ I feel most at home.
You went to school with Her real name was Norma 10 This is the smallest car _ _ _ has ever been made.
her. Jean Baker. 11 That's the man _ _ _ wife left him because he kept
It has four bedrooms. There was a power cut. his pet snake in the bedroom .
I bought it only last year. This person could teach me 12 I love the things _ _ _ you say to me.
They lose their temper how to cook.
13 I go shopping at the new shopping centre, _ _ _
easily. He's a well-known physicist
there's free parking.
You can buy second-hand and TV presenter.
furniture. We really enjoyed it. 14 She told m e she'd been married before, _ _ _
I hadn't realized.
G)llJ Listen and check. 15 I can't bear the conversa tions _ _ _ we disagree.

Unit 8 • Going to extremes 51

==-- --·---·
Prepositions in relative clauses Participle clauses
8 Combine the sentences, keeping the preposition after the verb 10 Rewrite the sentences with a present or past
in the relative clause. participle clause instead of a relative clause.
1 I want you to meet the people. I work with them. 1 Can you see the woman who's dressed in red
I want you to meet the people I work with. over there?
2 She's a friend. I can always rely on her. Can you see the woman dressed in red over there
2 People who live in blocks of flats often
3 That's the man. The police were looking for him. complain of loneliness.

4 She recomme nded a book by Robert Palmer. I'd never heard 3 Letters that are posted before 5.00 p.m. should
ofhim. arrive the next day.

5 You paid £200 for a pair of trainers. They have now been
reduced to £100. 4 The train that is standing on platform five is f1

6 This is the book. I was telling you about it.

5 Firefighters have rescued passengers who wer
trapped in the accident.
7 The Prime Minister gave a good speech. I agree with his
6 They live in a lovely house that overlooks the
8 His talk was on the environment. I care deeply about this. Thames.

9 What's that music? He's dancing to it. 7 It took workmen days to clear up the litter th:
was dropped by the crowds.

Participles - present and past 11 Complete the sentences with a verb from the ho
Participles as adjectives in either its present or past participle form.

9 Complete the adjective with -ed or -ing. feel borrow explain say fl:ffA study
pass steal

1 My dad was in a bad mood for the whole wet

M(H )=TT
0(*7)8& completely ruining our holiday.
2 After _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all her exams,
q87'L-r lt365'1- + 4-4-1z' :::.
Maria went out to celebrate.
3 The jewellery _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the
robbery has never been recovered.
4 I got a letter from the Tax Office
________ that I owe them £5,0(
5 ________ hungry, I decided to
1 a relax_ _ holiday 7 a conceit_ _ person make a sandwich.
2 a disappoin t_ _ 8 an embarrass -- 6 Books _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the libra
customer situation must be returned in two weeks.
3 an unexpect_ _ visit 9 a thrill_ _ story
7 I had a long talk to Ruby, _ _ _ _ _ _
4 an annoy_ _ little 10 an exhaust_ _
why it was importan t to work hard.
brother runner
5 well-behav_ _ children 11 apromis _ _ start 8 With both children _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a
university, the house seems really quiet.
6 a frighten_ _ incident 12 a c h a l l e n g _ _ job

52 Unit 8 • Going to extremes

Relatives and participles in context
Hair-raising Hannah
12 Read about Hannah Roberts, Olympic athlete. In what way is she a pioneer?
Complete the article with the clauses below.
Relative clause Past participle
that made Though terrified of doing
where they take place AO\N FecogAi�ed as
who has pushed herself
that enables her to manage
1 , \ 1 1:lo has tal,eA the woFld
Present participle
which can happen Losing
which involves doing stunts learning
what no one has done before made of wood and plastic
whose mission in life

Hannah Roberts, 1 now recognized as one

of the most exciting B M X freestylers of
our time, is the young girl from America
who has taken the world of B M X Freestyle
Park to another level - Olympic level!
Roberts, 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is to inspire a new generation
of young B M X freestylers, had always dreamed of being part
of the Olympic Games. It was the recent decision to include
B M X Freestyle in the Olympic programme 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _

her dream come true.

The ambitious teenager, 5 even more since the
decision, can't wait to put the sport in the Olympic spotlight.
B M X Freestyle, 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ on a BMX, is an extreme
sport descended from B M X racing. Its five disciplines, whose
names describe 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , are street, park, vert (a ramp

a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ), trails, and flatland. Hannah trained hard,

_______ six new stunts to impress the judges.
some of her most challenging jumps, Hannah
says the fear helps her to perform even better. 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

your nerve, 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the most fearless rider, is a

common occurrence. To overcome this, Hannah practises over and
over again in a foam pit. It is this level of commitment and practice
13 _
_ _ _ _ _ _ her fear on the real ramp. 'You have to believe
that you're going to do it - if you have any doubt, then it's going to
end up badly', she says.
Hannah has done 14_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the world of B M X freestyle-
she has taken her passion and had it recognized as a bona fide sport.
Hannah once said, 'It would be so cool to be a part of the Youth
Olympic Games.'Well 'cool' has happened! We will now all be able to
enjoy watching this dynamic and exciting new Olympic event, and a
whole new generation of young people will be following in Hannah's
pioneering footsteps.

Unit 8 • Going to extremes , 53

Vocabulary Extreme adjectives
3 Write the adjectives under the adverbs they
People, places, and things with - very and absolutely. One adjective cai
be used with both adverbs.
Adjective and adverb collocations
clever starving useless
1 Complete the table with these descriptive adjectives. There are exhausted disgusting boring
seven in each group. full tired valuable
scary appalling hot
terrifying priceless dry
ridiculous freezing funny
brilliant soaked messy
upset hilarious

very absolutely

breathtaking expensive picturesque waterproof

l:IRSpeilt stubborn loyal overcrowded
arrogant humble considerate valuable
conceited handmade devoted
desolate priceless cracked
remote built-up automatic

People Places Things

Nouns in groups

Look at these examples of number+ noun+ noun.

a three-mile walk
a 16-year-old girl
a ten-hour flight
These are expressions of measurement before a nour
The number and the first noun are joined with a
2 Complete the sentences with an adjective from 1. hyphen, and the first noun is usually in the singular.
1 The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely
4 Rewrite these phrases using an expression
2 He's always boasting about how great he is at everything. measurement.
He's so _ _ _ _ _ 1 a note that is worth ten pounds
3 Our new car is _ _ _ _ _ . I don't change gears when I'm
driving any more.
2 a language course that lasts eight weeks
4 Ken is so kind and _ _ _ _ _ ; he's always going out of his
way to help people.
5 The countryside was completely _ _ _ _ _ -rolling hills and 3 a drive that takes six hours
green fields for miles around.
6 The Cotswolds is an area in England which is very _ _ _ _ _ 4 a meal that consists of three courses
It has lots of pretty, villages.
7 He's really _ _ _ _ _ . He won't agree to anything.
5 a delay at the airport that went on for fo
8 That bag you're looking at is _ _ _ _ _ hours
by local craftsmen. Look at the quality of the work.
9 The beach was seriously _ _ _ _ _ . There was no room to
put our towels down. 6 a prison sentence of ten years

G > m Listen and check.

54 Unit 8 • Going to extremes

Prepositions Pronunciation
Adjective + preposition Silent consonants
5 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.
1 Visitors to hot countries need to be aware _ _ _ _ _
the risk of malaria. English words often have silent consonants:
!mow writef walk climb
2 Canterbury is famous _ _ _ _ _ its cathedral.
3 Bill is jealous _ _ _ _ _ me because I'm so much 1 Complete the table with these words. Cross out the silent
cleverer than him. consonants.
4 I'm very proud my two sons. iAeh:1stFy executive heAeSt inhabitant
5 I'm disappointed you. I thought I could receipt distinctly rebuilt fasten
trust you. eccentric insect lamp sumptuous
exhausted whistle straight anonymous
6 You're very different your brother. citizen fascinating delighted documentary
landscape temperature business debt
7 Visitors to Britain aren't used driving on
the left.
8 It's typical Oliver to be late for all consonants some consonants not
appointments. pronounced pronounced

9 You should be ashamed what you did. industry )(onest

10 I am most grateful all your help.

11 Who is responsible this mess?
12 What's wrong you? You don't look well.
13 My son is crazy a band called
14 I'd love to get a cat, but we can't because my husband is
allergic _ _ _ _ _ them.
15 I wasn't too keen _ _ _ _ _ Bertha at first, but I
quite like her now.
16 She was angry _ _ _ _ _ me _ _ _ _ _ not
telling her the news.

em Listen and check.

2 em Listen and write these words. They all have silent
1 /sa1;m't1fik/
2 /sa1'kolgd31st/
3 /'hrensgm/
4 /n'si:t/
5 /'knsmg s/
6 /'naitmeg/
7 /klaim/
8 /'grrenfa:6g/
9 /'wenzde1/
10 /ka:m/

... Unit 8 • Going to extremes 55

Exam practice Units 5-8

Reading and Use of English Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (O). (8 marks)

A brief history of advertising

In 1477, William Caxton printed what could be O _ f L as Britain's first advert for a book called The Pyes of Salisbury. But
advertising goes back much further than Caxton's time; almost certainly it emerged along with trading. From 1 _
displaying one's goods outside, to painting on walls to 2 _ customers, the origins of advertising go back a long way. Actual
examples have been found 3 _ in the ruins of Pompeii. As advertising developed at the same time and pace as consumer
society, it isn't really surprising that the 4 _ revolution late in the 18th century marked an expansion in advertising.
Advertising had become a serious business, and it wasn't long before people started to offer themselves a s s _ in
advertising - the earliest known record of an advertising 6 _ dates back to 1786. Newspapers became the main 7 _ of
advertising goods and services during the first half of the 19th century, a situation that would 8 _ virtually unchanged
until the birth of television in the 20th century.

0 A thought B described C called D explained

1 A simply B only C clearly D easily
2 A please B encourage C invite D attract
3 A reserved B preserved C saved D kept
4 A industrial B business C factory D manufacturing
5 A professionals B authorities C specialists D leaders
6 A agency B group C society D department
7 A manner B instrument C process D means
8 A remain B keep C rest D wait

Reading and Use of English Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (O). (8 marks)

Can dreams predict the future?

The dreams we have often appear to be supernatural events in which we see O ourselves as characters in extraordinary
stories. We meet strange people, we 9 _ _ _ _ on adventures and we discover amazing places. These situations don't
quite 1o _ _ _ _ sense to us on waking, but at the time they appear as plausible as the events we go through in our
everyday lives.
The fact that scientists have not succeeded 11 _ _ _ _ fully explaining dreams giyes them even more of an air of mystery.
The exact process through 12 _ _ _ _ they happen is still unclear. This encourages us to come 13 _ _ _ _ with more
weird and wonderful explanations for dreams and the role they 14 _ _ _ _ in our daily lives. An example of this is the
belief that dreams can be helpful in 1s _ _ _ _ to predict the future.
Unsurprisingly, this particular theory is backed up by people's accounts of how they've predicted events through dreams,
including national disasters. Most people have 16 _ _ _ _ some point had a dream that has played out in reality.

56 Exam practice • Units 5 - 8

Reading and Use of English Part 3
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). (8 marks)

Cross-country skiing can be fun

For the average person, cross-country skiing is an O enioyable way to spend a winter ENJOY
afternoon, but for Olympic athletes, i_tis a punishing test of strength and 17 _ _ _ _ DETERMINE
However, 18 _ _ _ _ to the American athlete Jessie Diggins, who was a ACCORD
19 _ _ _ _ in the 2018 Winter Olympics, it can also be great fun. COMPETE
'People used to regard us as little forest people, who went up into the woods and
came back two hours later having had a race. But in truth, cross-country skiing is much
more 20 _ _ _ _ than most people realize. It takes everything you have to get ENERGY
around that course, because you're working your legs, your arms, in fact your whole
body. From my 21 _ _ _ _ you might think it couldn't possibly be fun because it's DESCRIBE
so 22 _ _ _ _ , but I can assure you, it is: CHALLENGE
Despite Jessie's enthusiasm, it is a 23 _ _ _ _ fact that cross-country skiing is one of RECOGNIZE
the most 24 _ _ _ _ of Olympic sports. EXHAUST

Reading and Use of English Part 4

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words,
including the word given. (2 marks each)

25 If they don't pay him more, he'll look for a new job.
Unless he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ salary, he'll look for a new job.
26 I'm going to enter next year's town cycle race.
I'm going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the town cycle race next year.
27 According to weather experts, storms are likely tonight.
Weather experts say _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stormy tonight.
28 Four similar burglaries are currently being investigated by the police.
The police _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ four similar burglaries.
29 I don't have a very good relationship with my brother.
My brother and I don't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ other.
30 I'm sorry to say we have no coffee left.
Unfortunately, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ coffee.


.... Exam practice • Units 5-8 57

The good old days!
• Expressing habit • Homonyms and homophones
• used to and would • Adjective intensifiers
• used to, get used to, and be used to • Phrasal verbs and nouns

Language focus My family's bad habits

Expressing habit 3 Rewrite the sentences in one or two ways using
will or won't or the Present Continuous.
1 Match a sentence in A with a sentence in B. 1 My dad mends his motorbike in the living
1 He's very dishonest. a She jogs to work every day. b ----------------
2 He's so disorganized. b They get everything they ask for.
2 My brother leaves the top off the toothpaste.
3 She's very fashionable. C She never thinks before she speaks.
4 She's really generous. d He will leave it all to the last minute.
b ----------------
5 She's so sensitive. e He's always applying for new jobs.
6 He's really stubborn. f He's always telling lies. 3 The boys never help with the household chore
7 She's incredibly rude. g She's always buying me presents. a
8 They're so spoilt. h She'll only wear designer clothes. 4 My sister borrows my clothes without asking.
9 She's very energetic. i She'll cry at the slightest thing. a
10 He's so ambitious. j He won't ever change his mind. b ----------------
5 My grandpa doesn't let anyone choose what's 1

Gm Listen and check. TV.

It's so annoying! 6 My grandma gossips about the neighbours.
2 Tick (,/) the sentences where the speaker is more annoyed by a
someone's behaviour. b
1 D He watches sports programmes on TV. 7 Carole and Alan boast about their children.
D He's always watching sports programmes on TV. a ----------------
2 D She'd give us extra lessons after school.
b ----------------
D She would give us extra lessons after school.
3 D She was always giving us homework.
D She used to give us homework.
4 D Our daughter used to leave the tap running while she
cleaned her teeth.
D Our daughter would always leave the tap running
while she cleaned her teeth.
5 D My boss is always asking me to stay late.
D My boss sometimes asks me to stay late.
6 D My children don't help out at home.
D My children will never help out at home.

Cl>:JJJ Listen and check.

58 Unit 9 • The good old days!

Past habit - used to used to and would
4 Complete the sentences with used to in
the positive, negative, or question form.
Would and used to expresses typical past behaviour. Sometimes we can use both.
Jay always used to/would walk the dog in the morning.
Used to also expresses a past state.
We used to live in a big house.
In this case, we can only use used to, not would.
For one single action in the past we can only use the Past Simple.
We got married in 2017.

5 Tick (,/) which verb forms can complete the sentences below. Sometimes
all are possible.
1 I _ long blonde hair when I was first married.
a [Z] had b [Z] used to have c D would have
2 W e _ every summer with our cousins in Scotland.
a D spent b D used to spend c D would spend
3 Pam _ out with Andy for six months, but then she ditched him.
a D went b D used to go c D would go
4 In the old days, people _ you if you were in trouble.

1 My grandfather never used to get a D helped b D used to help c D would help

out of breath when he climbed the 5 W e _ to each other every day when we were apart.
a D spoke b D used to speak c D would speak
2 There _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be a
beautiful old building where that car 6 When I was a child, we _ a beautiful, big house on the south coast.
park is now. a D had b D used to have c D would have
3 ________ have a 7 I_ living so close to the sea.
Saturday job when you were at
school? a D loved b D used to love c D would love
4 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be so 8 Dave _ Molly three times if she wanted to go out with him.
moody. It's only since she lost her
job. a D asked b D used to ask c D would ask

5 ________ play cricket 9 He _ to me every day for twenty years and then stopped.
when you were at school? a D wrote b D used to write c D would write
6 Julie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be as 10 I _ questions in class. I was too shy.
slim as she is now. She's been dieting.
a D never asked b D never used to ask c D would never ask
7 Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ go to
school when you lived in Madrid? 11 Before I worked here, I _ as an assistant manager at a restaurant.

8 ________ smoke a D worked b D used to work c D would work

40 cigarettes a day? How did you 12 W e _ coffee and croissants every morning for breakfast.
give up?
aD had b D used to have c D would have

Unit 9 • The good old days! 59

used to, get used to, and be used to
7 Complete the conversations with used tc
get used to or be used to and a verb from
Used to expresses past habit. Get used to means become used to and describes a the box in the correct form, positive or
change of state. Be used to describes a state. negative.
Compare the uses in these conversations.
be drive §9 hate like
live wear work

1 A Come on, Helen! It's not far now.

B I'm exhausted. I'm not used to going
on such long walks.
2 A My sister has to have a brace on he

A llJ Don't worry Grandma. You'll soon get used to your new iPhone. B I had a brace. It took me ages to
B I don't think I'll ever get used to it. It's too complicated. No sooner am I used to ______ it, but I did in the
something when it's 'all change!' Life used to be much simpler. end.
3 A You _ _ _ _ _ studying
history, didn't you? Why do you lil
it now?
B Well, we have a new teacher and sl
really brings it to life.
4 A Did you have a good holiday
touring Spain?
B Yes, it was great. I soon
A My wife eventually got used to living in Kenya, but it took a long time.
______ on the right.
B We//, she wasn't used to a hot climate, was she? You used to live in Dubai, so
you were. 5 A What do you think of Mick?
2 a>:m
of used?
Listen and repeat the sentences. What are the different pronunciations
B Well, I _ _ _ _ _ _ him at all,
a I used to live in the city, so I was used to travelling on the Underground. /ju:st/ but the more I get to know him, t1
b I used the Underground to get to work. Iju:zd/ more I think he's OK.
6 A I hate my new job! I don't know
6 Complete the sentences with used to, be used to, or get used to in the what I'm doing.
correct form. B Give it a chance. I'm sure you
1 If you _ _ _ _ _ _ Indian food, this dish might be too spicy for ______ thereafter a few
you. weeks.
2 I don't think I _ _ _ _ _ _ ever _ _ _ _ _ _ your hair being 7 A Did you hear that Sue and Chris
that short. You look so different. moving back to town?
3 Tom didn't like his new school at first, but he eventually
______ it, and made new friends. B I'm not surprised. I said that
they _ _ _ _ _ _ never
4 I______ go running every morning, but I don't any more.
______ in the countrysi<
I'm so unfit now.
5 When I was a boy, I _ _ _ _ _ _ like going to piano lessons, so I 8 A The President loses his temper if
stopped. Now I'm in my forties, I've started learning again. anyone disagrees with him.
6 Sally won't find it easy to live on her own. She _ _ _ _ _ _ B Yes, I know. He _ _ _ _ _ _
having everything done for her by her parents. criticised. Most people just go alo
7 'Grandad, _ _ _ _ _ _ you really _ _ _ _ _ _ watch TV in with whatever he says.
black and white when you were young?'
em Listen and check.
G>JII Listen and check.

60 Unit 9 • The good old days!

Expressing habit in context
8 Read the story about a 1980s romance. Underline the correct form o f the
verb. I f both forms are correct, choose the one that is most suitable.

friends at the Rock Cate, Brighton's coolest cafe, which


often 11 would play/ played our favourite 80s music. It was

because of the Rock Cafe that Terry 12 used to get/ got

by Anita Sands
his first big break. The owner of the cafe, George, 13 would
want/ wanted some photos of his customers to put on
the wall, and Terry became chief photographer (well, the
only photographer). We all posed for Terry's photos and
how she met George 14 used to make/ made big displays of them on the
Anita Sands describes
glorious 1980s. walls of the cafe! He even paid us! It was weird because
her husband in the people started to recognize us from the photos in the
cafe. We really were girls (and boys) on film.
It was the summer of '81'. 1was 18, and I was A famous local artist stopped at the cafe one
an art student at Brighton Polytechnic. day, and 15 would see/ saw Terry's photos. He
I 1 was / used to be also the happiest 16
would like / liked them and asked Terry to
teenager in the world, because I was at show his work at an exhibition in London.
my first Duran Duran concert. Simon The exhibition was a success, and the
Le Bon was singing Girls on Film, my following year, after I 17 graduated/ used
favourite Duran Duran song, when I to graduate from college, we 18 got/ would
would have/ had a sixth sense that get married.
someone was watching me. I 3 used to We both used to commute to London
turn / turned around and there was this from Brighton for a long time, because we
guy who looked just like Simon Le Bon. It 19
wouldn't want/ didn't want to leave our
was love at first sight. friends in Brighton, but we eventually 20 used
His name was Terry and he was a typical to move/ moved to London in 1985. At first,
New Romantic, with his frilly white shirt, black I really missed Brighton. I 21 didn't like/ wouldn't
leather trousers and a bandana. Terry even 4 used to like London at first, and being around lots of people, but I
wear/ wore eyeliner in those days, too! soon 22 was used to it / got used to it, and I love it now.
He was 20, and back in 1981 he s used to work / worked Our beautiful twin girls were born in 1987. Of course,
as a waiter at a hotel on the sea front. But what he really Terry 23 took/ would take thousands of photos of them,
wanted to be was a photographer. On our first dates, we and now he takes photos of our grandchildren.
used to walk/ would walk hand in hand along the beach, I'm now a successful illustrator of children's books, and
but every few minutes something would interest him Terry is a world-famous photographer, but if it wasn't for
and he 7 would stop/ stopped to take a photo - it 8 would the Rock Cafe and those 80s photos of me and our friends,
drive I drove me mad! he might still be a waiter!
We 9 wouldn't have/ didn't have much money back
then, but if we did, we 10 used to meet/ met up with Terry's

9 Compete these sentences about the story with one 4 Anita _ _ _ _ _ to know Terry's friends at the
suitable word from the box. RockCafe.
[ got · used wasn't would ] 5 Anita _ _ _ _ _ used to being recognized on the
streets o f Brighton.
1 Terry _ _ _ _ _ to wear a bandana and eyeliner. 6 Anita and Terry _ _ _ _ _ paid for the cafe photos.
2 They _ _ _ _ _ walk along the beach on their first 7 They both _ _ _ _ _ to commute to London from
dates. Brighton.
3 It _ _ _ _ _ drive Anita mad when Terry kept 8 Anita _ _ _ _ _ used to being around all the
stopping to take photos. people in London.

9 Anita _ _ _ _ _ to like London eventually.

Unit 9 • The good old days! 61

Vocabulary Homophones
2 Write the correct spelling of the phonetic script.
Homonyms 1 a I'm /b::,:d/! I can't think of anything to do.
1 Use the same word to complete each pair of sentences. b He jumped on his surf /b::,:d/ and paddled out to
1 a I think I need to get some glasses . I can't read the the biggest waves.
menu - the writing is too small! a ____ b
b We got some beautiful crystal wine glasses as one
2 a Stop it! You know you're not falaud/ to do that!
of our wedding presents.
b Michael, please stand up and read your story
2 a Look out of the window, Josie - there's Daddy
falaud/ to the class.
coming up the path. _ _ _ _ _ to him!
a ____ _ b
b With each _ _ ___ , the ferry rocked, and I
began to feel sick. 3 a She was happy to get her bag back when the police
3 a Look, I've no idea what you are arguing about. /k::,:t/ the thief.
What _ _ _ _ _ are you trying to make? b The thief was sentenced to three months in prison
b He couldn't speak the language, so he just used to at /k::,:t/ the next day.
_____ whenever he wanted something. a____ b
4 a Everyone has the _ _ _ _ _ to a fair trial. 4 a Please turn off all the lights when you leave the
b Well done! You got all the answers _ _ _ _ _ in house. Don't /we1st/ energy.
the test. b Did you see Abbie's /we1st/ in her wedding dress?
5 a Gosh, you look smart! Is that a new _ _ _ _ _ It was tiny.
and tie you're wearing? a----- b
b Well, I think you should buy the pale green dress.
The red one doesn't _ _ _ _ _ you. 5 a The queues for car /ha1g/ at the airport were so
6 a She ran to the station only to _ _ _ _ _ the
train. b Throw the ball /ha1g/ or you'll never get it in the
b Brenda will really _ _ _ _ _ her son when he
moves to Australia next month. a b
7 a Oh, look! Ed Sheeran is at the Palladium. Can we
get tickets? I'm a real _ _ _ _ _ Adjective intensifiers
b It's boiling hot. Could we switch the _ _ _ _ _ 3 Complete the sentences with the correct intensifier fro
on and get some air circulating? the box.
8 a Jimmy is not my _ _ _ _ _ . He's only interested
razor fast wide great freezing dead tiny
in sport. I prefer someone who's more academic.
b Dora can _ _ _ _ _ ninety words a minute. 1 Grace and Ken are so lucky. They have a _ _ _ _
That's fast! big garden.
2 Chris is doing really well at stand-up comedy. He h;
_____ sharp wit.
3 Last night's homework was _ _ _ _ _ easy. I did
in five minutes.
4 I just added a _ _ _ _ _ little bit of chilli powde
It's not that hot, is it?
5 A My two-year-old is always _ _ _ _ _ awake f
thing in the morning.
B You wait! My fifteen-year-old is _ _ _ _ _ as
until midday!
6 Brrr! This shower is _ _ _ _ _ cold. There's no
water left!

62 Unit 9 • The good old days!

Phrasal verbs Pronunciation
Phrasal verbs and nouns Weak and strong forms

Some phrasal verbs have a strong association with certain

Auxiliary verbs have weak and strong forms, depending on whether
they are stressed or unstressed.
set out on ajourney;com e up with a solution toa problem.
1 Sometimes the weak form is a contraction.
he is = he's She does not= She doesn't I have = I've
4 Match a verb in A with an object in B. 2 Sometimes the weak form is a change in the vowel sound.
This is often a change to fa/.
Q ) D J Listen and repeat.
1 fill in a a fire
2 do up b milk weak strong
3 make up c the flu
was /waz/ /woz/
4 put out d a parent
Was Tom there? Yes, he was.
5 turn down e a business
6 take after f a form were /wa/ /w3:/
7 run out of g a group of people Were you there? Yes, we were.
8 come down with h a story
can /kan/ /kren/ /ka:nt/
9 check out of i university
Can you swim? Yes, I can./ No, I can't.
10 set up j a job offer
11 drop out of k a hotel been /bm/ /bi:n/
12 fit in with I a house I've been shopping. Where have you been?

3 Some prepositions also have weak and strong vowel sounds.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs
and nouns from 4. G'JIJ usten and repeat.
1 You can't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ like that! The salary weak strong weak strong
is amazing! And five weeks' holiday!
2 I can only make you a black coffee - I've to /ta/ /tu:/ for /fa/ /b:/
of fav/ /ov/ from /frnm/ /from/
3 I_____ my own window cleaning _ _ _ _ _
and it's so successful that I now employ five people. at fat/ fret!
4 I really wasn't enjoying my degree course, so I
_____ after one year.
mliJListen to the sentences. Write W for weak and S for
5 I've never liked joining clubs - I always find it hard to strong next to the highlighted words.
1 I don't want to W see him, but I'm sure you want to S,.
6 You have to _ _ _ _ _ a very long _ _ _ _ _
when you apply for a passport. 2 Sue isn't going to _ learn from _ the experience, but
Tom is
7 Which _ _ _ _ _ do you _ _ _ _ _ most, your
mother or your father? 3 I've heard that you're thinking o f _ moving f r o m _
London. A r e _ you?
8 I had to stay in bed for three days when I
4 'You said you w e r e _ going to meet me a t _ 5?' 'Well, I
w a s _ , but .. .'.
9 We could _ _ _ _ _ this old _ _ _ _ _ and then
sell it for a big profit. 5 You w i l l _ get a ticket f o r _ me, won't you?
10 I sometimes read books to my children at bedtime, but 6 ' C a n _ you tell me who this letter's f r o m _ ? '
they prefer it when I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ myself. 'Yes, I c a n _ :
11 We can _ _ _ _ _ the _ _ _ _ _ now and leave 7 Can't _ you remember who Bill works for _ ?
our suitcases at reception. 8 I've b e e n _ waiting f o r _ ages. Where w e r e _ you?
12 It took three days to _ _ _ _ _ a forest 9 What w e r e _ you looking f o r _ ?
_____ that was started by a cigarette end. 10 Look a t _ you! You're filthy! Where have you b e e n _ ?
GmListen again and check. Read them aloud.
Unit 9 • The good old days! 63
Over my dead body!
• Modal verbs - present and past • Body idioms
• Past probability- active and passive • Verbs + prepositions
• Expressions with heart, head and hand • Rhymes and limericks

Language focus Modal verbs of probability

Modal verbs - present and 2 Make sentences from the table. Complete each sentence in two differen1
1 Rewrite the sentences to make them can
refer to the past. will
1 I must read Richard III before my may + see the fjords
course begins. might have seen the fjords
I had to read Richard Ill before mv
course began.
2 I have to take the pills three times a I f you go to Norway, you ...
day. l
________ when I was ill. 2
I f you went to Norway, you ...
3 They must be away on holiday.
_______ when you called.
2 ________________________ _
4 We can't have a lunch break - there's I f you'd gone to Norway, you ...
too much to do! 1
__________ yesterday. 2
5 He can't be a millionaire.
_____ because he died poor.
6 We mustn't shout in the classroom.
______ when I was at school.
7 He won't go to bed.
__________ last night.
8 That will be the postman at the door.
Who was ringing the doorbell?

9 You should be more careful.

______ . You broke the vase.
10 He could help with the washing-up
for a change.
________ , but he didn't.

64 Unit 10 • Over my dead body!

How certain? Past probability - active and passive
3 Decide on the degree of certainty in these 4 Write sentences for situations 1-8 below using the information in
sentences. Put two ticks (, / ./) if the idea the chart.
expressed is certain. Put one tick (,/) if it is
less certain. He must have had it cut a cake.
1 . I . I You must have seen him at the party. She can't have gone a cleaner yet.
I know he was there. They might have been to Andy.
2 _ L _ The dog is really dirty. He might arrived home something naughty.
have been swimming in the pond. got engaged for ages.
found without you.
3 __ He can't have been telling the truth.
been doing in a meeting.
4 __ He might have left a voicemail on been making by now.
your phone.
5 __ I don't know where she is. She may 1 Stella's wearing a beautiful diamond ring.
have gone shopping.
6 __ She must have been very upset when
2 The children ran away laughing and giggling.
you told her the news.
7 __ They're not answering the front
door. They must have gone away already. 3 There's flour on Grandma's nose.
8 __ I don't see their car. They can't have
come back yet. 4 Paolo and Geri said they'd wait for me, but I can't see them.
9 __ It's six o'clock. Tom will have gone
home by now. 5 Tim's flat is such a mess.
10 _ _ Matthew isn't here - he might have
thought you weren't coming and gone for a 6 It's after midnight. Henry and Sally left ages ago.
run by himself.
11 _ _ Paula's not here yet. She could have
got caught up in traffic. 7 I don't know why Tara didn't ring back.
12 _ _ Ian will be back soon. It's Friday, so
he'll have gone to the pub for a quick drink 8 Look at Joe's hair. It's really long!
after work.

Cllm Listen and check the intonation. GJDB Listen and check.

5 Write sentences for the situations below, using the prompts and
must have been or can't have been.
1 A tree has fallen across the road.
It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (blow down/storm)
2 My white jeans have turned pink.
They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (wash/with something red)
3 My TV has broken and I've only just had it fixed.
It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (repair/properly)
4 David's suit looks a bit dirty.
It . (dry-clean/recently)
5 The car windscreen has shattered.
It . (hit/by a stone)
6 What's happened to the cake?
It . (eat/by the dog)

Unit 10 • Over my dead body! / 65

6 Complete the conversation with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
1 A I wonder how the thief got into our apartment.
B He, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (could/use) the fire
escape or he 2 (might/
climb) that tree.
A Well, he 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (need not/
bother). There wasn't anything worth stealing!
2 A Bill told me that he'd spent £2,000 on a
birthday present for his girlfriend, but he
4_ _
______ (must/joke). Surely he
________ (could not/spend) that
B I think you 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (might!
mishear) him!
3 A It's 3.30. Mum and Dad's plane landed over an
hour ago. They 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (should!
phone) by now!
B But they 8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (may/be
delayed). No, look! They're driving up now. You
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (need not/worry).
4 A You're very sunburnt. You
10_ _ _ _ _ _
(would not/get) burnt if
If you're searching for someone

you'd used factor 30 sunscreen.

B I 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(must/fall) asleep. And
(can't/put on) enough
buried in an avalanche, you
cream. Ouch! have about 11 minutes. After
GIIilJ Listen and check. that, you're looking for a corpse.
Past modals in context That's what Rhianna Shaw was told during her
7 Rhianna Shaw is a keen skier. Read her story quickly training as a ski holiday representative in Ischgl,
and answer the questions. Austria. She 1 couldneverhave imagined (could never
1 What was she doing in Austria? imagine) how important it would become for her.
O n 16t h February, Rhianna woke up on her day
2 What did she do on her day off? off. She'd been wondering what to do - the
weather had been terrible and no one could ski.
She 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (need not/worry); the
3 Why was the area called Death Valley?
weather had changed, and skiing conditions
________ (could not/be) better - clear
4 Why was Rhianna very lucky? blue sky and half a metre of fresh snow. She joined
some snowboarding friends and Rhianna suggeste
8 Complete the article, using the modals and verbs in going off-piste, to an area where she knew lots of
brackets in the past. fresh powder snow 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (would/
fall). It was nicknamed Death Valley because of thE
avalanche risk, but as an experienced skier in all
conditions, Rhianna wasn't concerned. She now
knows she s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (should/be).

66 Unit 10 • Over my dead body!

Past modals - revision
9 Underline the correct answer.
1 A I'm sorry. I shouldn't have I
couldn't have told Tom what
you said about him.
B It's too late! He'll never speak
to me again!
2 A Where's the dog?
B I don't know. Dad may have I
'll have taken him for a walk.
A No. Now I remember. It's
Tuesday, isn't it? Mum should
have I 'll have taken him to the
3 A Are Pat and Jan definitely
coming? I 'd have I might have
thought they'd be here by now.
B They should have I could have
been held up by traffic.
A Or they might have I needn't
have had an accident!
B Don't be silly. Anyway, we
'd have I must have heard by
Going down the mountain, a snowboarder ran into Rhianna, now if something like that had
and both her skis came off as she fell. That normally happened.
6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (would not/be) much of a problem, but Rhianna 4 A Who was that man?
continued to fall, and felt snow rushing past her. She thought it B He can't have I must have
________ (must/cause) by the snowboarder behind been a friend ofJane's. He was
her, but in fact they'd started an avalanche, which carried her for asking if I'd seen her.
150 metres. 5 A I'm starving. I think I might I
Rhianna found herself buried under a metre of snow. Her phone rang could make myself a sandwich.
a couple of times, but she couldn't move to answer it. She thought B It's only nine oclock! You
shouldn't have I couldn't have
her friends 8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (might/try) to call her - in fact they
eaten enough for breakfast.
assumed she 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (must/ski) on alone and was
probably waiting for them round the corner. When she wasn't there, 6 A Helen should I could be at
work by now. I wonder where
they looked for her in the snow.
she is.
It had been longer than 11 minutes when one of them finally found B Check your phone. She should
Rhianna, and they knew it was unlikely she 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have I might have messaged
(could/survive). She had no pulse, but after being given the kiss of life, you to let you know she was
going to be late.
she recovered. She was flown to hospital, where doctors worried she
,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (may/suffer) brain damage. In fact, although
she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(should not/go) skiing wearing only light
clothing, this is what saved her - her body temperature had dropped
so low, it reduced her brain's need for oxygen. Rhianna knows she
was very lucky and 13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (could easily/die), and that
she really 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (should/check) the avalanche risk.
She certainly does now, whenever she goes off-piste!

Unit 10 • Over my dead body! _,, 67

Vocabulary 3 Complete the conversations with the correct bod:
idiom from the box.
Expressions with heart, head, and hand last legs all fingers and thumbs
1 Complete the sentences with either head, heart, or hand in the all ears face the facts
correct form. sharp tongue put on a brave face
cold feet finding her feet
1 I'm _ _ _ _ _ in my notice. I want a less stressful job. out of my mind
2 You've got to _ _ _ _ _ it to her. She always manages to
get what she wants! 1 A Oops! Oh, Clare - I'm really sorry! I've
just broken your pink coffee cup. I'm
3 Jess Gly n ne always puts her _ _ _ _ _ and soul into her
________ today.
singing - it's why she's so popular.
B Oh, don't worry. I didn't like it anyway.
4 Robin is _ _ _ _ _ for disaster ifhe doesn't sort his
finances out soon. 2 A I told my boss that I thought the company
5 The pilot kept his _ _ _ _ _ in the storm and landed the was on its 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , and

plane safely. would go bust if we didn't make some big

6 Fiona is _ _ _ _ _ and shoulders above the other children changes.
in her class. She's so intelligent. B Whoah! I bet he didn't like that.
7 Jake has no _ _ _ _ _ . How could he not cry at the end of A Well, actually he was 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _

that film? He asked me to say more and give my idea

8 Kerry is so big-_ _ _ _ _ . She's always saying how on the best way forwards.
brilliant she is at everything. 3 A It's nearly midnight and I've been
9 George has no _ _ _ _ _ for figures, but he's brilliant at 4
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with worry. When
languages. have you been, young lady?
10 Can you give me a _ _ _ _ _ lifting this heavy box? B Sorry, Dad! The taxi was late bringing us
11 Hilary is so selfish. It never enters her _ _ _ _ _ to do back from the party.
anything for anyone. 4 A Hi, Jake. What's up with you? Are you all
12 We need to get to the _ _ _ _ _ of the matter. We're just right?
going around in circles at the moment. B Well, I was supposed to be going to a job
interview, and at the last minute I got
Body idioms ________ , and I just couldn
do it.
2 Complete the sentences with the parts of the body in the box,
used as verbs. 5 A You've just got to 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Julie. Your relationship is over. You can't

arm elbow eye foot hand head shoulder keep on finding excuses for Rob's bad
thumb behaviour.
1 The teacher _ _ _ _ _ out the exam papers and told the B Don't you think I should just
class to begin writing. ________ for the children's
2 I managed to _ _ _ _ _ my way to the front of the crowd, sake, and give him one more chance?
so I got a good view of the procession. A No, I don't. Enough is enough!
3 I haven't read the magazine yet. I just _ _ _ _ _ through it 6 A My son's new teacher has such a
to see if there were any interesting pictures. ________ . He's always corn
4 The little boy _ _ _ _ _ his new baby sister with home in tears because of something she's
suspicion. She was bald and ugly. said to him.
5 They ordered the most expensive thing on the menu because B She's only just started teaching, so perhaf
they knew that I'd _ _ _ _ the bill. she's still 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6 In the final seconds of the match, Benson _ _ _ _ _ the A Well, there's still no need to speak so han
ball into the back of the net, making it 1-0. to eight-year-olds.
7 The police are _ _ _ _ _ with guns in some countries.
G>JIIJListen and check.
8 I'd hate to be Prime Minister. I don't think I could
_____ the responsibility of making so many important

68 Unit 10 • Over my dead body!

Prepositions Pronunciation
Verbs + prepositions Rhymes and limericks
4 Complete the sentences with a verb in its 1 G>JlE Make rhyming pairs with the words in the box. Listen and
correct form and a preposition.
Verbs Prepositions geea chief court deaf fool mud height lose knew
forgive into of knows grieve put reign nude said pour weight wool
accuse hide at on 1 should /ud/ good 10 food /u:d/
trick hug fef to 2 bread led.I 11 leaf /i:f/
congratulate inherit from 3 choose /u:z/ 12 taught h:t/
shout model 4 toes /guz/ 13 chef /ef/
5 hate /e1t/ 14 through /u:/
invite remind
6 tight /ait/ 15 wore h:/
1 He thanked the nurse for all her help. 7 full lull 16 brain /em/
me so much 8 pool /u:1/ 17 leave /i:v/
2 You _ _ _ _ _
your father. You look just like him. 9 blood /Ad/ 18 foot /ut/
3 Everyone _ _ _ _ _ me 2 G.JDD Limericks are short poems with a distinctive rhythm and
passing my driving test at the fourth rhy m ing pattern (AABBA). Listen and transcribe the lines written in
attempt. phonetics in these two limericks.
4 My teenage daughter _ _ _ _ _
herself _ _ her pop idol. She's had a
ring put through her nose, just like him.
1flHl£ 1Pnn (CJ.IN
A rare old bird is a pelican
5 Don't _ _ _ _ _ the truth me.
I want to know everything. His /'bi:k b n h-Juld 'm::,: ogn hiz 'beli b n /
6 Scaramanga picked up the gun and
_____ it _ _ James Bond's
head. 'Your time is up, Mr Bond!' he He / b n 'te1k m h1z 'bi:k/
7 We've _ _ _ _ _ 300 guests _ _
our wedding. /mAf 'fu:d fo:r g 'wi:k/

8 I think that TV ads _ _ _ _ people

__ buying things that they don't And I'm damned if I know how the hell he can!
really want.
9 I didn't _ _ _ _ _ a penny _ _ my
great uncle when he died. The Lady from Twickenham
10 The spectators _ _ _ _ _ abuse There was a young lady from Twickenham
the referee when he disallowed a
goal. Whose /'fu:z w3: tu: tait t-J w::,:k 'kw1k m ogm/
11 How can I ever _ _ _ _ _ him
__ telling all those lies?
12 My employer _ _ _ _ _ me_ She came back from a walk /'luknJ 'wartg o m tj"::,:k/
stealing, which I strongly denied.

And she /tuk ogm b-Ju8 'of gnd wgz 's1k m ogm/

Unit 10 • Over my dead body! ,, 69
Just suppose ...
• Hypothesizing - wishes and regrets • Word pairs
• The 3rd conditional • Similar words, different meanings
• unless, supposing, in case • Nouns from phrasal verbs

Language focus 3 Rewrite the sentences so they have similar meanings. Use the won
in brackets.
Hypothesizing - wishes and regrets 1 I'm sorry I didn't invite him to the party. (wish)
1 Use the words from the columns to make
seven logical sentences. 2 Why weren't you watching the road? (should)

were 3 I regret saying that to her. (if only)

you could come
I wish
I would rich
had 4 I shouldn't have hit him. (wish)

! ______________ _ 5 I don't want you to tell her. (I'd rather)

3 ______________ _ 6 I don't like it when Mandy stays out so late. (wish)
4 ______________ _
5 7 I regret that I didn't tell him I loved him. (should)
? ______________ _

2 Choose the correct alternative in the following

sentences. Sometimes two are possible.
1 I really wish I can I could I was able to speak
another language.
2 I wish it wasn't I wouldn't be I isn't so cold. I
hate the winter.
3 It's time we have I had I have had a holiday.
4 Our holiday was a disaster. lo rather we
didn't go I hadn't gone I weren't going.
5 The party was brilliant after you left. You
should stay I had stayed I have stayed
6 I wish you hadn't spoken I didn't speak I
wouldn't speak so quickly. I can't follow you.
7 What were you doing on that wall?
Supposing you 'd fallen I would fall I hadn't
8 She'd rather her grandchildren live I lived I
had lived nearer. Then she could see them
more often.

70 Unit 11 • Just suppose ...

Real and hypothetical past Making excuses with the 3rd conditional
4 These sentences all have verbs in the Past Simple. 7 Rearrange the words to make excuses using the third
Which verbs refer to real past time (R) and which are conditional.
hypothetical (H)? 1 phoned/ had / had / if/ you/ have / time /would/ I /
1 _B__ Did you see Lorenzo when you were in Italy? the/ I
2 _H_ I wish I worked in the open air.
3 If you didn't have a car, would you have to go 2 wouldn't / been / if/ hadn't / shellfish / had / I / I /
by bus? have / the / sick
4 When we lived in London, we'd always travel
by bus. 3 if I known I had / I / the / jumper I machine-washable /
5 I'd rather we lived in a village in the country. wasn't I wouldn't / I / bought / have / it
6 It's time we had a new sofa.
7 If only you were always as happy as you are 4 if/ it / own / my / eyes / seen / with / hadn't / I /
today. wouldn't / believed / I / have / it
8 Why didn't you come to the party?

5 These sentences all have verbs in the Past Perfect. 8 Complete the second sentence to express the excuse or
Which refer to real past time (R) and which are regret in a different way.
hy p othetical (H)? 1 I'm sorry I'm late. I forgot to set the alarm.
1_ I wish I'd said that. If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 She asked me if I had known him for a long
2 I didn't know your phone number. That's why I didn't
3 If I hadn't been in a meeting, I'd have taken your contact you.
If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 If only you'd arrived five minutes earlier.
5 I woke up and realized it had all been a terrible
3 I didn't send you a postcard because I didn't know
your address.
6 What if they hadn't agreed to give you a pay rise?
If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 Had the water risen a bit more, our house would
have been flooded.
4 I didn't remember when your birthday was. That's why
8 She told me she'd been given a kitten for her
I didn't buy you a present.
If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb which
expresses reality. 5 I broke the speed limit because I was rushing my wife
1 I wish you didn't smoke, but you do to hospital.
2 I wish I earned more, but I _ _ _ _ _ If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 I should have listened to their advice, but I
6 I didn't buy any food because I didn't know you were
4 If only I could speak Spanish, but I _ _ _ _ _ coming.
5 If only he weren't so selfish, but he _ _ _ _ _ If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 I wish my car would start, but it _ _ _ _ _
7 I wish he didn't argue all the time, but he 7 I didn't know it was going to rain. I went for a run.
If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8 If only I hadn't been fired, but I _ _ _ _ _
9 I wish I had a flat of my own, but I _ _ _ _ _ 8 I got sunburnt because I fell asleep in the sun.
10 I wish I had saved more money, but I _ _ _ _ _ If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
G>llll Listen and check.

Unit 11 • Just suppose . . . / 71

The 3rd conditional in context
10 Mary wants to make it up with Be
Mary's disastrous day Complete their conversation usini
a verb from the box in the correct

1JAST Sunday night, Mary forgot to set her alarm, so she remember eRe cancel
oversleep forget happen
overslept and was an hour late for work. Mary's boss, Sally Collins,
breakup be
called her into the office and told her that because she was late, she couldn't go on
a planned business trip to New York the following week. Sally said that she'd decided M Hi, Ben. I'm so sorry. Atishoo!
to send a more reliable person. Everything went wrong for mi
yesterday. The last straw was
Mary was so upset about missing her business trip that she locked herself in the when I found the cat had eate
ladies' toilet and cried her heart out. Also, she completely forgot that she had the budgie. And in a way that
arranged to meet her boyfriend, Ben, for lunch at an Italian restaurant. Eventually, she was your fault!
dried her eyes and returned to her desk. She looked at her computer screen, but it B What?! What on earth are yot
was totally out of focus. Then, Mary realized what had happened. The computer was talking about?
all right, but she wasn't. She'd lost one of her contact lenses in the toilet.
M Well, if you hadn't' ended
At last, the day ended. Without her contact lens, Mary had to get the bus home our relationship, I would
because she couldn't see to drive. She waited at the bus stop for over an hour in
_ _ _ _ _ to feed the cat.
the pouring rain and didn't get home until eight o'clock. Then she realized she had B So it's my fault the budgie's
a missed call from Ben. She listened to her voicemail. Ben was very angry and dead? Come off it, Mary! If
reminded her that this was the third time she had forgotten to meet him. He said you hadn't 3_ _ _ _ _ to
that she clearly didn't care for him, and that was the end of their meet me for lunch, I wouldn't
relationship. Mary was heartbroken. In tears for the second time that
_ _ _ _ _ with you. It wa:
the third time! You obviously
day, she decided to go to bed before anything else could go wrong.
don't care about me at all, anc
However, she forgot to feed the cat.
I've had enough.
The next day, with a streaming cold, she went M But, but ... it was all Sally
downstairs to make herself a cup of tea and Collins' fault. If she
found bird feathers everywhere. The poor cat
_ _ _ _ _ my trip to New
had resorted to desperate measures to get York, I wouldn't 6_ _ _ _ _

food. It had eaten the budgie! Mary went back so upset and ... sob ... atisho<
to bed and pulled the covers over her head.
forgotten our date.
B So now it's Sally's fault. It's
never your fault! But - why d;
she cancel your trip?
9 Q)lllJ Mary Brown is a sales executive for a leading cosmetics company. M Well, you see, I was late for
Listen and read about her disastrous day. Then complete the sentences. work and ... atishooo!
1 Mary wouldn't have overslept if _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B I see - late again! Now I
2 Her business trip wouldn't have been cancelled if _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ understand. If you hadn't
3 If she hadn't been so upset, she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the toilet and _ ____ , all of this wou
she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ben for lunch. never 8_ _ _ _ _

4 If she'd met Ben for lunch, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M OK, OK, I suppose it is all m:

fault. But Ben I'm soooo sorr
5 If she hadn't cried so much, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
really am ... atishoooo!
6 She could have driven home if _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B And how come you have sucl
7 If she'd driven home, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bad cold?
8 She wouldn't have caught a cold if _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M Ah, well ... that's another sto
9 Her boyfriend wouldn't have ended their relationship if Atishoooo!

10 If she'd remembered to feed the cat, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q)Jill Listen and check.

72 Unit 11 • Just suppose ...

Revision of all conditionals Words other than if
11 Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense
to form either the first, second, third, or
zero conditional. Some examples are mixed Conditionals can be introduced in a variety of ways other than with if.
conditionals. Unless means except if.
We'll go for a walk unless it rains.
1 IfI still _ _ _ _ (feel) sick, I In case means the first action is a precaution: it happens before the second
____ (not go) on holiday this action might happen.
weekend. I'll take my umbrella in case it rains.
Supposing ... /Suppose .. ./Imagine ... mean the same as imagine if ... ?
2 You make such delicious chocolate cakes! or Whatif ... ?
If you _ _ _ _ (sell) them, you They are questions, and they come at the beginning of a sentence.
_____ (make) a fortune. Supposing you could go on holiday tomorrow, where would you go?
Imagine you were rich, what would you buy?
3 Hello, Liz. Are you still looking for Pat? If I
____ (see) her, I _ _ _ _ (tell) 12 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
her to come to your office. 1 In case I Imagine there were no more wars - wouldn't that
be wonderful?
4 If Alice _ _ _ _ _ (not go) to Exeter 2 I'm going to take a cushion to the concert, in case I unless
University, she _ _ _ _ _ (not met) her the seats are hard.
husband, Andrew.
3 We'll miss the beginning of the film if I unless you hurry.
5 A Does she love her husband? 4 Unless I In case you behave, you can't go to the party.
B Of course she does. If she _ _ _ _ _ 5 In case I Suppose you got lost, what would you do?
(not love) him, she _ _ _ _ _ (not 6 I'll take a book in case I unless I'm bored on the journey.
marry) him. 7 If only I Imagine I had understood the problem. I'd have
done smnething.
6 If you _ _ _ _ (buy) two bottles of 8 Unless I In case you pay this bill in the next fourteen days,
shampoo, you _ _ _ _ _ (get) one free. court action will be taken.

7 A What you (do) 13 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
if you (see) a ghost? 1 I won't go if they don't invite me. (unless)
BI (run) away! I won't go unless they invite me. IUnless they invite me, I won't go.
2 What would you do ifhe left you? (supposing)
8 Ifwe (have) SatNav, we
(not be) lost.
3 There's no opportunity for promotion here - it's a shame you
didn't take that job with the other company. (suppose)
9 You are lucky to be alive. If you _ _ _ _ _
(not have) a smoke alarm, the house
_____ (burn down) with you in it. 4 We're going to install a smoke alarm. There may be a fire.
(in case)
10 You were very rude to Max. IfI _ _ _ _ _
(be) you, I _ _ _ _ (apologize). 5 She won't get that job if she doesn't learn to speak French.
11 Ashley is allergic to cheese. If he
____ (eat) it, he _ _ _ _ (get)
a rash. 6 If the lifeguard hadn't been there, what would have
happened? (imagine)
12 We've run out of petrol. If you _ _ _ _ _
(stop) to fill up earlier, we _ _ _ _ _ 7 I won't go out this evening. Justin might come round for a
(not be) stuck here now. drink. (in case)

Cl>JIIJ Listen and check. 8 Please speak to Kevin about this matter, not me. ('d rather)

Unit 11 • Just suppose . . . / 73

Vocabulary Similar words, different meaning
3 These adjective pairs are easy to confuse. Complete t h
Word pairs sentences with the correct adjectives.
1 Match the word pairs in A and B.

1 sink a and see

2 far b and for all
3 hit C and sweet
4 wait d and wide
5 give e or swim
6 by f and take
7 ins g and buts
8 ifs h and large
9 short i and miss
10 once j and outs unreadable illegible
1 I couldn't work out who the letter was from. The
2 Complete the conversations with the word pairs in 1. signature was completely _ _ _ _ _
1 A What am I going to get for my birthday next week? 2 I know Shakespeare is very popular, but I find his
work totally _ _ _ _ _
B You'll have to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It's still five
days away. childish childlike
2 A The effects of social media have spread 3 Manisha is so _ _ _ _ _ . She's always having
temper tantrums.
B I know. It's incredible! The whole world seems to be 4 It was wonderful to watch the lambs playing. I got
on Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram! such _ _ _ _ _ pleasure from it.
3 A I'm not sure about going ahead with this contract. sensible sensitive
There are too many _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B Well, there certainly needs to be more 5 Sophie is extremely _ _ _ _ _ at the moment.
________ on both sides before anyone Anything upsets her.
signs. 6 Fabienne isn't a very _ _ _ _ _ person. She wor,
high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk.
4 A How do you think the new Prime Minister will
cope with this crisis? true truthful
B Well, it's her first big test, and it's going to be 7 I've never known her to tell a lie. She's a very
________ for her. If she succeeds, it'll _____ person.
silence her critics _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , but I
8 I find it difficult to watch sad films that are based c
doubt she will. I think her time as leader might end
_____ story. They always make me cry.
up being _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 A Sometimes the food in this restaurant is intolerable intolerant
amazing, other times it's not so good. It's a bit 9 Susan is so _ _ _ _ _ of other people. She neve1
accepts anyone else's opinion, and she always thin1
B Yes, but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I always enjoy she knows best.
eating here. 10 I find Marek's behaviour _ _ _ _ _ . It's
6 A I'd love to learn all the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of car unacceptable to be so selfish.
mechanics. I can change my oil and water, but that's economic economical
about it!
B Well, you should do a course. It can all get pretty 11 This country's in an _ _ _ _ _ crisis at the
complicated! moment. Unemployment is rising and more peopl
are using food banks.
Cl)Jll1Listen and check. 12 It's much more _ _ _ _ _ to drive slowly. You g
more kilometres for your money.

74 Unit 11 • Just suppose ...


Phrasal verbs Pronunciation

Nouns from phrasal verbs Ways of pronouncing ea
1 There are several different ways of pronouncing the spelling
1 There are many nouns formed from phrasal verbs. ea. Look at the examples in the chart below and put the
Sometimes the verb comes first, sometimes second. words into the correct column.
make-up downfall upbringing check-in
drawback outbreak takeaway · bfeae ffieat feaf weal' 1*eak team
2 Sometimes the noun is related to the phrasal verb. dear thread pearl leap tear (n) bear
Where'.s the check-in for British Airways? pear leapt tear (v) cheat heal meant
I've checked us all in online, so that should save time at scream clear health reason steak deaf
the airport. = related great search breath death gear swear
breathe earth jealous theatre breadth beast
3 Sometimes the noun is not related to the phrasal verb.
The main drawback is the cost. lead (v) weary hear beard lead (n) weapon
(drawback= disadvantage) tea beans jeans breakfast
Draw back the curtains and let the sunshine in.
(draw back= open) le! /i:/ /Ja/
I don't use much make-up. bread meat fear
I made up a story.

4 Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box.

outcome breakthrough outbreak takeaway lea! /e1/ /3:/
check-up breakdown comeback feedback
outlook downfall wear break learn

1 The _ _ _ _ _ of communication between

management and workers means the strike will
2 His career has suffered recently, but with a new G)]ID Listen and check.
album and a world tour, he's determined to make
a ____ _ 2 Which words from I can you find in the picture?
3 I go to the dentist twice a year for a _ _ _ _ _
4 The _ _ _ _ _ of the local elections is that the
Green Party has won 12 new seats.
5 The weather should be fine over the next few days
and the _ _ _ _ _ for the weekend is warm and
6 There has been an _ _ _ _ _ of salmonella,
infecting 83 people in just over two weeks.
7 There has been a significant _ _ _ _ _ in the
search to find a cure for breast cancer.
8 Online companies often ask customers for
_____ because it is a quick and cheap way of
doing market research.
9 I can't be bothered to cook - let's have an Indian
_____ for supper.
10 He used to be a highly successful athlete, but using
too many drugs was his _ _ _ _ _

C1>J11J Listen and check.

Unit 11 • Just suppose ... 75

About time!
• Articles • Ways of combining nouns
• Determiners • Life and time
• Demonstratives • Common verbs - be and have

Language focus Articles in context

Articles 2 Read about Norway's young billionaires. Complete the article with
a, an, the, or nothing.
a, the, or zero article?

So much, so young
1 Complete the sentences with a, the,
or nothing (zero article).
1 Excuse me! Is there _ _ _ _ _
supermarket near here?
2 A We haven't got any milk. You're never too young to be _g_billionaire, especially in Norway!

B I'm going to _ _ _ _ _ The top three youngest billionaires in 2_ _ _ _ _ world are all under 25
supermarket this morning. I'll and are all Norwegian - with 3_ _ _ _ _ total wealth of 4_ _ _ _ _
get some. £3.4 billion pounds.
3 Has _ _ _ _ _ postman been The Andresen sisters, Katharina, 22, and Alexandra, 21, are s_ _ _ _ _
this morning? richest youngsters in the world. Alexandra is 6_ _ _ _ _ world's
4 My brother works as youngest billionaire.
_____ postman.
Their father, Johan, owns 1_ _ _ _ _ company called Ferd, which is
5 We've seen a house we want to _____ investment company. He also has 9_ _ _ _ _ impressive
move to. It's got _ _ _ _ _ real estate portfolio. Johan transferred most of his money equally to his
views over fields, and there's daughters in 2005.
_____ lovely garden at
_____ back. Alexandra is 10_ _ _ _ _ ambitious horse-rider and is a member of
6 A Where's Nick? Norway's Olympic dressage team. She also likes getting dressed up and
partying with her friends, just like any other 21-year-old.
B In _ _ _ _ _ back garden.
Katharina is 11 _ _ _ _ _ collector of expensive shoes. She has
7 I want _ _ _ _ dog 12_ _ _ _ _
pair of 13 Gucci loafers, which cost £750.
to protect myself against
_ _ _ _ _

_____ burglars. Both girls love 14_ _ _ _ _ dogs. They have five between them - all
8 Tony joined _ _ _ _ _ Police pedigree and all with expensive price tags.
Dog Unit because he likes 15
girls live at home with their mother and father and, of
working with _ _ _ _ _ dogs.

course, the dogs!

9 We went out for _ _ _ _ _
meal last night. _ _ _ _ _
food was excellent. I don't
usually like _ _ _ _ _
Chinese food, but _ _ _ _ _
duck was superb.
10 For me, food is one of
_____ life's greatest

G l l f l l Listen and check.

76 Unit 12 • About time!

Determiners Demonstratives
all, every, either, neither, both, each this, that, these, those
3 Underline the correct answer to complete the sentences. 4 Complete each gap with this, that, these, or those.
1 Anna is such a show-off. She thinks she knows 1 I loved the nineties. I had such fun. _ _ _ _ _ were
all I everything. the days!
2 My driving test was a complete disaster. All I Everything 2 Fancy _ _ _ _ _ ! I've just won £30 in a
went wrong. competition!
3 All I Everything I want for my birthday is to lie in bed
until midday. 3 I've got an idea. Let's go to the beach and take a picnic
for lunch. How does _ _ _ _ _ grab you?
4 I'm starving. All I Everything I've eaten today is a packet
of crisps. 4 You just can't get proper sausages _ _ _ _ _ days.
5 Megan couldn't believe her luck. All I Every topic she 5 Do you remember _ _ _ _ _ time we surprised
had revised came up in the exam. you on your birthday?
6 I have six grandchildren. All I Every of them are lovely,
but each I every of them is a little bit different. 6 Listen to _ _ _ _ _ . It says in the paper that life has
been found on Mars.
7 You can borrow either I each the Audi or the Saab.
They're all I both in the garage. 7 I was in the pub last night when _ _ _ _ _ bloke
8 A I don't like Tom. came up to me and asked me out for dinner.
B Me either/neither! 8 I got caught speeding today, and then lost my phone.
9 I know the words of every I all her songs by heart. It's just been one of _ _ _ _ _ days.
10 A Tea or coffee? 9 A Who's _ _ _ _ _ at the door?
B Either I Neither, thanks. I've got to go in a minute to B I think it's Dawn. She said she might pop round.
catch my train.
11 A Red wine or white? 10 A Ahh! My car's broken down and my phone's run out
of charge.
B Either I Neither, whichever is open.
B Ah well, _ _ _ _ _ things are sent to try us.
12 I know either I both Tom and his brother, but I don't
like both I either of them. G > J m Listen and check.
G>lflJ Listen and check.

Gustav Magnar Witzoe owes his wealth to salmon. His father owned 53%
of the Norwegian salmon-producing company, Salmar, and gifted Gustav
a stake in 16 _ _ _ _ _ company in 2013.
11 _ _ _ _ _
24-year-old enjoys 18_ _ _ _ _ good things in life. He
plays _ _ _ _
19 _
golf, loves travelling and is interested in fashion. He
also has 20_ _ _ _ _ tattoo (he likes tattoos!).

\Je.H, Vo
lW I' 1/e se.e 11
everj l: hi nj

Unit 12 • About time! /' 77

Revision of articles, determiners, and demonstratives in context
5 Look at the poster and read about the film Searchingfor Sugar Man. Who
was Rodriguez? Complete the article with the words in the boxes.

-.ec1e1& I

'6ette1& tlt.Ak
Rodriguez was one of the greatest 70s rock icons, but it took
the world a long time to discover him - over 40 years, in fact!

a couple of the (x2) his little

a great deal of this several enough
I the some more anything nobody his I
Over the next two decades, his popularity grew. Rodriguez
Rodriguez was first discovered in Detroit, had 11_ _ _ _ _ fans than Elvis Presley and the Beatles,
Michigan, in 1 the late 60s by 2 _ _ _ _ _ but 18_ _ _ _ _ knew who he was or 19_ _ _ _ _

well-known music producers who were struck by about him. There were even 20 rumours that
_ _ _ _ _ touching music and expressive he had taken 21 _ _ _ _ _ own life whilst on the stage!
lyrics. There was 4_ _ _ _ _ anticipation This was, of course, before the advent of the Internet.
iI when he recorded his first album, Cold Fact, in Today, a search on Google would have quickly uncovered
1970. It included his best-known song, Sugar 22
_ _ _ _ _ information.
Man. 5_ _ _ _ _ song earned 6_ _ _ _ _

good reviews and Rodriguez was compared to Bob J the a an one most these all some I
Dylan. Unfortunately, this wasn't 1_ _ _ _ _
The riddle of Rodriguez is what the documentary film
of a recommendation to ensure its success, and SearchingJor Sugar Man sets out to solve. After years
_ _ _ _ _ album bombed in the US. A of searching, Swedish director Malik Bendjelloul finally
second album, Coming.from Reality, also had discovered the singer-songwriter alive and well, and still
_____ success in the US, and Rodriguez living in Detroit, where he worked as 23_ _ _ _ _
disappeared into obscurity. builder and had brought up three daughters. It was
j every no the a many both this
_ _ _ _ _ of 25_ _ _ _ _ daughters who
filled in 26_ _ _ _ _ of the blanks about his life.
However, unbeknown to him, Rodriguez's two Sugar Man has made a remarkable comeback. There
albums had arrived in South Africa, where is now 21_ _ _ _ _ official Sugar Man website.
10_ _ _ _ _
of them had become hugely His albums have been re-released and are available
popular in the 1970s. 11_ _ _ _ _ success was to his fans 28 _ _ _ _ _ over the world, and
mainly because the powerful music and lyrics Searching.for Sugar Man won Best Documentary
reflected so well the message of the anti-apartheid in 29_ _ _ _ _ 2013 Oscars. Rodriguez is also
movement of the time. Despite there being touring again, and at 30_ _ _ _ _ prestigious
_ _ _ _ _ promotion at all on 13_ _ _ _ _ venues! He appeared at Glastonbury in 2013, the
radio, word of the albums spread, and over half a London Palladium in 2016, the Klein Memorial
million records were sold. Nearly 14_ _ _ _ _ Auditorium in 2017, and the Royal Albert Hall in
student in South Africa owned 15 _ _ _ _ _ 2018, where tickets sold out in a few days!
copy of Cold Fact. Rodriguez's music influenced Audiences always chant for Sugar Man, Rodriguez's
a generation of fans, just as Jimi Hendrix's songs most famous smash hit. Rodriguez might be in his
had become important to 16_ _ _ _ _ of the US seventies, but his time has definitely come - better
troops in Vietnam. late than never!

78 Unit 12 • About time!

Ways of combining nouns

1 There are three main ways we can put nouns together. 3 Sometimes there is a change in meaning.
noun+noun the cat's food= the food that belongs to one particular cat
post office The dog has eaten the cat's food.
headache cat food= food for cats in general
face-lift Can you buy some more cat food when you go out?
noun + 's + noun 4 We use the noun+ noun pattern (compound nouns) for
my wife's sister everyday established combinations.
the doctor's surgery a love film a horror film
the dog's bowl For less established
noun + preposition + noun combinations, we prefer
the end of the garden
noun + preposition + noun
a story about true love a film about horses
the arrival of the police
2 Sometimes more than one structure can be used.
the Prime Minister's arrival
NOTe /:Jersc fiiffl
the arrival of the Prime Minister
the floor of the living room
the living room floor
the car door handle
the handle on the car door
But usually only one pattern is possible.
the back of the car
NOT t:he rar BBck he CBr's f:mck - -- --- ··,·_.-.·-_.

6 Combine the words in brackets using one of the three 11 What happened at the ?
patterns. Sometimes there is more than one answer. (film, end)
1 Can you buy a bottle of wine (wine, bottle) to have 12 Here is . (today, news)
with dinner?
13 Where is the nearest ?
2 You've just spilt the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Underground, station)
(milk, baby)
14 It's my (anniversary, parents',
3 Can you buy some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wedding) next week.
(paper, toilet)? We've run out.
15 The (company, success) is due
4 I never listened to my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to efficiency measures.
(advice, parents)
16 I've got a (fortnight, holiday)
5 Your coat's on the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ next month.
(back, chair)
17 Flared trousers have made a
6 What did that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (road, sign) say? (back, come). They're all the rage again!
Did you see it?
18 The (government, economic
7 It's such a mess in here. There are empty policy) is confusing.
________ (wine, bottles) everywhere.
19 The annual (rate, inflation) is
8 The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Prime Minister, duties) about 3%.
include entertaining heads of state.
20 Have you heard Beyonce's latest song? It's going to be
9 The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (my shoe, heel) has come another _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (hit, smash)
21 Are there any _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (coffee, cups) in
10 Can I borrow your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? your bedroom? There are none left in the kitchen.
(brush, hair)
22 Do you want a ? (coffee, cup)

Unit 12 • About time! 79

Vocabulary Common verbs - be, have
2 Match the words and expressions with be or have.
life and time Tick (,/) the correct column.
1 Complete the conversations with the expressions from the box
in the correct form. be have
1 .I fed up with sb/sth
lease of life life in his hands high time
third time lucky take your time bet your life
2 .I the right to do sth
in the nick of time anything for a quiet life 3 a nap
4 on the safe side
1 A Oh my gosh! Where did I put the car keys?
5 in touch with sb
B Stop panicking. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . We're not
6 a word with sb
meeting Jill and Don for another half an hour.
7 in time
2 A I hear your dog was unwell. 8 on one's mind
B Yes. He's quite old now and a bit arthritic, but 9 up to date
the vet gave him some pills and he's got a new 10 no chance of doing sth

3 A We were burgled last week. 3 Complete the sentences with the expressions from
in the correct form.
B Oh no! That's awful! Did they take much?
A Fortunately, the police arrived _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 My job is so boring. I'm really fed up with. it.
and caught them as they were making their getaway. 2 If your flight is delayed by more than three hom
B Blimey! That was lucky. you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ claim compensation
3 Thank you for your interview, Miss Clarke. We']
4 A When are we meeting Melvin? ________ you as soon as we've ma,
B Well, he's due to be here at eight, but you can a decision about the job.
________ he'll be late. He always is. 4 I can't stop thinking about my ex -girlfriend. Sh
_____ always _ _ _ _ _
5 A Have you heard? Graham's bought a motorbike. It can go
5 Mrs Bennett! Can I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you
nearly 200 miles per hour.
a minute? It's about your son, Ben.
B Crazy. He's taking his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ riding a
6 My grandad gets tired now - he always needs tc
bike. They're so dangerous.
________ in the afternoon.
6 A Petra is so lazy. She just sits at home all day and 7 I've got extra holiday insurance, just in case. I
watches TV. always like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B She's unbelievable. It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she 8 Well, I'll apply for the manager's job, but I knov.
sorted herself out and got a job. ________ getting it.
9 Oh my gosh, it's ten dclock already! Will we
7 A I can't believe it. Nick is getting married again! ________ for our train? It leaves ir
B Again? Well, let's hope it's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ five minutes.
10 In my job, it is important to _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8 A My sister always gives in to her two-year-old. She
with what's going on in the financial markets.
should be firmer with her.
B Well, it is her fourth child, so I suppose she'll do

Cll:.D Listen and check.

80 Unit 12 • About time!

Prepositions revision Pronunciation
4 Complete the sentences with a preposition
or a combination of prepositions. Nouns and verbs
1 After running up the stairs, I was In the chart below, the nouns end in an unvoiced sound (Is/, If/, /0/), and the verbs
_____ breath. in a voiced sound (/z/, /v/, lo!).

2 You make some silly mistakes, but 1 Complete the chart with the nouns or verbs and the correct sound.
_____ general, your work has
been good. Noun Verb Noun Verb
3 I went on holiday _ _ _ _ _ my 1 advice Is! advise /z/ 7 excuse
own, because sometimes I like to be
_____ myself. 2 use 8 breath

4 Igotacheque _ _ _ _ _ £500inthe 3 abuse 9 halve

4 believe 10 house
5 There has been a rise _ _ _ _ _ the
number o f violent crimes. 5 relief 11 save
6 The difference _ _ _ _ _ you and 6 grief 12 bath
me is that I don't mind hard work.
7 I can think of no reason _ _ _ _ _ Q ) J f B Listen and check.
her strange behaviour.
8 It took a long time to find a solution Emphasis in speaking
_____ the problem. 2 Cl>Jm Listen and underline the main stress in B's replies. Then listen
9 I need some information _ _ _ _ _ again and repeat.
hiring bikes. Do you have a brochure? 1 A Why didn't you do your homework last night?
10 I'm having trouble _ _ _ _ _ my car. B I did do it.
It won't start in the mornings. 2 A Who made this mark on the carpet?
11 In the accident, there was quite a bit of B I did. Sorry.
damage _ _ _ _ _ my car. 3 A Did you know that Johann and Maria are coming tonight?
12 Investigators are trying to find the cause B I knew Johann was coming.
_____ the accident. 4 A Did you know that Johann and Maria are coming tonight?
B I knew that ages ago.
13 I have a lot of sympathy _ _ _ _ _
Tony's situation - things are tough for 5 A Who told Gran that I crashed her car?
him at the moment. B I didn't tell her.
14 I don't see James any more. I haven't 6 A I wish you hadn't told Gran I crashed her car.
been _ _ _ _ _ touch with him for B I didn't tell her.
years. 7 A I lost all my money playing cards.
15 Did you get an invitation _ _ _ _ _ B I told you.
David's wedding? 8 A You don't like Mark or Annie, do you?
B I like Annie.
9 A Why don't you like Annie?
B I do like Annie. I think she's great.
10 A I feel so sorry for Annie. Nobody likes her.
B Well, I like her.

Unit 12 • About time! 81

Exam practice Units 9-12

Reading and Use of English Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (8 marks)

Explaining jet lag

How often do we feel tired or ill when we travel through different time O_A_? It can take several days for our body clocks to
recover from the unpleasant 1 _ known as 'jet lag'. First, we may notice changes to our sleep and eating patterns; we may
be wide awake and hungry in the middle of the night. Other 2 _ may include headaches, forgetting things, and feeling
' I generally unwell.
The basic 3 _ of jet lag is complicated. We actually have several body clocks, not one, and these 4 _ to work together for
maximum efficiency. In addition to controlling sleep patterns, these clocks 5 _ blood pressure and body temperature. Our
brain contains a 'master' body clock 6 _ by daylight.
So is jet lag affected by the direction of travel? If you fly west, your day will naturally be longer, something the body finds
easier to 7 _ to: jet lag will be less 8 _ . Travelling east results in a shorter day, which your body clocks find more

0 A zones B frames C spaces D areas

1 A impression B response C sensation D sense
2 A illnesses B examples C symptoms D effects
3 A cause B reason C purpose D result
4 A must B want C require D have
5 A effect B involve C affect D concern
ii 6
C run
C vary
8 A strong B severe C important D strict

Reading and Use of English Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (8 marks)

What happened to playing outside?

When I was a kid, I O used to change out of my school uniform when I got home and then go outside to play. I hardly
g_ _ _ _ came home unless it was raining or until I was absolutely starving. I used to get involved 1Q_ _ _ _ all kinds
of things which my parents would n o t , , _ _ _ _ approved of, like swimming in the nearby canal, or teasing dogs in the
park. But mainly I just hung around with my mates. Back then, children 12 . hardly any time staring at screens. By
contrast, you rarely see children playing outdoors these days. As a grown-up, I appreciate the fact that 13 _ _ _ _ I live is
relatively quiet, but I certainly wouldn't object to the sound of kids playing. I sometimes wonder who is responsible for this
trend. The media is always 14 _ _ _ _ us that our children are overweight and that their lifestyle may lead 15 _ _ _ _
illnesses in middle or old age. Sadly, however, we don't hear many concrete suggestions as to how this trend might
16 _ _ _ _ reversed.

82 Exam practice • Units 9-12

Reading and Use of English Part 3
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O). (8 marks)

A four-day working week

The idea of a four-day working week has been under O discussion for many DISCUSS
years, 17 _ _ _ _ employees in many different businesses to imagine how a ENCOURAGE
three-day weekend every week might lead to 18 _ _ _ _ in their lives. On the IMPROVE
surface, one might think that the idea would be harder to sell to 19 _ _ _ _ EMPLOY
but that hasn't stopped several companies from experimenting. It seems that,
thanks to 20 _ _ _ _ advances, this policy may become more common in TECHNOLOGY
the not-too-distant future.
This conversation has been re-opened 21 _ _ _ _ by a report from a RECENT
British trade union group. The report explains that, as technology makes
work more 22 _ _ _ _, the time saving should be shared EFFECT
23 _ _ _ _ with the workforce. EQUAL
If changes are implemented carefully, the increased 24, _ _ _ _ may ensure EFFICIENT
that we have a healthier work-life balance. If new technology makes us richer,
we should use that wealth to give ourselves more time to spend with family
and friends.

Reading and Use of English Part 4

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and
six words, including the word given. (2 marks each)

25 I was surprised that you didn't accept their offer.

The fact that you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a surprise to me.
26 People do much more exercise now than they did in the past.
People _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the past than they do now.
27 I'm almost sure it didn't rain last night because the beach is dry.
The beach is dry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ last night.
28 Whenever we go to the beach, I remember childhood holidays.
Going to the beach _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I went on as a child.
29 I wonder if you could talk to Monica about the party arrangements.
Would you mind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Monica about the party arrangements?
30 I regret not apologizing to Cara for what I said.

I________________ to Cara for what I said.

Exam practice • Units 9-12 / 83

Answer key
Unit 1 11 was chosen/has been chosen
12 's getting
1 2 'm ... driving 13 'II shout 1 1 road 11 rain
3 've been driving 14 went 2 house 12 sun
4 wastaken 15 stayed 3 life 13 home
5 'II take 16 're saving 4 heart 14 air
6 'd/had taken 17 hadn't realized 5 blood 15 day
7 sells 18 were ... doing/have ... doing 6 book 16 hand
8 will be sold 19 'II be 7 water 17 fire
10 are ... made 20 forgot 8 sea 18 card
11 's been made/'s being made/was made 21 won't forget 9 case 19 sports
12 'II/will have made 10 bag 20 table
13 're/are being washed 5 1 Our house was built in the 19'h century.
2 My flat is being decorated at the moment. 2 1 a 3 a 5 b
14 had been washed/was washed 2 b 4 b 6 a
15 'd been washing 3 Has the printer been fixed yet?
16 've/have had 4 While the new kitchen was being 3 1 brought home to me
17 were having installed, we had lots of takeaways. 2 got on like a house on fire
18 'II be having 5 When we went up to our hotel room, we 3 make yourselves at home
19 'II/will have been teaching found that it hadn't been cleaned. 4 brought the house down
20 were being taught 6 She won't be recognized in those dark 5 (as) safe as houses
glasses. 6 on the house
6 1 were caught, were driving/drove 4 1 literal 3 idiomatic
Active Simple Continuous 2 is ... emptied 2 idiomatic 4 literal
Present sells am driving 3 were given
4 were cycling, were overtaken 5 1 put ... up (I), Put up (L)
Past drove were having 5 had been snowing 2 sorted out (L), sort ... out (I}
6 arrive, will be met 3 stood up (L), stand up (I)
Future will take will be having
4 take ... off (L), taken off (I)
Present have had have been 7 1 moved 11 made 5 picked ... up (I), pick up (L)
perfect driving have been 12 've been 6 Hold on (I), hold on (L)
living/have lived learning
Past had taken had been 3 thought 13 don't like Pronunciation
perfect washing 4 'II miss 14 get
will have been 5 has been 15 's getting 1 1 text 7 bang
Future will have English 8 box
relocated 16 'II be able to 2
perfect made teaching clean walk
6 didn't want 17 misses 3 9
Passive Simple Continuous 7 'II have been 18 don't live 4 month 10 work
8 has lived 19 are 5 took 11 start
Present are made is being 6 news 12 mother
made/are 9 had ... thought 20 'II miss
being washed 10 joined 2 le/ /r/
Past was taken/was were being 8 How long has Matt lived/been living in said pretty
made/was taught Japan? fend guilty
2 Where did he move from? message business
3 Why did he move there/to Japan? /i:/ /A/
Future will be sold 4 What did he do when he first arrived? freak rough
Present has been 5 What has he been studying/learning for sea London
Perfect made three years? believe funny
6 Why doesn't he like writing Japanese? /u/ /u:/
Past had been 7 What does he miss (the) most?
Perfect washed would lose
8 When will he go home/is he going home? look zoom
Future will have been 9 3 has (A) 8 does (A) good suit
Perfect sold 4 have (F) 9 was(A)
5 have (A) 10 is (A) /ae/ /o/
3 1'm studying 5 've been going catch sorry
2 's been 6 spent 6 didn't (A) 11 doing (F)
7 done (F) 12 did (F) language what
3 has been 7 were taught Japan shock
promoted 8 'm going 10 A have ... got/do ... have
4 was making /-J:/ /3:/
B 'm having, Have ... got/Do ... have taught learn
4 2 forget 2 A Have ... got/Do ... have warm third
3 has ... gone B haven't/don't, Have/Do chalk journey
4 'II be A 've had, 've got/have
3 A 've got/have /a:/ fa/
5 hasn't got father orphan
6 've been getting B haven't got/don't have
A had, had party asleep
7 haven't spoken heart beggar
8 put B 've got/have
9 is studying 4 A having, 've had, haven't had
10 'II be accepted B haven't got/don't have

Unit2 11
'm expecting
train: season ticket, track, baggage rack,
Customs, aisle/window seat, ticket
1 1 a He's written three magazine articles so 13 is being decorated inspector, carriage, platform, trolley
far. 14 is decorated plane: runway, Customs, security check, life
b He's been writing a travel biog since 15 be losing jacket, trolley, check-in desk, timetable,
he left home. 16 has lost aisle/window seat, seat belt, tyres, hand
2 a They've missed the bus again. luggage, overhead locker
b They've been missing you lots, so 6 2 scaled ship/ferry: Customs, cabin, harbour, life
come home soon. 3 have been dumping jacket, trolley, horn, timetable, deck, port
3 a Paula's been leaving work early all this 4 melts
week. 5 was made 5 2 at 13 to
b Paula's left work early to go to the 6 had been looking 3 out of 14 into
dentist. 7 are being asked 4 into 15 against
4 a I've lost my car keys. 8 are paid 5 to 16 in
b I've been losing weight recently. 9 have been asked 6 through 17 out of
5 a She's been talking on the phone for 10 have been removed 7 towards 18 along
ages. 11 are used 8 off 19 past
b She's talked about this subject before. 12 includes 9 onto 20 across
6 a The cat's been going next door to 10 over 21 over
7 2 have her ears pierced 11 into 22 along
have its dinner. 3 have my eyes tested
b The cat's gone upstairs. 12 through 23 onto
4 have had their car serviced
7 a He's had a heart attack. 5 had our dishwasher repaired yet 6 2 e 4 f 6 d
b He's been having second thoughts 6 had her Amazon parcel delivered yet 3 a 5 b
about the job.
8 a I've been saving up to go on holiday Vocabulary 7 2 in the same boat
next month. 3 to rock the boat
b I've saved up £500. 1 1 do 5 make 9 make 4 get the show on the road
9 a I've been swimming, which is why my 2 make 6 made 10 do 5 went off the rails
hair is wet. 3 doing 7 do 6 on the right track
b I've swum 20 lengths today. 4 do 8 make
1O a I've been finding it hard to concentrate Pronunciation
2 1 do without you 5 could do with
recently. 2 made off with it 6 make of her 1 1 explorer exploration
b I've found my phone at last. 3 make up for 7 make ... in time 2 politics politician
2 2 's/has been snowing 4 made it 3 photograph photographer
3 have ... walked 4 luxury luxurious
3 5 produce production
4 have been living/have lived, 've/have
been trying, haven't managed car bus bike train plane ship/ 6 Japan Japanese

•• •••
5 have been arguing ferry
6 've/have eaten get ./
7 've been sunbathing into/
8 's/has been crying Japan Japanese
out introduce
9 have been running produce
transform disappoint
3 2 Has the road been repaired yet? get ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ success afternoon
3 Some new environmental laws have just on/off impress
been passed.
4 No new houses have been built for 1O
./ •••
5 The house hasn't been cleaned. land ./ adoption politician
production navigation
4 2 A baby has been rescued from a house embarrass compensation
ride ./
fire. impression European
3 A surfer has been saved from a great
white shark.
4 Over 400 have been killed by an

./ ./

earthquake in Afghanistan. ancestor luxurious
5 A priceless Picasso painting has been miss ./ ./ ./ ./ scientists embarrassment
stolen. discovery
board ./ ./ ./ ./
6 A Super-Earth has been discovered 40 emergency
light years away. park ./ ./ ./
7 A missing teenager has been found alive.
8 Four hundred and sixty-four jobs have
been axed (in a shock announcement by 4 car: traffic lights, one-way street, Customs, 1 2 had been 9 swam
the Council). traffic warden, horn, seat belt, service 3 came through 1O had managed
station, tyres, traffic jam 4 was having 11 was struggling
5 3 has/have been performing 5 had arrived 12 hovered
4 performed bus: traffic lights, one-way street, horn,
season ticket, timetable, ticket inspector, 6 had been body 13 was lowered
5 'm having boarding 14 wastaken
6 have/have got tyres, traffic jam, cycle lane
bike: helmet, traffic lights, one-way street, 7 swept 15 made
7 are you thinking 8 had happened 16 had risked
8 think tyres, cycle lane
9 was banging
10 've ... banged

Answer key 85
2 1 stuck 7 had caught 4 2 a 6 h 10 g 14 k 5 which countries he visited
2 had stuck 8 caught 3 C 7 e 11 I 15 6 how he had the nerve to impersonate a
3 fell 9 held 4 b 8 f 12 m doctor
4 had fallen 10 had held 5 o 9 13 n 7 why the police took so long to catch hin
5 cost 11 beat 8 how he got the job with the FBI
6 had cost 12 had beaten 5 1 was working in Paris, my grandfather died
2 got home, I switched on the TV 4 (suggested answers)
3 was snowing, got up, were making, put, 3 had a shower, then I got dressed 1 how much money he made
raced 4 'd /had always wanted to visit Australia, 2 what the title of the film is
2 played, were losing, won and I finally went last year 3 which airline he flew for
1!1 3 wasn't thinking, had 5 posted the letter he realized he hadn't 4 who starred in the film Catch me if you c
4 was crying/cried, didn't get put on a stamp 5 works for the FBI
5 was living, met 6 'd/had finished speaking, most ofthe 5 2 by 7 about
6 was playing, hit, made audience had fallen asleep 3 to 8 of
7 happened, was walking, noticed, wanted, 7 'd/had told him the truth, I felt better 4 at 9 with
vanished 8 bought my first flat, I'd /had seen 30 other 5 on 10 from
8 was sunbathing, heard, appeared, landed properties 6 in
4 2 was discovered underneath the new 6 2 i 5 j 8 f 6 2 Whatfor? 6 Whofor?
housing estate 3 b 6 h 9 e 3 Whereto? 7 Whoto?
3 were held indoors because it was raining 4 g 7 a 10 C 4 What about? 8 Whatwith?
4 had been booked for a children's party on 5 How long for?
Saturday afternoon 7 'II turn up/turns 5 settled down
5 was being repaired, so I couldn't leave the up 6 broke up 7 2 don't suppose you've got change for a
house 2 setting off/going 7 find out 20-euro note?
6 still hadn't been cleaned when we to set off 8 Shut up 3 doesn't seem to be working
returned 3 cheer up 9 Speak up 4 didn't think it was going to rain
7 hadn't been cooked for long enough 4 stay in 10 Hold on 5 don't want their daughter to move to
8 were being installed at the crossroads Canada
Pronunciation 6 didn't expect to see you here
5 2 didn't receive 12 has had 7 don't suppose you've seen Robert
3 lost 13 is loved
1 1 pay /pe1/ pear
2 write /ra1t/ wrote recently
4 was shown 14 is ... awarded 8 don't expect you remember me
3 phone /faun/ fine
5 became 16 were 9 don't believe she passed all her exams
4 round /raund/ reined
7 has been trying 17 are covered
5 dear /d1g/ dare 1O don't think I would like snails
8 are being said 18 is repaid
6 boy /b'JJ/ bow
9 saves 19 gave/gives
7 tour /tug/ toe
8 1 not 8 not 15 Not
10 has 20 wrote/writes 2 no 9 no 16 none
8 fair /feg/ fear
11 has touched 3 None 10 Not 17 no
2 1 /e1/ 14 fau/ 27 /e1/ 4 n't 11 none 18 no
Vocabulary 2 /i:/ 15 /guz/ 28 /e1/ 5 not 12 no 19 None
3 fau/ 16 faus/ 29 /e1/ 6 n't 13 n't 20 Not
1 positive: tender, fast-moving, romantic,
4 /u:/ 17 /u:z/ 30 /e/ 7 not 14 not
1·1 exceptional, tear-jerking, hilarious,
riveting, witty, unpredictable, powerful 5 /'J:/ 18 /u:s/ 31 IA!
6 19 /u:z/ 32
9 1 don't 7 'm not
negative: second-rate, dull, confused, /3:/ /u:/
2 didn't 8 doesn't
unbelievable 7 /Jg/ 20 /gum/ 33 /u/
3 haven't 9 hadn't
8 /3:/ 21 /u:m/ 34 /guld/
4 aren't 1O hasn't
2 2 fast-moving 9 second-rate 9 /'J:/ 22 lorn/ 35 /ud/
dull romantic 5 isn't 11 wasn't
3 10 10 /3:/ 23 /ol/ 36 !Al
unpredictable tear-jerking 6 won't 12 weren't
4 11 11 /au/ 24 faul/ 37 /o/
5 riveting 12 powerful 12 fau/ 25 faum/ 38 fau/ 10 1 a 4 d 7 g 10
6 hilarious 13 tender 13 /u:/ 26 /Am/ 2 b 5 f 8 h
7 confused 14 exceptional 3 C 6 e 9
8 unbelievable Unit4
1 His current job is surprising because he is a
Positive Negative Both conman. 1/2
witty flawed whacky 2 2 How long ... for B Opposites C Synonyms
sophisticated cliched spine-chilling 3 Why did ... to make 2 untruthful dishonest
thrilling predictable classic 4 How old ... when 3 incredible unbelievable
powerful implausible shocking 5 What ... like 4 implausible ridiculous
dramatic weak psychological 6 What ... major 5 improbable unlikely
polished 7 Which ... work for 6 illegal illicit
absorbing 8 What kind of 7 irresponsible thoughtless
unputdownable 9 Whose ... risk when 8 abnormal bizarre
gripping 10 Where ... caught/arrested 9 unprofessional amateur
intriguing 11 Who played 10 unimportant trivial
best-selling 12 Who does ... for
haunting 11 dishonesty deceit
3 2 how he learned to forge cheques 12 unreality fantasy
3 why his parents divorced 13 disbelief incredulity
4 who decided to make a musical
28 I didn't see my sister Ibecause/as she had 5 A .I
14 disappear vanish B You'll have to wake me up
already gone to work.
15 misunderstand confuse 6 A .I
29 I have no idea how they managed to
16 distrust suspect B You'll be getting
escape from the fire.
17 uncover 30 I wonder if/whether you'd Imind 7 A .I
3 1 unimportant 4 implausible helping me with my college project. B It'll only take
2 unprofessional 5 dishonesty 8 A .I
3 uncovered Units B We're going to stay/staying at home
9 A as soon as I arrive
4 1 suspected 4 trivial 1 1 4 g 7 d 10 i B ,/
2 fake 5 fantasy 2 e 5 b 8 a 11 k 10 A ,/
3 'm ... confusing 3 f 6 h 9 C 12 I B unless I get held up
5 2 for 9 to/with 2 1 'm going to, I'll 6 'II I'm going to,
3 of/from 10 to, about 2 are going to, 'II 'II
4 from 11 at 3 'm going to, 'II, 'II 7 'm going to, 'II 1 2 puts 7 Take 12 taken
5 in 12 in, with 4 is going to, 'II 8 'II, 'II 3 putting 8 take 13 put
6 to 13 for 5 's going to, 'II 4 took 9 put 14 take
7 in 14 in 5 took 10 put
8 in 3 2 have written 6 take 11 took
3 I'll have passed
Pronunciation 4 I'll be flying 2 1 a 're waiting for
5 I'll be living b is expected
1/2 6 I'll have earned c looking forward to
2 aren't you (fall) 7 I'll be writing 2 a spend/'ve been spending/'ve spent/'m
3 wasn't it (fall) 8 I'll be inviting spending
4 could you (rise) 9 I'll have made b pass
5 isn't he (fall) 10 we'll betaking c wasted
6 isn't it (fall) 3 a Have ... seen
7 did he (rise) 4 1 will/'11 have 5 'II ... be living
b watched/were watching
8 have you (rise) bought 6 'II be flying
c Lookat
9 weren't we (fall) 2 'II be working 7 'II have moved
4 a Actually
1O would you (rise) 3 'II have made 8 'II have earned
b at the moment
4 'II have finished 9 won't be living
c really
2 That was a really awful meal, wasn't it? 5 (suggested answers) 5 a owe
(fall) 2 'II get her a present b borrowed
3 You've borrowed my new coat again, 3 'm going to study hard for my final exams c lend
haven't you? (fall) 4 'm seeing the dentist next Friday 6 a embarrassed
4 You couldn't water my plants while I'm 5 my team will win on Saturday b nervous
away, could you? (rise) 6 I'm going to be late for my meeting c angry
5 Vanessa, your plane leaves at 11 o'clock, 7 is having a baby next March 3 3 I couldn't take it all in.
doesn't it? (rise) 8 takes off at 7.30 a.m. next Sunday (from 4 I'll sort it out tomorrow.
London, Heathrow) 5 Put it in your diary.
Exam practice 9 I'll be lying on a beach in Spain
10 I think it's going to be hot there
6 Please put them away.
7 ... you'd better look after him.
Units 1-4 6 1 eat, won't get 8 I'll look into it right away.
2 won't move, find 9 Take it back!
Part 1 3 'II love, meet 10 ... you've put me off her.
1 C 3 B 5 A 7 A 4 Will ... learn/Are ... going to learn, 're 11 ... I'll take it over later.
2 B 4 C 6 C 8 D 5 won't go, have/have had
6 'II be, finish/'ve finished Pronunciation
Part2 7 don't do, will ... have to 1 2 walkh:/ 10 work/3:/
9 as 13 who 8 are, 'II deal 3 wonder/A/ 11 wander /o/
10 go 14 if/whether 9 'II feel, 've had 4 woman/u/ 12 women/I/
11 have 15 forward 10 've tried, 'II never use worm/3:/
5 warmh:/ 13
12 on/in 16 round
7 2 'm going to be 8 'II have 6 word /3:/ 14 wardh:/
concentrated 7 wear /eg/ 15 weary /Ig/
Part 3 3 'II be hoping
8 weight /e1/ 16 weird /Jg/
17 officials 21 convincing 4 'II never give up 9 willbe
18 entering 22 potentially 5 win 10 be hoping 9 want/o/
19 Dishonest 23 directly 6 'II have been 11 will 2 2 blood/A/ 7 north /:'J:/
20 complaints 24 personal training 12 willbe 3 love/A/ 8 height /a1/
7 are being staged 4 through /u:/ 9 pear /eg/
Part4 8 2 A What are you doing/going to do this 5 weak/i:/ 10 hear /Jg/
25 Children in some areas get away with I 6 lower /gu/
not having to wear school uniforms.
B ,/
26 Why don't you take /aren't you taking Iit
easy? You're doing too much.
3 A ,/
B What am I going to do/will I do?
27 Tom often makes things up, I so don't
4 A is going to the States
believe everything he says.
B ,/

Answer key 87
Unit6 6 2 a few, a little 6 Fewer Pronunciation
3 have less respect 7 Few
1 2 unemployment, training than 8 afew 1 2 V 5 V 8 N 11
3 traffic, petrol 9 is very little 3 N 6 V 9 N 12
4 few/very few
4 luggage, accommodation 10 a few 4 N 7 V 10 V
5 a little
5 food, rice 4 increase insulted produc
6 entertainment, music 7 1 somewhere Qresent _recordi
7 violence, evidence 2 anyone/anybody
protested contract
8 celebration, opportunity 3 everywhere, anywhere
4 anything
ingredient, snack
calorie, muscle 5 everything Unit7
6 nothing, nowhere, nobody/no one 1 2 b 4 a 6 a 8
2 1 some.any 4 any, any 7 Nobody/No one 3 a 5 a 7 b
2 Some.any 5 some, some 8 nowhere
3 some,any 6 any 9 someone 2 2 Can/May
10 something, anything 3 must/have to
3 2 Is there much work to be done in the 4 might/may
11 anyone/anybody, everywhere
garden? 5 could/'11
12 Everybody/Everyone
3 I didn't spend much time on the 6 should/ought to
homework. 8 1 b 5 f 9 i 13 m 7 'II have to/ought to
4 Did they do much research before they 2 a 6 e 10 j 14 n 8 should/have to
found a cure? 3 C 7 h 11 I 15 o 9 may/can
5 I didn't have too many problems with this 4 d 8 g 12 k 16 p 1O have to/must
exercise either.
6 I've got too much luggage. I can't carry it 9 1 many 12 more 3 1 won't 5 can't
all. 2 a bit 13 hundred 2 don't have to 6 was able to
7 There is too much traffic on the streets of 3 few 14 something 3 couldn't 7 mustn't
our town. 4 any 15 a great deal of 4 won't
8 They couldn't give me much information 5 one of 16 afew
about the delay to our flight. 6 all 17 No one 4 1 You mustn't/can't stop here.
7 one piece 18 several 2 We don't have to/needn't learn the w
4 (Possible answers) 8 all 19 None poem.
1 loads of: There are loads of cheese 9 a couple 20 over 3 They didn't have to take off their sho,
sandwiches/There's loads of milk./There's 10 nobody 21 one 4 He can't be speaking Swedish.
loads of orange juice.!There are loads of 11 anything 5 You don't have to/don't need to help
chips. do this exercise.
2 plenty of: There's plenty of milk.!There's 10 A indebt
plenty of orange juice.!There are plenty under arrest 5 2 She must be missing/miss her boyfriE
below/over/under 75% 3 That'll/It'll be Tom.
of cheese sandwiches. There are plenty of
below freezing 4 She can't still be sleeping/asleep.
3 several: There are several hamburgers. over/under 18 years old 5 They could be having a party.
on/against the advice of 6 He must have a deadline to meet.
4 a few: There are a few chocolate biscuits.
under pressure 7 It might be difficult driving/to drive t
There are a few tuna sandwiches.
5 a little: There's a little fruit salad./There's in business work.
a little chocolate mousse./There's a little under new management 8 She may be hiding in the garden.
spaghetti. B during/in the night
6 2 mustn't
6 not many: There aren't many tuna at/in/from the beginning
3 needn't, don't have to
sandwiches./There aren't many by/during/in the winter
4 need to, have to
doughnuts.I There aren't many chocolate at/by the weekend
5 don't need to, don't have to
biscuits. in/on time
6 gotta
7 not much:There isn't much spaghetti./ in a fortnight's time
7 needs
There isn't much fruit salad./There isn't during/in the rush hour
8 've managed
much chocolate mousse./There isn't in his forties
9 wasn't able to, didn't manage to
much apple juice. at/by the end of the week
1O needn't, don't have to
8 a couple of: There are a couple of 11 1 in 8 from 15 of
doughnuts. 16 on
7 2 Guests are advised not to leave valu,
2 In 9 by
9 hardly any: There's hardly any apple in their rooms.
3 of 10 for 17 by
juice./There's hardly any spaghetti. There's 3 My parents didn't/wouldn't let me st
4 in 11 Against 18 from
hardly any chocolate mousse./There's out late until I was 18.
5 at 12 on 19 over
hardly any fruit salad. 4 He's bound to do well. He's so clever.
6 for 13 from 20 over
1O no: There are no bananas./There's no 5 People under 18 are not supposed t<
7 in 14 of 21 for
chocolate cake. drink alcohol.
6 The use of dictionaries in this exam i
5 3 plenty/loads/lots Vocabulary
allowed./The use of dictionaries ism
4 afew 1 reduce 6 set up allowed in this exam.
5 not much/hardly any 2 transfer 7 pay off 7 Travellers to the US are required to h
6 hardly any/not much 3 compare 8 refund visa./ A visa is required for travellers t
7 afew 4 haggle 9 sales figures us.
8 a little 5 spread 10 invoice 8 You are likely to find it difficult to lea
9 some Russian.lit is likely that you will find
10 plenty of/loads of/lots of, a couple of difficult to learn Russian.
9 Using your phone in the quiet carria
not permitted.

8 2 is always possible to Units 5 The trainers (that) you paid £200 for have
now been reduced to £100.
3 manage to see
4 can get together 1 1 C 3 a 5 b 7 a 6 This is the book (that) I was telling you
5 should be able to 2 a 4 a 6 C 8 b about.
6 mustn't be 7 The Prime Minister, whose views I agree
2 1 who revived the Olympics in 1896 with, gave a good speech.
7 bound to feel 2 which has recently been included ...
8 will survive 8 His talk was on the environment, which I
3 which has won the most events ... care deeply about.
9 could easily find 4 which are blue, yellow, black, green and
10 should try 9 What's that music he's dancing to?
red, ...
11 will think 5 where more than .. . 9 1 relaxing 7 conceited
12 can't sleep 6 whose full name is .. . 2 disappointed 8 embarrassing
13 is bound to struggle 7 which is in ... 3 unexpected 9 thrilling
14 ought to insist 8 who has won ... 4 annoying 1O exhausted
15 should I share 5 well-behaved 11 promising
16 has to pay back 3 2 h 4 b 6 C 8 f 6 frightening 12 challenging
17 should let 3 g 5 d 7 a
18 maycome 10 2 People living in blocks of flats
19 will have to support 4 1 D 4 D 7 ND 10 D 3 Letters posted before 5.00 p.m.
20 ought not to have 2 D 5 ND 8 D 4 The train standing on platform five
3 ND 6 D 9 ND 5 passengers trapped in the accident
Vocabulary 5 1 I'd love to meet someone who could 6 a lovely house overlooking the Thames
teach me how to cook. 7 the litter dropped by the crowds
1 1 f 4 a 7 10 j
2d Sb Sc 11 h 2 We're looking for a house which/that has 11 2 passing 6 borrowed
3e 6i 9g 12 k four bedrooms. 3 stolen 7 explaining
3 We went to see Romeo and Juliet, which 4 saying 8 studying
2 1 with 4 with 7 at we really enjoyed. 5 Feeling
2 past 5 back 8 from 4 Do you know a shop where you can buy
3 to 6 into second-hand furniture? 12 Hannah is a pioneer because her skill has
5 Marilyn Monroe, whose real name helped BMX Freestyle become recognized as
3 1 i 4 e 7 a 10 j was Norma Jean Baker, died of a drug an Olympic sport.
2 d 5 h 8 f overdose. 3 whose mission in life
3 b 6 C 9 g 6 I find people who lose their temper easily 4 that made
4 1 puppy love difficult to get on with. 5 who has pushed herself
2 has a crush 7 My computer, which I bought only last 6 which involves doing stunts
3 a match made in heaven year, is already out of date. 7 where they take place
4 pop the question 8 I met a girl who I/you went to school 8 made of wood and plastic
5 head over heels with. 9 learning
6 on the rocks 9 Professor Cox, who is a well-known 1O Though terrified of doing
7 split up physicist and TV presenter, will give a talk 11 Losing
8 bickering next week. 12 which can happen
9 kiss and make up 10 I was studying in my bedroom when 13 that enables her to manage
1O tie the knot there was a power cut. 14 what no one has done before
5 1 C 3 f 5 g 7 a 6 4 The thing #tat I most regret is not going Vocabulary
2 d 4 b 6 h 8 e to university.
5 My two daughters, who are 13 and 16, are 1 People: loyal, humble, stubborn, conceited,
6 2 offwith 7 out of both interested in dancing. arrogant, devoted, considerate
3 downon 8 outwith 6 no change Places: overcrowded, picturesque,
4 on with 9 upwith 7 no change breathtaking, desolate, built-up, remote
5 up for 1O on with, out 8 The Algarve, where my mother's family Things: waterproof, automatic, cracked,
6 awaywith with comes from, is famous for its beautiful priceless, handmade, valuable, expensive
Pronunciation 9 no change 2 1 breathtaking 5 unspoilt
10 Salt, whose qualities have been known 2 arrogant/ 6 picturesque
1 2 shouldn't 8 arranged conceited 7 stubborn
3 mustn't 9 relationship since prehistoric times, is used to season
3 automatic 8 handmade
4 promised 10 angry and preserve food.
4 considerate 9 overcrowded
5 Australia 11 excitement 7 1 who 9 where
6 engaged 12 impressed 2 that/which 1O that/which
3 very: clever valuable upset hot full dry
7 adolescent 11 whose scary funny tired messy boring
3 where
absolutely: brilliant priceless exhausted
2 2 Well, I know he earns a lot more than me. 4 which 12 -
13 where freezing full starving soaked
3 What do you mean? He's already bought 5 -
disgusting hilarious terrifying useless
a brand-new one. 6 whose 14 which
15 when/where ridiculous appalling
4 Didn't you know that fill Frank's clothes 7 which
are designer labels? 8 - 4 1 a ten-pound note
5 He has loads of them. 8 2 She's a friend (who/whom) I can always 2 an eight-week language course
6 in fact he's in Florida on holiday. rely on. 3 a six-hour drive
7 Really? The girl l saw him with had short 3 That's the man (who) the police were 4 a three-course meal
brown hair. 5 a four-hour delay
looking for.
4 She recommended a book by Robert 6 a ten-year (prison) sentence
Palmer, who I'd never heard of.

Answer key 89
s 1 of 6 from 12 with 3 1 a My dad's always mending his 9 1 used 5 wasn't
2 for 7 to 13 about motorbike in the living room. 2 would 6 got
3 of 8 of 14 to b My dad will mend his motorbike in the 3 would 7 used
4 of 9 of 15 on living room. 4 got 8 got
5 in 10 for 16 with, for 2 a My brother is always leaving the top 9 got
11 for off the toothpaste.
b My brother will leave the top off the Vocabulary
Pronunciation toothpaste.I My brother won't put the 1 2 Wave, wave 6 miss
1 A: executive, inhabitant, distinctly, rebuilt, top on the toothpaste. 3 point 7 fan
eccentric, insect, lamp, sumptuous, 3 a The boys won't (ever) help with the 4 right 8 type
anonymous, citizen, documentary, household chores. 5 suit
landscape, business 4 a My sister is always borrowing my
B: recei13t, fasten, exRausted, wRistle, clothes without asking (me). 2 1 a bored b board
strai�t, faseinating, deli�ted, b My sister will borrow my clothes 2 a allowed b aloud
temperatufe, deet without asking (me). 3 a caught b court
5 a My grandpa won't let anyone choose 4 a waste b waist
2 1 scientific 6 nightmare what's on TV. 5 a hire b higher
2 psychologist 7 climb 6 a My grandma is always gossiping about
handsome grandfather 3 1 great 4 tiny
3 8 the neighbours.
4 receipt Wednesday 2 razor 5 wide, fast
9 b My grandma will gossip about the
5 Christmas 10 calm 3 dead 6 freezing
7 a Carole and Alan are always boasting 4 1 f 4 a 7 b 10 e
Exam practice about their children. 2 I 5 j 8 C 11
b Carole and Alan will boast about their 3 h 6 d 9 k 12 g
Units 5-8 children.
S 1 turn down a job offer
4 2 usedto 6 didn't use to 2 run out of milk
Part 1 3 Did you use to 7 did you use to 3 set up ... business
1 A 3 B 5 C 7 D 4 didn't use to 8 Didn't you use to 4 dropped out of university
2 D 4 A 6 A 8 A 5 Did you use to 5 fit in with a group of people
Part 2 s 2 a, b, C 6 a, b 10 a,b,c
fill in ... form
parent ... take after
9 go 13 up 3 a 7 a,b 11 a, b
10 makes 14 play 8 came down with the flu
4 a, b, C 8 a 12 a, b, C

11 in 15 order 9 do up ... house
5 a, b, C 9 a
12 which 16 at 1O make up a story
6 1 aren't used to 4 used to 11 check out of ... hotel
Part 3 2 will ... get used 5 didn't use to 12 put out ... fire
17 determination 21 description to 6 's used to
18 according 22 challenging 3 got used to 7 did ... use to Pronunciation
19 competitor 23 recognized 2 to(W) 6 Can (W)
7 2 get used to wearing from (W) from (5)
20 energetic 24 exhausting 3 used to hate is (5) can (5)
4 got used to driving
Part4 5 didn't use to like
3 of(W) 7 Can't (5)
25 Unless he gets/has an increase I in salary, from (W) for (S)
6 'II get used to working Are (5) 8 been (W)
he'll look for a new job. would ... get used to living
7 4 were (W) for(W)
26 I'm going to put my name down I for the
8 isn't used to being at(W) were (S)
town cycle race next year.
27 Weather experts say it I will probably be 8 2 had was (5) 9 were (W)
stormy tonight. 3 turned 5 will(S) for (5)
28 The police are currently looking into four 4 wore/used to wear for(W) 10 at(W)
similar burglaries. 5 used to work/worked been (5)
29 My brother and I don't get on very well 6 used to walk/would walk
with I each other. 7 would stop/stopped Unit 10
30 Unfortunately, we have run out I of 8 drove/would drive
1 2 I had to take the pills three times a day
coffee. 9 didn't have
3 They must have been away on holiday
10 used to meet/met
4 We couldn't have a lunch break- there
Unit9 11 played
was too much to do
1 1 f 4 g 7 C 10 e
s He can't have been a millionaire
2 d 5 i 8 b 6 We weren't allowed to shout in the
14 made classroom
3 h 6 j 9 a 15 saw
7 He wouldn't go to bed
2 He's always watching sports programmes 16 liked
8 That will have been the postman at t h
on TV. 17 graduated
2 She would give us extra lessons after 18 got
9 You should have been more careful
school. 19 didn't want 1o He could have helped with the washir
3 She was always giving us homework. 20 moved
up for a change
4 Our daughter would always leave the tap 21 didn't like
running while she cleaned her teeth. 22 got used to it
5 My boss is always asking me to stay late. 23 took/would take
6 My children will never help out at home.
2 (Possible answers) Vocabulary S have stayed
If you go to Norway, you can/will/may/ 6 didn't speak/wouldn't speak
might see the fjords. 1 1 handing 7 heart 7 'd fallen
If you went to Norway, you might/could/ 2 hand 8 headed 8 lived
would see the fjords. 3 heart 9 head
4 heading 10 hand 3 1 I wish I'd invited him to the party.
If you'd gone to Norway, you might have/
S head 11 head 2 You should have been watching the road.
would have/could have seen the fjords.
6 head 12 heart 3 If only I hadn't said that to her.
3 3 ,/,/ 7 ,/ ,/ 11 ,/ 4 I wish I hadn't hit him.
4 ,/ 8 ,/ ,/ 12 , / , / 2 1 handed S foot S I'd rather you didn't tell her.
s ,/ 9 ,/ ,/ 2 elbow 6 headed 6 I wish Mandy wouldn't stay out so late.
6 ,/ ,/ 10 ,/ 3 thumbed 7 armed 7 I should have told him (that) I loved him.
4 eyed 8 shoulder
4 1 She must have got engaged to Andy. 4 3 H S H 7 H
2 They must/might have been doing 3 1 all fingers and thumbs 4 R 6 H 8 R
something naughty. 2 last legs
3 all ears 5 1 H 3 H S R 7 H
3 She must have been making a cake. 2 R 4 H
4 out of my mind 6 H 8 R
4 They might have gone without you.
S He can't have found a cleaner yet. S cold feet 6 2 don't 7 does
6 They must have arrived home by now. 6 face the facts 3 didn't 8 was/have
7 She might have been in a meeting. 7 put on a brave face 4 can't 9 don't/haven't
8 He can't have had it cut for ages. 8 sharp tongue S is 10 didn't
9 finding her feet 6 won't
5 1 It must have been blown down by/in the
storm. 4 2 remind ... of 7 invited ... to
7 1 I would have phoned you if I had had the
2 They must have been washed with 3 congratulated 8 trick ... into time.
something red. ... on 9 inherit ... from 2 I wouldn't have been ill if I hadn't had the
3 It can't have been repaired properly. 4 models ... on 1O shouted ... at shellfish.
4 It can't have been dry-cleaned recently. S hide ... from 11 forgive ... for 3 If I'd known the jumper wasn't machine-
S It must have been hit by a stone. 6 hugged ... to 12 accused ... of washable, I wouldn't have bought it.
6 It must have been eaten by the dog. 4 I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen
Pronunciation it with my own eyes.
6 1 could have used
1 food; nude tight; height
2 might have climbed
bread; said wore; pour 8 1 If I hadn't forgotten to set the alarm, I
3 needn't have bothered wouldn't have been late.
leaf; chief full; wool
4 must have been joking 2 If I'd known your phone number, I would
choose; lose brain; reign
S couldn't have spent have contacted you.
might have misheard taught; court pool;fool
6 3 If I'd known your address, I would/could
7 should have phoned toes; nose leave; grieve
chef; deaf have sent you a postcard.
8 may have been delayed blood;mud
4 If I'd remembered when your birthday
9 needn't have worried hate; weight foot; put
through; knew was, I would have bought you a present.
10 wouldn't have got S If I hadn't been rushing my wife to the
11 must have fallen 2 The Pelican hospital, I wouldn't have broken the
12 couldn't have put on A rare old bird is a pelican speed limit.
His beak can hold more than his belly can 6 If I'd known you were coming, I would
7 1 She was training as a ski holiday
He can take in his beak have bought some food.
representative in Austria.
Enough food for a week 7 If I'd known it was going to rain, I
2 She went skiing off-piste.
And I'm damned if I know how the hell he wouldn't have gone for a run.
3 Because of the avalanche risk.
can! 8 If I hadn't fallen asleep in the sun, I
4 Because she survived and recovered.
The Lady from Twickenham wouldn't have got sunburnt.
8 2 needn't have worried There was a young lady from Twickenham 9 (sample answers)
3 couldn't have been Whose shoes were too tight to walk quick 1 she'd remembered to set her alarm
4 would have fallen in them 2 she hadn't been late for work
S should have been She came back from a walk 3 she wouldn't have locked herself,
6 wouldn't have been Looking whiter than chalk wouldn't have forgotten to meet
7 must have been caused And she took them both off and was sick in 4 he wouldn't have finished/ended the
8 might have been trying/might have tried them. relationship/broken up with Mary
9 must have skied
S she wouldn't have lost a contact lens
could have survived
may have suffered
Unit 11 6 she hadn't lost a contact lens
7 she wouldn't have caught a cold
12 shouldn't have gone 1 1 I wish you were rich. 8 she hadn't been waiting for the bus in the
13 could easily have died 2 I wish you could come.
rain/got wet
14 should have checked 3 I wish you would come. 9 she had remembered/hadn't forgotten to
4 I wish you had come.
9 1 shouldn't have S I wish I were rich.
meet him for lunch
2 may have 10 it wouldn't have eaten the budgie
6 I wish I could come.
3 'd have, could have, might have, 'd have 7 I wish I had come. 10 2 have S hadn't cancelled
4 must have
remembered 6 have been
S might, couldn't have 2 2 wasn't 3 forgotten 7 overslept
6 should, might have 3 had 4 have broken up 8 have happened
4 hadn't gone

Answer key 91
11 1 feel, won't go /Jg/ fear: dear, hear, clear, tear (n), beard, 16 fortnight's holiday
2 sold, 'd make theatre, weary, gear 17 comeback
3 see, 'II tell /eg/ wear: swear, tear (v), bear, pear 18 government's economic policy
4 hadn't gone, wouldn't have met /e1/ break: steak, great 19 rate of inflation
5 didn't love, wouldn't have married /3:/ learn: pearl, earth, search 20 smash hit
6 buy, get 21 coffee cups
2 bear scream tea 22 cup of coffee
7 would ... do, saw, would run leap/leapt fear bread
8 had, wouldn't be weapon beard meat
9 hadn't had, would have burned down Vocabulary
steak jeans wear
10 were, 'd apologize meat beans 1 1 Take your time
11 eats/had eaten, gets/would have got 2 lease of life
12 had stopped, wouldn't be
Unit 12 3 in the nick of time
12 1 Imagine 4 Unless 7 If only 4 bet your life
2 in case 5 Suppose 8 Unless 1 1 a 6 the 5 life in his own hands
3 unless 6 in case 2 the 7 a, - 6 high time
3 the 8 the, - 7 third time lucky
13 2 Supposing he left you, what would you 4 a 9 a, The, -, the 8 anything for a quiet life
do? S -, a, the 10 -
3 Suppose you had taken that job with the 2 3 have 6 have 9 be
other company, there would have been 2 2 the 9 an 16 the 4 be 7 be 10 have
an opportunity for promotion. 3 a 10 an 17 The 5 be 8 be, have
4 Let's install a smoke alarm in case there's 4 - 11 a 18 the
s the 12 a 19 - 3 2 have the right to
a fire. 3 be in touch with
5 She won't get the job unless she learns to 6 the 13 - 20 a
7 a 14 - 4 is ... on my mind
speak French. 5 have a word with
6 Imagine the lifeguard hadn't been there; 8 an 15 The
6 have a nap
what would have happened?/lmagine 3 1 everything 7 either, both 7 to be on the safe side
what would have happened if the 2 Everything 8 neither 8 have no chance of
lifeguard hadn't been there. 3 All 9 all 9 be in time
7 I won't go out this evening in case Justin 4 All 10 Neither 10 be up to date
comes round for a drink. S Every 11 Either
8 I'd rather you spoke to Kevin about this 6 All, each 12 both, either 4 1 out of 9 about/on
matter, not me. 2 in 10 with
4 1 Those S that 9 that 3 on, by 11 to
Vocabulary 2 that 6 this 1O these 4 for 12 of
3 that 7 this 5 in 13 for
1 1 e 4 a 7 j 10 b 4 these 8 those 6 between 14 in
2 d 5 f 8 g 7 for 15 to/for
3 6 h 9 C 5 Rodriguez was a rock icon from the 1970s.
a couple of 17 more 8 to
2 1 wait and see 3 his 18 nobody
2 far and wide 4 anything
a great deal of 19
3 ifs and buts, give and take 5 This 20 some 1 Noun Verb
4 sink or swim, short and sweet 6 several 21 his 2 use Is/ use /z/
5 hit and miss, by and large 7 enough 22 the 3 abuse Is/ abuse /z/
6 ins and outs 8 the 23 a 4 belief /f/ believe /v/
3 1 illegible 7 truthful 9 little 24 one 5 relief If/ relieve /v/
2 unreadable 8 true 10 both 25 these 6 grief If! grieve /v/
3 childish 9 intolerant 11 This 26 most 7 excuse Is/ excuse /z/
4 childlike 10 intolerable 12 no 27 an 8 breath /e/ breathe /d/
5 sensitive 11 economic 13 the 28 all 9 half /f/ halve /v/
6 sensible 12 economical 14 every 29 the 1O house Is! house /z/
15 a 30 some 11 safe /f/ save /v/
4 1 breakdown 16 many 12 bath /e/ bathe /d/
2 comeback
3 check-up 6 2 baby's milk/baby milk 2 2 B 1did. Sorry.
4 outcome 3 toilet paper 3 B I knew Johann was coming.
5 outlook 4 parents' advice 4 B I knew that ages ago.
6 outbreak 5 back of the chair 5 B 1didn't tell her.
7 breakthrough 6 road sign 6 B I didn't tell her.
8 feedback 7 wine bottles 7 B I told you.
9 takeaway 8 Prime Minister's duties/duties of the 8 B I like Annie.
10 downfall Prime Minister 9 B I do like Annie. I think she's great.
9 heel of my shoe 10 B l like her.
Pronunciation 10 hairbrush
11 end of the film
1 /e/ bread: jealous, leapt, breath, thread, 12 today's news
breadth, deaf, health, meant, death, lead 13 underground station
(n), weapon, breakfast 14 parents'wedding anniversary
/i:/ meat: beast, heal, lead (v), breathe, 15 company's success/success of the
reason, scream, cheat, leap, tea, beans company
Exam practice
Units 9-12
Part 1
1 C 3 A 5 C 7 B
2 C 4 D 6 D 8 B

Part 2
9 ever 13 where
10 in 14 telling
11 have 15 to
12 spent 16 be

Part 3
17 encouraging 21 recently
18 improvements 22 effective
19 employers 23 equally
20 technological 24 efficiency

25 The fact that you turned down their offer
was a surprise to me.
26 People used to do much less exercise in
the past than they do now.
27 The beach is dry, so it can't have rained
last night.
28 Going to the beach reminds me of I
holidays I went on as a child.
29 Would you mind having a word with I
Monica about the party arrangements?
30 I wish 11 had apologized to Cara for what
I said.

Answer key 93
Irregular verbs
Base form Past Simple Past participle Base form Past Simple Past participle
be was/were been leave left left

beat beat beaten lend lent lent
become became become let let let
begin began begun lie lay lain
bend bent bent light lighted/ lit lighted/ lit
bite bit bitten lose lost lost
blow blew blown make made made
break broke broken mean meant meant
bring brought brought meet met met
build built built must had to had to
buy bought bought pay paid paid
can could been able put put put
catch caught caught read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/
choose chose chosen ride rode ridden
come came come ring rang rung
cost cost cost rise rose risen
cut cut cut run ran run
dig dug dug say said said
do did done see saw seen
draw drew drawn sell sold sold
dream dreamed/ dreamt dreamed/ dreamt send sent sent
drink drank drunk set set set
drive drove driven shake shook shaken
I eat ate eaten shine shone shone
fall fell fallen shoot shot shot
feed fed fed show showed shown
feel felt felt shut shut shut
fight fought fought sing sang sung
find found found sink sank sunk
fit fit fit sit sat sat
fly flew flown sleep slept slept
forget forgot forgotten slide slid slid
forgive forgave forgiven speak spoke spoken
freeze froze frozen spend spent spent
get got got spoil spoiled/ spoilt spoiled/ spoilt
give gave given spread spread spread
go went been/ gone stand stood stood
grow grew grown steal stole stolen
hang hanged/ hung hanged/ hung stick stuck stuck
have had had swim swam swum
hear heard heard take took taken
hide hid hidden teach taught taught
hit hit hit tear tore torn
hold held held tell told told
hurt hurt hurt think thought thought
keep kept kept throw threw thrown
kneel knelt knelt understand understood understood
know knew known wake woke woken
lay laid laid wear wore worn
lead led led win won won
learn learned / learnt learned / learnt write wrote written

94 Irregular verbs
Phonetic symbols
Consonants Vowels

1 /pi asin pen /pen/ 25 /i:/ asin see /si:/

2 /bi asin big /big/ 26 hi asin his /h1z/
3 It/ asin tea /ti:/ 27 /i/ as in twenty /'twenti/
4 /di asin do/du:/ 28 le/ asin ten /ten/
5 /kl asin cat /kret/ 29 /re/ asin stamp /stremp/
6 /g/ asin go/ggu/ 30 /a:/ asin father /'fo:fo/
7 /f/ as in four /fo:/ 31 /o/ as in hot /hot/
8 /v/ asin very /'veri/ 32 /:J:/ asin morning /'m:):Ill!J/
9 /s/ asin son /sAnl 33 /u/ asin football /'futb:):1/
10 /z/ asin zoo/zu:/ 34 /u:/ asin you /ju:/
11 /1/ asin live /hv/ 35 IA! asin sun /sAn/
12 /Inl asin my/mail 36 /3:/ asin learn /13:n/
13 In/ asin near /mg/ 37 /g/ asin letter /'letg/
14 /hi asin happy /'hrepi/
15 /r/ as in red /red/
16 /j/ asin yes /jes/ Diphthongs (two vowels together)
17 /w/ asin want/wont/
38 /e1/ asin name /ne1Inl
18 /0/ asin thanks /0reJJks/
39 fau/ as in no/ngu/
19 101 asin the /og/
40 /ai/ asin my/mail
20 If/ asin she /Ji:/ 41 /au/ asin how/haul
21 /3/ as in television /'tel1v13n/
42 /:)1/ asin boy /b:)1/
22 ltfl asin child /tfaild/
43 /Ig/ asin hear /h1g/
23 /d3/ asin German /'d33:mgn/
44 /eg/ asin where/weg/
24 /1]/ asin English /111J9hf / 45 /ug/ asin tour /tug/

Phonetic symbols 95

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