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Consumer Understanding & Identification of Relevant TVC Message






SECTION 1 1. Introduction of moderator, qualitative research, purpose of the group

2. Reassurance that no special knowledge is needed, no answers are right or
WARM UP & wrong, answer based on feelings and impressions…
INTRODUCTION 3. Consent on recording instruments, viewing and one-way mirror.
4. Explain their responses are confidential and anonymous.
(10 MINS) 5. Explain that you will sometimes need to cut off discussions to focus on the
MODERATOR NOTES: topic – no impoliteness intended.
6. Important to listen to each other and not speak at the same time
Explain market research
7. Respondent’s Introduction… Tell me about yourself, your name, age,
Make respondents comfortable qualification, are you married, do you have kids, husband’s occupation etc.
with audio recording, the formal 8. What is your typical day like? Tell me about your weekdays and weekends
setting for the discussion 9. How do you spend your leisure time? What about your hobbies? Do you have
Understand their routine and free any time to do things that you like?
10. In What activities you like to get involve in? Why? What make you like about
11. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word
SKIN CARE REGIME “Beauty”? Moderator to note all possible associations and ladder down to
(25 MINS) emotional states associated with beauty
12. How would you define good/healthy skin? What would it look like?
Moderator to probe on all the visible and invisible signs of good/healthy
Perception of beauty and 13. How important is it for you to have good skin?
understanding of Skin care routine 14. How would you describe your skin type? (Moderator to probe on Dry/ oily/
Consumer Understanding & Identification of Relevant TVC Message

in detail
15. How do you decide the skin type? What are the indicators? (Probe for
Understanding their behavior Dry/Oily/Combination)
regarding the skin care
16. Do you have any specific skin care routines? What all do you do to keep it
healthy and fresh? Moderator probe and make a list on products, home
remedies, and other routines separately on a flip chart-Make a clock and
place the items as mentioned in lists on it, ask these for weekdays and
weekends separately
17. Do you have any skin related problems? If yes, what are they? (Moderator to
make a list of the problems and rank them in order of most to least
18. What do you use for these problems? Moderator to make a list of products
and home remedies used for each skin problem and what are the needs of
19. Has your skin care routine changed in the past 5 years? What has been
included/ what were you using that you don’t use anymore? Moderator to
refer to the list and make a separate list for the things that they were using
20. Why did you stop using the products/ others that you were using 5 years
back? Moderator to probe and get maximum responses

21. What do you use in routine to wash your face?
FACEWASH CATEGORY 22. How long have you been using this?
UNDERSTANDING 23. Do you use something other product along with this? Why? Moderator to
(25 MINS) understand dual usage
24. What were you using before Facewash to wash you face? Why did you switch
to Facewash?
25. What need does Facewash fulfill? Moderator to understand the functional
This section will be focused triggers of face wash
around their triggers, barriers and
26. When you were using soap, what were the needs that soap doesn’t fulfill?
usage of skin products they use.
The drivers to purchase these 27. What benefits do you seek from Facewash? What do you expect or wish to
products will be derived to achieve? Moderator to probe till the emotional benefit comes
understand the main purchase
28. What could be the benefits of using Beauty soap?
influencers in this category
Consumer Understanding & Identification of Relevant TVC Message

29. From where do you usually buy your skincare products?

30. What do you look for when choosing/buying face wash? Moderator to probe
for all factors like brand name, quality, ingredients and benefits/ results,
price, packaging, SKU etc.
31. Which of these are relatively more important than the others? Why?
32. Are there any concerns with the face wash products? Please describe in
detail. (To probe safety/harsh chemicals concerns)
33. Do you check the ingredients and their impact on the skin?
34. Are there natural ingredients that you know for such products? With which
effects/remedies do you associate each of these ingredients?
35. What are the factors that influence your purchase decision regarding face
wash products in-store? Moderator to probe for price, promotions, brand
ambassadors etc.
36. How often do you purchase facewash?
37. How many packs of facewash do you consume in a month (ask the size/ ml).
How long does it lasts?

SECTION 4 38. What brands of Facewash you are aware of? Moderator to make a list
BRAND 39. Which brands of Facewash you have used in the past?

Ask individually: Products used and why: Could each of you briefly tell us:
40. The exact product that you are currently using, including brand and format
BRAND for facewash.
(25 MINS) 41. Why is this product & format suitable for you personally?
42. Since when: for how long you have been using it?
43. When was the first time you bought this product of the brand you
mentioned? What were you using before that?
This section will be focused
44. How did you came to know about this product and started using it?
around their triggers, barriers and
usage of skin products they use. 45. How did you start using your current brand? Moderator to note for
The drivers to purchase these influencers such as personal advice from friends/family, TV ads, brand
products will be derived to campaigns etc.
understand the main purchase
46. Why you like it and use it vs any other product?
influencers in this category
47. Is there anything you don’t like about your current brand?
Consumer Understanding & Identification of Relevant TVC Message

48. What is missing or could be improved? Why is this important for you?
Awareness and Perception about
49. Have you watched any TV ads about Facewash? Which ads can you recall?
XYZ 50. FOR NONUSERS OF XYZ BRAND ASK: How many among you know a brand
called XYZ? Please raise your hand
51. To those who are aware of the brand XYZ: What do you know about it? Which
products do they have?
52. Where have you heard about XYZ/seen it before? Please be specific (if social
media, which one etc.)
53. What do you think of this brand XYZ overall?
54. On what aspects would you trust XYZ for?
55. On which aspects would you NOT trust XYZ for?
56. How do you compare XYZ to the brands that we discussed earlier? Moderator
to probe on the relevant brands as mention above in the brand awareness
57. Have you tried any XYZ products before?
58. If yes: please tell what made you try, how you had heard about it and how
was the experience. Why you stopped using it?
SECTION 5 Let’s move to the most important part of the discussion. Now I would like to show
you an advertisement so that we can discuss them in detail. Please do not talk while
watching these advertisements and we will have a discussion on these afterwards.
Main objective of this section is to
uncover associations, likes and Moderator to expose respondents to the ad for once and gauge the spontaneous
dislikes and persuasiveness with responses
XYZ advertisement
59. What was the advertisement about?
We have to test one
advertisement in total. 60. What did you like the most? Why? Moderator to note association and recall-

Respondents will be shown the link to ad

XYZ ad and evaluated in detail, 61. What was the message of the ad? What do you understand?
moderator to briefly run the
diagnostics on tagline to Now I will show the advertisement again. Would request you to see it with
understand its relevance with the
attention again so that we can have a discussion around it.
 Tell me what you think is being communicated in this ad? Probe in detail
 What was the secondary message? Why do you say so?
Consumer Understanding & Identification of Relevant TVC Message

 What is that you like in this Ad? Why do you like it? Probe for all possible
positive associations
 What is it that you dislike in this Ad? Probe for all possible negative
 Did you find anything special and unique in this advertisement? Note unique
reasons of recall and likeability of celebrity
 If yes, then ask what and why do they find it different? If no then ask why
 What do you think of the theme/ story of this ad is? What makes you say
that? Moderator to understand if this theme connects with the consumers or
 How do you find the theme? What do you like/dislike about it?
 Do you think this ad is believable? If yes, why? If no why not?
 What can be done to make it more believable?

 Do you think it is made for people like yourselves? Why? Why not?
 What kind of people would like to watch this advertisement?
 Do you think this ad is made for our local market? How can you say that?
 What do you think is the role of XYZ face wash in this ad? What makes you
say that?

 How convincing is this ad? What makes you say that?

 What do you think is missing?
 How can the advertisement be made more persuasive for people like you?
 Do you think it is persuasive enough to make you want to buy it? What makes
it so persuasive?
 What was the tagline? Do you recall hearing or seeing it?
 How does it make you feel? It could be anything, a word, feeling, emotion,
any incidents, etc. Moderator to wait for spontaneous responses
Consumer Understanding & Identification of Relevant TVC Message

 What message is this tagline conveying to you? How do you like it?
 How can this advertisement be further improved to grab your attention and
 How can this ad be made more relevant to our local market?
 What more would you like XYZ to show in their ad?
 What do you think is the most recalled attribute of a facewash ad?
Moderator to understand if celebrity, theme, music or which other factor is
associated with face wash ad
 Which celebrity will be suited for XYZ Facewash ad? Why do you think that
way? Moderator to mention that as it is based on natural ingredients

Moderator to repeat the above set of question for the other Ads

62. Can each of you please tell the ranking of the Ads out of all the concepts that
we discussed? (Moderator to ask respondents to rank 1st, 2nd & 3rd in order
of preference)
63. Why did you select this as the top? (Moderator to probe the emotional and
functional reasoning for top Ad)
64. Is there any Ad you did not like? If yes, then which one and why do you say
65. Can you tell me how you keep yourself updated?
UNDERSTAND DIGITAL 66. Where would you want to see this ad? Which platform? Why?
AND CONVENTIONAL 67. Do you watch TV? At what times?

MEDIA HABITS (08 MINS) 68. Which channels do you watch most? Why these ones? Moderator to probe
on ARY DIGITAL, GEO NEWS, GEO TV, HUM TV check if they are watching
them or not and how much
MODERATOR: 69. How often do you use internet and for what purposes? Moderator to probe
Understanding of media in detail
consumed and the reason of each a. Social media: Moderator have the respondents write the influencer
in detail names
i. Which bloggers/influencers do you follow, especially for
personal care and on which channels (Instagram, snapchat,
Facebook. etc.)?
ii. Which one is most credible/ trusted for you? Why?
b. YouTube:
i. What are your favorite topics, what content do you look for
on YouTube? Please give us examples
Consumer Understanding & Identification of Relevant TVC Message

ii. Are there channels that you follow on YouTube? Which ones
and why these?
iii. What about for personal care specifically?

WRAPPING UP (02 MINS) That brings us to the end of the session, any other comments and points you would
MODERATOR: Summarize like to share?
points and discussion, and Thank
the participants

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