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When worker safety

can’t be compromised

Radiation monitoring, detection and identification

A whole hospital approach to
radiation protection
Radiation monitoring is an integral part of good health physics practice at
every medical facility performing any radiation therapy activities. It is the core
disciplines of RSOs, Health Physicists, Medical Physicists, Radiologist and
Nuclear Medicine Techs to be acutely aware of radiation exposure rates for
facility staff and patients.

Radiation Safety
Officers are responsible
for all RCA (Radiation
Controlled Areas) areas
in the buildings. They
have responsibly to keep
track of a critical RCA
which require radiation
monitoring by using
contamination survey
meters, area monitoring or
using passive and active
dosimetry for facility staff
or patients.
Area radiation monitoring - page 3

Dosimetry - page 5

Detection and identification - page 7

Emergency response - page 8

Network integration - page 9

Area radiation monitoring services
for your medical facility
Radiation monitoring includes monitoring environmental release of radioactive particulates
or positron decay to the atmosphere as part of any license requirement to operate a
cyclotron if used to manufacture nuclear tracers or nuclear medical isotopes at the facility.

Proton beam area monitor base system

• Monitors the radiation level of a room in areas such as
cancer treatment centers where radiation therapy is part
of the daily work routine
• Measures and assesses the level of gamma and neutron
radiation; features audible and visible alarms in case of

Optional remote light tower

• Be alerted from a distance if radiation is detected

Gamma/Neutron Dose Rate Monitoring
• The Thermo Scientific FHT 762 Wendi-2 wide energy
neutron detector delivers high sensitivity and an excellent
energy and angular response

FH40 Digital Survey Meter

Multi-purpose meter and area monitor
• Highly configurable with external detectors
to support a wide range of applications

ViewPoint Enterprise Environmental

• Comprehensive software solution
integrating personnel dosimetry and
facility monitoring for a complete, real-
time picture of facility operations
• Simplified instrument data
management and complete
archival simplifying analysis,
enabling informed decisions
and report creation
• Configurable with a variety of
• Smart alarm E-Mail notification
• Self-diagnose for speedy repair

Dosimetry Services
How it works

1 We send

for passive
you badges

2 Your
wear badges

FA12ABC for period


How does it work? We send you

passive dosimeter badges, your
employees wear the badges for a
4 Badges
period of time and then the badges

analyzed and
online reports
are shipped back to our facility for generated
3 Badges are returned to our facility

analysis and online reporting.

Live personnel monitoring
Adding RadSight Live delivers live dose rate monitoring of a team. Data can be viewed
from any computer on the network.

Personal dosimeters
keep tabs on staff
exposure rates
Our active personal and passive dosimeters can help improve healthcare worker safety in
areas such as radiology, oncology, fluoroscopy and radiation therapy. We provide active
personal dosimeters for protection during procedures and passive personal dosimeters
that track daily dose exposure for regulatory purposes.

EPD TruDose Electronic Dosimeter for real-time monitoring

• Delivers ultra-precise, real-time dose reading and reporting
• Multidetector technology measures both gamma and beta radiation
• Improved dose rate range and unprecedented sensitivity, providing you peace-
of-mind in the accuracy of exposure
Detection and Identification products
We have a comprehensive range of radiation detection and
identification products for very specific applications.

RadEye B20 Survey Meter

• Simple, robust, reliable contamination and gamma dose rate
measurement tools for characterizing alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray
• Excellent for nuclear medicine and incoming/outgoing package

RadEye SX Survey Meter

• Multi-purpose meter for external scintillator counter tubes
• General count rate and surface contamination
measurements as well as dose rate measurements

IPM96 Whole Body Contamination Monitor and

IPCM12 Installed Personnel Contamination Monitor
• Both monitors can be installed at area perimeters to help prevent
the spread of radioactive contamination throughout your facility
• Designed to detect both alpha and beta radiation
• Can be deployed at hospitals, PET facilities, radiological
centers where patients are injected with radioactive isotopes, or
radiopharmaceutical departments

RadHalo Spectroscopic Area Monitor
• Highly configurable
• Offers quick, real-time monitoring and measurement of
gamma radiation
• Conveniently managed with monitoring software or on
your mobile device

Monitor your RadHalo

area monitor from
anywhere with our
mobile app.

Emergency response
In an emergency response situation,
we offer a suite of products and
solution that can be deployed rapidly.

TPM 903C Transportable Radiation

Portal Monitor
• Provides quick, accurate head-to-toe screening in
emergency response scenarios
• Used to monitor personnel entering and existing
Radiation Control areas or in case of an emergency
radiological event

RadEye SPRD-ER Spectroscopic Personal

Radiation Detector
• Sets a new standard in the detection of hidden
or illicit radiation through fine-tuned detector
sensitivity and smarter alarming.
• Can help staff more closely identify radioactive
isotopes in medical waste.

RadHalo Spectroscopic Area Monitor

• Rapidly deployment in response to a
nuclear accident
• Monitor and manage with your mobile
device of dlexible monitoring software
• Engineered for the harshest environments

Network Integration
Thermo Scientific™ ViewPoint™ Enterprise Remote Monitoring
centrally processes and analyzes data from radiation, environmental
and general purpose detectors to give a complete picture of your
Situational awareness and remote monitoring
• Comprehensive instrument integration (Thermo Scientific
and third-party instruments)
• Simplified data management
• Enhanced data analysis
• Secure communications
• Easily Integrate with other databases using ViewPoint
Data Manager
• Fully scalable
• Comprehensive instrument readings archive
• Custom reports and notifications
• Instrument data storage, retrieval enabling reporting of
personnel and environmental radiological conditions and
identifying potential threats.
• Server hosting and cloud services
• Training and support services

Find out more at
© 2020 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.
Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representatives for details. BR-FSI-NM-MEDICAL-0620

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