S8 Print

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Sample exam questions and answers

Question 1
a. Give two situations in which a slide show could be used.
b. What is the difference between a slide show and a presentation?
c. Name one software application that can be used to create a slide show.
d. Give one advantage of using a slide show in a presentation.
e. When presenting a slide show, what is the slide navigator?

Suggested answer

a. When teaching or giving a lecture

b. A slide show is a series of screens developed on a computer system; a presentation is a

talk given by a person which may be supported by a slide show.

c. Microsoft PowerPoint

d. The audience will understand the information better if they can see as well as hear it.

e. The back and forward arrows that are faintly visible on the screen, or the pop-up menu
that appears when you right click anywhere on the screen.

Question 2
a. In presentation software, what is a wizard?
b. Give one advantage of using a wizard to create a slide show.
c. Give one disadvantage of using a wizard to create a slide show.
d. Describe how a design template can be selected and used.

Suggested answer

a. A program that asks the user for information and then creates a complete slide show for
a specific purpose.

b. A slide show can be created very quickly.

c. The content of a slide show created by a wizard may not be appropriate for the

d. The user can choose from a number of design templates. Each will provide a layout,
background and other graphics that will work together. A design template can be applied
to an individual page or to all the slides in a slide show.

Question 3
The information on a slide used in a training session is arranged as text with bullets. This
takes up most of the space on the slide.

a. What is a bullet?
b. List two items that can be placed on a slide in addition to the main text.
c. The next slide does not contain any text. List three types of item that could be placed on
the slide.
d. Name two items that you would normally find on a Title Slide
e. The trainer wants to make the screen go black so she can get the trainees to
concentrate on another activity. How can she make the screen go black during a slide

Suggested answer

a. A bullet is a small icon, often a dot that is placed at the beginning of individual sentences
or phrases.

b. Title, slide number.

c. Clip art, picture, sound, media clip, chart, diagram.

d. Title, subtitle.

e. By pressing the B key.

Question 4
a. In Microsoft PowerPoint where should you type the text that will appear in speaker
b. What will be printed when you select Notes Pages in the Print dialogue window?
c. Explain the advantage to the presenter of having printed speaker notes.
d. What else can you print from PowerPoint?
e. List three custom animation effects that are available in PowerPoint.

Suggested answer

a. In the Notes pane beneath each slide

b. A picture of each slide with the text that has been entered in the Notes pane for each

c. The presenter can be reminded of what they wish to say about each slide.

d. Slides – thumbnail images of all the slides in the slideshow; Handouts – images of the
slides with space alongside fro the audience to make their own notes.

e. Fly in, flash once, typewriter, etc

Question 5
Explain what each of these is used for:

a. Slide master
b. Slide sorter
c. The Slide Show option
d. Slide layout
e. Slide number

Suggested answer

a. You can create a personalised master slide, defining graphics, fonts and colours that will
appear on every slide.

b. To view thumbnails of all the slides in a slide show so you can rearrange their sequence.

c. To view the slide show as it would appear in a presentation.

d. When you add a new slide you can choose from a variety of preset layouts, which
combine text and objects in different ways.

e. The number of the slide can be placed on each slide. This helps the presenter to keep
track of where they have got to in the slide show.

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