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Assignment 1

Market research is the process of establishing the feasibility of a new service or product via
direct consumer study. Market research enables a firm to identify its target market and obtain
comments and other input from customers on their interest in a product or service.
The 'Bottom of the Pyramid' (BOP) is an action-oriented strategy that assists enterprises in
effectively operating in currently undeveloped and underserved areas at the BOP. This also
creates potential for poverty alleviation. By incorporating the BOP into their value chains,
private organizations may use business knowledge and resources.
Big data is employed when the volume of data generated by an organization reaches a critical
point, necessitating a new technical strategy to storage, processing, analyzing, and utilizing the
data. To deal especially with massive data, machine learning and new statistics and analytics
approaches have been created.
For example, the women and girls from the rural area do not use much sanitary napkin as these
are expensive for them. We can introduce menstrual cup to them and show them this is
reusable. By doing this we will analysis whether they are willing to spend for one time or for
every month. Then we will use the big data tool and collect the data how effective it this. By
this analysis we can introduce new product and encourage those sanitary brands to start selling
menstrual cup which is more environmentally friendly. We will also understand the market
demand and find out the key selling notes.
There are some challenges during this big data innovation :

1. The amount of data kept in corporate data centers and databases is continually
expanding. As these data sets expand in size exponentially over time, they become
incredibly challenging to manage.
Solution : Companies are turning to current approaches such as compression, tiering,
and deduplication to deal with these massive data collections. Compression is used to
reduce the amount of bits in data, hence decreasing its total size. The process of
deleting duplicate and unnecessary data from a data set is known as deduplication.

Data tiering enables businesses to store data in several storage levels. It guarantees that
the data is stored in the most appropriate location. Depending on the size and relevance
of the data, data tiers might be public cloud, private cloud, or flash storage.

Companies are also embracing Big Data tools like Hadoop, NoSQL, and other
2. Companies often get confused while selecting the best tool for Big Data analysis and
Solution: Seeking expert assistance is the best way to go. One may either engage
seasoned specialists who are well-versed in these tools. Another option is to seek Big
Data consultancy.
3. Companies require trained data specialists to run these contemporary technology and
Big Data solutions.
Solution : Companies are spending more money on recruiting competent workers. They
must also provide training programs for current employees in order to get the most out
of them.
4. Securing these huge sets of data is one of the daunting challenges of Big Data. 
Solution : Recruiting more cybersecurity professionals to protect their data and also
Use Big Data security tools, such as IBM Guardian.
5. Data in a company originates from a number of sources, including social media sites,
ERP software, customer logs, financial reports, e-mails, presentations, and staff reports.
Putting all of this information together to create reports is a difficult undertaking.
Solution : Companies must handle their data integration issues by obtaining the
appropriate technologies.
The following are some of the greatest data integration tools:
 Talend Data Integration
 Centerprise Data Integrator
 ArcESB
 IBM InfoSphere
 Xplenty 

To implement the idea the team should include:

a. Consultant expert on market research
b. Consultant who got idea on sanitation and public health
c. Data analyst
d. Research associate
e. Field manager
f. Data collector

Budget :
Component Cost (BDT)
Consultant 1 20,000*15 = 3,00,000
Consultant 2 20,000*10 = 2,00,000
Data analyst 15,000*15 = 2,25,000
Research Associate 8,000*20 = 1,60,000
Field Manager 7,000* 25 = 1,75,000
Data Collector (20 person ) 20*3000* 25 = 15,00,000
Technical cost 15,00,000
Total Cost 40,60,000

In words : Forty Lac and Sixty Thousand

As the Research Manager, my role will be to plan, coordinate and execute this research
assignment. This will encompass taking a leading role in preparing the project proposal and
plan, including detailed methodology for data collection and data analysis, team structure,
budget and schedules development and negotiation. I will also have to act as the project focal,
introducing my team to the clients, and reporting project progress, to client on regular basis.
My role will also include overseeing the capacity building of and monitoring of tasks of the
assigned field enumerators, field supervisor/manager, as well as data analyst to ensure quality
control. Ultimately, I will be overall accountable and responsible for preparing research reports
for management and client review, as well as disseminating the findings to the clients and/or a
broader audience.

Assessment 3
For the promotion we need some elements to promote .
 Content marketing
 Social media marketing
 Email marketing
 Influencer marketing
 Newspaper

For the social media we can use:

 Facebook
 LinkedIn
 YouTube
 Tweeter
 Instagram

For this social media we can use two types of post ( Static post & Video content)
Static post –
 Asking question regarding the topic of the content where audiences engagement will
 Asking opinion-based question regarding the main purpose of the project , where
audience will share their views

For the video content , we can make video content on different topics related to the project,
so the targeted audience get to know about the project:
 Introduction of the project
 Purpose of the project
 Outcome of the project
 Sector experts’ opinion
 Success stories
 Update of the project
 Annul Result
 Opinion of the beneficiaries
We can also arrange a webinar where we will invite the sector experts and the persons related
to the project to share their opinion.

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