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A Research Paper

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Criminology 7



A lot of difficulties have emerged in our society in today's generation, and the most

prevalent difficulty that humans are currently facing is the various crimes that occur not only

once a day, but several times a day. Crime can be defined as the intentional execution of an act

that is generally regarded as dangerous or socially destructive and is expressly forbidden by law

and subject to punishment. Harassment and accidents are just two examples of crimes that have

commonly occurred in society. It could be on the road, in a hotel, or any other establishment that

a suspect might target. The problem is, and will continue to be, a lack of information or direct

access to the suspect. Furthermore, it causes problems in our society.

We all know for a fact that various crimes have been committed due to a lack of

information or access to the suspect. Police departments frequently employ closed-circuit

television (CCTV) surveillance cameras, but this practice is controversial. Closed-circuit

television (CCTV) has proved helpful in locating and prosecuting people responsible for all

types of criminal activity for a long time, but probably most notably severe crime and terrorist

attacks. From the IRA terrorist campaign in the 1990s through the Brixton nail bomber in 1999

to the July 2005 London terrorist bombings, CCTV made public led to the early identification of

individuals and was crucial in later arrests (Gerrard et al., 2007).

In particular, as a detection aid and when incorporated into a larger crime reduction

strategy, CCTV has been considered to be a useful tool. The CRP initiative has a strong track

record and was created to aid in lowering the unacceptable high crime rates in some areas. In

order to significantly improve the quality of life for those who lived on those estates, the

government gave priority to bids that supported the regeneration of housing estates with high

crime rates. CCTV was a top concern for parking lots applying for Secured Car Park status.

CCTV has a wide range of applications outside of law enforcement, including those of insurance

firms, law firms, and financial fraud detectives. Additionally, local government officers, highway

enforcement officers, dog wardens, health safety and licensing officials, and the Environment

Agency receive CCTV evidence. The London Fire Brigade and local government emergency

preparedness departments have both used incident recordings for training.

There are considerable various changes in the effectiveness of CCTV systems, as well as

in their coverage, monitoring, image quality, and intended functions. These variations also affect

how much of an influence CCTV system can have on local crime and disturbance. Similar to

how police forces use CCTV, there is wide variation in how well the product of surveillance

cameras is incorporated into the policing function. The introduction of digital CCTV systems

could present chances for significant gains if the technology is properly utilized. It has, however,

also brought along a new set of challenges.

Today, the question of whether we can stop crime is impossible, as it happens every day.

Though we all know for a fact that various crimes happen, we cannot stop them because we

cannot control every individual. Hence, to avoid this, we must first understand and know the

effectiveness of CCTV systems in crime prevention.

This study seeks to know the effectiveness of CCTV systems in crime prevention in order

to investigate how they assist victims and track down criminal suspects and determining the

relevance and benefits of their application and use.

Theoretical Framework

This study will be guided by the theory of Kelly (2012) on the effectiveness of CCTV

system in crime prevention. Using a small number of surveillance monitors, closed-circuit

television employs video cameras to monitor a particular location. Nearly all video cameras can

be used as CCTV; however, for accurate monitoring, those at banks, supermarkets, casinos,

airports, military facilities, and convenience stores must have high resolution. The cameras

typically work by preventing crime from happening and reducing its levels to the point where

they can't totally stop it. This theory evaluates how effectively CCTV can help deal with criminal

cases, with the goal of determining the relevance and benefits of their application and use. The

biggest contribution to reducing and preventing crime is the psychological impact of

surveillance. People are reminded of their security precautions via CCTV protection because

they might otherwise forget them. People who are protected by CCTV are reminded to take

security precautions that they might otherwise ignore. Psychologically, individuals comprehend

that a location under observation might be considered unsafe if the security weren't there. Thus,

the CCTV psychologically inhibits crime by influencing the possible victims. In such situations,

those moving through, working in, or operating within the protected areas take additional

precautions to secure their property. The psychological impact of refraining from crime in

settings that seem secure might also be felt by potential criminals (Baum, 1997, p. 23).
Schematic Diagram

Input Process Output

Planning Action Results

Data gathering Learning Processes

Feedback of the Action planning

Results Action steps Data Gathering
Action planning Measurements

Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of this study.

Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the level Effectivity of CCTV Systems in Crime

Prevention in Poblacion, Siquijor, Siquijor for the calendar year of 2022-2023.

It will specifically seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of effectivity of CCTV system in crime prevention?

2. What are the relevance and benefits of their application and use?

3. How effectively CCTV can help deal with criminal cases?

Significance of the Study

This research will be a significant endeavor in determining the level of effectivity

of CCTV system in crime prevention to the following:

Criminology Students. Success of this study can help the students to be more

aware in the different relevance and benefits of the effectivity of cctv systems in crime

prevention that somehow, they be able to share their knowledge in the field. They may gain

benefits from this study for it will serve as a tool for them to have more insights and ideas

towards crime problems.

Establishments. This study can help them to be mindful and aware of the use of

the system for their safety.

Police/ Investigator. This study will help them as it will serve as their guide and

they may be knowledgeable enough about the problems and help the police officers to trace the

incidents and minimize various criminal activities.

Future Researchers. This study will help and will serve as reference for the

future researchers. This will somehow give important and relevant information that are related to

their studies.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted in determining the level of effectivity of CCTV systems in

crime prevention in Poblacion, Siquijor, Siquijor for the calendar year 2022-2023. It will only be

focus on the Effectivity of CCTV Systems in Crime Prevention. The data will be acquired by a

questionnaire that will be used in connection with the study. The purpose of this research is to

know the effectiveness of CCTV systems in crime prevention, in order to investigate how they

assist victims and track down criminal suspects and determining the relevance and benefits of

their application and use.

Definition of Terms

The following concepts are operationally defined to provide such a clear understanding

and interpretation of this study:

CCTV. Closed-circuit television, it is a TV system where signals are monitored but not

publicly disseminated, primarily for security and monitoring reasons.

Crime. A violation of a public law that forbids or orders something is considered a

Crime Prevention. It includes any effort made by an individual or group, whether public

or private, to prevent crime from happening or from having any additional effects.

Criminal Case. It is a lawsuit brought by the state against a person who has broken a

criminal law.

Effectivity. The ability or power to be effective. A measure of the effectiveness of



This chapter primarily highlights the various studies and other literatures from both

foreign and domestic researchers that have a significant influence on the variables covered in the

research. It also focuses on a number of factors that have aided in the production of this study.


Closed-circuit television employs video cameras to monitor a specific area with a

restricted number of surveillance monitors. Almost any video cameras can be used as CCTV

cameras, albeit the ones utilized in banks, supermarkets, casinos, airports, military institutions,

and convenience stores must have high definition for accuracy in monitoring. In most situations,

the cameras serve to deter crime and reduce its prevalence in areas where it cannot be totally


Closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) have grown to be a very important security

technique in crime prevention, according to Vella (2013). The value of CCTV in enabling store

owners, business managers, and the police to prevent crime and respond to occurrences of crime

alerted by such technology is highlighted in recent literature. CCTV surveillance plays a

significant role in recording images of criminal activity and antisocial conduct to aid in post-

incident analysis during investigations.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) security cameras are frequently used in policing, but

this use is debatable, according to Ashby (2017). While the Washington, DC, Metropolitan
Police Department said that CCTV is frequently "invaluable to police investigations," the United

Kingdom (UK) government classified it as "essential" for identifying criminals (Porter 2016).

The campaign organization Liberty 2016 took the opposing position, claiming that widespread

CCTV use "poses a threat to our way of life" and that "widespread visual surveillance may

certainly have a chilling impact on free speech and activity." According to the American Civil

Liberties Union, public CCTV surveillance "almost invite[s] abuse" and generates "an almost

Orwellian potential for surveillance."

CCTV is efficient at identifying violent crime, but it cannot stop any crime, claims Allard

(2006). The extent of all offenses against the person (including assault, robbery, other offenses

against the person, and sexual assault) increased significantly after CCTV was installed in

Surfers Paradise. The number of total offenses, property offenses (including other theft, unlawful

entry, other property damage, unlawful use of a motor vehicle, and handling stolen goods), and

other offenses (including drug offenses and alcohol but excluding drunkenness) that occurred in

Surfers Paradise were all found to be unaffected significantly by CCTV.

According to Mazon (2015), CCTV is a surveillance method that is supposed to deter

potential criminals from committing a crime when they are aware that the cameras may be

recording their behavior. Images are captured by cameras placed at specified points to provide

optimal coverage, which are then sent to a monitoring station or saved for later viewing and


Welsh (2008) claims that CCTV is more effective at decreasing crime in the United

Kingdom than it is in other nations, is most effective at doing so in car parks, is most effective

when aimed at vehicle offenses, and has a moderate but significant and desirable impact on

crime. These findings support the continued use of CCTV to deter crime in public areas, but they
also recommend that it be used more specifically than its current application would suggest.

Future CCTV programs should include top-notch evaluation designs with lengthy follow-up


According to the UN Guidelines for the Prevention of Crime (2002), effective tactics and

strategies that aim to lessen the risk of crimes and victimization on people and society "by

influencing its numerous causes" are included in crime prevention. Additionally, "any public or

privately based program or strategy aiming at decreasing or eliminating criminal activity,

violence, and the fear of crime or violence in the community" can also be used to define crime

prevention (Crime Prevention Victoria,2002). In order to address "social and environment

elements" that lead to disorder, victimization, and greater rates of crime, crime prevention

methods can also be applied within "all levels of government." Thus, while policies can address

the "social and economic causes of crime" to reduce the supply of motivated offenders, the

"physical environment" can be altered to reduce crime chances.

A functioning criminal justice system, engaged communities, and individual crime

prevention efforts are the three essential building blocks for successful crime prevention. It's

important to remember that "repression and enforcement" are not always the most effective ways

to reduce crime, fear of crime, and victimizations (Nuttall, 2009, p.23). According to Linden

(2007), there are five distinct ways that crime prevention can be practically implemented,

including: situational crime prevention, community crime prevention programs, police programs,

and legislative and administrative programs (Nuttall, 2008).

Legislative and administrative initiatives, in accordance with their stated objectives, are

designed to alter "administration policies or statutes" in order to improve crime prevention.

Legislation can therefore be used to alter company operations to reduce crime. For instance,
Linden (2007) mentions "zoning by-laws," which aid in preventing harmful enterprises from

being located near residential areas in order to prevent some predicted difficulties (Linden, 2007,

p. 141). Therefore, "zoning by-laws" would aid in crime prevention by regulating the use of land

and construction inside a specific community (Kappeler et al., 2012),

Tony Lawson (2018) asserts that situational crime prevention and interventions, such

CCTV and better street lighting, are frequently employed as means of crime prevention. There is

a lot of research on this, but as Cozens and Love (2015) recently point out, strategies constantly

need to change to reflect shifting demographics, lifestyles, and technological advancements.

However, it is expensive for the organizations involved to implement new strategies and adapt to

shifting urban conditions, therefore challenging decisions must be taken regarding the types of

crime prevention. Welsh, Farrington, and Gowar (2015) have reiterated the need for more

advanced cost-benefit analyses, particularly the need for additional experimental and

quasiexperimental designs to support such analyses (Lawson, 2017)


Samaniego (2011) claims that the Compro IP70 makes it possible for users to clearly

recognize individuals and things, at least three times better than the typical CCTV camera with a

10x digital zoom. In relation to the current study, the researchers think that technology has gotten

better and more advanced throughout time. CCTV cameras enhance their capabilities to solve

crimes more quickly than before.

According to Boncocan (2011), 15 heavily armed individuals committed the robbery of a

bank in Quezon City on Friday as captured on the bank's CCTV cameras. CCTV can quickly

identify those who conduct crimes that can be used as evidence against them in the current study.

The Cavite delegate suggested installing closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras on

public transportation terminals, stops, and cars to provide for public safety and prevent a repeat

of the terrorist assault, according to Ribaya (2011). In regard to the current study, the researchers

think that using CCTV cameras to monitor and solve crimes is beneficial.

According to the Cebu City ordinance, no commercial establishment should be permitted

to function without CCTVs, especially those that deal with money, including banks, lending

institutions, and pawnshops. In relation to this study, the researchers think that using CCTV

cameras to record evidence against criminal activity would be beneficial (Philippine Daily

Inquirer, 2011).

In the harbor, market areas, and important business districts, where banks and other

commercial establishments as well as government buildings are located, the municipal

government reportedly spent 2.5 million pesos installing closed circuit television (CCTV)

cameras, according to Alipala (2011). With regard to the current study, the researchers think

CCTV cameras are useful instruments for securing particular locations.

University of the Philippines-College Diliman's of Engineering is located in Quezon City.

CCTV is a method for preventing environmental crime. The presence of CCTV may serve as a

prompt to remind people to take other security measures, such as locking their cars, as

commentators have described its potential effects as providing surveillance function that may

work to deter people from committing crimes in the area where it is used signifying to the public
that an area with CCTV is a safe place and the increased use of the space means that crime is less

likely to happen as there are more potential witnesses (Welsh & Farrington 2009)

CCTV monitoring is a terrific technique to deter break-ins as well as a great tool to

apprehend criminals after they have already entered your home. This implies that if some thieves

were truly deterred from considering trying to get into your residence, your belongings would be

kept safe (Robinson, 2011).

The investigation program successfully gathered accurate information using hidden

cameras. In regard to the current study, Current Affairs uses CCTV cameras to provide reliable

proof relevant to various crimes today (Epino, 2007).

The usage of video surveillance camera systems is growing as a result of an increase in

crimes and terror attacks. Police and municipal governments have been using them to prevent

crimes and fly-tipping, but they can also record private information like faces or behavioral

patterns. When captured video data is made public, it may result in crimes and privacy invasions.

The researchers feel that CCTV has a detrimental effect on privacy exposure in connection to the

current investigation (Soccoro et al., 2011)



This chapter covered the research methodology, study participants and sample,

population and sample size, sampling process, tool employed, and statistical analysis of data.

Methods Used

This study will used descriptive survey type of research for it aims to determine the level

of effectivity of CCTV system in crime prevention with the aid of the questionnaire checklist.

The data will be gathered primarily through the research instrument. It will be done through a

quantitative approach.

Research Environment

According to Kelly (2012), using a small number of surveillance monitors, closed-circuit

television employs video cameras to monitor a particular location. CCTV can help deal with

criminal cases. Thus, there is a need to investigate how effective and helpful CCTV systems in

crime prevention.

This study will be conducted to some houses, establishments, offices in Poblacion,

Siquijor under the province of Siquijor. This will be conducted to the reason of knowing the

level of effectivity of CCTV systems in crime prevention with a total of 50 selected owners and

personnel. The researchers believed that by choosing this as their research setting, they will be

able to get the desired data needed in this study due to its accessibility.
Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the randomly selected owners and personnel worked

and live in Poblacion, Siquijor, Siquijor through the use of cluster sampling. A total of 50 owners

and personnel were the respondents of this study which was randomly selected. The respondents

were tasked to answer the questionnaire related to the level of effectivity. The level of effectivity

is the experimental group (EG) and the 50 respondents is the controlled group (CG).

Research Instrument

Researchers constructed questionnaire to be used during the conduct of the study. The

data gathering tool will be a 10-item questionnaire composed of 4 sections which represented

the questions about the level of effectivity of CCTV system in crime prevention. This survey will

be valid and will show the reliable result of the study.

Statistical Statement of Data


Where: x- frequency

i- weight

n- no. of respondents/size
In order to analyze the data gathered, the researchers came up with the average mean of

the respondents who answer the survey questionnaires. The researchers classified the answers by

distinguishing whether the respondent’s answer is in the great extent, moderate extent, less

extent, and no extent. Raw data collection and organization of data will be done so that

appropriate conclusions can be drawn.


Scale Rate Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Great Extent

3 2.50-3.24 Moderate Extent

2 1.75-2.49 Less Extent

1 1.00-1.74 No Extent

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