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Principal (/) | The Medieval Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt


The Medieval Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt

Villard de Honnecourt (/author/Villard de Honnecourt), Theodore Bowie (/author/Theodore Bowie)

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Little is known of Villard de Honnecourt, apart from the fact that his Sketchbook is one of the most treasured documents in art history.
Active in the early part of the thirteenth century, the French artist produced remarkably accurate representations of diverse subjects
that interested him: religious figures; insects, birds, dogs, and humans; architecture, including details from the cathedrals at Chartres,
Rheims, and Laon; church furnishings; and mechanical devices. His technique--for the period--was fairly complex, especially when
drawing the contours of draped clothing.

The artist's charming, annotated sketches reveal a knowledge of architecture, sculpture, carpentry, and masonry; and his comments
reflect a keen and perceptive eye, whether depicting a monumental clock tower or describing a perpetual motion machine.

Comparable to da Vinci's notebooks for their historical importance, the drawings from Honnecourt's portfolio are reproduced here in
their entirety, complete with authoritative translations of the artist's words, annotations, and editor's commentary.

Categorías: Arts (/category/1/Arts)

Año: 2012

Editorial: Dover Publications

Idioma: English

ISBN 10: 0486146189

ISBN 13: 9780486146188

Archivo: EPUB, 12.77 MB

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cathedral plate (/terms/?q=cathedral+plate) 14 seated (/terms/?q=seated) 14 rheims cathedral (/terms/?q=rheims+cathedral) 13

sketchbook (/terms/?q=sketchbook) 13 masonry (/terms/?q=masonry) 13 design (/terms/?q=design) 13

follows (/terms/?q=follows) 12 page (/terms/?q=page) 12 geometrical devices (/terms/?q=geometrical+devices) 12

window (/terms/?q=window) 12 villard (/terms/?q=villard) 12 edition (/terms/?q=edition) 12 top row (/terms/?q=top+row) 12

sketches (/terms/?q=sketches) 11 laon (/terms/?q=laon) 11 cambrai cathedral (/terms/?q=cambrai+cathedral) 10

roof (/terms/?q=roof) 10 drawing (/terms/?q=drawing) 10 de honnecourt (/terms/?q=de+honnecourt) 10

standing (/terms/?q=standing) 10
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