Board of Education Award Cont IAQ Monitoring

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Office of the Superintendent of Schools

Rockville, Maryland

August 23, 2022


To: Members of the Board of Education

From: Monifa B. McKnight, Superintendent of Schools

Subject: Award of Contract—Indoor Air Quality Monitoring


As part of our systemwide commitment to healthy learning and working environments,

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) solicited proposals from qualified vendors
for the provision and implementation of an integrated web-based indoor air quality monitoring
system in order to efficiently manage the collection, centralization, and reporting of the air quality
throughout the school system.

Potential vendors were asked to propose their solutions to deploy and manage monitoring devices
through web-based transactions for the following:

• Collection and reporting of environmental data;

• Provide a secure online user-friendly monitoring and reporting system that would allow
MCPS staff to monitor air quality measurements, current and historical;
• Provide the capability for staff to define subsets of data for public publishing through
a Web interface; and
• Seamlessly integrate and automate workflows based upon MCPS business rules, allowing
for an automated public report generation.

MCPS received proposals from nine qualified firms to provide Wi-Fi Indoor Air Quality
monitoring equipment and related data services for approximately 10,000 classrooms, media
centers, and cafeterias/all-purpose rooms. Based on a review of the submissions, four firms were
selected to demonstrate their product via an in-person presentation and demonstration at a school.
Based on the demonstrations, the evaluation committee unanimously selected the proposal from
Senseware Inc., based on their ability to perform and their experience with other similar
Kindergarten through Grade 12 projects.
Members of the Board of Education 2 August 23, 2022

The estimated first year cost of this contract is $6.22 million and $1.4 million in ongoing costs
in years two through six. The recommended option includes monitoring all classrooms for carbon
dioxide, particulate matter, temperature, relative humidity, and dew point temperature.
Other types of sensors, such as carbon monoxide, total volatile organic compounds, and ozone will
be strategically deployed near likely sources of those potential contaminants.

The following resolution is recommended for your approval.

WHEREAS, The installation of indoor air quality monitoring equipment and related data services
furthers Montgomery County Public Schools commitment to healthy learning and working
environments; and

WHEREAS, Staff in the departments of Facilities Management and Materials Management

solicited proposals for this service; and

WHEREAS, Senseware Inc., was selected as the successful contractor based on a competitive
process in compliance with applicable procurement requirements; and

WHEREAS, Senseware Inc., proposed to deploy and manage monitoring devices in approximately
10,000 classrooms, media centers, and cafeterias/all-purpose rooms; and

WHEREAS, the cost for these services is $6.22 million for the first year and $1.4 million for years
two through six; now therefore be it

Resolved, That the Board of Education award a contract to Senseware Inc., for Indoor Air Quality
Monitoring for a period of two years with the possibility of four one-year extensions.


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