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Contents Cells that has no mitochondria your cells may

I. GLYCOLYSIS become lactate

3 points of control



Overview of Metabolism Hexokinase – inhibited by your glucose-6-

Catabolism- energonic reaction/ larger molecule phosphate
to smaller molecule/ important in catabolize Glucokinase – is not inhibited by glucose-6-
ADP, NadH, NADPH that can use in anabolism phosphate but inhibited by Fructose-6-
/CO2, H2O, NH3 phosphate
Anabolism- endergonic reaction/ smaller • 2 Phosphofructokinase – late limiting
molecules to larger molecules/ it happens when steps of
catabolism is absent
allosteric effectors allosteric effectors yun yung
Glucose- to enter glycolisis, that can produce nag aaffect sa phosphofructokinase
pyrovate and ATP. Pyruvate, when its ferment it
become ethanol and when its anaerobic it • 1 Pyruvate kinase - presence of atp
become lactate. Aerobic when it has a complete
Phosphoryl transfer reaction. Kinases transfer
Glycolysis- contributes 90% energy
phosphate from ATP to
Gluconeogenesis- 10%
an acceptor. Hexokinase has a more general
Stage 1 - Investment of ATP. Glucose is specificity in that it can
phosphorylated. The negative charge
transfer phosphate to other sugars such as
concentrates glucose in the cell and glucose
becomes less stable,

Stage 2 - The 6 carbon sugar is split to two 3-

carbon fragments. Production of two Phosphoglucose Isomerase
ΔG°’= .40 kcal mol-1
Stage 3 - Energy yielding phase
The conversion of an aldose to a ketose.
The oxidation of the 3-carbon fragments yields
ATP The enzyme opens the ring, catalyzes the

Atp produce-gross isomerization, and promotes the closure

2 of those 4 will be used Glycolysis are in of the five member ring.

cytoplasm Glycolysis means Embden, Meyerhof

Phosphofructokinase-1 PFK 3-phosphate is a substrate for the next

ΔG°’= -3.4 kcal mol-1 reactions

The 2nd investment of an ATP in glycolysis. of glycolysis. Thus, both 3-carbon fragments are

• PFK is an important allosteric enzyme subsequently oxidized.

regulating the rate of glucose
catabolism and plays a role in
integrating metabolism. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate DH
• Bis means two phosphate groups on ΔG°’ = 1.5 kcal mol-1
two different carbon atoms. Di means
An aldehyde is oxidized to
two phosphate groups linked together
on the same carbon atom. carboxylic acid and inorganic

phosphate is transferred to form

✓ The PFK reaction is the first acyl-phosphate. NAD+ is reduced
unique and irreversible step in
the glycolytic pathway. to NADH.
✓ It is the “committed” in the 1,3-BPG has a high
phosphoryl-transfer potential.
✓ In general, the enzyme
It is a mixed anhydride.
catalyzing the committed step
in a metabolic pathway is the Phosphoglycerate Kinase
most important control
component in the pathway. Substrate-level phosphorylation
ΔG°’ = -4.5 kcal mol-1

ALDOLASE ATP is produced from Pi and ADP

ΔG°’= 5.7 kcal mol-1
at the expense of carbon oxidation
Reverse aldol condensation; converts a 6
from the glyceraldehyde
carbon atom sugar to 2 molecules, each
3-phosphate DH reaction.
containing 3 carbon atoms.
Remember: 2 molecules

of ATP are produced per

Triose phoshate isomerase
ΔG°’ = 1.8 kcal mol-1

All the DHAP is converted to glyceraldehyde

Phosphoglycerate mutase
3-phosphate. Although, the reaction is
ΔG°’ = 1.1 kcal mol-1
it is shifted to the right since glyceraldehyde
ΔG°’ = .4 kcal mol-1

Pyruvate Kinase

2nd example of substrate level phosphorylation.

The net yield from glycolysis is 2 ATP

unstable Enol form more stable keto


• Substrate level phosphorylation is the

synthesis of
ATP from ADP that is not linked to the
electron transport system.

The Conversion of Glucose to Pyruvate

Glucose + 2 Pi + 2 ADP + 2 NAD+ →

2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH +2 H+

The Energy released from the anaerobic

conversion of glucose to pyruvate is

-47kcal mol-1.

Under aerobic conditions much more

bond energy can be extracted from

The question still remains: How is NAD+

supplied under anaerobic conditions?
Or how
is redox balance maintained?

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