CO PO Mapping Electronics

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3ETC1 Course Name: Engineering Mathematics-III

CO-PO Mapping:

CO-PO/PSO Mapping
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation) 3-Strong, 2-Medium, 1-Weak
Programme Outcomes(POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 1 1
CO2 3 2 1 1
CO3 3 2 1 1
CO4 3 2 1 1

CO5 3 2 1 1

CO6 3 2 1 1

CO- PO Justification
Mapping Level Justification
CO1-PO1 3 Student will able to Apply the knowledge of ordinary differential
equation to the solution of complex engineering problems.
CO1-PO2 2 Student will able to identify and formulate complex engineering problem
by using ODE
CO1-PO3 1 Student will able to try to Design solutions for complex engineering
problems on basis of ODE
CO2-PO1 3 Student will able to Apply the knowledge of Laplace Transform to solve
complex engineering problems
CO2-PO2 2 Student will able to analyze complex engineering problem by using
Laplace transform and its inverse
CO2-PO3 1 Student will able to Design solutions for complex engineering problems
on basis of Laplace transform and its inverse
CO3-PO1 3 Student will able to apply the knowledge of vector calculus to the
solution of complex engineering problems
CO3-PO2 2 Student will able to identify and formulate using vector calculus
CO3-PO3 1 Student will able to Design solutions for complex engineering problems
on basis of vector calculus
CO4-PO1 3 Student will able to apply the knowledge of vector calculus to the
solution of complex engineering problems
CO4-PO2 2 Student will able to identify and formulate complex engineering
problems using vector calculus
CO4-PO3 1 Student will able to Design solutions for complex engineering problems
on basis of vector calculus
CO5-PO1 3 Students will able to apply the knowledge of numerical methods to
evaluate the roots of various algebraic equation, Ordinary Differential
equation .
CO5-PO2 2 Student will able to identify and analyze engineering problem using
various numerical method .
CO5-PO3 1 Student will able to Design solutions for ODEs on basis of numerical
CO6-PO1 3 Student will able to Apply the knowledge of difference equation and
Partial Differential Equation to find the solution of complex engineering
CO6-PO2 2 Student will able to identify and formulate engineering problem using
Partial Differential Equation and Partial differential equation.
CO6-PO3 1 Student will able to Design solutions for complex engineering problems
on basis of difference equation and Partial differential equation.

CO- PSO Justification

Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
CO1-PSO1 1 Student will able to apply the knowledge of ODE in development of computer
CO2-PSO1 1 Student will able to apply the knowledge of LT in development of computer
CO3-PSO1 1 Student will able to apply the knowledge of Vector Calculus in development of
computer programming.
CO4-PSO1 1 Student will able to apply the knowledge of Complex Analysis in development
of computer programming.
CO5-PSO1 1 Student will able to apply the knowledge of Numerical Method in development
of computer programming.
CO6-PSO1 1 Student will able to apply the knowledge of Difference equation and Partial
Differential equation in development of computer programming.

3ETC02 Course Name: Object Oriented Programming

CO-PO matrices of course

CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 1 - - - - - 1
CO2 3 2 2 1 2 1 - - - - - 1
CO3 3 2 2 1 2 1 - - - - - 1
CO4 3 2 1 2 2 1 - - - - - 1
CO5 3 2 3 2 2 1 - - - - - 1
CO6 3 2 3 2 2 1 - - - - - 1
Avg 3 2 2.16 1.5 1.83 1 1

1. Enter correlation levels 1,2 or as defined below:

1:Slight (low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)
If there is no correlation, put “-“

CO-PSO matrices of course

CO1 2 3
CO2 3 3
CO3 3 3
CO4 3 3
CO5 3 3
CO6 3 3
Avg 2.83 3

Mapping Level Justification

Students will able to apply an engineering specialization to get the
CO1-PO1 3 solution of complex engineering problems.
Students will be able to Identify, formulateand analyze complex
CO1-PO2 2
engineering problems using object oriented programming concepts.
Students will able to Design solutions for complex engineering problems
CO1-PO3 2 and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration using OPP.
Students will be able to useresearch methods including design of
CO1-PO4 1
experiments, analysis and interpretation of data.
Students will be able to Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
CO1-PO5 1
resources, and modern engineering for particular solution.
Student will be able to reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge
CO1-PO6 1
and can apply different approaches
Student will be able to Recognize the need forobject
CO1-PO12 1
Students will able toexplainthe concept of ofClass, Objects, Functions
CO2-PO1 3
Students will able to analyze the problem using principles of
CO2-PO2 2
Students will able to develop solutions and design system components
CO2-PO3 2
using the concepts of object oriented programming
CO2-PO4 1 Students will able to investigations and analyze of complex problems.
CO2-PO5 2 Students will able to use Modern tool usage.
Students will able to understand the consequent responsibilities relevant
CO2-PO6 1 to the professional engineering practice in programming.
Students will able to use the concepts in life-long learning in the broadest
CO2-PO12 1 context of technological change.
Students will able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
CO3-PO1 3 engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to get the
CO3-PO2 Students will able to identify and formulate to make use of the use of
Inheritance & containership.
CO3-PO3 Students will able to Design solutions using Inheritance & containership
CO3-PO4 Students will able to analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of
the information to provide valid conclusions.
CO3-PO5 Students will able to apply appropriate techniques and make use of
different concepts to perform.
CO3-PO6 Students will able to explain modeling to complex engineering activities
1 with an understanding of the limitations.
CO3-PO12 Students will able to recognize need of using Inheritance&Overloading
1 unary & binary Operators in C++.
CO4-PO1 Students will able to applyengineering specialization to the solution of
3 complex engineering problems.

CO4-PO2 2 Students will able to Identify and analyze complex engineering problems.
CO4-PO3 Students will able to Design solutions for complex engineering problems
1 and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration.
CO4-PO4 2 Students will able tounderstand and use the Basic Concepts of java
CO4-PO5 Students will able to understanding of the limitations and use the modern
2 tool and technique.
CO4-PO6 1 Students will able to use the concept to engineer and society.
CO4-PO12 1 Students will able to recognize &Understand the Basic Concepts of Java.
CO5-PO1 Students will able to understand and demonstrate the concept of streams
3 and file handling to solve complex problem.
CO5-PO2 Students will able to analyze complex engineering problems reaching
substantiated conclusions.
CO5-PO3 Students will able to Design the solution of complex engineering problem
using stream and file handling.
CO5-PO4 Students will able to use the concept of Class ,objects ,& Methods in
java by investigation of complex problem
CO5-PO5 2 Students will able todefine modern engineering and IT tools including
prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities.
CO5-PO6 Students will able to apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess.
CO5-PO12 Students will able to recognize the concept of Class ,objects ,Methods in
CO6-PO1 Students will able to understand and apply the knowledge of engineering
3 specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
CO6-PO2 Students will able to identify and formulateMultiple inheritance &
interface in java related problems.
CO6-PO3 Students will able to develop and design solutions for complex
engineering problems usingMultiple inheritance & interface.
CO6-PO4 Students will able to Conduct investigations of complex problemsrelating
2 to Multiple inheritance & interface
CO6-PO5 Students will able to apply Multiple inheritance & interface for solving
different problem.
CO6-PO6 Students will able to be consequent responsibilities relevant to the
1 professional engineering practice.
CO6-PO12 Students will ablethe use ofMultiple inheritance & interface Exception
1 Handling for life-long context of technological change.

Mapping Level Justification

CO1-PSO1 2 Students will learn apply different approaches to design system development
CO1-PSO2 3 Student will be able to Use knowledge of various concepts to implement
innovative solutions.
CO2-PSO1 3 Student will be able to identify and use different concepts Class, Objects,
Functions &Constructorsfor system development
CO2-PSO2 3 Student will be able to solve problems related to system development.
CO3-PSO1 3 Student will be able to demonstrate the use of Inheritance &Overloading unary &
binary Operators in building the software or hardware projects.
CO3-PSO2 3 Student will be able to analyze problems, use knowledge of various concepts to
implement innovative solutions in industry and business
CO4-PSO1 3 Student will be able to implement the concept of Basic Concepts of java
functions in building the system development
CO4-PSO2 3 Student will be able knowledge of Basic Concepts of java to solve system
development problems
CO5-PSO1 3 Student will be able to analyze the concept of Class ,objects ,Methods in java to
design the system hardware and software.
CO5-PSO2 3 Student will be able to identify the needs of industry and business following
ethical valuesusingthe concept of Class ,objects ,Methods in java ..
CO6-PSO1 3 Student will be able to analyze the concepts of Multiple inheritance & interface
in software and hardware design.
CO6-PSO2 3 Student will be able to analyzethe need of Multiple inheritance & interface in
industry and business innovative solution.
3ETC03 Course Name: Electronic Devices And Circuits
CO-PO Mapping:

CO-PO/PSO Mapping
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation) 3-Strong, 2-Medium, 1-Weak
Programme Outcomes(POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 3 - 1 - - - - - - 2 3 -
CO2 3 2 2 - - - - - - - - 1 2 1
CO3 3 2 3 - - - - - 2 2 - 1 3 2
CO4 3 3 2 - - - - - 2 2 - 2 2 2

CO- PO Justification
Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
CO1-PO1 3 Apply the knowledge of electronics engineering system and solve the
problem of temperature dependence of diode.
CO1-PO2 2 Identify and solve problems of Rectifier and filter.
CO1-PO3 3 Apply the knowledge of semiconductors in order to understand the
operation of various electronic devices.
CO1-PO5 1 Design various blocks of DC power supply on proteussoftware tool.
CO1-PO12 2 Develop the knowledge of basic electronics engineeringwhich will be
used in real life

CO2-PO1 3 Analyze CB/CC/CE configuration BJT with its mathematical background

and also the basics of FET,UJT & its parameters.
CO2-PO2 2 Identify and solve problems regarding operating point and DC load line.
And the problems regarding design of FET & UJT.
CO2-PO3 2 Design various amplifier circuits with consideration of different
parameters and specifications.
CO2-PO12 1 Gain the knowledge of BJT,FET,MOSFET& UJT for future use.

CO3-PO1 3 Use the knowledge of FEEDBACK Concept ,power amplifiers and

oscillators to develop various amplifier circuits with its mathematical
CO3-PO2 3 Analyze problems and understand the criteria for explaining power
amplifier and oscillators.
CO3-PO3 2 Design audio amplifier by using the concepts of power gain, efficiency,
dissipation and distortion
CO3-PO9 2 Design a mini Project by using the knowledge of electronics devices.
CO3-PO10 2 Gain knowledge of Electronics Devices from teaching and present
amongst student.
CO3-PO12 2 Gain knowledge of typical transistor amplifier circuits for future use.

CO4-PO1 3 Use the knowledge of amplifiers and oscillators to develop various

amplifier circuits.
CO4-PO2 3 Analyze problems and understand the criteria for explaining power
amplifier and oscillators.
CO4-PO3 2 Design amplifiercircuit by using the concepts of BJT, FET and
Relaxation oscillator using UJT.
CO4-PO9 2 Design a mini Project by using the knowledge of electronics devices.
CO4-PO10 2 Gain knowledge of Electronics Devices from teaching and present
amongst student.
CO4-PO12 2 Gain knowledge of power amplifiers and oscillator circuits for future use.

CO- PSO Justification

Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
CO1-PSO1 3 Analyze and designDC power supply.
CO2-PSO1 2 Formulate and design ideas on CE amplifier which will lead to make design
in the future requirementsand Analyze unipolar semiconductor devices like
CO3-PSO1 3 Understand the feedback concept and working of power amplifiers and
CO4-PSO1 2 Construct different amplifier circuits for increasing the strength of signals
over channel.

CO2-PSO2 1 Use modern technique for electronics devices testing.

CO3-PSO2 2 Use modern simulation technique for practical approach.
CO4-PSO2 2 By using modern software design project.
3ETC04 Course Name: Digital System Design

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-

CO-PO/PSO Mapping
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation) 3-Strong, 2-Medium, 1-Weak
Programme Outcomes(POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 2
CO2 2 2 2 1 2
CO3 2 3 3 1 1 3
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 2

CO-PO Mapping & Justification:-

Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
CO1-PO1 3 Apply the knowledge of structure of various number system and solve
problems using mathematical fundamentals of Boolean algebra
CO1-PO2 2 Identify and solve problems of number system and Boolean algebra.
CO1-PO3 2 Apply the knowledge of number system in designing circuit.
CO1-PO10 1 Explain the Conversion of number system
CO1-PO12 1 Develop the knowledge of number system which will be used in real life

CO2-PO1 2 Apply the knowledge of various gates and basic electronics.

CO2-PO2 2 Identify and solve problems regarding gates and Ics.
CO2-PO3 2 Design various systems by simulating Logic families
CO2-PO5 1 Use different simulation tools to perform operation of logic gates and Ics.
CO2-PO12 2 Develop the Lifelong learning for Logic gates and logic families

CO3-PO1 2 Use the knowledge of logic gate principles and number systems to
develop circuits.
CO3-PO2 3 Identify and solve problems of Combinational and Sequential circuits.
CO3-PO3 3 Design various Combinational and Sequential circuits.
CO3-PO4 1 Investigate the problem and solve using circuits
CO3-PO6 1 Understand the safety, its problem and solution in designing circuits.
CO3-PO12 2 Gain knowledge of Combinational and Sequential circuits for future use.

CO4-PO1 2 Use the knowledge of memory organization and operation to develop

CO4-PO2 2 Analyze problems and understand the implementation using PLDs
CO4-PO3 2 Design various systems by using semiconductor memories
CO4-PO10 2 Explain the working of PLDs
CO4-PO12 2 Gain knowledge of Semiconductor memories and for future use.

CO- PSO Justification

Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
CO1-PSO1 2 Analyze and solve Boolean algebra and number system problems.
CO2-PSO1 2 Simulate different logic families using various software tools.
CO3-PSO1 3 Construct different Combinational and Sequential circuits.
CO4-PSO1 2 Understand working of PLDs and programmable memories.

3ETC05 Course Name: Electromagnetic Wave

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-

Program Outcomes (POs)
Course Outcomes
Outcome (PSOs)
s (COs) P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 1
CO1 3 3 1 2 1 - - - - - - - 3 2

3 3 - 2 1 - - - - - - 1 3 2

CO3 3 2 1 2 1 - - - - - - 1 3 2

CO4 3 2 1 2 1 - - - - - - 1 3 2

3 3 1 2 1 - - - - - - 1 3 2
3 3 1 2 1 1 3 2
Note: Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or as defined: 1: Slight (low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3:
Substantial (High) “--”: No correlation

CO-PO-PSO Mapping & Justification

Map Mapping Justification of Mapping
CO1,2,3,4,5,6 3 Acquiring fundamental concept of Electro Magnetic Field , Electrostatics,
–PO1 Magnetostatics, EM Wave and Radiation etc. and Understanding need
mathematical tool

CO1,2,5,6 3 Analyzing the need and importance of mathematical tool to solve various
–PO2 electrostatics, Magnetostatics radiation and vector application.
CO1,3,4 –PO2 2 Analyzing the need and importance of mathematical tool to solve various
bouandary condition and EM wave
CO1,3,4,5,6 – 1 Investigating about various concept in electrostatics, magnetostatics,
PO3 radiation and EM wave to optimize electromagnetic field problem.
CO1,2,3,4,5,6– 2 Research based analysis, and synthesis of the vector application,
PO4 electrostatics, magnetostatics and dynamic EM field problem to provide
valid conclusions of electromagnetic field problem
CO1,2,3,4,5,6 1 Modern engineering always required knowledge of vector calculus,
–PO5 electrostatics, magnetostatics for modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
CO 2,3,4,5,6 – 1 Recognize the need of electromagnetic field for engaging life-long learning
PO12 in the broadest context of technological change
CO1,2,3,4,5,6- 3 Knowledge of Electromagnetic field help to design and analyze different
PSO1 electronics and telecommunications systems.

4ETC01 Course Name : Analog and Digital Communication

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-
Program Outcomes (POs)
Course Outcomes
Outcome (PSOs)
s (COs) P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 1
CO1 3 2 1 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- 1 3 --
CO2 3 2 1 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- 1 3 --
CO3 3 1 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 3 --
CO4 3 2 1 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- 1 3 --
CO5 3 2 1 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- 1 3 --
CO6 3 2 1 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- 1 3 --
Note: Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or as defined: 1: Slight (low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3:
Substantial (High) “--”: No correlation

CO-PO-PSO Mapping & Justification:-

Map Mapping Justification of Mapping
CO1-PO1 3 Acquiring fundamental concept of communication and understanding need of
modulation. Identifying basic building blocks of a communication system.
Acquiring fundamentals of modulation and interpret different analog
modulation schemes, building blocks of AM, FM transmitter systems.
CO1-PO2 2 Analyzing need and importance modulation in the field of communication.
Analyzing role, application, and importance of each modulation scheme in
the field of communication.
CO1-PO3 1 Applying modulation scheme in the field of communication for transmitter
section design.
CO1-PO4 1 Investigating about these modulation schemes in the field of communication
to optimize performance.
CO1-PO6 1 Understand societal needs for up gradation in analog modulation schemes .

CO1- 1 These concepts in the field of communication involve lifelong learning in

PO12 career. Use of modulation scheme in the field of communication and
transmission involves lifelong learning in career.
CO1- 3 Understanding and applying basic concepts of modulation, analog
PSO1 modulation schemes in communication system design for solving real life
CO2-PO1 3 Acquiring fundamentals of demodulation and interpret different analog
demodulation schemes, building blocks of AM, FM receiver systems.
CO2-PO2 2 Analyzing role, application, and importance of each analog demodulation
scheme in the field of communication along-with receiver characteristics.
CO2-PO3 1 Applying demodulation scheme in the field of communication for receiver
section design.
CO2-PO4 1 Investigating about these demodulation schemes in the field of communication
to optimize performance.
CO2-PO6 1 Understand societal needs for up gradation in analog demodulation schemes.

CO2- 1 These concepts in the field of communication involve lifelong learning in

PO12 career. Use of demodulation scheme in the field of communication and
reception involves lifelong learning in career.
CO2- 3 Understanding and applying basic concepts of demodulation, analog
PSO1 demodulation schemes in communication system design for solving real life
CO3-PO1 3 Acquiring fundamentals of random process and interpret noise and its effects
in communication especially in FM.
CO3-PO2 2 Analyzing role and importance of noise and hence random process in the
field of communication.
CO3-PO3 1 Applying these random process characteristics and distribution functions in
the field of communication for transmitter section design.
CO3- 1 Use of random process characteristics and distribution functions in the field of
PO12 communication and reception of signal involves lifelong learning in career.

CO3- 3 Understanding and applying random process characteristics and distribution

PSO1 functions in the field of communication in solving real life problems.

CO4-PO1 3 Understanding sampling theorem and Nyquist criteria. Applying Nyquist

criteria. Acquiring knowledge of types of sampling techniques and their use in
different modulation schemes.
CO4-PO2 2 Analyzing sampling theorem mathematically.

CO4-PO3 1 Applying sampling techniques and Nyquist criteria in design of modulator

demodulator for pulse/digital modulation.
CO4-PO4 1 Investigating about sampling methods and pulse analog modulation schemes
in the field of communication to optimize performance.
CO4-PO6 1 Understand societal needs for up gradation in pulse analog modulation
CO4- 1 Use of sampling theorem and pulse analog modulation scheme in the field of
PO12 communication and transmission involves lifelong learning in career.
CO4- 3 Understanding and applying basic concepts of sampling techniques and pulse
PSO1 analog schemes in communication system design for solving real life
CO5-PO1 3 Acquiring fundamental concept of digital communication .Identifying basic
building blocks of a digital communication system. Acquiring fundamentals of
information theory and line coding.
CO5-PO2 2 Analyzing need, importance and role of digital communication, information
theory and encoding techniques in the field of communication.
CO5-PO3 1 Applying information theory in the field of digital communication.

CO5-PO4 1 Investigating about information theory and parameter in digital

communication to optimize performance.
CO5-PO6 1 Understand societal needs for up gradation in digital communication systems
and coding techniques.
CO5- 1 Use of information theory in design of digital communication system and
PO12 transmission involves lifelong learning in career.
CO5- 3 Understanding and applying basic concepts of information theory in digital
PSO1 communication system design for solving real life problems.
CO6-PO1 3 Acquiring fundamentals of digital modulation techniques.

CO6-PO2 2 Analyzing need, importance and role of digital modulation.

CO6-PO3 1 Applying digital modulation techniques in the field of digital communication.

CO6-PO4 1 Investigating about digital modulation techniques in digital communication to
optimize performance.
CO6-PO6 1 Understand societal needs for up gradation of digital modulation techniques in
digital communication systems.
CO6- 1 Use of digital modulation techniques in design of digital communication
PO12 system and transmission involves lifelong learning in career.
CO6- 3 Understanding and applying basic concepts of digital modulation techniques
PSO1 in digital communication system design for solving real life problems.

4ETC02 Course Name :Signal & System

CO-PO-PSO Mapping
Course Program Outcomes (POs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 O1 O2
CO1 3 1 3
CO2 3 2 2 2
CO3 2 1 3
CO4 3 2 2 2
CO5 1 3
CO6 1 2 2 2

CO-PO Mapping & Justification

Mapping Level Justification

Students will able to apply knowledge of mathematics for different signal

C401.1-PO1 3
operations and to representation different elementary and basic signals.

Student able to apply certain mathematical operation on signal in innovative

C401.1-PO12 1
mathematical model for designing the system in any area of engineering.

Representation of different fourier series and their properties require

C401.2-PO1 3
mathematical background

Analysis of different signals using trigonometric, quadrature and exponential

C401.2-PO2 2
fourier series
By finding frequency response of different LTIC systems students can
C401.2-PO4 2
analyze and interprets data for valid result.

Student required basic knowledge of engineering and mathematics to classify

C401.3-PO1 2
different system using some model.

C401.3-PO2 1 Student able to identify the response of different LTI system and analyze it.

Fourier transforms evaluation and their properties required mathematics

C401.4-PO1 3

C401.4-PO2 2 Students will able to do analysis of different impulse based system

Interpretation of data may synthesize valid result by analyzing different

C401.4-PO4 2
impulse response based system.

C401.5-PO1 1 Sampling of signal required basic knowledge of engineering and science.

Student will have knowledge about new technology updating in sampling

C401.5-PO12 1

Students required the knowledge of engineering and science along with

C401.6-PO1 2
mathematics for laplace transform

Student will able to review various literatures to understand and explain

C401.6-PO2 2
about the application of frequency domain analysis.

Students able to apply frequency domain analysis on different signal using

C401.4-PO3 2
mathematical tool laplace transform.

Student will apply fundamental knowledge of types of different signals and

C401.1-PSO1 3
mathematical operation to analyze certain problem in design.

Students will able to design different system in the form of mathematical

C401.2-PSO1 2
model for periodic and aperiodic signal using fourier analysis.

Students will able to classify different system by fundamental knowledge of

C401.3-PSO1 3

Students will able to analyze different system based on impulse response

C401.4-PSO1 2
using fourier transform.
Students able to apply different sampling methods to get better result of
C401.5-PSO1 3
processed signal.

Students able to apply frequency domain analysis on different signal using

C401.6-PSO1 2
mathematical tool laplace transform.

4ETC03 Course Name: Analog Circuit

CO-PO Mapping:

CO-PO/PSO Mapping
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation) 3-Strong, 2-Medium, 1-Weak
Programme Outcomes(POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 3 - 1 - - - - - - 2 3 -
CO2 3 2 2 - - - - - - - - 1 2 1
CO3 3 2 3 - - - - - - - - 1 3 2
CO4 3 3 2 - - - - - 2 2 - 2 2 2
CO5 3 2 2 - 1 - - - 2 2 - 2 3 2

CO- PO Justification

Mapping Level Justification

Students will able to
CO1-PO1 3 Apply the knowledge of electronics engineering system and using active
and passive component Analyze different wave shaping circuits
CO1-PO2 2 Identify and solve problems of Low pass and High pass filter.
CO1-PO3 3 Apply the knowledge of Active and passive component in order to
understand the operations of Low pass,High pass filter and Multivibrator.
CO1-PO5 1 Design various blocks of wave shaping circuits on proteussoftware tool.
CO1-PO12 2 Develop the knowledge of basic electronics engineeringwhich will be
used in real life

CO2-PO1 3 Analyze CB/CC/CE configuration BJT with its mathematical background

and also the basics of FET,UJT& its parameters and multivibrator.
CO2-PO2 2 Identify and solve problems regarding operating point and DC load line.
And the problems regarding design of FET & UJT.
CO2-PO3 2 Design various amplifier circuits with consideration of different
parameters and specifications.
CO2-PO12 1 Gain the knowledge of BJT, FET, MOSFET& UJT and Multivibratorfor
future use andevaluation of the switching behavior of semiconductor

CO3-PO1 3 Use the knowledge of All typesdifferential amplifierwith its

mathematical formulation
CO3-PO2 3 Analyze problems and understand the criteria for explaining the
amplifiers circuits and different parameter of OP-AMP.
CO3-PO3 2 Design block diagram of OP-AMP by using differential amplifier and
power amplifier and different electronics circuit using the concepts of
CMRR,Slew rate, Input offset voltage,PSRR and distortion
CO3-PO12 2 Gain knowledge of Operational amplifier circuits for future use.

CO4-PO1 3 Use the knowledge of feedback concept, amplifiers and OP-AMP to

develop various Linear and Non-linear circuits.
CO4-PO2 3 Analyze problems and understand the criteria for explaining Linear and
Non-linear application of OP-AMP.
CO4-PO3 2 Design Linear and Non-linear application of OP-AMPby using the
concepts of Feedback, Gain, power amplifier, oscillator, Filters using
CO4-PO9 2 Design a mini Project by using the knowledge of op-amp.
CO4-PO10 2 Gain knowledge of different application of OP-AMP from teaching
learning process and present amongst student.
CO4-PO12 2 Gain knowledge of Linear and Non-linear application of OP-AMP for
future use.

CO5-PO1 3 Use the knowledge of feedback concept, amplifiers, Comparator and OP-
AMP to develop various circuits using PLL.
CO5-PO2 2 Analyze problems and understand the criteria for explaining various
application of PLL.
CO5-PO3 2 Design various application of PLL by using the concepts of Feedback,
Gain, power amplifier, oscillator, Filtersand digital circuits
CO5-PO5 1 Design various blocks of PLL on proteus software tool
CO5-PO9 Design a mini Project by using the knowledge of PLL.
CO5-PO10 2 Gain knowledge of different application of PLL from teaching learning
process and present amongst student.
CO5-PO12 2 Gain knowledge of Linear and Non-linear application of OP-AMP for
future use.
CO- PSO Justification
Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
CO1-PSO1 3 Analyze and design various wave shaping circuits.
CO2-PSO1 2 Formulate and design ideas on CE amplifier which will lead to make design
in the future requirementsand Analyze unipolar semiconductor devices like
CO3-PSO1 3 Understand the feedback concept, working of power amplifiers and basics
blocks of OP-AMP and its different parameters of OP-AMP.
CO4-PSO1 2 Construct different Linear and Non-Linear application of OP-AMP by
using active and passive component, feedback concept and amplifier.
CO5-PSO1 3 Analyze and design various Circuits using the PLL.

CO2-PSO2 1 Use modern technique for electronics devices testing.

CO3-PSO2 2 Use modern simulation technique for practical approach.
CO4-PSO2 2 By using modern software design project.
CO5-PSO2 2 Use modern simulation technique and modern software for practical
approach of PLL.

4ETC04 Course Name: Network Theory

. CO-PO Mapping:

CO-PO/PSO Mapping
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation) 3-Strong, 2-Medium, 1-Weak
Programme Outcomes(POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 2 1 3 1
CO2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1
CO3 3 2 2 1 3 1
CO4 3 2 2 1 2 1
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 2
CO6 3 2 2 1 1

CO- PO Justification
Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
Students will be able to apply the knowledge of circuit analysis using
CO1- PO1 3
mesh & nodal to find the solution of complex engineering problems.
Students will be able to formulate the complex engineering problems
CO1- PO2 2
using principles of mathematics with nodal & mesh analysis.
Student will be able to apply the knowledge of circuit design using mesh
CO1- PO3 2 & nodal analysis for the design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components.
With the knowledge of circuit design using mesh & nodal analysis
CO1- PO12 1 student can work with life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.
Students will be able to apply the knowledge of circuit analysis using
CO1- PO1 3
mesh & nodal to find the solution of complex engineering problems.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge of graph theory for defining
CO2- PO1 3 the parameters of analog circuit in the hardware implementation in an
engineering design..
Students will be able to implement, formulate the hardware modeling
CO2- PO2 2
with the knowledge of graph theory.
Student will be able to apply the knowledge graph theory for design
CO2- PO3 2
solutions for complex engineering hardware design.
Students will be able to use the modern tools for the system design using
CO2- PO5 1
principles of graph theory.
The concept of graph theory in the analog & digital system design for
CO2- PO12 1
lifelong learning is very useful for Students.

Student will be able to apply Laplace transform as a research-based

CO3- PO1 3
method for analyzing the networks with algebraic calculations.
Student will be able to use Laplace transform for analyzing the complex
CO3- PO2 2
circuit design problems.
Student will be able to use Laplace transform for design solutions for
CO3- PO3 2
analog & digital system design.
Students can use the concept of Laplace transform for life long term for
CO3- PO12 1
circuit and network analysis.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge network theorems in the

CO4- PO1 3 design and development of hardware platform for modern engineering
Students will be able to formulate problems in the design and
CO4- PO2 2
development of hardware with the network analysis.
Student will be able to apply the knowledge network theorems to solve
CO4- PO3 2
the complex engineering problems in the hardware and circuit design.
Student can use the knowledge of network theorems lifelong for the
CO4- PO12 1
circuit design.

Student will be able to apply the knowledge of two pork network to the
CO5- PO1 3
professional engineering practice for the design of systems.
Students will be able to formulate the two port analysis technique in
CO5- PO2 2
multidisciplinary settings for the system design.
CO5- PO3 2 Student will be able to participate actively in the design and development
of analog or digital system design with the knowledge of two port
Student will be able to use fundamentals of two port network using
CO5- PO5 1
modern simulation tools for system design.
Student can use the knowledge of two pork network lifelong for system
CO5- PO12 1
design in the field of engineering.

Student will be able to apply the knowledge of two pork network to the
CO6- PO1 3
professional engineering practice for the design of systems.
Students will be able to formulate the two port analysis technique in
CO6- PO2 2
multidisciplinary settings for the system design.
Student will be able to participate actively in the design and development
CO6- PO3 2 of analog or digital system design with the knowledge of two port
Student can use the knowledge of two pork network lifelong for system
CO6- PO12 1
design in the field of engineering.

CO- PSO Justification

Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
Students will be able to apply fundamental knowledge of circuit with
CO1-PSO1 3 mesh & nodal analysis to define the conceptual hardware design for
complex engineering applications.
Students will be able to utilize knowledge of circuit analysis to
CO1-PSO2 1
implement innovative solutions to cater the needs of industry.
Students will be able to implement the concept of graph theory and
CO2-PSO1 2
analysis to formulate the parameters of system.
1 Students will be able to apply the knowledge of graph theory for
technological advancements of modern design tools.
With the knowledge of Laplace transform student can play most
CO3-PSO1 3 important role in design and analyze different electronics and
telecommunication systems.
Student will be able to use Laplace transform in research-based domains
CO3-PSO2 1
to implement innovative solutions to cater the needs of industry.
Students will be able to implement the network theorems in
CO4-PSO1 2
multidisciplinary hardware design projects.
Student will be able to use network theorems technique for life-long
CO4-PSO2 1
learning to cater the needs of hardware design industry.
Student will be able to participate actively in the design and development
CO5-PSO1 2 of analog or digital system design with the knowledge of two port
Student will be able to use network functions concepts with modern
CO6-PSO1 2
simulation tools for hardware system design & development.
5ET1 Course Name: Microcontroller (5ETC01)
CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-
Course Specific
Program Outcomes (POs)
Outcom Outcomes
es (PSOs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11 12 O1 O2
CO1 1 1 1 1
CO2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2
CO3 1 1 1 1
CO4 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2
CO5 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3 3
CO6 1 1 1 1

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-

CO-PO Mapping & Justification:-

Mapping Level Justification

CO1-PO1 1 Students will be able to apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

CO1-PO2 1 Using Basic knowledge of Execution able to identify problem analysis.

CO2-PO1 1 Students will be able to apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

CO2-PO2 2 Using Basic knowledge of Execution able to identify problem analysis.

CO2-PO3 2 possible to adopt programming efficiency which require for design considerations

CO2-PO4 2 Students will be able but present scenario needs advancements as per as applications
is concerned.

CO2-PO9 1 Able to work for individual & team work if adopt & develop programming skill.
CO2-PO10 1 Skill will be converted into communication

CO2-PO11 2 able to demonstrate knowledge but again require advancements in terms of technology.

CO2-PO12 1 continuous process needs preparation & engagement

CO3-PO1 1 Students will be able to apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

CO3-PO2 1 Using Basic knowledge of Execution able to identify problem analysis.

CO4-PO1 1 Students will able to understand programming concepts using basic knowledge of
math’s & Science

CO4-PO2 2 foundation forms but explore & update needs more practice. for problem analysis.

CO4-PO3 2 possible to adopt programming efficiency in assembly & C which require for design

CO4-PO4 2 Students will be able but present scenario needs advancements as per as applications
is concerned.

CO4-PO9 2 Able to work for individual & team work if adopt & develop programming skill.

CO4-PO10 2 Skill will be converted into communication

CO4-PO11 2 able to demonstrate knowledge but again require advancements in terms of technology.

CO4-PO12 1 continuous process needs preparation & engagement

CO5-PO1 1 Students will be able to apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

CO5-PO2 3 Using Basic knowledge of Execution able to identify problem analysis.

CO5-PO3 3 possible to adopt programming efficiency which require for design considerations

CO5-PO4 3 Students will be able but present scenario needs advancements as per as applications
is concerned.

CO5-PO9 2 Able to work for individual & team work if adopt & develop programming skill.

CO5-PO10 2 Skill will be converted into communication

CO5-PO11 3 able to demonstrate knowledge but again require advancements in terms of technology.

CO5-PO12 1 continuous process needs preparation & engagement

CO6-PO1 1 Students will be able to apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

CO6-PO2 1 Using Basic knowledge of Execution able to identify problem analysis.

CO1-PSO1 1 Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication

CO1-PSO2 1 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication systems.

CO2-PSO1 2 able to apply basics & think for different applications

CO2-PSO2 2 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication systems

CO3-PSO1 1 Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication


CO3-PSO2 1 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication systems.

CO4-PSO1 2 Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication


CO4-PSO2 2 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication systems

CO5-PSO1 3 able to apply basics & think for different applications

CO5-PSO2 3 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication systems
for different applications

CO6-PO1 1 Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication


CO6-PO2 1 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication systems.

CO-PSO Justifications

CO1-PSO1 1 Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication

CO1-PSO2 1 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication
CO2-PSO1 2 able to apply basics & think for different applications
CO2-PSO2 2 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication
CO3-PSO1 1 Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication
CO3-PSO2 1 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication
CO4-PSO1 2 Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication
CO4-PSO2 2 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication
CO5-PSO1 3 able to apply basics & think for different applications
CO5-PSO2 3 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication
systems for different applications
CO6-PSO1 1 Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication
CO6-PSO2 1 knowledge to design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication

5ET2 Course Name: Power Electronics & Drives

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-
5ET2.1 3 3 2
5ET2.2 3 2 1 2
5ET2.3 3 2 2 3
5ET2.4 3 1 1
5ET2.5 2 3 2 1

CO-PO Mapping &Justification:-

Map Mapping Level Justification of Mapping

CO1-PO1 3 Describe the basics about power semiconductor devices.

CO2 – PO1 3 Able to troubleshoot and analyze the SCR based firing and commutation circuits.
CO1-PO3 3 Use the practical knowledge of various types of rectifiers, ac-ac converters, dc-
CO2-PO3 1 dc converters and dc-ac converters
CO3-PO3 2 Understand the design of various thyristor based converter circuits.

CO4-PO1 1 Know various analysis approach involves in design of AC & DC drives

CO4- PO3
CO5-PO1 2 Analyze and design various power electronic circuits and systems; suggest and
CO5-PO2 3 develop electronic systems/solutions for field problems like UPS,SMPS, AC &
CO5-PO3 2
DC drives.


Map Mapping Level Justification of Mapping

CO1-PSO1 2 Sound knowledge of thyristor family , various basic and advanced laws
governing power semiconductor devices like SCR , power MOSFET, IGBT, UJT.
CO2-PSO1 2 Practical knowledge and troubleshooting techniques about rectifiers,
CO3-PSO1 3 Practical knowledge and troubleshooting techniques about cycloconverters
and inverters.
CO4-PSO1 1 Analyze and illustrate the operation of various DC and AC motors

CO5-PSO1 1 Applications of various power electronic circuits and systems in AC & DC


5ET3 Course Name: Digital Signal Processing

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2
6ET4. 3 3 3 1
6ET4. 3 3 1 2 3 1
6ET4. 3 3 1 2 3 1
6ET4. 3 3 2 2 2 3 2
6ET4. 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 2
6ET4. 3 2 2 2 2 3 3

CO-PO Mapping & Justification:-

Map Mapping Justification of Mapping
CO1-PO1 3 High-Able to identify the classification of signals in terms of periodic-
aperiodic, even – odd, energy-power, Deterministic-random, complex
exponential, sinusoidal signals, unit impulse and unit step.
CO1-PO2 3 High-Able to determine the mathematical operation on signals and systems
using time scaling, time shifting, linearity, causality, time invariance, stability,
convolution theorem.
CO2-PO1 3 High-Able to analyze the Z-transform with the help of properties of ROC,
CO2-PO2 3 Poles and Zeros , inverse z-transform using Contour integration - Residue
CO2-PO3 1 Theorem, Power Series expansion and Partial fraction expansion.
CO2-PO4 2
CO3-PO1 3 High-Able to discriminate different spectrum analysis techniques and its
CO3-PO2 3 analysis and characteristics on LTI system using Fourier transform.
CO3-PO3 1 High- The Fourier transform gives you another domain, the frequency
CO3-PO4 2 domain, to work with your signals. Some signals have simpler structure in the
frequency domain than in the time domain. There are also some operations
that are easier to perform in the frequency domain
CO4-PO1 3 High- IIR filters usually require fewer coefficients to execute similar filtering
CO4-PO2 3
CO4-PO3 2 operations, that IIR filters work faster, and require less memory space.
CO4-PO4 2 High- FIR filter can be trivially designed to have linear phase, constant group
Medium-It is used in Medical fields, IIR filter is used to enhance the alpha
activity in an EEG signal
CO5-PO1 3 High-Knowledge of mathematics, engineering fundamentals is essential.
CO5-PO2 3 High- Multi-rate filter system plays a substantial role in numerous signal
CO5-PO3 3 processing applications such as data compression, scrambling, adaptive
CO5-PO4 2 signals processing.
CO5-PO5 2 Medium- Their function is to alter the rate of the discrete-time signals, by
adding or deleting a portion of the signal samples.
CO6-PO1 3 High- This fixed-point DSP family is especially suited for wireless applications
CO6-PO2 2 and it is shown how, by taking full advantage of the DSP architecture and
CO6-PO3 2 instruction set, advanced wireless speech processing applications can be
CO6-PO4 2 efficiently implemented on these devices. The performances of the complete
CO6-PO5 2 speech enhancement application in a car environment are presented,
showing that even with a fixed-point arithmetic implementation, high
performances close to a floating point implementation can be achieved.


Map Justification of Mapping
Manipulate the discrete time signals and identify the type
CO1-PSO1 3
1 system.
This is also used in the design of different systems
CO2-PSO1 3 Analyze discrete time systems in both time and frequency
CO2-PSO2 1 domains
CO3-PSO1 3
1 Evaluate Linear and Circular convolution using DFT and IDFT.
CO4-PSO1 3 Integration concepts to be used for designing filters
CO4-PSO2 2 Design IIR and FIR Filters and obtain their frequency responses
CO5-PSO1 3 Understanding the concepts of Multirate signal processing to
CO5-PSO2 2 design and analyze electronic & telecommunications systems.
CO6-PSO1 3
3 Understand the basics of MATLAB and Code Composer Studio
5ET4 Course Name: Control System
CO-PO Mapping:

CO-PO/PSO Mapping
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation) 3-Strong, 2-Medium, 1-Weak
Programme Outcomes(POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2 3 - - 1 - - - - - - - 2 -
CO2 3 - - 1 2 - - - - - - - 2 -
CO3 3 - - - - - - - - - 1 - 2 2
CO4 2 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - 3 -
CO5 2 2 - 2 2 - - - - - - - 3 2
CO6 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 -

CO- PO Justification
Mapping Level Justification
Students will be able to find solution to given problem with fundamental
CO1-PO1 2
knowledge of Control System Engineering.
Students will review the literature regarding control system engineering
CO1-PO2 3
to find solutions to engineering problems.
Students will be able to use modern engineering tools if they are familiar
CO1-PO5 1
with basics of control system engineering.

Students will be applying knowledge of mathematics, Engineering to find

CO2-PO1 3
transfer function of the given control system.
For the synthesis of given control system, its transfer function must be
CO2-PO4 1
Students will be using appropriate technique and modern tools like
CO2-PO5 2
Matlab tool box to find transfer function.

Student will be able to determine transient and steady state response with
CO3-PO1 3
fundamentals of mathematics.
Students will be able to Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
CO3-PO11 1
output response of a system through project.

To determine the stability of any system, Student must have basic

CO4-PO1 2 knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
Students will identify the problems regarding system stability and reach
CO4-PO2 2
to conclusion using engineering sciences.
CO4-PO4 2 Students will be able to synthesize the information to provide valid
conclusions for the given system.

CO5-PO1 2 To determine the stability of any system, Student must have basic
knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
CO5-PO2 2 Students will identify the problems regarding system stability and reach
to conclusion using engineering sciences.
CO5-PO4 2 Students will be able to synthesize the information to provide valid
conclusions for the given system.
Students will use modern engineering tools like Matlab toolbox to
CO4-PO5 2
determine frequency response of given control system.

CO6-PO1 2 Students will be able to determine state variable model using

fundamentals of engineering and university level mathematics.

CO- PSO Justification

Mapping Level Justification
Students can absorb the basic terminologies required to analyze given
CO1-PSO1 2
CO2-PSO1 2 Students will be able to find transfer function using basic knowledge.
Transient response and steady state response can be obtained with basic
CO3-PSO1 2
engineering knowledge.
Students will be able to use modern design tools to plot time domain
CO3-PSO2 2
specifications of given system.
Time domain stability analysis of the system can be done using basic
CO4-PSO1 3
engineering knowledge.
CO5-PSO1 Frequency domain stability analysis of the system can be done using basic
engineering knowledge.
CO5-PSO2 2 Matlab tool box can be used to study stability of given control system.
CO6-PSO1 2 By means of basic knowledge one can determine state model and its

5KS05 Course Name: Entrepreneurship

CO-PO Mapping:

CO-PO/PSO Mapping
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation) 3-Strong, 2-Medium, 1-Weak
Programme Outcomes(POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 2 - - - - - - - - 1 3 1

CO2 3 3 2 - 1 - - - - - - 1 2 1
CO3 2 2 1 - 1 - - - - - - 1 2 1

CO- PO Justification
Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
Students will be able to apply the knowledge of Entrepreneurship
CO1-PO1 3 process and Societal & Personal Entrepreneurship Ecosystem to find
the solution of complex engineering problems.
Students will be able to formulate the complex engineering problems
CO1-PO2 2
using principles of Entrepreneurship and successful entrepreneurs.
Student will be able to apply the knowledge of Entrepreneurship
CO1-PO3 2 process and Societal & Personal Entrepreneurship Ecosystem for
complex engineering problems and design system components.
With the knowledge of Entrepreneurship process and Societal &
CO1-PO12 1 Personal Entrepreneurship Ecosystem student can work with life-long
learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge of an entrepreneurial

mind-set by learning key skills such as design, personal selling, and
CO2-PO1 3
communication in the design and development of hardware platform
for modern engineering works.
Students will be able to formulate problems in the design and
development of Entrepreneur ecosystem with the of an entrepreneurial
CO2-PO2 3
mind-set by learning key skills such as design, personal selling, and
Student will be able to apply the knowledge of an entrepreneurial mind-
set by learning key skills such as design, personal selling, and
CO2-PO3 2
communication to solve the complex engineering problems in the start
Student will be able to use fundamentals of of an entrepreneurial mind-
CO2-PO5 1 set by learning key skills such as design, personal selling, and
communication for complex Entrepreneur Ecosystem.
Student can use the knowledge of an entrepreneurial mind-set by
CO2-PO12 1 learning key skills such as design, personal selling, and communication
lifelong for the growth of organization.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge of the DNA of an

CO3-PO1 2 entrepreneur and assess their strengths and weaknesses from an
entrepreneurial perspective implementation in an engineering design.
Students will be able to implement, formulate the DNA of an
CO3-PO2 2 entrepreneur and assess their strengths and weaknesses from an
entrepreneurial perspective.
CO3-PO3 1 Student will be able to apply the knowledge the DNA of an
entrepreneur and assess their strengths and weaknesses from an
entrepreneurial perspective for the complex solution for the
Students will be able to use the modern tools for the Entrepreneur
CO3-PO5 1
ecosystem for the new ideas to implement.
The concept of the DNA of an entrepreneur and assess their strengths
CO3-PO12 1 and weaknesses from an entrepreneurial perspective implementation for
lifelong learning is very useful for Students.

CO- PSO Justification

Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
Students will be able to apply fundamental knowledge of awareness
CO1-PSO1 3 about entrepreneurship and successful entrepreneurs for complex
engineering applications.
Students will be able to utilize knowledge of awareness about
CO1-PSO2 1 entrepreneurship and successful Entrepreneurs solutions to cater the
needs of industry.
Students will be able to implement an entrepreneurial mind-set by
CO2-PSO1 2 learning key skills such as design, personal selling, and communication
for the complex solution for the organization.
Student will be able to use an entrepreneurial mind-set by learning key
CO2-PSO2 1 skills such as design, personal selling, and communication technique for
life-long learning to cater the needs of any industry.
Students will be able to implement the DNA of an entrepreneur and
CO3-PSO1 2 assess their strengths and weaknesses from an entrepreneurial
perspective to formulate the parameters of organization.
Students will be able to apply the knowledge of implement the DNA of
an entrepreneur and assess their strengths and weaknesses from an
CO3-PSO2 1
entrepreneurial perspective for technological advancements of modern

6ET1 Course Name: Microcontroller Programming & Application

Course Program Outcomes (POs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 O1 O2
CO1 3 1 3
CO2 3 1 1 3
CO3 2 3 1 1 1 3
CO4 3 1 1 1 3
CO5 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 2


Map Mapping Justification of Mapping

CO1-PO1 3 Use knowledge of the architecture of AVR 8-bit Microcontroller to make use
of it for various engineering problem and find its optimum solution. Compare
and pick useful device from family.
CO1-PO12 1 Since embedded system is evolving at rapid speed, student understands
importance of lifelong learning in the field.
Utilize knowledge of the architecture of AVR 8-bit Microcontroller to make
CO1-PSO1 3
use of it for various engineering and real life problem solution finding.
Understand RISC architecture and its features in AVR 8-bit Microcontroller.
3 Interpret these features such that these can be further utilized in optimal design
of AVR based system.
CO2-PO3 Use knowledge of the RISC architecture features in designing AVR based
embedded system.
CO2-PO12 As microcontroller architecture can be enhanced for optimize feature in system,
student understands importance of lifelong learning in the field.
Understanding of RISC architecture and its features helps to further utilize
CO2-PSO1 3
knowledge in optimal design of AVR based embedded system.
Understanding basics of AVR programming in assembly and C both, helps to
CO3-PO1 2
excel in programming skills.
Analyzing engineering problems to find optimal solution through AVR C
CO3-PO2 3
program is possible with these skills.
Applying knowledge of AVR programming in design of embedded system
CO3-PO3 1
modules and optimization of performance.
Enlisting modern tools for AVR programming in design of embedded system
CO3-PO5 1
modules and optimization of performance.
Lifelong learning is involved as these AVR programming skills can be applied
CO3-PO12 1
in design and development of embedded system based on AVR.
Applying knowledge of AVR programming in design and optimization of
CO3-PSO1 3
embedded system modules, in real life problem solving.
Understanding inbuilt blocks of AVR utilizing those based on features and
CO4-PO1 3
Analyzing need, role and importance of each AVR block in embedded system
CO4-PO2 1
Applying knowledge in devising an embedded system and choosing best
CO4-PO3 1
possible features of these peripherals for an application.
Lifelong learning is involved as knowledge can be then applied in AVR based
CO4-PO12 1
embedded system design.
CO4-PSO1 3 To apply knowledge of inbuilt blocks, their features, specifications and
comparative analysis in real life problems using engineering principles and
find its solution.
Design the solutions of complex engineering problem with knowledge of
CO5-PO1 1
hardware components and programming knowledge.
CO5-PO2 1 Understand the engineering problem and able to do analysis of it.
Design the solutions of complex engineering problem with knowledge of
CO5-PO3 3
hardware components and programming knowledge.
Understand the engineering problem and able to do conduct investigations
CO5-PO4 2
based on problems and earlier research data available.
Use latest tools for doing the simulations of solutions of complex engineering
CO5-PO5 2
CO5-PO6 1 In devising an AVR based embedded system; students will be able to consider
CO5-PO7 1 societal needs along-with safety and environment aspects of project.
CO5-PO12 1 Lifelong learning must be involved since it is ever renewing field.
Applying knowledge of architecture, programming skills, inbuilt blocks,
CO5-PSO1 3 their features, specifications and protocols in real life problems using
engineering principles and find its solution.
Use latest tools for doing the simulations of solutions of complex
CO5-PSO2 2
engineering problems.

6ET3 Course Name: Digital Communication

CO-PO Mapping:

CO-PO/PSO Mapping
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation) 3-Strong, 2-Medium, 1-Weak
Programme Outcomes(POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 3 1 1 2 3
CO2 3 2 2 1 2 2
CO3 3 2 3 1 3 2
CO4 3 3 2 2 2 2
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 2
CO6 3 3 2 1 1

CO- PO Justification
Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
CO1-PO1 3 Apply the knowledge of Digital Communication system and solve the
problem of designing any communication systems.
CO1-PO2 2 Identify and solve problems of scrambler and unscrambler.
CO1-PO3 3 Apply the knowledge of line coding in designing digital system.
CO1-PO5 1 Design various blocks of digital communication system on Simulink
software tool.
CO1-PO10 1 Explain the various forms of line coding techniques.
CO1-PO12 2 Develop the knowledge of digital communication system which will be
used in real life

CO2-PO1 3 Apply the knowledge of various encoding algorithms and basic

information theory.
CO2-PO2 2 Identify and solve problems regarding channel and channel capacity.
CO2-PO3 2 Design various models for information sources by using different
CO2-PO12 1 Gain knowledge of information theory and channel for future use.

CO3-PO1 3 Apply the knowledge of engineering principles on different types of digital

modulation techniques.
CO3-PO2 3 Identify and solve problems of SNR and Probability of Error for coherent
CO3-PO3 2 Design various Filters for digital modulation systems.
CO3-PO12 2 Gain knowledge of Band pass Modulation and Demodulation techniques
for future use.

CO4-PO1 3 Use the knowledge of Base Band Transmission and Equalization to

develop digital systems.
CO4-PO2 3 Analyze problems and understand the techniques to extract signal from
the noise.
CO4-PO3 2 Design various Equalizing filters to remove inter symbol interference.
CO4-PO12 2 Gain knowledge of Base Band Transmission for future use.

CO5-PO1 3 Understand the basic concepts of error control coding techniques will
help the students to apply the same to formulate solutions for engineering
problems in communication channel.
CO5-PO2 2 Analyze the Viterbi decoding by mathematical approach will help to
solve the problems.
CO5-PO3 2 Design distinct error control coding through the knowledge of encoding
and decoding schemes will help in analysis of real time computational
CO5-PO5 1 Apply appropriate advanced techniques for designing of decoding
CO5-PO12 1 Develop the knowledge of Error Control Coding which is used for
betterment of society in future.

CO6-PO1 3 Use the knowledge of Multiple Access Schemes and Spread Spectrum
Communication in order to send the digital signal securely.
CO6-PO2 3 Analyze the PN sequence generator which helps to spread the signal
before sending on channel.
CO6-PO3 2 Design Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum for bandwidth efficient
CO6-PO12 1 Develop the knowledge of Multiple Access Schemes and Spread
Spectrum Communication which can be used to send confidential signal

CO- PSO Justification

Mapping Level Justification
Students will able to
CO1-PSO1 3 Analyze and design digital communication system.
CO2-PSO1 2 Formulate and design ideas on communication concepts will lead to make
design in the future requirements.
CO3-PSO1 3 Construct different modulation schemes for digital transmission of
CO4-PSO1 2 Understand working of equalizers for ISI removal.
CO5-PSO1 2 Construct various error control techniques for efficient transmission of
digital signal.
CO5-PSO1 1 Analyze Slow and Fast frequency Hopping.

6FEIT05 Course Name: E – Commerce

CO PO Mapping

Course: E - Commerce - [6FEIT05]

CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 3 1
CO2 3 2 3
CO3 2 2
CO4 3 2 2
CO5 3 2
CO6 2 2
Avg 2.75 2.33 2.66 2 2 2 1
Some CO-PO mapping level justification is given below

Mapping Level Justification

CO1- PO1 3 Mapped substantially as all the students will acquires the basic
knowledge of Ecommerce.
CO1-PO2 3 Mapped substantially as all the students will be able to analyze
types of ecommerce.
CO1-PO12 1 Mapped moderately as students require the knowledge
CO2 – PO 1 3 Mapped substantially as all the students will gain ability to
different business model.
CO 2– PO2 2 All students gain the sufficient knowledge about business model.
CO 2– PO3 3 Mapped moderately as students can handled business strategy.
CO 3– PO3 2 Mapped substantially as all the students will gain ability to
analyze for ecom infrastructure.
CO 3– PO6 2 Mapped substantially as all the students will gain ability to
CO4 – PO1 3 Mapped strongly as students can gains basic websites skills.
CO 4– PO2 2 Mapped strongly as students can gains the knowledge of
developing ecom sites.
CO 4– PO4 2 Mapped strongly as student’s gains the ability to analyze the use
of ecom sites tool.
CO5 – PO3 3 All students gain the sufficient knowledge about online security
& payment system.
CO 5– PO5 2 Mapped moderately as students can handled security threats.
CO6 – PO1 2 Mapped strongly as students can learn future aspect of marketing.
CO 6– PO6 2 Mapped strongly as student’s gains the ability to analyze the basic
marketing concept.

CO PSO Mapping

Course: E - Commerce - [6FEIT05]

CO1 2 3
CO2 3 3
CO3 2 3
CO4 3 2
Avg 2.5 2.75

Some CO-PSO mapping level justification is given below

Mapping Level Justification

CO1- PSO1 2 Is strongly mapped as students understand fundaments concept of
CO1- PSO2 3 Is moderately mapped as students can get the JOB opportunities
in ecommerce industries
CO2- PSO1 3 Is strongly mapped as students acquire knowledge on ecommerce
business model.
CO2- PSO2 3 Is moderately mapped as business model has moderate demand in
the IT industry.
CO3- PSO1 2 Is mapped strongly as students acquire the knowledge on different
ecommerce infrastructure.
CO3- PSO2 3 Is moderately mapped as network has moderate demand in the IT
CO4- PSO1 3 Is moderately mapped as few students apply the generics and
collections in applications.
CO4- PSO2 2 Is mapped strongly as students acquire the knowledge of
development of sites.

7ET1 Course Name: VLSI Design

CO-PO-PSO Mapping: -
Course Program Outcomes (POs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 O1 O2
CO1 3 3 2 -- 2 -- -- -- 1 -- -- 1 2 2

CO2 2 1 -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- 3

CO3 3 -- 2 -- 1 -- -- -- -- 1 -- 1 2 --

CO4 3 2 -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 --

CO5 2 1 -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 3 3

CO6 3 2 2 -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 2 3

CO-PO Mapping & Justification: -

Mapping Level Justification

Students get the knowledge about trends in VLSI, basic of MOS and CMOS
CO1-PO1 3
involves engineering and science fundamental so, it maps to substantial level

As students able to analyze technology impact on scaling and performance so

CO1-PO2 3
it involves detail knowledge of solving engineering problem.

CO1-PO3 2 Combinational circuit design, analyze the delay model and power dissipation
involves solving complex engineering problem.

Different modern tool required for simulation, synthesis and performance

CO1-PO5 2

As Expertise developed, student able to analyze the performance which

CO1-PO9 1
enables the student to become productive member of design team.

Student required basic knowledge of engineering and science for layout

CO2-PO1 2
design of different digital circuit.

CO2-PO2 1 Stick diagram involves analysis of engineering and science

CO2-PO5 3 Layout and stick diagram concept enables the students to use modern tool

CO2- Student has to demonstrate their knowledge and efficiently use the skill in
PO11 project

CO3-PO1 3 Fabrication steps in IC design include engineering and science fundamentals.

Fabrication process has to consider public health, safety and environmental

CO3-PO3 2

CO3-PO5 1 Different technique and tools are used in various fabrication processes.

CO3- Fabrication involves complex process so, a designer has to communicate

PO10 efficiently about this.

CO3- Student will have knowledge about new technology updating in fabrication
PO12 process.

Realization of sequential circuit, clocking and memory circuit requires

CO4-PO1 3
engineering and science concept.

CO4-PO2 2 Knowledge of CMOS low power circuit may solve engineering problem.

CO4-PO5 2 Realization, power analysis and clocking required modern tool.

Students know about VLSI design flow that involves engineering and science
CO5-PO1 2
fundamentals such as digital circuit, programming concept.

Front end design analyzes various digital circuits using programming and
CO5-PO2 1
backend design analyzes digital circuit using layout design.

For front end tool like Xilinix, pspice and for backend tool like tanner,
CO5-PO5 3
cadence, microwind used.

CO5- Student working as design engineer requires the exact knowledge of VLSI
PO12 design process.
Students required the knowledge of engineering technology like digital
CO6-PO1 3
circuit, programming basic and some mathematical skill.

Student can able to analyze, review complex engineering problem with the
CO6-PO2 2
help of HDL Verilog.

Using Verilog HDL student can able to develop useful integrated circuit that
CO6-PO3 2
can solve complex engineering problem and helps society.

CO6-PO5 3 Modern engineering tool get utilize for simulation and synthesis

2 Programming level of students also required to update.

CO1- To determine impact on scaling and performance students must know the
PSO1 concept of Electronics and telecommunication.

CO1- Student uses the different modern tool from beginning of design digital circuit
PSO2 to evaluation of performance for design.

CO2- Student must aware about tool to design digital circuit layout and stick
PSO2 diagram.

CO3- Student knows about the different fabrication process such as n-well, p-well
PSO1 and twin tub.

CO4- Student knows about and able to apply fundamentals about flip-flop, counters
PSO1 and memory circuit.

CO5- Student will able to compare between front end design component and
PSO1 backend component at various level of digital design flow.

3 For simulation, synthesis and design student will use different modern tool.

CO6- Students have some basic knowledge of mathematics and programming i.e.
PSO1 loops, conditional statement, algebraic formulas to find solution.

CO6- Knowledge of programming language Verilog HDL and use of the tool to
PSO2 simulate it.

7ET2 Course Name: Digital Image Processing

Digital Image Processing (7ET2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
1 1 2 2 -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 --
2 2 2 2 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 --
3 3 1 -- 1 --- --- -- -- -- -- 1 -- 2 2
4 2 2 --- 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2
5 2 -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 2 -- 2

CO-PO Mapping & Justification:-

Mapping Level Justification
CO1-PO1 1 Students will be able to find solution to a problem with fundamental
knowledge of Digital Image Processing.

CO1-PO2 2 Students will review the literature regarding image processing algorithms to
find solutions to engineering problems.

CO1-PO3 2 Students will be able to design solutions to meet certain needs and safety
consideration with basic knowledge.

CO1-PO5 2 Students will be able to use modern engineering tools if they are familiar with
basic terminologies.

CO2-PO1 2 Students will be applying knowledge of mathematics, Science and Engineering

to find solution to engineering problems

CO2-PO2 2 Students will review the literature to compare performance measures of

different image transforms.

CO2-PO3 2 Students will be able to apply image transform to arrive towards solutions for
engineering problems.
CO2-PO4 3 Image transforms are of prime importance for developing research based

CO2-PO5 2 Students will be using appropriate technique and modern tools for image

CO3-PO1 3 Student will be able to explain image enhancement technique in frequency

domain with fundamental mathematics.

CO3-PO2 1 Students will identify the problems in image processing with the help of
review of literature to reach the conclusion.
CO3-PO4 1 With the knowledge of image enhancement technique, one can design the
CO3-PO11 1 Students will be able to Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles through project work in image
processing domain.

CO4-PO1 2 Student will be able to evaluate the techniques of image segmentation,

compression using mathematics and engineering fundamentals.

CO4-PO2 2 Students will review the literature to compare different image processing
algorithms in their project.

CO4-PO4 2 Evaluate the methodologies for image segmentation, compression for

interpretation of data to arrive at valid conclusions.
CO4-PO5 2 Students will use modern engineering tools like matlab toolbox to process

CO5-PO1 2 Students will be able to apply image processing techniques in practical

applications using fundamentals of engineering.

CO5-PO3 2 Students will be able to identify and solve engineering problems using
engineering knowledge.

CO5-PO11 2 Students will be able to apply and extend appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering tools to a range of engineering activities.
CO5-PO12 2 Students will be able to design solution to the problem they facing if they have
enough knowledge.

CO1-PSO1 2 Apply basic knowledge of image processing in designing different systems.

CO2-PSO1 2 Apply suitable image transform as per requirement to design variety of


CO3-PSO1 2 Students will be able to apply suitable image enhancement technique as per
requirement to design variety of systems.
CO3-PSO2 2 Students will be able to apply suitable image enhancement technique using
modern design tool to solve real life problems.

CO4-PSO2 2 Tools like image processing toolbox is useful in performing image

segmentation, compression etc.

CO5-PSO2 2 Apply image processing techniques in practical applications to design different


7ET3 Course Name: SFOC

Program Outcomes (POs) PSOs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 2 2 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 3 1
CO2 1 --- 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 1
CO3 2 1 1 -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 1
CO4 2 -- -- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 2 --
CO5 -- -- 1 -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 2 --

CO-PO Mapping & Justification:-

Mapping Level Justification

CO1-PO1 2 Basic knowledge of satellite orbits is must for solving problems

related to satellite communication.
CO1-PO2 2 To reach substantial solution to complex problems, by reviewing
CO1-PO3 1 To design solution to engineering problem, basic knowledge is

CO2-PO1 1 A satellite service is a part of engineering knowledge.

CO2-PO3 1 Satellite service must be known for cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.

CO3-PO1 2 Basic knowledge of satellite uplink/downlink is essential for

finding solution to engineering problems.
CO3-PO2 1 To reach substantial solution to complex problems, one must have
knowledge of link model.
CO4-PO1 2 Apply the knowledge fiber optic communication to find the
solution of complex engineering problems.

CO5-PO3 1 To design solution to engineering problem, basic knowledge of

optical sources and detectors is essential.

CO1-PSO1 3 To design various satellite communication systems, knowledge of

satellite orbit is essential.
CO2-PSO1 1 To understand the various services of satellite to design different
satellite systems.
CO3-PSO1 1 Knowledge of satellite link model is necessary for designing
satellite uplink/downlink.
CO4-PSO1 2 Basics of fiber optic communication system is required to analyze
various systems.
CO5-PSO1 2 Knowledge of optical sources and detectors is essential to design
fiber optic link.
CO1-PSO2 1 Basic of satellite orbits is essential for applying technological
CO2-PSO2 1 Knowledge of satellite services is required to solve real life
CO3-PSO2 1 Understand satellite link mode to solve real life problems.

7ET4 Course Name: Industrial Management & Quality Control

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-

Program Outcomes (POs)
Course Outcomes
Outcom (PSOs)
es (COs) P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12
CO1 -- -- -- -- -- 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 1

CO2 -- -- -- -- 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CO3 -- -- 2 2 -- -- -- 2 3 2 -- 1 1 1

CO4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- 3 1 1 1

CO5 -- 2 2 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 1 1
CO6 -- -- -- -- -- 2 -- 3 1 -- -- 1 1 1

CO-PO Mapping & Justification:-

Mapping Level Justification

Students will able to apply and practice the fundamental principles and
functions of business management by applying reasoning informed by
CO1-PO6 2 the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
Students will able to understand and practice the fundamental principles
and functions of business management. By understanding the impact of
CO1-PO7 2
the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental

Students will able to understand and practice the fundamental principles

CO1-PO8 2 and functions of business management. Also apply ethical principles and
commit to professional ethics and responsibilities.
Students will able to understand and practice the fundamental principles
CO1-PO9 3 and functions of business management. Function effectively as an
individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams.
Students will able to apply the fundamental principles and functions of
2 business management. By communicating effectively on complex
engineering activities with the engineering community and with society
at large.
Students will able to practice the fundamental principles and functions of
CO1-PO11 3 business management. Also demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s
own work, as a member and leader in a team.
Students will able to understand and practice the fundamental principles
CO1-PO12 2 and functions of business management. By Recognizing the need for, and
have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long
learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Students will able to Recognize and apply knowledge of marketing and

CO2-PO5 1
materials management to create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering.
Students will able to understand and recognize knowledge of marketing
and materials management. Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
CO2-PO6 2
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and
the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
Students will able to apply knowledge of marketing and materials
CO2-PO7 3
management also the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts.
Students will able to understand the knowledge of marketing and
1 materials management along with ethical principles and commit to
professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering
CO2-PO9 Students will able to recognize and apply knowledge of marketing and
1 materials management and learn function effectively as an individual,
and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary
CO2-PO10 Students will able to apply knowledge of marketing and materials
management by communicate effectively on complex engineering
1 activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such
as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
CO2-PO11 Students will able to apply knowledge of marketing and materials
management by demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own
work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
CO2-PO12 Students will able to apply knowledge of marketing and materials
1 management also recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest
context of technological change.

Students will able to interpret and evaluate personnel management and

evaluation methods of job rating also able to design solutions for
2 complex engineering problems and design system components or
processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for
the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
Students will able to Interpret and evaluate personnel management and
CO3-PO4 2 evaluation methods of job rating which is used for research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments,
analysis and interpretation of data.
Students will able to evaluate personnel management and evaluation
CO3-PO8 2 methods of job rating by applying ethical principles and commit to
professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering
Students will able to understand personnel management and evaluation
CO3-PO9 methods of job rating to function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Students will able to interpret and evaluate personnel management by
communicating effectively on complex engineering activities with the
CO3-PO10 engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Students will able to understand Interpret and evaluate personnel
1 management by recognizing the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest
context of technological change.

Students will able to evaluate balance sheet, costing and budgetary

1 aspects, project report, profit and loss statement and ratio analysis by
applying ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Students will able to understand and evaluate balance sheet, costing and
budgetary aspects, project report, and profit-loss statement and ratio
CO4-PO11 3 analysis to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering
and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
Students will able to understand and evaluate balance sheet, costing and
budgetary aspects, project report, profit and loss statement and ratio
CO4-PO12 1
analysis also recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.

Students will able to understand Identify factors controlling quality of

design and conformance. Identify, formulate, review research literature,
CO5-PO2 and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated
conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
Students will able to understand and identify factors controlling quality
of design and conformance. Also provides design solutions for complex
2 engineering problems and design system components or processes that
meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public
health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
Students will able to understand identify factors controlling quality of
2 design and conformance. Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of
data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Students will able to identify factors controlling quality of design and
CO5-PO5 conformance. Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling
to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
Students will able to identify factors controlling quality of design and
1 conformance. Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest
context of technological change.

Students will able to apply professional ethics, Kaizen, Quality Circles,

ISO-9000 series and TQM in organization for the contextual knowledge
CO6-PO6 to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
Students will able to apply professional ethics, Kaizen, Quality Circles,
CO6-PO8 ISO-9000 series and TQM in organization also apply ethical principles
and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities.
Students will able to apply professional ethics, Kaizen, Quality Circles,
1 ISO-9000 series and TQM in organization for the functioning effectively
as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in
multidisciplinary settings.
Students will able to apply professional ethics, Kaizen, Quality Circles,
1 ISO-9000 series and TQM in organization and recognize the need for,
and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-
long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

CO-PSO Mapping & Justification:-

Mapping Level Justification

Students will able to
Practice the fundamental principles and functions of business
CO1-PSO1 1 management and able to apply basic knowledge of Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineering to design and analyze systems.

Practice the fundamental principles and functions of business

CO1-PSO2 1 management for the technological advancements of modern design tools,
programming languages to solve real life problems.

Recognize and apply knowledge of marketing and materials

CO2-PSO1 1 management to absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineering to design and analyze.

Recognize and apply knowledge of marketing and materials management

CO2-PSO2 1 to apply technological advancements of modern design tools,
programming languages to solve real life problems.
Interpret and evaluate personnel management and evaluation methods of
CO3-PSO1 1 job rating also apply basic knowledge of Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineering to design and analyze.

Interpret and evaluate personnel management and evaluation methods of

CO3-PSO2 1 job rating also apply technological advancements of modern design tools,
programming languages to solve real life problems.

Evaluate balance sheet, costing and budgetary aspects, project report,

CO4-PSO1 1 profit and loss statement and ratio analysis and apply basic knowledge of
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Evaluate balance sheet, costing and budgetary aspects, project report,

1 profit and loss statement and ratio analysis to apply technological
CO4-PSO2 advancements of modern design tools, programming languages to solve
real life problems.

Identify factors controlling quality of design and conformance to absorb

1 and apply basic knowledge of Electronics & Telecommunication

Identify factors controlling quality of design and conformance. By

1 applying technological advancements of modern design tools,
programming languages to solve real life problems.

Apply professional ethics, Kaizen, Quality Circles, ISO-9000 series and

1 TQM in organization to design and analyze different electronics and
telecommunications systems.

Apply professional ethics, Kaizen, Quality Circles, ISO-9000 series and

1 TQM in organization and apply technological advancements of modern
design tools, programming languages to solve real life problems.
7ET5 Course Name: PLC and Automation (PELECTIVE-I)
CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-
Course Specific
Program Outcomes (POs)
s (COs) (PSOs)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
CO1 3 1 2 - - 1 1 -- -- -- -- 1 3 1
CO2 3 1 2 - - 1 1 -- -- -- -- 1 3 1
CO3 3 2 2 - - 1 1 -- -- -- -- 1 3 1
CO4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 -- -- -- -- 1 3 1
CO5 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 -- -- -- -- 1 3 1
CO6 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 -- -- -- -- 1 3 1
Note: Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or as defined: 1: Slight (low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3:
Substantial (High) “--”: No correlation

CO-PO-PSO Mapping & Justification:-

Map Mapping Justification of Mapping


CO1,2,3,4,5,6- Acquiring fundamental concept of automation using PLC

PO1 and SCADA. Identifying basic building blocks of a PLC and
3 SCADA. Acquiring fundamentals of PLC functions, input
output devices, ladder logic programming and interfacing,
interpreting SCADA.

CO1,2 -PO2 Analyzing need and importance AUTOMATION in

industry. Analyzing role, application, and importance of
each of PLC AND SCADA in industrial control and

CO3,4,5,6-PO2 Analyzing importance and application of PLC functions,

2 ladder logic diagram along with programming , interfacing
machines to automations unit etc.

CO1,2,3,4,5,6- Applying fundamental knowledge of PLC and SCADA in

PO3 automation and interfacing of motors and drives in the field
of automation with the help of different PLC functions,
ladder logic diagram and programming.

CO4,5,6-PO4 2 Investigating about these PLC tools and SCADA controls in

automation process to optimize performance of the system.

CO4,5,6-PO5 Encourage student to use modern automation tools like PLC

and SCADA.

CO1,2,3,4,5,6- Understand societal needs for up gradation in automation

PO6 &PO7 2 process keeping in mind environment and sustainability of

CO1-PO12 These concepts in the field of AUTOMATION AND

1 SUPERVISORY CONTROL involve lifelong learning in

CO1,2,3,4,5,6- Understanding and applying basic concepts of PLC and

PSO1 3 automation, SCADA Control schemes in automation system
design for solving real life problems.

CO1,2,3,4,5,6- Ladder logic diagram and programming helps to solve real

PSO2 life problems using modern design techniques.

8ET1 Course Name: UHF

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-

Program Outcomes (POs) PSOs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 2 2 2 1 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 1 --
CO2 2 2 -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 -- --
CO3 2 2 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 --
CO4 3 2 -- -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2
CO5 2 1 -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 2 2

CO-PO Mapping & Justification:-

Mapping Level Justification
CO1-PO1 2 Students will be able to analyze the performance of microwave tubes
by applying knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
CO1-PO2 2 Students will review the literature regarding performance measures of
different tubes
CO1-PO3 2 Students will be able to analyze different microwave tubes along with
safety consideration.
CO1-PO4 1 Student will be able to investigate problems regarding tubes
CO1-PO5 1 Students will be able to identify application of different tubes.
CO1-PO12 2 The performances of all microwave tubes are the subject of further
research and hence associated with lifelong learning.

CO2-PO1 2 Students will explain the active devices by applying knowledge of

Science and Engineering
CO2-PO2 2 Students will review the literature to compare performances measures
of different active microwave devices
CO2-PO5 2 Students will learn applications of different active microwave devices
CO2-PO12 2 Students will get the basic knowledge and go for advancements as
lifelong learning.

CO3-PO1 2 Student will be able to explain characteristic of transmission lines by

applying basic science and engineering knowledge
CO3-PO2 2 Students will review the literature of transmission lines for better
understanding of topics.
CO3-PO3 1 Students will be able to analyze different transmission lines

CO4-PO1 3 Student will be able to explain characteristic of microwave

components using mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals.

CO4-PO2 2 Students will review the literature to analyze and solve problems of
microwave components.
CO4-PO5 1 Students will use modern engineering tools to perform engineering
activity like microwave simulations.

CO5-PO1 2 Students will be able to measure different microwave parameters

using fundamental knowledge.
CO5-PO2 1 Students will be able to measure different microwave parameters to
solve engineering problems.
CO5-PO5 3 To measure the microwave quantities, students will be using resources
available to them.
CO5-PO12 2 Students will be able to design solution to the problem they facing if
they have enough knowledge.

CO1-PSO1 1 Basic knowledge of mathematics is must to analyze microwave

CO3-PSO1 2 To design a microwave transmission line, basic engineering
knowledge is needed.
CO5-PSO1 2 Tools like Matlab is useful in studying microwave components
CO4-PSO2 2 Microwave measurements can be performed using basic and advanced
knowledge of the subject.
CO5-PSO2 2 Microwave measurements can be performed using technological

8ET2 Course Name: Wireless Communication

CO-PO Mapping:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2
2 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - 3 -
2 1 2 2 - 2 - - - - - - 2 -
3 2 1 2 - - - - - - - - 2 -
2 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - 2 -
2 2 - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 -
2 2 2 1 - 1 - - - - - - 2 -

CO-PO Mapping & Justification:-

Level Justification
Students will be able to apply the knowledge of engineering specialization
CO1-PO1 2 to illustrate the evolution of cellular mobile system and understand cellular
Students will be able to identify the evolution of cellular mobile system and
CO1-PO2 1
understand cellular concepts
Students will be able to analysis and make interpretation of the evolution of
CO1-PO4 2
cellular mobile system and cellular concepts

Students will be able to apply the knowledge of engineering specialization

CO2-PO1 2
to explain design fundamentals of cellular radio system
CO2-PO2 1 Students will be able to identify design fundamentals of cellular radio
CO2-PO3 2 Students will be able to design solutions for cellular radio system
Students will be able to analysis and make interpretation of fundamentals of
CO2-PO4 2
cellular radio system
Students will be able to apply relative knowledge of fundamentals of
CO2-PO6 2
cellular radio system to fulfill societal important.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, engineering

CO3-PO1 3 fundamentals and an engineering specialization to understand propagation
mechanism and fading in mobile radio system
Students will be able to use research literature to identify propagation
CO3-PO2 2
mechanism and fading in mobile radio system.
Students will be able to design solutions for propagation mechanism and
CO3-PO3 1
fading in mobile radio system.
Students will be able to analysis the propagation mechanism and fading in
CO3-PO4 2
mobile radio system.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge of engineering specialization

CO4-PO1 2
to demonstrate concepts of GSM system
Students will be able to use research literature to understand concepts of
CO4-PO2 2
GSM system.
CO4-PO4 2 Students will be able to analysis and interpretation of GSM system.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge of engineering specialization

CO5-PO1 2
to demonstrate concepts of CDMA Digital Cellular Standard
CO5-PO2 2 Students will be able to Identify Standards for CDMA.
CO5-PO4 1 Students will be able to analysis and interpretation of CDMA system.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge of engineering specialization

CO6-PO1 2
to explain the concept of LTE, WLAN and Bluetooth
Students will be able to use research literature to explain the concept of
CO6-PO2 2
LTE, WLAN and Bluetooth
Students will be able to use the concept of LTE, WLAN and Bluetooth to
CO6-PO3 2
meet the societal considerations.
Students will be able to analysis and interpretation the concept of LTE,
CO6-PO4 1
WLAN and Bluetooth.
Students will be able to use the concept of WLAN to meet the societal
CO6-PO6 1

Level Justification
Students will be able to apply basic knowledge of Electronics &
3 Telecommunication Engineering to illustrate the evolution of cellular
mobile system and understand cellular concepts.
Students will be able to Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics &
2 Telecommunication Engineering to explain design fundamentals of cellular
radio system.
Students will be able to absorb basic knowledge of Electronics &
2 Telecommunication Engineering to understand propagation mechanism and
fading in mobile radio system
CO1- Students will be able to Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics &
PSO4 Telecommunication Engineering to demonstrate concepts of GSM system
Students will be able to Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics &
1 Telecommunication Engineering to demonstrate concepts of CDMA Digital
Cellular Standard
Students will be able to Absorb and apply basic knowledge of Electronics &
2 Telecommunication Engineering to explain the concept of LTE, WLAN and

8ET3 Course Name: Data Communication Network

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:-

Program Outcomes (POs)
Course Outcomes
Outcome (PSOs)
s (COs) P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 1
CO1 3 2 2 1 -- 1 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 3 --
CO2 3 2 2 1 -- 1 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 3 --
CO3 3 2 2 1 -- 1 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 3 --
CO4 3 2 2 1 -- 1 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 3 --
CO5 3 2 2 1 -- 1 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 3 --
CO6 3 2 2 1 -- 1 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 3 --
Note: Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or as defined: 1: Slight (low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3:
Substantial (High) “--”: No correlation

CO-PO-PSO Mapping & Justification

Map Mapping Justification of Mapping
CO1,2,3,4,5,6 3 Acquiring fundamental concept of data communication networking , routing
–PO1 techniques, IP addressing etc. and Understanding need of flow control,
access control, protocol and their services.
CO1,2,3,4,5,6 2 Analyzing need and importance data communication network and
–PO2 protocols in the field of advance communication along-with various
security issues in digital networks.
CO1,2,3,4,5,6 2 Applying fundamental knowledge of topologies, network protocols,
–PO3 addressing and access ,flow control techniques to solve networking
CO1,2,3,4,5,6 1 Investigating about various topologies, routing schemes and protocols in
–PO4 the field of data communication on network to optimize network
CO1,2,3,4,5,6 1 While designing a network using data communication networking
–PO6,7 fundamentals, student should keep in mind need of society and should
follow ethical practices in same.
CO1,2,3,4,5,6- 1 Use fundamentals of network topologies, control techniques, protocols,
PO12 layers of TCP/IP model and associated addressing techniques in the field of
advance communication for transmission and reception of digital data
,involves lifelong learning in career.
CO1,2,3,4,5,6- 3 Applying fundamentals concepts of network topologies, flow/access
PSO1 control techniques, protocols, layers of TCP/IP model and associated
addressing techniques in the field of advance communication for
transmission and reception of digital data to solve various real life
engineering problems associated to society.

8ET4 Course Name: Biomedical Engineering

CO-PO-PSO Mapping: -
Course Program Outcomes (POs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 O1 O2
CO1 1 - - - - 1 - 1 1 1
CO2 1 2 1 1 - - 2 - - - 1 1 1
CO3 2 3 2 2 1 - - 2 - - - 1 1 1
CO4 1 2 1 2 1 - - 2 1 2 2
CO-PO Mapping &Justification:-

Mapping Level Justification

CO1-PO1 1 Using basics knowledge Understand the importance and association of

engineering with medical field.

CO1-PO8 1 Field is study of biomedical instrumentation needs ethics in everywhere of study.

CO1-PO12 1 able to understand through new recent information using various resources.

CO2-PO1 1 Using basics knowledge Understand the importance and association of engineering
with medical field

CO2-PO2 2 Problem analysis through understanding through various human signals & recording

CO2-PO3 1 Develop through new information & projects. & further enhanced knowledge .

CO2-PO4 1 Conduct investigations & further enhanced knowledge through new information &

CO2-PO8 2 Field is study of biomedical instrumentation needs ethics specially through carrying
out projects.

C02-PO12 1 able to understand through new recent information using various resources

CO3-PO1 2 Using basics knowledge Understand the importance and association of engineering
with medical field.

CO3-PO2 2 Problem analysis through understanding various medical imaging systems, various
lifesaving equipment’s.

CO3-PO3 2 Develop through new information & projects. &further enhanced knowledge.

CO3-PO4 2 Conduct investigations & further enhanced knowledge through new information &

CO3-PO5 1 basic knowledge of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

CO3-PO8 Field is study of biomedical instrumentation needs ethics specially through carrying
out projects

CO3-PO12 1 able to understand through new recent information using various resources

CO4-PO1 1 Using basics knowledge Understand the importance and association of engineering
with medical field.
CO4-PO2 2 Problem analysis through understanding usingConceptualize patient care & safety
requirements and its importance.

CO4-PO3 1 Develop through new information & projects. &further enhanced knowledge.

CO4-PO4 2 Conduct investigations & further enhanced knowledge through new information &

CO4-PO5 1 Modern tool usage to some extent to acquire knowledge related to medical field.

CO4-PO8 2 Field is study of biomedical instrumentation needs ethics specially through carrying
out projects

CO4-PO12 1 able to understand through new recent information using various resources

CO-PSO Mapping &Justification:-

CO1-PSO1 1 Absorb and apply basic knowledge of biomedical engineering to design and analyze
different electronics and telecommunication systems.

CO1-PSO2 1 Modern tool usage to some extent to acquire knowledge related to medical field using
electronics and telecommunication systems

CO2-PSO1 1 Understand various human signals & recording techniques. to design and analyze
different electronics and telecommunication systems.

CO2-PSO2 1 Modern tool usage to some extent to acquire knowledge related to human signals &
recording techniques. Using electronics and telecommunication systems

CO3-PSO1 1 Familiarize with various medical imaging systems, various lifesaving equipment’
design and analyze different electronics and telecommunication systems.

CO3-PSO2 1 Modern tool usage to some extent to acquire knowledge related to various medical
imaging systems, various lifesaving equipment’s. Using electronics and
telecommunication systems

CO4-PSO1 2 Conceptualize patient care & safety requirements and its design and
analyze different electronics and telecommunication systems.

CO4-PSO2 2 Modern tool usage to some extent to acquire knowledge related to patient care & safety
requirements and its importance using electronics and telecommunication systems

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