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Cambridge International AS & A Level

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Paper 4 Further Probability & Statistics May/June 2022

1 hour 30 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

You will need: List of formulae (MF19)

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● Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place for angles in
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● The total mark for this paper is 50.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 12 pages.

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1 The times taken by members of a large quiz club to complete a challenge have a normal distribution
with mean n minutes. The times, x minutes, are recorded for a random sample of 8 members of the
club. The results are summarised as follows, where x is the sample mean.

x = 33.8 / (x - x ) 2 = 94.5

Find a 95% confidence interval for n. [4]

























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2 A scientist is investigating the size of shells at various beach locations. She selects four beach locations
and takes a random sample of shells from each of these beaches. She classifies each shell as large or
small. Her results are summarised in the following table.

Beach location
A B C D Total
Large 68 69 96 81 314
Size of shell
Small 28 55 64 39 186
Total 96 124 160 120 500

Test, at the 10% significance level, whether the size of shell is independent of the beach location. [7]





















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3 George throws two coins, A and B, at the same time. Coin A is biased so that the probability of
obtaining a head is a. Coin B is biased so that the probability of obtaining a head is b, where b 1 a .
The probability generating function of X, the number of heads obtained by George, is G X (t) . The
5 1
coefficients of t and t 2 in G X (t) are 12 and 12 respectively.

(a) Find the value of a. [2]
















The random variable Y is the sum of two independent observations of X.

(b) Find the probability generating function of Y, giving your answer as a polynomial in t. [3]








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(c) Find Var(Y ). [3]



















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4 The continuous random variable X has probability density function f given by

3 1
e1 + 2 o
f (x) = *8
1 G x G 3,
0 otherwise.
(a) Find E ` X j . [3]













The random variable Y is given by Y = X 2 .

(b) Find the probability density function of Y. [4]











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(c) Find the 40th percentile of Y. [3]





















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5 A manager claims that the lengths of the rubber tubes that his company produces have a median of
5.50 cm. The lengths, in cm, of a random sample of 11 tubes produced by this company are as follows.

5.56 5.45 5.47 5.58 5.54 5.52 5.60 5.35 5.59 5.51 5.62

It is required to test at the 10% significance level the null hypothesis that the population median length
is 5.50 cm against the alternative hypothesis that the population median length is not equal to 5.50 cm.

Show that both a sign test and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test give the same conclusion and state this
conclusion. [9]






















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6 A company has two machines, A and B, which independently fill small bottles with a liquid. The
volumes of liquid per bottle, in suitable units, filled by machines A and B are denoted by x and y
respectively. A scientist at the company takes a random sample of 40 bottles filled by machine A and a
random sample of 50 bottles filled by machine B. The results are summarised as follows.

/ x = 1120 / x 2 = 31400 / y = 1370 / y 2 = 37600

The population means of the volumes of liquid in the bottles filled by machines A and B are denoted by
n A and n B .

(a) Test at the 2% significance level whether there is any difference between n A and n B . [8]























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(b) Find the set of values of a for which there would be evidence at the a% significance level that
n A - n B is greater than 0.25. [4]



























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