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Handball Rules & Etiquette Quiz


Instructions: Answer the following true/false and multiple-choice questions to the best of your
abilities. You must achieve 100% on this quiz to return back to play.
If you have any questions, please ask Mr. C.

True/false (1 mark each)

Directions: Read the statements in the left box, and decide whether it is true of false. Circle
your answer in the right box.
1. For our class, teams are allowed to drop the ball twice before True / False
turning it over.

2. If you drop the ball, you are allowed to pick it back up and True / False
continue play.

3. When you shoot, the ball cannot touch the ground before True / False
entering the net.

4. It is “No Goal” and the goalies ball if you step into the True / False
crease, or on to any part of the crease line.

5.When Mr. C is counting down from ten to get dodgeballs into

the basket, you should throw the ball from the other side of the True / False
gym towards the group surrounding the basketball of

Multiple choice (2 marks each)

Read carefully! Select the multiple-choice answer that most accurately answers the question.

6. Regardless of winning or losing, at the end of a handball game the minimum courtesy you
could give is:

a) wave and say, “thanks, good game”.

b) leave the court because you have to go.
c) slap your opponents hand away and ignore them.
d) kick the ball to the other side of the court to return the other teams ball.

7.In handball, this is the footwork pattern to elevate and shoot if you are right handed:

a) Left, Right, Left, Shoot.

b) Right, Left, Right, Shoot.
c) Left, Right, Together, Shoot.
d) Right, Left, Together, Shoot.

8.A turnover can happen by:

a) An interception
b) Too many steps
c) A throw that lands on the ground
d) All of the above

9. In the middle of your shot approach, you accidentally step on the boundary line. You get into
an argument with the other team because you think your foot was still “in”, but the other team
thinks you went “out of bounds”. What is the most appropriate response you can give when in
this situation?

a) Continue playing because you are right.

b) Consult your teacher or a referee to resolve the disagreement.
c) Respond by saying they also stepped on the line the previous play.
d) Yell at your opponents because “they didn’t see your foot touch the line”.

10. When playing a handball game, you shoot the dodgeball and you accidentally hit an
opponent in the face. What should you do next:

a) Keep playing because an opponent is rushing down to your goal.

b) Grab the ball quickly and shoot again because you did not score the first time.
c) Stop the play, see if your opponent is okay and help if you can, and apologize.
d) Turn the ball over to the other team because it dropped to the ground after the play.

11. When a turnover happens, where does the other team get the ball?

a) It starts with the goalie.

b) In the other team’s zone.
c) Anywhere of their choosing.
d) Where the turnover happened.

12. For our class, how many passes do you have to make before shooting?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) 4

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