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5/21/22, 1:04 AM Blank Quiz

Blank Quiz Total points 15/15

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Kaela Sofia R. Samonte

Section *

Directions: Create your own sentence based on the given situation. Make 15 of 15
sure to apply the proper usage of modal verbs. points


Situation: Offer me a cup of coffee.

Answer: Shall I make you a cup of coffee?… 1/6
5/21/22, 1:04 AM Blank Quiz

Express that you need to submit your proposal before 11:59 p.m. * 1/1

I must submit my proposal before 11:59 p.m.

Say that you are being prohibited to spend more money on online *1/1

I can't spend more money on online games.

Say that you are expected to just focus on your studies instead. * 1/1

I should just focus on my studies instead.

Criticize the disappointing action of your group leader during your *1/1
research defense.

You should have done better during our research defense.… 2/6
5/21/22, 1:04 AM Blank Quiz

Ask permission from your mother to allow you to meet your friends for *1/1
a project.

May I meet my friends for a project?

Promise your friends that you’ll be at the agreed venue on time. * 1/1

I will be at the agreed venue on time.

Inform your mates of the slight chance of being late. * 1/1

I might be late.

Offer to pay for lunch for being late. * 1/1

Shall I pay for lunch for being late?… 3/6
5/21/22, 1:04 AM Blank Quiz

Politely ask the waiter to get you a drink. * 1/1

Could you get me a drink?

Express that there is a high chance of not finishing the project today. * 1/1

We may not finish the project today.

Correct answers

We may not finish the project today.

We can not finish the project today.

I may not finish the project today.

I can not finish the project today.

Request for an extension of the deadline from your teacher. * 1/1

May you extend the deadline?… 4/6
5/21/22, 1:04 AM Blank Quiz

State a prediction of being given a consideration to extend the *1/1


We will be given consideration to extend the deadline.

It’s almost deadline and your teacher hasn’t responded to you yet. *1/1
Express that there is no way your teacher would give you extra time.

The teacher may not give us extra time.

Suggest finding another way to finish your project before 11:59 p.m. * 1/1

We should find another way to finish our project before 11:59 p.m.

Express that you are positive that you will be able to finish your project. * 1/1

We can finish our project.

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5/21/22, 1:04 AM Blank Quiz

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