LETTER TO EDITOR - Study Material & Assignment 2

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Dear Girls

Today, we’ll continue with the topic- Letter to Editor.

For Recapitulation
Letter to the editor is a quick and easy way to reach other members of the community or the
authorities concerned. Such letters voice the opinion of the people and provide them with a
platform to express their agreement, disagreement or reaction to the news and views
contained in the newspaper. These letters can also raise issues of social, political and
economic interest and generally centre around public reactions. They also provide a forum to
the readers to express their strong feelings and reactions to local, national and international
issues. They are written in crisp and clear language in a matter of fact style. The language is
formal and to the point.

The FORMAT of the Letter to the Editor is as follows:

Sender’s Address
(leave a line blank)

(leave a line blank)

Receiver’s Address
(leave a line blank)

(leave a line blank)


The main body of the letter, including:

 introductory para
 informative para
 concluding para

Complimentary close
(Full name in block letters)
Designation (if applicable)
Marking Scheme
 Format: 1. sender’s address 2 marks
2. date
3. receiver’s address
4. subject
5. salutation
6. closing
 Content 5 marks
 Expression:
1. Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words & spelling 1.5 mark
2. Coherence and relevance of ideas and style 1.5 mark

Steps to writing a Letter

To write an effective letter, you must follow the correct format and the steps
given below.

1. Sender’s address- Make sure that the sender’s address is clear and
precise. Specify the house number first, followed by the street, town/state
and pin code. Never write your name here.

e.g. 2334/1, Ekta Nagar


2. Date- Follow the formal way of writing date i.e. 13th April 2020 or April
13, 2020.

3. Receiver’s Address- It comprises the receiver’s name/designation and


e.g. The Editor

The Tribune

4. Subject- You must ensure that the subject expresses the main theme or
crux of the letter clearly.

5. Salutation- It is a customary greeting with which the sender opens the

e.g. Sir/ Madam or Dear Sir/Madam
6. Body of the letter- It contains all the information that you want to
convey. The body includes three parts
 Introductory Paragraph/sentence states the purpose of writing.
 Informative Paragraphs give the context, details of the problem
including cause, effect and possible solution/s.
 Concluding Paragraph/sentence states your hope and concluding
comment/ request/suggestion.

7. The complimentary close is a courteous way of ending a letter. For this,

write. Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully/Yours truly. The first letter of the
second word(s, f, t) is never written in capital letter.

8. Sender- Just below the complimentary close, the sender's name is written
as a mark of signing off. If applicable, write the sender's designation as

Sample Letter

1. You are Navtej, H. No. 21, Neeraj Vihar, New Delhi. Write a
letter to the Editor of a newspaper appealing to the general public
for the contribution to the Chief Minister’s Drought Relief Fund.
(Word Limit: 150-200 words)

21, Neeraj Vihar

New Delhi

18th April 2020

The Editor
The Tribune


Subject: Appeal for the Contribution to the CM’s Drought Relief Fund

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to appeal to the

general public for the generous contribution to the Chief Minister's
Drought Relief Fund.
The state is experiencing a severe drought this year. The extent of
damage can be assessed by touring the state. At some places, there have
been no rains for the last two or three years. The land is parched and dry.
People have no water to drink and no food to eat. Cattle are dying of
hunger and thirst on their lips. Not even a blade of grass is seen in most
places. People are fleeing from their homes in search of food and water.

The authorities are doing their best. New wells are being dug up. Food
and grains are being rushed to these places. Medicines are also being
provided to the people. But it is not enough.

The problem cannot be tackled at the government level alone. Generous

people should come forward. Through your column, I make an earnest
appeal to the general public to contribute liberally to the Chief Minister’s
Drought Relief Fund. I hope you will give a suitable place for this letter
of mine in your esteemed daily.

Yours truly
A concerned citizen

Assignment No. 2
You are Niharika, residing at 15, Sector- 23, Chandigarh. You are
concerned about the sufferings of people living below the poverty line
due to ongoing nationwide lockdown due to Corona Pandemic. Write
a letter in 150-200 words to the editor of a newspaper appealing to
the general public for the contribution to the Prime Minister’s
Corona Pandemic Relief Fund- PM Cares.
(10 marks)
Note: Please submit the assignment by 18th April evening to your
respective subject teachers. You will be marked present for the
class only when you submit the assignment in the stipulated time.

Some useful expressions and hints:

Begin the introductory para with- Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I
wish to appeal……….(mention the issue)

The information para-1 should state the present scenario where lakhs of labourers,
rickshaw-pullers, rag-pickers and slum dwellers have become jobless due to lockdown.
( a minimum of three-four sentences you should write to elaborate on the problem, its
cause and the kind of problems such people are facing on a daily basis. )

The information para-2 should begin appreciating the steps taken by the government to
help the sufferers in this challenging time. (Do research on the internet to about the
steps taken by state and centre government in this situation. A minimum of 3-4 such
steps you should be able to write about.)

In the concluding para you may proceed like: I hope you will give a suitable place to
this letter of mine in your esteemed daily and help me draw the attention of the public
towards this noble cause. In such challenging times, we all should act as responsible
citizens of India and support the administration by contributing generously to the
Prime Minister’s Corona Pandemic Relief Fund- PM Cares.
Points to be kept in Mind
 Read the question carefully to understand it properly.
 You will use the name and address given in the question and not write your
actual name and address in the letter.
 Do not use end punctuation marks while writing the address, date,
salutation and complimentary close.
 Introduce yourself and describe clearly your concern
 Avoid using long sentences and writing too much for explaining a single
 Make sure that the body of the letter is in sync with the main theme.
 Your letter must be coherent and not begin or end abruptly.
 Keep your letter brief and to the point. Stick to the word limit, i.e. 150-200
 Be polite and formal at all times. Use refined language and strictly avoid
short forms or slang.
 Remember that the newspaper is only a medium to address or highlight the
issue and draw the attention of the public or the authorities concerned.
 Do not ask the editor to resolve the issue. You will only request him to give
a suitable place for your letter in his newspaper.

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