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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 and PolyXeta®2 Service Tool and Display

Display Units for Series PX2

Display Units for Series PG2
Display Units for Series MC2

User Manual

December 2017 / Germany

Software as from version: Display 10205

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

MSR-Electronic GmbH, Würdinger Str. 27, D 94060 Pocking Printed in Germany
User Manual of Service Tool and Display for
µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 2

1 Intended Use ........................................................................................................................................ 4

2 Description ........................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Operation .............................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Function of the Keys and LEDs on the Keypad ............................................................................. 4
3.2 Setting / Changing of Parameters and Set Points ......................................................................... 5
3.3 Code Levels ................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Menu Overview .................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Fault Management ......................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.1 Error Memory .............................................................................................................................. 9
4.1.2 System Messages and System Errors ....................................................................................... 9
4.2 Alarm Status ................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Relay Status ................................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Menu Measuring Values .............................................................................................................. 10
4.5 Customer Password ..................................................................................................................... 11
4.6 Display Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.6.1 Software Version ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.6.2 Language .................................................................................................................................. 11
4.6.3 Service Phone Number ............................................................................................................ 11
4.6.4 Error Time Delay ...................................................................................................................... 12
4.6.5 LCD Function ............................................................................................................................ 12
4.7 Digital Outputs .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.8 Menu Relay Parameters .............................................................................................................. 13
4.8.1 Relay Mode............................................................................................................................... 13
4.8.2 Relay Operation Mode .............................................................................................................. 13
4.8.3 Relay Function Static / Flashing ............................................................................................... 14
4.8.4 Signal Source ........................................................................................................................... 14
4.8.5 Alarm Trigger Quantity ............................................................................................................. 14
4.8.6 Horn Function ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.8.7 External Override ...................................................................................................................... 16
4.8.8 Delay Mode of Alarm Relay ...................................................................................................... 16
4.8.9 Assignment to Fault .................................................................................................................. 16
4.8.10 Assignment to Maintenance Message ..................................................................................... 17
4.9 MP Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 17
4.9.1 Activate – Deactivate MP ......................................................................................................... 17
4.9.2 Selection of Gas Type and Measuring Range ........................................................................ 18
4.9.3 Alarm Thresholds / Hysteresis.................................................................................................. 21
4.9.4 Delay for Alarm ON and/or OFF ............................................................................................... 22
4.9.5 Average Overlay ....................................................................................................................... 22
4.9.6 Latching Mode Assigned to Alarm ............................................................................................ 22
4.9.7 MP Fault Assigned to Alarm ..................................................................................................... 23
4.9.8 Alarm Assigned to Alarm Relay ................................................................................................ 23
4.9.9 MP Assigned to Analog Output ................................................................................................ 23
4.10 Menu System Parameters ........................................................................................................ 24
4.10.1 System Information ................................................................................................................... 24
4.10.2 Maintenance Interval ................................................................................................................ 24
4.10.3 Average Function ..................................................................................................................... 25
4.10.4 Power On Time ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.10.5 AO Function .............................................................................................................................. 26
PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 3

4.10.6 Relay Multiplication ................................................................................................................... 27

4.11 Operating Data ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.12 Test Function for Alarm Relays ................................................................................................ 30
4.13 Test Function for Analog Output............................................................................................... 31
4.14 Calibration................................................................................................................................. 32
4.14.1 Zero Calibration ........................................................................................................................ 33
4.14.2 Gain Calibration ........................................................................................................................ 34
4.14.3 Burning Clean ........................................................................................................................... 35
4.14.4 Zero-point Calibration of Analog Output ................................................................................... 35
4.14.5 Credit Menu .............................................................................................................................. 36
4.15 Addressing ................................................................................................................................ 36
5 Notes and General Information ........................................................................................................ 38
5.1 Intended Product Application ....................................................................................................... 38
5.2 Installer’s Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 38
5.3 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 38
5.4 Limited Warranty .......................................................................................................................... 38

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

MSR-Electronic GmbH, Würdinger Str. 27, D 94060 Pocking Printed in Germany
User Manual of Service Tool and Display for
µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 4

Display Unit for Series MC2, PG2 and PX2

1 Intended Use
The Service Tool / Display is used as visual indication, operating, commissioning and calibration unit for gas
detecting and measuring instruments of the series µGard®2 (MC2), PolyGard®2 (PG2) and PolyXeta®2 (PX2).
The intended use is defined in the user manuals for the individual devices.

2 Description
The parameters, gas types, units, etc. specified in the description are only examples, the actual values at the
time of delivery are shown in the attached PolyXeta®2 configuration card.

This description contains the maximum possible functionality of this tool.

Depending on the version some features described here are not available and therefore the menu items may
be hidden.

3 Operation
The complete configuration and service are made via operating keys in combination with the LC display
screen. Security is provided via four password levels against unauthorized intervention.

1 2 3


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Version for PG2 /MC2 series Version for PX 2 series

Operation is done via 6 buttons The display is located behind a glass panel
and is operated without opening the housing
from the outside by briefly touching the control
symbols using a magnetic pen.

3.1 Function of the Keys and LEDs on the Keypad

Exits programming, returns to the previous menu level.

Enters sub menus, and saves parameter settings.

Scrolls up & down within a menu, changes a value.

PX2 only function

Changes cursor position.

PX2 only function

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

MSR-Electronic GmbH, Würdinger Str. 27, D 94060 Pocking Printed in Germany
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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 5

The status LEDs indicate the operating state.

Green: Continuous: = Operating voltage
Flashing: = Maintenance message
Yellow: Continuous: = Failure
Slowly flashing: = Warming-up
Fast flashing: = Special mode
Red: =Alarm
The backlight of the display changes from green to red when an alarm is active.

3.2 Setting / Changing of Parameters and Set Points

Open desired menu window.
Code input field opens automatically, if no code is approved.

After input of valid code the cursor jumps onto the first position segment to be changed.

Push the cursor onto the position segment, which has to be changed.

Set the desired parameter / set point with the keys.

Input of value finished.

Change further parameters in the same menu.

Save the changed value?

YES, and back to higher menu level.

NO, (previous value isn’t overwritten) and back to higher menu level.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 6

3.3 Code Levels

All inputs and changes are protected by a four-digit numeric code (= password) against unauthorised
intervention according to the regulations of all national and international standards for gas warning systems.
The menu windows of status messages and measuring values are visible without entering a code.
The access to a code level is cancelled if no button is pushed within 15 minutes or if there is no data
communication between display and basic board.
The code levels are classified in order of priority: Priority 1 has top priority.

Priority 1: (code not changeable)

Code level priority 1 is intended for the service technician of the installer to change parameters and set-points.
This password allows working on all settings. For opening the parameter menus you must first activate the
service mode after code release.

Priority 2: (code not changeable)

This functionality isn’t available in the service tool and display.

Priority 3: (customer password is settable)

Customer password is inactive in delivery state and is activated by entering a value. Same behaviour as priority
1 password, only changing the customer password is not possible.
Normally the code is only known by the service technician who has last changed it since it can be changed
individually via priority 1.

Priority 4: (password 1234) (code not changeable)

Code level priority 4 allows the operator after activation of the operation mode “Service Mode” to read all
parameters as well as all test functions of the alarm relays, analog outputs and LCD.
- Manual test function of the alarm relays (functional test of the connected actuators),
- Manual test function of the analog outputs (functional test of the connected actuators),
- Manual test function of the LCD (functional test of the LCD display and the LEDs).

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

MSR-Electronic GmbH, Würdinger Str. 27, D 94060 Pocking Printed in Germany
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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 7

4 Menu Overview
Menu operation is done via a clear, intuitive and logical menu structure. The operating menu contains the
following levels:
 Starting menu with indication of the device type if no MP is registered. Otherwise scrolling display of
the gas concentrations of all registered sensors in 5-second intervals. If alarms are active, only the
values of the sensors currently in alarm status are displayed.
 Main menu
 Submenu 1 to 3

Power On Time Power On Time of the basic device (MSC2 or MSB2, SB2 or PX2)
Second counter counts down, when communication display <> basic device is OK.
In case of communication error the count-down will stop.
Seconds indicator = 0
MSR – Electronic PX2 = PolyXeta 2
^ Device Type MSC/MSB/MGC = Multi Sensor Controller as well as for MSB2 and MGC2
SB2 = Sensor Board
After about 5 seconds

D1 CH4 % LEL “Run-in time” is displayed. As soon as the sensor running-in period has
Run-in Time expired, the measured value is displayed = measuring mode.

Starting menu Main menu Submenu 1

Error Status Reading and acknowledgement of errors

See from point 4.1

Alarm Status Display of the alarm status of active alarms

See from point 4.2

Relay Display of the relay status

Status See from point 4.3

Measuring Values Display of measuring values

See from point 4.4

Customer Set / Change customer password

Password See from point 4.5

General display parameters without safety relations

Display See from point 4.6

Reading and change of the relay, measuring point

Installation & and system parameters as well as test and calibration
Calibration functions

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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Digital Outputs
See 4.7

The following menu items are only accessible in Service ON mode (password protected)
!! Service ON = Special mode = Fault message is active!!

Relay Parameters
See from point 4.8

MP Parameters
See from point 4.9

System Parameters
See from point 4.10

Operating Data
See from point 4.11

Test Function See from point 4.12

Analog Outputs
Test Function See from point 4.13

See from point 4.14

See from point 4.15

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 9

4.1 Fault Management

A pending fault activates the yellow LED (Fault).
The integrated fault management records the first 50 occurred faults with time stamps in the menu „System
Errors“. The timestamp shows the hours that have elapsed since the fault has occurred.
Additionally a record of the faults occurs in the “Error memory”, which can only be read and deleted by the
service technician (code level 1).

4.1.1 Error Memory

The menu „Error Memory“ in the main menu “Error Status” can only be opened via the code level priority 1.
In the error memory, the first 50 faults that have occurred and have already been acknowledged in the menu
“Error Status” are listed for the service technician in a power failure safe way.
This memory should always be read during maintenance, relevant faults should be tracked and entered
in the service logbook, and finally the memory should be emptied.

4.1.2 System Messages and System Errors

For details about the error messages please refer to the respective User Manual.

4.2 Alarm Status

Display of the currently pending alarms in plain text in the order of their arrival. Only those measuring points
are displayed, where at least one alarm is active.
Alarms in latching mode and the overrange message can be acknowledged in this menu (only possible if the
alarm isn’t active any more).

Alarm Status DP 1 DP 1
’’A1 Acknowledge?

Symbol Description Function

AP 1 Measuring Point No. Analog measuring point X = 1 - X, where an alarm is pending
DP 1 Measuring Point No. Digital measuring point X = 1 - X, where an alarm is pending
‘A1 ‘A1 = Alarm 1 active
Alarm status
‘‘A1 ‘‘A1 = Alarm 1 in latching mode, can be acknowledged

4.3 Relay Status

Reading of the current status of alarm relays.
The actual relay status is displayed, depending on the relay mode (energized <> de-energized).

Selection of the alarm relay 1 – X

Relay Relay 1
Status Status OFF

Selection of the next alarm relay

Symbol Description Function

1 Alarm Relay Alarm relay = 1 - X
AUS Relay Status Relay OFF
EIN Relay Status Relay ON

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.4 Menu Measuring Values

In this menu, the display shows the measuring value with gas type and unit. If the alarm evaluation is defined
via the average, the display additionally shows the average value (A) to the left of the current value (C).

Measuring Values D1 CH4 % LEL

A! 51.0 I

Selection of the next measuring point

Symbol Description Function

A 11 Meas. Point No. Analog measuring point 1 = 1 - X
D 11 Meas. Point No. Digital measuring point 1 = 1 - X
CH4 Gas type Display of gas type (must comply with gas type of sensor head)
% LEL Gas unit Unit (depending on gas type)
51,0 C C = Current measured value (current value) of the gas concentration
Measured value
48,0 A A = Arithmetic average of the gas concentr. (only if average is active)
A! Alarm indication At least one alarm has been released at this MP.
# Maint. info Sensor head: maintenance due (maintenance date exceeded)
? ConfigError Gas type or meas. range doesn’t agree with sensor head.
Comm. err. Fault MP Communication error, sensor head <> I/O board
Underrange Meas. range Meas. signal < admissible range (< zero point – 6 %)
Overrange 2 monitoring Meas. signal > admissible range (> full scale value + 6 %)
Locked MP locked MP was temporarily locked on the controller by the operator.
Run-in Run-in time Running-in period of the sensor active
Display of the address number the measuring range is registered under in the field bus
Acknowledgement in the menu Alarm Status

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.5 Customer Password

Storage of an individual customer password on the display for changing the parameters. See 3.3 Code level
Priority 3. Changing the password only via access of the code level 1.

Customer Change Customer

Password Password ****

4.6 Display Parameters

In the menu Display Parameters you can find the general, security irrelevant parameters of the display. These
parameters can be changed in operating mode.


4.6.1 Software Version

Software Version

Software version of the display and of the basic board (factory set)

Symbol Description Function

XXXXX Software Version of the displays XXXXX Software Version
YYYYY Software Version of the basic board YYYYY Software Version

4.6.2 Language

Selection of the menu language (code level 4)

Symbol Description Default Function

English Language German
USA English

4.6.3 Service Phone Number

Service TEL:

The service phone no. can be individually defined.

Symbol Description Default Function

0853.... Phone No. Definition of the individual service phone no.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 12

4.6.4 Error Time Delay

Error Time Delay

Symbol Description Default Function

Definition of a delay time after a communication error Display <>

s Delay 120s Basic Board has occured (only fault indication on the display, no
effect on the function or outputs)

4.6.5 LCD Function

LCD Function

Testing the LCD hardware. All LEDs light up for about two seconds. The backlight is yellow. (Green and red
are activated at the same time). All points are displayed on the LCD.

4.7 Digital Outputs

This menu item is only available with the MC2 display! Alarm threshold 1
C 10.0 % LEL ↗
Alarm thresholds can be set for the two display-internal digital
For setting the thresholds and hysteresis, see section 4.9.4
Alarm threshold 2
Unlike MP parameters, these alarm thresholds operate C 20.0 % LEL ↗
independently of each other.

The first alarm threshold refers to the second digital output,

since the first is reserved for the horn. It controls the LED on the Hysteresis
WAO, if connected. 1.0 % LEL

The second alarm threshold refers to the horn of the WAO or

the optional internal horn.
Time-Recurr.- DI
In addition to the alarm thresholds, the horn function for the 0s No 0
internal horn can be set here (see section 4.8.6).
The external acknowledgment of the horn via the DI is not

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 13

Installation & Service

Calibration OFF

The following area is only accessible if the service is set to "ON".

 With code priority 4 for reading the parameters
 With code priority 1 or 3 for changing the parameters.

4.8 Menu Relay Parameters

Reading and changing of the parameters separately for each alarm relay. Changes only via code level priority 1.
For devices of the PolyXeta®2 series, the parameter changes can only be done at the alarm relay 1.
Relay Parameters Relay 1

4.8.1 Relay Mode

Selection of alarm relay 1 - X
Relay Mode
For PX2, the fault relay is listed as relay 2 and can be registered
here as an additional alarm relay. This registration has no influence
on the function as alarm relay.
The relay switches off in addition when the assigned alarm is

Symbol Description Default Function

Used = Relay is registered and can be assigned to
Used Mode Used an alarm
Not Used = Relay isn’t registered

4.8.2 Relay Operation Mode

Operation Mode
PX2: Relay 2:
The parameter setting “Energized” cannot be changed.

The terms energized / de-energized come from the terms “energized / de-energized to trip” principle used for
safety circuits. The terms refer to the activation of the relay coil, not to the relay contacts (as they are executed
as changeover contacts and available in both principles).
The LEDs at the modules show the state in analogy. (LED off -> relay coil current-free)

Symbol Description Default Function

De-energ. = Alarm OFF= Relay (and LED) current-free
De- De- Alarm ON = Relay (and LED) energized
energ. energ. Energ. = Alarm OFF = Relay (and LED) permanently energized
Alarm ON = Relay (and LED) current-free

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.8.3 Relay Function Static / Flashing

PX2: Relay 2:
The parameter setting “No” cannot be changed.

The function "Flashing" offers a connection option for warning devices to improve visibility. The frequency is
about 1 second with an impulse / pause rate of 1:1.
If “Flashing” is set, the output circuit mustn’t be used as a safe output any more.
The combination of relay mode energized with flashing operation makes no sense and is therefore suppressed.

Symbol Description Default Function

Yes = Relay function flashing in case of alarm
No Function No
No = Relay function static in case of alarm

4.8.4 Signal Source

Signal Source
Menu item not available for PolyXeta®2 device series for it is Local
always local.

The signal source determines whether the relay is triggered by an alarm in the I/O board (local) or from the
central unit (remote).

Symbol Description Default Function

Local = The relay activation is based on local settings and
Local Signal Source Local alarms.
Remote = The relay is activated by the central unit.

4.8.5 Alarm Trigger Quantity

Alarm Trigger Quant.
Menu item not available for PolyXeta®2 device series for it is
always 1.

In some applications it is necessary that the relay switches only at the n th alarm. Here you can set the number
of active alarms necessary for relay tripping. For security applications, the relay must always switch on the first

Symbol Description Default Function

1 No. of Alarms 1 1 = Number of pending alarms for triggering the alarm relay

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.8.6 Horn Function Time- Recurr.- DI

0s No 0
PX2: Relay 2:
The parameter setting cannot be changed.

The horn function of the alarm relay is activated if at least one of the two parameters (time or assignment to
digital input) is set. The horn function retains its functionality even for alarms in latching mode.
This feature is not allowed for safety-related alarm messages because the output is resettable.

Symbol Description Default Function

No = Automatic reset of the relay after time has expired.
Recurrence Mode No
Yes = Recurrence function
Enter time for automatic reset function or recurrence function in s
Time 120
0 = No reset function
DI 0 0 – X = Assignment, which digital input resets the relay

Horn function resettable:

The activated horn can be reset with this function.
The following possibilities to acknowledge are available for the alarm relay as horn relay:
 By pressing the left button (ESC). Only available in starting menu.
 Automatic reset at the end of the preset time (active, if value > 0).
 By an external pushbutton (assignment of the appropriate digital input DI 1-n).
Due to fixed polling cycles, external buttons must be pressed for a few seconds before the reaction occurs.
After successful acknowledgment the horn remains permanently reset until all assigned alarms for this relay
function are inactive again. Only then it is triggered anew in case of an alarm.

Acknowledge the horn relay

Alarm 4 Gas concentration higher lower than threshold
Relay 4

Acknowledging On
Reset command by timer, external push-button or one of the operating keys.

Recurrence of the horn relay

After an alarm has been triggered, the horn will remain active until a reset action is done. After
acknowledgment of the horn relay (via a button or externally via digital input) a timer starts. When this time has
run out and the alarm is still acting, the relay is set again. This process is repeated endlessly as long as the
associated alarm remains active.

Alarm 4 Gas concentration higher lower than threshold
Time Time
Relay 4

Acknowledging- On
Reset command by external push-button or one of the operating keys.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.8.7 External Override External function

 DI 0  DI 0
PX2: Relay 2:
The parameter setting cannot be changed.

Symbol Description Default Function

DI 0 External ON 0 As long as DI 1-X is closed, relay switches ON
DI 0 External OFF 0 As long as DI 1- X is closed, relay switches OFF.

Manual operation of the alarm relays via DI does not start the "special mode", as this is a deliberate and
configured functionality. The use of the override should be used with caution, particularly the function "External
Assignment of a digital input (DI) for the external switching on and off of the alarm relay.
This function has priority to gas alarm.
If External ON and External OFF are configured to the same relay and both are active at the same time, so in
this state, the External OFF command has priority. In this mode, too, the relay works respecting the parameter
settings "Static / Flashing" and "Energized / De-energized".

4.8.8 Delay Mode of Alarm Relay On Delay Time

Menu item not available for PX2 device series.

Off Delay Time

PX2: Relay 2: 0s
The parameter setting cannot be changed.

Definition of the time for switch-on and switch-off delay of the alarm relays. The menu (function) of switch-on
delay is not available for the PolyXeta®2 device series.

Symbol Description Default Function

Switch-ON ≥ 1: Alarm relay is only activated at the end of the defined time.
0 sec. 0
Delay Time 0 = No delay
Switch-OFF ≥ 1: Alarm relay is only deactivated at the end of the defined time.
0 sec. 0
Delay Time 0 = No delay

4.8.9 Assignment to Fault

Fault Active
PX2: Relay 2: No
The parameter setting cannot be changed.

In case of a device fault the alarm relay is triggered in addition.

This relay output must not be used as a safe error output.

Symbol Description Default Function

No No assignment No Alarm relay is not activated in case of a device fault.

Assignment to
Yes Yes Alarm relay is activated in case of a device fault.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.8.10 Assignment to Maintenance Message

Maintenance Active

In case of a pending maintenance the alarm relay is triggered in addition.

Symbol Description Default Function

No No assignment No Alarm relay is not activated in case of a maintenance message.

Assignment to
Yes Yes Alarm relay is activated in case of a maintenance message.

4.9 MP Parameters
Reading (code level 1) and changing (code level 1) of the parameters for each measuring point.

Selection of measuring point (1 – X)

MP Parameters MP 1

4.9.1 Activate – Deactivate MP

MP Mode
Deactivation not possible for PolyXeta®2 device series. Active

The physically present sensor head is registered at the basic device for its evaluation. After activation the
measured gas signal is evaluated and the sensor head specifications are monitored. Existing alarms and faults
are cleared with deactivation of the sensor.
Attention: Deactivation of a sensor head does not cause a fault message.

Symbol Description Default Function

Not Active = Measuring point activated in the controller.
Active MP Mode
active Not active = Measuring point not activated in the controller.

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4.9.2 Selection of Gas Type and Nom/Gas/Unit

Measuring Range 3400 CH4 % LEL

FRXX Mixture Type

Menu only displayed if a Freon group is selected as the gas RYYYYY
type. In the second line then the actual Freon name is
entered. These Freons are listed in the following table under
the Freon groups in the column FORMULA
Meas. Range
100 % LEL

Symbol Description Default Function

Internal MSR Selection of gas type from internal list (must correspond with the
3400 ----
Type sensor head).
Formula of
CH4 ---- Formula (gas type) is firmly assigned to the MSR type.
Gas Type
Unit of Gas
%LEL ---- Unit is firmly assigned to the MSR type.
100 ---- Set measuring range (must correspond with the sensor head).
The gas type to be monitored and the range are set in the two menus. The basic unit continuously checks the
set gas type and the measuring range if they match with the gas type and the measuring range of the
connected digital sensor head. If they don’t match, an error messages is output.
In the analog sensor head, control for compliance is not possible; nevertheless the correct gas type and
measuring range for the display and evaluation must be selected as well.
Select the 4-digit, internal MSR type; then the type of gas and the associated unit will appear on the right next
to it.
It should be noted that for some gases there are various sensor technologies and units, therefore the
associated sensor head types with the respective unit are listed in the table column.
The presentation of measured values, alarm thresholds and hysteresis depends on the measuring range. If the
measuring range is <10, there are three, if <100, there are two, if <1000, there is one decimal place. If => 1000,
the display is without decimal place. The resolution and accuracy of the calculation is not affected by the
different measuring ranges.

MSR- Sensor Head Type Meas.

Type SC2-, SX1- MC2- Gas Type Formula Range Unit
1110 E1110-X Carbon monoxide CO 0-300 ppm
D110 Carbon monoxide CO 0-5 % Vol
D110 Carbon monoxide CO 0-2000 ppm
1130 E1130-X Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0-30 ppm
1129 E1129-X Nitrogen monoxide NO 0-100 ppm
1195 E1195-X Oxygen O2 0-25 % Vol
1125 E1125-X Ammonia NH3 0-300 ppm
D164 Carbon dioxide CO2 0-2000 ppm
S164 I1164-A Carbon dioxide CO2 0-2000 ppm
D164 Carbon dioxide CO2 0-5 % Vol
S164 I1164-B; -C Carbon dioxide CO2 0-5 % Vol
I164 Carbon dioxide CO2 0-100 % Vol
3400 P3400-A Methane CH4 0-100 % LEL

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I400 I3400-A IR-Methane CH4 0-100 % LEL

I400 IR-Methane CH4 0-100 % Vol
3480 P3480-A Propane C3H8 0-100 % LEL
I480 I3480-A IR-Propane C3H8 0-100 % LEL
I480 IR-Propane C3H8 0-100 % Vol
3440 P3440-A Hydrogen H2 0-100 % LEL
3408 P3408-A Ammonia NH3 0-100 % LEL
3485 P3485-A Acetone (CH3)2CO 0-100 % LEL
3430 P3430-A Benzene C6H6 0-100 % LEL
3425 P3425-A Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH 0-100 % LEL
3427 P3427-A Ethyl acetate CH3COOC2H5 0-100 % LEL
3410 P3410-A Ethylene C2H4 0-100 % LEL
3460 P3460-A n-Butane C4H10 0-100 % LEL
3491 P3491-A n-Heptane C7H16 0-100 % LEL
3435 P3435-A n-Hexane C6H14 0-100 % LEL
3482 P3482-A Isopropyl alcohol (CH3)2CHOH 0-100 % LEL
3498 P3498-A JP8 JP8 0-100 % LEL
3450 P3450-A Methanol CH3OH 0-100 % LEL
3458 P3458-A Methyl ethyl ketone MEK C4H8O 0-100 % LEL
3470 P3470-A n-Octane C8H18 0-100 % LEL
3475 P3475-A n-Pentane C5H12 0-100 % LEL
3490 P3490-A Toluene C7H8 0-100 % LEL
3448 P3448-A Butyl acetate C6H12O2 0-100 % LEL
3415 P3415-A Cyclohexane C6H12 0-100 % LEL
3472 P3472-A Cyclopentane C5H10 0-100 % LEL
3420 P3420-A Ethane C2H6 0-100 % LEL
3468 P3468-A Isobutanol / Isobutyl alcohol C2H6 O2 0-100 % LEL
3473 P3473-A Methyl acetate C3H6O2 0-100 % LEL
3402 P3402-A LPG LPG 0-100 % LEL
3496 P3496-A Petrol Vapours Petrol 0-100 % LEL
3497 P3497-A Styrene C8H8 0-100 % LEL
3493 P3493-A Xylene C8H10 0-100 % LEL
3405 P3405-A Acetylene C2H2 0-100 % LEL
C160 VOC VOC 0-2000 ppm
2189 Ethylene C2H4 0-1000 ppm
2125 Ammonia NH3 0-3000 ppm
2053 Xylene C8H10 0-300 ppm
D184 Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 0-1000 ppm
1135 E1135-X Bromine Br2 0-2 ppm
1182 E1182-X Hydrogen fluoride HF 0-10 ppm
1192 E1192-X Nitrous oxide N2O 0-2000 ppm
1183 E1183-X Hydrogen cyanide HCN 0-100 ppm
1185 E1185-X Formaldehyde CH2O 0-10 ppm
1186 E1186-X Hydrogen chloride HCL 0-20 ppm
1188 E1187-X Silane SiH4 0-50 ppm
1189 E1189-X Ethylene C2H4 0-200 ppm
1190 E1190-X Ozone O3 0-200 ppm
1193 E1193-X Chlorine CL2 0-20 ppm
1196 E1196-X Sulphur dioxide SO2 0-100 ppm
1197 E1197-X Hydrogen sulphide H2S 0-200 ppm
1198 E1198-X Fluorine F2 0-2 ppm
1187 E1187-X Phosphine PH3 0-5 ppm
1194 E1194-X Hydrogen H2 0-1000 ppm
1181 E1181-X Chlorine dioxide ClO2 0-1 ppm
1147 E1147-X Phosgene COCl2 0-1 ppm

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2059 FR01 R12 20 - 2000 ppm

2061 2061-XX FR02 20 - 2000 ppm
2063 2063-XX FR03 R454b 20 - 2000 ppm
2064 2064-XX FR04 20 - 2000 ppm
2066 FR05 R11 20 - 2000 ppm
2070 2070-XX FR06 R402b 20 - 2000 ppm
2077 2077-XX FR07 20 - 2000 ppm
2080 2080-XX FR08 R410a 20 - 2000 ppm
EXT Temp Temp °C
EXT Temp Temp °F
EXT Connection option for Humidity Hum. % RH
.EXT sensors with 4- 20 mA signal Pressure Press mbar
EXT Comb. Comb % LEL
EXT External External %
EXT Digital Digital %
Different measuring ranges are possible, but not listed here.
The use with the measuring range value: 1 results in a binary value output of the values 0 or 1

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4.9.3 Alarm Thresholds / Hysteresis

Alarm Threshold 1
C 10.0 % LEL ↗

Alarm Threshold 2
C 20.0 % LEL ↗

Alarm Threshold 3
C 0.0 % LEL ↗

Alarm Threshold 4
C 0.0 % LEL ↗

1.0 % LEL

Symbol Description Default Function

C = Alarm evaluation with current value of MP
C Evaluation C
A = Alarm evaluation with average value of MP
Threshold 1 XX Gas concentration > Threshold 1 = Alarm 1
Threshold 2 XX Gas concentration > Threshold 2 = Alarm 2
10 %
Threshold 3 XX Gas concentration > Threshold 3 = Alarm 3
Threshold 4 XX Gas concentration > Threshold 4 = Alarm 4
Hysteresis XX Gas concentration < (Threshold X –Hysteresis) = Alarm X OFF
= Alarm release at increasing concentrations
= Alarm release at falling concentrations

For each measuring point four alarm thresholds are available for free definition. If the gas concentration is
higher than the set alarm threshold, the associated alarm is activated. If the gas concentration falls below the
alarm threshold minus the hysteresis the alarm is reset again. In the mode “Alarm at falling” the corresponding
alarm is set in case of falling below the set alarm threshold and reset again when exceeding the threshold plus
The presentation of the alarm thresholds depends on the set measuring range: See chapter Gas Type and
Measuring Range.
The alarm thresholds are freely selectable in the range from 0 to 100 % of the measuring range.
The alarm threshold is only stored, if the value is ≥ the low-order alarm threshold.
Unused alarm thresholds have to be defined with 0, in order to avoid undesired alarms.
Higher-level alarms automatically activate the lower-level alarms.
Lowest hysteresis: 3 % of the lowest alarm threshold
Highest hysteresis: 50 % of the lowest alarm threshold

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4.9.4 Delay for Alarm ON and/or OFF

Delay Alarm ON
Menu not available for PolyXeta®2 device series. 0s

Delay Alarm OFF


Symbol Description Default Function

Gas concentration > alarm threshold + set time = Alarm ON
0s 0 sec. Gas concentration < alarm threshold – hysteresis + set time =
Alarm OFF

Function only active in Current Value Mode.

4.9.5 Average Overlay

AV Overlay
Menu not available for PolyXeta®2 device series.

The alarm evaluation of the operation mode “Average” is overridden by the current value, if this one exceeds
the alarm threshold and delay time defined in the menu "System Parameters AV Overlay". The overlay is
delayed by the time factor entered in the local menu. The function of the average overlay is only activated for
the gas type CO.

Symbol Description Default Function

Overlay of alarm No = Average overlay not active.
No release by No
current value Yes = Average overlay active

4.9.6 Latching Mode Assigned to Alarm

Alarm - 1234
SBH - 0100

In this menu you can assign the latching mode to each alarm.

Symbol Description Default Function

Presentation of the alarms 1 to 4; under each alarm you can
activate the latching with 1.

Assignment of 0 = no latching; alarm resets automatically if

latching gas concentration again < alarm threshold minus hysteresis
SBH 0000
function 1 = latching; alarm remains active, if gas concentration < alarm
yes/no threshold minus hysteresis, until reset by the operator.

The acknowledgment of an alarm in latching mode is carried out in the menu Alarm status. See chapter 4.2.

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4.9.7 MP Fault Assigned to Alarm

Alarm - 1234
Fault - 0100

In this menu you can define, which alarms should be activated by a fault at the measuring point. If the fault is
remedied, the alarm is automatically reset.

Symbol Description Default Function

Presentation of the alarms 1 to 4; you can define with 1 for each
alarm that the alarm should be activated in case of MP fault.
Assignment of 0 = Alarm isn’t activated in case of MP fault.
Fault MP fault to 0000
alarm 1 = Alarm is activated in case of MP fault.

4.9.8 Alarm Assigned to Alarm Relay

A1 A2 A3 A4
1 0 0 0

Each of the four alarms can be assigned to any alarm relay 1 – X registered in the menu Relay Parameters by
entering the relay address right under the alarm. One alarm relay can be assigned to multiple alarms. Unused
alarms aren’t assigned. The number of physically present alarm relays depends on the device type.
For PolyXeta®2 devices there is only one alarm relay (address 1), the fault relay can also be used for alarm
message (address 2). The relay has to be registered in the menu Relay Parameters. The fault message
function, however, remains unaffected.

Symbol Description Default Function

Presentation of the alarms 1 to 4; you can assign an alarm relay to
Alarm A1 A2 A3 A4
each alarm by setting a relay address.
A1 = X
Assignment of A2 = X
X = Assignment of an alarm relay (relay address) to an alarm
alarm relay A3 = X
A4 = X

4.9.9 MP Assigned to Analog Output

Analog Output
x y

The measuring signal can be assigned to two analog outputs by entering the address of the analog output
instead of x and y. The number of physically available analog outputs depends on the device type.
PolyXeta®2 devices only have one analog output, so no parameter setting is possible for y.
The analog outputs are configured in the menu System Parameters, AO Function.

Symbol Description Default Function

X = Assignment of an analog output by entering the AO address
X y Address AO Y = Assignment of a second analog output by entering the AO

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4.10 Menu System Parameters

System Parameters

Selection of the device, the sensor head or the basic device whose the data should be processed.
SX, SC = Sensor head
PX2; MSC2; SB2; EP = Basic device
The display automatically recognizes the connected basic unit.
System Parameters

If the basic unit can manage more than one SC/SX, the selection is done
at X. Only if SC/SX is connected, the menu “Serial Number” will open.
System Parameters System Parameters

4.10.1 System Information

Serial Number
Currently, the serial number 0 is displayed in the XXXX
sensor head SC/SX.

Date of Production
Menu not available for sensor heads SC/SX. XX.XX.XX

Symbol Description Defa Function

XXXX Serial Number Serial number (factory set)
XX.XX.XX Date of Production Date of production (factory set)

4.10.2 Maintenance Interval

Maint. Interval

Input of the maintenance interval in days. If you enter < 10 days, the function is not active
The maintenance interval can be entered individually in the basic unit and in each sensor head. Therefore the
complete unit can have multiple maintenance messages. On SC and SX, the factory-set maintenance interval
can only be read out.
See also description Maintenance Concept in the user manual of the corresponding device.

Symbol Description Default Function

XXXX Days 365 Maintenance interval

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4.10.3 Average Function

Menu not available for PolyXeta®2 devices. AV Overlay
0s 0 ppm

Average Time

In the menu “Average Time” you can define the time base for the calculation of the arithmetic average value
(30 measurements within the time base). This average value can be used for alarm evaluation as an alternative
to the current value. The selection which value should be used for evaluation is defined separately for each
alarm in the menu “Alarm Threshold X”. In the average mode, the average value is indicated in the menu
“Measuring Values” next to the current value.
The alarm evaluation of the operating mode “Average Value” is overlaid by the current value, when the current
value exceeds the alarm threshold defined in the menu “AV-Overlay”. The overlay is delayed by the time factor
defined in this menu. The average overlay function is only available for the gas type CO.
Both menus are available and operable in the basic device. The menu "Average Time" is also available in the
sensor head for reading the time base.

Symbol Description Default Function

XXXX Seconds 900 Time base for average calculation
0s Seconds 120 Delay time in case of overlay by the current value
0 ppm 100 Alarm threshold that triggers the overlay by the current value

4.10.4 Power On Time

Power On Time
30 s

Gas sensors need a running-in period, until the chemical process of the sensor reaches stable conditions.
During this running-in period the sensor signal can lead to an unwanted triggering of a pseudo alarm. Therefore
the Power On time is started at each basic unit and each sensor head after power-on or voltage recovery.
While this time is running out, the device is in special mode and doesn’t activate alarms. The Power On time
appears in the starting menu. During this phase the sensor head transmits "Warm-up time" instead of the
measured value.
The Power On Time of the individual components may be different. Only when the longest time has expired,
the system starts the measuring operation.
The recommended Power On Time is also dependent on the type of gas and can be found in the respective
user manual. On SC and SX, the factory-set maintenance intervals can only be read out.

Symbol Description Default Function

XX Seconds 30 Power On time

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4.10.5 AO Function
AO Function
Menu not available for sensor heads SC/SX.

Analog Output 1
100 % C Max.

Next analog output

This menu is for the configuration of the analog outputs. The number of physically available analog outputs
depends on the device type. PolyXeta®2 devices only have one AO.
After registration each analog output checks the current signal for plausibility. Signal deviations of more than
5% from the nominal value will generate an error message (causes: short circuit or interruption of cable,
actuator not connected).
The analog output can be activated by the local device as well as by a higher-level controller. With the PX2
series, only the local control is possible.
The steepness of the current signal can be adjusted in the range of 10 to 100% in case of local control.
If several measuring points are assigned, you can define whether the minimum, the maximum or the average
of all the assigned signals is output. It is likewise possible to define which signal of the measuring points
(source) is output.
If the 4 - 20 mA signal is used as a safe signal (SIL level), the following mandatory parameters must be
Selection of analog signal: 100: 100 % gas signal = 20 mA (standard signal)
Selection source: CF: Source current value signal with fault message
Selection of operating mode: Max: Output of the maximum value of the assigned MP

Symbol Description Default Function

Analog Selection of
Selection of the analog output 1 - X
Output 1 channel
0 0 = Analog output is not used, no monitoring of the feedback
1 = Control by central controller
1 Selection of ≥ 10 = Local control and definition of the signal slope
100 %
output signal 10 = 10 % gas signal = 20mA (high sensitivity)
10-100 % 100 = 100 % gas signal = 20mA (standard signal)
100 is the fixed setting for PX2.
C = Source is current value
A = Source is average value
Selection of
C A CF = Source is current value and additional fault message at AO
AF = Source is average value and additional fault message at AO
CF is the fixed setting for PX2.
Min. = Displays the minimum value of all assigned MP
Selection of Max. = Displays the maximum value of all assigned MP
Max. Max.
mode Average = Displays the average value of all assigned MP
Max. is the fixed setting for PX2.

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4.10.6 Relay Multiplication

Menu not available for PolyXeta®2 devices. Relay Multiplication

In Out
1: R 0 R 0

With the relay multiplication table, it is possible to assign an additional alarm relay to an alarm. This
corresponds in the end to one multiplication of the source alarm situation per entry.
The additional relay follows the alarm status of the source, but uses its own relay parameters to allow
different needs of the doubled relay. So the source relay can be configured, for example, as safety
function in de-energized mode, but the doubled relay can be declared with flashing function or as horn
There is a maximum of two entries for IN relays and OUT relays. Thus it is possible, for example, to
expand one relay to two others or to double max. two relays.
In the column IN (source), you can set the relay assigned to an alarm in the menu MP Parameter.
In the column OUT (target), you can enter the relay needed in addition.
Manual intervention in the menu Relay Status or override in external ON or OFF by external DI do not
count as alarm status, so they do only affect the IN relay. If this is also desired for the OUT relays, it has
to be configured separately for each OUT relay.

Number Description Default Status Function

0 = Function off
0-5 IN AR Relay 0
X = Relay X should be multiplied (information source).
0 = Function off
0-5 OUT AR Relay 0
X = Relay X (target) should switch together with IN relay.

2 relay contacts are needed with the same effect as relay 3, (see assignment of the relays in chapter MP
Entry: 1: IN AR3 OUT AR4 1: AR 3 AR 4.
Entry: 2: IN AR3 OUT AR5

2: AR 3 AR 5.

If relay 3 is activated via an alarm, the relays AR3, AR4 and AR5 will switch at the same time.

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4.11 Operating Data

This menu is for retrieving relevant operational data of the sensor head and the basic unit. No changes or
modifications are possible.

Operating Data

Selection of the device, sensor head or basic device the data should be read from.
SX, SC = Sensor head
PX2; MSC2; SB2; EP = Basic unit
The display recognizes the connected basic unit automatically.
Operating Data

Operating Data

Operating Data
If more than one SC are connected to the basic unit,
the selection is done at X.

Serial Number
Currently, the serial number 0 is XXXX Serial number of the device
displayed in the sensor head SC/SX.

Date of Production
Menu not available for sensor XX.XX.XX Date of production of the device
heads SC/SX

Days of Operation
Current days of operation
X Days

Menu only available for SC and SX, Gas concentration counter

Function not released at the moment. Gas Conc. Counter Counting the gas concentration
0 10% /Day Unit: 10 % of measuring range per day

Min. Temperature Display of the lowest temperature

25 °C detected at the device
Value is updated on new devices only after
a few days (initial value = 70°C)

Max. Temperature Display of the highest temperature

31 °C detected at the device
Value is updated on new devices only after
a few days (initial value = -35°C)

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Last Tool No. Displays the tool number

the last access was performed with

Menu not available for SX Analog Outp. 1 Display of the zero offset of
Offset 295 analog output 1
(internal value)

Menu not available for SC and SX Analog Outp. 2 Display of the zero offset of
Offset 295 analog output 2

Menu not available for PX2, SX and SC Selection of analog input

Analog Inputs………X
The operating data for analog input
refer to the 4 – 20 mA signal!

Number of Calibr. Number of calibrations

1 performed

Zero Gain Current zero offset and gain

xxxxx yyyyy

Sensitivity Sensitivity of the sensor at the

100% last calibration compared to
new sensor

Maintenance Days Display of the days differing from

Last xxx the nominal maintenance date
(fixed value)

Days of operation Days of operation since the last

Last xxx calibration (fixed value)

Maintenance Days Currently remaining days until

Currently xxx next maintenance date
(down counter)

Max. Current Value Maximum measured current

0 value of the sensor head

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4.12 Test Function for Alarm Relays

In this menu, the alarm relays can be manually turned on and off in order to test their function.
This menu is only available in special mode and only for the locally controlled relays. The relays in remote
mode must be tested from DGC06.
The manual operation takes priority over activation by a gas alarm. However, the external activation of the
alarm relays via a digital input takes priority over the manual test function.
The test mode simulates an alarm for the relay and the relay accepts the alarm status. The test function is
deleted by selecting "Automatic" or by exiting the Special Mode.
The testing is possible via code level 1 and 4.

Selection of the relay 1 - X

Relay Relay X
Test Function Status OFF

Relay 1
Selection of further Alarm Test ON

Relay 1
Alarm Test OFF

Relay 1

Symbol Description Default Function

Status Relay No. X X = 1 – X Select the relay
Status OFF = Relay off (no gas alarm)
OFF Relay Status OFF
Status ON = Relay on (alarm)
Alarm Test ON = Relay manually set in alarm status
Test of the
Alarm Test OFF = Relay manually set in “no alarm“ status
Test ON alarm Autom
Automatic = Reset of manual intervention, relay
in automatic mode

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Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.13 Test Function for Analog Output

In this menu, you can define a desired value in mA for the analog output in order to test its function. This value
is then directly available at the output.
This menu is only available in special mode.
The manual operation has priority over the activation by the gas concentration.
The testing is possible via code level 1 and 4.
When the menu is exited, the actual current signal is immediately output again, the entry field shows 0.
The test function is only possible for an active analog output.

Analog Output AO 1 Set Value On the left you can see the current set-point
Test Function 4.02 mA 0.00 mA as calculated from the gas concentration.

AO 1 Set Value Enter the required current under „Set Value“,

4.02 mA 12.00 mA e.g. 12 mA

AO 1 Set Value The set value is accepted as set-point

12.00 mA 12.00 mA (by displaying it on the left)
and is physically output.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 32

4.14 Calibration
On this page there is the menu overview of the calibration. The calibration description can be found on the
following pages.


DP 1
3400 CH4 % LEL

Zero DP 1 Zero calibration

Selection of the measuring
point to be calibrated

Test gas
Set the test gas concentraion

Gain DP 1
Gain calibration

Menu item only available with SC and SX Burn clean

for combustible gases

Menu item only available with SC Calibration AO Calibration of analog output for
MC2 series. See description of
calibration AO1

Calibration AO 1 Menu only if an AO is available.

Calibration AO 2
Menu only if the device is equipped with a second AO.

Credit Menu Credit Menu.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 33

4.14.1 Zero Calibration

The gas application with the defined calibration adapter, the allowable gas pressure and flow rate and the zero
gas to be used can be found in the operating instructions of the sensor head. The specified warm-up times etc.
must be strictly observed.

Zero DP 1

Zero DP 1
0.5 % LEL Step 1: Display of the current value

Apply test gas according to instructions.

Start calibration process.

Zero DP 1 Step 2: Calculation of the new zero offset
0.5 % LEL During calculation an underscore in line 2 runs
from left to right and the current value drops to zero.

When the current value is stable, press for terminating the calculation of the new value.

Zero DP 1 Step 3: Save the newly calculated zero offset

SAVE „SAVE“ is displayed, as long as the function is executed.

Zero DP 1 After the value has been successfully stored, a square appears
0.0 % LEL  on the right for a short time = Zero point calibration is finished
and new zero offset has been stored with success.

Zero DP 1 The display automatically goes to step 1: Display of new zero point
0.0 % LEL

During the calculation phase, the following messages may occure:

Message Description
Current value too high Wrong gas for zero point calibration
Current value unstable Appears when the sensor signal does not reach the zero point within the target
time. Disappears automatically when the sensor signal is stable.
Time too short The message "value unstable" starts an internal timer. Once the timer has run out
and the current value is still unstable, the text is displayed. The process starts over
again. If the value is stable, the current value is displayed and the calibration
procedure is continued. If the cycle is repeated several times, an internal error is
present. Stop the calibration process and replace the sensor head.

When aborting the zero-offset calibration, the offset value will not be updated. The sensor head continues to
use the "old" zero offset.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.14.2 Gain Calibration

The gas application with the defined calibration adapter, the allowable gas pressure and flow rate and the test
gas to be used can be found in the operating instructions of the sensor head. The specified warm-up times etc.
must be strictly observed.

Test Gas Enter concentration of the test gas used.

XX.X % LEL Special case Cross calibration for combustible gases: For combustible gases, a
sensitivity factor related to methane is given in the operating instructions for each
gas.The concentration of the methane test gas is multiplied by this factor (factor ZP).
The product thereof is entered as test gas value.
This value isn’t cleared when exiting the menu, therefore before restarting
calibration, always check if the value is correct.

Gain DP 1

Gain DP 1 Step 1: Display of the current value and of the sensitivity

48.0 % LEL 89.0% from the last calibration
Apply test gas according to instructions.
Start calibration process.

Gain DP 1 Step 2: Calculation of the new gain

50.1 % LEL 82 % During calculation an underscore in line 2 runs from
left to right and the current value adapts to the set
test gas concentration. The sesitivity is recalucated, too.
When the current value is stable, press for terminating the calculation of the new value.
Gain DP 1 Step 3: Save the newly calculated gain
SAVE ‚SAVE‘ is displayed as long as the function is executed.

Gain DP 1 After the value has been successfully stored, a square appears
50.1 % LEL 89% on the right for a short time.= Gain calibration is finished and
new gain offset has been stored with success.

Gain DP 1 The display automatically goes to step 1: Display

50.1 % LEL 89 %

During the calculation phase, the following messages may occure:

Message Description
Current value too high Test gas concentration > than set value
Internal error  Replace sensor head.
Current value too low No test gas or wrong test gas applied to the sensor
Test gas too high The set test gas concentration must be between 30% and 90% of the measuring
Test gas too low range.
Current value Appears when the sensor signal does not reach the zero point within the target time.
unstable Disappears automatically when the sensor signal is stable.
Time too short The message "value unstable" starts an internal timer. Once the timer has run out
and the current value is still unstable, the text is displayed. The process starts over
again. If the value is stable, the current value is displayed and the calibration
procedure is continued. If the cycle is repeated several times, an internal error is
present. Stop the calibration process and replace the sensor head.
Sensitivity < Sensitivity of the sensor head < 30 %, calibration no longer possible Replace
sensor head.
Interner Fehler Internal , unrecoverable error  Replace sensor head.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.14.3 Burning Clean

With the function "Bunrnig Clean", the Pellistor sensor is operated with a higher heating temperature for a
limited period in order to remove any soiling on the heating wire which may adversely affect the sensitivity.

Burning Clean Start: = Starting the cleaning function

Cancel: = Manual abort

The menu is only displayed for SC2 and SX2 Pellistor sensors.
Before the start and during the complete burning process, test gas must be applied in the middle LEL range,
preferably hydrogen, in order to achieve an increased combustion.
The gas supply is carried out with the specified calibration adapter, the permissible gas pressure and the flow
rate can be found in the operating manual of the sensor head.
The operation can be stopped at any time with abort.
The special mode is activated when burning clean is active.
The cleaning cannot reverse or improve a natural aging!

4.14.4 Zero-point Calibration of Analog Output

With this menu item you can correct the zero-point of the analog output (4mA). The zero-point correction is only
possible when the analog output is in active mode.
The error message of the output monitoring is suppressed as long as the menu Calibration AO is open.
Therefore, connect the amperemeter (measuring range 20 mA DC) to the analog output only after having
opened the menu.
Calibration AO 1

Connect amperemeter to the analog output.

Calibration AO 1
320 0 Display of the current zero offset on the left.

Calibration AO 1 Adjust the zero offset on the right by changing the

320 323 offset value slowly, until the amperemeter shows 4 mA.

Calibration AO 1
SAVE Save the adjusted zero offset.

Calibration AO 1
323 323 Return to the display of the current zero offset.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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4.14.5 Credit Menu

Display of current credits, loading new credits

Credit Menu

Number of Credits
100 Display of number of current credits
If display is 0, calibration isn’t possible any more.
The following menus are accessible only with the service tool.

Serial Number
XXXX Serial number of the service tool

Load Credits
You can load your credits here.

Enter X Enter four-digit code for loading new

Credit code 0 credits. 100 credits are added per code.
The code for new credits can be requested at MSR-E.

4.15 Addressing


Assignment of the basis slave address of the device for field bus operation
Set Address Define the basis slave address

The data of the sensor head (SC, SX) assigned at input 1 are sent with this basis slave address to the gas
controller via the fieldbus.
The base unit requires / occupies a slave address for each connected sensor head. In the next menu, you can
enter the number of occupied addresses. When the number is > 1, the address(es) following the basis address
is / are automatically occupied.

If an address is assigned, it is displayed in the menu Measurement Values next to the letter D (digital
measuring point).

Menu not available for PX2 devices series.

Number of Addr. Define the number of occupied slave addresses.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

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Symbol Description Default Function

0 = Device is not addressed, bus not used.
The admissible address range depends on the device to be
Basis Slave
4 0 addressed.
SB2/PX2/MSx2 = 1 – 96
EP06 =1– 7
The number of addresses depends on the number of connected
sensor heads.
Number of
Permitted number max.
1 Occupied 1
PX2 =1
SB2; MSX2 = 3
EP06 =4

SB2 with two sensor heads (SC2 1110 at Input 1 and SC2 3400 at Input 2).
Slave address 4 was assigned to the SB2 Board. The number of occupied addresses is 2. Thus, the SC2 1110
occupies Address 4 and SC2 3400 Address 5. The next available address of the system is Address 6.
No intervention is possible for devices with fixed number of occupied addresses (e.g. PX2 with only one sensor
Note: The system doesn’t prevent the addresses to be assigned twice.
Registration of the sensor head at the basic device and defintion of the communication (bus or analog)

Menu not available for PX2 devices series.

Config. DP 1 This menu appears for each set address.

active From example above: DP4 = SC2 1110
DP5 = SC2 3400
MP Mode
active bus Define the MP mode.

Symbol Description Default Function

active = Measuring point is activated on the device.
active MP mode inactive
inactive = Measuring point is not activated on the device.
Connection bus = Measured value comes from the connected SC.
bus bus
mode analog = Measured value comes from 4 – 20mA input.

Selection gas type and range (see also chapter 4.8.3)

Nom. / Gas / Unit
Define gas type.
1110 CO ppm

Meas. Range Define measuring range.

300 ppm See

Config. DP X If the number of addresses is less than the number of possible

not available measurement points, the remaining measuring points are
displayed as ‘not available". No intervention is possible here.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

MSR-Electronic GmbH, Würdinger Str. 27, D 94060 Pocking Printed in Germany
User Manual of Service Tool and Display for
µGard®2, PolyGard®2 , PolyXeta®2 Page 38

5 Notes and General Information

For the installation and the use, it is important to read the respective user manual carefully. The PolyGard®2
and PolyXeta®2 System (further mentioned as system) may only be used for applications in accordance to the
intended use. The appropriate operating and maintenance instructions and recommendations must be strictly
Due to permanent product developments, MSR-E reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
The information contained herein is based on data considered to be accurate. However, no guarantee or
warranty is expressed or implied concerning the accuracy of these data.

5.1 Intended Product Application

The system is designed and manufactured for control applications, for energy savings and air quality
compliance in commercial buildings and manufacturing plants.

5.2 Installer’s Responsibilities

It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure that the system is installed in compliance with all national and local
regulations and OSHA requirements. All installation shall be executed only by technicians familiar with proper
installation techniques and with codes, standards and proper safety procedures for control installations and the
latest edition of the National Electrical Code (ANSI/NFPA70).
The equipotential bonding required (also e.g. secondary potential to earth) or grounding measures must be
carried out in accordance with the respective project requirements. It is important to ensure that no ground
loops are formed to avoid unwanted interference in the electronic measuring equipment.
It is also essential to follow strictly all instructions as provided in the user manual.

5.3 Maintenance
We recommend checking the system regularly. Due to regular maintenance differences in efficiency can easily
be corrected. Re-calibration and replacement of parts can be realised on site by a qualified technician with the
appropriate tools. Alternatively the removable Gas Controller can be returned to MSR-Electronic GmbH for

5.4 Limited Warranty

MSR warrants the system against defects in material or workmanship for a period of two (2) years beginning
from the date of shipment. Should any evidence of defects in material or workmanship appear within the
warranty period, MSR will either repair or replace the product at his own discretion, without charge. This
warranty does not apply to units that have been altered, had attempted repair, or been subjected to abuse,
accidental or otherwise. The above warranty is in lieu of all other explicit warranties, obligations or liabilities.
This warranty extends only to the system. MSR-Electronic GmbH shall not be liable for any incidental or
consequential damages arising out of or related to the use of the system.

PolyGard® and PolyXeta® are registered trademarks of MSR GASTL06_D_1217

Phone: 0049(0)8531/9004-0 Fax: 0049(0)8531/9004-54 Specification subject to change without notice.

MSR-Electronic GmbH, Würdinger Str. 27, D 94060 Pocking Printed in Germany

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