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Misrak TVET collage


COURES TITEL; Process Customer Account and
Prepared By; Id No.
1. Biruk Habtamu 6258/14

Submitted to: Mikiyas Hailu

Submitted Date: 17/12 2014

The Bole sub- city is one of the largest sub- cities located in the eastern part of Addis
Ababa. The district is located in the southeastern suburb of the city. It borders with the
districts of Yeka, Kirkos, Nifas Silk-Lafto and Akaky Kaliti.

The sub city has 14 woredas (districts) and covers an area of 122.8 km². From these
woredas Bole woreda 13 is one of it. Established as woreda since 1996 E.C. its population
about 428,900. The district is located in the southeastern suburb of the city. The services
provided by the worded to the community are ID, birth card, business license and other
social services. The district has 25 sectors. One of them is the finance administration.

Finance administration

 The term financial administration is used in a broad sense to include all the processes
involved in collecting, budgeting, appropriating and expending public money,
crediting income and expenditures, receipts and disbursements, and the condition of
funds appropriation.
 Financial administration is that part of government organization which deals with the
collection, preservation and distribution of public funds, with the coordination of
public revenue and expenditure with the management of credit operations on behalf of
the state and with the general control.

The organization structure in shortly

Wereda chifc

General service

Finance Office

Planning and Procurement Audit

General finance and Property Investigation
Payment process Budguating
Process Management Treaning and
Supporet process

Seniour Finance Document

finance Officer holder

The role and function of the organization
The accounting officer prepares the departmental budget (specified in terms of measurable
objectives) for the sub city to approve and present to the legislature for voting. The
accounting officer is then responsible for implementing and managing the budget.

Woreda consists of a: Budget Department that prepares and distributes notification of

approved federal budgets and administers the budget.

An Accounting Officer handles the financial record keeping of an organization. Accounting

Officers prepare invoices, record payments, and manage the expenses of the organization.

The system we use from recording to generating report uses Ibex System (integration
financial management information system) it is combines what were two previously separate
applications called Budget Information System (BIS) and Budget, Disbursement and
Accounts (BDA). It is access through a web browser such as Internet Explorer and deployed
in two configurations:

Financial officers are in charge of overseeing the financial transactions of a woreda. Also
known as chief financial officers, these professionals are tasked with developing budgets,
monitoring transactions, and preparing financial reports.

Service of the financial administration

Financial administration provides many services, some of them are:

 Money collection
 Preparing reports
 Managing Petty cash
 Prepare records and receipts for all daily transactions
 Payment of money, to worker and for work done in district, etc.
 Preparing management money, budget and district the budget
 They record payments, expenses, income
 Consultancy services are provided to the sectors in the district
 Preparing invoices and cutting invoices
 Estimate the cost of the organization
 Manage all bank deposits and payments
 Managing out of the district and estimate the cost
 All activities in the organization that affect cash flow are controlled

About the things I saw and I worked
During my apparent time, I was able to see and do a lot of things, some of which were
about the accounts numbers in the district, the transaction and the preparation and
management of invoices

There are many types of account numbers in the district , the account numbers are four digit.
Among them the first one starts with 61 , the account number shows the salary payment ,
the second one starts with 62 , the account number starts with the budget for the purchase of
fixed goods and perishable goods and the third one starts with 63, and one for maintenance
is for various expenses. The fourth and the final account start with 64 and is the account
number for gifts and small expenses. When funds are withdrawn, it will be deducted from
the account .sometime sectors can separate the money in one of the accounts, but if they
don’t use it ask the finance office to consult them.

Another thing l looked at was how transaction were in the district finances. There are
Different types of transactions are done in the district internally and externally. The internal
in the sector like the payment of salaries, payment for various things done in the district is
done and the external with different government like CBE, ethio telecom, ELPA, WSA and
others. As a governmental institution, the transactions are done through the Commercial
Bank of Ethiopia. I understand during these transactions. As the transactions are recorded in
different ways, for example, cutting receipts for transactions, they can be recorded in
different electronic devices and on paper. Because at the end of the month the bank sends it
to the district for reference on paper. If the transaction is approved, it will be registered on
IBEX; otherwise it will be returned to the bank within fifteen days. And I was able to work
these things.

Finally, l has seen it about the receipts in the district. In the district there are many type of
receipts in the district. But I could see the three. The first one is called receipt voucher,
which is used to receive the budget from the sub city band returned from cash out by the
cash and purchaser. The other one is payment voucher, which is the type of voucher that the
district makes payment for specific services. The last One is General(journal)voucher which
is used to record related with the salary and also with holding which is retain from the
purchase from the seller 2%. I was able to work these vouchers.


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